HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-Redevelopment Agency Jl. - o . Redev2pment Agency · City or San B?mardinO ~ NcrIh "D" SlIeel, Founh Floor . San Bomardino. California 92418 (714) 3ll4-SOllI FAX (714) 888-9413 PrIde -i ';'7 . SlIe... H. Dulrett Executive DiIector JULY IB, 19B9 UPTOWN C IT I ZENS ADV I SORY COMM I TTEE (CAC) APPO I NTMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gynggaia-gi-ErgyigYa_~gmmiaaignL~gYnfilL~gmIDi!!gg_ef!igO 07-1B-B3 Mayor and Common Council authorized the formation of an Uptown CAC. 01-09-84 Mayor and Common Council rescinded the motion of July 18, 19B3. 07-11-B4 A 15-member Uptown Citizens Advisory Committee was elected, (continued on page 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BgfgmmgOggg_~g!iQO o (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION) Appoint Mr. James Roger Russell to serve an the Uptown Citizens Advisory Committee to represent Sub Area 'B', Respec'fully submitted, tt, Executive Director ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supporting dala attached: Yes Ward: 3 FUNDING REDUIREMENTS: None Project: UT Ccmmission Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SD:jmh:utcacrus/lib Agenda of: eygYELZ,_12!l2 Item No. ____~__________ o - - Redevelopment Agency c - - o ~Yngg2i2_gi_Ef~YigY2_~gIDmi22ignL~ggn~ilL~9mmi~~~~_a~~i99 - o 04-18-88 "Appointment Procedures" dated April, 1988, were approved to rescind "Election Procedures" approved on February 20, 1984. o o -2- - - o o Redevelopment Agency c STAFF REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is recommended that the Community Development Commission appoint Mr. James Roger Russell to serve on the Uptown Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to represent Sub Area "BII, ~e!;t;g!lQY~ll On July 18, 1983, the Mayor and Common Council authorized formation of an Uptown CAC for the proposed Uptown Redevelopment Project Area. The Committee is charged with the responsibility for reviewing proposed projects within the Uptown Project Area and making recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council. On March 16, 1989, Carl Oldenkamp, Sr. submitted his resignation to the Uptown CAC. He represented Sub Area 'B' on the Committee. Pursuant to the Uptown CAC by-laws, if a vacancy occurs during an existing term, an alternate may fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term. There are currently no alternates listed on the Uptown CAC official roster. In the event there is not an alternate willing to serve, the vacancy will be filled by appointment by a Commissioner from the respective ward affected. Commissioner Flores has approved the appointment of Mr. James Russell to the Uptown CAC. e If appointed, Mr. Russell will serve out the remainder of the term sta.rted by Mr. Carl Oldenkamp, which will conclude on March 21, 1992. At that time, he would be eligible for reappointment if he should so desire. Mr. Russell has owned and operated Uuality Slacks of California, 1096 W. Rialto Avenue, for the last 12 ye2rs and has resided in San Bernardino since 1955. (See attached resume) I B~!;Q~~~tlllBIlQ~ It is, therefore, requested that the Commission appoint Mr. James Roger Russell to serve on the Uptown CAC to represent Sub Area 'B'. o -3- - - - 1- o o c RESUME ,.." " Personal Data Name: JAMES ROGER RUSSELL ,. Education GED & 1 YEAR VALLEY COU,EDGE, 1 YEAR NIGHT SCHOOL FOR COMPUTER TRAINNING to Employment MARICE SLACKS SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR FROM AGE OF 14 TO 17 DURING SUMMER HOLIDAY & EVENING. RICE'S AUTO WORKS SHOP AS MECHANICS FROM AGE OF 18 TO 19. FULL TIME BOB BROWN MUFFLERS SHOP AS WELDER AND AUTO MECHANICS FROM AGE OF 19 TO 21, FULL TIME. QUALITY SLACIS OF CALIFORNIA INC. FOR THE LAST 12 YEARS, FULL TIME Current Employment Firm Name:OUALITY SLACIS & INLAND SPORTSWEAR Ac5dress: 1096 W. RIALTO AVE. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92410 Phone: (714)381-2682 381-5901 Affiliations OWNER The information provided 15 factual to the best of my knol1ledoe. I understand that I will be required to sign a .Statement of Economic Interests. form as required by ley, ..... that I will abide by all the odes and orci1ner,ces of the City c.f Sen Bernardino "'the State of C.l1for. 5 -If-Ir DATE \ ~ c o o -. -- - - - - o Q. BYL&WS lJPrOllN UDEVEtOl'MEHT 1'I.o.JICr AIlEA ClTIZBMS ADVISORY 00MKlTTBE ARTICLE I THE COHIaTTEB Section 1. The DlIIIe of the COIIIIIittee sball he the Uptown Citizens Advisory COIIIia1ttee (hereiDafter CAC): Section 2. Members - The IIellbership of the CAC sball consllt of 13 lllellbers: Eight (8) frOll Sub Area "A" and five (S) froll Sub Area "B". Section 3. The CAC llellbership aball include alteruate mellbers who may fill permanent or tellporary vacancies created by the regular CAC lIellbers. During CAC ..etings, at which alteruate ..mbers uy he present. alteruates will be aslted by the Chair to fill temporary vacancies created by the eltcused or uneRused absence of regular CAC ..mbers. In this case. the alteruate filling the vacancy shall have a vote. Section 4. Four (4) consecutive absences in anyone year period will generate a consideration by the CAC to detemine continued embership. Section S. Vacancies - Vacancies in the CAC embership. from whatever cause ariSing. may he filled by an alteruate. When a vacancy occurs. leaving an uneltpected portion of a term unfulfilled. an alteruate may fill such vacancy for the uDeltpired portion of such a term. At the conclusion of the term of office to which he/she vas appointed, the mellber is eligible to be appointed to his/her own four (4) year term of office. The anniversary date shall reuin the sallie as the resigned member. (See also Article I, Section 7 below.) In the event there are no alteruates, nominations for DeW Committee members will first be solicited from current Committee embership. Each nominated individual will be submitted to the appropriate Councllperson frOll the ward which he/she lives and/or does business for approval. In the event no nominations are submitted by the current Committee lllemhership, the Redevelopment Agency may also notify the co_unity asking for applications for CAC mellbership. The Community Development Commission aay then appoint an eligible member (aee Appointment Procedures for eligibility requirements) from this list or from the COllllllUIl1ty at large to serve the remaining duration of the term. - - ~ _.~ .WI . o o . o Uptown CAC Bylaws Page 2 Section 6. Term of Office - A ..abership tem on the CAC shall be defined as a period of four (4) years. Section 7. Am11versary Date - Anniversary date is to be determined by the date that the C~ty Developllllent Coma1.s1on approved the individual's appointment to serve on the CAC. Section 8. ReDlllR1nations - CAe _bers will not be l1ll1ted as to the number of terms that they may aerve. Renomination can be accOllpl1shed by aeans of a IIOtion made at any regular Coma1ttee lIeeting. ARTICLE n OFFICIlIS Section 1. Officers - The officers of the CAC shall be a Chair and a Vice Chair. o Section 2. Chair - The Chair shall be responsible for the assurance that the program is operat1ng effectively and effiCiently by coord1nsting the plann1ng activities of the CAC, couun1cat1ng and coordinating all activities with ass1ped ataff of the Redeve10pllent Agency. actill8 as a leader in lB111nta1n1ng high motivation among CAC members, chairing all CAe lIeetings at which he or she is present. and to carry out any other task which may be charged to the CAC. The Chair shall have a vote in the case of a tie. Section 3. Vice Chair - The Vice Chair is to carry out the responsibilities of the Chair in his or her absence and to assist in any duties which may be ass1ped. The Vice Chair shall have a vote. The Vice Chair, when acting as Chair. shall have a vote in the case of a tie. Section 4. Secretary/Treasurer - The Secretary/Treasurer is to care for all official records of the CAC, cause accurate minutes to be taken at all CAC meet1ngs, ensure that all CAC ..abers are informed of CAC actions, and to assure that persons within the project area are informed as to meet1ng dates, times. locations and the general purpose of such aeetings. The Secretary/Treasurer will also be responsible for all the financial records of the CAe. The RedeveloplDent Agency shall be ass1ped as Secretary/Treasurer. o staff. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have no vote when filled by RDA -2- , . o o c ~ - o o Uptown CAC Bylaws Page 3 Section S. Election or Appointaent - The Chai_ and Vice Chairman shall be elected by the CAC BIlJIually. AUICLE III JlEETINGS Section 1. Annual Meeting - The BIlJIual meeting of the CAC will be held at the time and place of the first regular meeting in September of each year. Section 2. Regular Meeting - Regular meetinge will be held to the date and time agreed on by majority vote of the CAC. Section 3. Special Meeting - A special meeting may be called by the Chair. Section 4. Adjouroaent - Adjournaent IIBY be called at the discretion of the Chair. Section S. Quorwa - A quorwa may consist of five (5) CAC members. Section 6. Order of Busineaa - At the regular lIeeting of the CAC, the order of business shall be as per the agenda as created by the RDA staff. Section 7. Hanner of Voting - The voting on motions and resolutions as may be requested by tha majority of the CAe members present shall be by roll call, if called for by any CAC member. The ayes and noes and the members present and not voting shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting, except on the election of officers, which may be by ballot. ARTICLE IV AMBNDMEIml Section 1. Amenclaents to Bylaws - The bylaws of the CAC shall be amended only with the approval of at least a IIBjority of CAC members. 044SJ'/3l60K Revised 2/85 Revised 6/88 -3- . \ o (0 '0 1 . .,L; - .... _ ... ~ - o APPOINTMENT PROCEDURES 0 UPTOWN CITIZENS ADVISORY COtIITTEE APRIL. 1988 ~sition and Size of the Committee Proportlonat. ~.pr.s.ntatlon on the Uptown Cltlz.ns Advisory Commltt.. CUTCAC) from .ach of the pr03.ct subar.as ts pr.f.rr.d. Commltt.e ..~ershtp should tnclud. r.pr.sentatlv.s of prop.rty own.rs and t.nants tn both the resld.ntlal and commerctal communtty. Th. UTCAC Iylavs stat. a Commltt....~.rshlp of 13 ..mb.rs--8 r.pr.s.ntatlv.s from Sub Ar.a "An and 5 r.pr.s.ntatlv.s from Sub Area .1". Nomination Procedures and Determination of E1igibi1itt Nominations for nev Commltt.e .embers will ftrst be soltctted from curr.nt Commltt.. memb.rshlp. Ellglbtllty will be deteraln.d by Agency staff by adh.rence to the following guidelines: 1. R,sld.ncy/prop.rty own.rshlp status C30 day .'n'lUm) 2. Age C18 y.ars .Inlmum) Each nominated tndlvldual w'll be submltt.d to the approprtat. Councllperson from the ward wh'ch h./sh. llv.s and/or does busln.ss for approval. A short r.sume of past exper'ence w", be subm,tt.d to the approprlat. Councllp.rson. On the r.sume 's a s'gnature block stat'ng that the person would b. wlll'ng to s'gn a .Stat.ment of Econom'c Interests. fora. leTl of Office The tenn of off'ce for IIch Comm'tte memb.r ts to be four years. Anniversary date Is to be determln.d by the date that the Community Development Comm'sslon approv.d that Individual's appointment to serve on the Committee. Renominations and Resignations Committee members,wtll not be l,.,t.d as to the number of terms that they may serve on the Committee. Renomination can be accomplished by means of a .otlon ..de at any regular Comm,ttee meeting. Members needing to r.slgn from the Committee shall be replaced In accordance with the nomination procedures outlined above to fulfill the remainder of the term of the resigned member, At the conclus'on of the tenn of office to which h./she was appo'nted. the member's el'g'ble to be appo'nted to his/her own four y.ar term, The ann'versary date shall r,,,'n the same as for the res'gned member. ~ 3111h:3l33K