HomeMy WebLinkAbout40-Planning c'.N OF SAN 8ERNARDI~ - REQUEO FOR COUNCIL AC David Anderson From: Acting Planning Director Su~~t: General Plan Amendment No. B6-5 Dept: Planning Date: April lO, 1987 Mayor and Council Meeting of April 20, 1987, 2:00 p.m. Synopsis of Previous Council action: Previous Planning Commission action: At the meeting of the planning Commission on April 7, 19B7, the following recommendation was made: The application for General Plan Amendment No. B6-5 was unanimously recommended for approval of Alternative III, Figure 5, as contained in staff's report dated April 7, 19B7. The Negative Declaration for environmental impact was also recommended for approval. Recommended motion: To approve, modify or reject the findings and the recommendation of the Planning Commission. To approve the responses to comments and to adopt the Negative Declaration for environmental impact which has been reviewed and considered. ~~~/ Signature David Anderson Contact penon: David Anderson Phone: 3B3-5057 Supporting data attached: Staff. Report Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -- Source: Finance: Council No:es: 40. '0 o o o DEPARTMENT "" ~ ClTY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE WARD 8 417187 1 ~ ... l&.I :l u Plan Amendment 86-5 APPLICANT: Arthur Marconi P.O. Drawer "p" Adelanto, CA 92301 OWNER: SAME AS APPLICANT ~ pplicant requests approval to amend the General Plan designation ~ from High Density Residential to Administrative-Professional. l&.I :) ~ II: , ubje~t property is a 1.6 acre site located south of Seventh St., <E etween Mountian View and Arrowhead Avenues. The Study Area has ~ een exp,anded to include an area bounded by Fifth. and Eighth St. 's <E nJ by 'i)" Street and Sierra Way. East West Office,S.F.Res. Office ZONING R-3 C-4, R-3 C-4, R-3 C-3A, R-3 C-4 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Res. Res. Institional, Schoo etc. Res. Admin. Professional PROPERTY Subject Horth South EXISTING LAND USE Vacant Office, S. F .Res. YMCA FLOOD HAZARD DYES OZONE A SEWERS rn YES ZONE DNO OZONE B DNO HIGH FIRE DYES AIRPORT NOISE I DYES REDEVELOPMENT DYES HAZARD ZONE !Xl NO CRASH ZONE fiNO PROJECT AREA !Xl NO ~ o NOT o POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT Z ~ APPROVAL APPLICABLE EFFECTS 0 WITH MITIGATING - 0 ZU) MEASURES NO E.I.R. ti CONDITIONS l&.I(D o EXEMPT o E.I.R. REQUIRED BUT NO &l.Q 0 2Z &l.Ci DENIAL Z- SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS OQ WITH MITIGATING t!:I 0 CONTINUANCE TO o::Z MEASURES 0:1 :;ii: MNO 0 Z o SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS U l&.I SIGNIFICANT .SEE ATTACHED E.RC. l&.I EFFE CTS MINUTES 0:: NOV. 1.1. REVISED JULY Ilia In .~ o o o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE GPA 4;86-5 OBSERVATIONS AGENDA ITEM 8 HEARING DATE417 87 PAGE 1. The property in question facing on the south side and Arrowhead Avenues district. is a flat, vacant lot of 1.6 acres of Seventh Street between Mountain View and located in an R-3-l200 zoning 2. The Study Are~ has been expanded to include the nine blocks bounded by Fifth and Eighth Streets and by "0" Street and Sierra Way. Any amendment of the General Plan will affect this entire area, not just the property in question. 3. The Planning Department is currently working on an Overlay District which will include Seccombe Lake Park and its surroundings. The Overlay District will include proposed land uses and development standards and will involve amending the General Plan. A decision has yet to be made on proposed land uses within the Overlay District. The Study Area for General Plan Amendment No. 86-5 overlaps the western boundary of the Overlay District which includes some parcels abutting on the west side of Sierra Way. 4. The City of San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency anticipates increased office construction in the downtown area subsequent to the development of the Tri-City area. A number of office buildings have been approved in the downtown area by the Development Review Committee in the past year. Although there is a high vacancy rate for office space in the downtown area, many of the vacancies are in older, somewhat deteriorated structures. A new multi-story office building at 600 North Arrowhead Avenue has been quite successful at renting spaces. The Southern California Association of Governments has projected that employment in the service sector will increase from 17.1% of region's total employment in 1972 to 29.3% of the total in 2010. With the growth of employment in the service sector, we can expect an increase in the demand for additional office space. 5. The attached summary of impacts presents land use acreage figures for the existing General Plan designations (Figure 1) and for three alternatives. The summary also includes calcula- tions for the potential number of dwelling units for each alter- native and estimates of the potential residential population, number of students generated, and average number of vehicle trips generated per day. Alternative I (Figure 2) is to grant the applicant's request by extending the Administrative Professional designation to include the entire northern half of the block to the south of Seventh Street between Mountain View and Arrowhead Avenues. Alterntive II (Figure 3) is to e~pand . o o o o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE GPA NO. 86-5 OBSERVATIONS . AGENDA ITEM 8 HEARING DATE 417~87 . PAGE r the residential designation to include property in question and also to expand it one block to the south between Mountain View Avenue and Sierra Way and to redesignate it as Medium High Density Residential with a cap at 24 dwelling units per acre. Alternative III (Figure 4) is to grant the applicant's request for an Administrative-Professional designation for the property in question and also to extend the residential designation to the south as in Alternative II and to redesignate it as Medium High Residential with a cap at 24 dwelling units per acre. 6. As the summary of impacts shows, the existing General Plan designations generate the highest potential for number of dwelling units, population, students generated, and average daily trips generated. Alternative I has a 12% lower potential for population and students generated, a 2% lower potential for average daily trips generated, and an increase of lO% in the acreage available for office construction. Alternative II yields reductions in potential population and students generated roughly equivalent to Alternative I, but reduces average daily trip generation by 15% and acreage available for office construction by 26%. Alternative III involves reductions in potential population and student generation by 20% and 21% respectively, a 15% reduction in average daily trips generated (the same reduction as Alternative II), and a 16% reduction in acreage available for office construction. 7. Residential land use adjacent to Seccombe Lake Park would increase the utility of the park by making it readily accessible to nearby residents. Alternative III yields the second highest acreage figure for the residential designation while not reducing acreage available for office construction as much as Alternative II. Alternative III also reduces the potential for traffic generation as much as Alternative II and also reduces the number of students generated by an additional 8%. The San Bernardino City Unified School District has commented that it supports the reduction of high density residential zoning throughout the City. Except for some parcels abutting the west side of Sierra Way between Vine and Victoria Streets, Alternative III does not change any General Plan designations within the Seccombe Lake Park Overlay District. 8. Alternative III represents the best balance of proposed land uses for the Study Area. It accommodates the projected need for office space while also allowing residential uses adjacent to a major park. It also has a comparatively low potential for traffic generation and for impact on the School District. . c; 0 0 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE GPA NO. 86-5 o OBSERVATIONS 8 417~87 AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE 9. The Planning Department would not recommend any changes to General Plan designations in that part of the Study Area which overlaps the Seccombe Lake Parks Overlay District. Since proposed land uses for the Overlay District have not yet been developed, any proposed changes in General Plan designations for the parcels common to both the Study Area and the Overlay District should be deferred until they can be coordinated with the proposed land uses which will be a part of the Overlay District. No additional environmental issues would be raised by amending Alternative III so that it would not affect any parcels within the Seccombe Lake Park Overlay District. 10. None of the alternatives are inconsistent with the proposed land uses within the Central City North or Central City East Redevelopment Plans or the proposed Uptown Redevelopment Plan. The Central City North Plan provides "for the development of a wide variety of commercial uses, including but not limited to, financial institutions, business offices, professional offices, retail facilities... and other related and compatible commercial uses." The Central City East Plan proposes land uses including open space, residential, governmental, industrial, and commercial uses. The proposed commercial uses "shall include, without limitation, business offices, professional offices, retail stores and other office functions ..." The proposed uptown Redevelopment Plan "allows for urban land uses including commercial, industrial, residential, public facility, and public parking uses." RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Alternative III amended to leave the General Plan designations for the parcels abutting the west side of Sierra Way between Vine and Victoria as shown in Figure S. Respectfully Submitted, DAVID ANDERSON, Acting Planning Director s~ W~__ SCOTT WRIGHT, anning Aide '0 o o o Existing Alt. 1 Land Use Res 73 25.5 22.4 Res 24 Gen. Com. 11.5 11.5 Admin-Prof. 30.7 33.8 Inst. 4.1 4.1 71.8 ac. 71.8 ac. Dwelling 944a 829a Units Populationc 2077 1824 d Students generated 614 539 Traffic generated 14,962 14,698 (AOT) Alt. 2 Alt. 3 34.4 10.5 22.8 4.1 31.3 10.5 25.9 4.1 71.8 ac. 71.8 ac. 826b 1817 751b 1652 537 488 12,730 12,707 a c Based on 37 d.u. 's / ac. Based on 24 d.u. 's / ac. Based on an average population of 2.2 per multi-family household Based on a factor of 0.65 students generated by each household. b d Co GPA :10. 86-5 c .... CITY OF 000 SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT "'l ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ... ENVIRO.NMENTAL IMPACT CHECKLIST , ,.. A. BACKGROUND l. Case Number (s) : GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 86-5 Date: 3/3/87 2. Project Description: Aoolicant requests approval to amend the General Plan desi2nation from hi.!':h DenBitv Reside:i~ i9.1 to A.lministrative- 1?rofession::il 3. General Location: Suutn of Sevent~l '~":reet between Arrowhead and Mountain View. Studv area bounded by Fif th. Ei2hth. and "D" Streets and Sierra Y"v. B. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS YES MAYBE NO - l. Could project change proposed uses of land, as indi- cated on the General Plan, either on project site or within general area? X - - 2. Would significant increases in either noise levels, dust odors, fumes, vibration or radiation be gener- ated from project area, either during construction or from completed project other than those result- ing from normal construction activity? X - - 3. Will project involve application, use or disposal of hazardous or toxic materials? J{ - - 4. Will any deviation from any established environ- mental standards (air, water, noise, light, etc.) andlor adopted plans be requested in connection with project? X - - 5. Will the project require the use of significant amounts of energy which could be reduced by the use of appropriate mitigation measures? X - - 6. Could the project create a traffic hazard or congestion? X - - 7. Could project result in any substantial change in quality, quantity, or accessibility of any portion of region's air or surface and ground water re- sources? X .... ~ , MAY II EJlC. ,0IItI A -.. .. ~A NO. 86-5, pg. 2 o r o 8. Will project involve construction of facilities in an area which could be flooded during an inter- mediate regional or localized flood? 9. Will project involve construction of facilities or services beyond those presently available or pro- posed in near future? la. Could the project result in the displacement of community residents? I 11. Are there any natural or man-made features in pro- ject area unique or rare (i.e. not normally found in other parts of country or regions)? 12. Are there any known historical or archaelogical sites in vicinity of project area which could be affected by project? 13. Could the project affect the use of a recrea- tional area or area of important aesthetic value or reduce or restrict access to public lands or parks? 14. Axe there any known rare or endangered plant species in the project area? 15. Does project area serve as habitat, food source, nesting place, source of water, migratory path, etc., for any rare or endangered wildlife or fish species? 16. Will project be located. in immediate area of any adverse geologic nature such as slide prone areas, highly erosible soils, earthquake faults, etc.? YES - 17. Could project substantially affect potential use or conservation of a non-renewable natural resource? X 18. Will any grading or excavation be required in connection with project which could alter any existing prominent surface land form, i.e., hill- side, canyons, drainage courses, etc? 19. Will any effects of the subject project together or in conjunction with effects of other projects cause a cumulative significant adverse impact on the environment? ... MAYBE o ..... NO X X X X X X X X X X X .~ uc. '01111 A ~AlE a OF I .. c GPA NO. 86-5, pg. 3 o o o .... C. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND CUMULATIVE EFFECTS If any of the findings of fact have been answered YES or MAYBE, then a brief clarification of potential impact shall be included as well as a discussion of any cumulative effects ~attach additional sheets if needed). Alternatives include amend ng the designation to Admin-Prof., General Commerci~ I or Med.-High Density Residential. A commercial land use could significantly increase the traffic generated in the study area. The site is located in liauefaction zone "e". D. MITIGATION MEASURES Describe type and anticipated effect of any measures proposed to mitigate or eliminate potentially significant adverse environmentsl impacts: Adverse traffic gene~ation impact could be mitigated by a designation of Admin.-Professional or Medium High Density Residential. Liquefaction problems can be mitigated by standard Building & Safety requirements. , E. DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation, [i\ We find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. [] We find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPA.1U:D. [] We find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environ- ment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ENVIRONMEliTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA YdtUL-t.i?~ (Secretary) VALERIE C. ROSS, Assistant Planner DATE: March 5. 1987 '" .... . MAY .. EIIC. I'OIIlIl A ~Q Fi~ 1 :GPA 86-5 EXISTING DESIGNATIONS tijo l:J t:J '. " R-: Dtjj i R-3 I ", I. o o ...........,....... ..-. ..................--...... . . : ~. .:........... ". .'. ........ ie c.. R.3 R. C.4 C.4 C-3 R.3 .~ R. t C.4 l- en C.4 C'3 R-3 R-3 C.4 . &w : I 'd o o o F~g 2 C-4 .. . ".". ...........;............ . ." . . . .~. ................' .". ........ . . . . . .". ." ALTERNATIVE I R-, Otjj i R-' AP i~ ......... ......... GPA 86-5 tBtJtJtJ II I. c.. . R-3 R. C-4 C.4 C-3 R~ R-3 .IE] R. C.4 t- en R-3 C.4 C-3 R-3 R-3 C-4 - w C-4 C~4 0.4 "0" C-4 C-4 c- C.4 C-4 l C- AP C-4 R-4 C-3A A-P R-3 C C-4 C-3A ttl ST.. _ _ _ _ _ _ .J C4 "" ~ -----..-- STUDY AREA ~o GPA 86-5 ALTERNATIVE II t!jtJ tJtJ I I R-3 I Otjj i 10 tft I. o Fig 3 RES 24 id o o ................... . ..... --..................................:................ . .....-.... R-3 R-! F C-4 R-3 R-3 F t RES 7 R-3 . R-3 R-3 R-3 '.0" R-3 R'3 "0" C-4 c- C.4 .0 C.4 l c- C'3A Ff.3 C 4 114 C-3A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 ttt ST... _ _ _ _ _ - ..J C.4 c. A-P lit ------- STUDY AREA ~ Q o o . .-,. . . ...... ......,.. ....... ......". '~'."""-'.. " ...-.... , m' . _ IG 1:.. R-! C.4 C.4 C-3 R.3 ,.~ C'3A .0 C.4 ... ES 7 en C.4 C'3 R-3 R-3 c- 4 = w : I C.4 C.4 C.4 "0" 1:.. C-4 C.4 ...0 C- 4 AP C.4 . R-4 1:4 .. C"3A - - - - ~ _ - 5 ttt ST_ _ .. .. _ _ _ ..J C-4 A-P C-4 ------ STUDY AREA R R C- C- C.3A R-! It o Fig 5 GPA 86-5 ALTERNATIVE III AMENDED rutJ ocr..', 0-3 I otjj i 0-3 i d I tft I. .A G o o .................. . .".. ',-' ...... ................. . .... . . .~. ...........-.. .". ....,. c.. C-4 e-4 C-3 R-3 .te.. I t C.4 ~ en ES 7 R-3 C- 4 C'3 C.4 . . w . C-4 C.4 C-4 C.4 C-4 C-4 . . "0 C.4 l R-3 R R R-3 '.0'. "0'. c- c- ~ 0 o o o , "'l ,. """"'l AGENDA ITEM # CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DEPARTMENT LOCATION CASE CPA NO. 86-5 HEARING DATE 4/7/87 8 .... J ]t; C.4 C.! ]~ C.4 C-3 C-4 ... tnl I C-4 ~ R~ R-3 . c-y. R-3 R-3 R-3 R-3 "0'. - -- - - ~ - -::-1 R-3 , , R-3 I R'3 :c "0'. I 5T. & 8~ C- C- C-4 A-P , r , C-3A 1 04 C 4 C-!l\ , " I --------Jbf: C.4 C,. R - C-4 < ,., .. w)1 _ R-4 R-3