HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS2-Economic Development Agency --- c o City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM December 19, 1994 TO: Chairman Tom Minor and Members of the Community Development Commission FROM:,~ VTimothY. C Steinhaus, Agency Administrator \ Econormc Development Agency SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA ITEM NO. RS-2 Attached please find the following updated information regarding Harris' 108 loan request to HUD: I. Excerpt of minutes from the Citizens Advisory Committee's unofficial meeting of December 15, 1994; 2. Citizens Advisory Committee's recommendations from their meeting of December 2, 1994; 3. Comments by Scott Rodde, consultant to the Agency; and 4. Legal opinion from Sabo & Green, Agency Counsel, regarding the function of the Citizens Advisory Committee, TCS:pc:harris'.n2 Attachment ~ ,.. J\ ,;1 j:J (' - ? " c o City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM December 19, 1994 TO: Timothy C. Steinhaus, Agency Administrator ~. FROM: Deborah Enay, Administrative Secretary, / Development Department SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CmZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE UNOFFICIAL MOTION OF DECEMBER 15, 1994 COPtES: Project Manager Wong; Development Specialist Muna-Landa; File The Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee, selected EDA and City staff. and representatives from Harris' and Carousel Mall met on Thursday, December 15, 1994. l11e topic for discussion was the fmancing plan for the acquisition of the Harris' building in the Carousel Mall; specifically, the Section 108 Loan application submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). An "unofficial" motion was made as follows: CDCAC Member Douglas Rowand made a motion, seconded by CDCAC Member Pat,y McDaniel to amend the original recommendations to HUD to read, "A ~ operating covenant will be required of Harris' as long as other ma.jor department stores in the Carousel MaD remain open (JC Penneys, Montgomery Ward)." Motion passed and carried by votes as follows: Ayes: Freeman, HOllgh, Lusk, McDaniel, and Rowand. Noes: None. Absent: Abraham, Brue, Berry-Foster, Calvert, Feller. Lien and Johnson. The CDCAC previously met on December 2, 1994, and approved the submission of the Section 108 Loan contingent on a schedule of reconunendations (copy attached). One of the contingent recommendations noted that they would like to see a" lO-year" operating covenant. Hauis'did not feel this was a prudent or reasonable stipulation. Basically, the abovementioned amendment was a change from 10-years to 3 years relative to the operating covenant of other major department stores in the Carousel Mall. Attachment o o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITIEE The Citizens Advisory Committee met on December 2, 1994, and recommended approval of a financing plan for the acquisition of the Harris building in the Carousel Mall according to the schedule outlined below: Property Acquisition USES $10,500,000 HUD 108 Loan CDBG Float Loan SOURCES $7,350,000 3150000 $10,500,000 . The security for the 108 Loan is a first trust deed at a 70% loan to value ratio. An MAl appraisal acceptable to the City of San Bernardino, in its sole discretion will be required. An Environmental Phase I Report acceptable to the City of San Bernardino, in its sole discretion will be required. . In addition, Harris Corporation will execute financial covenants identical to the financial covenants contained in their private line of credit agreement. . A 10-year operating covenant will be required of Harris as long as other major department stores in the Carousel Mall remain open (IC Penneys, Montgomery Ward). . In the event that Harris Department Store ceases to operate as a department store at the property location, then the Section 108 Loan is immediately due and payable. . Harris will prov.ide a minimum of$l,OOO,OOO of physical improvements to the property within 12-months of the close of the acquisition financing for the property according to the following'Scbedule: AMOUNT MONTHS FROM DATES OF CLOSE $333,000 $333,000 $333,000 o - 4 months 5 - 8 months 9 - 12 months . The securityfor'the CDBG Float Loan will be an "A" rated Letter of Credit which is irrevocable, cli1Iable on demand, and directly payable to the City of San Bernardino. The Float Loan will be for a one-year term with annual renewals for up to a total loan term of five years, interest will be charged at the prime rate at closing (currently 8.5 %), adjustable annually. Interest payments shall be set .aside in a sinking fund account, for the benefit of Harris, but under City .control, and shall be credited to the final repayment of any outstanding .:principle balance for the loan as of the final maturity date for the loan. HARRISDLE 4 FROM : PanaSoni c ANS/FRX o PHONE fIJ. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Tim Stelnhaus - Fax No. 909-384-5135 Scott Rodde - 707-257-1020 o Dec. 13 1994 05:21PM P01 [1J!t] ~ DATE: 12/13/94 . The Impact of a CDBG Float Loan and a HUD 108 Loan on the Future Operations of the City of San Bernardino's Community Development Block Grant program RE: The impact of 8 CDBG Float loan on the Community's bloc\( grant program Is directly related to the security for the CDeG Float loan. In the case of the. Harris Joan, securJIy will be a single A raled letter of. credit from Bank of America. In the event that sufficient funds are nol available to fund normal operaling needs of the COBG program, the Bank of America letter of credills called upon to deliver necessary funds. 11118 .\nsures lhat there will be no gaps In available fund'ing for the City of San Bernardino's CDBG program with the Harris Company Float loan. The Impact of a HUD 108 loan on the Communlly'S CDBG program depends upon the credit of the borrower. In the case of the Harris Company, the borrower's net worth is far in excess of the amount of the loan by a factOr of more than ten tlrnes. We, therefore, view.the risk 01 the proposed HUD 108 loan to the Harris Company to be minimal. In the event that there was a problem In Obtaining orderly paymenls from tha Harris Company, the only requirement that HUD p1a0El8 upon the. City is that debt service payments be made when due. It Is Important to real.ize that the entfre amount of the Hue 108 lOan Is not due and payable In the event of an undBrlying deUl'lquenpy on the loan from the borrower. HUD merely requires that debt serv1ce .payment be made .. from any llouroe that the CIIy deems appropriate. Please contaot me at your convenience to elaborate on these matters as you see fit. iSM Third SUM.. alii..: u NIII,~.c..1i'lltltll. 945.1\& 'I1lL('I6T~T-I'" F~X"llT)2fi'-U'"' CoM}IOI'41tlUl,llldqUArl".,.1 ,n Jo:aII4fnd !ilr~, fllIit.: H.oo NIN fork, NtM Yor" loon TF.1. (:11) 1fI2. J .. F~X (IJ2)l!""IH ( o o SABO & GREEN A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 201 NORTH "E" STREET SUITE 206 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92401 (909) 383-9373 FAX (909) 383-9378 CALABASAS (818) 704-0195 FAX (818) 704-4729 December 14, 1994 Timothy C. Steinhaus Agency Administrator Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, California 92401-1507 Dear Tim: You have requested our opinion with regard to the function to be performed by the Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee ("CDCAC") and the involvement by said committee in the processing of HUD Section 108 loan guaranty applications. In 1975, the Mayor and Common Council adopted a Citizen Participation Plan in furtherance of the Community Development Block Grant Program as administered by the City. I have reviewed the most recent version of said plan which bears the revision date of August, 1993. Said Plan is designed to ensure citizens' participation in developing and implementing community programs to be funded by Community Development Block Grant Funds. This Plan also provides a process for citizen participation in the monitoring and evaluation of activities and a method by which comments from the citizens may be received in the review of ongoing and proposed community development activities. It is this Plan that creates the CDCAC as a method to accomplish the stated objectives for the Plan. The CDCAC consists of fifteen members, seven of whom are recommended by the individual councilmembers and eight recommended by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the entire Council. The Plan further provides that the CDCAC "serves as the advisory group to the City on community development matters." It is further set forth under the section entitled RESPONSIBILITIES, Paragraph (a) through (h) that the role of the CDCAC is to assist in identifying community development needs; receive and review citizens' comments; receive and review community development proposals; prepare recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council concerning priorities, programs and resource allocation; assist in monitoring o o Timothy C. Steinhaus December 14, 1994 Page 2 and evaluating ongoing activities; review and prepare recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council on proposed program changes, revisions or amendments; and receive and answer citizen complaints regarding community development. The HUD Section 108 Loan Guaranty provides in CFR Section 570.704 the criteria for citizen participation. Section 570.704(a) (2) requires that a public entity develop and follow a detailed "citizen participation plan" which must be completed and available before the Section 108 application is submitted to HUD. The Plan may be the same Plan required for the Community Development Block Grant Program. This Section further states that the public entity must hold a minimum of two public hearings at different stages of the application process and at least one must be conducted prior to the submission of the Section 108 application. Said Section further requires providing affected citizens with notice and an opportunity to comment on certain proposed activities; a process for responding to citizens' complaints and grievances regarding the public entity's activities; and to encourage citizen participation by individuals who reside in areas where the Section 108 loan funds are proposed to be used. The Section 108 regulations do not require any type of an advisory committee for the review of any Section 108 applications. It does require citizen participation in several forms including a citizen participation plan. Provided that a citizen participation plan complies with the requirements of the Section 108 regulations and the other required public hearing procedures and the review processes are followed by the public entity applying for the Section 108 loan guaranty, there is no requirement under federal law that an advisory committee be formed to review any Section 108 application. The formation and the continued establishment of the CDCAC is a voluntary action by the Mayor and Common Council as originally initiated in 1975 and continued through this date as one vehicle to allow citizen participation and implementation of the required citizen participation plan. The CDCAC is an advisory body to the Mayor and Common Council and is charged with reviewing certain proposals and activities and making recommendations to the Mayor and Common Council. The Section 108 regulations provide that the public entity shall prepare its final application after the public hearing has been held and the public entity has considered any comments and views received.. It is the role of the public entity to determine, based upon such comments and views as received, whether to modify the proposed application. Although the public entity is not required to follow any recommendations received by the citizens at a public hearing or by the CDCAC, any such comments made by the o o Timothy C. Steinhaus December 14, 1994 Page 3 citizens would likely carry great weight during the HOD review process in determining whether the national objective will be met and whether there has been sufficient citizen participation in the application process. CONCLUSION It is our conclusion from review of the most recent version of the City's adopted Citizen Participation Plan and the applicable federal regulations in connection with the HOD Section 108 Loan Guaranty Program that a citizen advisory committee is not a requirement and has only been created as a vehicle to implement the City's Citizen Participation Plan. The role of the CDCAC is advisory to the Mayor and Common Council which shall consider the recommendations of the CDCAC and take appropriate action as the Mayor and Common Council may deem necessary. Very truly yours, SABO & GREEN, A Professional Corporation ~:fL TJS:ew SBEO/0001!LTR/216 c c c - o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: BARBARA J.llNDSE1H Acting Director SUBJECf: INTERIM FINANCING FOR HARRIS'DEPARTMENTSTORE DAlE: December 15, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SVnQPsL"I of Previous CommiR<lilion/Council/Committee Action{~\: On December 5, 1994, tbe Community Development Commission approved staff submission of a Section 108 Loan Guarantee to the Department of Housing and Urban Development to acquire the Harris Department Store for $10,500,000. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remmmended Motion(s): (Communi" Develonment Commis~on) MOTION: That the Community Development Conunission approve in concept the providing of an interim conduit fwancing in a principal amount not to exceed $7,350,000 to the Harris' Company to acquire the Harris' Store Building upon the following conditions baving been satisfied: Af(~ . trator (Motion continued on next page) /J /],. ~"",c I(\><~{ If/ BARBARA J. LINDSETH Acting Director -------------------------------------------.------....-..-..-..-------------....-..-..-.--------.....-..---------------~~--~- Contact PeJSon(s}: TImothv C SIPinhSllusIBarbara J T int1!IiIP.th Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Gmtral Cilv Ward(s): One (!) Supporting Data Attached: Staff R~rt: Letter from Harris ComPIll1Y Dated 1218/1994 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ N/A Source: N/A Budget Authority: N/A ---------------------------------------------------.-------------------_.__._----------------_._._---------~....------- Commi""""ion/Council Note.41: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:BJL:harris.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 12/19/1994 Agenda Item Numbert!d-- c c c o o REQUEST FOR COMMlSSION/COUNCIL ACTION INTERIM FINANCING FOR HARRIS' DEPAR1MENT STORE December 15. 1994 Page 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Motion Continued: (Community Development Commission) 1. HUD has issued the HUD Section 108 Loan Guarantee approval letter containing such tenns and conditions acceptable to the City, the Community Development Conunission and the Harris' Company and approved in writing by all such parties; and 2. Such other terms and conditions as may hereafter be identified by Staff and successfully negotiated by and between Staff and the Harris' Company subject to final Community Development Commission acceptance of such negotiated terms and conditions in its sole discretion; and 3. The interim funding source consists solely of private lenders or commercial banks seeking as the primary source of collateral the Harris' Store Building and any other collateral as may be agreed upon between such lenders or banks with the Harris' Company without any City or Community Development Commission liability, expense or cost whatsoever; and 4. Harris' Company shall have agreed to pay all costs associated with the interim conduit fmancing and the HUD Section 108 Guaranteed Loan including closing costs,loan origination fees, title reports, lender fees, and all principal and interest payments required on both the interim conduit fmancing and the HUD Section 108 Guaranteed Loan; and 5. The fmalloan documents for the interim conduit fmancing are submitted to the Mayor and Common Council or the Community Development Conunission, as appropriate, for consideration and fmal approval at their sole discretion at a public meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:BJL:harris.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: U/19/1~ Agenda Item Number: t? c: c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERIM FINANCING FOR HARRIS' DEPARTMENT STORE The Harris' Company presented the attached letter to the RDA Committee on December 8, 1994, for consideration by the RDA Committee of an interim loan request to expedite the close of escrow for the Harris' Company acquisition of the Harris' Store Building. On December 5, 1994, the Mayor and Common Council authorized the submission of a loan application for a HUD Section 108 Loan Guarantee to assist the Harris' Company in fmancing the acquisition of the Harris' Store Building. The maximum amount of said loan would be in an amount equal to $7,350,000 amortized for a period of twenty (20) years. Additionally, it is contemplated that a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) float loan of approximately $3,150,000 secured by an acceptable bank letter of credit to be obtained by the Harris' Company would be utilized to fund the remaining balance of the $10,500,000 purchase price. The City approved application has been forwarded to the Los Angeles office of HUD for processing and approval. The Harris' Company is seeking to fmalize the negotiations of the sale and purchase agreement with the owner of the Harris' Store Building. The Harris' Company has represented that the present owner of the Harris' Store Building is seeking a commitment from the City that the close of escrow can be accomplished shortly after the issuance of a HUD approval letter rather than waiting upwards of six to nine months for the final processing of the HUD loan docwnents and the funding of the HUD Section 108 guaranteed loan. The RDA Committee on December 8,1994, accepted the letter from the Harris' Company and approved the submission of the interim loan request to the full Commission for consideration. Staff anticipates undertaking extensive negotiations with the Harris' Company during the following weeks to determine what additional issues must be addressed after intensive negotiations commence. Issues raised both by the public during the public hearing on December 5,1994, and the items recommended by the Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee on December 2, 1994, will be considered during the negotiation phase with the Harris' Company. The fmal agreements, including loan documents, promissory notes and deeds of trust will be brought forward to the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission, as necessary, to obtain the fmal approval of the negotiated documents after such time as the interim loan docwnents are in final form and the HUD approval letter has been issued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:BJL:barris.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: U!1911994 Agenda Item Number: L c c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEP ARTMENT STAFF REPORT Interim Financing for Harris' Department Store December 15, 1994 Page 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Staff has commenced discussions with commercial banks interested in providing a conduit fmancing source through the Economic Development Agency to fund the loan agreement to the Harris' Company. Any such borrowing and the loaning of funds to the Harris' Company would be without any risk, cost or other liability to the City or the Economic Development Agency. Additionally, the Harris' Company must agree to pay all costs associated with both the interim conduit financing and the HUD Section 108 guaranteed loan. It is quite possible that the interim lender may require additional covenants and restrictions that would additionally be negotiated during the ensuing weeks. Staff recommends approval of the form motion. " ~. /' ~ .".... /}':J ta.< c, V <0:" ''7c<:u//j BARBARA J. LINDSETH, Acting Director Development Department .I ,;',' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TCS:BJL:barris.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: U/I9/1994 Agenda Item Number: L "..~: 4-?', ":~~iff;! '~...~; .,.,~~\. ~~;~i~~~ ':::.;k.;;;;;';-lj .~';'<;:i<..r.1 ,-.".,....,...,.. ",....;r;;.,,,.;.fi.r..,j"-j '-~<Jrt~~:?;l .,.,.",.-<v",..,~ '~'~:-~~~J~~}~~~t tX~~~t*J ....."I:i:';~1 E~~~j~}~ "'01~ O} ~"::~Jl :. Ai:0tIlj: ~;~~:~E~,:~.~fi<~ 1,;'!I~ ", ,..1 ":;';':~;I .- ..' Jorge Pont President, Chief Executive Officer 300 NORTH 'E' STREET. SAN BERNAROINO.CA 92416 (714) 889-0444 ';'. .'. December 8, 1994 ~( Valerie pope-Ludlam Chairperson Ralph Hernandez Edward V. Negrete RDA committee City of San Bernardino 201 North E Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401 Personal De1iverv ~~~ :,.1 ..~ '" I.., ". " . ... ~ .,. :~ ,-, ,~ '.', ..' ; Re: Interim Financing/Section 108 Loan/Purchase of San Bernardino Store Building by Harris' Dear Ms. Pope-Ludlam, Mr. Hernandez and Mr. Negrete: Harris' and UBS are presently finalizing the Purchase Agreement with respect to the SB Store Building. The Purchase Price is not an issue: $10,500,000, all cash, due and payable at closing. t~ ..t.- .1'. ':1' ;.:1 },:~ ~': J{- :~;' ".a .:;~ :':.~~s1;.: - ~ , ,.:":.:;.-,. ; , .j~;:~:.l The obligation of Harris' to close will be dependent upon obtaining approval by HUD of a section 108 loan with conditions that are acceptable to Harris' (and can be met by Harris'). Once HUD approval is obtained, and, Harris' consents to any conditions that might be imposed by HUD (and Harris' advises that it can meet the conditions), Harris' will be obligated to close--five (5) business days after HUD approval. . ". 1 Funding of any approved Section 108 loan would not occur for several months, likely, six (6) to nine (9) months after approval, and, may be longer. That would be a function of HUD's practice and Procedures. Accordingly, Harris' needs interim financing to close the Escrow to be opened upon execution of the Purchase Agreement. Escrow is expected to be opened shortly at Chicago Title in San Bernardino. >. -' .',! ';___>~5.: :~;;. ~-~ ::};~7f~.g;"1 -,.' :.<~~:.?~>',j i"_j ~~~f;;~1 .,~_:-";,,.."t."J :~':"'.;.~,i.d'';.:'''''''''; 1:~?' .'';'''." ~:t' :i'".~ . r'~:;~i%~:! Harris' has no source of funds for the interim financing required to close the Escrow other than from the city of San Bernardino. It has been intended from the beginning that the City of San Bernardino provide the interim financing to close the Escrow. ., ~.i THE FASHION DEPARTMENT STORE -,'. i;' . .~,~~~ :.~,%j; ".;:-::;,;", :~~,:;}n~ : :!,,;~ ~:;:t::f;{J ~ r~;:;-~~:'j ",--,:",~",'~1 :,,;":;'::;~~ .. ;,"",.'" "/~ ~~~\~~ ".,.':~';}~.1 ~!Il Jorge Pont President. Chief Executive Officer 300 NORTH 'E' STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92416 (714)889-0444 RD Committee Page Two December 8, 1994 The commitment to provide interim financing should be made contingent up the obtaining of HUD approval for the Section 108 loan with conditions. If HUD approval is not obtained, or, Harris' rejects conditions imposed by HOO (or can not meet conditions imposed by HUD), then, neither the Section 108 loan nor the interim loan would be made. The purchase of the SB Store Building would not occur due to an inability to obtain the funds necessary to close the Escrow. ~.~>. ;r.';.:j (.::. ~i;:,.' ,J; :~:~~: 1~~~ ';~:.::~_'~ ~>i! ~~-~:~ ..... "::,..t: .":' -.."',.-\ ~.:.:~<; . .~.~..: 1 I 1 . I , The interim loan would be subject to the same conditions, whatever those are ultimately determined to be, as the permanent Section 108 loan. The commitment to provide the interim financing needs to be in place before Harris' executes the Purchase Agreement--because of the obligation to close within Five (5) business days of HUD approval. It is clear that the terms and conditions of the Section 108 loan would need to be satisfactory to the City of San Bernardino. If not, then, there would not be any HUD approval. It is expected that the city of San Bernardino will be intimately involved with the HUD approval process and that any conditions that are requested by the city of San Bernardino will be adopted by HUD. In the absence of HUD approval with respect to the Section 108 loan, no interim financing would be required. ,.'. . -:..'".,-:. :52:t~) ~~~ I . . '.- ~ . .~' - ,,'~. ',-' !.:::.z;/;l :;'::::';/f~: ~ :.: ::~1;'CJ.! .~:> . d" ,".~' .- ~.-' ~ . - "'>1 . I ""j " ... ,......... 'd " A copy of the "letter agreement" signed by Harris' and the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency dated November 30, 1994 is enclosed for your reference. ; .... 'j; .\~::::. :--~; 1 . '. An MAl appraisal is underway, and, expected available for distribution on December 15, 1994. of the appraisal will be made available to the San Bernardino as soon as received by Harris'. to be Copies City of ;,,?;'~id ,~...,:hn;.m , :.-i""."'t~"~',I' C:'j '_-.."___ ..i.'.~ ~ 1i:<;.~"l<-~f:)i "~";f.,",~' ..r..~,., ""'ljF)( :":~~!i' ....1 -. -,~::: -- .~. Very truly yours, ~<l) Thomas H. McPeters General Legal Counsel THE FASHION DEPARTMENT STORE ....... "'. ~'''. -,' o o City of San Bernardino ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Timothy C. Steinhaus Agency Administrator November 30, 1994 . Development Depanment . Redevelopment - Community Development - Housing , San Beman:llno Downtown Main Street, Inc. . ConvenUon and Visitors Bureau . Office 01 Business Development Mr.lorge Pont, President and CbiefExccutive Officer The HmriJ Company 300 North "E" Street San Bernardino, CA 92416 Dear Mr. Pont: Pursuant to the meeting of November 14, 1994, my staff is proceeding with developing an application for a Section I 08 loan as weD as processing a CDBG float loan to assist The HmriJ Company in acquiring the subject property located at 300 North "E" Street. This IranSaction wiD be based upon the foDowing understanding and conditions: 1. The HUD Section 108 application wili be in the amount of $7,350,000 over 20 years at HUD prevailing intere.,t rotes. The loan amount is based upon a purchase price and appmi.,cd value of $10.500,000 (70% loan to value ratio). The City's future Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) will be pledged as security for this loan. In addition, the agency will require a first trust deed on the subject property. c 2. A CDBG float loan proposal in the amount of between $3,150,000 and $3,500.000 wiII be procc.,scd to fund the 30% gap. subject to Communily Development Block Groot regulations. The CDBG 110al loan will be for a term of 365 days (one year) with annual renewals up to a total term of five (5) years. The Harris Company will provide an irrevocable, direct pay.leller of credit, due on demand, for 460 days (one year plus 95 days), which will be renewed annually. Interest will be charged at the prime rate at closing (currently 8.5%), adjustable annually. lntere.,t payments shall be sel aside in a sinking fund account, under City control. and shaD be credited to lite fmal repayment of any outstanding principal balance for the loan as of lite fmal maturity date of the loan. 3. The Harris Company will provide, at their cost, an agency approved MAl appraisal on the subject property. 4. The HmriJ Company agrees to negotiale an operating covenant with the City for a maximum period of 20 years, subject to successful negotiations with the parties (and/or lIteir successor in interest) identified in the REA with respect to the Mall (recorded December 24, 1970, Book 7580, page 280, et. seq.. Official Records. San Bernardino County). In the event that an operating covenant is not concluded, and, Harris' Department Store ceases to operate as a retail store at the subject location, then, the Section 108 loan is immediately due and payable. c. . 201 North E Street. Third Floor. Sen Bernardino. California 92401.1507 . (909) 384-5081 . (800) 232-1267 . FAX (909) 384-5135 , c o o \ C: Mr.JorgePoot November 30. 1994 Page Number Two c c 5. Per HUD's request, The Harris Company will provide a letter indicating the gravity of the situation and its intention to close its operation in San Bernardino if no assistance is received and it is not successful in acquiring the subject propmy. Based upon your review of Ibis letter and signature of approval, staff intends to introduce Ibis item to our Community Development CitizCIIS Advisory Committee 00 November 29. 1994. followed by a Public Hearing and City Council action scheduled for December 5. 1994. The Agency is utilizing its best efforts 10 facilitate Ibis transaction expeditiously. As a valued business concern in this community. we look forward to CODSnmmnli'lg this public privale partnership. IMW~"'. I