HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-Personnel 'l C~TY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FQR COUNCIL ACTION , From: Barbara Dillon, Personnel Victor Lorch, Risk Management Subject: Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Selec- tion of Addiction Medicine Con- sultants to persorm random drug testing Dept: Date: December 1, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: None .DI41~l . "'FFJ.Cf:. DEe 9< l.1 17 ~ecommended motion: Adopt resolution Signature Barbara Dillon, Personnel Victor Lorch. Risk Manaaement Phonl: x5161 x5308 ;ont8ct pinon: ;upportlng data IU8chad: Ward: Amount: $12,000.00 SourcI: (ACCT. NO.) 678 - 4 5 2 - 54101 (ACCr. DESCRIPTION) Professional/Contractual u.~ ~/~:i? - Flnan~~~ /-.?/~~-- :UNDING REQUIREMENTS: ~uncll Notl.: .0212 Agenda Item No, "'~ ~ . CITY OF SAN BERN~DlNO - REQUEST F~ COUNCIL ACTION . / STAFF REPORT Effective January 1, 1995, the City of San Bernardino, under the united states Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, will be required to random test all employees holding a commercial driver's license for drugs and alcohol. A Random Drug/Alcohol policy was developed by a committee representing Personnel, civil Service, Public Services, city Attorney's Office, Water Department, and Risk Management. This policy is in the Meet and Confer process with the affected Bargaining Units. The policy will involve approximately 300 City employees from Public Services, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Facilities Management, and Fire Department. A summary of the policy is as follows: * Any person having a Class A or Class B license is covered under the Program. A commercial vehicle is classified as any vehicle over 26,000 pounds, and requires the operator to have a Class A or Class B license. * The Program is to be implemented no later than January 1, 1995 for organizations with more than 50 commercial drivers. Organizations with 49 commercial drivers or less must implement the program by January 1, 1996. * The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulation covers all employers engaged in Intrastate transportation. * Random drug testing will be done annually on 50% of all commercial drivers. Random alcohol testing will be done on 25% of all commercial drivers annually. * All supervisors will be required to be trained in the Policy. Employees will also be trained. * As part of the policy, employees shall have the services of an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) available to them, along with a listing of services available to them, should they test positive for drugs/alcohol. Risk Management has contacted four (4) firms and individuals, specifying the procedures outlined by the Department of Transportation and the needs of the City, for a mobile lab for drug/alcohol testing. This was requested by PUblic Services to cut down on the amount of time their drivers were away from the job being tested. Only one firm was able to provide the services of a mobile lab and meet all the DOT requirements for certified personnel in drug/alcohol testing. Several firms were in the process of being certified. Exhibit "A" is a proposal from Addiction Medicine Consultants, Inc. The cost of the Program is $32 per drug test, and $20 per breath alcohol test. They will also train all Supervisors at a cost of '5.0264 c :J $100 per class. The total cost of the program will not exceed $12,000 annually. Recommendations: 1. Authorize the selection of Addition Medicine Consultants for conducting the random drug testing. 2. Adopt the attached resolution. 18 day of I 19 COUNCIL MEMBERS 20 NEGRETE 21 CURLIN 221 HERNANDEZ 23 OBERHELMAN 24 DEVLIN 25 POPE-LUDLAM 26 MILLER 27 28 c :> 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 131 141 I 151 16 17 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH ADDICTION MEDICINE CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE RANDOM DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH DOT (DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) POLICY EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1995. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City an Agreement with Addiction Medicine consultants, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by I reference as fully as though set forth at length. I I SECTION 2: The authorization to execute the above-mentioned I agreement is rescinded if the parties to the aqreement fail to I - i execute it within sixty (60) days of ~he ~assage ~i ~h~sl resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution .Nas duly I adopted by the Mayor and Common Counc~l ot ~he Ci ~y .:t San I :neeting thereof, held en the Bernardino at a . :994, by the following vote. ~= wit: AYES ~ ABSENT .'-.BSTAI:l . . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 141 15 16 I 17 18 I 19 20 211 22 23 24 25 261 I 27i , 28 c -. ......J 1 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH ADDICTION MEDICINE CONSULTANTS FOR RANDOM DRUG 3 TESTING. Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: 2 EXHIBIT "A" C 0 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONSULTANTS, INC. PROPOSAL FOR D.O.T. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING November 8,1994 Addiction \I~dicin~ Consultants will provid~ a compl~te D.O.T. dmg and alcoltol testing and compliance program for the Cit" of San Bemardino under the lollowing terms and conditions: l. .-\nnual Administration no charl:e 2. SmithKline collection facility, collection supplies. forms, transportation. SA."IHSA testing, and medical review per test 32.00 3. Alcohol breath test per test S20.00 ~. Blind specimen controls \" 0 chan~e 5. Random selection ~o chaf1~e 6. MIS Statistical reports :':0 chaf!~e OLJ'.SS 7. Supervisor training (optional) per _S100.00 8. Substance abuse professional (optional) per session $50.00 .-\ddiction Medicine Consultants Can provide mobile on-site collection and breath alcohol testing. The cost tor the collection and testing with the mobile unit or at the tixed collection site will be the same. .-\.\IC can provide emergency after hours (6 P.\1. to 7 ...\..\1.) urine collection and alcohol breath test tor post-accident and reasonable suspicion testing with our mobile testing unit. Addiction \Iedicine Consultants will provide a complete D.O.T. dmg and alcohol testing program which will satisfy all D.O.T. compliance requirements tor the above stated amounts. If you have any questions please call me at (909) ~22-8138 or (909) 794-4235. Sincereiy. David Herold Program Director DHfm 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 131 14\ I , 151 , i 161 i , 171 18! , 191 I 201 I 211 I 22 23 24 251 , i 261 271 I 28i c :) 1 2 3 rl G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 1994, by and between Addiction Medicine 4 Consultants, Inc., a California corporation with its principal 5 place of business located at 264 North Highland Avenue, BUilding! #4A, Banning, California 92220 (and hereafter called 'AMC') , and City of San Bernardino, a municipal corpora-eion, its principal office located at 300 North 'D' stree-e, San Bernardino, California 92418 (and hereafter called the 'Client'), and defines the services I I I I that .~C will provide -eo the Clien-e. I. PROGRAM TERM The contrac-e agreemen-e 'Nill become I I agreemen-e bYI effective on the date of the signing of the con-erac-e an au-ehorized represen-ea-e~ve of AMC and ~~ll =ema~n effac~ =ar al period of three years, ending on -ehe -ehir= ann~versary da-ea at ~~~Sl con-erac~ agreemen-e. ~his con-erac-e agreemen-e ~s renewaDle cn a ene, year basis follow~ng -ene in~-e~al three year can-erac-e agreemen-e ~er=1 with ~he paymen-e af ~ne annual c:ien-e enr=l:~en-e =ee. ~~. PROGRAM FORMATION rldm~nis-eered p~C ?rogram serl~ces ~~cl~de: Drug tes-e (Emit screen/GC/MS C=nfi==a-e~=n SAMSHA cer-eified labora-eory Training and educa-eional ma-eerials Employee record adm~n~s-eration Storage of pos~~ive spec~mens Police des~gn Transportation of specimen MRO services Test reporting Blind sample compliance Collection site selec~~on Random selec~ion Drug-free I.~. caras =ha~n ot cus~ody ==r=s ccrpora~e and ?eaeral repor~~~g December 1, 1994 , 131 141 i 151 I 161 1il i 181 II 191 I 201 I 211 , 221 23 24 25 I 261 2711 I 28 c .:) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Program cos~ per requ~s~~~on processed (DOT) Program cost per requisition (Non DOT) collection AMC/SBCL site Annual management fee Breath alcohol tes~ing Urine alcohol testing D/L isomer confirma~ion I No cnarge'", * $32.00* $20.00* * * ~ , services are based upon curren~ marke~ in rates might occur with the agreemen~ orl I Program costs shall no~ exceed $1,000.00 per mon~h/$12,000 perl year, unless re-negotiated by both par~ies. I III. PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION - The Program objec~ive is 'Co , , - , provide consisten~, objective, fair and manageable procedures rorl , * Rates for tes~ing contracts; adjustments both parties. 8 9 10 11 12 drug screening and 'Ces~ing for Clien~ compliance reauiremen~s I - I selec~ion. e~c.) . I (reporting, record keeping, random Implemen~a~ion of ~~is con~rac~ agreemen'C ~il: proceed as follows: A. ~:ien~ ~il: provide AMC wi~h a comple~e lis~ or company, loca~~ons and employees a~ eacn of ~hese :oca~~onsl requiring ur~ne spec~men collec-cion and ~as~~~g i~ ~~al forrna~ =es~gna~ed by AMC. 3. AMC :;11: =gccmmena Drug-Free Worxplace ~o~~=~ ==ncern~~~: ===pl.iance ~.;i t::. ::landa't.ed ?ecieral :-:=qulat:.:::ns ::::.g! c:ient ~naer ~he ~e~s and c=ndi~~=ns ct ~~~s =on't.=ac~: agreemen-c ::or =eview ;:y Clien't' s s'tatf and. ~'t-==r:i.eys., suojec~ ~= ac=sp't.ance. ana aacpt:.=n cy ~::.e C:~an~~ ~1C: can also =ev~ew curren't. Client ;o~~=y ~na ~uggest: changes. c. AMC will conduc~ employee drug ~est~:lg Zinti est:ablish i selec~ion ~o ':':lcl.:.:.:i.e -::::: ?rotoccls an'! :ollow~nq -.. -. ':as't::.:::; ='5 :=C'~es-:'=(l "::..~es December :, 1994 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ! 141 15 16 17 181 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 261 27 ,-.. \...I '""'\ '-' company: D. 1. Reasonable suspicion 2 . Random 3. Post-accident 4. periodic 5. Return to duty AMC will provide the Client with a list of approval specimen collection centers for collection of biological specimens. AMC will monitor collection center procedures E. and replace specimen collec~ion centers if deemed I necessary by AMC. I AMC will u~ilize labora~ories cer~ified by SAMSHA for ~he ! testing of biological specimens. F. AMC will provide review and repor~ing of ~as~ results performed by au~horized Medical Review Officers (MROl con~rac~ed or employed a~ AMC. G. AMC will ma~n~a~n Clien~ and employee recoras. H. AMC will provide Federal and corpora~e =apor~:':lg and cer~ifica~ion (when required of Clien~.) I. Prior ~o implemen~a~ion of con~rac~. lIMC 'Nill prcv~de ~he I :i~y wi~h evidence tha~ the MRO is DOT cer~:.=iad ~o ac~ in tha~ capac:.~y and prov~de a copy of ~edical ~icanse. r.,. COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES - _;''1C -..;ill ::=crci:1a~e -=::e activities, described i:1 Paragraphs II and III, througn des~gna~ed persons within the Clien~ organization. The Clien~ ~us~ ~ake i:1 writing ~o AMC, the des~ina~ion of these individuals. as well as any changes in these named individuals. INDEMNIFICATION _~'1C ~s an ~naeDenaen~ :=n~=~=-=== v. 28 December 1, 1994 3 ,.:;. /r.", l...,,, '"'" -..,) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I providing the Client with the adm~nistration of mandated and non- mandated drug intervention programs described herein, and a system of services to support the reliability of such a program in legal and administrative proceedings. AMC agrees to indemnify and hold I harmless the Client from and against any and all claims, including I I any and all damages, losses, expenses, attorneys' fees, costs and liabilities arising out of AMC's submission of data or analytical result of I I results which are false or incorrect, .....hether as a willful, intentional or negligent act or omissions. AMC is an independent contractor providing the Client with the administration of mandated drug intervention programs described herein. AMC does not have any control of ~he enforcement of the Client's policy or aC1:ions of 1:he Client's :::ersonnel. AS an I 14 independent contractor, .;MC snall not ::e deemed 1:0 -=e engagea I 15 either directly or indirectly in the bus~ness of 1:he Client or I 16 deemed to be an agent of the Client. except in t~e extent ~ecessarYI 17 to comply w~th applicaDle W.S. Depart~ent of ~=ansportat~on Heal1:~i L 18 and Human Services regulations, or corporate contraC1: 1:ast~ng I 19 mandates. 20 ~he Client agrees 1:::l indemn~fy and ::old ha~less ':'11C. :"1::5 I 21 parents. subsidiar~es and affiliates f=o~ any c1ai~s ~nol~d~na anv: I 221 and all damages. :osses, expenses. at1:::lrneys' fees. ::OSts ana! 23 liabilities brought by third parties. of whatever nature., 24 allegedly, arising out of or reSUlting f=om any willful act or any! 25 I 261 27 28 , negligent act of omission on the part of 1:he Client. i~:5 agents cr' - employees. ,,;nether or ::01: 1:~e ;:ar1:,,! a01:::a1:.,. ==~~=.:.;::: ::::a ::.:.a.:.=: December 1, 1994 agreement shall be ~~il the ot:her par::,,! a": 281 Decemoer 1, 1994 :r.\".. I 131 i 141 I 15! i 161 171 181 I I 191 I 20 21 I 221 23 24 25 c :) 1 actually prevails. 2 3 4 5 6 VI. FORCE MAJEURE - AMC will not: be responsible or liable to the Client for failure or delay in performance which results from I or is due to, direct:ly or indirect:ly and in whole or part:, any cause of circumst:ances beyond the reasonable cont:rol of AMC. VII. , AMC shall provide evidence of liability insurance in the I - , City shall also be named as an additional I i I I ! APPLICABLE LAW - This cont:ract: ~,ill be const:rued underi 7 amount of $1,000,000. 8 9 10 11 12 insured under AMC. VIII. the laws of the Stat:e of California. IX. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT - If ~he Client: ~erm~nat:es t:his I agreement or is suspended. :ull responsibili,,:,,! :or ":~e~r cor;orat:e I and federally mandated dut:ies w~ll ":ransier ":~ ":~e C:~ant: a": ":~e I time ot =on~rac~ ~e~ina~~on ot suspens~cn. 3ucn =~~~=s ~~c~~~e. among others: (i) report:ing, (ii) records ::la~nt:enance. and '::: ~ I ensuring confident:ially and securi~:" -... 3.::' ~." ::=::=.:.=a.n~.:.~~ informat:ion. AMC -..;il: ;:rov~de ~.he C':~=n't. -,.;~ "::: :;.:-;::- :"::=::==a~:.::::' rela1:ed ":0 -=~is -=:.-ansfer :.n ":he :::Jr::a~ :.:: -.-ni.=::. _:":1C ::as -:::'e! informat:ion st:orea. !er:nina'Cion -.v-~l:' :-:::~ ..--. . -......-- -...-....... -'-....-- .'-:'!C, .:as I received payment: ~n :::.11 ::f all .:Ju~s-:.anc:..::q ==l.:.:;:=.-=:.::::s ;:.'~'" Client: up t:o date of term~nat:~on. X. MODIFICATION - rhis agreement: ::lay =e :::00:"='::"=0. 3.ny -=:.:::e by the mutual written consent: of oot:n ;:art:~es. ::-:ot::..=es. demands and/or other communicat:ions affec":~::g ":~e =reV:LS:Lcn e: ":~~s made in "'Nri~inq by e;--~.,... -~,...-~~ - -..-- -....- -. ::nc. =e.:...:.:er:~ -== 2.3.st }:nc...,n ac.d=sss c: "':::2 ::a::---:.. ::.--. - -..- . ':::.....~-- --._- ---- -._- - -_. 6 7 8 9 10 ~ oJ""' \...; " - 1 2 3 4 within five (5) business days of any verbal communication and/orl modification that may arise. Please sign and re~urn both copies of this contract agreement I to indicate your accep~ance of the terms and conditions. One i i ~ ;) executed original will be returned to you. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract agreement has been executed by the parties effec~ive as of the date and year first above I I I written. 11 ATTEST: 12 I 131 i 141 , , , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~unicipal Cor~ora~ion 0: ~he S~a~e cf Cali==r~~a :OOM HIlIOR, :.1AYOR 151 Racnei ClarK, C~t7 C~arK I 161 , i 171 I 181 1 191 Approvea as ~~ :0== I and legal conten~: 20 ::CNSL"I.:-ANT: 3y: ~ddic~~=n ~eQ~c~~e C~nsu~~~n~s: 21 I 221 231 I 241 I 25 JAMES F. pENMAN City Attorney by: 26 27 28 Oecemoe-., 1994 I I \ c :> C I T Y 0 F SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Common Council FROM: James F. Penman, City Attorney DATE: December 19, 1-994 HE: Conflict on Item .. 23 December 19, 1994 Agenda Because I received a substantial campaign contribution from Nationwide Companies, there is an appearance of conflict on Item #23 on today's agenda. Therefore the City Attorney's office has conflicted off on this item and the Mayor has directed the law office of Sabo and Green to advise the Council on this matter. Mr. Sabo has informed us that he will not charge a fee for this service. ~ PENMAN 7.