HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-Public Works -- CITY OF SAN BERN~INO - REQU~~! !S:;. 5~~pNCIL ACTION From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Approval of plans & Authorization Subject: to Advertise for Bids - Removal of Red Paint on Curbs at Various Locations, Per Plan No. 9217 ;)ept: Public Works Date: 11-17-94 >ynopsis of Previous Council action: None. DMH', 'F"!cr,. : /(JV 9< l.J 05 ~ecommended motion: 1. That the transfer of $12,000, from Account No. 001-307-52020, "Salares, Permanent/Full Time," to Account No. 001-307-54101, "Professional/Contractual Services," be approvpd. and cc: Shauna Clark red paint on curbs at various Plan No. 9217, be approved; and be authorized to advertise for cJzn ~ 2. That the plans for removal of locations, in accordc'.llce with the Director of Public Works bids ;ontact person: Roqer G. Hardqrave Phone: 5025 iupporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: ll/A =UNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $12.000 Source: (Acct, No,) 001-307-54101 Acct, Descri tion Professional/Contractua~ Services Finance: :Cuncil Notes: 5-0262 Agenda Item NO,Jj CITY OF SAN BERNI(:OINO - REQUEST FC"""'. COUNCIL ACTION ,~' STAFF REPORT One position of MainteDaDce Worker I becaMe vacaDt as of 1-16-94. due to the resignation of the incumbent. Filling this position has been deferrp.d in ordp.r to allow the annua.l salary savings, of about $32.000, to be available to financp. contyacr.s as pilot projects under thp. City's program to eva.luatf> privati.. zation. Plans for removal of 17,000 feet of red paint from curbs on Highland Avenuf>. Base Line StTf>et and the Central City Area, have been prepared by City personnel and the project is ready to bf> advertised for bids The estiMated cost of this contract is $12,000. All costs incurred for this project will be financp.d from the $12.000 transferred froM AccnuDt No. 001-307-52070, "Salaries, Permanp.nt/Full Time." to Account No. 001.307.54101- "Professional/Contractual Services." We recommend that thf> plans he approved and iiuthorizatinn granted to advertise for bids. 11..17-94 ~-0264