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File No. 7.04-1
Authorization to Execute Memoran-
From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE REC'D. -ADMIN 0 Subject: dum of Understanding with Depart-
~Q . rr. ment of Water Resources - Construc-
Dept: Public Works L? AUG /2 Ai' 7' tion of Second Afterbay for
" . 58 Devil's Canyon Power Plant
Date: 8-12-92
Synopsis of Previous Council action:
04-03-89 -- City Attorney directed
Invervention with the
to file a Petition for
Federal Energy Regulatory
Recommended motion:
That the Mayor be authorized and directed to execute, on behalf
of the City, the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and
Department of Water Resources, of the State of California, concern-
ing construction of the Second Afterbay and Devil Canyon Power
cc: Shauna Clark
Contact person:
Roger G. Hardgrave
Supporting data attached: Staff Report & M. O. U.
Source: (Acct. No.)
(Acct. Description)
Council Notes:
Agenda Item No. .5 ~ .3
Page 1 of 2
Negotiations have been conducted with the Department of
Water Resources over the past 3 years relative to construction of
the Second Afterbay for their Devil's Canyon Power Plant. These
negotiations have been leading up to the development of a Memo-
randum of Understanding to document the actions agreed to by both
Advertising for bids was commenced in June, 1992, with a
contract scheduled to be awarded in the first part of September,
1992. The Department has requested that the M.O.U. be approved
by the City prior to award of the contract.
Concerns over the safety of the afterbay, particularly
during a seismic event, have been expressed by adjoining
residents. The M. O. U. provides that construction will not be
started until the Department is satisfied that the project can be
constructed and operated in a safe manner. A copy of the In-
dependent Review of Design and Safety of Devil Canyon Second
Afterbay has been submitted to the City for reference. This
report was prepared by a Department board of three independent,
private consultants and certifies as to the safety of this
The M.O.U. states that the Department will implement
measures to minimize construction traffic, noise and dust out-
side normal working hours. However, some work (except hauling)
may, on occasion, be done after normal working hours. The
special provisions have more details on the Department's require-
Section 3 provides that the Department \~ill pay one--half
of the cost for improving Ohio Avenue. Since the south half is
being improved by developers, the Department's one-half will be
the north . side. The work will be done by the City, after
reaching agreement on the items to be included, and then bill the
Department for the cost. We anticipate that the items will be
curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, street lights and one-half of
the box culvert for Bailey Creek. The Department is agreeable to
paying a significant portion of the estimated cost upon approval
of the i terns of work and estimate. The balance will be billed
after the final costs are known.
Landscaping will be done under a separate contract, and is
to be completed by the Spring of 1995. This landscaping will
consist of native vegetation, since the environmental impact
report does not allow introduction of any new species. Some
trees will be planted.
The Department will dedicate up
development as a park. No time limit is
development of this area. Construction and
park will be the City's responsibility.
to 30 acres
specified for
maintenance of
Page 2 of 2
Section 8 states that the Department will provide a copy
of every public notice that is issued on this project to the
City's Planning Department.
Public information meetings are to be held by mutual
The Comprehensive Flood Control Master Plan for Bailey
Creek, developed under the ausp1ces of the Flood Control
District, shows a debris basin at the mouth of the canyon, with a
concrete lined trapezodial channel downstream. We have
repeatedly advised the Department that we considered the Bailey
Creek improvements to include both the lined channel and debris
basin. While the Department has not objected, the M.O.U. does
not specifically mention the debris basin. However, it does
refer to Bailey Creek Channel improvements, which we interpret as
including the debris basin.
Three sites are being considered for the debris basin.
The first, at the mouth of the canyon, is not acceptable for en-
vironmental reasons. The second, north of Verdemont Avenue, also
has some environmental concerns. An exception is included in the
M.O.U. that the Department will not be involved in any work that
damages the riparian vegetation identified by the Department of
Fish and Game north of Verdemont Avenue. This exception will
apparently rule out the second site.
The third site, north of Ohio Avenue, has the least envi-
ronmental concerns, but is least acceptable to the Flood Control
District. Approval of the District is necessary, due to our
understanding that they will assume responsibility for main-
tenance and operation of the channel and debris basin, provided
that the improvements are constructed in accordance with their
The M.O.U. states that the Department will pay their fair
share of the cost. Since one of the conditions of approval for
the tentative tract, (on land acquired by the Department) was to
construct the Bailey Creek Channel, we will expect the State to
finance all costs.
The proposed M.O. U. is the result of extensive negotia-
tions. While it may not be as specific as we would like, all of
the major concerns of the City and adjoining residents appear to
be adequately addressed. Therefore, we recommend that the M.O.U.
be approved.
This item will need to
17-92, in order for
contract by DWP.
be considered at the Council Meeting of 8-
it to be approved prior to award of a
1416 NINTH STIIliIT, ~.O. lOX 942136
19161 653057\11
Honorable W. R. "Bobn Holcomb
Mayor of the city of San Bernardino
300 North "on Street
San Bernardino, California 92418
Dear Mayor Holcomb:
We have appreciated the opportunity to work with you and
your staff to develop ways to minimize the impacts in your area
resultinq from the Department'. Second Afterbay Project at the
Devil Canyon Power Plant. Enclosed for execution by your city
are three copies of a final version of the memorandum of
understandinq. We request that you siqn the three copies and
return two copies to us. We will return a fully executed copy to
We are unsure of whether the City is interested in
establishinq a park on the property adjacent to Ohio Avenue. The
Depertment was wil1inq to dedicate a portion of the property to
the city for the city to develop as a park. However, from a
prior meetinq we understoOd that the neiqhbors opposed the idea
and that the City would not pursue it. A recent letter from
Roqer Hardqrave requested that the Department prepare plans for a
park. Our offer i. to dedicate land if the City wishes to
develop a park. You should also be aware that the spoil from the
Second Afterbay excavation will be occupyinq more of the area
than we anticipated, 80 the area made available for a park would
be less than the 30 acres we oriqinally discussed.
Enclosed is a copy of the Independent Review of Desiqn and
Safe~y of Devil Canyon Second Afterbay by the DWR Board of
Consultants, Douqlas P. CampD.ll, I. M. Idre.. and Joe
Sciandron.. Under separate cover we are sendinq two copies of
the contract documents for construction. The project was
advertised for construction June __, 1992.
If there are other items that need clarification, please
call me at (916) 653-7007 or have your staff call Don Colson at
(916) 653-7813.
David N. Kennedy
Thi. m-.orandua of understanding is designed to docuaent the
declared intentions of the Department ot Water Resource. of the
State of California and the City of San Bernardino with regard to
minimizinq impacts anticipated froa the Department's proposed
construction of a .eeoncl afterbay at the Devil canyon Power
Plant. The followlnq points reflect the unclerstandinq. reached
by the repre.entative. ot the. Department and the City as a result
of discussions of project i.~acts:
A. The Depat:taent operates the Stat. Water Projsct Which
delivers water to 30 public agenci.. throughout the State of
California. The city receiv.. part of its water supply from
the State Water Project through the San Bernardino Valley
Munioipal Water District whioh has a water supply contract
with the Department.
Memorandum ot Understanding
Page 2
B. The second atterbay is being proposed by the Department to
tacilitate the operation ot Devil Canyon Power Plant and to
enable the plant to maximize the generation of power during
peR deaancl periOds. The project would r.sult in enhanced
reliability and lower Charge. for delivery of the water to
the water us.rs, inoluding the r.sidents of the City.
c. The Department doe. not have authority to comply with City
requests for payment of te.s tor claimed revenue loss.. or
to affect user electrical costs.
1. Safety. The Department will not l:leqin construction of the
second atterbay until it 1s satisfied that the project can
be constructed and operated in a .ate manner.
2 . Cons~icm ft'acti088. During construction, the Department
will implement lIIeasure. to minimize environmental impacta
such aa construotion traffic and noi.e outside normal
working hours and blowing dust. However, if necessary to
keep the contractor from talling bebind schedule, the
Department may direct that so.e work, bUt not hauling, be
don. after nonal hours. The Departaent project engineer
MelllOrandum of understandi1t9
Paqe 3
for the second afterbay project will meet periodically with
the city's Department of Public Works/Enqineerinq to review
construction praotice. and aitiqation measure. for
environmental impacts.
3. St.reebl. The Department will pay one-half of the costs of
the improvements to Ohio Avenue adjacent to the project
site. The Department will not contribUte to other upgrade.
of the street system. The city can proceed. with this work
at any time after the items to be included for payment have
been aq1'eed upon.
4. Ace... Rout... The normal acc.ss route to the construction
site will be alonq Devil Canyon Road from Xendall Drive via
State College Parkway. If any heavy construction equipment
needs to use city streets west of the site for ace..., the
Depart>>ent will .ubmit to the City an application for an
encroachment pe~it for the use of the streets. As a matter
of state law, the Department i. not SUbject to the city's
permit requirements. However, as a lIlatter of courtesy t:o
the City, the Department will adopt operatinq requirements
that will match aa clo..ly as possible the standard
conditions the City inclUde. in encroachment permits for the
use of City streets by heavy equipment. If the City
believes that additional conditions would be nece.sary for
Memorandum of Unders~.nding
Page 4
the equipment involved, the Pepartment will meet with the
city streets oepartment to determine whether the City's
additional d.sires oan be accomaodated. If the streets are
da..ged by the heavy equipment involved with the
construction, the Department will restore the streets to a
condition equal to the pre-construction condition. The
Department will make a videotape to establish the pre-
construotion condition of the streets.
5. LandaaapiDCJ. The Department will landscape the second
afterbay to blend in and be compatible with the na~ural
environment of the area. aevegetation work will be done
under a separate contract, with all work scheduled to be
completed by the spring of 1995.
15. Perk. The Depart.llent i. willing to dedicate an are.
adjacent to Ohio Avenue to the City for development a. a
par~ and will otter an area of up to 30 acres to the City
tor that purpose. The Department can provide a water supply
for establi.hing an enhanced landscape for the approximately
30-aore park aite north of Ohio Avenue, but the City must
provide any potable water tor publio u.e. Con.truction and
maintenance ot the park will be the responSibility of the
Memorandum of Understanding
Page 5
7. J.and Boundary MjWl~nt. and Future "seaents. The
Department and City will aak. the nec....ry adjustment. to
co.-on boundari.s and/or grant .a....nt. for u.. with regard
to the Devil canyon Pow.rplant Proj.ct, whioh includ.. the
Second Afterbay. This may involve approximately 30 acres
north ot Ohio Avenue: a possible City water tank storage
ait. at Ilevation 2100 near the old Bonadiman r..idence:
property south of the mouth of D.vil Canyon: and the Acc..s
Road to the Powerhou.e. '!'be.e adjustllent. are proposed for
consideration as II\ltual benefit to both the City and the
Department. The Depart.ent will investigate an agre.ment to
..11 property elong Verdemont Drive to the landowner on the
north 80 that this land can be u.~ to complete the proposed
8. Ratio... The Department will provide the city Planning
Department with. oopy of every public notice 188ued by the
Department conoerning' the Second Afterbay project.
9. St.acl1es 1:0 be PUrn1~ to the City. Environmental and
feasibility studie. for the project have been completed, and
oopie. ot any publi.hed studi.. th. City do.s not posae..
will be provided. Results of engineering studies have been
made available to th. City.
Memorandum of t1nc1erstandinq
paqe 6
10. Public: Inf~t1on. The Department is willing to
participate in a pUblic information program to inform the
neighboring area oitizens, the City, and other appropriate
pUblic agenoies ooncerning activities related to the Seoond
Atterbay. Publio information meetings may be held when
m1rtually agreeable to the City and the Department.
11. Bailey creek Channel. The Department will coordinate with
the city anc! the county 'lood Control District with reqard
to Bailey Creek channel improvements above Ohio AVenue. The
City shall identify the hydrology and the hydraulic desiqn
criteria. The Department has ottered to de.ign and
construct: the channel improvement. on State property. The
Department will not be involved with any work that damage.
the riparian veqetation identified by the Department of FiSh
anc1 Galle north of Verd..ont Avenue.
The City Will assume
full responsibility for the ohannel after construction. The
Department will only pay for the State's fair share ot the
cost.. The city shall be re.ponsible tor all environmental
approvels. Thi. work will be . separate project and not
part ot the Second Afterbay Project.
12. Chestnut Cbmmel. The Depar1:laent will not participate in
drainage improvements to Chestnut Channel.
MellOrandWll ot UndlU'stand1nq
paqe 7
13. connection to Beware. To protect the City's water system,
the Depart_nt will connect: to the City .ewer syst.. the
Devil Canyon Power Plant .ewer system that previously
connected to a leach field.
14. Trails. The City will provide the Department with a map of
hikinq and equestrian trails planned 1n the Devil Canyon
area and will inform the Department a. to the current
progress toward implementinq the plan.. The Department will
seek to minimize conflicts between ita op.ration. and the
recr.ationa1 use of the trails. Th. Department will require
that all that the trails pass south of the afterbay.
15. Banq Gliders. The DepartJaent will provide aasbtance to
tacilitate the relocation of the hang qlider landinq zone to
an aqreuble a1 t..
16. Aaceu to Private Landa. The Department will work with the
city to re.olve any acce.. problems that may result trom the
construction of the Second Atterbay.
17 . Coordination With other Publio Aliena!... The Departlllent
will coordinate direotly with tho.e public aganci..
concerned with impact. of the Seoond Atterbay project
including bUt not liaited to the county Flood Control
Memorandum of Unders~andinq
Page 8
Di.~riot, San Bernardino valley Municipal Water Di.~rict,
and County of San Bernardino.
18. contingency. Any transfers of property or expenditures of
funds under this agreement are contingent on the decision by
the Department to proceed with the Second Afterbay projeot.
It the Department decide. for any reaeon not to proceed with
the Second Afterbay project, this memorandum of
understanding shall expire ae eoon as the Department
notifi.. the City of the decision not to proceed. At that
time any remaining Obligations under this memorandum Of
understanding shall expire.
Memorandum of Underatandinq
Page 9
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie. have exeouted this
memorandum of understanding.
Depart..nt of Water Resources
City of San Bernardino
T1 tle