HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-07-2007 Reg. Agenda
Mayor Patrick J. Morris
Council Members:
Esther Estrada
300 N. ?D? Street
Dennis J. Baxter
San Bernardino, CA 92418
Tobin Brinker
Neil Derry
Website: www.sbcity.org
Chas Kelley
Rikke Van Johnson
Wendy McCammack
MONDAY, MAY 7, 2007 ? 1:30 P.M.
The City of San Bernardino recognizes its obligation to provide equal access to those
individuals with disabilities. Please contact the Director of Facilities Management
(384-5244) two working days prior to the meeting for any requests for reasonable
accommodation to include interpreters. (Community Development Commission Items
are on Pages 16 & 17.)
CALL TO ORDER: ___________________________________________
PRESENT: ___________________________________________
ABSENT: ___________________________________________
A three-minute limitation shall apply to each member of the public who wishes to
address the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission. No
member of the public shall be permitted to ?share? his/her three minutes with any other
member of the public.
1. Pursuant to Government Code Section(s):
MOTION: That the Mayor and Common Council and Community
Development Commission recess to closed session for the
A. Conference with legal counsel ? existing litigation ? pursuant to
Government Code Section 54956.9(a):
J.R., et al. v. City of San Bernardino ? United States District Court Case
No. 05-1045 JWJ;
San Bernardino Police Officers Association v. City of San Bernardino, et
al. ? United States District Court Case No. CV 07-02830 ABC AJWx;
Michael Desrochers & Steve Lowes, et al. v. City of San Bernardino ?
United States District Court Case No. EDCV 06-1408 VAP (JCRx) and
related case, in re: Steve Lowes, Civil Service Board Hearing;
Henroy Francis v. City of San Bernardino ? Workers? Compensation
Appeals Board Case No. SBR 0322536 and SBR 0324877.
B. Conference with legal counsel ? anticipated litigation ? significant
exposure to litigation ? pursuant to subdivision (b) (1), (2), (3) (A-F) of
Government Code Section 54956.9:
1. Inland Communities Corp. v. City of San Bernardino, et al.
(Paradise Hills)
2. (1) case ? anticipated litigation
C. Conference with legal counsel ? anticipated litigation ? initiation of
litigation ? pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section
54956.9: (1) case
D. Closed Session ? personnel ? pursuant to Government Code Section
(Item Continued on Next Page)
1. Continued.
E. Closed session with Chief of Police on matters posing a threat to the
security of public buildings or threat to the public?s right of access to
public services or public facilities ? pursuant to Government Code
Section 54957.
F.Conference with labor negotiator ? pursuant to Government Code
Section 54957.6:
Linn Livingston, Human Resources Director
Employee Organization:
Mid-Management Unit
G. Conference with real property negotiator ? pursuant to Government Code
Section 54956.8:
IVDA Redevelopment Project Area
1. Property Address: Southeast corner of Highland Avenue and
Central Avenue
APN: 1191-282-01
Negotiating Parties: Maggie Pacheco, Executive Director, on
behalf of the Redevelopment Agency, as
buyer, and Bradley McCall, LLC, property
owner/seller (TELACU IV)
Under Negotiation: Purchase price, terms and conditions
Central City North Redevelopment Project Area (Downtown
Acquisition Program)
2. Property Address: 795 W. 5 Street (Paradise Motel)
APN: 0134-093-41
Negotiating Parties: Maggie Pacheco, Executive Director, on
behalf of the Redevelopment Agency, as
buyer, and Tien Lee International Limited
Corp., property owner/seller
Under Negotiation: Purchase price, terms and conditions
(Item Continued on Next Page)
1. Continued.
3. Property Address: 701 W. 5 Street (vacant building 5th & G
APN: 0134-093-08 and 09
Negotiating Parties: Maggie Pacheco, Executive Director, on
behalf of the Redevelopment Agency, and
Infinite State, property owner
Under Negotiation: Purchase price, terms and conditions
PRESENT: _________________________________________
ABSENT: _________________________________________
2. Appointments.
A. Re-appointment ? Dr. Thomas Pierce ? Community Development
Citizen Advisory Committee ? Mayor Morris.
B. Esther Jimenez ? Civil Service Board ? Mayor Morris.
C. Evelyn Alexander ? Civil Service Board ? Mayor Morris.
D. Thomas Rennard ? Board of Library Trustees ? Mayor Morris.
E. Casey Dailey ? Alternate ? Planning Commission ? Mayor Morris.
F. Re-appointment - Ray Shaffer Jr. ? Board of Fire Commissioners ?
Council Member Baxter.
MOTION: That the re-appointments and appointments, A-F, as
requested by Mayor Morris and Council Member Baxter,
be approved.
3. Presentations.
4. Announcements by Mayor and Common Council.
All Consent Calendar items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and
will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items
unless a Council member or other interested persons so request, in which event the
item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered in its normal
sequence on the agenda. Information concerning Consent Calendar items is
available for public review.
MOTION: That the motions indicated by consent calendar items 5 through
26 be adopted except for ____, ____, ____, ____, and ____.
5. Waive full reading of resolutions and ordinances.
MOTION: That full reading of the resolutions and ordinances on the regular,
supplemental and addendum to the supplemental agendas of the
Mayor and Common Council and Community Development
Commission, be waived.
6. Council Minutes. (See Attached)
MOTION: That the minutes of the following meeting(s) of the Mayor and
Common Council/Community Development Commission of the
City of San Bernardino be approved as submitted in typewritten
March 5, 2007 (Distributed on 4/27/07)
March 19, 2007 (Distributed on 5/1/07)
7. Claims and Payroll. (See Attached)
MOTION: That the claims and payroll and the authorization to issue
warrants as listed in the memorandum dated April 23, 2007, from
Barbara Pachon, Director of Finance, be approved.
8. Personnel Actions. (See Attached)
MOTION: That the personnel actions, as submitted by the Chief Examiner,
dated May 3, 2007 in accordance with Civil Service rules and
Personnel policies adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of
the City of San Bernardino, be approved and ratified.
City Clerk
9. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
requesting that the City of San Bernardino?s primary municipal election be
consolidated with the November 6, 2007 Consolidated Election conducted by the
County of San Bernardino. (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $??? From the
General Fund.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) All Wards
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
Council Office
10. Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino adding Chapter 2.23 to Title 2 of the
San Bernardino Municipal Code establishing the Historical Preservation
Commission. FINAL READING. (Backup material distributed on April
16, 2007, Item No. 26.)
MOTION: That said ordinance be adopted.
Development Services
11. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino amending Resolution No. 655 entitled,
in part, ?A Resolution? designating certain streets, or portions thereof as
through highways?? and establishing a three-way stop at the intersection of
Northpark Boulevard and Sierra Drive. (See Attached) (Cost to the City --
$1,500 from the General Fund.) (Resolution not available at time of
printing.) Ward 5
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
12. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino amending Resolution No. 655 entitled,
in part, ?A Resolution ? designating certain streets, or portions thereof as
through highways?? and declaring Hill Drive a through highway from and
including F Street to and including Mayfield Avenue. (See Attached) (Cost to
the City -- $2,500 from the General Fund.) (Resolution not available at time
of printing.) Ward 4
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
13. Authorization to proceed and approval of Plan No. 12171 ? proposed vacation
of an east-west alley, northerly of Little League Drive and east of Magnolia
Avenue. (See Attached) (No cost to the City -- $2,000 fees to be paid by
applicant.) Ward 5
MOTION #1: That the Director of Development Services and the City Clerk
be authorized to proceed with the proposed vacation of an east-
west alley, northerly of Little League Drive and east of
Magnolia Avenue; and
MOTION #2: That Plan No. 12171 showing the proposed vacation of an east-
west alley, northerly of Little League Drive and east of
Magnolia Avenue, be approved.
14. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino making application to the Local
Agency Formation Commission for providing City sewer services to property
within unincorporated territory located at 4233 and 4235 Fourth Avenue. (See
Attached) (No cost to the City -- $1,300 fee paid by applicant.) (Resolution
not available at time of printing.) Partially surrounded by Ward 5
(Item Continued on Next Page)
14. Continued.
MOTION: That the Director of Development Services be authorized to
initiate proceedings for the provision of City sewer services
outside of City boundaries for property located at 4233 and 4235
Fourth Avenue; and that said resolution be adopted.
15. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino approving Amendment No. 2 to
Agreement for professional services with LAN Engineering Corporation to
provide engineering services for the design of Old Waterman Canyon Bridge
replacement (SS07-14). (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $8,000 from the
Street Construction Fund.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.)
Ward 4
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
16. Request for fee waiver -- Our Lady of the Assumption School Annual Family
Fun Fair. (See Attached) (Cost to the City ? $2,934.99 from various funds.)
Ward 5
MOTION: That the Mayor and Common Council approve the request for a
waiver of fees associated with a Temporary Use Permit for the
Our Lady of the Assumption School Annual Family Fun Fair.
17. Resolution authorizing and approving the borrowing of funds for Fiscal Year
2007-2008; the issuance and sale of a 2007-2008 Tax and Revenue Anticipation
Note therefore and participation in the California Communities Cash Flow
Financing Program. (See Attached) (Estimated net earnings to the City --
$90,000 to the General Fund.) (Resolution not available at time of
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
Information Technology
18. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the purchase of 37
Motorola XTS 2500 portable radios, 20 Motorola XTL 2500 mobile radios and
10 Motorola VRM 850 vehicle radio modems from Motorola, Inc.; 10 mobile
data computers from GTSI Corp.; and 10 light bars from Federal Signal
Corporation. (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $302,044.74 from the
Federal and State Programs Fund.) (Resolution not available at time of
printing.) All Wards
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
19. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing an increase to maintenance contract with Imagine Systems of San
Bernardino for desktop/printer repairs. (See Attached) (Cost to the City --
$4,000 from the Information Technology Fund.) (Resolution not available
at time of printing.)
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
Parks, Recreation and Community Services
20. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council authorizing the City Manager to
execute a Management Agreement between the City of San Bernardino and
Coast Soccer League to provide management services at the San Bernardino
Soccer Complex for the dates May 5-6, 12, 19-20, 26-28 and June 2-3, 23-26,
and July 14-15, and September 8-9, 2007 and ratifying any action taken prior to
the execution of this Resolution. (See Attached) (No cost to the City ?
Anticipated Revenue in the amount of $48,250.) (Resolution not available
at time of printing.) Ward 7
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
21. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
ratifying the submittal of a Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program grant
application through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for
emergency food, utility and shelter funds for the period of October 1, 2006
through September 30, 2007, and ratifying any action taken prior to the
execution of this Resolution. (See Attached) (No cost to the City -- $70,700
in grant funds to the City.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.)
All Wards
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
22. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with
David Evans and Associates in the amount of $113,567 for the purpose of
preparing preliminary plans for the proposed Verdemont Community Center.
(See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $113,567 from the Parkland and Open
Space Acquisition and Park Improvement Fee Fund.) (Resolution not
available at time of printing.) Ward 5
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted; and that the Director of Finance
be authorized to amend the FY 2006-07 Development Services
Fees (DIF) budget and transfer $88,600 from Account No. 268-
488-5504-7745 (?Park & Facility Design Services PR0712?) to
Account No. 268-488-5504-7743 (?Select & Design Verdemont
Community Center PR04-28?).
23. Item Deleted.
Public Services
24. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the Director of Finance to amend the FY 06-07 Budget by
transferring $94,500.00 into Account Number 240-379-5504-7604 and
$65,200.00 into Account Number 240-379-5504-7644 in order to close out FY
05-06 CIP projects. (See Attached) (Cost to the City -- $159,700 from
California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank Loan Capital
Projects Fund.) (Resolution not available at time of printing.) All Wards
MOTION: That the Director of Finance be authorized to amend the FY
2006/07 budget by transferring $94,500 into Account No. 240-
379-5504-7604 and $65,200 into Account No. 240-379-5504-
7644 in order to close out FY 2005/06 CIP projects; and that said
resolution be adopted.
25. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Vendor
Services Agreement and increase Purchase Order Number 300614 with Nelson
Pavement and Grading Corporation (NPG) in the amount of $50,000.00,
pursuant to Municipal Code Section 3.04.010B.3, for additional miscellaneous
street repairs throughout the City of San Bernardino. (See Attached) (Cost to
the City -- $50,000 from the Gas Tax Fund.) (Resolution not available at
time of printing.) All Wards
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
26. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Vendor
Services Agreement and increase Purchase Order Number 300459 with Zumar
Industries, Inc. in the amount of $30,000, pursuant to Municipal Code Section
3.04.010B.3, for the purchase of additional traffic signs for repair, removal,
and replacement of damaged, faded and vandalized signs, and installation of
new signs located throughout the City of San Bernardino. (See Attached) (Cost
to the City -- $30,000 from the General Fund.) (Resolution not available at
time of printing.) All Wards
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
Recommended for approval at the Ways and Means Committee meeting on
March 28, 2007 ? Committee Members present: Derry, Estrada and
City Manager
27. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the City Manager to execute a Services Agreement by and between
the City of San Bernardino and Telecom Partners Group Corp, dba ATS
Communications, a California Corporation, (?Consultant?) for the development
and implementation of a Wireless Master Plan pursuant to Municipal Code
Section 3.04.010B.3. (See Attached) (No cost to the City.) (Resolution not
available at time of printing.) All Wards
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
Recommended for approval at the Grants Ad Hoc Committee meeting on
April 10, 2007 ? Committee Members present: McCammack, Baxter and
28. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
ratifying submittal of an on-line grant application for the FY 2007 Assistance to
Firefighters Grant Program to the Department of Homeland Security in the
amount of $663,000. (See Attached) (Grant amount requested - $663,000
[$530,400 from Homeland Security and 20% match in the amount of
$132,600 to be funded in FY 07/08 if the grant is approved.) (Resolution
not available at time of printing.) All Wards
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
Recommended for approval at the Ways and Means Committee meeting on
April 18, 2007 ? Members present: Derry and Estrada
29. Request for Civic and Promotional funding for the 4 of July Parade and
Celebration at Arrowhead Credit Union Park. (See Attached) (Cost to the
City -- $38,000 from the Civic and Promotion Fund.)
MOTION: That $38,000 in Civic and Promotion funding be approved to
conduct the 2007 4 of July Parade and Celebration at Arrowhead
Credit Union Park.
Recommended for approval at the Legislative Review Committee on April
17, 2007 ? Committee Members present: Kelly and Brinker
30. An Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Chapter 8.54 of the San
Bernardino Municipal Code regarding noise. FIRST READING (See Attached)
MOTION: That said ordinance be laid over for final adoption.
31. Public meeting - relative to formation of a Landscape Maintenance Assessment
District in the Chiquita Lane and Date Street area (Tract Map No. 17576 ?
Assessment District 1060). (See Attached) (No cost to the City -- $4,000
processing fee paid by applicant.) Ward 4
Mayor to open the public meeting . . .
MOTION: That the public meeting relative to the formation of the Chiquita
Lane and Date Street Area Landscape Maintenance Assessment
District No. 1060, be closed, and protests and ballots, if any, be
carried over to the public hearing on May 21, 2007, at 4:00 p.m.
32. Public hearing ? resolution ordering work ? Waterman Avenue and Orange
Show Road Area Landscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 1045 ? Tract
No. 17972. (See Attached) (No cost to the City -- $4,000 processing fee paid
by applicant.) Ward 1
(Item Continued on Next Page)
32. Continued.
Resolution of the City of San Bernardino finding and determining the existence
of less than a majority protest, that ballots submitted in favor of the assessment
exceed the ballots submitted in opposition to the assessment and that the public
convenience and necessity require the maintenance of landscaping in the
Waterman Avenue and Orange Show Road area, approving the Final Engineer?s
Report, creating an assessment district to cover the costs of said maintenance,
known as Assessment District No. 1045, ordering the work, confirming the
2007-2008 Assessment Roll, and determining that the Special Assessment
Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 shall not apply.
(Resolution not available at time of printing.)
Mayor to open the hearing . . .
MOTION: That the hearing be closed; and that said resolution be adopted.
(4/5 vote required.)
33. Public hearing ? resolution ordering work ? Pepper Avenue and Rialto Avenue
Area Landscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 1050 - Tract No. 17076.
(See Attached) (No cost to the City -- $5,900 processing fee paid by
applicant.) Ward 6
Resolution of the City of San Bernardino finding and determining the existence
of less than a majority protest, that ballots submitted in favor of the assessment
exceed the ballots submitted in opposition to the assessment and that the public
convenience and necessity require the maintenance of landscaping in the Pepper
Avenue and Rialto Avenue area, approving the Final Engineer?s Report,
creating an assessment district to cover the costs of said maintenance, known as
Assessment District No. 1050, ordering the work, confirming the 2007-2008
Assessment Roll, and determining that the Special Assessment Investigation,
Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 shall not apply. (Resolution not
available at time of printing.)
Mayor to open the hearing . . .
MOTION: That the hearing be closed; and that said resolution be adopted.
(4/5 vote required.)
34. Public hearing ? resolution ordering work ? Mill Street and Meridian Avenue
Area Landscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 1061 ? Tract No. 17218.
(See Attached) (No cost to the City -- $5,900 processing fee paid by
applicant.) Ward 6
Resolution of the City of San Bernardino finding and determining the existence
of less than a majority protest, that ballots submitted in favor of the assessment
exceed the ballots submitted in opposition to the assessment and that the public
convenience and necessity require the maintenance of landscaping in the Mill
Street and Meridian Avenue area, approving the Final Engineer?s Report,
creating an assessment district to cover the costs of said maintenance, known as
Assessment District No. 1061, ordering the work, confirming the 2007-2008
Assessment Roll, and determining that the Special Assessment Investigation,
Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931 shall not apply. (Resolution not
available at time of printing.)
Mayor to open the hearing . . .
MOTION: That the hearing be closed; and that said resolution be adopted.
(4/5 vote required.)
35. Public hearing ? resolution approving annexation and resolution calling a special
election and resolution certifying election results ? Community Facilities District
No. 1033 (Verdemont Fire Station) ? Annexation No. 1. (See Attached) (No
cost to the City -- $5,900 processing fee to be paid by applicant.)Wards 5&6
A. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino, California, authorizing the annexation of territory
(Annexation No. 1) to Community Facilities District No. 1033 and
authorizing the levy of a special tax and submitting the levy of tax to the
qualified electors. (Resolution not available at time of printing.)
B. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino, California, calling a special election and submitting to the
voters of Annexation No. 1 of City of San Bernardino Community
Facilities District No. 1033 Propositions regarding the annual levy of
special taxes within Annexation No. 1 and the establishment of an
appropriations limit. (Resolution not available at time of printing.)
(Item Continued on Next Page)
35. Continued.
C. A Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino, California, making certain findings, certifying the results of
an election and adding property to Community Facilities District No.
1033, Annexation No. 1. (Resolution not available at time of
Mayor to open the hearing . . .
MOTION: That the hearing be closed; and that said resolutions A-C,
be adopted.
36. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino
authorizing the Fire Chief to execute an Agreement with the State of California
Department of Transportation to use properties for conducting fire-related
training activities. (Item continued from April 2, 2007, Item No. 20; item
continued from April 16, 2007, Item No. 34.)
MOTION: That the matter be tabled.
City Manager
37. Update on Citywide Organizational Review. (Item continued from April 16,
2007, Item No. 35.)
38. Dinner Workshop ? Economic Development Agency Conference Room ?
presentation on the Incident Command System.
R39. Resolution of the Community Development Commission of the City of San
Bernardino approving and authorizing the Executive Director of the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (?Agency?) to execute (1)
a Redevelopment Cooperation Agreement by and between the Agency and
Inland Valley Development Agency (?IVDA?) and (2) a Single Family
Inclusionary Housing Owner Participation Agreement (?OPA?) by and between
the Agency and GFC Enterprises, LLC for the development of Lynwood
Housing Development (IVDA Redevelopment Project Area). (Backup material
distributed on April 2, 2007, Item No. R32.)
MOTION: That the matter be continued to June 18, 2007.
R40. Public hearing ? recommended allocations of 2007/08 Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) Funds; Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Funds; HOME
Funds Amending the 2006-2007 Annual Action Plan and Reprogramming of
2006/07 CDBG Funds. (New Staff Report Attached) (Backup material
distributed on April 16, 2007, Item No. R38.)
A. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino approving the 2007-2008 Consolidated Annual Action Plan
pertaining solely to the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) and HOME
appropriations/categories; and authorizing the City Manager to execute
any and all HUD contracts or documents as per HUD Regulations.
(Resolution not available at time of printing.)
B. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino approving (1) the 2007-2008 Consolidated Annual Action
Plan pertaining to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds
(excluding any reference to the allocation of CDBG Funds for the Boys
& Girls Club of San Bernardino); (2) an Amendment to the 2006-2007
Annual Action Plan (2005-2010 Consolidated Plan) appropriating
$214,000 of unappropriated CDBG Program Income Funds as contained
in the attached Staff Report; and (3) authorizing the City Manager to
execute any and all HUD contracts or documents as per HUD
Regulations. (Resolution not available at time of printing.)
(Item Continued on Next Page)
R40. Continued.
C. Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San
Bernardino approving the 2007-2008 Consolidated Annual Action Plan
as it pertains solely to the allocation of Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Funds to the Boys & Girls Club of San Bernardino.
(Resolution not available at time of printing.)
The hearing remains open . . .
MOTION: That the hearing be closed; and that said resolutions A-C,
be adopted.
Recommended for approval at the Redevelopment Committee on April 19,
2007 ? Committee Members Present: Estrada, Johnson and Baxter
R41. Resolution of the Community Development Commission of the City of San
Bernardino making certain findings and determinations and granting of official
consent pursuant to State of California Business & Professions Code Section
5273 regarding a certain off-site advertising sign adjacent to I-215 Freeway to
Arrowhead Central Credit Union, a State chartered credit union (Central City
Redevelopment Project Area). (See Attached)
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
R42. Resolution of the Community Development Commission of the City of San
Bernardino approving and authorizing the Executive Director of the
Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (the ?Agency?) to
execute the Exclusive Right to Negotiate and Redevelopment Project Study
Agreement by and between the Agency and LNR San Bernardino, LLC (the
?Developer?) related to the Carousel Mall (Central City Redevelopment Project
Area). (See Attached)
MOTION: That said resolution be adopted.
43. Public hearing ? Conditional Use Permit No. 06-24 (Appeal No. 07-02) ? an
appeal of a Planning Commission approval of additional antennas and equipment
at an existing communication tower site, with a requirement to replace the
existing non-stealth monopole tower with a monopine ? project site 1093 West
5 Street in the CH, Commercial Heavy, land use district. (See Attached) (No
cost to the City.) Ward 1
Owner: Albert R. Okura
1398 N. ?E? Street`
San Bernardino, CA 92405
Appellant: Royal Street Communications
John Beke
547 El Encino Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Request/Location: The appellant is appealing the Planning Commission?s
approval of Conditional Use Permit No. 06-24 to install additional antennas on
an existing 60-foot non-stealth monopole telecommunications two and additional
equipment on the ground. The subject property is located at 1093 W. 5 Street.
Mayor to open the hearing . . .
MOTION: That the matter be continued to May 21, 2007 at 4:30 p.m.
limitation shall apply to each member of the public who wishes to address the
Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission on a matter
not on the agenda. No member of the public shall be permitted to ?share?
his/her three minutes with any other member of the public. (Usually any items
heard under this heading are referred to staff for further study, research,
completion and/or future Council/Commission action.)
45. Adjournment.
MOTION: That the meeting be adjourned.
NOTE: The next joint regular meeting of the Mayor and Common
Council/Community Development Commission is scheduled for 1:30
p.m., Monday, May 21, 2007, in the Council Chambers of City Hall,
300 North ?D? Street, San Bernardino, California.
NOTICE: Any member of the public may address this meeting of the Mayor and
Common Council/Community Development Commission on any item appearing on
the agenda by approaching the microphone in the Council Chambers when the item
about which the member desires to speak is called and by asking to be recognized.
Any member of the public desiring to speak to the Mayor and Common
Council/Community Development Commission concerning any matter not on the
agenda but which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Mayor and
Common Council/Community Development Commission, may address the body at
the end of the meeting, during the period reserved for public comments. Said total
period for public comments shall not exceed forty-five (45) minutes, unless such
time limit is extended by the Mayor and Common Council/Community
Development Commission. A three minute limitation shall apply to each member
of the public, unless such time limit is extended by the Mayor and Common
Council/Community Development Commission. No member of the public shall be
permitted to ?share? his/her three minutes with any other member of the public.
The Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission may refer
any item raised by the public to staff, or to any commission, board, bureau, or
committee for appropriate action or have the item placed on the next agenda of the
Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission. However, no
other action shall be taken nor discussion held by the Mayor and Common
Council/Community Development Commission on any item which does not appear
on the agenda unless the action is otherwise authorized in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision (b) of Section 54954.2 of the Government Code.
Public comments will not be received on any item on the agenda when a public
hearing has been conducted and closed.