HomeMy WebLinkAboutR12-Economic Development Agency c c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY RF..QUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: BARBARAJ. UNDSEIH Acting Director SUBJECT: CONVENING OF MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION DAlE: December 13, 1994 SVDogllilillil of Previous Commiwon/CouncU/Committee Action(llil): On November 21, 1994, the Community Development Commission continued this maUer until December 19,1994. Recommended Motionrsl: lCnmmunitv DevelQ$lment Commi!ldonl (Councilman Dr. Curlin's Remmmendationl MOTION: Concordant with the position expressed by Ole Community Development Connnission Cbainnan, Mayor Tom Minor, that the Community Develop_nt Commission is a separate legal entity from the Mayor and Common Council and that the meetings of each separate body has ilS own rules, policies and procedures, it is moved that the meeting of the Community Development Commission will convene at 11:00 a.m. as a separate and distinct body following the adjournment of a meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, and such nleeting of the Mayor and Common Council may be reconvened during a meeting of the Community Developolent Commission only upon the concurrence of four (4) afflIDlative votes by the Community Development Connnission. TU &t".~~~./....;-t Administrator BARBARA J. LINDSETH Acting Director Contact Person(s): Barhara J r 1nrl!W'!th Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): N/A Ward(s): N/A Supporting Data Attached: Memorandum dated November 16. 1994 from Councilman Dr Curlin FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ N/A Source: N/A Budget Authority: N/A CommiSllilion/Coundl Notes: BJL:conmet.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEEnNG DATE: 12/19/1994 Agenda Item Number: 11. o ___IU,J-1.6-'94I.cED 16:18 ID:COUr'-I:IL OFFICE o TEL 1-KJ:9il9-384-5462 IUSS F0l 1 C CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO , INTEROFFICB t<iBMORANDUM ; .;<0: TO: PROM: Timothy' C. Steil\haQs, Administrator, Economic Development Agency " '1.-' I CouncilOffwe ,'.- SUBJECT: Commission Agenda Item for November 21.1994 DATE: November 16, 1994 COPIES: _________________M..__._..._..______._._________________ c PJea.,e place the following on the Commi.'ISion Agenda for November 21, 1994: ~~ Convening of Meeting of the Community Development Commission, M.QI19li:. Concordant with the position expressed by the Community Development Commission Clu!.innan, Moyor Tom Minor, that the Community Development Commk.ion is a separate legal entity frem the Mayor and Common Coun::il and that the meetings of each separate body has its (Jwn rules, policies and pro~es, it is moved that me meeting of the Community Development Commission will convene alll:OO a.m. liS a sepmte and distinct body following the adjournment of a meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, and s\lch meeting of the Mayor and Common Council may he r::com:cncd during a meeting of the Community Development Commission onl)' upon the coucurrenc.e of four (4) affumauve vote,!, by the Community Development Commission. ~f1jfIi' PJC:Jv p, 1. CURLIN. M.D;' Councilman, Second, Ward '~~~:1'; , ,c,\,..,,:,";::c'{".-, c:i::},:;;,;: " .%:,: c '. '.., I",