HomeMy WebLinkAbout21-Parks and Recreation CITY' OF SAN BERNC)IDINO - REQUEST F:R COUNCIL ACTION From: ANNIE F. RAMOS, DIRECTOR Subject: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $125.00 FOR USE OF LA PLAZA PARK BY Dept: PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES THE SAN BERNARDINO LIONS CLUB FOR A CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY Date: NOVEMBER 22, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: None. DItHl . "~F""l.CfJ , I.OV 9< '0: 21> Recommended motion: Form Motion 1. That the request to waive fees for use of La Plaza Park by the San Bernardino Inland Empire Lions Club in the amount of $125.00 be denied. or From Motion 2. That the request to waive fees for use of La Plaza Park by the San Bernardino Inland Empire Lions Club in the amount of $125.00 be ap:;?;d.. 7 ~, ~ /f/ "tU.-.- ' --~ Signature Contact person: John A. Kramer Staff Report, Letter of Supporting data attached: Request and Application Ward: 5031 1st Phone: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $125.00 Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: Council Notes: These are funds which would be deposited into a revenue account for use of facilities should the requesting group be required to pay. These are funds which assist the department in offsettin9 some of the on-9oin9 maintenance and repair costs for keepin9 facilities available. There are no City funds directly involved with doing this event. 7".n?,,? Anpnrl;:l, I tpm "In J...J ciTY' OF SAN BERNQ.OINO - REQUEST FOr( COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $125.00 FOR USE OF LA PLAZA PARK BY SAN BERNARDINO INLAND EMPIRE LIONS CLUB The San Bernardino Inland Empire Lions Club is requesting the waiver of fees for the use of La Plaza Park on December 18, 1994 (see attached letter). Cost for the use of the park is $125.00. Resolution 94-66 allows the Mayor and the Common Council to exempt non-profit corporations and associations organized primarily for patriotic, civic betterment or charitable purposes from the rate and fee schedules for the use of parks and recreation facilities, services and equipment under the condition that paying the fees would create a hardship and if the event is of significant benefit to the citizens of San Bernardino. The requester meets the requirements of the resolution. waiverLIONSCLUB-u . 11/22/94 :.fA-- ~M ..", "~""'J. '~:~.:~~f~'D'-/?:~j'~;:I,s~:'~1J-':>.'!J~':;~r. >t:'~?~ ~::'~~;;.':<.'rB'<#..f~S:::"~.;:U~t:61!,:_f~~i.:;'~f;~~f1~~~1~:i~~~(t~;:~~.:t~~;~~~.~}i~t{1QI1~~g:f$r~SG['6lTt~iy.~~rfi.(y)'>" " 'j ., ,', "',"'ICb:l:'I;lf"j v .oy , .". '..n .... .".,,;.!.Aui'ilJ.\!:!, #<..""""'..".''''',.'~ 11/04/94 .~, ".",,, ~~ '~~~':..,';>~:~,~;:..;;;.,A'::;:':;_4".>-:-t: ~~>:'J.i'r .,,:;.: . ~'itt~~';'_ ..:rr, "" " ~~:~~~@\@ >~:,~_. '~'~~'~~~',~.\,~~:~iot::l:~,,,~::~ . PRODUCE" .,. ~F " . ". . . THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISS D AS A MAnER OF INFORMATION ON~Y AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE lICIES BE OW. COMPANIES AFFORCING COVERAGE T.J. Adams & A. ssoc. I lie. 2021 Spring ROlld Oak Brook, IL 60521 (7011)571.1550 (70,')574.3178 FAX CO"PAN'( A. LETT.~ Royal Insurance Company of America INStlRIED COMPANY B LETTIR COMPANY C LElTi~ San Bernardino Inland Empire Lions Club California COIIPAIIY D LETTER COMPANY E uunR GENERAL UA"uTY LX (>;ll.tIlERCIAl. OI'NlRAl WoIllLlTV A - . ~ CL.AJ......oel xl CCCUR. (lWNER'S . COHTRACTOfI'S PROT co .ftJiJ.AOJt~ .,,,: ='<-:f'Wlo>:~~~1/.;~'~_~,io,:. .>'<it:' "'}~."'-~~f?:~':'; -",. ; '<:;".~ ,",'. _.,~..;m""V''''''''''^'-"...,.,lkl!'l>., ',,' .~:..., . 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"_".n WORkSl'l COUPEHO.A nON Provisions of policy apply to Christmas Party for Needy Children sponsored by the san Bernardino Inland Express Lions Club and includes interest of City of san Bernardino, Parks and Il.ecreation Department as additional insured(a), bUt only as respects liability arising out of use of their prenises by the Lions Club an:'.! not out of the sole ne<3ligence of above-stated additional insured(s). PROVISIONS OF POLICY 00 oor APPLY '!O THE SALE OF ALCOfIOLIC BEVERAGES. City of san Bernardino parks and Recreation Department CA t =.-......" '1Jlj' >>'7<"" . >*'.,.....--. -'U!1Q''''.. .. .~. .:I1'''t' , ':'~WiV=ti"#1~~~~E~:. ~'1. '- PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ~""', -~ .~ . -~~~- .~~..;:4'~.:)Ij.. .!Il{~'1l;~~ ~, Ill, r~,,,,,..._.. ",% '~'IIi', ", -~,-~,.ej', I'; ~-~+'J'" -, -.,f:iAII~..'.<~ "~,iicf>\-V APPLICATION/PERMIT TO USE PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATION FACILITY [)ate of Application: .I 140 J 7../ 7,1 . lIameand Addressof ApplicanVOrganization: 171 E S /p, I3d1UJ, (jf Jf1 L IJ }1/ 0 E)1 /J I !( t ..L;OJlJ~ CLul9 !lAJ!) tflEt/lltlJlI1J ~ C/11fll2i:: /f/!;/l-M ~C~13t. Facility Requested: rp 1.. f} 2 .() ,P Il /J k Date of Activity: (1--( f -'11 Time of Activity: /tll1 /.-1 A.MJP.M. To .:< fJ IP1 'A.M.IP.M. Nature of ActivityfEvent: c!lrc; f iJ1/l r p~ .tti.L/ rN tile /J/J-IC Ie (() Ciescribe Planned Activhies: {? 1'// t: 6 f/ f 1;0 V S IJ AI (.J c IJ IV /) Y I I Estimated Attendance: sP -0 () Is Activity Open to the Publk;J E J Admission Fee? A / () Will Sound AmplWation or Public Address System be Used? (J Time of Day AmplWier is to be Used: A.MJP.M. To (Section 12.80.130, City Munk;ipal Code Applies.) A.MJP.M. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMEI' ~ Applk;ant herebj' acknowledges that he/she has read, understands, and will comply w~h all provisions of Chapter 12.80, Municipal Code, Chy of San Bernardino, Camomia pertaining to use of Park and Recreation facilhies.' Applant hereby assumes all responsibility to leave areas in a neat and clean condhion. Applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the City of San Bernardino, California, from any and all liability for injury to persons or property oocuring as a resutt of this ectivity and agrees to be liable to said City for and all damage 10 any park, facility, building, pool, equipment, and furnhure owned or controlled by City, whk;h resutts from the ectivity or permittee or is caused by any perticipant in said activity. 'NOTE: This permh is subject to cancellation by any Polk;e Officer who determines violalion of any provision of the City Municipal Code. CLEANING DEPOSIT: II arealfacilhy is not left in clean condhion, Ihe deposh shall be forfehed. KEY DEPOSIT: Keys shall be returned within two (2) working days after the event for whk;h the key(s) is issued. II kayes) is not returned promptly, the deposh shall be forfeited. . 1JLE SI), fji,vo. ell. ~e(' /.(oJtl l' Printed Name of Applicant f,o ~ fJ X 7Jao S'tv I &i I/t), C~~dr9 ) 'III JJ! ~ 7'1 I Chy , ~ Zip Phone Number Sign ~) AVAILABLE: YES ~~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLY: ES FEESlDEPOSIT(S) REOUIRED: YES FEES:.$/J...'5:.1i:tJ. RECEIVED BY: ON RECEIPT.: BY: DEPOSIT{S): $ If)() f1'I RECEIVED BY: DEPOSIT RETURNED TO: DATE: o APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED DATE: NO NO Director, Parks, Recreation & Community Services DISTRIBUTION: WHITE: OEPT./FACUTY GREEN: APPLICANT I USER CANARY: DEPOSIT FILE PINK: POUCE DEPT. GOLDENROD: RISK MQMT. 12~ 1 W 5:r. S1rcet Sa" Be'r;ar;;!"c, Cc. 92~ 11 ,~1..1. 88:: 1 Q(!6 . ~ We Serve ....,.'" C ...; The San Bernardino Inland Empire Lions Club . . November 3, 1994 City of San Bernardino Parks and Recreation ATTN: John A. Kramer Superintendent of Recreation 547 N. Sierra Way San Bernardino, Ca. 92410 Dear Sir; The Inland Empire Lions Club in cooperation with the Inland Empire Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a "Christmas Party in the Barrio" on the 18th of December 1994. We would like to obtain permission for the use of Placita Park for this purpose. The purpose of this event is to give toys to needy children. The event will take place beginning at 10:00 a.m. and run for approximately 2 -3 hours. Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated. u~~ J~ELLAR President Incl. Certificate of Insurance CC: Councilman E. Negrete S. B. City Administrator S. B. Police Department Inland Empire Hispanic Chamber of Commerce