HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-City Administrator o o REVISED MOTION...ITEM #12...SEPTEMBER 6TH COUNCIL AGENDA Motion: That staff be directed, in cooperation with the Blood Bank, to prepare the proper documentation for entering into contracts authorizing the sale of certificates of participation and payments under those agreements; and to retain Brown and Wood as Bond Counsel and Bank of America or an acceptable equivalent substitute as Underwriter for the Blood Bank project. . @ //IIblf; (""l CITY OF SAN BERtS;(RDINO - REQUEst fIOR COUNCIL ACTION From: James E. Robbins Deputy City Administrator Dept: City Administrator Date: August 23, 1989 Subject: City of San Bernardino serve as conduit relative to issuer of tax exempt financing in the amount of $3.5 million for the Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Synopsis of Previous Council action: Recommended motion: That staff be directed, in cooperation with the Blood Bank, to prepare the proper documentation for entering into contracts authorizing the sale of certificates of participation and payments under those agree- ments; retain Brown and Wood as Bond Counsel and Bank of America as Underwriter for the Blood Bank project. - / , -) .... (// I~ j-" ,_ t ~.' ,"'0" _) ~ Signature " { " " '~ , / / Contact person: James E. Robbins Phone: 5122 Supporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Descriotion) Finance: Council Notes: 7""""'':;:> Aaenda I tern Nn /~ CITY OF SAN BERN2RDINO - REQUEST ~R COUNCIl. ACTION STAFF REPORT The Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties is requesting that the city of San Bernardino serve as conduit issuer of tax exempt financing in the amount of $3.5 million. The Blood Bank has outgrown its current facilities on Blood Bank Drive. The vacant Angels building on Orange Show Road has been purchased for renovation into their new facility. It will provide more space for donor accommodations and expanded laboratory services. This organization now serves approximately 30 hospitals in both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Its ability to provide sufficient and quality product is critical to .the well being of both Counties. The city has assisted other health facilities, Saint Bernardines, Community, and Loma Linda, by similar issuances. In this instance, the City buys the land and facilities from the Blood Bank; the city, as owner, issues tax exempt certificates; then the Blood Bank purchases the land and facilities from the city. The Blood Bank, as the subsequent owner, with proper documents, makes payments equal to the repayment of the certificate issue. This repayment process will be set up so that the City does not incur any cost in the accomplishment of this funding process. The underwriting and bond counsel costs of this project will be paid from the proceeds of the sale. Because the City is the issuer, both the bond counsel and the underwriter must be employed by the City to perform their required tasks. The Blood Bank has been working with Bank of America and Brown and Wood. Bank of America is an "A" rated institution, and Brown and Wood is a well-established bond counsel who worked with the City in establishng the BICEP JPA. It will be appropriate to retain these firms if this project is to proceed. This effort will not affect the City's bonding ~apacity, because the payments are made from a specially designated and dedicated fund. As noted earlier, the Bank of America will serve as underwriter and as credit enhancer. The City's position is as a conduit for funding this acquisition and development of a larger centralized Blood Bank facility in San Bernardino through a tax exempt issue. It is recommended that staff be directed, in cooperation with the Blood Bank, to prepare the proper documentation for entering into contracts authorizing the sale of certificates of participation and payments under those agreements; retain Brown and Wood as Bond Counsel and Bank of America as Underwriter for the Blood Bank project. Attachments 75-0264 (j)~ wd!,; _L{) I-~ Z. :Jcry o~ o~ (Xl W'i' r::: O~ -. (j)C\J o:~ wen. ><1: _z o:~ LL o(j~ o og Z~ -<I: Oz o:ffi <(~ Z<75 0:. Wo CD<3 a: Z~ <(03 (j)o o LL9 o~ en cry ~. Zen <(~ (1)x o CD Ow o~ LL g~ (1)~ o o ".....' Q>l~ ,...~.A'~'_~l'.l,T\ltlt. . . l'\.t:.l";;' U. ""1"" "1 r" 2: Zg 1~t10 .t~ ~G \: ~ i': 1.,/..,01 ,.. August 17, 1989 Mayor W.R. "Bob" Holcomb and City council Members 300 N. D Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mayor Holcomb and City Council Members: I am writing to request that the City of San Bernardino support the acquisition and construction of a larger central facility for the Blood Bank of San Bernardino & Riverside counties by serving as a conduit issuer of tax exempt bonds totalling approximately $3.5 million. Representatives of the Blood Bank along with our Bond Council, David G. Casnocha of Brown and Wood, met with Deputy city Administrator/ Administrative Services, Jim Robbins, and City Treasurer, Craig Graves, to discuss the feasibility of such a project and the financial implications for the city of San Bernardino. It was pointed out that through the mechanism of certificates of participation, and with the additional support of a letter of credit, the City of San Bernardino could be completely insulated from any financial obligation; its sole commitment would be the use of its good name to create the tax exempt situation for the bonds. As you know, the Blood Bank of San Bernardino & Riverside Counties was formed as a private non-profit corporation in 1951, and it has served as the sole provider of blood and blood services to 30 hospitals in San Bernardino and Riverside counties since that time. The Blood Bank's main facility and processing laboratories have always been in the city of San Bernardino, first at the Orange Show and, since 1967, on Blood .Bank Road. Given the growth in the population served by the Blood Bank, and given the myriad of new tests required to assure the safety of the blood supply, the current facility on Blood Bank Road has become inadequate, particularly with regard to donor accommodations and laboratory needs. As a result, the Blood Bank is seeking to expand significantly by renovating the old Angel's building on Orange Show Road. In order to effect this renovation and expansion in a manner consistent with our need to provide the most economical blood services to patients in the Inland Empire we would like to be able to benefit from the lower interest rates that would be available from a tax exempt bond issue. Given that our central laboratory and administrative offices are in the city of San Bernardino, and given our central role in the health care of patients in San Bernardino we would hope that the city Council would look favorably upon this request. YOUR COMMUNITY NON.PROFIT BLOOO BANK o 0 Mayor W.R. "Bob" Holcomb and City Council Members Page 2 August 17, 1989 Enclosed with this letter are copies of letters from two area hospitals supporting our efforts, a copy of a letter from Bond Council David Casnocha, indicating that this type of financing is fairly common and relatively straightforward, and a copy of a proposal from the Bank of America indicating that financial support for the Blood Bank is available. These are the items that were requested by Jim Robbins and Craig Graves after our preliminary discussion with them. If there are additional items required prior to this proposal coming before the Council (hopefully, at its earliest convenience), please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. Thank you very much for your consideration of this request. Arthur J. S lvergleid, M.D. Medical and Executive Director AJS:jkdj1744 Enclosures - SAN BERNARDINO courOi MEDICAL CENTER q ,~\\\11"1~/ ....~t~- ...::::;: ~ -::-- ...:::::- .......;:?; ~....... /1f'1'11\\\~' COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 780 Eost Gilbert Str..t . San Barnsrdlno. CA 92404 . 17141387-8111 CHARLES R. JERVIS Director, Medical Center FRANCIS L COMUNALE. M.O. Medical Director July 28, 1989 Mayor W. R. "Bob" Holcomb and City Council Members 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Dear Mayor Holcomb and City Council Members: I am writing you this letter at the request of the Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. As you know, this is the only source for area hospitals other than donations received directly by the various health care facilities. The importance of the Blood Bank to the health care del i very system and the health of the citizens of the area cannot be overstated. This institution requests that in order to ob.tain the lowest possible financing costs and, parenthetically, to reduce the costs of blood and blood products, that the City of San Bernardino Ifnd its name to the proposed bond issue. Ve~y t~0rf/y~S' / lilt \ \ I ! /1 \ I CbARL~ R'. .;lERtIS, Director C~t~ M;fticalf Center / / CRJ: Id~ ~/ {' / ,., ii;r~ JIll - o o I<AlSER PERMANENTE Kaiser Foundation Hospitals ,. August 1, 1989 Mayor W.R. "Bob" Holcomb City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418-0001 RE: BLOOD BANK OF SAN BERNARDINO & RIVERSIDE COUNTIES Dear Mayor Holcomb: The purpose of this letter is to offer the support of Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Fontana, to the Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties in its effort to solicit your support in assisting and financing its expansion requirements. Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Fontana, is dependent on the blood bank for large quantities of blood which enable us to maintain our daily patient care requirements. Given that the blood bank is our first choice in blood procurement, it is important that this organization remain viable and stable. We believe the expansion being sought by the Blood Bank will ensure the availability of blood supplies for the hospitals of San Bernardino and Riverside County. We also would support the City of San Bernardino in lending its name to the $3 mill ion bond request sought by the Blood Bank. We hope you will seriously consider approving this request, as it is extremely important that the two counties have assurance that an adequate supply of blood is available through our Blood Bank at all times. Respectfully submitted, ~ ." ..u.~ Kenneth L. Washington Acting Hospital Administrator KLW:pej . Fontana <)')61 SiertJ Avenue . California ')233'j - o o ((:())/Pt PROPOSAL TO ACT AS UNDtRWRITER rOR THE BLOOD BANK Or SAN BtRNARDINO AND RIVERSIDE COUNTItS BANK Or AMERI CA Public Finance Department July 18, Ha9 o o m Bank of America Public Finane. O.p.rtm_nt July lB, 19B9 Mr. Craig Scott The Bood Bank of San RiversIde Counties 399 Blood Bank Dr, San BernardIno, CA Bernardino 8. 92412 Dear Mr. Scott: Bank of' America Is pleased to propose a structure which would allow The Blood Bank of San Bernardino 8. RIversIde CountIes. (liThe Blood Bank") to access the lowest cost funds available through a tax-exempt bond Issue, Bank of America would act as a full-servIce underwriter. managing all aspects of the transactIon. This proposal addresses the various structural aspects of a long-term tax-exempt security. such as whether to use credit enhancement and a comparIson of variable vs. fIxed rate securities, The successful execution of this type of munIcIpal bond Issue, especIally when markets are volatIle. depends upon creative structurIng. market knowledge and tIming. and dIstrIbution power, Our experIenced team of professIonals Is expert In each and every step or the process. Bank of AmerIca's track record in structurIng and underwriting long term tax-exempt financlngs, Including issues for 501(c)3 facIlitIes Is second to none, ~e welcome the opportunity to access 1 n the capital markets. Shoul d you me at (415) 953-7314. low cost funds for The Blood Bank have any questIons. please contact Sincerely, ~Ljl) '/ omas p, KIng As soel ate Robert E. Giles VIce President 10 3i ~ II Bank 1,)1 AmQric~ Nahona! Trust al1d Savingl; AS;r:'lr..i~lir.ln Puu!iL: Fii:i11)Oe Departmer,l #329G 555 CallfOtnia $\('!l'el S81"', F=rar"ciaco, Caldornia. Q4104 41S/0S3.91t1~ o [XECUTIVE SUMMARY o . The Blood Bank of San Bernardino 8. Riverside CountIes has a 501<c)3 tax status. which legally allows It to raise tax-exempt funds If the proceeds are limited to 501 (C)3 purposes with non qualifyIng portions fundetJ from other sources. are not used for rel 'gious purposes, and if the Cl ty of San Bernardino approves and issues certifIcates through the financing structure outlined in the next section. . Bank of AmeriCa will act as full-service underwriter. managIng or driving every facet of the transaction Including: . Recommending the optimal financing structure . Recommending members of the financing team . ArrangIng credit enhancement on the most favorable terms . Working with counsel to structure documentatIon . CoordInating with the City of San Bernardino and any other public entities which may become Involved . Placement of the securities upon closing . Credl t enhancement from a AA or better rated commerclal bank or a AAA municipal bond Insurer Is essential to structuring and placing a cost effectIve securities Issue for The Blood Bank. Bank of AmerIca has extensive relatIonships with bond insurers and letter of credit bonds banks, knows theIr unIque credIt standards for organizations with 501(c)3 tax status, and can persuasIvely present The Blood Bank to secure a cost effectIve credit enhancement package. . While a fixed rate Issue Is possible. Bank of America recommends Variable Rate Demand Bond's for three reasons: . First, the spread is signIfIcant between fIxed and floating rates (approxImately 150 basis poInts on July 10. 1989). At the current market. Interest rates could be as low as 6.0% for a varIable rate securIty and 7.5% for a fixed rate transaction. . Secondly. the term of a variable rate Issue Is typIcally much longer than that of a fl xed rate bond, This Is because the term of the letter of credit for a fixed rate bond has to match the maturIty for the bond Issue (I.e. a 20 year fixed rate issue must be supported by a 20 year letter of credIt). CommercIal banks typIcally Issue letters of credIt of up to 10 years. which would limit a fixed rate bond maturity to 10 years. . ThIrdly. the prepayment optIon Is much more flexible for a variable rate demand Issue than for a fIxed rate Issue. Under a variable rate demand issue. The Blood Bank can prepay princIpal at any time with no prepayment penalty. Under a fixed rate Issue. The Blood BanI<. could prepay only after a certain period and may Incur a prepayment penalty. A basIc comparison between fixed and floating rates appears on the following page. . Certificates of PartIcipatIon can be Issued as soon as 12 weeks from the tIme that Bank of America is hIred. with a prelImInary commitment for credit enhancement obtained wIthIn 30 days. lOJtp - 1 BROWN & WOOD OtOI?Y --- o ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER NEW 'fORK, N. Y. 10048 TELE"'~ONE: 212-839-5300 FACSIMILE: 212 -839 -5599 555 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94104 TELEPHONE; 415-398-3909 FACSIMILE; 415-397-4621 815 CONNECTICUT AVENUE,N.W. W.ASMIHGTON, D. C. 20006 TELEPHONE: 202-223 -0220 FACSIMILE: 202 -223 -0485 10 EAST 53RO STREET NEW YORK,N.Y,I0022 TELEPHONE: 212 -308-9300 FACSIMILE: 212 -593 '3599 10900 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGELES, CA.900204 TELEPHONE: 213 -208-4343 FACSIMILE: 213 ~208 -5740 August 3, 1989 BLACKWELL HOUSE GUIL.DHALL. YARD LONDON EC2V SAS TELEPHONE: 606-1888 F',ACSIMILE: 796 -1807 Dr. Arthur J. Silvergleid Medical and Executive Director Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties 399 Blood Bank Road San Bernardino, CA 92412 Dear Dr. Silvergleid: At your request we have reviewed the availability of tax-exempt financing for the acquisition of land and the construction of various facilities for the Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties (the "Blood Bank"). We believe that tax-exempt financing through a conduit issuer is available to the Blood Bank, and as bond counsel we are prepared to render an unqualified opinion with respect to the exemption from state and federal income tax of obligations issued by the City of San Bernardino (the "City") to finance such acquisition and construction. Our analysis assumes that the Blood Bank is a properly formed and designated non-profit corporation in compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). We have further assumed that the City could make the necessary findings of public purpose and Dublic benefit to the health and welfare of thp. ciLizp.ns of San Bernardino Tp."ulting from tJlf> health facilities financing in questJ.on. I assume' that you can provide factual information to the City which would support such a finding. The financing structure which I would recommend is certificates of participation. The Blood Bank would enter into an Installment Purchase Agreement wherein the Blood Bank sells to the City the land and facilities in question, which Installment Purchase Agreement would obligate the City to make Installment Payments to the Blood Bank in consideration for their purchase of the facilities. o o Dr. Arthur J. Silvergleid August 3, 1989 Page Two' Simultaneously, the City would sell back to the Blood Bank through an Installment Sale Agreement, which Installment Sale Agreement would obligate the Blood Bank to make Purchase Payments to the City. Certificates of participation would be sold in the City's Installment payment obligation. Since those obligations are of a pOlitical subdivision, the interest component of those Installment Payments is tax exempt. However, in order to completely insulate and protect the City's general fund and other financial resources of the City from payment of such obligations, a sole source of monies which the City would use to make such Installment Payments would be those Purchase Payments made by the Blood Bank pursuant to the Installment Sale Agreement. Consequently, the City's obligation to pay will be solely from a special fund consisting of monies derived from the Blood Bank itself. Consequently, there is no general fund exposure to the City. The financing could be arranged so that through a variety of assignment agreements the obligations to make payments would be assigned to a certificate of participation trustee thereby permitting the Blood Bank to make payments to such trustee directly. This would obviously eliminate any administrative burden on the part of the City to collect monies or to write any checks in connection with the financing. As I indicated to you, we have completed several financings of this nature and have a high level of confidence that they can be expeditiously processed. I also received and reviewed your letter of July 20, 1989 in which you enclosed copies of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Blood Bank of November 2l, 1988, which adequately expressed the Director's intent to pursue tax-exempt financing for the acquisition of land and facilities. We are satisfied that this action taken by the Board of Directors is sufficient basis for reimbursing the Blood Bank for costs expended pursuant to that November 2l, 1988 intent. Consequently, those monies can appropriately be included in the sizing of any certificates of participation transaction. We look forward to working with you and the City on this and any other financing needs you might have. Very truly yours, '-~~Vp ~~ David G. Casnocha DGC/sz3 tOflf