HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-Public Works CITY OF SAN BERN~INO - '-' )ate: 11-21-94 REQUEST F~ COUNCIL ACTION Fi~o. 1.852 Approval of Plans & Authorization to Advertisp for Rids --Inprove- ment of Flood Control Basin at Northeast Corner of Mill Street & Pepper Avenue, per Plan No. 9127 Subject: =rom: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE )ept: Public Works ;ynopsis of Previous Council action: 02-07-94 -- Allocation of $8,000, to Accoun': No. l29-309"57'3'i2, approved to finance improvpnents ':0 Flood C0r'':''0l Basin in return for additional rights-of-wav. DMH' . "F.,'lCf . r';2V C? 2..J c:; ~ecommended motion: 00,) 1. That the transfer of $130,000, from Account no. l26-~-3040'i, "Unappropriated Reserve," to Account No. 126-356-57852, "Inps. to Flood Control Basin - N.E. Cornpr Mill Street and Pepper Avenue," be approved. and 2. That the plans for improvement to the Flood Control Basin at the northeast corner of Mill st.. and Pepper Ave., in accordance with Plan I-1o. 9127, b", approvpd; and t.hp nj.~ec':"r of Public vlorks/Ci ty Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids. ~ ~ ' 19nature cc: Shauna Clark ;ontact person: Roqer G. Hardqrave Phone: 5025 ;upporting data attached: Staff Report & Map Ward: 3 :UNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $130.000 (Prop. No. 111 Gas Tax Funds) Source: (Acct. No.! ' ?<;-.56 :; Itl:,l /016-00.:> -Jo?o.s- (Acct. DescriPtion) Improvements to Flood Control Basin - N.E. Corner Mill St. & Pepper Ave.Finan~ ~~ :ouncil Notes: 5-0262 Agenda Item No. J d.- CITY -OF SAN BERNACY'NO - REQUEST Fe'..) COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Plans for installAtion of imprOVl"Ments to the San Bernardino County Flood Control Basin, at the northeast corner of Mill Street And Pepper Avenue, havl" hl"fm prepnrl"d bu the Engi- neering Division, and the project is ready to be advertised for bids. The proj ect consists. in genf'ral, of installing iMprove- ments to thl" basin as required by the Flood Control District in return for the necf'ssary additional rights-of,'wAY for instRlla- tion of curbs And guttprs, and sidf'walk. Below is an f'stimate of the tot?l project cost: Sub-Total Contingf'ncies (15%)! TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $ 105.792 _~, 000. $ 113,792 _}_~2 0 B $ 130,000 Construction Contract Construction Enginepring (W.O.# It is recomMended that the transfer of $130,000, from Account No. 126-~-~ "Unappropriated Rl"serve," in the GRS Tax Fund be approved to provide sufficient funding to financf' thl" costs that will be incurrl"d for these inprovemf'nts. We also recommf'nd that the plans be approved and autho.- rization granted to advertise for bids. 11-21-94 -0264 r \. J \.. ~ ,. I r @ g~1 4.31 AC./oI/L. I( . 1fII' 1'1' . ( 3'100 1j1) C) ~. ~ 1 (3/~S 1/1) i r,/ 4~,.,1 /~.'S' J, ~ ,~ @) c) . I ~ I Ngr TO SUiU= @ 4.71 AC.III/l fit ~. ~. (roT19t- THIs eASI AI)' / /5;2.5 1/1 S<1' 130..- _ _ -i- .L} MILL FILE NO: 15.02-1239B (MERRILL AVE,) l' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TYPE OF EASEMENT: ~ll<l:J:;l AND HIGiWAY LOCATION: OORI'HFAST CORNER OF tml. STREET AND t'J:;t't'J:;K AVENUE GRANTOR: SAN BERNARDIID COUNIY F1.OOD CDNl'ROL DIS'l'RICl'