HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-Public Works CITY OF SAN BERN~INO - REQUES~l~<;; f2~NCIL ACTION =rom: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Subject: Orange Show Road from Arrowhead to Tippecanoe Avenue - Request for Approval of Streambed Altera- tion Agreement - California De- partment of Fish and Game )ept: Public Works )ate: 11-15-94 ;ynopsis of Previous Council action: 10-21-91 Capital Improvement Budgets, for 1991/92 Fiscal Year, approved. 06-01-92 Authorization granted by CDC for Executive Director to execute Loan Guarantee Agreement with IVDA. 07-06-92 Authorization granted for City to assume responsibility for engineering design services, including selection of Consulting Engineers and execution of agreements. 08-17-92 Resolution No. 92-343 adopted authorizing execution of an Agreement with DMJM for professional design services. 12-21-92 Approved preferred alignment and authorized the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to proceed with design. (Continued on second page) lecommended motion: Adopt resolution. cc: Shauna Clark Jim Penman ~lr. ~ ~ ....:;:.. ..~'V S~ 11: ~7 :ontact person: Roger G. Hardgrave Staff Report, Agreement & Resolution Phone: 5025 .upporting data attached: Ward: 1 & 3 :UNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.) N/A (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: ouncil Notes: Agenda Item NO.l!j 3-0262 CITY OF SAN BERNACDINO - REQUEST Fr:-~ COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Pursuant to Section 1601 of the California Fish and Ga~p. Code, the City is required to enter into a Streambed A1tera~ion Agreement with the California Department of Fish and GaMe (CDFG) stipulating the conditions under which the streambed may be altered, prior to start of work within a creek or stream. In response to our application, CDFG has provided the attached Streambed Alteration Agree~ent for Work Within East Twin Creek and the Santa Ana River, in connection with the extension of Orange Show Road, from Arrowhead Avenue to Tippecanoe Avenue. The conditions contained in thp. Agreement are acceptable to staff and will project plans and specifications. Streambed Alteration be incorporated in the We recommend that the attached Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 5-400-94 be approved. SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Continued 04-08-93 Authorized the execution of Aareement for right-of- way acquisition services with David Evans and Associates. 07-19-93 -- Adopted Negative Declaration and madp. finding of consistency with the circulation element of thp. General Plan. 11-15-94 .0264 c r, -...-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF STREAMBED ALTERATION AGREEMENT 5-400-94 RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES FOR ORANGE SHOl'l ROAD AT EAST TWIN CREEK AND SANTA ANA RIVER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of said City, Streambed Alteration Agreement 5-400-94 with thp California Department of Fish and Game, relating to construction of bridges for Orange Show Road at East Twin Creek and Santa Ana River, a copy of which is attached herpto marked Exhibi t "A" and incorporated herein by reference as fully <"5 though set forth at length herein. SECTION TWO: The agreement shall not take effect until 15 fully signed and executed by all pnrties. The City shall. not be 16 obligated hereunder unless and until the agreement is fullv 17 executed and no oral agreement relating thereto shall be 18 implied or authorized. 19 SECTION THREE: The authorization to execute the above- 20 referenced agreement is rescinded if the parties to the 21 agreement fail to execute it within ninety (90) days of the 22 passage of this resolution. 23 IIII 24 I I I I 25 IIII 26 I I I I 27 I I I I 28 I I I I 11-15-94 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Kl:.;,U: l:.Al:.I..UT.LNl, OJ'.L'KJ:.iU'lbJ::U Al,'l'J::AATION AGREEMENT ,,-4UU-~4. fl'" ~'h': ~. , " ..,j 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly 2 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 3 Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the 4 day of , 1994, by the following vote, to-wit: 5 Council Members: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT 6 NEGRETE 7 CURLIN 8 HERNANDEZ 9 OBERHELMAN 10 DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAl4 MILLER Rachel Clark, City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. Tom Minor, Mayor Ci ty of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content, James F. Penman City Attorney '\ ; ") /}~ w<" t ",',~ , .' , " - 2 - ~ ~ '~ EX~IT -A- CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 330 Golden Shore, Suite 50 Long Beach, California 90802 Notification No. 5-400-94 Page -1- of -1- AGREEMENT REGARDING PROPOSED STREAM OR LAKE ALTERATION THIS AGREEMENT, entered into between the State of California, Department of Fish and Game, hereinafter called the Department, and Roaer Hardarave of Citv of San Bernardino, State of California, hereinafter called the Operator, is as follows: WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 1601 of California Fish and Game Code, the Operator, on the 16th day of Seotember, 1994, notified the Department that they intend to divert or obstruct the natural flow of, or change the bed, channel, or bank of, or use material from the streambed(s) of, the following water(s): East Twin Creek & Santa Ana River, San Bernardino County, California, Section Township IS Range 3W. WHEREAS, the Department (represented by Rebecca Jones) has determined that such operations may substantially adversely affect existing fish and wildlife resourcen including: all aauatic resources and wildlife in the area. THEREFORE, the Department hereby proposes measures to protect fish and wildlife resources during the Operator's work. The Operator hereby agrees to accept the following measures/conditions as part of the proposed work. If the Operator's work changes from that stated in the notification specified above, this Agreement is no longer valid and a new notification shall be submitted to the Department of Fish and Game. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement and with other pertinent code sections, including but not limited to Fish and Game Code Sections 5650, 5652, 5937, and 5948, may result in prosecution. Nothing in this Agreement authorizes the Operator to trespass on any land or property, nor does it relieve the Operator of responsibility for compliance with applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances. A consummated Agreement does not constitute Department of Fish and Game endorsement of the proposed operation, or assure the Department's concurrence with permits required from other agencies. This Aareement becomes effective the date of Deoartment's sianature and terminates Januarv 1. 1996 for oro;ect construction only. This Aareement shall remain in effect for that time necessary to satisfv the terms/conditions of this Aareement. c r", '-o.;i Page ~ of ..:L. STREAMBED ALTERATION CONDITIONS FOR NOTIFICATION NUMBER: 5-400-94 1. The following provisions constitute the limit of activities agreed to and resolved by this Agreement. The signing of this Agreement does not imply that the Operator is precluded from doing other activities at the site. However, activities not specifically agreed to and resolved by this Agreement shall be subject to separate notification pursuant to Fish and Game Code Sections 1600 et seq. 2. The Operator proposes to alter the streambed to extend Orange Show Road from Arrowhead Ave. to Tippeconoe Ave., approximately 1.75 miles. Bridges will be build over both the Santa Ana River and E. Twin Creek (which is an improved channel). Approximately 5,000 cubic yards of fill will be used on the E. Twin Creek bridge and 30,000 on the Santa Ana River crossing. A total of 2.1 acres of jurisdictional waters and 0.9 acres of riparian habitat will be impacted. 3. The agreed work includes activities associated with No.2 above. The project area is located between Arrowhead Ave and Tippecanoe Ave about 1/2 mile south of central Ave, City of San Bernardino in San Bernardino County. Specific work areas and mitigation measures are described on/in the plans and documents submitted by the Operator and shall be implemented as proposed unless directed differently by this agreement. 4. The Operator shall request an extension of this agreement prior to its termination. Extensions may be granted for up to 12 months from the date of termination of the agreement and are subject to Departmental approval. The extension request and fees shall be submitted to the Department's Region 5 Office at the above address. If the Operator fails to request the extension prior to the agreement's termination then the Operator shall submit a new notification with fees and required information to the Department. Any activities conducted under an expired agreement is a violation of Fish and Game Code Section 1600 et. seq. The Operator may request up to a maximum of ~ extensions of this agreement. 5. Disturbance or removal of vegetation shall not exceed the limits approved by the Department. The disturbed portions of any stream channel or lake margin within the high water mark of the stream or lake shall be restored to their original condition under the direction of the Department. 6. Restoration shall include the revegetation of stripped or exposed areas with vegetation native to the area. c , ~ Page 3 of 7 #5-400-94 7. Rock, riprap, or other erosion protection shall be placed in areas where vegetation cannot reasonably be expected to become reestablished. This condition shall be approved by the Department prior to project commencement. 8. Installation of bridges, culverts, such that water flow is not impaired. permanent culverts shall be placed at grade. 9. Equipment shall not be operated in wetted areas (including but not limited to ponded, flowing, or wetland areas) without the prior written approval of the Department. or other structures shall be Bottoms of temporary and or below stream channel 10. When work in a flowing stream is unavoidable, the entire stream flow shall be diverted around the work area by a barrier, temporary culvert, new channel, or other means approved by the Department. Location of the upstream and downstream diversion points shall be approved by the Department. Construction of the barrier and/or the new channel shall normally begin in the downstream area and continue in an upstream direction, and the flow shall be diverted only when construction of the diversion is completed. Channel bank or barrier construction shall be adequate to prevent seepage into or from the work area. Channel banks or barriers shall not be made of earth or other substances subject to erosion unless first enclosed by sheet piling, rock riprap, or other protective material. The enclosure and the supportive material shall be removed when the work is completed and removal shall normally proceed from downscream in an upstream direction. The Operator shall obtain all written approvals from the Department prior to initiation of construction activities. 11. Preparation shall be made so that runoff from steep, erodible surfaces will be diverted into stable areas with little erosion potential. Frequent water checks shall be placed on dirt roads, cat tracks, or other work trails to control erosion. 12. If a stream channel has been altered during the operations, its low flow channel shall be returned as nearly as possible to pre-project conditions without creating a possible future bank erosion problem, or a flat wide channel or sluice-like area. If a lake margin has been altered, it shall be returned as nearly as possible to pre-project conditions without creating a future bank erosion problem. The gradient of the streambed or lake margin shall be returned to pre-project grade unless such operation is part of a restoration project, in which case, the change in grade must be approved by the Department prior to project commencement. r" '-' c." -......I Page 4 of 7 #5-400-94 13. Water containing mud, silt or other pollutants from aggregate washing or other activities shall not be allowed to enter a lake or flowing stream or placed in locations that may be subjected to high storm flows. 14. The perimeter of the work site shall be adequately flagged to prevent damage to adjacent habitat. 15. The Operator shall not remove vegetation within the stream from March 1 to August 1 to avoid impacts to nesting birds. 16. If threatened or endangered species occur within the proposed work area, or could be impacted by the work proposed, this agreement shall not be valid until the Operator obtains the required state and federal threatened and endangered species permits. 17. If trees with larger than 6" diameter dbh have been removed from the stream's banks, they shall be replaced in-kind at a 2:1 ratio, and maintained until established, under the direction of a Department representative. 18. All planting shall have a minimum of 80% survival the first year and 100% survival thereafter and/or shall attain 75% cover after 3 years and 90% cover after 5 years for the life of the project. If the survival and cover requirements have not been met, the Operator is responsible for replacement planting to achieve these requirements. Replacement plants shall be monitored with the same survival and growth requirements for 5 years after planting. 19. An annual report shall be submitted to the Department by Jan. 1 of each year for 5 years after planting. This report shall include the survival, % cover, and height of both tree and shrub species. The number by species uf plants replaced, an overview of the revegetation effort, and the method used to assess these parameters shall also be included. P;ntos from designated photo stations shall be included. 20. Mitigation for impacts to wetland areas and southern cottonwood-willow scrub with associated alluvial fan sage scrub shall be at a 1:1 replacement ratio. Incorporated with this mitigation shall be a plan for arundo removal program within a 3:1 ratio for amount area impacted by the project. o '"""' v Page 5 of 7 #5-400-94 21. A wildlife conservation easement shall be recorded on the property to protect existing fish and wildlife resources in perpetuity. The easement shall be in favor of the Department or its designated agent and shall be recorded within one year of signing this agreement, or as extended by the Department. An offer of dedication shall be made prior to initiation of construction activities. The form and content of the easement shall be approved by the Department's legal advisors prior to its execution. The legal advisors can be contacted at (916) 654-3821. 22. Staging/storage areas for equipment and materials shall be located outside of the stream/lake. 23. Spoil sites shall not be located within a stream/lake, where spoil shall be washed back into a stream/lake, or where it will cover aquatic or riparian vegetation. 24. Precautions to minimize turbidity/siltation shall be into account during project planning and implementation. This may require that the work site be isolated and lor the construction of silt catchment basins, so that silt, or other deleterious materials are not allowed to pass to downstream reaches. The placement of any structure or materials in the stream for this purpose, not included in the origind project description, shall be coordinated with the Department. Coordination shall include the negotiation of additional Agreement provisions. 25. Any equipment or vehicles driven and/or operated within or adjacent to the stream/lake shall be checked and maintained daily, to prevent leaks of materials that if introduced to water could be deleterious to aquatic life. 26. Stationary equipment such as motors, pumps, generators, and welders, located within or adjacent to the stream/lake shall be positioned over drip pans. 27. The clean-up of all spills shall begin immediately. The Department shall be notified immediately by the Operator of any spills and shall be consulted regarding clean-up procedures. 28. Structures and associated materials not designed to withstand high water flows shall be moved to areas above high water before such flows occur. 29. All provisions of this Agreement remain in force throughout the term of the Agreement. Any provisions of the Agreement may be amended or the Agreement may be terminated at any time provided such amendment and/or termination is agreed to in writing by both parties. Mutually approved amendments become part of the original Agreement and are subject to all previously negotiated provisions. o .............. ~ Page 6 of 7 #5-400-94 30. No debris, soil, silt, sand, bark, slash, sawdust, rubbish, cement or concrete or washings thereof, asphalt, oil or petroleum products or other organic or earthen material from any logging, construction, or associated activity of whatever nature shall be allowed to enter into or placed where it may be washed by rainfall or runoff into, waters of the State. When operations are completed, any excess materials or debris shall be removed from the work area. No rubbish shall be deposited within 150 feet of the high water mark of any stream or lake. 31. The Operator shall comply with all litter and pollution laws. All contractors, subcontractors arrd employees shall also obey these laws and it shall be the responsibility of the operator to ensure compliance. 32. No equipment maintenance shall be done within or near any stream channel or lake margin where petroleum products or other pollutants from the equipment may enter these areas under any flow. 33. The Operator shall provide a copy of this Agreement to all contractors, subcontractors, and the Operator's project supervisors. Copies of the Agreen'ent shall be readily available at work sites at all times during periouH of active work and must be presented to any Department personnel, or personnel from another agency upon demand. 34. The Operator shall notify the Department, in writing, at least five (5) days prior to initiation of construction (project) activities and at least five (5) days prior to completion of construction (project) activities. Notification shall be sent to the Department at 330 Golden Shore, Suite 50, Long Beach, CA 90802, Attn: ES. 35. The Department reserves the right to enter the project site at any time to ensure compliance with terms/conditions of this Agreement. 36. The Department reserves the right to suspend and/or revoke this Agreement if the Department determines that the circumstances warrant. The circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Failure to comply with the terms/conditions of this Agreement. b. The information provided by the Operator in support of the Agreement/Notification is determined by the Department to be incomplete, or inaccurate. c. When new information becomes available to the Department representative(s) that was not known when preparing the original terms/conditions of this Agreement. "'" '- -"""'...., .....", Page 7 of 7 #5-400-94 d. The project as described in the Notification/Agreement has changed, or conditions affecting fish and wildlife resources change. CONCURRENCE City of San Bernardino (Operator's name) California Dept. of Fish and Game (signature) (date) (signature) (date) Mavor (title) Environmental Specialist III (title) Approved as to form and legal content: James F. Penman City Attorney /) i.1 \~