HomeMy WebLinkAboutR03-Economic Development Agency o Q o .. .Jj 1 v - o o IUWllivALOPIIBlIr COtM........... III.urBS ,D1U!m..1. D tmI5:[.I.1tti 1Io......er 21, 1991 4:00 p.a. The Resu1ar "eetins of the Rede...elopment CoaDittee was called to order b7 Committee "ember "ichael llJaudeleT at 4:05 p.m., in the Economic Development Agency Board Room, 201 .orth "I" Street, San Bernardino. ROLL l!.lT_'_ Roll Call was taken with the following members beina present: Committee "embers JaCk Reilly and Michael llJaudse1y. Chairwoman Bsther Estrada arrived at 4:15 p.m. Also present was llJayor W. R. Holcomb. IITA... PD:!l1lIn' Tim Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; ~enneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department; John Hoeger, Project Manager, Development Department; Stafford Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Shauna Clark, City Adminiatrator; ADn Harris, Executive Director, llJain Street; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City AttorneT; Lorralne Velarde, Executive Assistant to the llJayor; Denise Moonier, P1aJmins and BUilding Services Depsrtment; Debonh IlJarez, Administrative Secretary, Development Department; La Vonda Pearson, Acting Recording Secretary, Development .Department. mRR'IP!I III A'PI'Inm11ll!lr Luis Monteagato, San Bernardino Sun .ewspaper. 1. POLICII: PACILIrIBS JIIlMlIm.TWC Shauna Clark, City Administrator discussed the need to hire an architect to prepare plane for the remodeling of the new police department. She emphasized that a space study needed to be completed because it is an existing building. The new building is apprOximately 35,000 sq. ft. and the existing building is 51,000 sq. ft. Ms. Clark stated that not all of the 51,000 sq. ft. in the building was useab1e space. She questioned the Smylie study which was prepared baCk in January, 1989, saying that she feels they gave an overblown estimate as to what was necessary for the Police Department. TheT estimated a need of 86,000 sq. ft. Ms. Clark continued her discussion b7 telling the Committee that theT purchased this site for the Department because of its ability to be expanded. REGULAR IIDrIllG 1489C (lap) - 1 - RBDBVELOPIIBlIr MlBTIlIG aOvAftDSR 21, 1991 ~ o o c w - III - o o Chairperson Bstrada expressed her concerna about the new building being smaller than the existing building and what the costs would be to remodel/expand the bUilding, if necessary. Kayor Bolcomb stated a space study was needed to establish the costs for remodeling/expanding. Be felt space studies were routine matters necessary in the planning process. Chairperson Bstrada questioned Archetype International's experience in conducting space studies for police departments and their knowledge of moving large agencies. Shaune Clark, City Administrator, responded by stating that the Archetype International fira has never space planned a police department, but they have extensive space planning experience. She believes they are a very responaible fira based on past experience. She inforaed the Committee that the City used Archetype International to put together different configurations for the finance group when they were relocating. . Committee Member Maudsley asked the City Administrator ~ the City was coming to the Bconomic Development Agency for the funds for the space study. Ms. Clark explained the BDA owned the building and so she felt that they should pay for the space study. . D'Rr.:..........II&"'IO. The Redevelopment Committee recommended this item be forwarded to the COllllllUllity Development Commies ion on December 2, 1991 for approval. 2. P&~ :U:IlUI".~-U1UIi '_.&'llNl:I!.a.'P~ M.a. Tim Steinhaus, Administrator, Bconomic Development Agency informed the Committee that this matter was brought to the Community Development Commission on November 18, 1991, and referred to the Redevelopment Committee. Be introduced Jonelle Malloy from Green Streets, Inc., who completed deSigns for the Parking Structure Landscaping Plan. Jonelle Malloy, representative for Green Streets, Inc., showed designs of the original landscaping plan and two alternative plans. The original plan, which included a gazebo, planters, roof gardens and special irrigation systems cost $425,000.00. She stated that she wea asked to come up with a more reasonably priced plan that would still have a prOfessional look. The second plan she presented, priced at $94,319.00, used less planters, no gazebo, but used graphic coloring on the pavement instead of the gardens. The planters that are used for landscaping purposes are not moveable for safety reasons. The third plan, priced at $84,184.95 was identical to plan two, with the exception of colored graphics. She stated that if the irrigation system could be tapped into the existing fire hydrants, it would save an additional $13,800. RBGOLAIt MBBrIIG l489C (Imp) - 2 ~ lDJi;y.u.DPMBIT MUTING JIOYmmIR 21, 1991 r:;:/7 o o o - .. o o Mayor Bolcomb .Ulae.ted the City u.e hand irriaation. Be felt that the City could aet the citizens on di.ability or the mentally di.abled to water the area and make it a .pecial project for them. Be believed they would enjoy beina a part of the beautification of the City. Co_itte. lIember Reilly questioned wh.ther or not the landacapina plan could be done a little at a time and sUlaested doina half now and half at a later date. Chairper.on Estrada ...erted that this particular landscapina plan could not b. enjoyed bJ' every citizen. She stated that it cannot be .een unles. you drive to the fifth floor of the buildina. Co_i.. ion lIember Maudaley w.. conc.rned about the priori tie. of the City and que.tioned the priority of this project. Be felt funds could be best used somewhere ebe. B. abo mentioned the maintenance of the plan and commented that the leave. from the planter. would have to be maintained, especially in the windy season. Discus.ion ensued reaardina the fifth floor beina used a. a concert area. There was concern whether this landscapina plan .hould be accepted ba.ed on this concept. There were also di.cu..ion relevant to the fifth floor'. ability to .upport a landscapina .tructur. with the islands and planter.. Susae.tiona were made to have an enaineer complete a .tudy on the fifth floor to .ee if it w.. capable of supportina such a structure. D~"-IIA"OII The Redevelopment Co_ittee recommended this item not be approved. .3. Pi...-.::! A..I......-:nJJl& SImI.&CIf Timotby Steinhaus, Admini.trator, Economic Development Aaency, commented that current parltiDa .ianaa. for the parltiDa structure was difficult to understand. Be .tated although previous .iana for the buildina co.t approximately $65,000, new aiana were n.c....ry. 'L ..',~ ~u ,. 1(1 t The Redevelopment Committee recommended that this item be forwarded to the Community Development Co_i.sion at its next m.etiDa on December 2, 1991 for approval. IIGlJL&]t ftAIU".l_ 1489C (lap) - 3 - IuwavJU.llPIIDT IIIITIBG IOVIMhBR 21, 1991 -:=f/? _ ~"".;C$- o o o o o 4. IlOlIII!OIIII SPECIFIC lOU. Kezm.th Benderson. Ex.eutiv. Dir.etor. D.velopllent D.p.rtlllent. st.t.d that th.r. w.s pr.vioua17 an oriainal plan eompl.t.d for the Downtown Urban Plan which was diseussed in d.t.il .t the COIDi tt.. M..tina of Bovemb.r 7. 1991. St.ff w.s told to eom. b.elt with another .ppro.ch for the d.velopment of . Downtown Urban Plan. John Boeaer. expl.ined the dep.rtlllent had never been involved in urban plannina but has p.rticip.ted in suburban plannina such as the C.rousal Kall. Be suga.sted we st.rt where we have mixed us.s for sp.ee. Be f.lt the plan beina proposed would tate . lona time. Be sugaested program plannina to promote w.7s to produee an urban enviroument. B. s.id that the proposed plan would not be aIl7 l.rger than the Kain Street eurrent boundarie.. Mr. Boea.r felt. elllDitt.. eonai.tina of the Ka70r. two Couneilper.ona and five citizens w.s needed to work on the Urban Plan. The propo.ed eonaultant. Projeet for Publie Sp.ees. Ine.. felt the co.t of the plannina studies would not exeeed $60,000 and would be compl.ted in .pproximatel7 120 d.7s. Chairwoman I.trad. was conc.rned reg.rdina the co.ts ...oci.ted with the cre.tion of the plan. She requ.sted more information on the pros and cons of the Urban Plan and noted. .he had reque.ted this information before but never received . re.poua.. Kayor Bolcomb st.ted that Id W.rlon, the original couaultant of the Urban Plan. .ugaeated development of an Urban Plan in staae.. Be sugge.ted st.rtina .round Cit7 Ball. The M870r f.lt . plan could b. done for le.s than $60,000. Be f.lt an enaineer w.s nec....r7 to f.cilit.te in the .v.luation -and cost ..se.sment process. Di.cussions ensued rel.tive to obt.inina more information on Urban Plannina. and .1.0 what information w.s previou.17 di.cus..d on Urban Plannina. COIDittee Member Kaudsl87 .t.ted more ev.lu.tioua were needed from conaultant. to make . decision. Ka70r Bolcomb asked if the cOllllllittee member. wanted an Urban Plan that w.. pede.trian friendly or vehicle friend177 The cOlDittee members agreed on a ped..trian friend17 plan. Ka70r Bolcomb suggested that we contact Id Warlon and have him live us mor. det.iled information on an Urban Plan. RIGlJLAJt llUXillG l489C (lJIp) -4- IIIDBVELOPIIIlIr KllTIBG 1IO~ifu1d 21. 1991 :</1 o o o o o "L ...IH.I ~,It lJI' The Redevelopment Committee recommended thia item be forwarded to the Communi~ Development Commiaaion for approval on December 2, 1991 with the fo11owina correctional 1. A Supp1aental Staff Report be included to add the proa and cons of an Urban Plan. 2. Correctiona be made.. to the wordina of Paralraph 2, Pale 4 of the orilina1 Staff Report. 5. BCOBOIIIC nnRT.n__ lCIrIIr.T _r.Rl!lIRG AII'rIIOII'n' Kenneth J. Hendenon, Executive Director, Development Department, stated that thia it.. was brouaht to the Community Development Commleaion on November 18, 1991, and after a brief discussion was referred to the Redevelopment Committee. Stafford Parker, Deputy Director, Development Division, addressed this . item and atated that a1thouah the EDA had the authority to appraise property, they vere not authorized to actually buy property. Dlecuasiona enaued relardina the Alency lIakina purchases without the know1edle and approval of the Commission. SOlie lIembers of the Commission felt they were beina bypassed and that the *25,000 spendina authority vas excessive for the Alency's needs. Mr. Parker atated the spendina authority alloved the Alency to be responaive. To remove this authority would result in a reduction in .authority, the inability to 1I0ve on it... quickly, and still not addresa the problem. He stated that if the spendina authority vas reduced by *5,000 or *10,000, the COllllli..ion would still not know what was beina spent. Chairperson Estrada BUllested that anythina spent by the Alenc)' over *5,000 be addr.aaed in a lIemo to the Committee Members and that a request for additional paymenta be made. She stated that it would not be necessary to let the Co_lesion's approval, but just lIake them aware of what le takina place. IBGlILAI IIBftIIG 1489C (lap) -5- IBDB'lBLOPIIDT IIBBTIKG ltUvllllDll 21, 1991 -2.a_ o o o ~ o o Committee Member Maudsley expressed his concerD8 about the Agency's spendina authority. Be reiterated past iuues that had cOllIe up at Coaaunity Development Commission MeeUnas reaardina the Agency's spendina. Be felt the spendina of taxpQers _ey should be approved reviewed U1d throuah the Committee process. Be said that the Commissioners do not need to be made aware of itema such as computer repair or plaunina repair, just itema that involve the Cit,. for the purpose of lIonitorina the expenditures of the Agency. Discussions ensued reaardina all the accounts of the Agenc,. and the spendina authorit,. for each account. It was determined that there is a $25,000 spendina authorit,. on each account. "'~~-n&"'IOII The Redevelopment Committee requested that the Econollic Development Agenc,. submit a lIonthl,. financial report, alona with their current lIonthl,. report to the Communit,. Development Commission, for &Dy expenditures over $10,000. 6. &n.Tnmnr m l!IA.un SJ:SSIOII There were no Closed Session itema for discussion. 7. .I.ft.T^-."_____J: There beina no further bueiness, the lIeeUna of the Redevelopment Committee was adjourned at 6:24 p.lI. to December 5, 1991. APPROVED BY: Esther Estrsda, Chairperson Redevelopment Committee EE:KJB:lmp ItEGULARllun5 148ge (lIIp) - 6 - UUJlivaLOPIIDr MDrI1IG IOVBhhI5.t 21, 1991 %..- ~ o o o .. o o .. IIBDB9BLOPImIIr COIwuIUIIi IIINurlS SPllCUL IlDUIG Dec..... 04, 1991 8:30 .... Th. Sp.ci.l K..tina of the Redevelopment Committee wee c.lled to order by Chairper.on I.tr.da at 8:47 ....., in the Iconomic Development Agency Board Room. 201 North "I" Street. San Bernardino. ROLL I!AT_T_ Roll Call wee taken with the followina .....ber. beina present: Committee Member Jack Reilly. Co....ittee Member Michael Kaudsley. Chairwoman Isther Istr.d.. !l'PA1I7 Pn!lllMP TilBOt~ C. SteiDhaua, Agency Administrator. Iconomic Development Agency; Ray Salvador. Admini.trative Aasiatent to the Mayor. Kayor's Office; Thelma Pr.... International Tr.de COIBIBitte. M...b.r. Mayor's Office; Dennis Barlow. Senior A..i.tant City Attorney. City Attorn.y's Office; Lorraine Velard.. Executive A..iatant to the Kayor; La Vond. Pearson. Actina Recordina Secretary. Development Department. M'R'Im. m A'r'n'IIn'~ Kerry Tuten. Preaident. Greater Lo. AnaBles World Trade Center ,As.ociation (GLAWTCA); Robert Low.. Vice President. Greater Lo. Anaeles World 'Trad. Center Aa.ociation. 1. .lJD::KIf'.A'PTn.'T_ BlJSTIIIf-S DcmJ:!'IIRft An ... K...... dIll WJnm!ll ASm!!IlSlllllr Timot~ C. SteiDhau.. Adminiatrator. Econo..ic Development Agency. discussed the need for the City of San Bernardino to beco..e involved in the international trade market. He stated that the Co....ission had authorized the investigation of an international needs assesBlBent study. Merry Tuten. GLAWTCA. informed the Co....ittee of the changes that had taken place within their a.sociation and announced that they had recently obtained a new team of expertise. She gave an informal presentation. and answered qu.stiona. As requested by the Co....itt.e. GLAWTCA hsd looked at several citie. to se. what they have done in the area of recruitment of international busines.. SPllCUL IlDUJIl: l491C (lap) - 1 - IIJWJIvm.OPImIIr COllUftD DllCDlBlJt 4, 1991 -::<,L o o o o o Robert Lowe, GLAwrCA, discuased what makes a City successful. He made comparisons with Cities that were similar to San Bernardino to live the Committee an idea of future accomp1i.hment.. He emphasized that to be successful a City must: (1) have a lood on....top shop for economic development; (2) be committed to success; (3) have a rea1i.tic stratelic plan; (4) be strstelica1ly invested in infra.tructure, (5) have a tarleted approach; (6) have a strona information network; (7) have a cuatomized approach; (8) have a lood business climate; (9) be 1i&ht on the color 110ssary; and (10) let down to busine... Mr. Lowe lave s brief description on each of these items exp1ainins their necessity for successful international business. Mr. Lowe provided information relardins the potential of various countries for international busines.. Hamely, ha susae.tad Japan, 1C0rea, Taiwan, Canada and Mexico. He lave pros and cona on each country. Timothy C. SteiDhaua, Administrator, Economic Development Aaency, suuested Hona ICons. He felt they were up and comins and that they would be a lood tarlet for international buainess. Merry Tuten, GLAwrCA, stated that Hona ICons has basically belan the majority of their buaine.. throuah Canada. She said they were tryins to lenerate a. much wealth a. pos.ib1e before 1997. Robert Lowe, GLAwrCA, informed the committee that Canada offered Hons ICons an open passport as 10ns a. they were inve.tins money in Canada. Merry Tuten, GLAwrCA, spoke on the issue of San Bernardino exp10rins the international buainess it currently has. She asserted that you want to make sure your current international buainesses are happy. If not, new businesses will leave. She pointed out that new companies will listen to the old companies to let their view. on San Bernardino. Ms. Tuten specified the businesses in San Bernardino that currently -have international buaine... She named Lockheed, MannelllllSDJl Demas, and also Norton Air Force Base. These were busine.ses she felt would be prime companies to work with in 1mp1ementins the international trade market. She stated that in their interview with v.rioua companies relardins the international trade market, they received positive re.ponse. from existins budnesses. She believe. this will be an as.et for San Bernardino with their plan. She empha.ized that San Bernardino had lots of room for Irowth which is essential. She mentioned that Ontario is also exp10rins a similar plan as San Bernardino, but believe. that San Bernardino has a better opportunity. Discu..ions ensued relardins Ontario and the Ontario Airport compared to San Bernardino and Horton Air Force Ba.e. Que.tions were asked focus ins on the pros and cons of the two cities and a1.0 how LAX fit. into the trade plan. Merry Tuten, GLAwrCA, lave some leneral ob.ervations and recommendations to the plan. She stated that (1) San Bernardino should clarify its search for International Companies; (2) watch the transportation trends carefully and (3) pay close attention to the 110bal budness trends. She said that maQ1 companies who do not do international buainess will experience difficulty in the years to come. SPECIAL 1Wn:.l5 1491C (lap) -2- RBDBVBLOPIIIlIr CO..urru DBCBtdlD 4, 1991 qb o o o o o Robert Lowe, GLAWTCA, clarified tis. Tuten's perception of the upcomina years by sayina America is no lonaer the strona economic country it once W&8. Most companies will have to do international business in order to survive. Be stated that riaht now, San Bernardino should not be concerned where the international business is comina from, just maltina sure that it is comina. Be asserted that before you try to obtain the international busine.s, you must be sure that (1) you know what type of businesses you are lookina for; (2) malte a co04, clear plan; (3) crow your existine busine...., work with what you have; (4) plan to recruit new companies; (5) don't try to re-invent .omethine; (6) work on cettina everyone to acree; (7) malte .ure that each compaay involved in workina on plan feels needed; (8) malte your plan .imple and to the point; and (9) be per.istent. Mr. Lowe stressed the importance of these i.sues and the need to implement them immediately. Chairperson Estrada commended the GLAWTCA for a very clear and concise report. She felt their findinas will be vital to what needs to be accomplished. She questioned whether there was a Phase 2 to this plan and when they could becin workina on it. Thelma Press, member of the International Committee made a succestion to select companies to meet in a seminar to discuss the plana for the international trade market. Committee Member tlsudsley and Committee Member Reilly also commended the GLAWTCA Staff for an excellent job on the report. Committee Member Reilly had concerns about citizens fearine the City beina involved in international investment. Robert Lowe, GLAWTCA, stated that the City should build on its strenath. Speak about the cood it will do for the city. Be said there will always be people who oppose but to try to work with them. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Acency, informed the Committee he had previously spoken with the tIsyor on this issue, and that the tlsyor is in acreement with the plan. Be etated he wanted to tie in the first phase with the second pha.e. - A meetina ia beina scheduled with Timothy C. Steinhaus, Merry Tuten and Robert Lowe to discuss the ability to merce the two plans. 2. aft.T_ m r.rnSllD SEllSIO. There were no Closed Session items for discussion. SPECIAL 116H.l" l491C (lIIp) - 3 - RBD.IIY...oPlllllr COIMITTBB DE\i.IIftIl.IIIl 4, 1991 -:<.1---.. o o o o o 3. &n.JQUJUmIU!D: Th.re beina no further busin.... the meeUna of the Redevelopment Committ.e v.. adjourned at 10:12 a.m. to December 5. 1991. APPROVED BY: E.ther Eatrada, Cbabper80J1. Redave1oJ,lllllDt c-lttee SPECIAL IIIBrIBG 1491C (lJIp) -4- IUwJ5VSLOPIIIlIr COHUuJUIi DBCDllWl 4, 1991 -sf; o o o o o ~ bwi;v.uAlPllllft' COmu.:u:u; IU.BUI.KS ItBClIJLAJl IIDrIIIG Dec~er 05. 1991 4:00 p... The Relular Meetine of the Redeveloplllent Committee w.. called to order by . Committee Member Michael Maudal~ at 4:05 p.... in the Bconomic Developlllent Alency Board Room. 201 Korth "B" Street. San Bernardino. ROT.I. r..I.'.T. Roll Call waa taken with the followina ...bers beina preaent: Committee Member Jaclt Reilly. Co..ittee Meaber Michael Maudaely. Abaent: Chairperson Bstrada. S,.Io", PDsmrr Timothy C. SteiDhaua. Adminiatrator. Bconomic Developlllent Alency; lCenneth J. Henderson. Executive Director, Developlllent Department; Stafford Parker, Deputy Director. Developlllent Department; Phil Arvizo. Executive Assistant to the COlDlcil; Dennia Barlow. Senior Assistant City Attorn~; Ray Salvador, Mayor's Office; Deborah Marez. Administrative Secretary, Developlllent Department; La Vonda Pearson, Actina Recordina Secretary, Developlllent Department. 0TIIEIlS IW lo'I"I'I!WIIllIr.R Rone s. LA. OlJIII'l'A IDftm 11111. DC. Timothy C. SteiDhaus, Administrator, Bcono.ic Developlllent Alency, explained the 1982 Industrial Developlllent Revenue Bond issue to the Committee. He stated that the Alency and the City would not be oblilated to repay these bonds and that the Alency would receive the IX IDB fee. 01'...-.........,.0. The Committee recommended approval of thia item to the Community Developlllent Commiasion. UGULO 1'JU:[.l1I\;O l492C:lap -1- IlBDBVBLOPMDr COIIUnBB DBCllMBBIl 05. 1991 -7", o o o 4. r.1!Wt'II&I. CIT!' PIflIo...&mr - Sr.JlllRCTlI Barbara Lind..th. Adminiatratlve Services Manacer. Development Department. explained to the COIBittee Schurc1n's request for another eztenaion. Timothy C. Steinhaus. Administrator. Econolllic Development Aceney and ~enneth J. Henderson. Executive Director. Development Department inforaed the Committee that the request. if approved. would enable the Acency to recapture the $690.000 investment it placed in Schurcin. If the request was denied. Schurcin would file bankruptey and the Aceney would have to recapture its investment throuch bankrupty proceedines. .~ fil.y yUdl. "') The Committee recommended to the Community Development Commission that Schurcin's request for extenaion be approved. 3. IlIV'KSIJImlII POLICY Bsrbara Lindseth. AdIII1nistrative Services Mana&er. Development Department. explained to the C_ittee the Investment Policy must be adopted every year. Dennis Barlow. Senior Asaistent City Attomey. commented about the City conaiderina reviaina the Investment Policy. but that the exiatina policy has worked well. o Committee Member Maudsley felt this was an important issue and to hichlicht this it_ and infora the Commiaaion of the policy. Discussion enaued recardina future plac_ent of this item on the Acenda List for the Community Developllent Commission Meetine. It was recommended .this item be placed on the Consent Calendar. DCOIwmnII.&'PTO. The Committee recommended this it_ be approved. 2. WBftSIIm CClII__.I.TI trrILIn' PA'fIIRIrr A1m POS'I'AI. swrna ll;KIq.lliK SECORIT!' Timothy C. SteiDhous. Acency Administrator. Economic Development Department. aslted that this item be tabled. o IIIGllLAJt I1151U"UI," l492C:bIp - 2 - ItIwJIv&LOPIIIft COIIIITTII DECDek 05. 1991 "'.:<'/1 o o o o o 4. SlJIlftrmrIOB 91' CD1IG I'IJ1IDS I'RQII HIGHWAY 11&- LJCII'I'tBG PRO.mC'I'S TO CURBS .A1ID ....IIKIl!l 1tIHl.1Wcr Kenneth J. B~eraon, becutive Director, Development Depertment, eddre..ed the baue of the U. S. Bouaina end Urben Development Department (BUD) beina concerned about the uae stated BUD feels we have apent a aignificent 8IIOunt of CDBG funda on highway aafety lightina. Mr. B~eraon enaued in a lenathy discusaion relardina the neceaaity of curbs end lutters in the new annexed areaa. Be emphaaized some of the areas were experiencina floodina. Tim Steinhaus, Adminbtrator, Economic Development Agency, expreased the Chairperaon'a concerns in her absence. Be atated that she was concerned how the Agency would explain the no lonaer high-priori ty need for lightina projecta. The queation wea raiaed relardina usina leneral funda for capital projecta. Stafford Parker, Deputy Director, Development Divbion, atated there were not enouah funda in the CitY'a lenerd fund for capital improvement programs. Co_ittee lIember Maudaley c~ented that BUD had become riloroua in ita rulea for the use of block Irenta. Be aaid that in the paat the City had been able to uae theae funda on the aame itema that BUD ia rejecting. Kenneth J. B~eraon, becutive Director, Development Department, informed the Co_ittee that to call to BUDs attention the itema they have approved in the paat, may lead them to recall them. Be reco_~ed the Agency meet with the CDBG repreaentativea again for more information regarding BUD's policies and bring back to the COIIIlittee. C~ittee lIember Maudsley expreaaed hia COncern about the older areas of the City. Be atated the City had citizena Who have lived in these areas for years, end still did not have aewers, curba end luttera. Dennia Barlow, Senior Aaaiatent City Attorney, rec~~ed this item be brOught to the Dext RedeYelopment lIeeting. Co_ittee Member leilly, reco_~ed the Agency find out What can be done in the older areas end bring back to the Co_ittee. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Agency Administrator, Economic Development Agency, stated that the Agency needed more direction on thia issue. Be reco_ended two motional (1) staff contact BUD end let a clear definition on the eligibility of lightina projects; end (2) staff meet with the Public Works Department end malte priorities on other areas of the City. lIGULAlt 1'IIiII:I:.l" l492C:1IIp bwi;vJlLOPIIIlIr COIIIIrrn DlCEMBIk 05, 1991 -3- .~t!- o o o o o Committee M..ber Kaudsley suaaeated the Aaency look in the northern part of the City for illprovelllents. Timothy C. Steinhaua, Administrator, Economic Development Aaency queationed whether this it.. should be brouaht b.ck to the RedeVelopment Committee or the Citizen's Committee .fter different projects have been aought. It w.a determined the item ahould be brought to the Chben'a Committee. D~K-IIj,"OII The Committee recommended thia it.. be brOught to the Community Development Commission statine that the Public Works Department will report back to Staff with a list of priorities for the needs of the City. 6. AaTODRII m l!I.nmm !l'R..tllSIOR The Committee adjourned to Cloaed Session at 5:03 p.m.: c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957, the Redevelopment Committee of the Development Department of the City of San Bernardino will convene in Closed Seas ion to consider personnel matters. 7. ..n.1Inl~ There be1ne no further busineas, the meetine of the Redevelopment Committee w.s adjourned .t 5:56 p.m. to Dec..ber 19, 1991. APPROVED BY: Michael IlaadalQ. Vice Cbalrpe~ Redevelop.ent C~ttee JIIGIJLlR 1UlU".llRi 1492C:1IIp -4- IID.lYKLOPIIIlI'r ClRIITTII DlCIftawl 05. 1991