HomeMy WebLinkAbout68-Economic Development Agency wrl=oP SAN "RNARDI~ - R_U~ FOR ~L .~ From ...~ J. 11II1Iim....., ou.ctar SuINlct: ___.ro.~R "l. . J "j ~wA' ,< ..... .. 1k<llMll . ,. '.' , -- t' -uty 0IWl., 4. Dell Illy 9, 1989 !lvnopl/l of Prell IOUI CouncillCtion: ~ Illy 16, 1988, the Mayar and t' " CDmcil ccna1dInd and ......--.m ClIEta1n f'V 1988/1989 CIID el1gihle prajecta, Po..,. and 8Ct1viU.. ' U'l ~:(16, 1988, the Mayar and l'I. . CDmcil """ ,..... a ~~.m. . ~~-idn.J and d1.rect1rI:J the Mayar to -g an ..... 4. malllll IlL_A .TO ltb>> ' . . (..J\NwU1e ru-.tter Intmwnt.1al P.........-> and the d.t)' of 8m .....~., ' H. ,,,,,mln,1tKt motion: 'Ihat the tinBncia1 atat:ua or the .J'IIWni1e Fir . 1- ~ 1\........_ be <uwider8l in ocnjunctiCln with the ~'. "lIP,........, tClr JlCI.--..4J.t aftl ~ _.L atatua. llUrthIIr, that ataff be dh.- to taka __late actian in accardance with ~.u, atata aftll.oc:lll ~. , '" II' f U , ,Nt. 'ton Ken ~ nor. -- start RIpo:k L Phone: 5065 1-7 'I.lIIll't"'q Itata attached: 'WIrcI:. Source: (Acct. No.1 118,526.80 121-544-57694 . ., " · """"NG REOUIREMENTS: Amount: fAcet. DncriDtionl CIID rr 1987/1988 A.l'-1~ .FiIwa: '01.( Nutel ~o- - CI'<;- OF SAN BERNARDIQ - REQUEcr FOR COUNCIL AC'hbN STAFF REPORT . On Jarmary 9, 1989, the C:;rorm1Tlity Devel..........Jt DepBrt:ment can- duct:sd a lo'LuJ<.a8l an:!.firwcial audit of the Juvenile F~ Interventi.en Pl........... 'Ai a result of sa!d audit, a ,..- of ~"""'CIIU areas. were fQUJi IK:lt to be in CCIIpliarxle with certain federal, state an:! local regu1aticns. '!be ~tien did IK:lt have in its pcss--ien certain items, such as Articles of In.::loJ:po1:ation for a non profit status, state an:! federal tax ~ status identificaticn, organiza~ By-Laws, Certificate of Ell'ideI,:lce.qf Authority J::rf the organizaticn's gayerni.rJ) I:lody an:! ~~./.a.. deficiencies dealinJ with general ac::x:nmtin;J principleS. On Jarmary 17, 1989, the (;nmI1TIity Devel..........Jt DepBrt:ment sent a letter (Exhibit "A") via certified mail to Ms. Brema Jo Rice (JUvenile F~ Interventi.en P........._) CA1tl:inin;J the concems raised J::rf the audit an:! requestinJ a l.'eSpCIlSe regartiiJ'q said concems. Oansequent1y, follawi.n;J nomal p1:ooenl11'S an:! . mandated policies as identified J::rf the ag1.eement bebleen the organizatien an:! the City, all disbJrsements of fI.n:Js were p.lt on hold until the concems stated in the letter ocWd be suc- cessfully resolved. On March 8, 1989, Ms. Rice personally delivered a ootarized <XF.{ of the Articles of Ir-....IL~tien whicil were IK:lt ~ an:! did IK:lt contain the emorsed seal of the Secretazy of state, cq>ies . of the awlication for exenpti.cn to the California Frand1ise Tax Board dated August 31, 1988, an:! a <XF.{ of exenpti.cn umer Section 501 (c) (3) of the Intemal Revenue o:de dated septeni:ler . 3, 1988. Ms. Rice also sub1Iitted a CCIIpleted an:! ootarized <XF.{ of the organization's By-Laws. Unfortunately, the cq>ies of the required dQcI""'""Its did IK:lt :inllcate proof of the organization's non-profit status nor a state an:! federal tax ...........,L status identification. on April 20, 1989, I"'nrmIlTIity I)evel~Jt staff ClCI1tacted the SecIetary of state's Office for any updates en the awlication am were infcmned the Articles of Inco1~<llticn for the ~"""'CIIU were beirg forwarded to the Frand1ise Tax Board (exeupt sectien) for oonsideratien before makin;J a fjnal detetminaticn en the classification of the organization. Also CXI1t:act.ed was the Intemal Revenue Service (IRS) whicil infcmned staff the organizatien! s awlication was returned to Ms. Rice bee.."..... of inxItpleteness am that re-sul:Ini.ttal WQ.J].d have to be made with prooessinJ fees attadled for further <XlI1Sideration. To date, no evidence of awroved rxn-profit status or state, Federal tax exenpt status has been furnished. Mav 9, 1989 - ,- " "- " ' ", "'" --' fI1!Ii7If ~ CClDt,~""*'." BNDdaJoRice Pege -2- I, therefore, Z'e':' ....m that the cl",i""" for reinbJrsement for . the IIICI'lths of Dec-.i'llii,1988 thrcu;Jh April, 1989 (a total of five (5) 1IICI'lths), not: l;lEI PX(.~ -ed until such tilIIe as appr0- priate documentati~'~J~en subnitted frail the Secnrt:ary of state's office, ~'l'IPC BcllI.rd" ~ the Intema1 RsverAJe Selvioe am, W'ltil liIUch'. 'I::iiDe as a leg8l cpinicn has been ren:iered by the Office of the City Attomey reganiin;J the allowability of retroiIctive payments. ICH/EIF jlabj3214 attac:hments May 9, 1989 - ----- ----- c -"'..... - '-" ..."I CITY OF San Bernardino eo..u.." DIWILOP.I.' DIP".'...' KEN NET H. J. HEN 0 E R SON DIRECTOR January 17, 1989 Ms. Brenda Jo Rice Juvenile Firesetter Prevention Program 200 East Third street San Bernardino, CA 92410 Re: FY 1988/1989 CDBG AGREEMENT REVIEW Dear Ms. Rice: I am in receipt of the December, 1988, request for reim- bursement of funds from your organization dated January 9, 1989. Upon review of your request for reimbursement, a number of concerns have arisen which need to be addressed and corrected prior to additional CDBG funds being disbursed as per Section 11 of your FY 1988/1989 CDBG agreement. Specifically, the concerns in question are as follows: 1. A completed copy of the Articles of Incorporation for your non-profit agency are not on file which are certified as being approved by the Secretary of the state of california, coupled with the imprint of the state Seal of California as mandated by the City of San Bernardino. 2. A completed and notarized copy of the By-Laws govern~ ing your organization are not on file as required by the City of San Bernardino. 3. Since your organization is a non-profit organization, the City is required to have your SOlC(3) Tax Exempt status Number on file. This identification number has not been furnished to the City as of this date. 4. A certified copy of Evidence of Authority of the governing body as per Section 20 of your CDBG agree- ment is not on file. EXHIBiT "A" PRIDE -I ~IrRESS 100 NORTH 0 STREET. SAN BEANAADINO. CALIfORNIA 924'8.0001 114/1'._'1" ,Jt'H ..... ,"".... \ ,..; Brenda Jo Rice January 17, 1989 Page -2- ,.,>' - s. a) The overall utilization and expediture of funde as it pertains to the CDBG FY 1988/1989 agreement, Seeton 4, subparts Ca), Cb) and Cd) are not in compliance. Improper travel justifications and documentation is being submitted. b) Reimbursement justifications are submitted without proper documentation for salaries and are based on aross income criteria versus nit income criteria contrary to Section 4, subpart Cd) of your CDBG agreement. 6. OVerall expenditures are not documented within generally acceptable accounting principles contrary to Section 5, subparts Cb) and Cc) of your CDBG agree- ment. 7. Clear and quantified reporting activities as it pertains to services being rendered to low and moderate income families are vaque and do not measure actual preventative trends on how this program is impacting the City of San Bernardino CSection 6, CDBG agreement). S. Disbursement of CDBG funds have previously been lIIade for the months of JUly, 1988 through November, 1988 with payroll salaries being reimbursement by the Community Development Department which are contrary to the CDBG agreement, Section 4, subpart Cd). This . being the case, staff is hereby requesting evidence of payments to the entitled governmental agencies of employee taxes, social security, and/or other with- holdings as per your CDBG agreement as described above. Your cooperation and written response to.these concerns will allow us to expedite your payment request as quickly as possible. Your December reimbursement request is attached to be resubmitted once the concerns in questions are corrected. Should you require additional information or clarification regarding the above referenced concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 714/384-5065. Re ectfuII~~_ Edward L. Flores Community Development Specialist ee: Director of Community Development File