HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-Economic Development Agency o c o o 0 DBVBLOPIIB.r DBPARrllB.r 01' rBB CITY 01' !WI Rlfn'nnIllO RBOOBSr POll COIMISSIO./COIJRCIL ACTIO. From: DRlU'lII J. HBBDBRSOB Executive Director Subject: PBRI'OIIIIIlIG AIIt'S wuu_ PLAlIIIIIII: SDVICBS Date: June 8, 1992 SvnoDBis of Previous C~fssianlrdnmn~il/r~fttee Actionlsl: 6/4/92 The Redevelopment Committee recommended preparation and execution of a contract with Caplan .. Assoelates of Lawrence, Kansas for plazmina services, not to exceed $17,500. ------ Rl!'~~"'''ecl IIotionlsl: lCn--.mtn D.wela.......t: C.--f..IOlll IIOTIO. That the Collllllllllity Development COIID1sBion authorize preparation and execution, by the Executive Director, of a prOfessional services aareement with Richard Caplan .. Associates of Lawrence, Kansas, for plazmina services, not to exceed $17,500, in connection with the establishment of a Performina Arts Center in downtown San Bernardino and recommend an increue in the Bconomic Development Aaency budlet of the same amount. ~ Aclmin1strator 01' Contact Person(s): Ken R.....erson/Stafford Parker Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Central City Ward(s): 1 Supportina Data Attached: Staff reoort: orooosal for services FUNDING lBQUIRBMDTS: Amount: $ 17.500 Tax In~mnt Source: Budaet Authority: Created Above ---------- C~fssianlCnnn~tl .otes: KJR:JBR:mkc:2444J COIMISSIO. IIBBrIllG .u:nna lIeetine Date: 06/15/1992 Aaenda It_ I'laber: ~ o () o o 0 DIVILOPKIBr DIPARrKIBr OF DB CU'!' OF Sd ~&lInI1lO SUFF IIPOU PRVlPnRIIIM: &.... I;KJFC&I( _ PI'.A..-rE SRlPVTCRS AttaChed is a proposal from RiChard Caplan & Associates to provide plaunina assistance and related support for the establishmant of an oraanizational and financial foundation for the plaunina and conatruction of a Performina Arts Center for San Bernardino. The scope of work containa thres phases: a. Preparation of a marketina campaipl b. Development of a detailed financial strateUI and c. Investiaation of available arants. The fees will be determined on the basis of hourly Charaes but a provision will be inaerted in the contract limitina the maximum payment to $17,500. This work is a continuation of an effort based upon the feasibility for such a Center as determined in an earlier study by the firm. This item was considered by the Redevelopment Committee on May 7, 1992 where it was continued to obtain additional information. On June 4, 1992 the matter returned to the Committee whiCh recommended 2-1 (Maudsley) that the COllllllUllity Development Commission adopt the form motion. Based on the foreloina, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. OB, Bzecutive Director t KJB:JBB:mltc:2444J COIIIISSIOB KlUIBG jcqn, Keetlna Date: 06/15/1992 Aaenda It. I'laber: D o 6 o " RICH,oO CAPLAN B A550&TE5 " , April 9, 1992 City of San Bernarclino Redevelopment Agency Attn: Councilmember Esther Estrada Chair, Ways and Means Commi tt.e 300 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Re: Proposed Performing Arts Center PrOfessional Services Agreement (Revis8d) Dear Ways and Means Committee Members: It, is our understanding that the City seeks to continue to establish the organizational and financial foundation to plan and construct a new Performing Arts Center in downtown San Bernardino. Richard Caplarl , Associetes is pleas3d to submit ~~is revised proposal for continued professional planning assistance,to address this Objective. The purpose of the.e services is to assist in performing specific planning tasks and related support requirements. This will ensure that this important downtown project continues to move forward in a d~l1berate, appropriate and timely manner. SCOPS 01" weu - Based on the recent completed' Performing Arts Center Feasibility study and ma!:ltings and interviewM with city council members, city staff and area arts administrators, the fOllowing efforta are needed to bee;in the iaplementation of this project: A. Plan and Pr.~r~ Paeili~v Xiekoff MArk.~ina Cam~aian The.e services will outline a detailed marketing strateqy and public c4mpaign to translate the concept into a specific action plan. The marketine; campaign will present specific roles and tasks for local arts qroups, DUsiness lealjers, government and education:tl institutions. Appropriate themes will be recommended which will contribute to creating a specific project identity and initial marketing materials will be prepared for use in private fund raising efforts. CAUFORNIA OFFICE 3147 BLYTHE SiRZr HIGHlAND. CAlJORNA ~ 014) 864-7(2) M1DWESI' OFFICE 1611 Sr.,'NOREWS DRIVE LAWRENCE. KANsAs 6IJJA7 (913) 841-7166 'b o 6 o .Apri~ 9, 1992 pertorA:)q Art. Center Services co~act paqe 2 , B. Dav.lon Priva~. Pund-Raisina CamnaiGft W. will develop a comprehen.iv. initial private tund-raisinq campaiqn in coop.ration with the toundation board mellbers (or those expected to s.rv. on the board). This will includ. a detailed tinancial strategy that deteraines the realistic .xt.nt ot private a..i.tanc. within the reqion and tarq.t. local bu. in..... and individual. who can be.xpect.d to contribut. to this project. c. P.rform Peunda~ion Gran~ R...archand Pr.Dara~ioft We will und.rtak. an .xten.iv. inv..tiqation of the foundation opportuni tie. (and qovernm.ntal potential) which may be pur.ued on behalt of this project. After d.t.rmininq the crit.ria and mo.t viable option., w. will be available to a..i.t in the pr.paration of up thre. qrant application. on behalf of the proj.ct. W. will al.o be available to provide r.lated additional ..rvic.. a. llU!iy be reque.ted on behalf of this proj.ct from time to time on an hourly basi.. T.&.aUIG AIID PUS W. are pr.pared to initiate th... ..rvic.. imaediat.ly upon authori- zation to proc.ed. Th. timing to compl.t. the ..rvic.. on an hourly ba.is will be d.pend.nt on your direction and is expected to occur over a five to ..v.n month period. The estimated .inilll\Ul number of hour. and not to exce.d time required to compl.t. .ach of the.. ..rvic.., ba.ed on the number of m..tin;. and the .xt.nt of the wri tten products you d..ir. f.or .ach ..rvic., ar. a. follows: ESTIMATED HOtlRS: Minimum No~ 'too beA8d S.rvic. A. Pr.par. Mark.tin; 85 200 Mark.tin; Campaiqn hour. hour. B. Dev.lop Privat. 85 180 Pundraising Cupaiqn hours hour. c. P.rtora Grant R..earch 40 160 and/or Preparation hours hour. TOTAL: 210 540 hours hour. All prof.s.ional f... will be billed at the hourly rat. of $27.50 for Sonia Bak.r, proj.ct as.ociat. and $60.00 for Richard Caplan, principal. You will be invoic.d monthly by ta.k a. the work is requ.sted and proc.ed.. All local mil.a;. and local tel.phon. are includ.d with the.. t.... <t ..Apr~~ 9, 1992 perfo~g Arts Center Services co~act page 3 o Wherever practical, routine postage, copying and fax services will be provided through your ottice. Otherwise, any direct out-ot-pocket expenses required tor grant research, reproduction ot any urketinq materials, etc., will be added to our billinq at the actual cost. This amount is expected to be nominal and will not exceed five (5) percent of any monthly invoice. To indicate your approval of these services, please authorize the execution of two (2) copies of this agreement, one for each party, which will serve as a contract for this assistance. We appreciate the opportunity to otfer our continuing assistance on this important potential San Bernardino city project. 7?:::/iZttod. Richard Caplan RIl"IWtJ) CAPLAII , ASSOCU1'BS e . cc: Tim steinhaus, Agency Administrator Accepted: tor the city of San Bernardino date o ~ o ~ ,0 o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Economic Development Agency - City of San Bernardino DATE: TO: FROM: May 21, 1992 KENNETH HENDERSON, EXECUTIVE DIRECl'OR John Hoeger, Project MaDager ~ SUBJECT: ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER. COSTA MESA The foUowiDa iDfonudoD was obtIiDed in a telepboae interview with Linda Frace woo is the Director of the ~rllJlDiDgll1S c:eater ia Costa Mea. The purpose of the interview ViIS to discuss fimd raising techniques IIId the role of c:oasuItants in the process of obbini'll capital. Ms. Frace pointed out that the Oraup COlIIItJ ficiIitJ ViIS eatireIy privately funded IIId we sbou1d ~'f'6:t some differences in our .......,.'ID u the feuibility study Slates that "the city must be heavily iavolved ia the builc6ng of the f'ac:i1i1J, . wbich will affect the decision makiDg pro..- with iadividual donors wbo may lib or di..liq the involvemeat of IOVcmDleDl ia the eff'ort. The Orange Couaty aperieDc:e toot about fourteea years after formatioa of the Board of Directors uatiJ the Ceater ViIS opened for perfO('lftA"CeI. Our time requirement may be les-ned u we bave cIoae the feuibUity S1Udy early ia the process (they were not ready for Ibis until year. five) aad we bave a readily available site. Orange Couaty toot a four pbasc IppI'OIda to ftmd raising for the Ceater. First, usiagllocatioa specialist, they made site evaluatioas IIId determiaed suitable locations. A secoad consultant looted It the ecoaomic c:oasideratioas of various coafiguratioas for the Ceater and SlUdied the mixes of performing uses that could be supportecI ia different variatioas. Tbese led to !be biring of a third sIudy by a fl1ndi'll specialist woo first did a j;lfvfi'lg feaSIbility study. This same coasultaat was subsequeat1y hired to lead the capital campaiga itself. Ms. Frace felt that it would be IIOmIIIto use the same consultant for both the funding feuibiUty study and the capital campaiga (me felt oac should iaterview from two to five coasultanls before biring the financial feuibility coasultllJt). The feasibility study is fundJlmetUa1 to the capital c-"",'ga because it detenniaes bow the Ceater will operate and must be buecI oa wbat the potential dooors are actuaJly willia. to &ive to (lIISWeriaa such questioas u will it bave ballet, wiD the City bave a role, bow will the operatiaa subsidies be nisecI, wbat if they area't nisecI, etc.) IIId be based on wbat pi."'(I<< Ii"", dctet buyers will actuaJly suppon. Very large donors will requil'e extensive lailored iaformatioa that comes out the feasibility study. 1) 11 '. o , ~ .0 o o Ms. Fnee mated tbIt ino1qJeadeat IIId tborouJbly experieaced advisors Ire ID Ibsolute must for leadersbip IIId auidmce darin& the ""...,.lp. Tbcy will be cridcallD devdopmeut of the structure of the ClDlplip IIId to p......i.. the effort. Tbcy must very c:arefuJly review IIId c:oalrOl the flt\-M IIId implemeatalioa of the pIaD IS it is cAb..mely diflicu1t ........... 10 raise large IIDCIlIDII 01 priVIte moaey IIId this requires close supervisioa over lIIIlIy yan. Maay people wllo would be &OOd It C(l(..&.a and OIplli'"'l the lIClII-profit COIJloudioa, for "DII1'Ie, migbt DOt bve ad&..W money to be effective solic:i1Dn. n will require plltic:ularly sensitive planiDa to keep people from being put oft' by tile aovemment involvement IIId expcricnc:ed professionalllelp will lie required ill mHi.. diftic:uIt ""clsioas such IS to bow much to uk from whom IIId bow to develop the mvIrd 5b1Ic:ture. Tbe COllPtItD" for Onnp eou.y wu: OIly PIIiIIips ct Assoc:iales SilO W GoIdIeaf Circle Suite 140 Los AnpIes CA 9OOS6 213 296-4996 . Serving OD PIulJips staft' . dIIt lime but IIOW ID ~ c:onsultaat is: Robert B. Sharp 1651 E Fortietb Street Suite 250 SaaIa ADa CA 92701 714 542-~76 Ms. Fnc:o feels it is villi 10 have . COIL1UItaat wbo bas beea tbroup the process lIIIlIy times IIId is -..... ieao.d ill fuad raising efIi. III where IO\'ClI'IUIIeDt lIIIits were involved. People will DOt reach IS deeply iDto tbeir 0WIl funds if tbey see tile perDmeat IS . source of ~ IIId c:arefial COClI'diDatioD will be required lID overcome this effect. Robert Sbarp is c:umntly involved in ftmd raisin. Cor. spans c:omplu iD FuUertoll dIIt involves the Ioca1 Redevelopment Agency, the Ioc:aI Califonia State University IIId private doaon. 0521perUh c:c:: SP Maria 4> h