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IUWJl;V...oPllBllT ew.uJ:J:AIlo
~..&1P ImUJ.JI'j
IIQ' 9, 1991
4:00 p.a.
The Reau1ar Meetiua of the Redevelopment Committee va. called to order
by Chairv_ I.ther I.trada at 4:07 p.II., in the IconOlllic Development Aaency
Conference ROOlll, Fourth Floor, City Ball, 300 Borth "D" Street, San Bernardino.
ROLL I!.lt.l.
Roll call vas taken vith the fo110viua lIember. beiua pre.ent:
Chairv_ Isther Istrada, Committee Member Jack Reilly and Committee Member
Mike Maudsley. A1.0 present vas Mayor W. R. Ho1cOlllb.
ft,,,, VDWmnI'I'
TiIIotby SteiDhaus, Administrator, IConOlllic Development Aaency; ~enneth
J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Departllent; Denni. A. Barlow,
Senior Assi.tant City Attorney; John Hoeaer, Divi.ion Manaaer, Development
Depsrtllent; Ray Salvador, Admini.trative Assi.tant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo,
Executive Assi.tant to the Co=ci1; Gerald Butler, Mobile HOlle Rent Board.
Director; Gary Waloner, Development Specialist. Development Depsrtllent; Idvard
L. Flores. Housiua Development Specialist. Development Departllent; Deborah
Marez, Recordiua Secretary. Development DepartlDent.
n'I'IIRII!I IB &-...ma1lr.l!
Dexter Goody. Mobile HOllIe Rent Board Mellber; Rodney Shain. Michael John
Enterprise. Brokeraae; Michael J. Geber. Michael John Enterpri.... Inc.; Cary
Love. Cous.ouli. Development CDllPaDY; Beil Stone. Housiua for Independent
People. Inc.; Idvard Garner. San Bernardino C01Dlty lIental H..1th; Michele
DeCourten, San Bernardino C01Dlty Mental Health; Michael Varlas. Spellacy &
A..ociate., R..1tors; Mary lasterday. Coldwell Banker Realty Center; Betty
Dillard. Golden Valley Civic Association.
1. COT.mnI vaU.1N CIVIC ASSOCT&.'l'TOIl 1nmIIR.!1" 1'02 W'T1IaWf:UL ASSI!I'I'&.1Ir.I!
~enneth J. Henderson, Executive Director. reported that Golden Valley
Civic As.ociation (GVCA) requested approximately $22.000 to improve the
swtmmiua pool and shower facilities Which vou1d only be available for members
of the association. GVCA has been unable to provide evidence of anon-profit
status (501-C3). Furthermore. because there is no liability insurance
cover..e there is a riak of potential 1ela1 ramifications to the City. Dennis
BarlOW. Assi.tant City Attorney. sdded it vould be difficult to re.trict the
use of the facilities that are financed in Whole or in part vith public monies.
MAY 9. 1991
Ms. Dillard, representative to the Board of Directors, addressed issues
pertaining to GVCA membership, liability coverale, and their Bylaws.
Chairwoman Estrada and DeDDis Barlow requested more information
relative to:
1. Land ownership, a title report was requested;
2. The uintenance plan for the upkeep of the facility;
3. Other recreational facilities on the preaises;
4. B:lr........tion of the Bylaws;
5. Substantiate the Park and Recreation impact of the Perris Hill Park
wilDing pool, and;
6. Explore the requirements for liability insurance.
Ms. Dillard was asked to meet with GVCA and compile information then
report back to coaaittee in two weeks.
The C_ittee rec_anded this item be continued to the next
Redevelopment C_ittee meeting of May 24, 1991.
2. RDDSYE JIOR .I.......I"....d....1. PROPI.K. IIIC.
r;enneth J. Henderson, hecutive Director, outlined the two (2) possible
alternatives and staff concerna as detailed in the staff report.
Reil Stone, hecutive Director of the Southern California reliona of
HIP, addressed the C_ittee on issues relstive to the demand for services,
location, prolraa hiahliahts and financing alternatives of the proposed
Dr. Ed Garner, Supervisor of a mentally-ill homeless prolraa located at
Sixth and Sierra Way, reported on emerlency shelter and case unqement
services vhich are provided within the County and supported the need for the
honain& program for the homeless.
Michele DeCourten, Program Manaler for the Department of Mental Health,
reported on various adult c_ity services prolraaa vhich involved
county-wide case unagement services. The proposed property is located near
one of the largest clinics on D Street. She stated the Department of Mental
Health will work closely with HIP and be directly involved in the selection of
the on-site aanager vho will be providing 24-hour services for the residential
Michael Vargas of Spellacy & Associates Realtors, representing the
sellers of the property, and Mary Basterday, Broker from Coldwell Banker
Realty Center, representing the buyers of the property were present.
MAY 9, 1991
Gary Waaoner provided information on comparables in the immediate
area. Prices ranaed from $245.000 to $436.000; an averaae cost of $41 per
.square foot. and; $30.000 a unit. An estilllated fair market value of $450.000
vas assessed baaed on the comparables of said property.
A len&~ discussion ensued pertainine to the fair market value and
appraised value of the property; alternative methods of financine the project;
relative build1n& zonine ordinances; licena1n& of the facility; HIPs
villinaneas to deed restrict and the issue of abarine the equity of the
The Mayor felt that details vere beine entered upon prematurely and
atated that the Council needed to make a policy decision in concept only.
Chairwoman latrada vanted more information of the financial cOlDi taent
from the County Mental Health and State Mental Health proar.... as vell as the
SSI eliaibilily proar... available to the clients.
Committee Member Maudsley requested a list of the redevelopment
aaencies wtlo has vorked vith HIP in Southern California. He vas concerned
that considerable expenses vere be1n& incurred developine facilites for the
developmentally disabled. There vaa other houaine constructed which surpaBBed
what vaa be1n& proposed for the ..ount be1ne requested. The rehabilitation
and maintenance costs vas substantial and he uraed the CDlDittee to take a
realistic look at more positive and loqer 1I8e for the tera of the buildiq.
Chairwoman Istrada stated the COIDittee vas not prepared to make a
recOlDendation due to some of the questions raised relative to property value
and other financial cOlDitllenta by County. the State. and varioua
oraanizations. Staff vas aaked to assist in the preparation of said
concerna. HIP would then submit a written report addressed s..e.
The CDlDittee rec_ended this it.. be continued to the next
ledevelopment Committee meetine.
Mayor Holcomb announced the City of liverside vould be tak1n& a bus
tour of San Dieao to visit ainele room occupancy (SIO) facilities on Monday.
May 13. 1991 and encouraaed the council members to attend.
3. PROPOSED RRnPPIIIC I;.:...R." ft IlASSAI;H.11iUIIt..L..LS Awn BleAT.Awn .A.VDlJES
The Mayor reported that a meetiq vith CALTRABS to discuss matters
pertainine to the vacation of Massachuaettes vas scheduled for May 16. 1991.
MAY 9. 1991
J:_eth Bendenon, Executive Director, a_rized the Staff Report for
the Redevelopment Cama1ttee. Staff received audited financial atatements from
the developer aDd a DuDn aDd Bradatreet report whiCh reported no financial
information aDd no .litiaation. At the preaent time, aeveral different
financina alternatives are beina explored by Miller' SChroeder. The
developer would come up with $1,500,000 aDd the Bconoa1c Development Aaenc:y
(BDl.) would cOIle up with $2.1 million dollan. Jim Iveraon will alao be
aublllittina poaaible waya of convertina tax-exBIIPt bond proceeds aDd taxable
bond proceeda within the week. Thia information should be ready for the next
Redevelopment CoaIittee meetina.
Diacuaaion enaued relatina to financial optiona available for the
fun4ina of the project; ita financial riaka aDd implicationa, aDd; the
required fees, permita aDd taxea. It was noted that the project is a 50/50
joint venture aituation.
The CoaIittee recoalended this item be continued to the Redevelopment
CoaIittee meetina of June 6, 1991.
4. ._II!Ift'IIIPTl! wnn.nr.&'l'TOII ASSI'"'AlICR
D~a Barlow, aummarized the ataff report aDd draft reaolutiona
reaardina the aaaiatance aDd relocation of reaidenta WhiCh providea for
careful aDd judicioua payment of the firat aDd laat month' a rent for decent
houaina. Be reported that the City Attorney'a office certifiea Who qualifies
for aasistance aDd monitora the proaram. The Development Department ataff
iasuea the Check aDd hBDdlea all accountina functiona, aa well aa compiles the
State Comptroller'a Report whiCh documenta aame.
The Redevelopment CoaIittee expreaaed concerna about the extenaive role
the City Attorney'a Office waa contributina to the proaram. The COIDittee
membera did not favor utilizina the time aDd expertiae of the City Attorneys
aDd felt a less expenaive method of adminiaterina the funds Bhould be
J:_eth Bendenon explained that the City Attorney'a inveatiaators aDd
secretariea, Who are ..aiatina with the implementation of the proaram, are
paid aalariea comparable to the Bouaina Development II or 111 poaitiona.
Eventually, Development Department ataff will be accomp~ina the City
Attorney'a Office out to the aite to make caanectiona, talk with residents and
hBDdle appropriate arranaements.
Mayor Bolcomb felt a more comprehenaive atrate&7 could be developed.
Be sugaested acquirina homaa, fixina them up aDd uae the homea to house the
homeless for a maximum stay of thirty days.
MAY 9, 1991
The Redeve10paent Committee recommended forwarding thi8 item to the
Commi8Bion on May 20, 1991 for approval. A review will be brought back
to the Committee in ninety (90) daY8.
...n\&I.t. nv~ Awn PAUl AVKEB u....K..eIluuIUJIm 1IDfl.TRcr
~enneth Hendenon, Executive Director, reviewed the staff report for
the Committee. The Public Works Departllent did not have a map available to
pinpoint the area which would be Ull4eraoing the Ull4eraroUll4ing illlprovement8
for the State Colleae Redeve10paent Project Area. Furthermore, the issue of
whether or not an ..ses.ent district would be formed to pay for the
illlprovements had not been determined. The Southern California Idison (SeI)
Compaay presented a proposal that a Rule 20-B project be established to
Ull4eraroU114 the utilities at ~enda11 Drive and Palm Avenue. UDder Rule 20-B,
the City must pay one half (1/2) of the cost to Ull4eraroU114 the utilities
(e8timated to be $64,000 or one-half (1/2) of the $128,000) if it elects to
proceed. Mr. Henderson believed the project w&8 eliaib1e for bond proceeds
and reported that Special Counsel w.. reviewina the project to ensure that it
meets criteria. He a180 lIentioned that SeI would need an answer in thirty
(30) days to be on schedule.
ChairYOllm 18trada was concern about recouping the money and SUSge8ted
a clause be included to provide for s.e when the area was developed. Mayor
Holcoab stated it would be difficult to recoup the money because it went for
public'illlprovementa. He explained an ..ses.ent district would need to be
fOnled, then the lIoney could be fronted to the ..ses.ent district to collect
the asseS8llllDt back to the property owner, but cautioned that thi8 was an
expensive, tille-cons_ina process.
Mayor Ho1cOllb stated if the work w.. done at this tille, the savings
would be substantial, a8 Oppo8ed to havina it done in the future. Chairwoman
Istrada recommended forwarilina the it.. to the C-=ity Developaent
CommisBion with no recommendation and requested that Roaer Hardgrave, Director
of Public Works, aive a pre8entation and answer aay concerns at that tille.
L ~', ~ 11 ~,II "t),
The Redevelopaent Committee recomaended forwardina this it.. to the
Commission on May 20, 1991 without recommendation. 'The Committee
requested that Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works, be pre8ent to
answer que8tions.
MAY 9, 1991
1Ill1ln.1l: 110IIII: _ ASSI!I'I'A1Il2 PROC:RAII
Kenneth Benderson summarized the staff report for the Redevelopment
Gerald Butler, Director for the,Mobile Bome Control Rent Board,
reviewed the concerns relative to subsidizina spsce rentals, proaram fundine,
and the adaiDistration of the proaram. The recOllllendationa noted in the Staff
Report vere reiterated as tnfo~tion.
Dexter Goody, lIember of the MobUe Bome Rent Board, provided bac:karound
of the chances in criteria since the inception of the proaram and outlined the
Board's conclusions in the staff report. Be recommended that (1) the County
make the apace rent check payable to the both homeowner and park owner on the
first of the month to ensure the money is used appropriately, and; (2) the
I118XbnIII monthly subaidy amount be raised to $60.00 per month vith an annual
cost of livine allowance.
COIIIIittee Member Maudsley vas concerned if the $100,000 allocated to
the. fund vould be sufficient to handle the increase of proaram applicants.
Chairvoman Istrada sunested the City establish a policy which would commit a
specific percentaae of Twenty Percent (2OS) Set Aside to this fund on an
annual baais.
The Redevelopment Co.mittee vill recGlmend $100,000 at the same level,
lower the criteria frOll 50s to 3OS, and take a look at the proaram's
effectiveness in ninety (90) days.
7. "I I K.:!'iIOII lIP m......&~ (RVlfKPIm JlmNYI!R. IUR ~.&,& CIft _aT.T. SORFACB
,.,lltrTE ur.rs awn 'I'IIDft l~l LKVa. 'P'~ arJdn..-ruua
Mayor Bolcomb recGlmended the City CouncU assUlle the _intenance
upkeep and uparadina of the _11 vith bond proceeds rather than tax
increment. Be felt the Iconomic Development Aaency funds vould be best used
on capital it....
The Redevelopment COIIIIittee recGlmended approval of ChanCe Order RUllber
"1" to the contract with Arrow Power Bweepina, for _eepine services for
Central City Mall surface parkina lots and three (3) level parkina structure,
in accordance with Plan RUaber 7085 and extendina this contract for a period
of one (1) year, frOll July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992, at no increase in the
contract unit price, for a total annusl contract amount of $47,698.00.
The Redevelopment Committee recommended fOrYardina this item back to
the Mayor and CGlmon Council on May 20, 1991 for approval. The lIonies
vil1 come from the City General Fund.
MAY 9, 1991
t;UlUiUL'I"'" SKRVICKS JIOR .1...1:-.11.,,",.,11. n1mS ASSESSIIElIr tII 'lIIR CITY OF
!lA. ....11ml'WD
Ttmotby SteiDhaus passed out a proposal by the Greater Los Angeles
World Trade Center Association (GLAWTCA) and asked the Redevelopment Committee
to review and cODBider the aaterial for discussion and recommendation at the
next Redevelopment Committee aeeting.
ChairwOllUl Estrada reviewed the aaterial thorouahly and felt the
proposal should be scrutinized in terms of developing stratelies to help
deliver services to internatiODBl businesses in the City of San Bernardino.
She favored Part III of the proposal, which stated GLAWTC would, "serve as the
cODBultant to, or a_ber(s) of, the econoaic development Iroup ass_bled by
the City to illpl_ent a structural aechaniaa, and usist in development of the
City's overall strate&7 and plan for expanding the ecOllOlll1c base throuah
internatiODBl business." She said the City should be looking at how aore
internatiODBl companies could come to the City and expand their buaine..es.
Mr. SteiDhaus explained the intent was twofold: 1) to take care of the
international business within the City, and; 2) to attract other international
The Committee recommended this it8111 be continued to the next
Redevelopment Coaaittee aeeting.
Chairvoaan Estrada abatained fr08l aatten relating to this it_ due to
possible conflict of interest.
~l!IIJleth Bendenon _rind the Staff Report for the Redevelopment
Caam!ttee whereby the West Side Faai17 Medical Clinic is requesting funding
for the Clinic's proposed expansion and purchase of various aUDdry equipment
in order to cOllPly with the requir_ents to aaintain accreditation setforth by
various relulatory health &lendes. Casa Raaona has an eiahteen (18) aonth
deadline to comply or they will lose their accreditation.
Mr. Benderson reported chat Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
monies C&DDot be used due to the fact chat Councilwoman Estrada is a member of
the City Council. Thus, staff recommended the Redevelopment Coaalttee
appropriate $100,000 from the Development Department's Collateralized Mortgage
Oblilation Ruidual fund (ClIO) to finance in part the expansion of the West
Side Family Medical Clinic.
The Redevelopment CGaDittee recOlllllended this item be forwarded to the
Community Development Commission on Kay 20, 1991 for approval.
KAY 9, 1991
.....1.1II!I1IG OP I!& vnmnn. YO. I!InPPD&T. CI'I"I' _AT.'.
Timothy SteiDhaus, Bconomic Develo1llllent Aaency Administrator, atated
the recaaaended action should be corrected to read that the fUD48 vi11 be
comiq from the Dsvelo1llllent Departaent' s "bond proceeds" and not from tu;
increment. Timothy Sabo, Special COUllllel, restructured the c:han&e.
Mayor Bo1ccmab stated the lIIoney vas borrowed, on a demand basis, from
the sever construction fU114 which had $3,000,000 of UIlObl1cated monies and no
imIIIediate project anticipated which vi11 necessitate use of the fUll4s. Be
noted the advantSle of borroviD& fr_ the sever fU114 vas that lIIoney vas
earn1q aroU114 siz percent and abort tem interest rates vere coiD& down.
Several options of payback vere provided.
Cbai~ Bstrada asked hov the lIIoney vou1d be reported for the City
at the end of the year. The Mayor aaid it would reflect as an investment,
instead of ahoviD& as caab in b8Dk, it vill aay caab invested vith San
Bernardino Redsvelopaent Alency. Dmmis Barlow stated it vou1d reflect as
increased debt for the Redevelo1llllent Alency.
The Redevelo1llllent C_ittee ude recaaaendation to the Mayor and COlllllon
Council and Coaaunity Develo1llllent C~saion that the Develo1llllent Department
be authorized to borrov $900,000 from the City of San Bernardino Sever Line
construction fU114 at one-half percent (0.5S) above the rate of interest
currently received by the City, with such loan to be callable upon demand and
secured by the Department' a bond proceeds.
4 ......', ~ . I ~,II __ Ij
The Caaaittee rec-a"ed this item be sent to the Mayor and CODDon
Council and the C_ity Dsvelopaent Caaaiasion on May 20, 1991 for
Mayor Bo1ccmab umounced that a topic vil1 be cOllliq before the
Redevelo1lllleBt C~tt.. to consider the refi_cine of bonds for substantial
eaminas. Be atated there vas an opportunity to uke approzilll&tely $2,000,000
by refUll4ine certain bonds while the interest rates are down.
Tilllothy SteiDhaus said that necotiationa vith the Convention and
Visitors Bureau's (CVB) recardine resistance to joiniD& the Bconomic
Develo1llllent Alency had occurred and an Slreement vas compiled. At this time,
he felt confident that an equitable solution vas reached. Their Board vill be
lIIeetiq on May 16, 1991, to reviev the Slreement necotiated by the Board
Cbairlll&n and staff. Be anticipated briqiD& it forward to the City
Council/Community Dsve101llllent C_ission on May 20, 1991.
!lAY 9, 1991
'4 ......1'0 yl.~ II IIf 1)\
The COIDittee recOIDended this itelll be sent to the Co__ity
Deve10paent COIDissiaD aD May 20. 1991.
10. CInnn Il1!RSIOII
The Redevelopment Committee recessed to Closed SessiaD at 6:04 p.m. to
discuss the fo11owiDa:
d. Pursuant to Reao1utlaD Bo. 5272. the Redevelopment Committee of the
Development Depar~ent will CaDvene in closed sessiaD to discuss
matters of sensitive neaotiations with development clients.
I. 1....1)'4 y I.~, ~
There beiDa DO further business. the .eetiDa of the Redevelopment
COIDittee was adjourned at 6:17 p.... to May 23. 1991.
pt Bsther trada. C"-lrY011&11
Redevelopment Committee .
MAY 9. 1991
o 0
o IUW&vlllAlPllBllr ew.u.n:Aa
May 24, 1991
11:00 p.a.
The Reaul.r Meetiua of the Redevelopaent Comaittee v.a called to order
by Comaittee Medler Michael Maudaley .t 11:05 ...., in the Iconomic
Developaent Aaeney Conference loom, Fourth Floor, City Ball, 300 Borth "D"
Street, San Bernardino.
DftT..T. ~&T_'.
loll c.ll v.s taken vith the folloviua aedlers beiua present:
COIIIIIIittee lIelllbers J.ck Ie illy and Michael Maudaley (Chairvoaan lather Istr.d.
.rrived .t 11:49 ....).
Mayor W. R. Holcomb; TiaOthy C. Steinhaua, Administr.tor, Iconomic
Developaent Aaeney; ~euneth J. Henderaon, Iltecutive Director, Developaent
Dep.rtment; Deunis B.rlOW, Senior Assiatant City Attorney; Job Hoeaer,
Developaent Division Kans&er, Developaent Dep.rtment; Lorr.ine Vel.rde,
Iltecutive Aasiatant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Iltecutive Asaistant to the
Co_cil; Gerald Butler, Director, Mobile HGIle lent Bo.rd; Fred Wilson,
Aaaiatant City Adminiatr.tor; Id Flores, HousiD& Developaent Speci.list,
Developaent Dep.rtment; Deborah Marez, lecordiua Secret.ry, Developaent
1n'RRR!l U &'l"l'RllnAIIr.II:
BOJIJI.ie Jean Eickhoff, Golden V.lley Civic Asaoci.tion; Betty Dill.rd.
Golden V.lley Civic Asaoci.tion; Da:ter Goody, Mobile Boae Rent Board lIelllber;
Timothy S.bo, S.bo and Green, Speci.l COlDlBel; Dave Porter, Director of the
Convention and Visitor's Burs.u Bo.rd.
~euneth Henderson, Iltecutive Director, aaid the Golden V.lley Civic
Associ.tion (GVCA) requested .ssistance to renov.te their awimmiua pool and
shower facilities in the smo_t of .pproximately $22,000. St.ff is
recolllllendiua that the Redevelopaent Comaittee consider the request for
financi.l .asistance submitted by Golden V.lley Civic Asaoci.tion based upon
le&.l recommend.tions provided by the City Attorney'a Office set forth in ·
melllorandum d.ted May 16, 1991.
53751 (dlII)
IUWJlivlllAlPllBllr liUft'UJ:l:AA
lIlY 24, 1991
The City Attorney'a memorandum addreaaed varioue iaauea and legal
concerna relatiD& to BylaVB, liability inaurance, ~CA'a non-profit atatUB,
the difference betveen What the Aaaociation chargea for memberahipa and other
50l(c)(3) organizationa (YWCA, Bo7a Club, etc.), the _act GVCA'a pool would
have on the Perri a Hill Park pool and the ~CA'a c_itaent and maintenance
Mr. Henderson atatell that ataff could not rec_end the uae of public
moniea due to reatricted memberahip of the Aaaociation. It vas 8U&&ested that
fundiD& for landacaping could be a posaibility thereby releaaiD& the
DevelopDent Department from legal liability aa it relatea to the avt.ming pool.
_... ~_~....&'l'T0II:
The Redevelopment C_ittee rec_ended the request for funding be
denied baaed upon leaal rec_endationa provided by the City Attorney's
Office aet forth in a memorandum dated Ma7 16, 1991.
2. CO.v~.l..lOll awn VI.1ma 'llllDWln
TiaotJly Steinhaue a_rized the ataff report for the Redevelopment
Ccmmittee. The Memorandum of UDderatanding (IIOU) which allOVB for the
financial overaip.t of all Convention and Viaitors Bureau actione throup. the
budaet proceaa vaa reviewed. The IIOtJ provided for the onaoiD& monitoring of
fundiD& and peraozmel by the Ec_ic Develolllllent AaenCJ' AdDaiDiatrator end
the C~ity Develolllllent Ccmmiasion.
David Porter, Chairman of the Board of Directora for the Convention end
Viaitors Bureau, vaa introduced and preaent to anaver aJQ' queatiou.
The Redevelolllllent C_ittee rec_ended thia item be approved end
forwarded to the C-=ity DevelOlllllent CoaDiaaion on June 3, 1991.
6. 10IJftMlIm ~&T. err!: IlKF.....UIM: (talten out of order)
TiaotJly Steinhaus said Jia Iverson, of lliller and Schroeder, presented
a proposal for refunding the outstanding $21,000,000 at the redevelolllllent
portion of the City Council's Bud&et Retreat. Staff recommended that the
Redevelopment C_ittee need only approve in \loncept AaenCJ' Staff proceeding
to atructure the propoaed refundiD& and new lIODey bond issues. The fiul bond
documenta vill be broup.t back to the Redevelopment Committee for final
approval in thirty (30) to aixty (60) d87a, when the actual dollar lIIIIOunts of
the bond issues and the cost aavings to the AaenCJ' are mown.
Timothy Sabo explained the memorandum dated Ma7 22, 1991 which detailed
the propoaal's purpose end outlined the two cash-flov s_ries and bond issue
5375R (cUa)
JlEDr;v...oPllEllt COIII'IITDB
!lAY 24, 1991
A 1eaathy discussion eD8ued regardiua the City's out-of-pocket coats to
implement and issue the bonds, direct and indirect costs from the proceeds of
the bonds and potential riaks involved.
The ledevelopllent C_ittee rec_ended this item be spproved and
forwarded to the Coaaunity Deve10tlllBllt C_isaion on J1mB 3, 1991.
TIll Awn VAU.1!'I' nwvI!I.ll1lllElr.r ASlIIII!U.'l'JOB (Bew ItBII)
Mayor Bo1cOllb said the financin& for the Inland Valley Deve10pllent
Association (IVDA) vas discussed at the retreat. As of July 1, 1991, the
County of San Bernardino bas requested that the IVDA obtain ita own fundiua
source for the 1991/1992 fiscal year. In addition, the County bas requested
the repayaent of an ..ount equal to spproxiJlately tvo million dollars
($2,000,000) that would probably be due and oviD& to the County throuah June
30; 1991. The Mayor felt there vas an abao1ute necesaity to keep the IVDA
goiua and rec_ended the ledeve10tlllBllt CllIDittee JUke rec_endation to the
Coammity Developllent CODDisaion to approve the short-term borrov1ua for the
IVDA. Colton and Lou Linda bas a mi1liJla1 sbare in the IVDA and the
coordination of s three-party bond is not worth the headache.
Mr. Sabo provided information regardin& the short-term borrovin&, use
of funds, and the strategy for payback.
The Mayor said JbI Iverson bas been workiua out a program whereby the
City could start short-term borrov1ua for approxiJlate1y five million dollars
($5.000,000). This would p<<y the County back the $2,000,000 and give the City
enoU&h monl!Y to finance the IVDA for three to five years. The credit ratiua
of the San Bernardino ledevelopllent Agency vil1 be used.
The ledevelopllent C_ittee rec_ended this itBII be forwarded to the
Community Development C_ission on J1mB 3, 1991.
I!R'I'ftIIIIWI9~.l1n'_'ft'.. YWCA"
~emJ.eth Benderson a_rized the naff report for the ledeve10pllent
Committee. A transfer of the Ce10tex-Mar1l!Y, Inc. property is to take place
on June 6, 1991. The Company's legal counsel rec_ended that a Certificate
of Completion releasiua the DBA be obtained. Staff rec_ends that the
ledevelopllent Committee rec_end to the coammity Developllent CllIDisaion tbat
the Executive Director of the Developllent Department be authorized to issue a
Certificate of Completion for the Ce10tex-Mar1l!Y. Inc.. Disposition and
Deve10pllent AcreBllent.
53751 (dla)
lilY 24, 1991
Marley Roof Tile Corporation is the successor to Celotez-Marley, Inc.
CoaDittee lI_ber Jlaudsley questioned the chan&e of COllpany. JIr. Benderson
reviewed the DDA Uld stated there vas DO provision which stipulated the
COllPany auat stay in business. JIr. Barlow said the DDA stipulated they must
build a certain mount of build1D&s, all of which vere done.
The Redeve1o..ent CoaDittee rec_ended this item be approved. Forward
to the C~ity Deve1o..ent COImission on June 3, 1991.
4. ltliO.<<IIIIC ..-r.nl'llEllr &1::I!IIr.Y D01N!&IIT7.&'l'TOII
1IlTl0ll A:
1lJU0II B:
1lJU0II c:
1lJU0II D:
UQ'J'I'..lR fIUi~JJI\j
5375R (dla)
(cnmmuni~v D~velaument Cnmmi..ian)
That the C~ity Deve1o..ent C_ission authorize the
conversion of one (1) Bouaina Develotaent Specialist III
position in the Bous1D& Division of the Deve101lllent
Departaent to the position of B_ Resources Jlana&er, to
be assianed to the office of the Alency Administrstor.
(cnmmunitv nAVelonm.nt CftMMi..ion)
That the C_ity Deve1o..ent CoaDission spprove Uld"
adopt the sttached job description for Economic
Develo..ent Alency B.-n Resources Jlana&er Uld that the
B.-n Resources JlaDacer position be placed in the
Confidential Unit of the EconOll1c Deve101lllent Alency.
(CmMmftitv Develtt,.tmt Cftlllllli8.ion)
That the CoaDUD.1ty Deve1o..ent Coaaission authorize the
conversion of the BOIIeless Service Analyst Contract
position to a permanent EconOllic Develo..ent Alency
position, leavina the job title as is, estsbl1sh1na the
position at the Bous1D& Develo1lllent Specialist II salary
level, Uld ..silDina this position to the General Employee
Unit of the Economic Develo..ent Alency.
(Mavor and CftMmGn Cauneil)
That the Mayor Uld CoaDOU Council authorize the
incorporation of the !Iobile BOlle Rent Board Director
position into the Bous1D& Division of the Deve101lllent
Department Uld authorize the Director of Persounel to
mend Resolution ItuIIber 6433 accord1D&ly.
lIlY 24, 1991
(CftIIIIInftlitv Dl!Velotaent eMmit..ion)
1IJn0Jl B:
That the C_ity Developaent C_18alon authodze the
incorporation of the Mobile Boae Rent Board Director
poaltion into the Boull1l1& Div1alon of the Development
Department, appro.,e a chaD&e In the job title of sald .
position froa Mobile Boae Rent Board Director to Mobile
Boae Rent Board Coordinator, establish the salary for
this position at .3,071-$3,773 per month 8D4 assian this
poll1tion to the Mid~.""I_ent tJn1t of the BconOlllic
Development Aaency.
(CftWlllt'lm"~ Develftftlftfmt: C.....i..icm.)
1IJn0Jl 1':
That the CCIIDIJIl1ty Development Co.Usalon appro.,e the
aS8isaaent of one (1) TYPist Clerk III p08ition 8D4 one
(1) TYPist Clerk II p08ition froa the Development
Department to Aaency AdmiDistration.
~_eth Benderson provided a s_dzation of the staff report.
the cODYeraion of the Boaeless Services ADa1Jat contract position to a
pel'llUlent position Y88 discussed In lenath. Issues relatiD& to benefits, the
recruitment process, the Quarterly report doc_tiD& objecthes 8D4 status of
accoapliabaents 8D4 the Boaeless Task 'orce vare presented for consideration.
Mr. Benderaon prodded relevent lnfonaation to justi". ultiD& the Boaele8s
Services ADa1Jat poll1tion s pel'llUlent position. Be stated that the
Uipl_entaticm of .,arious proarue such aa the Baeraency Services Grant
Proar.., CllIa1IIlity Developaent Block Grant 1'aII4, the Rent Deposit Guarantee
proar.., the Cranaton-Gcmzales bill which lncludes the Bope Proar.. 8D4 the
Boas Proar.. require the effecti.,e discharae of pel'llUlent fcmctions by the
lnc_bent of a pel'llUlent, full-tille position.
Chai~ Bstrada stated that ahe vas not in fa.,or of rec_endlD.a
Motion C for appro.,al because of concerns relatiD& to the recruitment proce8s
8D4 whether or not a full-tille poll1tion Y88 warranted. Bowever, ahe supported
keep1D& the poll1t1on on In a consultant baais, then r..,iev111& the poaltion in
three months. She a180 u:pre8sed concerns that the proposed actions 8D4
related ..tedals vent before the C_ission vithout aoill& throuah the
Redevelopment eo..ittee 8D4 preferred an opportcmity to re.,iew more detailed
lnfonaaticm relati.,e to salary, benefits 8D4 the restructure prior to thet
Timothy Steinhaus requested the Redevelopment C_ittee's direction and
auidelines on vhst 18811e8 could be forwarded to C~salon 8D4 vhst need. to
be re.,iewed by C_ittee first.
Lenathy discu8a1on _ed reaardiD& the Mobile Boae Rent Board
Coordinator relatill& to assisaaent of p08ition, salary, clerical aS8istance,
_VAW1'IUi1IIJ: 1NftU..........
lilY 24, 1991
5375R (dla)
Discussion relstive to the restructurina aDd supervision of the Typist
Clerk III aDd Typist Clerk 1 position enaued.
The Redevelopaent Ccmaittee recOlDeu4ed this it811 be approved aDd
forwarded to the c-=ity Developaent C~ssion on June 3, 1991.
5. .I.RT......'PY...T. IIRmlR .&SSESIIIIDIr 'PROPO".T.
Chairwoll8Jl Bstrada reccmaeu4ed this it811 be continued.
_.... :___....""OB:
The Redevelopaent COIDittee recOlDeu4ed this be continued to the
Redevelopaent Ccmaittee .eetiD& of June 6, 1991.
7. "r.r.nnD lrnSIOlI
There vere DO Closed Session it... for discussion.
,_ . ~ I J t y I ~ ,
There beina DO further business, the .setina of the Redevelopaent
Ccmaittee ves adjourned at 12:53 p... to June 6, 1991.
Michael llauclllley, C_ittee Beaber
Redevelopaent Caaaittee
UWiV...ol'lll5lU Cw.unAl>
lIlY 24, 1991
JB'!III'..&. I.IU.~
5375. (dlIl)