HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-Public Works CITY OF SAN BERN~INO - REQU~~I! !q.~~UNCIL ACTION =rom: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Approval of Contract Change Order Subject: No. 7 - Improvement of Tippecanoe Avenue, "C" Street and Del Rosa Drive, per Plan No. 9053 -- MATICH CORPORATION l )ept: late: 11-23-94 Public Works/Engineering :ynopsis of Previous Council action: 10-04-93 -- Resolution No. 93-382 adopted authorizing the Mayor to execute application to the Economic Development Agency for a grant. 01-24-94 Plans approved and authorization granted to advertise for bids. 03-21-94 Resolution No. 94-68 adopted authorizing execution of approval and award of grant. 05-02-94 Resolution No. 94-107 adopted authorizing execution of I;~H' ~Fd(;f. Second Amendment to Agreement with URS Consultants, Inc., for provision of construction staking services. (Continued on second page) i\~V ~ '11: 33 iecommended motion: That Change Order No. 7 to the contract with Matich Corporation, for the construction of Street Improvements on Tippecanoe Avenue, "c" St. (Sheppard Blvd.) and Del Rosa Drive, in accordance with Plan No. 9053, be approved; to authorize the Contractor to make a hot tap to the existing 20-inch water line located in Tippecanoe Avenue, for the 20-inch water line being installed as part of this project, at an increase in the contract price not to exceed $7,199.00; from $4,583,299.87 to $4,590,498.87. {/A ~~ cc: Bill Bopf, IVDA Shauna Clark Barbara Pachon Bernie Kersey on tact person: i Jpporting data attached: Roqer G. Hardqrave Phone: 5025 Staff Report. CCO #7 Ward: 1 UNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $7,199.00 (Federal EDA Grant & IVDA) Source: (Acct. No.) 242-362-57291 Acct. Descri tion ecanoe Avenue, "c" St. & Del Rosa Drive luncil Notes: Agenda Item NO.Ji .0262 c '...J Public Works File No. 1.291 SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION (Continued) 06-06-94 -- Resolution No. 94-130 adopted awarding a contract to Matich Corporation for the low bid price of $4,113,313. 08-15-94 -- Change Orders No. 1 & 2 approved, to authorize moving 11 trees at a cost of $104,500 and relocating water lines at a cost not to exceed $30,000. 09-06-94 -- Change Order No. 3 approved to authorize installation of ATS communication conduit at a cost of $95,486.87. 08-15-94 -- Change Orders No.'s 1 & 2 approved, to authorize moving 11 trees at a cost of $104,500.00 and relocating water lines at a cost not to exceed $30,000. 09-06-94 -- Change Order No. 3 approved to authorize installation of ATS communication conduit at a cost of $95,486.87. 09-19-94 -- Change Orders Nos. 4 & 5 relocation and repair of the system at a cost not to exceed the existing telephone vaults, $80,000.00. approved to authorize existing street lighting $25,000.00 and to modify at a cost not to exceed 10-17-94 -- Change Order No. 2 (Revised) approved location of additional water lines, cost of $75,000.00. to authorize re- at an estimated CiTy'OF SAN BERNJ:tDINO - REQUEST F~ COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The connection of the new water line into the existing water system was to have been done as part of Phase II install- ation of the 20-inch water line adjacent to 3rd Street, from Del Rosa Avenue to the east end of the former Norton Air Force Base. However, this arrangement would result in the work being performed after the street improvements had been completed. This would require sawcutting and removal of a portion of the new asphalt pavement and re-excavation of the area. It is recommended that this connection be performed at this time, in order to eliminate the necessity of tearing up the street at a later date. The Contractor was asked to provide a price quote for the extra work of performing the hot tap between the water lines. The City of San Bernardino Water Department was con- tacted and they recommended that the work be performed now. Addi tionally, they have reviewed the price quote received from the Contractor and stated that the price is fair and reasonable for the amount of work to be performed. While performing the 20-inch hot tap at this time is optional, it is recommended that the Contractor perform the work at this time prior to the street paving operation taking place. This will eliminate the necessity to sawcut and remove the paving and re-excavation of the area. The total project cost included an amount of $845,000.00 for contingencies, which can be used to finance the cost of this additional work. Funds to finance the increase of $7,199.00 in the contract price, from $4,583,299.87 to $4,590,498.87, will be provided from the following sources: Federal Economic Development Administration Grant -- 75% Inland Valley Development Agency ------------------- 25% No City funds will be used to finance the cost of this extra work. This work has been discussed with the project represent- ative from the Economic Development Administration, and has received concept approval. A copy of Contract Change Order No. 7 has been faxed to this representative, and we are striving to secure a verbal approval. All costs will be charged to Account No. 242-362-57291. We recommend that Revised Contract Change Order No. 7 be approved. 11-23-94 'i.n''''4 c .......... ....,,; FEDERAL PROJECT NO. 07-49-02680 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 DATE: 11/23/94 NAME OF PROJECT: Agreement Date: 217/94 NORTON AIR FORCE BASE STREET IMPROVEMENTS OWNER: CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CONTRACTOR: MATICH CORPORATION The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Performing the Hot Tap of the new 20-inch water mainline into the existing 20-inch mainline located on Tippecanoe Avenue. Justification: This work is scheduled to be performed under Phase II, the installation of the new waterline to be located adjacent to 3rd street, from Del Rosa Avenue to the east side of Former Norton Air Force Base. However, it will be much more cost effective to perform the work now while the street pavement has been removed than later, which would require the removal and replacement of the existing asphalt pavement. If this work was to be performed at a later date, it would require the added cost of bidding out the work and awarding another contract since the City of San Bernardino Water Department does not perform this work on a water line of this size. Additionally, there would be the added cost of mobilization. Change to CONTRACT PRICE: original CONTRACT PRICE: $ 4.113.313.00 CUrrent CONTRACT PRICE adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDER $ 4.523.299.87 The CONTRACT PRICE due to this CHANGE ORDER will be increased by: $ 7.199.00 Page 1 I"""' ........, ~ ~ The new CONTRACT PRXCE including this CHANGE ORDER will be $ 4.590.498.87 Change to CONTRACT TXME: The CONTRACT TXME will be increased by (to be determinedl calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be (revised date to be determinedl. Approvals Required: To be effective, this Order must be approved by the Federal agency if it changes the scope or objective of the PROJECT, or as may otherwise be required by the SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDXTXONS. Accepted by: Matich corporation Date Requested by: Steven Enna, Construction Engineer Date Recommended by: william Bopf, Xnland Val. Dev. Agcy. Date Approved by: Roger G. Hardgrave Date Director of Public Works/city Engineer Economic Development Administration Approved by: Date Page 2