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Clft OF"~
~.~I' ~ t'YWIIIITIIaTtWI/W....!... ...........
Fran: mmEIH J. HI!HJ!2lCN
Executive Director
SUbject: Jell r-.JVl'.Lr&.u.&a lOR
.... D.UIJ U&.Y.l.lt.l.La Jll-uaI.IDD
am u.mn..oWrIVB SlRVICBB
mvIIIII2I ....~ ."".I;.I.".I.\&ta
Date: Jamaxy 18, 1991
8.lwpei. of Pr8rioua ~-~"""n.-l/oc..ittee aotioD:
On Septeui:ler 5, NaIrEI1i:ler 5, Nav....t-. 19 an:! De< _.i.er 10, 1990, the n-omonrl.ty Delle-
l~rt; ChmIi -ial took certain act.i.als in UlAU..ct:ia1 with the I.....u.yanizaticn of
the Devel~rt; Department.
Re? .-4.~~ lIotiau.
(nNI'''"''~ty DIIv8l____t. .-4__)
'BII.T 'BIB ~JILl..&:'% JIWBlD1lIIBIr1I CXHIISSDB Ar....,.. 'DIll JCB r_.a. :M..I.rr.IUID Iml 'DIll
JI>A:utD UL Y.LD.&UlII ........... A1lD AJ:IIDU.Ir.DeA:fIVB _.IU5IIi UL Y.LD.&UlII ......... &,YD.I:r.u.aoB
A1lD AIJ'lB:IRIZB mil ~"".l".uD OF A _T2,Rf _z !at 8UCII .....I:r.....-.
D8ft1., _ -to
Ocntact Persal:
Ken Henderscn
5065: 5081
Project Area:
Ward(s) :
S\glorti.Iq Data Att.acbed:
Rr...f'f' v...." t: JdJ n.:.a,.,..I.....i ens
Amamt: $ N/A
~ Authority:
.-4_'lCIII/n._1 ~:
KJH: lab: 4205
~ Ita a)l
fIDID -*f
Jcb DI8->-~"'" for .......- Di,vt..t..... --
..... ~,,~IItrati_ SEvi- Dlvt.~eIl -....- ~~ti.....
On SEpt_.J -ex 5, NoI..,..t-. 5, NoI............ 19 am Deo-.J << 10, 1990, the .........."1ity Delle-
l~tt n-.r.ni_ial took certain act.ia1s in .............'"t:icn with the Devel."'t"""".t
Department rear:ganizaticn revolvin:J anun the _U1Ial of various joo -;a--%ip-
ticns, the adqlti.cn of divisicn am depIrt:ment organizaticnal. structures, the
c:::c:nmctinJ of a salary survey am the init.i.aticn of specific recruitments. As a
part of this I:"-~, staff am spec"i.., co.msel to the Devel."'t"""".t DepBrtment have
prepared the attadled joo descripticns for the 1bJsin:J Divisicn Mal_ am
Administrative 8eNices Divisicn Manl!lger pcsiticns for review am _U1Ial by the
In preparin;J said joo descripticns, si1llilar pcsiticn descrjpticns fran other local
units of gcM=L.......d.. were dJtained am, where _'-I'Llate, u........}IUL..ted into the
major functicns previmsly 8RltCMld by the n-.m.i_ial. '!be pcsiticn descriptims
are also based upcn the three (3) divisial organizat.icnal st:ructme also pm-
vimsly ll(.prOYed by the n-.m.i_icn, am xeflect: the neoos~uy d1an;Jes in duties,
level of respcllSJbility, speci.., lpllificaticns an1111iniDJm lpllificaticns re-
quired to can;y 01t the assigned major areas of respalSibility.
If ll(.prOYed by the n-.m.i_tcn, the ale itEm to be resolved in ............'"I:icn with
these pcsiticns, other than recruitment am selecticn, is the issue of ("'\_-
ticn. As sud1, staff is also reo ...._Iliin) the CCDb:t:.in;r of a salary survey.by an
outside party to survey cities si1lli'ar in size, pcsiticns of si1lli",,. respalSi-
bility an:i a devel~IL qJeraticn whose socpe closely ~ the City's.
Based upcn previo.Js n-.m.i....icn acticns am the foregoin:J, staff zen ....~
adc.pticn of the fozm moticn.
o KJH: lab: 4205
~1Ia'n. ~.uu
x.t:!Dq nat:.1 02/18/91
- --,
CITr 0. BIll ~
_~, J&lUDoUU DI'9'I8IIB
Job DlIscrlDtiCID
tImer direc:ticn of the Executive Director, manages, supervises am
c:xxmllnates the functiaIs am activities of the Jbls.i.nJ Divisicn of the
Devel~lt DeparbDelnt am pravides staff assistame to the Executive
Dizect:or .
SL...a... y 1sicm ~'VI!Id JnVt. . .. ~ ,....
Receives general directicn fran the Executive Dh:ectar.
Exercises direct supervisicn of the Hoosing Divisicn's professicnal
am clerical staff.
SI:oecrl.l ouallficatiCIIIS
'Ibis pcsiticn differs fran other Department pcsitia1s in nq.dring a
detailed familiarity with the iSS'''''''' am practicas ."""Q<'!;;ote(i with cun....d..
mban housin;J ccncams inc1Ming devel~IL of new housing, rehabilita-
tia1 am pr !S'ervaticn of existing housing, ~ of low am m0de-
rate :I.nccma housing A"""<'Oiated with redevel~IL, federal am state hoos-
in;Jlaws am funding, am various toms of finaooing raDJing fran lOO1.~
revenue bends throogh Chmnrdty DeYel~IL BlocJt Grants. '!be pcsiticn
~ the t.ectmical bac:Ilg:I:amd am pm.........]. sJdUs nK -"y to super-
vise specialists in various housing areas, inc1Ming phAhil itaticn, J:elo-
caticn am finaooing, am an ability to effacb.1ate the I"'l ides of the
DeparbDant in a IIIEIlII1ar \hich adCh. -U' the OCIlClemS of the pJblic.
'Ir ._ .188 of Duti_
nxti.es my inc1tm, bIt are not limited to, the follCJW1n;J:
a) Plan, manage am ooardinate the goals am cbjectives of the Hoos-
ing Divisicn CD'ISistent with the goals of the Devel~.t Depart-
ment; design am iDplemant divisicn policies am ilL'. -n-es lie-
~e_"'Y to pravi.de divisicn services am further divisicn goals;
prepare a statemnt: of divisicn cbjectives am time fi......... for
the ~lishment thereof.
b) Manage am supervise copecific divisicn activities am projects;
supervise staff in developing divisicn i'L"":IL-; mview i'L"":IL-
am projects for OCIIpliarxla with DeparbDelnt policies am goals,
as well as local, state am federal:regulatials; Cllersee the
analysis of p1..~<.....1.. for iu-"":IL- am projects am cost projec-
)b..--JeZ, p.~"~ DivisiCID
..--.-... .'" ...'--_..'
c) Manage, supenrise an:! dimct the pnparatien of ClJ:'l'LUifLlate re-
ports an:! studies related to hcAJsin] i....".... and divisien activi-
ties, amlyze "'Y4ts an:! pnpaxe :t'""'. ....-ldaticns for i1lpl~-
in] lIe:- -ry acticns or i'Lup.aIID in zespcnse thereto.
d) SUpervise the providiDJ of infOl1lBticn and tedmica1 assistame
to the Mayor, 0......, Cb.lrI::il., 1qi!ltl::':f Adminisb:atar, Executive
Director an:! Senior City staff in matters relat:iDJ to the divi-
sien's activities an:! i'Lup.aIID.
e) OXlrdinate demoliticn and rel.ocatien efforts ...........i.ated with re-
DDVal of structures and displao-~.t of persaIS as a result of .
divisien activities.
f) Provide 1 iAi '"""l and OOOJ:dinatien with state and federal ageooies
involved in hoosin] matters.
g) Act to seek aIt ani utilize possible sa.JroeS of furxiiJJJ for divi-
sien activities an:! supenrise the use of sudlfurxiiJJJ in mamers
0CIlSist.ent with 8Rllicable nIles and regu1atic.rB.
h) Direct, plan and review the divisien's activities with regard to
services for the hcmeless, ioolu:lliJ) 000J:dinaticn with other
gcvernnent ageooies providiDJ sudl services to the hcmeless.
i) Meet with ~ of aItside ageooies and the p.lblic to foster
ani explain the divisien's goals, policies and i'L"L-....iIn-es.
j) Select, train ani mtivate divisicn staff; provide reo ....-r1da-
ticns for guidelines and iAL' <l"'lIn-esfor the select!en and train-
in] of pe1.6GtIl...J..
k) Perfonn related duties as r--~"'xy or requested.
,..-, " fioati.....
B'IIclWl~ ~:
Modern principles an:! practices of hoosinq.
laws and regu1atic.rB related to hoosi~ i...........
Principles of ~1l...J. administraticn, supetvisien and trainiD).
llbUity to:
SUpervise, train ani evaluate professia1a1 ani clerical staff.
InteJ:pret 8Rllicab1e laws, nIles ani regulaticns.
Prepare ani analyze "'Y4LB, st:ateDent:s ani \.lUL..~dence.
Chmunicate clearly ani oax:ise1y, both vPm..l1y and in writing.
1L--:JE, JIols.""9 Dlvi8icD
Establish and BBintaJn effective lilI:lrldn;J relatialships with those
contacted in the <:n1Z'E of work.
o 11'I,,".._ ---_.1.,.,. .... .....II..1'V"r R8cJ1141 -ita
'!he miniDua ClCIIbinatiCll of experiEllXle aId trainin;J far this positiCll
is as follows:
A Bactlelor's n..,......., or ecpivalent, frcm an ............Jited college or
university with major <:n1Z'E work in eoctlClwics, milan pl.anni.n;J, pm-
lie administratiCll, or a clcsel.y related field.
seven (7) years experiEn:le, iIXllmin) subst:antia1 """.....,.,....-IL respa.-
sibilities in federal, state or local hoosin;J }'L"':fLallD, or ecpivalent
private sector experiEllXle.
Of said seven (7) years total experiEn:le, at least two (2) years ex-
periEllXle DUSt I:le dem:lI...t.....ted in direct supervisiCll of subordinate
persamel in furtherarxle of local hoosin;J },AL"':fL........
~, ........"" DLvisiCD
~ 1lBIi'Ii--.r or 'BIB
Cl'1'! or .. --..mD
..........., ~ _.LCBS DIVIBraI
Jcb DI. l1DtiClll
t1nEr directicn of the Executive Director, 1IIlUlllllJElS, supervises ani
coardina1:es the functions am activities of the Jldm:inistrative services
Divisicn of the Devel'1,...ellt Department ani provides staff assistarv:le to
the Executive Director.
...~. wI.",.. """""'V8I! IIftd V.1..,..:I....
Receives """..eral directicn fr:an the Executive Director.
Exercises direct supervisicn of the Administrative Services
Divisicn's professicnal ani clerical staff.
-., t'lI1A,4ficatiClllll
'1his positicn ~ a tmrcu;Jh knoiiledge of Califomia redevelcp-
ment finance ani redeYel~jL r:ya...f aot'lO.lllt.irJ practices in additicn to
a bac1lgram:i in ~d....aet CCIIp1iarJ:le for variQ.lS types of redeYel~Jt
_"'Y..".. ....lUI, a:a;, UIll\G, ani EDl\. ...."':fLCIIID, ~l..uco.t portfolio
_...,.........It amlxni issue CCIIp1iarJ:le. 'lhe positicn ~ the teami-
cal. backgram:l ani perscnnel sId11s re:' In'Y to supervise speci.' ists in
variQ.lS llreY, iD::1udin;J ocnt:ract CCIIp1iarJ:le, a<:lCO.II1tin;J, ....~ tax
analysis am graprlcs ani design, am an ability to effectuate the poli-
cies of the Department in a DIll1I1I1lr Wi.d1 cdiL 9S the OCIlCeJ:1lS of the
.. 11_ of Duties
D.Jties 1N!1.Y iD::1me, hIt are mt limited to, the fo11<:JWi.n]:
a) Plan, manage ani coordinate the goals ani cbjec:tives of the Ad-
mi.nistmticn services Divisicn OCIlSistent with the goals of the
Devel_Jt Department, .......ign ani iDplElllElrJt divisicn policies
ani ~n-es nee: l'ty to provide divisicn services ani further
divisicn goals ani prepare a statement of divisicn cbjec:tives ani
time fl......... for the ll""'"'pl ishment thereof.
b) Mlln!IgIEI am supervise staff in the lIa1it:.oriDJ of all JIIJIlicipal
Ixni fiMn;::irgs :iJnJrred in furtherance of Depu1:ment cbjectives,
iD::1udin;J tax allocaticn l:xms, sin;Jle anilllJltifamlly DDrtgage
:revenJe l:xms, certificates of part:iclpaticn, taxable l:xms ani
I:xlrrowin;Js fr:an oonventi.cnal lerders.
""''''9K, ~". SCViClll8 1
-~ ,- ~"'-_., ,
c) Manage, supervise ani db:ect the preparatim of "K'L'"'t"-iate re-
ports to the state O:lIltroller, the statelllent of IJdebtedness to
the O:lunty ani the anmal audit ani other shYlies ar L~ls re-
lated to hoosinq, eoalCIIIic deYel-.--d.. ani redevel....'},,"efut. iSS'.-
ani divisicn activities, analyze .I.~ls ani prepne r&. ....-lda-
tia1s far iDplementin;J neoeeeny actims ar I"-\.YLCIIIII:O in respcrl!le
d) SUpervise the prc:IIfidinq of infcmoatim ani t.ec:tmic:a1 assistance
to the Mayer, n ..... I'l Cbmcil, 1qerr:y 1ldministratar, Exlecutive
Direc:tar ani Seniar City staff in matters rel.atin;J to the invest-
ment activities, finan::ia1 CXDiitiat, bJdget OCIlSideratims ani
the finan::ial ability to inplement Department I"-\.YLCIIIII:O.
e) SUpervise ani db:ect the preparatim of tax iJ.............Jt revenue
cash flow analyses far each redevel.-.--Jt project axea, identify
irregularities in tax ir.............d.. receipts ani",;, r n:'l value
figures ani 1IIX1itar deYel"'t""""d.. project ClClIpletiat to obtain va-
lid projectims of tax ir".uil.....L growth.
f) Provide] i..i AIY1 ani coordinati.at with state ani fedeml llgiE!Rlles
involved in \A.IOlLLaCt ClClIpliance far any grant ar loan 1'L\.YLCIIIII:O.
9) SUpervise the expen:U.ture ani inv_t.....Jt of fI.1nlliJ} cbtained by
the Department in manners OCIlSistent with awlicable mIes ani
h) SUpervise ani administer all aspects of the Department's word
iu-,-r. inq CCIIp1ter system, inc1minq hardware ani software far
word 1"-,.:;- -inq, aoocmtt.i.rq ani data p::()( iIq.
i) SUpervise ani administer all aooaJJ'lti.rq ani ClClIpliance matters
dealinq with the 'nienty-P81;'Oeut (20%) Iaii ani Jtlderate-InccIIIe
lbJsinq !\ni, lhmo..uty DeIIel"'i"""".L Block Grant 1'L\.YL-, Jb::a.....i.c
Ilevel"'t""""d.. 1ldministrat.iat iu-\.YLCIIIII:O ar other fedeml fums in-
c1minq the deteminaticn of valid apeuditures ani projects,
t.iJDe 1il11its far ellpeIllH.tures, inv_t.....lt of fums, ani ensure
0CIIp1iance with all affordability oavenants ani regulatary
j) SUpervise the preparaticn of the Department bJdget ani ,..v'IgPt
p1anninr:J activities inc1u:linq the praITi.dinq of inf..........tiat ani
t.ectmica1 assistance to the Exlecutive Direc:tar ani the Depart-
ment's other divisims ani periodically review ani 1IIX1itar the
Department bJdget ani make ~'"'t"-iate 11$0' ....-.Idat.iats.
k) SUpervise an ~ Sectiat ani all daily Y"".....a1 ledger ac-
ClCUIlt.inq flm::tiats, inc1minq aooomIts payable, aocxJIJnts receiv-
able ani payroll.
-~, ~ft 88I:9ioM 2
-,-'.',-,' _.- 'p-
1) Manage and supervise a GraJidcs and Design secticn that is reo-
spawib1e for the design and ~ of all Department lIIllr""
ketin;J and praII:ltiaIal DBteria1s, audio-visual pt1lSE!I1tati.a of
Department ecalClllic deIIel.~Jt and hcusin) matters, and en-
qineerinJ and design of certain Department spa..........d pzojec:ts.
m) Select, train and DDtivate divisicn staff, prcNide re.:' ....-Jlja-
tiCl1S for guidelines and pro(,..,~n-es for the selecticn and train-
in) of J:""L.....u..u.
n) Parfom related duties as ne:; ro:y or requested.
t'lI..l ~ fiaati--
EIIolr1qe ofl
Qu.L....L principles and practices of redeve1<.pUC1.L aqii4'C'f acoount:in;J,
i1N.:.:.l.w.:.Jt practices and plblic aqii4'C'f financial admini.st:ra:t..
laws and regu1atiCl1S related to the administraticn of the Twenty-Per-
cent (20%) Low and !t:lderate Inccme lb.1sinJ PUm.
BD;Jet practices and Jmget p1annin;J and inp1ementaticn.
Principles of persame1 administraticn, supervisicn and traininJ.
Ability tol
SUpervise, train and evaluate professicnal and clerical staff.
Int:ezpret awlicab1e laws, rules and regu1atiCl1S.
Prepare and analyze financial L~ls, invt:z.l.w.:.Jt activity state-
ments, 0cQ1t:y Auditm-<1..iLLuller tax :iJ.............Jt t'I;.zhlrSo:oul!!kJt statements and
related ~L"""t""'dence.
Camunicate clearly and OCIY"i....ly, both vPm..l'y and in writin;J.
Establish and maintain effective ~ relatialShips with those
exntacted in the oourse of work.
"'''';l1li''' 'R_...n...... ... ....offt..1"It'J' 'Dar11lI';l_.__La
'!he miniJIJJm OCIIi:Iinaticn of experieooe and trai.nin;J for this positicn
is as follows:
A Bachelor's ~_, or Eq.livalent, fran an accredited college or
university with major oourse work in .ao.....c.uics, amicipal finance, ac-
ccmrt:in;r, plblic administraticn or a closely related field.
v>"'.-.ger, ~". S81:ri.ces 3
-. "'-' ,
six (6) years experience, iool\KliD) substantialllllU>>r.-..t nilSpOIlSi-
bilites in lcx:al gc\I...........d. a<ll:DJI1I:in;J, ccxrt:ract caIplianoe am J:'L<l}Ia&.'ty
tax analysis or E!CJlivalent private sector experieme.
Of said six (6) years t.otal. experieme, at least two (2) years exper-
ieme DJJSt be deoa...L.....ted in direct supervisicn of subordinate pa......ud
in sane financial, .......L...caCt 0CIIp11ance or ac:x:'nIIltinJ situaticn.
KJH: lab: 4200
~, ~_ services 4