HomeMy WebLinkAboutR05-Redevelopment Agency c " ...) -- !!!!!.!!! UPTOWN UDEVELOPJmlT PIlOJICT A1l.BA CITIZENS ADVISOB.Y COMKl'l'TEB February 16, 1989 2:30 P.M. Location: RDA ConfereDCe I.~ A The meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Uptown. Redevelopment Project Area was called to order by Chairman Larry Willson at 2:40 p.m. in the Redevelopment Agency ConfereDCe Room A, 300 N. -D- Street, San Bernardino, California. COMKl'l'TEB HEHBEIlS PRESENT COMMl'l'TEB MEMBEIlS ABSENT (Sub Area -A-) Larry W. Ammons Dr.tMre. Robert Krone Maria McNulty Scott Scheibe Cas Sermak Manuel Acosta Desi Nelson (Sub Area -B-) ,.,,_. Harry Holmes Alan Vivian Carl Oldenkamp '- STAFF PRESENT Greg Garcia. Project Coordinator - Mayor's Office, City of San Bernardino Sandra Medina, Transcribing Secretary - B.DA. Gary Wagoner, Development Specialist - RDA Evlyn Wilcox. Mayor, City of San Bernardino - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - 1.011 Call 1.011 call was taken by the transcribing secretary. Mayorial Presentation to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Krone Mayor Evlyn Wilcox commended Committee members Bob and Sue Krone for their commitment to a more attractive San Bernardino by voluntarily clearing the vacant lot which is adjacent to the lot on which their residence is located. ..,"-~ '- 5 . ,....' :J ....... Mayor Wi1coz preaented Dr. and Mra. Krone with a cOllllllemorative pin with the Pride in Progreaa logo on it. "- General Plan A.enaent Procesa (Scott Scheibe) Scott Scheibe reported that at preaent the recOllllllendation to the City Council will be to allow car dealera both new and uaed in the CG (COIDIDercial-Genera1) zoning deaignation aubject to approval of a Conditional Uae Permit. Mr. Scheibe continued by atating that it ia still unclear where -auto related uaea- will be allowed. Mr. .Wagoner noted that an uact definition of the ten -auto-related uaea- ia needed. Mr. Willaon noted that the Uptown CAC ia in receipt of a letter from Shauna Clark. City Clerk. B.e Propoaed Aeathetic Improvementa to the -r Street Corridor between 8th and Baae1ine Streeta (filed). The letter waa directed to the Uptown CAC aa a reault of dlacuaaion of the City' a New General Plan. Mr. Wagoner atated that it ia hia underatanding that the City Council would like the COIIIIBittee to aubmit a recOllllllendation to the B.DA aa to what apecifical1y could be done poaaib1y with B.DA aaaiatance to aeathetical1y improve the area. - Mr. Wagoner atated that one recommendation could be that the B.DA aaaUlle the financial coat for architectural aervicea for the purpoae of eatabliahing a unified concept for the buaineaaea/buildinga in that area. Mr. Scheibe auggeated that the concept could be deVeloped in phaaea for the property owner. Mra. Krone auggeated that more than one conceptual deaign for the area be aought. Mr. Seraak auggeated that the Architectural Departmenta of college a and univeraitiea in the area be conaidered aa a viable aource for the architectueal aervicea. The coat of such aervicea would be draatical1y reduced uaing atudent help. Mr. Wagoner atated that ataff would reaearch thia option. Mr. Garcia auggeated that before any conceptual drawinga are made of the corridor between 8th and Baaeline that the Main Street Program conceptual drawing a be reviewed. Facade improvement a for that program include bui1dinga on -E- Street to Sizth Street. MOTION: For two different Univeraity Architectural Departmenta to be contacted to aacertain if the conceptual drawinga could be accomp1iahed aa a atudent project. Moved by: Caa Seraak The motion waa carried unanimoua1y. Seconded by: Maria McNulty ,-- "-' -2- '. "........ '-' ~ '- Uptown Project Area Deterioration Dr. Krone atated that he would be interested in reviewing statistics which aight linlt the number of criainal incidents to the &IIIOunt of blight within a given area. Hr. Garcia stated that frOll experience he feels there is a very definite relationship of high crae to blighted areas. Hr. Willson stated that the increased incidences of graffiti in the Uptown Project Area are becoaing more and more of a problem. ,Hr. Willson asked about the City'a poaition on such occurrencea. Hr. Garcia atated that the Hayor has asked the Director of Public Servicea to improve the acheduling of cleanup to graffiti-affected areas. Hr. Garcia further atated that the Hayor has directed the City Adainistrator to develop a new Graffiti Progr.., i. e., atrengthening the ordinance currently in effect. Thia iasue is due to be diacussed at a City Council meeting very 8oon. Hr. Garcia atated that the most effective way to handle unwanted graffiti ia for the property owner to remove the graffiti hlatheraelf aa fast as posaible and then to repeat the process aa ..ny timea aa necesaary. The new ordinance will aid the absentee landlord in removing unwanted graffiti; however, the new ordinance will effect a fee (labor + 40% overhead) for auch aervicea by the City. - '-' Developaent Opportunitiea for Sub Area -B- Barry Bolaea reported that he and Carl Oldeultamp and Alan Vivian had recently met with Steve Dukett, ll.DA Executive Director, and Gary Wagoner and Sue Gonzales to discusa development options for Sub Area -B-. Hr. Bolaes continued atating that the area is currently zoned Induatrial-Light and Industrial-Heavy. The type of development that would be conaiatent with thoae zoning deaignations would be distribution facilitiea. Hr. Bolllea auggested that the vacant land could become a target for a quality diatribution facility, e.g. produce diatribution center. Such a facility would alao generate new employment for the area. Advantages for the area are easy rail aa well aa freeway acceaa. Hr. Bollles aubmitted a letter dated February 16, 1989, from the repreaentativea of the Committee to Sub Area -B- detailing thia auggestion in written form. Hr. Willson asked if all the targeted land for this project is vacant. Hr. BOlaes stated that some of the land is vacant and some is developed. ~ -3- ". JI"'.' ......, ...J Mr. Holaes stated that he would help to accollplish this project in any way he could. ,,-. MOTION: Move that we accept the above project in principle as a project for the Uptown Project Area and that the aforementioned letter be rewritten on Uptown CAC stationary signed by the COIIII1ttee Chairman. Moved by: Dr. Robert Krone The lIotion was carried unanimously. Seconded by: Cas Sermak Uptcnrn Project Area Survey It was reported that the survey forms are currently being inputted into the IlDA cOllputer system. Results should be available at the March, 1989, lIeeting. . N/s Highland Avenue Parlt1ng Lot Consolidation Project Cas Sermsk suggested that the target area boundaries be revised from -r to Arrowhead to -E- Street to Mountain View. Mr. Sermak stated that a property owner in the - atended- boundaries calle to see him and is very supportive of the parlt1ng consolidation project. Mr. Sermak suggested that a meeting be arranged between this property owner, Mr. Wagoner and hillself . .- - nt-(N/w Corner of Hi Mr. Wagoner reported that a courtesy review was conducted by the Design Review Committee (DRC) for development of an auto repair facility proposed to be located on the vacant land located on the northwest corner of Highland and -D- Streets. Mr. Sermak expressed that he felt that unrepaired vehicles kept overnight in that location would not contribute favorably to the general appearance of the area. Mr. Willson noted that this type of use is not consistent with the other uses currently in the area. Mr. Wagoner introduced Mr. Moe Estevene, RDA representative to the Design Review Committee, to the Committee. Mr. Estevene stated that the exact use of the facility was not known by the Planning Department as yet. Mr. Estevene encouraged the Committee to submit its comments on a project of this type even though the information is limited. Mr. Willson suggested that a letter be drafted to the Planning Department expressing that the Committee be kept informed about the status of this project. -- -4- - - :.J --- Mr. Willson asked if that area of land is zoned for this type of buainess. Mr. Estevene stated that tbis type of buainess vould be allowed under the current zoning designation. Mr. Scheibe requested that a rendering of the property be presented to the Committee at such time as that aaterial is available. Mr. Estevene explained that a rendering with colored elevations is required for any project proposed for any redevelopment project area. Mr. Estevene stated that fr_ the drawings available at the present time ezit access from the site will be difficult when many cars are situated on the site. Several Co_ittee members cOllllented that their initial feelings for such a project are negative. Mr. Scheibe encouraged the Co~ttee to solve the problem not just the SymptOllS, i.e., aesthetically poor-looking establishments. Be continued stating that he has seen auto repair facilities with appropriate landscaping and state-of-the-art buildings, and those establishments are much more pleasing to the public aud generally more acceptable to City officials. Aerial Map of the UptOWll Project Area ;.-c Mr. Wagoner reported that several aerial maps will need to be assembled on one background for a c_plete aerial map of the UptOWll Project Area. Mr. Estevene is assembling the portions of several different maps at the present time. Mr. Estevene plans then to outline the ezact boundaries of the Uptown Project Area on the finished map. '-' There being no further buainess, the meeting of February 16, 1989 vas adjourned. Respectfully submitted, O:u)rYl.~~ (ft~~ ;. B.-er Transcribing Secretary jmb:3355K <"'- '- -5- --.- . . " ", ,....., ........ UPTOWN Redevelopment Project Area ~I ~.; ,T'.. '"- Citilsens A411isory Committee 300 North 0 Street, Fourth Floor San Bernardino, California 92418 (714) 384-5081 March 10. 1989 Hs. Sandra Paulsell. Sr. Planner City of Sail BernardillO Plalllliua Depart.ellt 300 .. -D- Street San Bernardillo. CA 92418 Dear Hs. PaulsSll: SUBJBC'1': Proposed DevelopaBllt for the ./w Comer of Bilhland Ayellue 8Ild -D- Street It 18 the wulerataDdiua of the Uptcnm Citizeu Advisory COIIIIittee that a courtesy review was cOllducted by the Deaipl.eview COIIIIittee for an auto repair facility proposed to be located OIl the northwest comer of BilhlaDd Avellue and -D- Street. .-. """"" COIIIIittee .eabers noted that an auto repair facility is Ilot a ue which is eOllaistellt with the leneral area evell thoulh it 18 cou18tellt with the ZOUIlI for the area. . The Committee would like to foraally aubmit a opiuOIl OIl whatever developllellt 18 proposed for that piece of land. Bowever. ill this case. .ore illforaatioll about the actual type of buainess 18 Ileeded. The Committee would like to be kept illf01'lled if further illforaatiOll 18 aubaitted to the Deaip I.eview COIIIIittee 011 this particular develop.SIlt. ThaDlt you ill advance for your cooperatioll. Sincerely. ot~ .t, UlLu,A.) ~ Larry I.. Willsoll Chairaan LKW:JMH:jmh:3360K cc: Uptcnm CAC - J!I--13