HomeMy WebLinkAboutR03-Economic Development Agency c c c o ~ .MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES REGULAR MEETING November 7, 1994 11:00 a.m. The Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, and the Community Development Commission was held in the Council Chambers. City Hall. 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino. California and called to order by Mayor Tom Minor at approximately 1l:01 a.m., on Monday, November 7,1994. ROLL CALI. Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F.I. Curlin; Ralph Hemandez; David Oberhelman; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Member Ierry Devlin. STAFFPRK<;ENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administmtor, Economic Development Agency; Barbara 1. Lind~eth, Acting Executive Director, Development Department; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Allomey; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova. Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Se~Tetary, Development Deparbnenl. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green. Plmuc COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Ieff Wrighl, P. O. Box 2341. San Bernardino, CA, made comments regarding the amount of time given for citizens 10 speak during public comments. COMMISSION MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM WAS EXCUSED AT 11:02 A.M. COMMISSION MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED AT 11:03 A.M. Gary Kirby, 1505 Yardly, San Bernardino, CA, expressed his concerns regarding the limited amount of time for public comments. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lrnp:cminllr 1 1 COMMISSION MlNUlES November 7, 1994 "7 r-- \- c c o :> CONSENT CALENDAR Items numbered "1", "4", "511, "6", "7", "9", "10", "II", "12", "13" and "14" were requested to be removed from the Consent Calendar. Commission Member Oberhebnan made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, that the Consent Calendar items numbered "I" through "14" be adopted, except for items numbered "1", "4", "5", "6", "711, "911, "10", "11", "12", "13" and "14't,respectively. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhebnan; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. 2. REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES (Community Development Commis.~ion) Commission Member Oberhebnan made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, that the minutes of the Redevelopment Committee of the City of S[U\ Bernardino for the meetings of August 4, 1994; August 25, 1994; September 8, 1994; September 29, 1994, be received and fIled as submitted in typewritten form. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhebnan; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. Pnblic Works 3. SPORTS & SECURITY LIGHTING FOR ENCANTO PARK !Mavor and Common Council) Councibn[U\ Oberhebn[U\ made a motion, seconded by Councilwom[U\ Miller, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-341 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO ELECTRO CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR UPGRADING SPORTS AND SECURITY LIGHTING FOR ENCANTO PARK. REGULAR MEETING TCS:bnp:cminllrI 2 COMMISSION MINUTES November 7, 1994 . c c c c ~ The motion carried by the fonowing vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Devlin. 8. COMMUNITY CALENDAR AND OUARTERLY NEWSLETI'ER (Commnnitv Development Commi'lSion) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller. to award the contract to Crown Printers of San Bernardino for production of Ibe 1995 City Calendar and Quarterly Newsletters as outlined in Ibe attached staff report. The motion carried by Ibe fonowing vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miner. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. I. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES (Community Development Commission) Timolby C. Steinhaus, Administrator. Economic Development Agency. requested Ibe minutes for the meeting of September 28, 1994, be continued. Commission Member Hernandez made a motion. seconded by Commission member Oberhelman. that the minutes of the Community Development Commission of Ibe City of San Bernardino for the meeting of September 28, 1994, be continued. The motion carried by the fonowing vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; MiUer. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Conunissioll Member Devlin. DevelQpment Department 5. INFILL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (Community Development Commission) Timolby C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, commented on previous discussions held regarding the amount of new homes in Ibe City versus existing track homes in need of repair. Mr. Steinhaus explained that Ibe Agency has programs available for bolb needs. Commission Member Curlin recommended placing small parks in vacant lots rather Iban new housing. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllr1 COMMISSION MINUTES November 7.1994 3 .9 o o C Chairman Minor explained that it was not economically feasible for !he City to place parks in vacant lots due to maintenance. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, CA, believed !he City should consider placing small parks in empty lots for children wilhin!he City. Timo!hy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained that tltis item was inadvertently placed on !he agenda, and that it was previously approved on October 17, 1994. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, !hat litis mailer be tabled. The motion carried by !he following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. 6. MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (Community DevelQpment Commission) c Timo!hy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained thattltis item was inadvertently placed on !he agenda, and that it was previously approved on October 17,1994. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, that litis matter be tabled. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Comntission Member Devlin. 7. RADISSON HOTEL. CONSENT OF ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER (Community Develol1ment Commission) Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained that litis item was inadvertently placed on the agenda, and that it was previously approved by the Comntission on October 17, 1994. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, that litis mailer be tabled. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Conunission Member Devlin. c REGULAR MEETING TCS:hnp:cminllr I 4 COMMISSION M1NUTES November 7,1994 ~ c "'- '- c o :> 9. EXTENSION OF AUmORITY TO CONTRACT FOR SECURITY SERVICES AT ARROW VISTA SUBDIVISION (Community DevelQpment Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman questioned rhe slalus of the home sales al Arrow Visla. Timothy C. Sleinhaus, Administralor, Economic Developmenl Agency, explained thaI seven (7) homes had been sold 10 dale and the Agency had been reimbursed $700,000. Mr. Sleinhaus explained the continued need for security al the site due to the amounl of vandalism done 10 the homes on the 101. He slaled thaI il was less expensive for the Agency 10 provide securily for the homes rather than repairing them afler vandalism. Commission Member Miller made a motion. seconded by Commission Member Curlin, 10 approve a ninety (90) day exlension 10 Ihe existing contract and purchasing authority with Mega Forces Security nollo exceed $25,000; further thaI Agency staff be authorized 10 pay for prior services rendered in the amount of $36,744; and thaI Agency slaff be aulhorized 10 requesl bids for security services. The molion carried by tbe following vote: Ayes: Commission Mcmbers Negretc; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Conunission Member Devlin. 4. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. CONSTRUCTION OF HANDICAP RAMPS AND SIDEWALK WIDENIN(; AT VARIOUS LOCA nONS (M!lyor !lnd Common Council) Councilman Oberhelman questioned how projects were selected for repair. Roger Hardgrave, Director of Public Works, explained that the Department of Public Works maintains a running Iisl of complainls received regarding ramps and sidewafks. He stated that the areas of complaints are normally repaired on a ftrst serve basis unless otherwise instructed by the Council. Councilwoman Miller made a motion. seconded by Councilman Hernandez. thaI the plans for construction of handicap ramps and sidewalk widening al various locations. in accordance with Plan No. 9170. be approved; and the Director of Public Works/City Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hemandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllr 1 COMMISSION MINUTES November 7,1994 5 '" c c c o o 10. MEGA FORCK~ SECURITY - EXTENSION OF AUTHORITY FOR SECURITY SERVICES AT NEW CENTRAL POLICE STATION (Communitv DevelQJ)ment Commission) Commission Member Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to approve and authorize staff solicitation of security service bids and a ninety (90) day extension of the authority to pay Mega Forces Security, the frrm currently providing security services at the New Central Police Station site, as well as Pacific Federal buildings "A" and "B" at an amount not to exceed $15,000 in addition to the payment of $2,700 currently due and owing Mega-Forces for services rendered; also !hat the Development Department budget be increased accordingly. Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department, explained the need for security at the central police station site. He stated !hat it was not necessary to have 24 hour security at the police station because it was a busy site. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhehnan; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. 11. INLAND PLAZA - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOND REFINANCING /Mayor and Comlllon Council) Councihnan Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam, to continue the T.E.F.R.A. hearing until Monday, November 21, 1994, al 11:00 a.m., for the $2.35 million refinancing of the Inland Plaza project by the issuance of Industrial Development Bonds by the City of San Bernardino. Councihnan Oberhehnan commented on the financial information of the owners listed in the staff report. He also questioned the occupancy rate of the plaza. COUNCILMAN HERNANDEZ WAS EXCUSED AT 11:44 A.M. Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green, discussed the proposed bond refinancing for this project. He commented on the various deeds of trust on the project indicating !hat tile bond issuer would have first position on the loan. Councihnan Oberhehnan recommended the Council not proceed with this item until they receive further information on the financial status of the project. Mr. Sabo explained !hat he would be reviewing a prelintinary title report on this item to obtain further information. COUNCILMAN HERNANDEZ RETURNED AT 11:48 A.M. COUNCILWOMAN MILLER WAS EXCUSED AT 11:49 A.M. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllrl COMMISSION MINUTES November 7, 1994 6 3 o I:> C The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin; Miller. 12. TK<;TING AND INSPECTION SERVICES - CENTRAL POLICE STATION (Community DevelQpment Commission) COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER RETURNED AT 11:52 A.M. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Hernandez. to authorize the Acting Executive Director 10 draft and execute a contract for materials testing and special inspection with Uniled Inspection and Testing Company in an amount not to exceed $60,000. Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department, discussed the use of MBE/WBE participation on this project. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. c 13. AUTHORIZED CHRCK SIGNERS AND APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY AND ASSIST ANT SECRETARY OF COMMISSION (Community Development Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Negrete, that the following resolutions be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 5412 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF TIMOTHY C. STEINHAUS AS SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION AND BARBARA 1. LINDSETH AS ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION, AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 5271. RESOLUTION NUMBER 5413 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DESIGNATING CHECK SIGNERS AND COUNTER SIGNERS FOR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS; AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 5369. c Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained thatlhis would be temporary until the new Executive Director position within the Agency was filled. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllrl 7 COMMISSION MINUTES Novernber 7, 1994 ~ o :) C Barbara J. Lindseth, Acting Executive Director, Development Deparunent, explained the check signing process for the Agency. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam requested the Commission recessed to closed session to discuss issues relating to this item. Discussion ensued regarding the confidentiality of the Agency's management audit. Chairman Minor stated that the management audit was not confidential and that it was available for public review. Commission Member Curlin questioned whether or not the Agency was taking measures to eliminate potential losses as indicated in the audit. Mr. Steinhaus indicated that all processing of rehabilitation loans had stopped until authorization by the Council. Commission Member Hernandez recommended the Commission review this item in two weeks and that a Commission Member along with staff and the Mayor, be authorized to sign the checks of the Agency. c The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin: Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. RECESSED MEETING At 12:02 p.m., Chairman Minor recessed the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission until 2:30 p.m. MEETING RECONVENED At 2:38 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was called to order. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Member Jerry Devlin. c REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminl1rl 8 COMMiSSION MINUTES November 7, 1994 ~ o o c STAFF PRF.<;ENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Barbara J. Lindseth, Acting Executive Director, Development Department; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Execulive Assisllmlto lhe Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the COWlci1; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzatma Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La Vonda M.Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Deparlment. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green. 14. BEST BUY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (Community Development Commission) Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, explained !hat Best Buy was an electronics store that planned to locate in the Tri-City redevelopment area. He stated !hat the facility would be 59,000 square feet with approximately 200 employees. Mr. Steinhaus explained the terms of the assistance staling that if approved. the Agency would give Best Buy $20,000 at the end of each year for five (5) years. He also indicated thaI if Best Buy leaves the area C before five (5) years, they must repay the Agency for all the assistance it has received. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller. to approve a $100,000 assistance package to Best Buy in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the staff report; further, that the Executive Director be authorized to execute an Owner Participation Agreement with Best Buy and all other implementing documentation; finally, !hat the Agency budget be increased accordingly. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR 15. HOO SECTION 108 LOAN APPLICATION. 40TH STREET SHOPPING CENTER OPEN PUBLIC HEARING (MlIyor and Common Councill Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department, gave a brief overview of this item commenting on the various number of owners of the property. He commented on the difficulty negotiating with the eight (8) owners of the property. c REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllrI 9 COMMISSION MINUTES November 7,1994 l~ c r '- c o o Mr. Parker also discussed the number of jobs that would be retained and created if the loan is approved. COUNCILMAN CURLIN WAS EXCUSED AT 2:56 P.M. COUNCILWOMAN MILLER WAS EXCUSED AT 2:56 P.M. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, made comments regarding the revitalization of the area. COUNCILMAN CURLIN RETURNED AT 2:57 P.M. Christina Twing, 4286 Pershing Avenue, San Bernardino, commented on the deteriomtion of the 40th Street Shopping Center and the park becoming a homeless shelter and housing gang activity. She stated that the longer this item was prolonged, the more expensive the revitalization of the park would become. COUNCILWOMAN MILLER RETURNED AT 2:57 P.M. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Councilman Oberhehnan made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam, to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. Councilman Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Miller, to approve the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 108 Loan Application for the 40th Street Shopping Center project, and authorize the Mayor and Executive Director to execute all necessary documents and further authorize staff to submit said application to HUD. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Conunission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. 16. HOLIDAY OLDSMOBILE LAND ACOUlSITlON OPEN PUBLIC HEARING (Mayor and Common Conncil) Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, questioned the need for this loan. Mayor Minor explained that the loan for this project must be done through the Inland Valley Development Agency (IVDA) since it is located in the IVDA project area. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllrl IO COMMISSION MINUTES November 7,1994 .j c c c o o CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Councilman Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Negrete, to close the public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Councilman Oberhelman, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-344 RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CERTAIN DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND HOLIDAY OLDSMOBIT.E. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hemandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Devlin. (Community Development Commis.~on) Commission Member Pope-Ludlam made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberhelman. that the following resolutions be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 5414 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CERTAIN AGREEMENT REGARDING THE ALLOCATION AND PAYMENT OF TAX INCREMENT REVENUES. RESOLUTION NUMBER 5415 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CERTAIN AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE AND JOINT ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS (HOLIDAY OLDSMOBIT.E). RESOLUTION NUMBER 5416 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, ON BEHALF OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, APPROVING A CERTAIN DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND HOLIDAY OLDSMOBIT.E. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminl1r 1 COMMISSION MINUTES November 7, 1994 11 ~ c c c o o The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent Commission Member Devlin. 17. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - SOUTHERN PAClFIC LAND (Communitv DeveIQpment Commi~ciOD) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to authorize the Agency Administrator to execute an agreement with Southern Pacific Railroad Company to retain ERM West. Inc., for an expanded phase 11 environmental assessment, whereby the Agency provides one-half the cost of the environmental assessment, not to exceed $80,000 with the amount to be deducted from the final purchase price. Commission Member Hernandez expressed concern regarding potential contamination on the property and the cost for clean-up. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: Conunission Member Hernandez. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. 18. CHANGE OF COMMISSION MEETING TIME (Community Development Commission) Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, commented on the amount of time to be given for public comments if both the Community Development Commission and the Mayor and Common Council are convened at the same time. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam discussed the capability of convening all meetings at 8:00 a.m. Commission Member Oberhelman commented on the behavior of various citizens when speaking on public comments. Commission Member Curlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Oberhelman, to table this matter. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman. Noes: Commission Members Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllrl 12 COMMISSION MINUTES November 7, 1994 " c ,..- ~ c o o 19. EDA MRRTING CONFIGURATION (Communi~y Develqpment Commis.~ion) (Councilman Dr. Curlin's Recommendation) Commission Member Curlin commented on the inappropriateness of four (4) chairs at the dais rather than the normal three (3). He explained that only the EDA Counsel shonld be present at the dais during Commission Meetings. Richard Morillo, Deputy City Attorney, explained that the meeting being held was a joint meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission; therefore, the City Attorney's Office should be present to act as legal counsel on behalf of the Mayor and Common Council. Jeff Wright, P. O. Box 2341, San Bernardino, spoke in favor of the City Attorney's Office being present at the meetings. Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Miller, to provide the Agency Counsel with a comfortable chair at the dais. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Miller; Noes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. Commission Member Curlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, that during the course of EDA Chairman/Commission meetings, the so-called "Brown Agenda", the three central dais positions will be occupied by City Clerk (or her assignee), EDA Agency Administrator (or his assignee), and the EDA attorney (or his assignee) only. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hemandez; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. Commission Member Curlin made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, that during the course of EDA meetings ("Brown Agenda") that portion of the meeting designated as Closed Session, the only attendees besides the Chaimtan and Commission plus the City Clerk, and/or his assignee(s), will be those specifically admitted by majority vote of the Commission. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Pope-Ludlam. Noes: Commission Members Oberhelman; Miller. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllrl 13 COMMISSION MlNlJfES November 7,1994 " c c c o o 20. REDEVELOPMENT PROTECTS (Community Develqpment Commission) (Councilman Hernandez' Recommendation) Commission Member Hernandez expressed concern regarding accusations being made in the community about the Council wasting taxpayers dollars. He commented on various projects that the Council assisted over previous years and the positive results of that assistance. He encouraged citizens to verify accusations of the public/press before coming to negative conclusions about the Council. COMMISSION MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM WAS EXCUSED AT 4:19 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN WAS EXCUSED AT 4:20 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBER CURLIN RETURNED AT 4:21 P.M. This item was for discussion purposes only. There was no action to be taken. COMMISSION MEMBER POPE-LUDLAM RETURNED AT 4:17 P.M. RS-l. RESURFACING OF MALL PARKING LOTS (Mayor and Common Council) Councilman Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Curlin, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTION NUMBER 94-345 RESOLUTION OF TIlE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO TIlE BENEFIT OF TIlE CENTRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA OF RESURFACING PORTIONS OF THE CAROUSEL MALL. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Councilman Devlin. (Community DeveloJ)ment Commission) Commission Member Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Commission Member Curlin, that the following resolution be approved and adopted: RESOLUTTON NUMBER 5417 RESOLUTION OF TIlE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFONRIA, MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AS TO TIlE BENEFIT TO TIlE CENTRAL CITY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA OF RESURFACING PORTIONS OF THE CAROUSEL MALL. REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllr I COMMISSION MINUTES November 7, 1994 14 ~ o o C The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Commission Members Negrete; Curlin; Hernandez; Oberhelman; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: Commission Member Devlin. 21. ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION At 4:24 p.m., the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission recessed to closed session to discuss the following: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 CONFER WIlli REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR Property: 2251 East 20th Street San Bernardino Negotiating Parties: Redevelopment Agency Staff; Munawar Ahmed, owner and Astrotel Communications Corp. Under Negotiations: Instructions will be given to Agency negotiator concerning price and terms of acquisition. c B. Pursuant to Government Code SectioIl54954.5(e) PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DlSClPLlNE/DISMlSSAL/RELEASE MRF:TING RECONVENED At 5:32 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was called to order. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. 1. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; David Oberhelman; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Member 1erry Devlin. STAFF PR&'lENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Barbara 1. Lindseth, Acting Executive Director, Development Deparnnellt; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department; Dennis Barlow, Senior Assistant City Attorney; Lorraine Velarde, Executive Assistant to the Mayor; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Suzanna Cordova, Deputy City Clerk; La V onda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. c REGULAR MEETING TCS:lmp:cminllrl 15 COMMISSION MINUTES November 7,1994 ~ c c c c o OmER..'i IN ATTENDANCE Timothy Sabo, Agency Counsel, Sabo and Green. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Councihnan Oberhelman made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Pope-Ludlam, that the Mayor's/Commission Chairman's dismissal of David Edgar, Housing ~ivision Manager, and Kenneth J. Henderson, Executive Director, Development Department. Economic Development Agency. be ralified. The motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council Members Negrete; Curlin; Oberhehnan; Pope-Ludlam; Miller. Noes: None. Abstain: Cowlcihnan Hernandez. Absent: Councihnan Devlin. 22. ADJOURNMENT At 5:38 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission was adjourned to Monday, November 21. 1994. at 11:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall. 300 North "0" Street, San Bernardino, California. Respectfully Submitted: TIMOmV c. STEINHAUS Agency Administrator/ Secretary to the Commission REGULAR MEETING TCS:hnp:cminllrl COMMISSION MINUTES November 7. 1994 16 :~