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lmIIJ5y.uA)!IIIIIr co.u.XIABi
Dec~er 27. 1990
4:00 p...
The Adjourned lelular Meeting of the ledevelopment C~ittee was called
to order by Chairwoman lather Istrada at 4:32 p.... in the Development
Department Conference 10011, Fourth Floor, City Ball, 300 Korth "D" Street, San
.OLL r."'.T.
loll call was tllten with the following _bers present: Chairwollan
Isther Istrada; COIIIIittee Member Jess Flores, and; COIIIIittee Member Mike
Maudsley. Absent: Kone.
lI'I'A", PD!I1!II'I'
lobert J. remple, Actina Administrator, ICOllOllic Developaent Alency;
Itenneth J. Henderson, Ixecutive Director, Development Department; Dennis A.
Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Phil Arvizo, Ixecutive Assistant to
the Council; Deborah Marez, lecording Secretary, Development Department.
PUBLIC ~...S 011 ~ IUr 011 ...... Amnma
There were no public co_ents.
1. 1lnt'!jT. 1mVR'I.n...... mlnllm&'l'TOlI 11Im.I. IIDDS~ PROPOR&T.
Itenneth J. Henderson, Ixecutive Director, provided a verbal status
report on the proposal submitted to the Mayor by Focal Development Company in
which Focal Development is proposina the construction of manufactured housing
in the City of San Bernardino. He stated that, althouah manufactured housing
is allowed, a determination relative to constructing the manufactured housing
as a subdivision or infill housing would need to be II&de. Mr. Henderson
indicated two (2) ujor concerns the Committee should tllte into consideration
pertaining to the manufactured housing are (1) durability of the housing over
a long period of tille, and; (2) benefits in terms of the aa1es prices of the
proposed hOlies. Mr. Henderaon further indicated these holies coat as lIuch, if
not lIore, than equivalent stick-built hOlies. As such, Mr. Henderaon requested
the input of the COIIIIittee relative to whether or not the manufactured housing
should fall under the auspices of the infill housing prOlram and, if so, on
what level.
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Mr. Henderson provided. review of the .imil.ritie. and differences
between the proposal. received from Project Home Run and Foc.l Development
Corporation. He noted the .ales prices of Focal Development Corporation homes
.re continaent upon actual price of the land involved. He .1.0 noted if the
price of the home. .re hiaher than anticipated, the i..ue would be whether or
not the proposed project would qualifY for Twanty Percent (20S) Set-Aside
Fundina ...istance. Mr. Hender.on .tated that Focal Development i. .1.0
reque.tina the Development Departllent to aCClUire the neceaaary land, in
.ddition to walvina .11 required f.... Mr. HeDderson requested the Committee
to detel'llline whether or not the exemption of fee. would .pply to llanufactured
houaina, thereby imp.ctina the laneral fund, or if the fees .re to be paid
from the Development Dep.rtllant budset, .. wa. the c..e relardina the Project
Home R1m propos.l. Mr. HeDder.on also indic.ted other problema which could
arise .re whether or not FHA or VA financina is utilized and Whether
affordability covenants on the property can be .llowed.
A lenathy discuasion anaued pertainina to the different floor plans of
the manufactured homes, quality and cr.ftlmanahip of .ame, cost per square
foot and amentities. Mr. Hender.on ezpreaaed concern relative to the ability
of the proposed home. to withstand hiah wind .r.... He indicat.d the homes
would b. adequate for elderly, retired couples, but questioned the durability
of the homes occupied by families with .ctive children.
Mr. Henderson at.ted thst Focal Development Corporation hss been
requested to provide .dditional information r.,.rdina the proposal list. Mr.
Henderson further .tsted that, .lthouah ths St.te requires cities to .1low
llanufactured hou.ina, cert.in other requirements must be met.
.~ "~I. .I.~ II ~ Ij
The Committee recommended that prior to brinaina proj.ct bsck,
detel'llline type and quality of llanufacturer technique. and investigate
sales prices of home. includlna profit marain of the developer. If
resolved, then a formal propos.l could be submitted by developer.
~enneth J. Henderson, Izecutlve Director, reported the Development
Department received a Technical Review Letter from the St.te Department of
Commerce, (Enterpri.e Zone Prolrama) in response to the preliminary
application for Zone deaianation submitted by the City. Mr. Henderaon stated
the letter indicated the City's .pplication was deficient in four (4) areas
and required correction. Upon review by City ataff of the noted deficiencies,
the number of di.crepaniciea that arose led staff to question Whether or not
the City's .pplication was even actually reviewed. Mr. Henderson requested
the Committee to provide direction as to Whether or not to pursue the appeal
process or resubmit the application based upon the fact that it was only
twenty (20) points short of l118kina the finals.
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A lenatby discussion ensued re,ardin& the City's response to the
Technical Review Letter. Mr. ,Benderson provided information in support of
Enterprise Zone desil1l8tion and its benefits baaed upon case studies published
by the U.S. Departaent of '-erce. Be stated one of the reasons the
application su_itted by the City vas not successful vas the lack of a
comprehensive structured aartetiDl promotion pro,rem.
Chairwoman Istrada stated that, in her opinion, the application process
vas strictly political and sUllested that a pOlitical remedial spproach be
A lenatby discussion ensued rqardin& fUl1diDl for, and attainment of, a
lObbyist on behalf of the Commission to represent the City of San Bernardino.
The Committee recommended that staff appeal the Technical Reviev Letter
that staff include funds in Dext year's budaet for a lObbyist dedicated
(not shared vith other jurisdictions) to the City.
3. DISPOSInOR 01' .l.JUJUZiIIfTal. mnnn.n~ BOlID PKI lent _.I.Y:I BOSP1"l"I.')
Kenneth J. Benderson, lxecutiYe Director, infomed the Co_ittee that
C~ity Hospital has previously paid a total of $43,750 (one/eilhth of one
percent of the Industrial Development Bond Fee) on an annual basis to the San
Bernardino Economic Development Council which vas disbanded a few years ago.
Chairwoman Istrada requested a comprehensive report be developed
reflectiDl how fUl1ds previously paid to SBlDC vere expended (items purchased,
present location of equipment, all contractual qreements a.._ed, and;
condition of .aid contracts, and related issues). She further requested that
Mr. Sem Henley, fomer lxecutiYe Vice-Preaident of the San Bernardino Economi c
Development Council, be invited to attend the Dext lIeetiDl.
Mr. Henderson indicated a report recardiDl the Community Hospital
Industrial Development Bond reserve and development fee transfer to the City
Treasurer would be provided at the next lIeetiDl.
Mr. Henderson also indicated that the Mayor requested this item be
continued to the nut lIeetiDl so he could speak to the CO_ittee regarding
this issue.
The Co_ittee recommended this item be continued to the nut
Redevelopment Committee aeetiDl, at which time Mr. Sem Henley will be
invited to attend. In addition, the report on the Industrial Bond Fee
reserve and development fee transfer to the City Treasurer will be
submitted to the Co_ittee for its review.
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5266R (dlm)
4. BIllA. P..&.....tnlTp "-'_Ell' ... (P..&...-r.&T. I!JrDII'TPIl!lft 0., cmlPLftIORl
J:enneth J. Handerson, Ixecuthe Director, ezp1ained that, in December
of 1986, the Deve10PDeDt Departaent entered into a Disposition and Joint
Deva10pment Aareeaent (DDA) with SiIIa Partnership llullber One for the purpose
of deve10pins the property on the northeast corner of Mill and "~" Streets.
The project was oriaina11y to be completed in two (2) phases over a period of
five (5) years. to date, Phase I, consistina of nineteen (19) buildinss, has
been completed with two (2) of these buildinss currently in escrow. In
addition, Mr. Handerson indicated that Phase II of the DDA requires the
developer to construct a minimum of 500,000 square feet of retail, office or
industrial development space before December, 1991.
Mr. Handerson stated the DDA also requires SIMA to take certain actions
prior to the issuance of a certificate of completion; however; due to a
1lUIIber of situations, which have arisen beyond SIMA's control (aeneral plan,
update, state iaposed aoritorium, and related aatters), a five (5) year
extension to complete the construction has been requested by SIMA. As a
condition of the request, the developer has eareed to pay in-lieu fees durins
the five (5) year period. The fee would total appraziaate1y .5,668.00
($500,000 X 1.1336S . .5,668.00). Mr. Handerson further steted that 1eaa1
couneel is currently preparins a Second Mendaent to the DDA, which will
include the in-lieu fees, new construction schedule, and the Partial
Certificate of Completion. Staff recomaends adoption of the fora motion.
The Comaittee ezpressed its concern relative to potential problems
arisins from an aesthetic atandpoint aenera11y associated with
automotive-related busine..ea (motors in the parkins lot, wrecked cars, and so
on). Lenathy diacuadon ensued reaardina potential prob1_ which could occur
aa a reau1t of a110wins automotive-related buainesses locate to the site and
in the busine.. buildinsa. It was determined that an amendment to the DDA
specifically de1ineatins the teras for aaintenance will be required to ensure
proper upkeep of the site.
Mr. Handerson stated that since SIMA has played a aajor role in
estab1ishins the trend of 1iaht industrial type businesa operations
(pinstripins, window tintins, and so on), if the Comisdon does not approve
the Certificate of Completion, the two (2) buildinss currentlJ' in escrow may
not attract other types of businesses, particularly of a retail nature.
The Comittee recomanded approval to the Comaunity Development
Commission of the Partial Certificate of Completion for SIMA
Partnership lUmber One.
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5. IInIPT.D .....III! .;;--..... ASSOCTA'PrM .....-KlI'mnp (Additional aaend. item)
Mr. Robert Temple, Actina Adllinistrator, EconClllic Developllent Alency,
said this ita has been added at the request of the _or for the purpose of
consideration by the C_ittee in approvina the City's application for
lIembership to the World Trade Center Association. Mr. Taple disseminated a
letter outlinina sOlIe of the special privileles eztended to corporate lIembers
for review and inforllation purposes.
Mr. Michael I:lesh, Vice Prasident of the Greater World Trade Center
(GWTC), previouslyaade a presentstion to staff and provided literature for
conaideration by the City 9f San Bernardino relative to becomina a corporate
member in February, 1991. Discussion took place reaardina the posa1bility of
the Developllent Department payina the one-tille _ual lIembership fee of
$5,000. Mr. Temple indicated that ....rship to the Greater Los Anceles World
Trade Center could prove to be advantaaeoua to the City with respect to the
Norton Air Force Base reuse issue. .e further indicated it II1pt be
beneficial for the City to acclillate itself with the World Trade Center
Association in terlla of the assistance that it could provide the City with the
developlllent of s plan to urket the City and its asseta on an international
level. Additional positive aspects of memberShip noted were (1) an article
promotina the. City in TlADELIRI:S, a quarterly newsletter distributed
worldwide, (2) VIP _ouncements sent to World Trade Centers, (3) cOllputer
networkina, and, (4) travel discounts. Staff emphasized the illportance to the
City of establishina an open channel on an international level.
Mr. Temple informed the C_ittee that the World Trade Center has
1nc1icated sianificant interest in the developllent of Norton Air Force Base in
terlla of a potential international trade center site. As such, a key issue is
the developllent of a aarketina plan specifically tailored to the needs of the
City. Be further stated the above ._ents are supported by demolraphics
provided by the World Trade Center, reflectina the feasibility of eetablishina
a World Trade Center in the City, possibly at the Norton Air Force Baee site.
The COlIDittee requested a lleatina be arraneed with Mr. I:lesh for the
purpose of aakina a presentation relardina the benefits of IIS11bership and
lona-ranee loals of sBlle as they relate to the City of San Bernardino.
The Committee recolIDended that the City become a member of the World
Trade Center Association.
The COlIDittee recessed to Closed Session at 5:45 p.m.:
c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 the Redeveloplllent
COlIDittee of the Development Department of the City of San
Bernardino will convene to closed eeesion to consider personnel
The Redeveloplllent Committee reconvened from Closed Session at 6:00 p.m.
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7. ADJOuIUllllllD:
There beina no further buainea., the Redevelopment COIIIIittee aeetina of
December 27, 1990, was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
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aedevelosaent c-lttee
BE : EJJI: dlm
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