HomeMy WebLinkAboutR09-Economic Development Agency o o o o o DBVBLOPIIBRr DBPARrllBRr OF TIlE CIn OF SAlI llKV1I&llnIBO RBOUBSr FOR COIBISSIOR/COUllCIL ACTIOR From: KENNETH J. HENDERSON Executive Director Subject: SIGlfAGB PROGRAII FOR THE FIVB-LBVXL PAUIBG STRUCTlJRB Date: November 26, 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SvnoDsis of Previous Cn..ission/Council/Co.-ittee Action(s): On November 21, 1991, the Redevelopment Committee recommended to the Community Development Commission approval of the allocation of $11,500 for graphic design services of a complete sign program for the City's five-level parking structure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReC'''''''''''ed IIotion(s): NOTIOR (C........i tv DeveloDllent Co.-ission) , That the Community Development Commission authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with David Sutherland Design in the amount of $11,500 for Design Services involving a comprehensive sign program of the five-level parking structure. A~ator ~RSOR Executive Director ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Ken Henderson/Jim SharD Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Central City (CC) Ward(s) : One (n Supporting Data Attached: Staff Revort FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 11.500 Source: Budget Authority: ------------------------------------~--~~--------------------------------------- Commission/Council Rotes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:JWS:lag:22l4J ComuSSIOR MEETIBG AGDDA fleeting Date: 12/2/1991 9 Agenda Itell lIlmber: o o o DBVBLOPMBBr DBPARrMBBr OF 71IB CIn OF SAIl BBRBAR1lIBO srAFF REPORT The l. 2. 3. 0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Si......e ProRr.m For The Five-Level Parltina Structure Pursuant to discussion with the Redevelopment Committee on October 16, 1991, staff has initiated a request for graphic design services for a sign program of the City's entire five-level parking structure. The purpose of this would be to professionally address the obvious deficiencies of the existing directional and information signage within and adjacent to the parking structure. The fee is not to exceed $11,500 plua reimbursable expenses (i.e., photocopies, topography, etc.) on a no mark-up basis. defined scope of work shall consist of the following: Upon approval, the procuring contractually of consulting services of a professional design firm. The programming and schematic design of information and sign dynamics. ( Creation of a sign criteria defining form, size, color, and related items. Address and design new ground-mounted identification signsge. Define and design entrance and clearance signs. Define and design a consistent system of vehicular directional signs. Design roof level information and directional signage program. Design floor level indicator graphics. Design elevator core and stairwell graphics. It is Staff's opinion that based upon a thorough analysis and inspection of the parking garage, the only method to adequately resolve specific deficiencies is to quantify and address the entire information and signage requirements. Staff has secured and verified the references submitted by David Sutherland Design of Capistrano Beach, California, and recommends approval of the contract design services. ------------------------------------------------------------~------------------- o KJH:JWS:lag:22l4J CO~SSIOB MEB'lIBG AGBlIDA Meeting Date: 12/2/1991 AgeD4a It_ Bomber: "--_ o o o _ 4IL o DEVELOPMIllT DEPAll'J."IIUl: STAFF UPORr Sipaae Prollr_ Five-Level ParkiDa Structure Roveaber 26, 1991 Page lfumber 2 o At the Rovember 21 1991, Redevelopment Committee meeting, the Committee discussed the above issues and forwarded this item with their approval to the Community Development Commission. Staff recommends adoption of the form motion. J. EJlSOR, Executive Director Develo~ent De rtIDent ( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:JWS:lag:22l4J COIMISSIOR MKETIKG AGUDA Meeting Date: 12/2/1991 AgeDda It_ l'fumber: --1 o (. o 6'~ 4- _ ..-- .....~ o o David Sutherland Design 1627J VIa California Capima"o &arh. CA 91624-/137 7/4489-/J70 Fa.. 7/4 4.<9.1J7/ . --. October 30. 1991 Mr. Timothy C. Steinhaus Agency Administrator ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 201 North 'E' Street - 3rd Floor San Bernardino. CA 92401-1507 Re: REVISED PROPOSAL FOR GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PARKING STRUCTURE Dear Mr. Steinhaus: , As per our discussions. this correspondence will serve to revise our Proposal of October 8, 1991 to provide Graphic Design Services for the above mentioned Project. David Sutherland Design hereby agrees to provide all Graphic Design Services stated in the above mentioned proposal for a revised. not-to-exceed fee of $11.500.00. As is our usual practice. we are requesting a twenty percent start up deposit of $ 2,300.00 upon acceptance of our proposal. This deposit will be deducted from the first billings of actual hours expended, with the balance of $9,200.00 to be billed on a monthly progress basis, as per our Proposal, Article 7 and Article 8. Our reimbursable expenses, as per Article 6 will be billed as a separate item on a no mark-up basis. Ti.., ~lea,;e be assured that our office will only bill for actual pru";'jc~ive hour's eA}l.mded therefore the actual fees charged may be less than the not-to-exceed fee of $11,500.00 stated above. Our office is prepared to start work immediately on this project of your letter of acceptance and the requested start up deposit. have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. upon receipt Should you S~~hu~ David Sutherland ~ /1-13-7/ DDS/at 9 r c c o L..' O' ...- .... :....II Da"id Sur her/and D,'sign - o o 20275 na Califurnla Capistrano &'ach. C A 9.'024./})7 7/4 489.1$70 f..< 7/4 489./571 Pr0posal/Agreement This agreement is entered into and made effective as of October 8, 1991, by Economic Development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, hereinafter called Client, and David Sutherland Design, hereinafter called DSD. ARTICLE 1 Scope of Work of Professional Services 1.1 DSD shall provide graphic design consulting services for the multi-level parking structure located adjacent to 201 North 'E' Street, San Bernardino. 1.2 As is our normal practice in projects of this nature, we would provide the fOllowing. In depth meetings with Client representatives for fact gathering. Schematic designs of all items would be presented to the Client. Upon acceptance of the schematic design concepts, final design development of all items will be completed and presented. After acceptance of the design development portion, construction documents and specifications to be used in fabrication and installation will be completed and reviewed for approval. The DSD will assist the Client in the bidding process to qualified fabricator/installers. Also, if authorized as an Additional Service. on an houri v basis. periodic visits to the fabricator during manufacturing and field observations during installation will be made to ensure compliance with the construction documents. A complete listing and details follow. ProRraromin2 and Schematic Desi2n: IISD shall review site conditions as required, and develop designs, 'ig~ loc~tion plans an~ a ~chedl1lP. n~ signs ;ndlcatin~ ~nr~;n3 ~n~ pertinent infnrm~tinn dp.5cribing &i~e and general character for approval by the Client. The schematic designs, location plans and schedules shall include the following graphic elements: Item 1. Criteria DSD shall create signing criteria for all signs listed below. The criteria will clearly define sign forms, sizes, materials, colors, illumination, limitations and locations. These controls will ensure consistent and attractive design of all signs required for the Project. ~.- q o o " CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Proposal for Graphic Design Services October 8, 1991 Page 2 o E:\1ERIOR: Item 2. Ground Hounted Identification Sian DSD shall design a new, lower, double-faced, internally illuminated sign to identify the major vehicular entrance into the Structure off of Second Street. This sign shall incorporate wording and graphics as deemed appropriate by the City. Our considered opinion is that both readability and appearance will benefit from a sign that is less tall than the existing pole-type sign. The letter style, colors and general graphic composition of this sign will establish the design theme for the entire system. Item 3. Entrance/Clearance Heiaht Sians We will design signs as necessary at the vehicular entrance to the Structure to clearly indicate appropriate entrance lanes and clearance height limitations. ( o These signs shall be designed in a manner that will preclude vehicular damage that could be caused by overly tall vehicles. Item 4. Vehicular Directional Sians ) The majority of our work will be in the design of this series of signs. The driver will be directed by a consistent systea of ceiling and wall mounted signs to all specific areas and to all levels. Additionally, upon leaving, the driver will be clearly ~nformed the appropriate routes to exit the Structure. Item 5. Roof Level Informational and Directional Sian Currently, the roof level parker has no clue as to the locations of vphicular and pedestrian exits. Our graphics will appropr;I',t..l,' idp.ntify and direct in an attractive manner that will wo~k In concert with the planned landscape/hardscape improvements. Item 6. Floor Level Indicator Graphics DSD will design signing as required to infor. the driver of the floor level he is entering without blocking his view of oncoming carl. Ite. 7. Elevator Core and Stairwell Identification 6 Simple, clear graphics will be established for all elevator and stairwell locations on all floors to aid pedestrians. q "" f C ~. j 0-' -- '- ,-.,.., ;J., .......6... o o CITY or SAX BERNARI>INO Proposal for Graphic I>eli,n Service. October 8, 1991 P&le 3 1.3 De.i.n DevelQ~ment: DSD, utilizina approved Iche_tic d'lilDI, locationl and .chedules, shall further develop the d.si,n., locations and Ichedule. for e.timates of materials and inltallation cOltl and for final approval of concept.. 1.4 Construction Doeuaentll I>SD, utiliziDl approved final delilft., Ihall develop workiDl draviDl" final location docuaent., .chedula. and .pecifications. DSD .hall furni.h to the Client reproducibla docuaentl of all ite.s delcribed abova for biddin, purpo.el by the Client. DSD, duriDl tbe biddin, periOd, will assi.t tbe Client re,ardin, any clarification of bid documents, ana1y.i. of bid. and final award of contract. m Based on Fifty-Five Dollar. ($55.00) per hour, our eltiaated not-to-exceed f.. for thil work i. Ileve~Thousand Five Hundred Dollar. ("1,500.00) ploa teabunab1e eQenl" (i.., photocopiel, typo,rapby, etc.) on a JI2 ..rlE-up basi.. A 20 percent hatart_upll depolit ($1,300.00) 11 reqUited. ARTICLE 2 le8DQDAibilitf.. of tb~ Client 2.1 To authorize tn writiDl a repre.entative to act in the Client'. behalf who lhall be empowered to exaain. &11 docuaentl aDd 82hibitl lubaitted by DBD and render decl.ionl thereto prQlptly 10 al to avoid unrealonable delay in tbe pro,ral. of DaD'I profelsionel .ervic'l. 2,2 Arran,. accesl for I>SD perlonnel to thi Clieat'l pr..ilel and perlonne! at required to facilitate the acco~lisbmeat of >>SI>'. profe..ional servicel. 2.3 Provide DSD pertinent infor.ation applicabla to the Project such II: a.-built reproducibla plaft. aDd elevation. to be utilir.' a. silO location docWlenta. Sucb reproducibla plan. &ad otbar technical inforaatiOD .ball be dille_ioatad to DBD witb reasonabla promptness .0 al not to dalay tbe pro,rese of >>SD'. prof...ional .ervic... DSD Iball be held haral... and fr.. of all responlibility for .rror. or omi..ioDl in the data 10 provided. IT HUSr 81 STRESSED THAT ACCVRATI IIfJ'ORMA2'IOI II AVAILABLE PROH THI ONSET or THIS PROJlCT TO DAILE DID TO DO ITS WORK DI A TIlIBLY AND EllICIEBT MANNER. q (~ o d L o - ~ o o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Proposal for Graphic Design Services October 8, 1991 Page 4 ARTICLE 3 Additional Services The following services may be required to complete the Project. As the time and materials required to accomplish these items cannot be known at this time, they will be billed to you at a rate of fifty-five ($55.00) per hour. Material charges will be billed on a no mark-up basis: see Article 6, Reimbursable Expenses described below. 3.1 Optional: Construction Administration and Observation DSD shall make periOdic visits to the site during the installation period, review all shop drawings, approve samples, certify to the percentage of completion of work for payment to Contractor and assist the Client in the preparation of final approval of Contractor's work for compliance with the construction documents. 3.2 Attendance by DSD representative at Architectural Review Board meetings and preparation of special presentation or submittal materials required by the County or any other regulatory agency. 3.3 Preparation and processing of building code variances as they specifically relate to the scope of work covered by this agreement. , 3.4 All work performed by DSD that occurs as a result of change to any previously approved documents described under SCOPE OF WORK by the Client or through no fault of DSD. ARTICLE 4 Consultant En.ineerinK Services DSD does not employ engineers. If aDY sign requires engineering services to meet local code requirements, fees for such outside services shall be paid by the Client. Note: fl~ineering services are normally contracted and paid for by thp. Contractor to ~nable him to obta~n permits from the County. ARTICLE 5 Accountin. Records DSD shall maintain its records relating to all work on a generally recognized accounting basis and shall make such records available to the Client upon request. ARTICLE 6 Reimbursable Expenses The Client agrees to reimburse DSD OD a no mark-up basis fot out-of-pocket project expenses such as document reproduction, photostats, and typography. q o \, o L o ~ WL o o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Proposal for Graphic Design Services October 8, 1991 Page 5 ARTICLE 7 Compensation b, the Client In consideration of the services to be performed by DSD as noted elsewhere herein, the Client agrees to compensate DSD as follows: 7.1 Compensation for services as described in ARTICLE 1 shall be as described. 7.2 Compensation for Additional Services, as described in ARTICLE 3, shall be at a rate of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per hour. 7.3 Compensation for Reimbursable Expenses, as described in ARTICLE 6 shall be on a monthly basis. ARTICLE 8 PaYments 8.1 DSD shall be paid on a monthly progress basis. 8.2 All payments are due and payable upon presentation of invoices. Payments shall be received by DSD within thirty (30) days from invoice date. We reserve the right to suspend work if payment is not received within 30 days. One and one-half percent (1 1/2 I) per month shall be added to all overdue accounts. If this Proposal meets with your approval, please issue a letter of acceptance or purchase order to this office. i;;~ David Sutherland DDS/gt 9