HomeMy WebLinkAboutR13-Economic Development Agency - ~. 4:) 10 ,0 , - c:l VEL 0 P MEN TOE PAR ~ E N T OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO / REQUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION From: KENNETH J. HENDERSON Executlve Dlrector SUbject: MOBILE HOME REHABILITATION PROGRAM Date: NoveMber 15, 1991 -----------------------------.... ----------- SynoDsls of Prevlous eom.lsslon/COunc1l/C~ltt.. Actlones): On November 11, 1991, the CCIIIIIlUnlty Development COIIIlIlsslon consldered thls matter and referred same to the Houslng COIIIlIlttee. ----------------------- ----- RecOlllll8nded MotlonCs): CCCIIIIIlUnltv Dsvelocm.nt eom.lss1on) That the COIIIlIunlty Development COIIIlIlsslon conslder 1mplementatlon of the Mobl1e Home Park Rehabl1ltatlon Program (see attached memorandum from Councllman Hernandez). KENN~ Executlve D1rector -------------------------- Contact Person(s): Kenneth J. Henderson Phone: Ward(.) : 384-5081 Project Area(s): 'Supportlng Data Attached: NIA N/A FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: . NI A Source: NIA Budget Authority: -------------- --------- COIIIlIlsslon/Councll Notes: -------- --- ------- KJH: lab3 COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meetlng Date: 11/18/1991 Agenda It... Number: ~ - C~ ~D 10 <:)E VEL 0 P MEN TOE P A R<:)M E N T OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STAFF REPORT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobile Henle Rehabilitation ProarUl The Mayor's Mobile Home Rehabilitation Program was considered by the Commission at its November 4, 1991 meeting and referred to the Housing Committee. At the November 13, 1991 Housing Committee meeting, the Committee, due to time constraints, was unable to complete its agenda and address this matter. The matter is now being submitted again to the Commission at the request of Councilman Hernandez. --------- KJH: lab3 COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 11/18/1991 Agenda It. Nllllber: ~ - - ~;- - C~ ~:) to o o C I T Y o F SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Timothy C.Steinhaus, Administrator Economic Development Agency FROM: Council Office SUBJECT: EDA Agenda Item DATE: November 14, 1991 COPIES: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference our conversation on November 13, I have coordinated with Councilmembers Maudsley and Pope-Ludlam regarding the Mobile Home Rental Assistance issue. In light of the urgency to provide assistance (rental rates are increasing by $45 - $75 and hardships due to inspections are eminent), please place this item on the Commission agenda for Monday, November 18. Additionally, please place on the same agenda: "To discuss and take possible action on the issue of the dollar amount EDA/Com- munity Development are authorized to spend without Commission approval." 1464 RALPH HERNANDE Councilman, Third Ward RH:jv - 4::> ~o o o o DBVBLOPMB.r DBPARrMB.r 01' TIlE CIrr 01' SAlI _unIIO RBOUBST mR CllMISSIO./COIIIJCIL ACTIO. From: MAYOR HOLCOMB Date: November 1, 1991 ------ Subject: IIOBILB HOllE PAH IUneTIO. AlID UIWI- LItiTIO. PROGRAM ------------- SvnoDsis of Previoua CommissionlCouncil/CftMmittee ActionCs): None. 2eeommended MO~fan(.l: IIOTIO.: (Mayor Aftd I!~ - CftftI'Ifat.l ') That the Mayor and Common Council approve, in concept, a Mobile Home Park Inspection and Rehabilitaton Program to assist mobilehome park residents to upgrade housing conditions based upon certification of eligibility requirements set forth in the attached staff report and direct staff to submit same to the Housing Committee for its review, consideration and recommendation, as appropriate. Contact person(s): ~en Henderson/Doria Daniels Phone: Project Area(s): 5081 Supporting Data Attached: Staff ReDort All Protect Areas Ward(s): All Wards FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: * NIA Budget Authority: ------- Commission/Counell Kotes: -------- - --------------------- WRH:DAD:lab:0264E Source: N/A -- - - !f91 COIIIISSIO. Meeting Date: AGEBDA 1/04/1991 Agenda It. ltaIIber: J!t;-~ o o o o o DBVBLOPIIBKr DBPARrllBKr OF DB CITY OF SAIl R1rII1I& ImIKO S1'.U'I' RBPORr MObil.~~. Park ID8D.e~iOD ~ a-hahlllt.tian Proar.. On May 1, 1991, the City of San Bernardino began the inspection of mobilehome parka within the City limits. The State of California, under the auspices of the Mobi1ehome Park Rent Board, previous provided to the City the authority to conduct these inapections to fulfill the City's objective of eliminating blight and improving the quality of life within the Mobi1ehome Parka. This activity is part of this Administration's overall Mobile Home Program. City inspectors have been directed to cite all mobi1ehomes in violation of Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations, Chapter 2, entitled "Park Act" of the City code, and a thirty (30) day limit provided to respective owners in which to correct the prob1em(s) cited. To date, apprOXimately five hundred (500) citations have been issued in three (3) parka, with the average cost of each citation issued estimated at approximately $200.00. Unfortunately, a large number of the owners cited are seniors living on fixed incomes who do not have the ability to pay for the cost of repairs liated on the citations. As a resUlt, City staff, as well as numerous City elected officials, have received many telephone calls requesting financial assistance to complete the repairs cited by the City. Development Department staff have developed a program to assist mobi1ehome park residents in upgrading their housing conditiona, the format of which 18 very aim11ar to the Neighborhood Rehabilitation Program (RRP) and, if approved, would encompass the following eligibility criteria: 1. Grant as.istance would be limited to a maximum of $1,000.00 per mobilehome. 2. Applicant(s) must be the owner(s) of record of the mobilehome cited. 3. Funding is strictly for corrections identified and cited by Planning and B~i1ding Services Inspectors. 4. Only low income families would be eligible to apply for the grant to be funded by CODlDUIlity Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. In order to qualify, the applicant must meet the follOWing income eligibility requirements established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): WRH:DAD:1ab:0264B COIMISSIOK MlB'rIIlil AGBlmA lIeet1ng Date: 11/04/1991 Agenda It. lf1aber: ~ o o o -- - - o o DEVELOPMDT DBPAauuwn- SUI'F UPORr Plobileho.e Park Iupaction uuI aehabllitation Pro.rea November 1, 1991 Page R1IIIIber -2- --- N1IIIIber iD Rou..h"ld Ma%t.a IncOllle 1 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 $20,150.00 $23,050.00 $25,900.00 $28,800.00 $31,100.00 $33,400.00 $35,700.00 $38,000.00 Exhibits I and II provide detailed pro.ram information and include the application to be cOlllp1eted for fundina assistance. It is requested that this prolram be approved in concept uuI be forwarded to the Housina Committee for its review, couideration uuI recommendation, as appropriate. Based upon _t~oina, it is recommended the form motion be ~~~~~.r~ w.a. BOLCOIIB, IIQ'or City of San Berardino adopted. ----------- WRH:KJH:DAD:1ab:00264B CCRlISSIOR IIDrING AGDDA Me.tine Date: 11/04/1991 Aienda It. IIlIIIber: ,. ~.~ o o o DBVBLO'.B.r DB'Aar.B.r OF TIIIl BCO.OIUC DBVBLOl'IBlft' AC:UCY ROIILBIlOIII Innc:rIOW AD UIIAIILI'lUIOlt noGUII 201 .ortJa "I" Street, Dalrd noor Sa. lenaardlllo, California 92401-1507 7141314-5011 o E X H I BIT I o o o o o o BCOIOllIC DBVBl.oI'Imft AGDC'f DBVBl.ornar DBPnU>A.l'lJ: IIOIlILDOIlB IRSPBC1'IOB .&lID IIDAIlILIrAnOB "OCUlI Interviev D.te: Time: Thh 18 the infol'lll.Uon requ..teel upon your inquiry. The iteme contained in this 1i.t are requireel .t the fin.ncia1 interviev. If you have not scheduled an appoin~ent, p1e..e c.11 714/384-5081 to .rranle an .ppoin~ent. V.rtf'leat:taa at' "~1I1'Y IIII!". 1. Hu.band and/or vife'. current p.y .tub. for one (1) month. 2. P.y .tub. for one (1) month of .11 f..ily mlllllben 1ivina .t home. 3. Inco.e tax .tatlllllents for the la.t two (2) year.. 4. ~ other income verific.tion -- rent receipt., .oci.1 .ecurity benefit. letter and/or SSI 1ett.r, ve1fsre 1.tter, .1imoQy p.yment. and/or child .upport. Copies of checks .re .ccept.b1e. Verlffeat:lan at' RGD.~1'Y Raaafw. ~~... 1. Mobilehome tal or .......ent .tatlllllent. 2. All mortl.l. p.yments, books, year-end ana1ysi., orilina1 loan p.pera, on the mobi1eho.e inap.ct.el. 3. Mobilehome tax .t.t..ent or tal (current year) on mobilehome th.t v.. inapec teel. 4. Utility .t.t..ent. (I.., v.ter, tr..h and electric) for the 1.st three (3) months. 5. All current inst.11ment and/or b.nk loan .t.t..ent. .uch .. Warda, McMahan., Credit Union .ccount, .uto loan, M..ter-Ch.rle, etc.). 6. All ..vinaa and checkina .ccount., book. and/or b.nk at.t..ents. 7. A 1i.t of item. th.t h.v. been in.p.cteel .nd . cit.tion h.. been liven. If .pp1ic.b1e, pl.... reference the In.pection Check List and stat. the items noted. -2- ~...- , - - .- o o o o o BCOIQIIC DB9BLOPImft' Al:DCY DB9BLOmnr DBPAln.tlU IIOBI~ IRSncnoll/UIWIILIrATIOII nOGIWf (IIIIP) The Mobilehome Inspection/Reh.bilit.tion Prolram (MIRP) is de.iened to improve the qu.lity of life within the aobilehome p.rk. by UPlr.dina the housina conditione and ameniti.. within the mobilehome p.rk community. In ord.r to pre.erve and maint.in the qu.lity of life and st.nd.rd of livinl within the aobilehome p.rk CQBBUnity the Mobilehome Inspection/Rehabilitation Prolram (IIIRP) offer. an effective mean. for preventinl further decline of the p.rk community and for c.u.ina it. re.tor.tion in term. of both .ppearance .nd livability. Under the IIIRP owner. of aobilehome. are exp.cted to aeke any correctione nec....ry to .limin.ts haz.rd. and re.tore their property to . ..fe and sound condition. Irant. .r. .v.il.bl. to low and aoder.t. income p.rsons to make the n.ce...ry correction. that .re dict.ted by the inapection of each aobilehoa. within the city. RDbfl.~~ Ovnar'. Cerr.~~lftft. So that e.ch mobilehome owner, that ha. been previoualy cited by a City inapector, r.ceive. equal con.ideration and .0 that the entire mobilehome park community can be broulht up to an acceptable level of .ppearance .nd deair.bility, each correction mu.t be completed within. reaaon.ble amount of time and in . manner th.t me.t. the criterian eat.blished by the city. PIe... check which number(.) you h.ve been cited for and out reque.tinl financi.l ..aiatancs in havina correctad. _____1. raulty/Uaappro.ed or Baz.rdou. Il.ctric.l Connector (1252, 1646 CAC T25) only one unapliced Irounded connection permitted. Cords .h.ll be approved or l.beled type. SO, ST, or STO and r.ted. Connection. .h.ll b. .dequ.t. to c.rry the total lo.d and maintained in ..fe oper.tinl condition.. Acce.a to lot .ervice of two (2) feet in width and 6.6 inch.. in heiaht ah.ll be a.intained. ~2. r.ultylUn.pproved I.. Connector Or S.z.rdous CIa. Connector (1224, 1354, 1660, CAC T25) Gas outlet riser. or aeters shall not be in.talled in unventilated or inacce..ibl. location. within three (3) fe.t from .ourcea of ilnition, or enclo.ed in . comp.rtment with .lectric.l service equipment. Connection ah.ll be with only one .pproved mobilehome flex connector. Appliance connectors, copper tubina and .lumlnum tublna .hall be repl.ced within 30 dsys from day of inspection. _3. raulty or Uaappro.ed Drain CODDector (1610, CAC 725) a mobllehome or recre.tion.l vehicle used a. a. re.idence .hall be connected to the aobllehome lot dr. in Inlet by aean. of . la. tiaht drain connector of .pproved pipe not Ie.. than .chedule 40. A flexible connector .h.ll be used at the lot inlet end of the pipe. -3- o o '0 o o ICOlIOIIIC DIVILOPIIDf AGIICI Mobilehoae In.pection/Reh.bilit.tion Proaram 4. ralllt7lUaappro"'ed W.ter Connector (1612, CAC T25) connection .h.ll be b7 . flexible connector .uch .. copper tubina not lell than one h.lf inch interior diameter and .h.ll be m.int.ined water tight. 5. Avaina (1730 CAC T25) .wnina enclo.ure. .h.ll be lI.ed for recre.tion.l or outdoor livina purpo.e. not .. a c.rport or .torale room nor converted to ule .. . h.bited room. 6. Carport (1735 CAC T25) at le..t two .ide. or one end .nd one lide .hall be m.int.in.d .t lea.t 50X open and anobltructed at III timel. _7. Sklrtlna Clt7 Ord1Daace (19.16.270) floor elevltion .hlll not exceed . hellht of 24 inche. and be fully .kirted. (1246, CAC T25) Skirtinl .h.ll h..... an .cc... p.nel, .nd vente of 1-1/2 .qu.re feet for e.ch 25 line.r feet. Any wood u.ed .h.ll be tre.ted or of n.turel re.i.t.nc. to dec.y. _I. Lack Of leqalred bit ...dUtie. (1491, 1628, CAC T25) .11 exterior doorw.y. .hall be provided with. porch and/or Itairway, .t.ble and .afe and In good m.intenance. Stair. .er'W'ing ollt-.winaina door. .hall be equipped with e landina. _9. Qaard lel1. end Baa4 leil. (1502, 1504, CAC T25) r.ilings sh.ll be provided .roand the perimeter of porche. or decke which are 30 inchee or more .bo",e arade. Guardr.il heiaht Ihall be not lell than 36 inche. .bove floor with r.il .p.cina of not more th.n 9 inchea. St.irway. with two or more ri.er. .h.ll have handr.il. .nd intermedi.te r.il. not lea. than 30 inche. or more than 34 inchel ....ured ",ertic.lly from the noalna. Ramp. .h.ll conform to C.liforni. Accee. L.w (CAC T24). _10. IlalntallWlee (OrdlUllCe Wo 11I:-679 end 1690, CAC T25) the ..inten.nce .tandard. for re.idenc.. will be enforced. Front .nd ",i.ible .ide y.rd. .hall b. l.nd.c.ped with tre... .hrubl, ground cover, decor.tiva rock .nd/or lawn. All improvelllente on the property .h.ll be p.inted/pre.er'W'ed .nd maint.ined in aood condition. _11. Storaae C.binet. (1501. 1510. 1512 CAC T25) no more th.n two .tor.ae cabinet. .llowed. They .hall not block any required openina, exit equiPlllent, or utility connection.. Maximum floor arel .hall not exceed 100 aquare feet and heiaht .hall not exceed 10 feet _12. rance or Windbreak (1514. 1516, CAC T25) a fence or windbreak located on . mobile home 10t:;.haU not exceed Ilx (6) feet in height. renee or windbreak exeeedina 42 inche. in height. .hall not be loc.t.d clo.er than three feet when parallel with any mobilehome. A windbreak exceedinl 42 inch.. In heilht .hall not be uled to form an enelo.ure or any part of In awnina. -4- o o o .COIONIC DftBLOPIID'f AI:DCY MobilehOBe Inspection/Reh.bilit.tion Pro,r.. _13. -.tal of 11Dapprcwe4 HobUehOlle (1622. CAC TZ5) no IIObUe home sh.ll be rented unless it bears. DOH insi,ni. or BUD l.bel. Reference 18604 C.liforni. He.lth and Safety Code. _14. Setbacb (1330. CAC TZ5) minimUDI setbacu. ten (10) feet from a permanent buildina. Ten (10) feet side to side of another .obilehome. ei,ht (8) feet frOB end to .ide, six (6) feet from end to end. Minimum ..t back to .ny property line i. three (3) feet except if prop.rty line border. . rO.dw.y. _15. P.r.it. -.quired (1018. CAC T25) no per.on shall .r.ct. conatruct. . recon.truct, in.t.ll, relocat., or .It.r .ny buildina (includinl Mobilehome.), or .tructure or .cce.aory buildinl or structure, any electrical, mechanical or plUDIbina .quipment or fuel ,as equipment. Without fir.t obtaininl a conatruction permit from Buildin, and S.fety. [one (1) y..r .tatute of limit.tions, California Pen.l Code 101(a)) ; General ProD.r~Y I.DroYI!IIIIDl~ I o Pfn~cial Aa.I.tan~. A.allahl. 1. B.ch .pplicant for r.h.bilitation AS.ist.nc. will be int.rYiewed to d.t.rmine hia or her financial st.tu. and the corrections that need to be ..d. to p.s. the in.p.ction. In ord.r to proTide financi.l .s.istance. ,rant. .r. .vail.ble and limit.d to . maximum of *1,000.00 -.quir_te for the C:rllllt I It i. the re.ponsibility of the recipient of a (HIRP) ,r.nt to .ssure that the neces..ry corrections .hown in the cit.tion .re compl.ted and to maintein their mobilehOBa in a m.nn.r that will mak. the mobilehome p.rk community be .ccept.ble in .ppe.ranc. and . desir.bl. pl.c. to live. .) Applicant net b. the owner of the mobUehome and the title must be in the .pplic.nt'. n..e. b) Applicant must m.k. . full disclosure of his or her financial .tatu.. includina .11 current incom. and .11 incom. for the twelve (IZ) months immedi.tely preceedin, ,r.nt .pplic.tion. 2. PuruoBe Th. purpose of the Development Department ,rant is to p.y the cost of corr.ctina the cit.tion. c.used by the city inepection.. this arant will p.y in tho.e c.... where family incOBe is in.d.qu.te to cover the cost of corr.ctions. ~. o -5- o o o .- . - IIobU~ IlUIpection ad lehabUiUticnQ oar_ DEVELOP"B..T DEPAITIIE..T or 1'D cln or SAIl HI1IAIDIIIO "Application for Fundina" Application "0. Date ..--- ---..--------- _A-...________............ A. ....e: Social Seearit~ "0. Date of Birth: Telephone RD. ( \ Spouse: Social Security RD. Date of Birth: Telephone RD. ( \ Rehab Addre..: How Lona at the above addre.s: Mailina Addre.s: Rumber of Dependent. ad ..e.: ...... ----_..~-------- ----._~-- ---- - -..--- B. Applicant Employed By: Row Lona? Employer'. Address City Spou.e Employed By Row Lona? Employer'. Addres. City .......------------ -...............-- - ----- -...- ----- C. I"COIII: 1. Applicant 2. Spou.e 3. Other lamina. 4. PenaiolUl annuatie. 5. Social Security 6. Other Income Total: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . B X BIB I T II o -0 o DE';ELVFMEln' DBPARllVil'u . Mobilehome Iuapectionl-\ . ; Application for FlmditW Peae -2- lehabilitation Proarea o .-.-------..------- -- - ------------.............. D. List repaira needed or indicate on the attached liat corraction required: ........ --.......---...- --...-------..__6-_..~. -.....................: B. Applicant Certification !he applicant certifi.a that all iDfor.ation in thia application and all infor.ation fumiahed in aupport of thla application 18 aben 0Il17 for the parpoae of obtalniq a loan/,rant fr_ the D..alo..ent Departllent of the Cit7 of San Bemardino. and is tme and c08pleta to the beat of the applicant'a bowledae and belief. Infor.ation relatbe to th18 application u)' be obtained fr. lIIl)' aourc. required to _ure prop.r doc_entation. Sianature Dat. Silnatur. Date Pl.... indic.te )'our ethnic b.ckaroUlld (For HUD-Iequired lecord Keeping Purpo..s) : White () BlacJt ( ) ( ) B18panic ( ) Asian/Pacific Ialander American Indian Alaatan Ratlve ( ) Other