HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-Economic Development Agency c r- L c c o ECONOMIC DE VEL 0 P MEN T AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: BARBARA 1. UNDSE1H Acting Director SUB1ECT: HUD CONSOUI>ATED PLAN PUBLIC HEARING DATE: November 29, 1994 Svnoo.-ris of Previous CnmmiaionlCounciVCommittee ActionJ,d: On November 21, 1994, the Common Council established December 5, 1994, at 3:00 p.m., as the date and time for the HUD Consolidated Plan Public Hearing. Recommended Motinnts): OPEN PUBLIC HEARING CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING (Mavor and Common Council) MOTION: That the Mayor and Common COWlcil accept comments and views of residents, public agencies and other interested parties on the HlID Consolidated Plan regarding the Housing and Community Development needs of the City. .'t) Adniinistrator . .;jCv( leu fI ch/& I( BARBARAJ.LINDSETH Acting Director Contact Person(s): Barbara} iM~thlFrni1v WODlZ Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): All Supporting Data Attached: Starr Report REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: Budget Authority: N/A Ward(s): Seven r7\ FUNDING N/A Commi1sion/Council Note.lii: BIL:EMW:hud.cdc.adw COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 12/05/94 '6 Agenda Item No. c "\",.... r- '- c :> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STAFF REPORT HUD Consolidated Plan BACKGROUND The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) intends to reduce the burden of administering certain Housing and Community Development programs by consolidating the plamling and application requirements into a single housing and community development consolidated plan and strategy. The new housing community development strategy will integrate the following submissions into one consolidated plan document: the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS), the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Final Statement, the Home Investments Partnerships (HOME) Program Description, and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Application. The statutes for the grant programs set forth three basic goals which are closely related to the major commitments and priorities of HUD. Each of these goals must primarily benefit low-and very low-income persons. First, the programs are to provide decent housing. Included within his broad goal are the following: assist homeless persons to obtain affordable housing; retain the affordable housing stock; and increase the availability of permanent housing that includes structural features and services to enable persons with special needs to live in dignity. Second, the programs are to provide a suitable living envirolUllent. This includes improving the safety and livability of neigltborhoods; increasing access to quality facilities and services; reducing the isolation of income groups within areas by deconcentrating housing opportunities and revitalizing deteriorating neighborhoods; restoring atld preserving natural and physical features of special value for historic, architectural, or aesthetic reasons; and conserving energy resources. The third major statutory goal of the programs is to expand economic opportunities. Within this goal are creating jobs accessible to low- and very low-income persons; providing access to credit for community development that promotes long-term economic and social viability; and empowering ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BJL:EMW:hud.cdc.(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 112/95/94 .- Agenda Item No. \' c c r "- c :) EDA Staff Report HUD Consolidated Plan December 5,1994 Page -2- low- and very low-income persons in federally assisted and public housing achieve self- sufficiency. The consolidated strategy and plan furthers the statutory goals through a collaborative process whereby a community establishes a unified vision for community development actions. Consolidating the submission requirements offer local jurisdictions a better chance to shape the various programs into effective, coordinated neighborhood and community development strategies. It also creates the opportunity for strategic planning and citizen participation to take place in a comprehensive context, and to reduce duplication of effort at the local level. As part of the new Consolidated Plan requirement, all jurisdictions are required to hold a minimwn of two (2) public hearings during each program year cycle in order to help identify housing and commwlity development needs and at a later date, review the proposed use of funds. The Public Notice contained in the attached exhibit has been published in local newspapers pursuant to HUD regulations and copies were mailed to approximately seven hundred (700) individuals and organizations. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above, it is appropriate to hold the first Consolidated Plan Public Hearing to solicit COlmnents identifying housing and conununity development needs of the City. Staff recommends adoption of the form motion. 1 /n'!- ______J!..)fj..!._~f.';.L0.._~!':::=_.!_;_':_..).,"_'z({---------------- BARBARA J. LINDSETH, Acting Executive Director Development Department ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIL,EMW,hud.cdc.(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: U2195194 i Agenda Item No. c c :> EXHIBIT "A" PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING IIUD CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND REQUEST FOR CDBG PROJECT PROPOSALS 1995 -1996 Program Year TIlE PURPOSE OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING IS TO OBTAIN PUBLIC INPUT REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY'S CONSOLIDATED PLAN WHICH WILL INCLUDE AN ASSESSMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS FOR THE NEXT THREE TO FIVE YEARS. ,-- , \..... THE CITY NEEDS YOUR INPUT: The San Bernardino City Council will be holding a public hearing at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December, 5, 1994, in City Hall Council Chambers, located at 300 N. "D" Street in the City of San Bernardino. The City is soliciting public conunents from interested, citizens, public agencies and other interested parties regarding housing and conununity development needs, issues and problems which will be addressed in the Deparlment of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Consolidated Plan. Of primary concern will be the needs of low and very low income individuals and families, as well as the needs of the homeless, low income targct areas; and the elimination of slum and blight conditions. The Consolidated Plan is a three to five year planning document which will address the use of Federal grant/entitlement fimds for the purpose of meeting the goals of providing decent housing, a suitable living enviromnent and expanded economic opportunities for those in need in our conununity. The City must consolidate its application submission of federal grant programs into a single document for the 1995-96 program year beginning July I, 1995 and to specifically solicit project proposals for the City's Conununity Development Block Grant Program. The federal grant fimds to be applied for under the single application are the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program, the HOME Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) and thc Conununity Development Block Grant (CDBG). c Once the conununity needs have been determined, a three to five year strategy will be developed that, based on expected resources, will determine the types of activities thc City will undertake to address the Plan's goals. Following the three to five year strategy, a one year action plan will be developed to determine the specific use of funds as wcll as to provide a basis for assessing pcrformance for the 1995-96 program year. This will be the first of two required public hearings to be held during the citizen input process,. The second hearing will be held in late Spring to provide final conunents on the draft of the final Consolidated Plan. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call Emily Wong at (909) 384-5081. Please call seven days prior to the meeting with any special rcquirements to ensure that the City will be able to make reasonable aceonunodatious. FEDERAL GRANT PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) PROGRAM The Stewart B. Mckinneny Homeless Assistance Act provides federal fimds to assist in alleviating homelessness. For thc 1995-1996 Fiscal Year, which begins July I, 1995, the City of San Bernardino anticipates receiving approximately $100,000 in ESGP fimds The City would usc thesc fimds to continue providing essential services to homeless persons by giving grants to non-profit organizations that shelter and serve the homelcss. The fimds are distributed to the service providers through a request for proposal process. For more information about the requirements of the ESG Program, please contact the Homeless Services Analyst in the Housing Division at (909) 384-5081. HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (ImME) PROGRAM The HOME Program was enacted under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA) approved November 28, 1990. The Program provides federal fimds to local govermnents to preserve and expand the supply of decent. safe, sanitary and affordable housing. For thc 1995-1996 Fiscal Year, which bcgins July I, 1995, the City of San Bernardino expects to receive approximately $1,500,000 in HOME fimds. The City's HOME Program provides loans and grants to --, / /) c c c c non-profit Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs), rental housing owners and single family housing occupied by owners, for a variety of acquisition and rehabilitation activities. In addition, HOME funds are used for providing rental subsidies to very low income families. For information about the requirements of the HOME Program, please contact the HOME Coordinator in the Housing Division at (909) 384-5081. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG) The Federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, provides federal Community Development Block Grant funds for projects that promote the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing and suitable living environments and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. For the 1995-1996 Fiscal Year, which begins July I, 1995, the City of San Bernardino expects to receive approximately $3,305,000. All CDBG funded projects must meet one of the following national objectives: I) principally benefitting low and moderate income persons, 2) eliminating slums and blight, or 3) meeting an urgent need. An area principally benefitting low and moderate income persons must contain 51 percent or more residents with incomes at or below 80 percent of the City's median income. Eligible projects which provide direct services must serve clientele composed of more than 50 percent low and moderate income persons. The types of projects and programs which may be considered for funding, subject to national objectives compliance, are summarized as follows: I. Acquisition by purchase, long-term lease, or donation of real property for an eligible public purpose. 2. Disnosition of real property acquired under the CDBG Program. 3. Public facilities and Improvements to include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation of public facilities and improvements 4. Clearance Activities to support demolition and removal of deteriorated buildings and improvements to abate health and safety hazards. 5. Public Services that are new or e""panding and are directed toward meeting employment, crime o EXHffiIT "A" prevention, child care, drug abuse prevention and other community service needs. CDBG applicants under this category must be public or private non- profit organizations. 7. Interim Assistance to arrest harmful or dangerous conditions needing immediate attention. 8. Removal of Architectural Barriers that restrict the mobility and accessibility of elderly or handicapped persons to publicly owned and privately owned buildings, facilities and improvements. 9. Soecial Economic Development Activities that provide grants, loans, loan guarantees and other forms of necessary and appropriate support to private for -profit businesses for providing increased employment opportunities and public benefits. If you have any questions or require further information about the CDBG Program, please call the Devclopment Division at (909) 384-5081. REOUEST FOR CDBG PROJECT PROPOSALS As of Januarv 2. 1995, the City will be accepting CDBG project proposals for the 1995-96 program year. The fmal deadline for submittin~ apolications is Februarv 23 1995. Those applicants requesting optional technical assistance may submit a preliminary application no later than January 25, 1995. Application forms will be available from the address below: City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency Development Division 20 I North "E' Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401-1507 (909) 384-5081 njoD:conplnpb.ntc o .l)