HomeMy WebLinkAboutR10-Economic Development Agency c c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUES1' FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM: BARBARAJ. UNDSEfH Acting DiIector SUBJECT: CENTRAL POLICE S1' A TlON.ARCHlTECTURAL SERVICE DATE: December 14,1994 SvnllPsis of Previous Commi..lon/Counci1lCommittee Actionls): On June 15, J 992, the Community Development Commission authorized by Resolution #5333 tlte execution of an agreement with Leach Mounce Architects relating to the renovation of 701 North "E" Street building (Building "A") for use as a Central Police Station. SynQJ)sis continued on next Dage... Recommended Motionlsl: (Communitv DevelQpment Commis.cU.onl MOTION: That the Community Development Commission authorize the Acting Director to complete and execute an agreement with Leach Mounce Architects in an amount not to exceed $479,008 for architectural services related to the bid phase and the construction adntiuistration phase and that the Community Development Commission authorize $35.000 as a contingency factor for potential changes to design during the course of construction on the new Central Police Facility development project. ::Lf~ .;{ t(U.~;;~Y( BARBARA J. LINDSETH Actiog Director Contact Person(s): Barbara I. Linnqr.thlLudwill Barowoi Project Area(s): Central Cilv North leCN) Supporting Data Auaclted: Staff Report FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount:$ 514.008 Source: Budget Authority: Reqpested Phone: 5081 Ward(s): I Commis!liion/Council Notes. BJL:JPZ:arclt.cps(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 12/19/94 JQ Agenda Item No. o o C Central Police Station Architectural Services November 22,1994 Page -2- SYDl~psis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Actiones) Continued: On November 16, 1992, the Community Development Commission reviewed information which stated, in pertinent part, that to renovate Building "A" would be too costly. Motions were made to direct staff to proceed with the conceptualization of a new facility to be developed adjacent to Building "A". These motions were continued until December 7,1992. On December 7, 1992, the Community Development Conunission provided authorization to proceed with concept and the continued development and refinement of Scenario "C" for the development of a new Central Police Facility and specifically for staff to utilize Leach Mounce as Architect of Record. On April 5, 1993, the Community Development Commission discussion on item resulted in the item being continued for two (2) weeks. c On April 19 , 1993, the Community Development Commission received and filed staff report concerning development of the new Central Police Station. BJL:JPZ:arch.cps(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 12/19/94 Agenda Item No. --'-LJ c c c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CENTRAL POLICE FACILITY. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES This report seeks Community Development Commission authorization to execute an agreement in an amount not to exceed $479,008 with the finn of Leach Mounce Architects for professional services related to the bid phase and construction administration phase during the development and construction of the new Central Police Facility. BACKGROUND On June 15, 1992, the Commission approved Resolution #5333 authorizing the execution of an agreement with the ftrm of Leach Mounce Architects for professional architectural and engineering services related to the renovation of 701 North "E" Street for use as a Central Police Facility. This use for the building was deemed to be not efficient and too costly, and Leach Mounce was further instructed to provide design alternatives to this use. At its meeting of December 7, 1992, the Commission approved Scenario "C" which included the development of a new police facility adjacent to 701 North "E" Street. At this meeting, staff was given the authorization to enter into professional agreements as necessary for the design of the facility and the development of fmal construction docwnents. This direction to staff was further specifted in a memorandum, dated April 19, 1993, from Mayor Holcomb to the Executive Director of the Development Department. In accordance with this direction, staff instructed Leach Mounce to proceed with the design and development of architectural documents for the facility. The grading and demolition commenced on the new Central Police Facility in early April. At that time, speciftc formal agreements for the Bid and Contract Administration phases of the project were not executed with the architect due to the construction management method of construction which essentially started construction of the project before the design was 100% complete. Additionally, a complete scope of work regarding the number of bid packages required could not be detennined. Staff acting on the Commission's approval of the project instructed Leach Mounce to provide the services in accordance with proposals submitted to staff by the architect. Now, the proposed action seeks to formalize the Commission's direction in this mailer. BJL:JPZ:arch.cps(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 12/19/94 Agenda Item No. -'fJ c c c o o Development DepartmentlEDA Staff Report Central Police Station Architectural Services November 22,1994 Page -2- Required Services Bid phase coordination Construction administration $242,600 $236.408 $479,008 $ 35.000 Subtotal Contingency TOTAL $514,008 SELECTION The fIrm of Leach Mounce Architects was selected and approved by the Community Development Commission based on responses to a Request for Proposals sent out to select an architect to design a police facility. Leach Mounce was selected based on their extensive experience in the design and development of many police facilities. The Community Development Commission subsequently directed that Leach Mounce Architects proceed with the design of of Scenario "C" as approved on December 7, 1992. RECOMMENDATIONS To ensure continuity on the project and to facilitate the timely completion of the project, it is appropriate to retain the current architect, Leach Mounce Architects, on the project. For this reason, it is recommended that the form motion be adopted. Staff recommends adoption of the form motion. dt~c<n;~j~'7( BARBARA J. LINDSETH, Acting Director Development Department/EDA BJL:JPZ:arch.cps(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 12/19/94 Agenda Item No. -1.tJ..