HomeMy WebLinkAbout25-Planning and Building CITY OF SAN BERNAUINO - REQUEST FO.;:cOUNCIL ACTION From: Al Boughey, Director Subject: Superblock Project (GPA No. 94-03, DPII No. 94-08 & PM No. 14718 Dept: Planning & Building Services :late: November 19, 1994 MCC Meeting of: December 5, 1994 iynopsis of Previous Council Action: None ~ecommended Motion: That the hearing be closed and that the Mayor and Common Council adopt the Resolution which certifies the EIR, adopts the Statements of Overriding Consideration, approves the Mitigation Monitoring Program, and approves GPA No. 94-03; adopt the Resolution. which certifies the Traffic Impact Analysis Report; and, approve DPII No. 94-08 and PM No. 14718 based on the Findings Of Fact (Exhi~~) and subject to Conditions Of Approval and Standard Requirements (Exhibit 5). ~ (,) ~' /~ ,-, , !' r.y./ 'f _ Al / he.Y-~~ -:::, ontact person: AI Bou2hev Phone: 5357 Jpporting data attached: Staff Reoort: Resolutions Ward: #1 UNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $30.00 Source: (Acct. No.) 772-171-24515 t/X' (Account DescriDtion) San Bernardino County Filin2 Fee Finance: ~JPA-/d/~ , ,unci! Notes: Agenda Item No. 25 . . . . c ......... .....,; STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-03, DEVELOPMENT PERMIT II NO. 94-08 AND PARCEL MAP NO. 14718 REQUEST/LOCATION The Economic Development Agency (EDA) requests to amend the text of the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) General Plan land use designation to increase the floor area ratio (FAR) from 3.0 to 5.0. The general plan amendment (GPA No. 94-03) is to accommodate a proposal to redevelop one square-block in the downtown portion of the City. The 8.26 acre project site is generally located between 4th, 5th, "D" and "E" Streets in the downtown area (see Exhibit I, Site Vicinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map). Under the authority of Development Code Chapter 19.44, the EDA also requests approval of Development Permit Type II (DPII) No. 94-08. Phase I of the project includes the construction of one 13-story Caltrans District 8 office building, one 6-story Consolidated State Office Building and one 6 level parking structure for a total of 604,825 square-feet of office, retail and parking space. Phase II includes +595,000 square-feet of space which will be constructed when the market indicates sufficient demand exists for this type of space in the downtown area. The project ultimately will provide 1.2 million gross square feet of office/commercial retail space. The proposal also includes a Parcel Map (PM No. 14718) to combine 32 lots into 4 parcels (parcels I through 4). (Refer to Exhibit 6, Attachment E, Parcel Map No. 14718) NOTE: Descriptive geographical information on the site and the surrounding area is contained in the Site And Area Characteristics section of the October 18, 1994 Planning Commission Staff Report (Exhibit 6). KEY ISSUES The key issues of the project are identified as follows: The project Environmental Impact Report (EIR) indicates that the majority of environmental impacts resulting from the Superblock Project can be mitigated. During construction of Phases I and II, the project will result in unavoidable short-term, significant adverse impacts on air quality and noise that cannot be mitigated to below a level of significance. . . I""" '-' ~..... ~ SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (GPA NO. 94-03, DPll NO. 94-08 & PM NO. 14718) HEARING DATE: December S, 1994 PAGE: 2 Findings for Statements of Overriding Consideration have been prepared for the two unavoidable, short-term, significant adverse impacts for the approval and adoption of the Superblock Project (all applications). A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Report was prepared for the project because it is subject to the regional Congestion Management Plan (CMP). The TIA indicates that the Superblock Project's fair share contribution toward CMP roadway and Freeway improvements is $6,926,201. (Refer to detailed CMP discussion below) ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION An EIR was prepared to evaluate the environmental impacts resulting from General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718. While the majority of environmental impacts can be mitigated, the project will result in unavoidable short-term, significant adverse impacts on air quality and noise that cannot be fully mitigated. The Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) lists the mitigation measures identified in the EIR and Initial Study and assigns the actions required and the responsibility for timing and implementation. Statements of Overriding Consideration were prepared as required by CEQA to substantiate that the benefits of the project outweigh the unavoidable, short-term, significant adverse impacts to air quality and noise. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PLAN (CMP) CMP Background San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) is the Congestion Management Agency (CMA) responsible for developing, coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the CMP. The purpose of the CMP is to ensure coordination, on a regional basis, between land use decisions and traffic and air quality impacts. Development projects are subject to the Land Use/Transportation Analysis Program in the CMP when established thresholds are exceeded. In such an instance, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Report must be prepared for the project. The TIA Report assesses traffic impacts to CMP roadways and freeways and identifies mitigation and goes a step further than an EIR by assigning the fair share cost of traffic mitigation for projects. While the traffic analysis in an EIR is . . . . c :) SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (GPA NO. 94-03, DPII NO. 94-08 & PM NO. 14718) HEARING DATE: December 5, 1994 PAGE: 3 subject to the provisions of CEQA, the TIA Report prepared for the same project is not. However, there may be some overlapping of issues simply because a traffic impact in any context is still an impact that must be mitigated. The CMP and CEQA processes are both concerned with project impacts and generally run in a concurrent fashion. However, the two are separate and distinct processes that serve different purposes. As previously stated, the purpose of the CMP is to ensure coordination, on a regional basis, between land use decisions and traffic and air quality impacts. The purpose of CEQA is to provide disclosure on the full range of environmental impacts and implications of projects to decision makers and the public and, to identify appropriate mitigating measures. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Report The Superblock Project is subject to the CMP because it exceeds the threshold of 125,000 square feet of office space established in the City's Resolution (No. 93-74) which adopts the CMP Land Use/Transportation Analysis Program Implementation. Pursuant to the CMP, a TIA Report was prepared for the Superblock Project. The consultant prepared a TIA Report in draft form for review and consideration. Several regional and sub-regional agencies and adjacent jurisdictions reviewed the TIA Report during the 21 day review period which began on August 22, 1994 and ended on September 12, 1994. Comments were received on the draft TIA Report; however, the Report was later revised to bring the model into consistency with the required test model as required by State Law. Planning and Public Works staff and other agencies have reviewed the revised Report and found some inconsistencies in the analysis and associated mitigations. Public Works staff states that the inconsistencies only affect the fair share allocations of costs, should they be assessed against the development, and are easily corrected. The majority of mitigations relate to the year 2010 and include development of the Phase II portion of the project. As such, minor modifications to the mitigations and costs are anticipated to make the TIA Report acceptable to the CMA. Public Works has stated that they can make these modifications as necessary. The estimated fair share costs for the project are listed in the TIA Report, as follows: Intersection Improvement - $957,927 1-10 Freeway Improvement - $1,197,190 1-215 Freeway Improvement - $3,746,598 1"' '-' .. .." .......; SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (GPA NO. 94-03, DPII NO. 94-08 & PM NO. 14718) HEARING DATE: December S, 1994 PAGE: 4 Public Works staff indicates that these costs will probably increase by one or two million dollars. They have also stated that the mitigations contained in the Public Works Standard Requirements for the project provide for this adjustment and cost allocation. No additional mitigations or changes are required for certification of the TIA Report and approval of the project. COMMENTS RECEIVED CEQA Process The comments received during the CEQA public review period for the DEIR will result in no changes to the DEIR. Copies of the comments and the City's responses are contained in the Draft FEIR (Exhibit 2, Attachment A-2). A second letter was received from Jason Marshall, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (dated September 27, 1994) after the CEQA public review period for the DEIR had ended. Mr. Marshall's concerns focused on the design of the highrise buildings relative to earthquake standards. The geotechnical report, prepared for the project, was used in the design of the buildings. Staff reviewed the document and found it to be adequate. A copy of the Mr. Marshall's letter is contained in Exhibit 6 (see Attachment J). CMP Process The City received several letters of comment during the public review period for the TIA Report which ran during the public review period for the DEIR. As expected, some of the letters addressed both the TIA Report and the transportation analysis in the DEIR. All of the comments received during the public review period have been addressed in either the draft FEIR or through revisions to the TIA Report. Comments on the revision to the TIA Report were received from the CMA (SANBAG). A copy of the comments is contained in Exhibit 8. General Comments No comments were received on the project in general. c C", '-' SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (GPA NO. 94-03, DPII NO. 94-08 & PM NO. 14718) HEARING DATE: December 5, 1994 PAGE: 5 CLARIFICATION - CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHTS During the last several months, the proposed building heights for Phase I have been reduced for budgetary reasons. The Caltrans building has been reduced from 14-stories to 13-stories and the Consolidated State Office Building from 8-stories to 6-stories. No reduction in size has been proposed for the 6-level parking garage. The project EIR evaluated the buildings for the heights that were originally proposed and the General Plan Amendment for FAR addresses larger building sizes in terms of square footage. Similarly, the October 18,1994 Planning Commission Staff Report also lists the larger building heights in the project description. Staff has evaluated the reduction in building heights and determined that no significant impacts will result from the change. And, no changes to the EIR are required because the reduction in building heights is a minimal reduction in intensity of use on the site. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommended to the Mayor and Common Council the certification of the EIR, preparation of Findings for Statements of Overriding Consideration, approval of the Mitigation Monitoring Program, approval of General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718. [Note: The Planning Commission vote was 7 to 0 (Ayes: Affaitati, Gaffney, Gonzales, Stone, Strimpel, Thrasher and Traver; Nays: none; Abstain: none; and, Absent: Cole, Kipp and Melendez)]. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Mayor and Common Council: 1. Adopt the Resolution (Exhibit 2) which: a. Certifies the Environmental Impact Report, including the DEIR, FEIR and Technical Appendices (Exhibit 2, Attachments A-I and A-2, respectively); b. Adopts the Statements of Overriding Consideration Exhibit 2, Attachment B); c. Approves the Mitigation Monitoring Report (MMP) (Exhibit 2, Attachment E); and, . . 1".... '"-" ". .....) SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (GPA NO. 94-03, DPll NO. 94-08 & PM NO. 14718) HEARING DATE: December S, 1994 PAGE: 6 d. Approves General Plan Amendment No. 94-03 a proposal to change the text of General Plan Policy 1.16.20 based on the Findings of Fact contained therein; and, Approve Development Permit II No. 94-08 based on the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 4), and subject to the Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 5) and Standard Requirements (Exhibit 5); Approve Parcel Map No. 14718 based on the Findings of Fact (Exhibit 4), and subject to the Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 5) and Standard Requirements (Exhibit 5); and, 2. Adopt the Resolution that certifies the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Report (Exhibit 3). Prepared by: Deborah Woldruff, Associate Planner for Al Boughey, Director of Planning and Building Services EXHIBITS: 1. Site Vicinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map 2. Resolution (EIR) Attachments: A-I Draft Environmental Impact Report (including Technical Appendices) (distributed on August 4, 1994) A-2 Final Environmental Impact Report (including Initial Study)* B - Statements of Overriding Consideration C - Text Changes to the General Plan D - Site Vicinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map E - Mitigation Monitoring Program* 3. Resolution (TIA Report) Attachment: A - TIA Report* 4. Findings of Fact (for DPll No. 94-08/PM No. 14718) c """"'\ '-' SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (GPA NO. 94-03, DPll NO. 94-08 & PM NO. 14718) HEARING DATE: December S, 1994 PAGE: 7 5. Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements (for DPII No. 94- OS/PM No. 1471S) 6. Planning Commission Staff Report (October IS, 1994; provides project background) (Attachments listed in the Staff Report)* 7. Project Plans* S. TIA Report Comments * Distributed under separate cover dated November 22, 1994 - - . crrv. OF SAN BERNARDII'f'" EXHIBIT 1 Site Vicinity and General ~n Land Use Designation Map GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION .....-.....- '-' Jate .JUl 25 !994 GPA No. 94-03/DPII No. 94-08/PM No. 14718 SUPERBLOCK PROJECT Adopted 6-2-89 Panel No. ..G..4. - _ h .. 'or o o CITY OF SAN BER.'1ARDINO " PLALw.,'1NG AL'ID BUILDL'IG SERVICES J)E?ART~B1~1'ED-Cll'i CLEF~ INTERDEPARTMENTAL "MEMO;~ANDUM '94 NOV 23 P 4 :54 FROM: Mayor and COr.lmon Council 1iJ{J .\1 Bougher. Directo~ TO: SUBJECT: Superblock Project (GpA No. 94-03/DpII No. 94-08/pM No. 14718) - Document Distribution for Mayor and Common Council Review DATE: November 22, 1994 COPIES: Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Shauna Clark, City Administrator; James Penman, City Attorney; Timothy C. Steinhaus, Agency Administrator, EDA; Michael E. Hays, Assistant Director, Planning and Building Services; On Oc:ober 18, 1994, the Planning Commission reviewed the Superblock Project (applications refe~enced)_and_recommended it for approval by the Mayor and Common Council. Oe;projeCt""iS,~ ,scheduled.for. the Dec~mlJer5I99~ayor anaTommon CouncirMeeting, In brief, thiS""EPA~p,9j!;ct includes a reguest to amend the text-of the.CR-2, Commercial Regional ------ ---- -- - - (Downtown) generaI.PlanJand~.designation-to increase the floor area ratio (FAR) from 3.0 to 5.0. I The a.menoment.(GPA No. 94-03) is to accommodate a proposal to. "edevelop :iOiit'squar~-6Iock siter ~ -. _... (about 8.26 acres) l<x;ate.a lJetween.4th, Sth,"':D" and "E" _Streets.in.the downtown area, The development portion of the project is being processed through a Development Permit Type II (DpII No. 94-08). Ph:ise I of the project.includes.the construcfibn ofOi'iel3-story Caltrans District 8.office- b.uilding, one]~sioryconsolidated State Office Building and.one 6 level parking structure for a total r of 6Q:!:825 square;feet of office, retail and.parking.space. J . Phase 11 includes +595,000 square-feet of space which will be constructed when the market indicates sufficient demand exists for this type of space in the downtown area. The project ultimately will provide 1.2 million gross square feet of office/commercial retail space. The proposal also includes a Parcel Map (PM No. 14718) to combine 32 lots into 4 parcels (Parcels I through 4). Many of the background documents are being distributed separately because of the volume. They will be referenced in your staff report for 12/5/94, but will not be redistributed at that time. I would like to suggest that you begin your review with the Staff Report to the Planning Commission (10/18/94) because it provides background information for the project and a summary of the environmental process. JJ-2~ . ,....., \wi :) Mayor and Connnon Council Memo (Continued) RE: Superblock Project - Document Distribution... November 22, 1994 Page 2 The following is a list of the exhibits that will be included with the Staff Report to the .\i!ayor and Common Council. Double asterisks appear beside the documents that are included with this memo: EXHIBITS: 1. Site Vicin~:y and General Plan Land Use Designaticn Map 2. Resolution (EIR) Attachments: A-I Draft Environmental Impact Report (incLding Technical Appendices) (distribUled on August 4, 1994) A-2 Final Environmental Impact Report (including Initial Study)** B - Statements of Overriding Consideration C - Text Changes to the General Plan D - Site' icinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map E - Mitigation Monitoring Program** 3. Resolution (TIA Report) Attachment: A - TIA Report** 4. Findings of Fact (for DPII No. 94-QS/PM No. 1471S) 5. Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements (for DPII No. 94-QS/PM No. 1471S) 6. Planning Commissioil Staff Report (October IS, 1994; provides project background) (Attachments listed in the Staff Report)** 7. Project Plans" S. TlA Report Comments I Please contact me or Deboral1 Wold ruff of my staff at 5357 if you have any questions or require further information on the Superblock Project. SUPERBLOCK2: 1905/dw . ~ ~ I .~ . . '. o J CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Interdepartmental Memorandum TO: ~ and Common Council ~Ughey, Director Superblock Project - Revised Page for Resolution (T1A Report) (Exhibit 3) FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: December 5, 1994 COPIES: Rachel Clark, city Clerk; Shauna Clark, city Administrator; James Penman, city Attorney; Timothy C. Steinhaus, Agency Administrator, EDA; Michael E. Hays, Assistant Director, Planning and Building Services; and File Attached please find a revised page 3 for the above referenced document. The revision changes the dollar amount from $4,943,788 to $5,968,274 for the project's fair share contribution for improvements to the 1-10 and 1-215 Freeways. The change is in agreement with the T1A Report (Attachment A to Exhibit 3). SUPERBLOCK2:1926/dw I ~ .1f ?-~ . . . . c ...." '--' 1 RESOLUTION NO. ? RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CERTIFYING THE TRAFFIC LMPACT ANALlSIS REPORT FOR THE SUPERBLOCK PROJECT PURSUANT 3 TO THE CONGESTION MAlll\GEMENT PIAN. 4 SECTION I. Recitals 5 (a) WHEREAS, on November 3, 1993 the San Bernardino ~ f, Associated Governments adopted the Congestion Management Plan (CMP) 7 pursuant to California Government Code Ser.~ion 65089.3(a) ~,hjdl p requires the county and cities to adopt and impl 'ment "a program to 9 analyze the impacts of land use decisions, including an estimate of 10 the costs associatp.d with mitigating these impacLs" on the CMP 11 nc~work of roadways; and . , 12 13 11 (b) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council adopted a Land Use/Transportation Analysis Program for the City pursuant to the CMP for the City of San Bernardino by Resolution No. 93-74 on March hI 22, 1993; and IG 17 18 19 (c) WHEREAS, on March 3, 1994, the City determined that the proposed Superblock Project development would ex~eed the threshold of 125,000 square feet of office space established in the City's Resolution No. 93-74 and thus warranted the preparation of . _J a Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) Report pursuant to the 21 Congestion Management Plan (CMP); and 22 23 24 (d) WHEREAS, a Draft TIA Report was prepared to address the traffic impacts of the Superblock Project on designated CMP 25 roadways and Freeways, appropriate mitigation and fair share contribution toward CMP roadway and Freeway improvements; and 2G I 271 28 (e) WHEREAS, the Draft TIA Report was made available to the various regional and SUb-regional agencies and to the adjacent ~ jurisdictions for their review during a 21 day review period which 1 .' I ,r"....... \..." '"'\ .....I 1 b"'gan on August 22, 1994 and ended on September 12, 1994 as 2 required by the CMP; and 3 (f) WHEREAS, verbal and written comments were received 4 on the Draft TIA Report and responded to via changes to the Draft 5 TIA Report; and G (g) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council conducted a 7 n~ticed public hearing on December 5, 1994 and fully reviewed and 8 considered the Draft TIA Report, the Planning Division staff report 9 and the recommendations of the Planning Division and the Public 10 Works Dep~rtment. 11 SECTION II. Traffic ImDact Analvsis ReDort 12 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED BY THE 1.: '1I\YOR AND COMMON COUNCIL THAT: The 'llA Report for the Superblock Project has been completed 14 A. lr, IG 17 18 HJ 20 21 B. 22 ..~ 24 25 2G 27 c. 28 in compliance with the regional CMP and the city's Land Use/Transportation Analysis Program and found to be con!"' i stent with the regional Congestion Transportation Plan model. The TIA Report and all the eviden~e and information contained therein is attached hereto as Attachment A (Draft TIA Report) and incorporated herein by reference. The TIA Report was presented to the Mayor and Common Council who reviewed and considered the information in the land use dp.cision and traffic impact mitigation process prior to approving the Superblock Project (General Plan Amendmcilt No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718 considered. The TIA Report has identified all of the Superblock Project's traffic impacts to designated CMP roadways and Freeways, the 2 ~ c ,.."" ....) appropriate mitigation and fair share contribution toward CMP roadway and Freeway improvements. D. All of the superblock Project's traffic impacts can be mitigated by the implementation of the mitigation measures as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 identified in the TIA Report. E. The superblock Project's estimated fair share contribution is $957,927 for CMP roadway improvements and is $5,968,274 for freeway improvements. F. The Mayor and Common Council have given great weight to the project's traffic impacts to designated CMP roadways and Freeways, the appropriate mitigation and fair share Report contribution toward CMP roadway and freeway improvements. The Mayor and Common Council have agreed to find and set aside funding for the superblock proj ect' s estimated fair share contribution to be paid when traffic counts indicate the improvements are needed. SECTION III. certification of the Traffic Impact Analvsis NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the Mayor and Common Council that the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the Superblock project (General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718) is certified. IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII 3 ..,{) " ......*"f~ ~~" 18 Report 19 NO~'; 20 21 the ?'l 23 24 III!. n~ II I ...,} 26 I II 27 illl ?8 IIII , . 1 2 3 D. 4 5 6 E. ~ I 8 !J F. 10 11 12 13 , l' I 'J 15 16 l'j "'--' " """' project's appropriate mitigation and fair share roadway and Freeway improvements. All of the Superblock Project's traffic mitigated by the implementation be as identified in the TIA Report. The Superblock Project's estimated $957,927 for CMP roadway share contributiun is s ae-~o fre~way improvements. The Mayor and Common Council given great weight to the Freeways, the designated CMP roadways and mitigation and fair share contribution toward CM roadway and freeway improvements. The Mayor and Common Co ncil have agreed to find ann set aside funding for the uperblock proj ect'" estimated fair ~hare contribution when traffic counts indicate the improvements needed. SE'''l'1ON Certification of the Traffic ImDact Analvsis EFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the mmon council that the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for Project (General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 1471 B) is 3 o :> 1 RF.SOLUTION ... CERTIFYING THE TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT FOR THE SUPERBLOCK PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE CONGESTION MANAGEMENT 2 PLAN. 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly ~ adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San r Bprnardino at a u 6 day of 7 wit: fl Counci I Members A'fM 9 NEGRETF. 10 CURLIN 11 HERNANl')EZ 12 OBERHELMAN 13 DEVLIN 14 POPE-LUDLAM meeting therefore held on the , 1994, by the following vote to lfAm ABSTAIN ABSENT 15 MILLER 16 17 18 day of 19 9D city Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this , 1994. 21 Tom Minor, Mayor city of San Bernardino 22 Approved as to form and legal content: ?~ JMfES F. PENMAN 24 city Attorney 25 By: 26 27 28 .. c EXHIBIT 4 .r', '--' SUPERBLOCK PROJECT FINDINGS OF FACT A. Findinqs of Fact for DPII No. g4-08 1. The proposed development is permitted within the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) General Plan land use designation and complies with all of the applicable provisions of the Development Code, including the CR-2 standards and requirements and design guidelines. ?. The proposed Superblock Project is consistent with the General Plan in that governmental and administrative office uses, commercial retail and service uses, restaurant and entertainment uses are permitted in the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) General Plan land use designation. 3. The proposed Superblock Project would be harmonious and ~ompatible with existing and future developments withj~ the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use district and general area, as well as with the land uses presently on the subject property in that the existing development in the downtown area and on the site consists of commercial and governmental office ~ses, commercial retail and service uses, restaurant and entertainment uses and parking lots. 4. The approval of the Development Permit for the proposed Superblock Project is in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Section 19.20.030 of the Development Code in that all of the potentially significant environmental impacts of the project have been identified in the project EnvironmE'nt:al Impact Report and adherence to the Mitigation Monitoring Progr~m will reduce the potential impacts to a level of insignificance. 5 The Superblock Project site is physically suitable fnr th~ type and density/inten~ity of use being propose~ in that the applicnble Development Code standards are m~t p^nding adherence with the Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements. c "\ ~ EXHIBIT 4 SUPERBLOCK PROJECT FINDINGS OF FACT IDPII ~O. 94-03/PM NO. 14718) HEARING DATE: December 5, 1994 Page 2 6. There are ade~late provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use would not be detrimental to public health and safety in that the Superblock Project has been reviewed by the affected city departments and public agencies. 7. The location, size, design, and operating characteristir.s of the uses proposed for the Superblock Project are compatible with the existing and future land uses within the general area in which the project is to be located and will not create significant noise, traffic or other conditions or ~ituations that may be objectionable or detrimental to other permitted uses in the vicinity or adverse to th", public interest, heal th, safety, convenience or welfare of the City in that.the existing uses, which consist of commercial and governmental and administrative office uses, commercial retail and service uses, restaurant and entertainment uses and parking lots sh'lre similar characteristics relating to the density and intensity of use. B. Fin~ings of Fact for PM NO. 14718 1. Parcel Map No. 14718 is consistent with the General Plan as adopted by the Mayor and Common Council on June 2, 1989, in that the development standards and requirements for CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation will not be exceeded with the newly created 10':s. 2. The lot design of the proposed subdivision complies with all applicable provisions of the Development Code. 3. The site is physically suitable for commercial and governmental/administrative office development in that the proposed lots meet the minimum lot size provisions of the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land l1~e designation and the lots to be created are compatible in design with adjacent and nearby commercial deve] ('lpmenl in the surrounding area and each lot contains sufficient - , , . . r" '- '"'\ -...) EXHIJlIT 4 S"PERDl..OClt PROJECT FINDINGS OF FACT (OPII NO. 94-03/PM NO. 14718) JfPJ\l: wr. DATEI December 5, 1994 Pllge 3 buildable area and is adjacent to a dedicated roadway or have an approved access. 4. The site for Parcel Map No. 14718 is physically suitable for commercial and governmental/administrative office development in that the division of land is consistent with the subdivision Map Act and the proposed lots to be created will be compatible in design with the surrounding commercial retail and office developments. 5. The lots created are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat in that the subject property is not located within the Biological Resources Management Overlay District as identified in the City's General Plan. 6. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause serious public health problems in that there is existing and future proposed infrastructure to provide services to the two proposed lots. 7. The design of the subdivision will not be in conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the subdivision in that the lots are of buildable size and have dedicat~~ or approved access to the proposed interior street which pr~vides access to 4th and 5th streets and, as part of the Superblock proj ect . the legal owner of record is re~lired to make all dedications required to the city of San Bernardino. . . r'~, '-' EXHIBIT 5 '1 --"' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT II NO. 94-08 AND PARCEL MAP NO. 14718 1. wi thin two years of this approval, the filing of the final map or parcel map with the Council shall have occurred or the approval shall bel"'oma null and void. Expiration of it tpntative parcel map shall terminate all proceedings and nn final map or parcel map shall be filed without first processing a new tentative map. The City Engineer must accppt the final map or parcel map documents as adequate for approval by Council prior to forwarding them to the City Clerk. The date the map shall be deemed filed with the Council is the date on which the City Clerk receives the map. Project: Expiration Date: Parcel Hap No. 14718 October 18, 1996 The review authority I11'lY, upon application being filed 30 days prior to the expiration date and for good cause, grant an extension to the expiration date pursuant to section 19.66.170 of the Development Code and the State Map Act. The review authority shall ensure that the project complies with all current Development Code provisions. 2. wi thin two years of development approval, commencement of construction of shall have occurred or the permit/approval shall become null and void. In addition, if after commencement of construction, work is discontinuen for a period of one year, then the permit/approval shall become null and void. Projects may be built in phases if preapproved by the review authority. If a project is built in preapproved phases, each subsequent phase shall have one year from the previous phase's date of construction commencement to have occurred or the permit/approval shall become null and void. Project: Expiration Date: Development Permit II No. 94-08 October 18, 1996 Thp review authority may, upon application being filed 30 days prior to the expiration date and for good cause, grant one time extension not to exceed 12 months. The review authority shall en !'lure that the project complies with all current Development Code provisions. ".'.""', i....-- ,.,~ EXIIIllIT 0; SUPERBLOCK PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL , STANDA~D REQUIREMENTR (D? NO. 94-08/PM NO. 14718) HEARIN~ DATE: December 5, 1994 1''''1e 2 3. Construction shall be in substantial conformance with the planes) approved by the Mayor and Common Council. Minor modification to the planes) shall be subject to approval by the Director through a minor modification permit process. Any modification which exceeds 10% of the following allowable measurAhle design/site considerations shall require the refiling of the original application and a subsequent hearing by the appropriate hearing review authority, if applicable. a. On-site circulation and parking, loading and landscaping; b. Placement and/or height of walls, fences and structures; c. Reconfiguration of architectural features, including colors, and/or modification of finished materials that do not alter or compromise the previously approved theme; and, d. An increase or reduction in density or intensity of a development project. 4. In the event that this approval is legally challenged, the City will promptly notify the applicant of any claim or action and will cooperate fully in the defense of the matter. Once notified, the applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from any cl~im, action, or proceeding against the city of San Bernarnino. The applicant further agrees to reimburse the CitJ of any costs and attorney's fees which the city may be required by the court to pay as a result of such action, but such participation shall not relieve the applicant of his obligation under this condition. 5. The project shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Main Street Overlay District contained in Development Code Chapter U9.l9. 6. This permit or approval is subject to all the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of al't'roval. This includes Chapter 19.20 - Property Development Standards, and includes: dust and dirt control during construct:ion and grading activities; emission control of fumes, vapors, gases and other forms of air pollution; glare control; exterior lighting design and control; noise control; f""", '- '~, ~ EXHIB1:T 5 SUPERBLOCK PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL , r,~"'11D"l'!) REQUIREMENTS (DP lTO. 94-08/PM NO. 14718) lIr;1\HT;.~ llATE: December 5, 1994 T'l!.ge 3 odor control; screening; signs, off-street parldng ;>nd off- street l~~ding; and, vibration con~rol. Screening and sign regulations compliance are important considerat 1 ons to thn dnvelol"nr because they will delllY the issuall'~'" of a certifi'~ate of Occupancy until th"y are complied wit-h. Any ",,,terior structural equipment, or utility transformers, boxes, ducts or meter cabinets shall be architecturally screened by wall or structural element, blending with tb~ building design ~nd include landscaping when on the ground. 7, The project shall comply with all applicable Transportation Control Measures contained in Development Coue S19.20.26. '1. The project shall comply with the Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) which includes the mitigation measures identified in the project Initial study and Environmental Impact Report, adopted pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. 9. The Phase I portion of the project (DPII No. 94-08) shnll be reql1ir..d to maintain 1599 parking spaces in the six-level parkinry structure as shown on the approved planes) on file. The Phase I development of the project shall also be required to maintain minimum of 23 handicapped accessible parking spaces and 3 handicapped accessible van spaces. 10. Prior to issuance of Certificate Of Occupancy(s) for Phase I, the applicant shall provide 300 off-site parking spaces tu mitigate the displacement of 308 surface parking spaces. 11. Bollards shall be installed across the fire access lane (off of "E" street as shown on the site plan) to prevent unauthorized vehicular access. The bollards shall be placed inside and parallel to the site's western property line and if secured, with a Knox padlock. 12. The landscape strip that runs through and parallels the fire access lane (off of "E" Street) shall be limited to a maximum width of two (2) feet and planted with low lying plant materials such as grmmdcover. 13. Prior t'J implementation of Phase II, the applicant shall submit the appropriate application(s) to the Planning Division to initiate the development review process. . . . ' c ........., ......., EXHIn:i:T 5 SllPERBLOCIl: PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL' ST'\HDARD RBQUJ:RBMENTS (DP NO. 94-08/PM NO. 14718) BrAnING DATE: December 5, 1994 Page . 14. This permit or approval is or requirements of the Divisions: subject to the attached conditions following City Departments or _xx- XX Public Works (Engineering) Department Development Services Division, Building Services Department Planning and _xx- XX Water Department ~:x Fire Department Police Department -XX- Refuse Division, Public Services Department " :1 := STANDARD REQUIREMENTS DEPA.RTMENLOF PUBLIC WORKSI CASE NO. DPI1514..08. .r: I Y ~QIN~EB PM 14718 & GPA 94-03 DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE I LOCA liON: EAST SIDE OF ',::' STREET BETWEEN 4TH ST. AND 5TH ST. . . - AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: # NOTE TO APPLICANT: Where separate Engineering plans are required, the "ppllcant Is responsible for submitting the Engineering plans directly to the Engineering Division. They may be subm/Ued prior to submittal of Building Plan~. 1, Dr:linaae and Flood Control Page 1 ~) A 10"" drainage study will be required for the project. Any drainage improvements, structures or storm drains needed to mitigate d"wn~N'rl, ;mpacts or protect the dev'llopment shall be desinnt!d and cn"structed :-+ the developer's expense, and right-of-way dedicatl'rl as nece~.~ry. b) All drainage from the development shall be directed to an approved public drtlL'age facility. If not feasible, proper drainage facilities and easements shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. c) Project drainage shall be conveyed in underground storm drains to the existing City storm drain in Fourth Street. d) Applicant shall mitigate on-site storm water discharge sufficiently to maintain compliance with the City's NPDES Storm Water Discharge Permit 101111P4 .. " ~T A 'NQA Dn D....("\TTTDVl\lr....~~ IJ .I..l"11 ... .J.J1.l"1.1."-L" .I.'-I.JV U .I..I.'-I.J1 '.1..&:.11'" .I. IJ J.Qf\KSI CASE NO. DPII 94-08. ':' .EJJGINEEB PM 14718 & GPA 94-03 II I II I 1(:: DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. ._ .___.P!f.~f,4~s.~~ I f)CATjrIN: EAsrSIDEOF''EHSTREET Il. BETWEEN~TItilLAN~ Re',uirements. A "Notice oHntent (NOI)" shall be filed with the State Water Quality Control Board for construction disturbing 5 acres of more of land. AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: e) An Erosion Control Plan shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to grading plan approval. The plan shall be designed to control p.rosion due to ,.tater and wind. including blowing dust, during all phases of con;;truction. including graded BreBS which Bre not proposed to be immediately built upon. 2. Gradina a) If,... . than l' of fill or 2' of cut is proposed, the site/plot/grading and drainaoe plan shall Ue $igned by a Registered Civil Engineer and a grading ..ermit will be required. The grading plan shall b'" prepared in strict ""~ordance with the City's "Grading Policies and Procedurl"s" '1nd the ~ity's "Standard Drawings", unless otherwise approved by the City r.::ngineer. b) If m(\re than 5,000 cubic yards (If earthwork is proposed, a grading bond will ~ required and the grading shall b(I supervist'rl in accordance with S('ction 7012(c) of the Uniform Building Code. Page 2 101111P4 , ' STAN 1\RD REOUIREME DEPARIMENT OE PUBLIC WORKSI Crr' r ~ !~INEER .-,_..i,.. ~ "----" S CASE NO. OPI194-08. PM 14718 & GPA 94-03 DF:SCRIPTION: . SUPERBLOC'( PROJECT PHASE I LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF "E" STREET _1.lC7WE'EN 4TH ST AND 5TH ST Ik AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: .1 r I " ~) A liquefaction report is required for the site. This report must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of a grading permit. Any grading requirements recommended by the approved liquefaction report shall be incorporated in the grading plan. f) (I) Pea,,:; _"I d) An on-site Improvement Plan is required for this project. Where feasible, this plan shall be incorporated with the grading plan and shall conform to all requirements of Section 15.04-167 of the Municipal Code(See "Grading Policies and Proceduresj. The on-site Improvement Plan shall be apprwed by the City Engineer. e) Site Design shall comply with all requirements of The California Building Code, TiUe 24, relating to handicap parking and accessibility, including retro-fitting of existing building access points for handicap accessibility, if applk;able. A reciprocal easement shall be recorded prior to grading plan approval If reciprt."al drainage, access, sewer, and/or parking is proposed to cross lot Iin..s, 01 a lot merger shall be recorded to remove the Interior lot lines. Tn.. project Landscape Plan shall be reviewed and l'!~r'oved by th~ ~"'/ . 1Qineer prior to issuance of a grading permit. Submit 4 copies to the Engineering Division for Checking. 10111/94 . . STANiY'ARD REOUlREMEMS QEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKSI CASE NO._ DPI194-08. .cI~ PM 14718.1 GPA 94-03 DFSCRIPTION: SUPERBLCCK PROJECT. PHASE I LOCArON: EAST SIDE OF "E" STREET BETWEEN 4TH ST. AND 5TH ST. !! I I AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: h) An easement and covenant"Shall be. executed on behalf of the City to allow the ~ity to enter and maintain any required landscaping in case of owner neglect. The Real prl)perty Section for execution by the property owner and shall ensure that. if the property owner or subsequent owner(s) fail to properly maintain the landscaping, the City will be able to file appropriate liens against the property in order to accomplish the required landscape maintenance. A dC'cument processing fee in the amount of $200.00 shall be paid to the Real Property Section to cover processing costs. This easrment and covenant shall be executed by the property owner prior to plan approval unless otherwise allowed by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. ., .... Utilities a) Design and construct all public utilities to serve the site in accordance with City Code, City Standards and requirements of the serving utility, including gas, electric, telephone, water, sewer and cable lV. b) Each parcel shall be provided with separate water and sewer facilities so it can be served by the City or the agency providing such services in the area. f'u(l/)4 10111/P-f . - - STANtJ1\RD REOUlREMEN' S QEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSI CASE NO._ DPII 94-08. Q.T.:L[: :GINE~R PM /47/8.4 GPA 94-03 DE~CRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE / AGENDA ITEM LOCATION: FAST SIDE OF "E" STREET HEARING DATE BETWEEN 4TH ST. /HQ 5TH ST. PAGE NO: . . Page 5 c) Sewer main extensions required to serve the site shall be constructed at the Developer's expense. Sewer systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City's .Sewer Policy and Procedures" and City Standard Drawings. d) Utility services shall be placed underground and easements provided as reqL'jred. e) All existing overhead utilities adjacent to or traversing the site on either side of the street shall be undergrounded in accordance with Section 19.20.030 (non-subdivisions) or Section 19.30.110 (subdivisions) of the Development Code. " IJ Fl(i..ting Utilities which interfere with new construction shall be relocated at the Developer's expense as directed by the City Engineer. g) SewE'rs within private streets or private parking lots will not be m~intained by lil':' City but shall be designed and constructed to City Standards And inspeM"d under a City On-Site Construction Permit. A private sewer plan designed by the Developer'S Engineer and approved by the City Engineer will be required. This plan can be incorporated in the grading plan, where practical. 101111P4 - . # . l STANvARD REQUIREME1, S QEPMTM.E.NJ 01:'" PUBLIC WORKSI CASE NO.-'2P//94-08. ~lJy"~NGINa::f;B PM :4718 & GPA 94-03 DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE / LOCATION: EAST SIDE OF "E" STREET BETWEEN 4TH ST. AND 5TH ST. I '. AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: 4. MaDDina a) A Parcel Map based upon field survey will be required. b) All street names shall be subject to approval of the City Engineer prior to Map approval. c) Corner dedications shall be made to acommodate handicap ramps per City Standard No. 508. d) Additional survey and map information including, but not limited to, building setbacks, f!r-I)ding and zones, seismic lines and setbacks. geologic mapping ann archeological sites shall be filed with the City Engineer in accordance with Ordinance No. MC-592. 5. 1m;); ovement ComDletion a) Street, sewer, and drainage improvements plans for the entire project shall be rompleted, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, prior to the recordation of the Parcel Map. PSQe6 101111P4 . . - STAN~ARD REOUllU.J\'IE~S CASE NO._ DP1194-08 PM 14718 & GPA 94-0.1 ~ DF:MBI ~R DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. _ . PHASEI LOC^ TION: EAST SIDE OF "E" STREET BETWEEN4THST. AND5THST. L. AGENDA ITEM _ HEARING DATE PAGE NO: b) If the required improvemenl6 are not completed prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, an improvement security accompanied by an agreement executed by the Developer and the City will be required. c) Street light energy fee to pay cost of street light energy for a period of .{ years shall be paid. Exact amount shall be determined and shall become payable prior to map recording. 1;. Street Improvement and Dedications a) P"ge 7 All public streets within and adjacent to the development shall be improved to include combination curb and gutter, paving, handicap ramps, street lights, sidewalks and appurtenances, including, but not limited to traffic signals, traffic signal modifications, relocation of public or privab facilities \'.f1ich interfere with new construction, striping, shall be accomplished in accordance with the City of San Bemardino .Street Improvement Policy" and City .Standard Drawings., unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Street Iillhting, when required, shall be designed and constr'lcted in accordance with the City's .Street Lighting Policies and Procedures.. Street lighting shall be shown on street improvert'l^nt plans except where otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 10111/94 " IF. I U[PARI QL,' ENGINEEB STANfiARD REOUlREME~S 51 CASe ~:J._-1.J!/l94-08. PM 14718 & GPA 94-03 II DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE / LOC,"lTION:-E4ST SIDE OF "E"' smEET BETWEEN 4TH ST. AND 5TH ST. AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: b) FN the streets listed belo~, dedication of adequate street right-of way (R.W.) to provide the distance from street centerline to property line and placement of the curb line(C.L) in relation to the street centerline shall be as follows: . Street Name Riaht-of-Way!!!.) Curb Line(f!) Fifth Street 50'(8.75' Additional RIW) Existing "E" Street 41.25'(0' Additional RIW) Existing Fourth Street 41.25'(0' Additional R1W) Existing Alley 20'(Total RNJ Width = 40') 14' c) Remove and re-construct Curb and Gutter per City Standard No. 200, or as approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. on Fifth Street, "E" Street. and Fourth Street adjacent to the site. Construct Curb and Gutter on both sides of the alley. Page 8 101111P4 - "'... - ~ANrrARD REQUIREMENlS II ~ QEPARTMENT OF ~UBLlC WORKS! CASE NO._ DPI194-08. CITY ENGlliEEB PAlI4TIB & GPA 94-03 II DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE I AGENDA ITEM I LOC'I\TION: EAST SIDE OF "C"STREET HEARING DAlE _ BETWLEN 471 ST. AND 5TH ST. PAGE NO:_ I . . Page 9 d) Remove and re-construct sidewalk adjacent to the site in accordance with City Standard No. 202. Case "A", or as approved by the Director of Public Worl<'l/City Engineer. Construct sidewalk on both sides of alley to provide an unobstructed width of 48". Provide handicap ramos or by-passes at all dri',..W"'ys. e) ~emov.. and reconstruct curb return at the northea!" corner of "E" Str"et "nd Fifth Street to a radius of 20' minimum and return at the north"8st corner of "E" Street and Fourth Street to provide for radius return no less than the existing radius. f) Existing traffic signal poles and equipment shall be relocated to match the new curb returns. New poles shall be installed which will accommodate long mast-arms for future left signal heads at Fifth Street and "E" Street. g) Construct Handicap Ramps in accordance with City Standard No. 205 at all curb returns. Dedic"te sufficient RMI at the comers to accommodate the ramps. h) Cunstruct Driveway Approaches per City Standard No. 204, Type II, including . Handicap by-pass, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Remove all existing driveway approaches which will not be used 10/11194 " o' , L 1 SlANLn\RD REQUlREMEmS QEPAI1HAENT OF -fl)BLlC WORKSI CASE NOo_JlPI/ 94-08 QI.lY.L~mllifEE1 ..EV 14719 & GPA 94-0:1 DESCnlPTION: -SJIPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE I LOCO^TION:.eASTSIDEOF "E" STREET BEn:'EEN 4TH ST. AND 5TH ST. AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: Page 10 as part of the final approved plan and replace with full height curb, gutter and sidewalk. i) Landscaping and street lighting conforming to the Main Street theme shall be designed and installed along the south side of Fifth Street adjacent to the site. If existing Main Street landscaping and lighting along Fourth Street and "En Street is removed during constrll(~'ion, it shall be replaced, in kind, according to the original plans on file in the Engineering Dlvisioll. unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. j) A geometric and striring analysis shall be performed by the Applicant'''I Traffic Engineer for the intersections with the AII"y at Filth Street And Fourth Street. Modifications to the striping and/or geometries neces"l~ry for safe access to the site, as approved by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer, shall be designed and constructed prior to or.cupancy of Phase I. k) Install relief sewer in Fourth Street to drain project's wastewater to the City's sewer system at Fourth Street and Arrowhead Avenue. Q Install an underground storm drain in the new street to convey all drainage water from the site Into the existing City storm drain in Fourth Street. 10/11M . . .. - ,.... I Jl;P-ART"EJJte~B~~~~O m~E~;_NJ~ 94-~ gILFN<ill:iEfB PM 14TI811 GPA 94-0.1 DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE I AGENDA ITEM W'-'!\ i ION._E4ST SIDE OF uE" STREET_ HEARING DATE -. BETWEEN4THST. AND5THST. PAGE NO: m) Drainage water that cannot be drained to the new storm drain shall be conveyed in an underground on-site system directly into the existing Fourth Street storm drain. 7. Phasina a) If the project is to be developed in phas!!s, each individual pha!':!' shall be desigMd to provide maximum public safety, convenience for puhlic s~rvice vehicies, and proper traffic circulation. In order to meet this requirement, the following will be required prior to the finalization of any phase; , b) Comt'lletion of the improvement plans for the total project or sufficient plans beyond the phase boundary to verify the feasibility or the design to the siltisfaction of the City Fngineer; c) ^ Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Enginepring Division, Fire, and Pl:!nning Departments indication what improvelp"'nts ';.::: L:) constructed with the given phase, subject to the following: d) Dead-end streets shall be provided with a minimum 32 foot radius pavt'rf width: Page 11 10111/P4 ~. . . . - STAN] YARD REQUIREMENTS I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC wonKSI CASE NO._ DPI194-08. CI rY ENGINEER PM 14718 & GPA 94-03 DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE I AGENDA ITEM LOCA liON: FAST SIDE OF "F' STREET HEARING DATE BEnvEEN4THST.ANQSTHST. PAGE NO: e) Half width streets shall be pl'Ovided with a minimum 28 foot paved width; f) Street improvements beyond the phase boundaries, as necessary to provide secondary access; g) Drainage facilities, such as storm drains, channels, earth berms, and block walls, as necessary, to protect the development from off-site flows; h) A properly designed water system capable of providing required fire flow, perhaps looping or extending beyond the phase boundaries; . i) Easements for any of the above and the installation of necessary utilities. 8. ReQuired EnQineerinQ Permits a) Gradino permit(1f applicable.). b' On-site improvements construction permit(except buildings - see Planning and Building Services), including landscaping. Pege 12 10111/94 . ~ - rfARD REQUIREMENTS STAN QJ:PARl MENT OF euBUC WORKSI CASE NO. DP//94-08. t:ITY ENGINEEll PM 147/8.1 GPA 94-0.:1 DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE / AGENDA ITEM LOCATION: FAST SIDE OF "[" STREET HEARING DATE BETWEEN4THST. AtV05THST. PAGE NO: . . c) Off-site improvements consfl'uction permit. 9. ~Dplicable Enaineerina Fees (fees subiect to chanae without noticel d) e) PSf!6!t 1J a) Plan check fee for Parcel Map - $ 1,000.00 plus $ 30.00 per parcel. b) Plan check and inspection fees for off-site improvements - 4% and 4%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost" of the off-site ilT""rnvements. c) Plan check and inspection fees for on-site improvements(except buildings _ See Planning and Building Services) . 2% and 3%, respectively, of the estimated construction cost" of the on-site improvements, including landscaping. Plan check and inspection fees for grading (If permit required) - Fee Schedule available at the Engineering Division Counter. Drainage fee in the approximate total amount of $ 20.322 101111P4 STAN~~~n REOUlREME~S DEr.,\n.rMENJ O~L1C wonKSI CASE NO._ DP//94-08 QJ 1. ~ PM 147/8 & GPA 94-0.1 DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE / LO~ATION: EASTS/DEOF "E" STREET BETWEEN 4TH ST. AND 5TH ST. . . i) PaQp.14 II I AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: f) Traffic system fee in the estimated total amount of _$ 239.476 based on and estimated project trip generation of 16,083 trips per day (Source: Crane & Associates traffic study dated August 1994) at $14.89 per trip. Exact amount shall be determined by the City Traffic Engineer at time of application for Building Permit. g) A general traffic mitigation fee shall be pledged to the City prior to issuance of Building permits for Phase I, unless other arrangements, which are acceptable to the Dirpctor of Public Works/City Engineer, are made to cons''11ct or fund future construction of traffic mitigation, identified a~ improvements at 2nd Street and "E" Street, 5th Street and "E" Street, 6th Street and "E" Street, Del Rosa Avenue and 5th Street, and the Project Access Road and 5t!' Street. Current e~timated amount of the fee is $1/3.500. h) Arrangements shall be made with the Department of Public Works/City Engineer to participate" in the cost of Freeway mitigation due to project impacts, unless altem:'\te funding sources are identified. Fifty percent of this pr(\ject's share shall be pledged prior to occupancy of Phase I and the remaining fifty percent shall be pledged prior to occupancy of Phase II. (Estimated total amount of participation is $5,949,000.) Sewer Connection fee in the approximate total amount of $ 38,904 101111P4 . . STAN ARi) REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMEtiT OF ~UBLlC WOHIS.SI CASE NO._ DP1194-00. CITY ENGI~E;ER PM 14718 & GPA 94-0.3 DESCRIPTION: SUPERBLOCK PROJECT. PHASE / LOC^ TION: EAST SIDE OF "E" STREET BETWEEN 4TH ST. AND 5TH ST. AGENDA ITEM HEARING DATE PAGE NO: j) Sewer inspection fee in the amount of $ 17.82 per connection. k) Street or easement dedication processing fee in the amount of ~ 200.00 per document. . Estimated construction cost Is based on schedule of unit prices on file with the City EnglnHr. ---. Page 15 101111P4 , . c :) '. STANDARD REOUIREMENTS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION DATE: 10/06/94 CASE DP II No. 94-08 AGENDA ITEM: 2 HEARING DATE: 10/18/94 PAGE 1 OF 3 1. Submit plans prepared by a Registered Building Architect or Civil or Structural Engineer. 2. Submit a complete lateral and structural analysis prepared by a Registered civil or structural Engineer or Architect. 3. Submit State of California Title 24 Energy Calculation Forms for non-residential buildings including a signed compliance statement. 4. Submit calculations and structural drawings, prepared by a Registered Civil Structural Engineer or Architect. 5. ^'l structures shall be designed for 70 MPH basic wind speed, exposure "C", minimum. ~. Co~~act Development Services Division for submittal of construction plans including: a. Copy of conditions. b. Soilr and liquefaction report. c. F.ner~ Calculations. d Structural calculation. 7. Suhmit a preliminary (snils and liquefaction analysis) report prepared by a person licensed to do so. 8. Suhmit a single line dr~wing of the electrical service. Show all equipment, conduit and wire sizes and types. Show the ~ervice ground size and grounding electrode. 9. Submit panel schedule(s) and electrical plans. 10. Permit required for demolition of existing building(s) on site. . . . ' c .:) Dl\.TT-:: 10/6/94 PAGE 2 OF 3 CABE Dr..:!;I No. 94-08 AGENDlI J:l:.mu.....~. BEARING. DATE: 10/18/94 11. Submit a plan of the h~ating, ventilating or air conditioning system. (Clearly identify the location and rating of the equipment and the sizes and material of all ducts, registers and the location of all fire dampers). Show means of providing mechanical ventilation aa required by the 1991 Uniform Building Code. 12. Submit gas pipe loads, sizing calculations and isometrics. 13. PY'ovide a plot plan showing the location of the proposed sewer sYFltem. 14. Submit isometric plans of the cold and hot water and drain wa~te and vent systems. 15. Show compliance with Title 24 for the physically handicapped in the following: Entrance and path of travel to building, all exits to be Handicapped accessible, restrooms. 16. city of San Bernardino named as certificate holder for Worker's Compensation Insurance. 17. Assessor's Parcel Number. 18. Contractor's city license. 19. Contractor's State license. 20. Sewer capacity rights from Water Department, 384-5093, Neil Thomsen. 21. School fees from Unified School District, 381-1179. ~,. Fire sprinklers Requirpd: Plan~ for fire sprinklers shall be submitted to Fire Dept. and approved l"'-ior to installation. No building inspections shall be perfor""3d beyond "framing and ventilation" until fire sprinkler plans are approved. . . c :) D1\TE 11.1/1;/94 "l\(,:" ~. OF 3 CArs DP II No. U-08 l\Gr:,lJA ITEM' 2 HI:J\~TNG D1\,T1UJ..O/18/U 23. Deposit: Plan Check fee to be determined at time of Plan Check submittal. 24. Contact Development Services for any questions at 384-5071. 25. Recommend Architects submit plans to California State Fire n"rnha1 for "Courtesy Review", since bui1dinqs will be under State Fi~e Marshal's jurisdiction upon 1easinq to state. Contact: California State Fire Marshal Southern Reqion Office (818) 960-6441 . . - C ATTAC....ENT G ....:; CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MUNICll',\L WATER DEPARTMENT INTEROmCE MEMORANDUM TO: Deborah Woodruff Bill Bryden u.V FRO:\1: 1),\ TE: October II, 1994 ~TrnJ"TT: SUPER BLOCK - REVISED WATER DEPARTMENT STA..'IID,~.lU) REQ UIRE:\-lE:'IiTS COPiES: Bernard Kersey, Jose:lh Stejskal, Paul Allaire. Wayne H::ndr.cks Deborah. as a result of several meetings with (hI' Fire Department and other City agencies, the 'later Departments Standard Requirements for the "Super Block" project have changed as follows: . Fire flow of 2:)"A) ~allons per ~inute (gpm) at 20 pounds per square inch (psi) residual pressure from anyone hydrant · Upgrade six (5) wet barrel hytlrants and two (3) dry barrel hydrants in 5th 51.. "E" 51., and 4th SI. where contiguous with "Super Block" to 6" wet barrel fire hydrants with two 4" outlets and one 2'/," outlet (Long Beach Iron Works Model 43.3 or SBMWD approved equivalent). · Relocation of one fire hydrant on 5th St. (upgrade accounted for in above count) . Addition of one 6" wet barrel fire hydrant with :wo 4" outlets and one 2'/:" .)Utlet (Long lIon Works Mode14~5 or SBMWD approved ~quivalent) on the east side of "E" St., 20' scuth of the building FOC . . Addition of one 6" wet barrel :ire hydrant wit?! one 4" outlet and one 2'/," outlet (Long Beach Iron Works Model 425 <,r SBMWD approved equivalent) with flow rate of 1,500 gpm at 20 psi residual pressure and an 8" wafer main in the "Super Block" dedicated alley to connecting the 3" water main in 5th SI. to the 6" water main in 4th St. - · Reduced Pressure Principle 3ackf!ow Devices on all building domestic water services · "'rallel Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Devices on all building fire sprinkler water ser. !ces · Reduced Pressure Principle Ba.:kflow Devices on landscape '.vater services - . . c ...'~ '....-1 r I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CASJJ f, g::: y~tJr HEARING DATE '1-1('111 g'21 ! ST ^. ~tD.'\RD REQUIREMENTS REVIEWED BY fIR.: DEf^RTMENT REQUIREMENTS r.1.:n:RAL jU:Ql"IRE:\lENTS: . t<! Providl" nne exlre set of construction pllns to Building and Safety for Fire Department use at time of plan check. .....a Contact Fire Deputment for specific or detail"... requirements - IMPORTANT. I )"'f The developer c;hftll provide for adequate Fire Flow as computed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Fire Flow shan bf' h4sed I on square (aal"I'e, construction features and exposure inCormation as sUPPUf't. by the developer and may be taken frnm two I. hydronts. ~ C~ $tS2'()W Accr~"" I (I Provide two difCerent routes of Ingress/egress to th@ property entrance. The routes shall be paved. aU-weather. ' I J Provide an qccess roadwl'l" to each buildinsr fot fire 8pparat'!~. Access rOldw.y shall hive In .11-welther driving IIII'flee "r not lesoc; '~'nn 20-fe-t of unobstruct"" width. I (I Extend rnrrdWlY to witt,;, lSD-feet of 1111 portinn~ or the exterior YIUS or In slngle-story buildings. ~ r .'....nd roadwav tn.. :lhln SD-feet of the exterior waUs of.ll mul;.iple-cfn,y buildings. ,::;"'~ ~ -, J "',vide "No P'^"KINO'! signs whenever parkin, of vehicles would possibly reduee the elearance of a('''~ rn.......y. to leu th"" the required ",ittlh. Signs are to read "FIRE LANE - NO PARkIHG" (AU caps). "M.C. q.r.. 15.18". I' [I D,.<tr1-~nrl o:treets shan ,.,! f!xceed SO~teet in length Ind shan hive a minimum 35-foot radl"' ttu'l\IIround. l J The names of any new sltrets (public or private) shaU be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. SITE, I I J All f.lcrr rOIllt1" and str'!....." .re to be construct~rl ...nd usable prior to combustible construction. I J Private fire hv1rants shall be installed to protect e.ch building loclted more than 15D-ler' from the curb Un.. No nrw hydrant c:h'lldd be within 40-feet of Iny exterior wall. Th'! hydrlnts shan be Wet Slrrel type, with one 2.-Inch and Gnl" ....~b outlet, an,j approved by the Fire Departmfllt. Fire hydrants are to be protected from dam.,e by prOYidlrc suitable tr"rnc berrien. The arel around the fire hydrant shall be desimlted as a "NO PARkiNG" zone by painting an I-Inch wide, red .trtpe lor tS-feet in each direction in Iront 01 the hydrant in .uch I mlnner that It will not be blocked by parked yehlcles. SuItable "NO I PARKING" signs are required. X Public fire hydrants shall be provided along str......ts at 30o-r~@t intervals for commercial and multl-resldential U'e" and .t I" SOO-feet intervals tor residential .reu. InItallation shaD conlorm to City specifications ad be installed prior to combustible construction or storere. . BUILDING, l~ IX I 'X IX I;E;. I , lIYOMAJlJ I I ,.".. 'Iddress 01 the structure. In six Inch numerals, Iha11 be instaUed on the buUdl"l or In other approved 10001Il~lnn In luch a man""r as to be visible Irom the Iront.,e .tre.t. The color 01 the numben shall contrat with color of the backlf ,'~ Identify p"('h gas IIInd electric meter with the numMr of the unit which It services. Firl" extinguisher'. must be installed prior to the building being occupied. The minimum r.Unr for any fire extJngulsher Is 2A 10 B/C. Minimum distribution ot tire exUncui!'lhen mUlt be such thlt no interior part 01 the bulldinr 11 oyer f&-feet t,...el di.tance from a nre extlnlllltsher. An buildings, other than residential over 5,000 "'~.''''re feet, shall be provided with an .utom.Uc lire sprinkler I)'Item, desiped to NFPA standards. Submit r1ans for the nre protection system to the Fire Department prior to beJinnlng eonstruetlon on the system. Tenant improvements in all sprinklered bulldlnp are to be approved by the Fire Department prior to eonstructlon. Provid~ In lutomatle Cire alarm (required throughout). Plan must be approved by the 'Ire Department, prior to Installation. Fire O"r..,rtment eonnectlon to (.sprinkler system/standpipe system) shall be requlred..t __.~ 11.._. RpPIOH!Z1 ~~r -T~OAJ ==================z==~-=a:=..asa----=======.asz:=================~..~.""2ZZ~___ ~-----(!.I.i"BI ^lJlJITlON.\LIIlFORM^TION, FIRE /!YOfUAJT if'~t<vtj(t;N~AJr.5: Fit", r:/4wHIAJ.= :':''700_.:;1P1( S#~~C Ac'" ~OO / S P~C/;")C- ~IJ ?ROJ(:"Cr !"II'':- t1F snarr o,() .y r;J#:' ,rr.fJ. j) ~ + E Lr. #Y"K,,~rr .5tf'~ U- t'JF" 19 , "'" WeT 6-9RRFt. rYPF ~/r,y(R) +,"'o~r~Fr:r A"'D(j) .21;"of.l,-t.~-r. T,y",- ~Cov{-- "f'n;z "(~"h~r #t<E #tSd /lah~(~~';:;~ :1"HF lu..l,~Y t1f):r.~CEJ.)T ib r.;9A'k'/IUG- Sr.<uc ro~~ NnTE: Th{' nppliclnt mUlt request, In writing, any ct'''n~e in these or other requiremenu. I It... FPB 170 7/;'9 (U -- , ' ':; uPR? ~ITY OF ". SAN BERNARDINO CASE J)p.J]: 9~ -CJ ~ HEARING DATE S--I'$~f/ REVIEWED BY ~/?1 STl\NOARD REQUIREMENTS ~~11~ "" r REQUIREMENTS G[."ER.IL i<EQI:IRDIENTS: (J Provide one extra set of construction plans to R',jlding aM Safety tor Fire Department use It time or plan check. (J Contact Fire Deoutment tor specific or det.iled requirements - IMPORTANT. (J The developer shan p""vlde for adequate fire Flow as computed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Fire Flow Ihan be based on SQ,,"rp. footage. construction features and exposure Information u supplied by the developer and may be taken from two hydrn'..... ACCESS: I J Provide two rli'(t"rent routes of Ingress/egress to the property entrance. The routes Ihe.11 be paved. aU-weather. ~ Provide an access roadway to each buildlflR' for (Ire appwt'll;. Access roadway .hall have an an-we.ther drlvlnl surflee r ~ of not less than 20-(eet of unobstructed width. S~ ./S'F204iJ I J Extend roadwn\, to within nO-feet of all portion" of the exterior ulls o( an single-story buildings. I J [xlend roadwav tn within SO-feet oC the exlerior walls ,..( all muhipl..-story buildings. I J Provide "No PAHi.INC" signs whenever parking or vehicles would possibly reduce the clelrance of aceea roadways to less Ihan the r~uired width. Signs are to read "FIRE LANE - NO PARKINO" (AU caps). "M.C. See. IS.U". I J n"""..,nd slreets shin not exceed SOD-Ceet in length and shall hive a minimum 3$-Cool radius turnaround. (J ".e names of any new streets (public: or private) shall be submitted to the FiN Department fOI" IIpprovai. SITE: I J All 'I;(~ces~ ""Ilds and str,...t" lire 10 be construet..rt IInd usable prlnr to combustible construction. 'J Privale fire hydrants shan be installed to protect each building located more than lSo-le~t ~""m the curb llnL No Ora hydnnt should be within 40-(eel or any exterior wall. The hydrants shall be Wet ft"""el type. with one U--Ineh and ...... 4-IJH:h outlet, 8n.j apprco' "hv the Fire Dept:rtment. Fire hydrants are to be protected trow dam-sr" by provld1nr sult_bl. tnrl'lA: blrrlen. The area arou",! . t,r (Ire h"fir"nt shall be designaled as a "NO PAR K mOil ZORe bv r'lllllntinr .n ..Ineh wid.., 'toft "trtp" ,~.. II: .Ieet in ellch direclion In Cront of the hydrant in swh . manner that It will not",," block." "y putc:ed v!'hlc:l... fe,.. ...ble "NO PARKINfj" signs are required. () Public fire hydrants shall be provided along streets at 30o-Ceet Intervals for eommerc:tal and muJtJ-residentlal ""115 and at 500-reet intervals r~f' residential areas. InltaUation shall conform to City lpeelfieaUom IIftd be installed prior to tf'mbustible """slruction or stor.,.. [ I II ==================....-=aas..........:...=.....====...................__________....~~_____ -- --- ----- I I I NOTE: The .ppllr.....t must request. In wrtUng, any chanf{e In these or other requlremenu. ADDlTION.U INFOIlMA110N: I'lIU' [,.lJt.' A1t:.c~s -?;; b !:;f'hAV SUTE ..fL.Ot;. ON E J,;;; : .L..i,!/Ul -c ur /.S" Jf',cQV/lIt,e--O OAJ C ~ H'PIH"~ :<0' t:..J111t!'- "'ec.~T ~"H '" F ~ ;r,; /AJ-,UMr' wlrA' ,""BBY t!'",l(Jrf(~,vCt<"" 000/(1" IS ~(~t.o. ~/,/C g~ nVEb rP.v~ J:)/f'!;;/(;M!:7' 7D ~u,../t:)~T rM!'" /.....,..mJ"..:'"I>_ /L?n'.P 01"" Th't" /'lPF' ~ff:l'Jl..9 rGl..r , ~L FPB 170 7/ag ~ , . /""....' ," .." -.J ~3~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Case !J/?z? f~CJ~ 1;7-1' 7 _~o Hearing Date t:..!:. / ,L ~ STI\~I,)ARD REQUIREMENTS Reviewed Bv ( I I I I + FIRE DEPAltTMENT REQUIREMENTS GENERAL RFQ'''REMENTS: o r,',)\'ide one r Ira set of construction plans to Rllildin~ and Safely for Fire Depanmcnl use II lime of plan check. o Contact Fire Depanmenl for specific or detailed requirements -IMPORTANT. ~ 1 lie developer shall provide for adequalc Fire Flow as compuled by Ihe Fire Prevention Bureau. Fire Flow shall be based on square fOllla~e. C'onslruction fealures and exposure infonn31ion as supplied by the developer and may be taken from two hyrlranls. The mUSI be aY8ilal"ol~ prior 10 placing combustible malerials on sile. HTESS: o Provide Iwo separate. dedicaled routes of ingress/egress 10 the propeny entrance. The routes shall he paved. all-weather. o Provide an access roadway to each building for fire apparatus. Access roadway shall have an all-wealher driving' surface of not less than 20 feet of unobslrucled widlh. o Extend roadway 10 within ISO feet of all portioll" of the eXlerior walls of all single-slory buildin!:,!!<o. o E~lend roadway 10 wilhin 50 feel of the ex.lerim walls of all muhiple.slory buildings. o Provide "No PARKINO" sl!!n!l whenever Jl8rki,,~ of vehicles would ~ssibly reduce Ihc clearance of access roadways 10 less thon 'he required width, Sipn, are 10 read "FIRl LANE- NO PARKING' (All capsI. --M,C. Sec. 15.16," o Dcad.end streels shall nOl exceed SOO feel in length and shall have a minimum 35 foot radius lurnaround. o The nnmes of any new slreels (public or priva"') shall be submilled 10 Ihe Fire Depanment for approval. SITE: o o €:: (~ All access roads and sll'('cts are 10 be constructed and u.c;able prior to comhustihle construclion. Privale fire hydranl'" ~"111 be installed to prOlect each building locDled more Ihan 150 feel from Ihr "lIrh line. No fire hydranl should he wilhin 4n lcel of any eXlerior wall. The hydrOlI1l" shall he Wel Barrellype. wilh one 2 1/2 inch and one 4 inch oUllel. and opprnvC'd by I:'C Fire Dcpanmcl1I. Fire hydrants arc to be plt'teclcd fonn dalml~c hy rrovidin~ suiulhlc lrank harriers. The area nrtllllltllhe fire hydrant shall be designated as a "NO PARKING" zone lIy painting. an 8 inch wide. rcd slripe for 15 feet in each direction in fronl oflhe hydrant in .c;uch a mannenhal il will nol be blocked by parked vehicles. Public fire hydranls shall he provided along slreels at 30n feel inteT\'als for commercial and muhi.residcntial areas and 81 ~f)fl feCI intcfvnls f"r residential orcas. Installation shalll'tlOform 10 City specificalions and be insllllled prior to comhu.c;lible consllul'linn or sIOfa!!c. DUILDlNG: =:J AddTr'~~ numerals slmll ~ installed on lhe buihlil1~ 411 the fronl or other approved local ion in sUl'h a manner as 10 be visihle frnm Ihe fronlaJ,!e slreet. Commcrcial and multi famil~ ...hall he six inch. single lamily shall he 4 inch. The t.:olm of Ihe numerals shilll l'olllrasl wilh the color of their badi!TUUnd. Li Idrl'lify eal:h ~as nnd elcclric meter wilh the nUlllhcr of the unit which it services. Fire extinguh.hers mU..1 be installed prior 10 Ihe huilding being occupied. The minimum ralini'! for any fire u1ini'!ui"her i.. 2A 10 B/C. ~finimum dislribulinn offirc eXlin~uishers nlUst be such Ihat no IOtcriorpan oflhe building is over 75 feel travel dlSlance from a fire extinglli<.ht"r. ^r'!"!menl house!<o with more than 15 units or hold (motel) wilh 200r more unils Ihree or Illnrc slories in heighl shall he equipped WIlIr autmnalic fire sprinklers. All, huildin!!... tuher Ihan residcnlial over 5.0nO ..quare feel. sh,,1I be provided wilh an automalic ftre ~prinl..ler SYMCIIl. desi~n('d 10 Nr'PA ...lanuanl.... Suhlllil plml!<o for the fire protection syslem to Ill\' Fire Deparlment prior 10 heginnin~ construl'lion on Ihc syslcm. Tl'mlOl illlpnl\'CmC11Is in all sprinkl~red buildin.L" nrl' In he arproved by the Fire Der"rUl1enl prior 10 con'itrul.tion. Provide an automall firc alilml Irct.Juircd thnlll.!-'hnut). Plan must he approved I... the Fire Depanmcnl. prior 10 insinUation. Fin: Dcpi.mnu..'nt connection to (sprinkler systcmi."landpipe systcmjlihall he reqDircd.1I clIrh line. NOTE: The Olpplicant mu!<ol rct.Juesl. in writing. an)'l'hange in these or other requirement.... ,\n/)ITlONAL INFORMATION:~.&# rY,./ST7'u(j. r9'Y,tl,l,'hUlT /OC-/97?oALJ (',)/1'[, ?r-H.4/;U /1S /s; 7fYC-~1'5/;/.vfF. /'/YO~.9A.)r.r s;#'~c Or t",,'-t.:MOFO ./ -- 4(: a v /1 Za /-/yI}R~A//..J 7## Zt.Jrr:-A'~A"R<,,-Z (;..,/Th' (?-) fI/l'"..ru-n ):h, ""Lrf.. - .) (;j) 'ur4/ ,pyPR~"<')7Y S8..j1/C tf~ /AJ.J1A(U-Z:;: (I) /Jf).TA<:.p.Jr r;; FtJC!.. H<WJ.Jot-r. .f!d.('(; (0 /oc..AtrEP /.AJ c,....vTnr::. """fr.-hi ,!)r" "u/-4), S-T,-{'I'-r;?; Fro 1704.901 FIRE.1.10 Cl1'OI""'e'....."f>Ii'f') t..~TI....._'W(l"'"~ItU '\ J ~. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STANDARD BUILDING REQUIREMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT 1994 DEVELOPMENTAL/ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CASE # Superblock Project DATE October 18. 1994 (r,PA Nn q4-n~. OP11 Nn Q4-0B & PM No 14718) COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS - ~ The following ~pecial provisions shall apply to all new cor.:"'~l:"cial or industrial buildings or those with SOt improvement or ,J r r cation: 9ar~'Te~e '~Q.QU A. Garage type doors which are either rolling overhead, solid overhead, swinging, sliding, or accordion style doors shall conform to the following standards: ~ , . Wood doo:rs shall have panels a minimum of five- sixteenths (5/16) inch in thickness with the locking hardware being attached to the support framing. 2. Aluminum doors shall be a minimum thickness of .0215 inches and riveted together a minimum of eighteen (lal inches on center along the outside seams. There shall be a full width horizontal beam attached to the main door structure which shall meet the pilot or pedestrian access door framing within three (3) inches or the strike area of the pilot or pedestrian access door. . 3. Fiberglass doors shall have pan"els a minimum of si v (6) ounces per square foot from ~he bottom of the door to a height of seven (7) feet. Panels above seven (7) feet and panels in residential structures have a density of not less than five (5) ounce~ per squar.. foot. B. Where sliding or ac~ordion doors are used, they shall be equipped with guide tracks which shall be designed so that the door cannot be removed from the track when in the closed and locked position. C. Doors that exceed sixteen (16) feet in width shall have two (2) lock receiving points, one located on each side of the door. Doors not exceeding sixteen (16) feet shall have one lock receiving point placed on either side of . the co or . A single bolt may be used in the center of the ........ Standacd.Requirements - Police C~mmercial/lndustrial Page 2 ", J door with the locking point located either in the floor or door frame header. D. All overhead or swinging doors shall be equipped with slidebolts which shall be capable of using padlocks with a minimum nine-thirty-seconds 99/32) inch shackle. 1. The entire slidebolt assembly shall be constructed of case-hardened steel and shall have a frame a minimum of .120 inches in thickness, and a bol t diameter a minimum of one-half (1/2) inch, and shall protrude at least one and one-half (1 1/2) inches into the receiving guide. ~ 2. Slide bolt assemblies shall be attached to the with bolts which are nonremovable from exterior. Rivets shall not be used to attach assemblies. door the such t Padlocks used with exterior mounted slide bolts shall hav@ a hardened steel shackle a minimum of nine-thirty- seconds (9/32) inch in diameter with heel and toe locking and a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation. The key shall be nonremovable when in an unlocked position. F. Door.. using a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with the bolt or locking bar extending into the receiving guide a minimum of one (1) inch. E. G. Pedestrian access doors contained in garage type doors shall comply to the standards set forth in the below section. . Windows/Locks/Doors lIDcludina Slidina Glass): The following requirements must be met for windows, locks. doors lincluding sliding glass): A.. All movable windows and sliding glass doors shall b~ constructed and/or equipped so as to prevent them from being lifted out of their tracks when in the closed position. B. Louvered windows shall not be used when any portion of . ' ."~"",~ '-" Stand~rd'Requirements-Police Comme "cial/ In'lustrial Page 3 C. ~ ~ 2. the window is less than twelve (12) feet vertically or six (6) feet horizontally from an accessible surface or any adjoining roof, balcony, landing, stair tread, platform, or similar structure. Swinging exterior glass doors, wood or metal glass panels, solid wood or metal doors, constructed or protected as follows: doors with shall be . 1. Wood doors shall be of solid core construction with a minimum thickness of one and three-fourths (1 3/4) inches. Hollow metal doors shall be constructed of a minimum equivalent to sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel and have sufficient reinforcement to maintain the designed thickness of the door when any locking device is installed; such reinforcement being able to restrict collapsing of the door around the locking device. Except when double cylinder deadbolts are used or safety glazing is required by Chapter 54 of the Uniform Building Code, any glazing installed within forty (40) inches of any door locking mechanisms shall be constructed or protected as follows: a. Fully tempered glass or rated burglary resistant glazing, or b. Iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch mesh secured with nonremovable bolts on the inside of the glazing may be used; and framing for iron or steel grills shall be by one (1) inch by one-fourth (1/4) inch flat metal secured by nonremovable bol ts, or c. The glazing shall be covered with iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one inch by on-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal, spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and secured with nonremovable bolts. d. Items band c above shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows are required to be openable by the Uniform Building Code. .' &. ,",,/ '. Star.d'rd'Requirements-P~lice COll' '::ial/lndustrial l-d\je 4 I D. ~ ~ All swinging aluminum frame follows: exterior doors with the exception swinging doors shall be equipped of as 1. A single or double door shall be equipped with a double or single cylinder deadbolt. The bolt shall have a minimum projection of one inch and be constructed so as to repeal cutting tool attack. The deadbolt shall have an embedment of at least three-fouxths (3/4) inch into the door jamb/strike. The cylinder shall have a cylinder guard. a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers. and shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock b y connecting screws of at least one-fourth (1/4) inch in diameter. All deadbolts will be equipped with a locked indicator. Exposed installation screws on double cylinder deadbolts shall be nonremovable. The provisions oL this subsection do not apply where (1) panic hardware is required. or (2) an equivalent device is approved by the enforcing authority. Locking devices shall be mounted at a height of not less than thirty (30) nor more than fort-four (44) inches above the finished floor. 2. Hinges for outswinging doors shall be equipped with nonremovable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to preclude removal of the door from the exterior by removing the hinge pins. 3. Whenever a mail slot is located within forty (40) inches of the primary locking device on any exterior door it shall be covered by an interior hood which will discourage IIlanipulation of the primary locking device. I 4. Strikeplates shall be constructed of minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel. bronze or brass. a minimum of three and one-half (3 1/2) inches in ~ length and secured to the jamb with screws a minimum of two and one-half (2 1/2) inches in length. 1'" All exterior double doors shall be equipped as follows: 1. The inactive leaf of double doors shall be equipped with automatiG releasing metal flushbolts having a minimum embedment of five-eighths (5/8) inch into the header and threshold of the door frame or by panic hardware which contains a minimum of two (2) locking points. one located at the header. the . ' /"""" ~ Star.~ard,Requirements-Police Comme~cial/lndustrial p",..,,,, 'j " ...."../ I: other at the threshold of each door. 2 . Double doors shall have a full-length astragal, constructed of steel a minimum of .125 inch thick which will cover the opening between the doors. The astraaal shall be a minimum of two (2) inches wide. and-extend a minimum of one inch beyond the edge of the door to which it is attached. Th" astragal shall 'be attached to the outside of the active door by means of welding or with nonremovable bolts spaced apart on not more than ten (10) inch centers. F. Aluminum frame swinging doors shall conform to the following: 1. The jamb ~n ~ll aluminum frame swinging doors shall be so constructed or protected to withstand one thousand six hundred (1,600) pounds of pressure in both a vertical distance of three (3) inches and a horizontal distance of one (1) inch each side of the strike so as to prevent violation of the strike. 2. Aluminum frame swinging doors shall be equipped with a two-point locking mechanism consisting of deadbolt having a minimum bolt projection of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches. or a hook shaped or similar bolt that engages the strike sufficiently to prevent spreading and a metal automatic releasing threshold bolt having a minimum embedment of five-eighths (5/8) inch into the floor. The deadbolt lock shall have a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers and a cylinder guard and shall be equipped with a locked indicator. G. Panic hardware, whenever required by the Uniform Building Cod~ or Title 24 of ~he California Administrative Code, shall be equipped and installed as follows: 1. Panic hardware shall contain a minimum of two (2) locking points on each door, one located at the head, the other at the Lhreshold of the door. or 2. On single doors, panic hardware may have one locking point which is not to be located at either the top or bottom rails of the door frame. The door shall have an astragal constructed of steel .125 inch"" thick which shall be attached with nonremovable bolts or welded to the outside of the / .' .,' ...../ '. St"r:' i'lra' Requirements -Police CummL rcial / Ij,Justrial Pagp e; door. The as~ragal shall extend a mln~mum of six (6) inches vertically above and below the latch of the panic hardware. The astra?al shall be a minimum of two (2) inches wide and extend a minimum of one (1) inch beyond the edge of the door. 3. Double doors containing panic hardware shall have 'l full length steel astragal attached to the doors at their meeting point which will close the opening between them but not interfere with the operation of either door. ~ :1. Inl',rallation and construction of frames and jambs for exterior swinging doors shall be as follows: 1. Door jambs shall be installed with solid backing in such a manner that no voids exist between the strike side of the jamb and the frame opening for a vertical distance of six (6) inches each side of the strike. Finger joints are prohibited. 2. In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between studs at door lock height for three (3) stud spaces each side of the door openings. Trimmers shall be full length from the heads to the floor with solid backing against sole plates. I. In multiple occupancy office buildings all entrance doors to individual office suites shall meet the construction and locking requirements for exterior doors. J. In multiple occupancy buildings, interior walls dividing the individual suites shall not end~t the false ceiling but shall continue to the real roof. K. Exterior transoms or windows shall be deemed accessible if less than twelve (12l feet above ground or adjacent to any pedestrian walkway. Accessible windows and tr1'nsoms having a pane or opening exceeding ninety-six (96) square inches, with the smallest dimension exceeding six (6l inches, and not visible from a public or private thoroughfare shall be protected in the following manner: 1. Fully tempered glass or burglary resistant glazing, or 2. The following window barriers may be used but shall be secured with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior: .\ . . . "'........ :) Standard.Requirements-Police Commercial/Industrial Pagr 7 a. Interior or exterior steel or iron bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one- qua~ter (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced not more than five (5) inches apart and security fastened. 01' b. Interior or exterior iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (l/S) inch metal with not more thart a two (2) inch mesh and securely fastened. 3. The protective bars or grills shall not interfere with the operation of opening windows if such windows are required to be openable by the Uniform Building Code. L. Roof openings shall be equipped as follows: All skylights premises used provided with: a. Rated burglary resistant glazing, or 1. b. on the roof for business of any bui lding purposes shall or be Iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced not more than five (5) inches on center to cross the narrowest dimension of the opening being covered. If the narrowest dimension of that opening exceeds eighteen (18) inches, cross members shall be welded into place, not more than eighteen (lS) inches apart beginning with a cross member at the center of the opening. Cross members shall be welded to each and every bar it crosses. The entire bar assembly shall be mounted inside the skylight and shall be attached to the building structure by means of machine bolts spaced not more than sixteen (16) inches apart or attached by means of an equivalent method approved by the enforcing authority, or , , I c. A steel or iron grill of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh mounted inside the skylight and secured by bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. d. These requirements do not apply on any ,....,. J ......,.,..... SL~n'~rd'Requirements-Police Comt:.ercial / Industrial Pa~~ 8 structure feet or available enforcing with a height of thirty-five (35) more where there is no readily roof access as determined by the authority. 2. All hatchway openings on the roof of any building or premises used for business purposes shall be secured as fol19ws: a. If the hatchway is of wooden material, i', shall be covered on the inside with at least sixteen (16) U. S. gauge sheet steel or its equivalent. attached with screws. b. The hatchway shall be secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide bolts which are' attached by nonremovable bolts. c. Outside hinges on all hatchway opening shall be provided with nonremovable pins when using pin type hinges. 3. All air duct or air vent opening~ exceeding ninetv- six (96) square inches on the roof or exterior walls of any commercial building shall be secured by covering same with either of the following: a. Iron or steel bars of at least one-half (1/') inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced no more than five (5) inches apart and securely fastened, or b. Iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (l/B) inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh and securely fastened, or c. If the barrier is on the outside, it shall be secured with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. d. The above must not interfere with venting requirements, creating potentially hazardous conditions to health and safety, or conflict with the provisions of the Uniform Buildinq Code or Title 19, California Administrative Code. M. Permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height of ten (10) feet. This covering shall be locked against the ladder <' , , ,j '. ~tannard Requirements-police Commelcial/Industrial Page 8 structure feet or available enforcing with a height of thirty-five (35) more where there is no readily roof access as determined by the authority. 2. All hatchway openings on the roof of any building or premises used for business purposes shall be secured as follows: a. If the hatchway is of wooden material, it shal] be covered on the inside with at least sixteen (16) U. S. gauge sheet steel or its equivalent, attached with screws. b. The hatchway shall be secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide bolts which are attached by nonremovable bolts. c. Outside hinges on all hatchway opening shall be provided with nonremovable pins when using pin type hinges. ~. All air duct or air vent openings exceeding ninety- six (96) square inches on the roof or exterior walls of any commercial building shall be secured by covering same with either of the following: a. Iron or steel bars of at lenr.t one-half (1/2) inch round or one by one-fourth (1 x 1/4) inch flat metal spaced no more than five (5) inches apart and securely fastened, or b. Iron or steel grills of at least one-eighth (1/8) inch metal with a maximum two (2) inch mesh and securely fastened, or c. If the barrier is on the outside, it shall be secured with bolts which are nonremovable from the exterior. d. The above must not interfere with venting requirements, creating potentially hazardous conditions to health and safety, or conflict with the provisions of the Uniform Building Code or Title 19, California Administrative Code. M. Permanently affixed ladders leading to roofs shall be fully enclosed with sheet metal to a height of ten (10) feet. This covering shall be locked against the ladde~ ,,'" '.'-,.>" ....J Scandard, Requirements-Police Commercial/Industrial Page 9 ~ N. with a. case hardened hasp, secured with nonremovable... screws or bolts and a padlock with a minimum three-eighth (3/8) inch hardened steel shackle, locking at both heel and toe, and a minimum five (5) pin tumbler operation with nonremovable key when in an unlocked position. Hinges on the cover will be provided with nonr~movable pins when using pin-type hinges. A building located -within eight (8) feet of utility poles, trees, or similar structures which allow access to the building's roof, windows, or other openings shall have such access area barricaded or fenced with materials to deter human climbing. O. The following standards for lighting and address markings shall apply to commercial buildings: 1. The address number of every commercial building shall be located and displayed so that it shall be easily visible from the street. The numerals in these numbers shall be no less than six (6) inches in height and be of a color contrasting to the background. In addition, any business which affords vehicular access to the rear through any driveway, alleyway, or parking lot shall also display Lhe same numbers on the rear of the building. 2. Roof top address numbers ~hall be provided. They shall be.a minimum of three (3) feet in length ~nd two (2) feet in width and of contrasting color to the backgroun~. Numbers shall be placed parallel to the street address as assigned. Each building within a commercial complex shall have its own address/assigned number affixed to the roof. 3. All exterior doors shall be equipped with a lighting device which shall provide a m1n1mum maintained one (1) footcandl... of light at ground level during hours of darkness. Lighting devices shall be protected by vandal resistant covers. 4. All parking lots and access thereto shall be provided with a m1n1mum maintained one (1) footcandle of light on the parking surface from dusk until dawn. 5. Exterior lighting shall not shine away from subject property. r.~"', -\ ,,~ Stan~ard Requirements-Police Commercial/Industrial p"qe 10 6 . All exterior light ing devices are to be "shake" proof and inaccessible to common reach or climbing and shall be placed at a height which will fully illuminate an average adult. 7. All parkincr spaces must be visible from at least one point from the interior of the building. . P. Interior night lighting shall be maintained in those areas that are visible from the street (ground floors only) . Q. All exterior block wall fencing shall have intervals providing visibility corridors which will allow visibility of the interior from outside the wall, and these visibility corridors shall be placed at regular intervals. This applies only to block walls visible from the street. R. Passenger elevators. the interiors of which are not completely visible when the car door(sl is open, shall have mirrors so placed as to make visible the whole of the elevator interior to prospective passengers outside the elevator. S. When access to or within a commercial complex is unduly difficult because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life saving or fire fighting purposes, a key override is to be installed in an accessible location. Th~ key override shall be mastered to both the fire department and police department keys. T. Any structure four (4)-stories in height or greater will have a repeater installed in its roof. SEE PAGE 10 ,r.." .. Stannard Requirements Commercial/Industrial Pi'lge 10 Additional Conditions: . . -- -- 'w"~' ~ ,1,"_ " , SEP '. ... '-,,"1 ........... .; ~ :" I ~' - .1 "I 'J TY OF SAN BERNARDINO REFUSE DIVISION DRC/ERC REQUIREMENTS TRANSMITTAL " ._, u .. .......,t 2 9 :~=of CIT'I 0:= ~MN 9EP.~MlO!NO :; EP,tt.. i=l:T1',<i: IT OF PlA~4N1NG & SLii~C;t~~G Sa~vICES TO: rLAHNING AND BUILDING SERVICES Project Planner (],6"YA.L /./)_ i.io-uf'r DATE. o .:n- cr '1' ~ Project No. - S,-, "'''1/ /J i'l' f: BY. ~.~...., / \j O~R~' - The City of San Bernordino Public Service. Department i. re.ponsible for proper collection, di.po.al, and recycling of .olid waste and by-product. generated within the city. Develop"~<'t. are therefore required to plan for the .ervice arrangpment. marked belOW, and ~.tablish a refu.e account with the Refu.e Divi.ion by calling (909) 384-5335 prior to the commencement of con.truction, remOdelling. or oc~upation of this project. Other city-provided container. are available to the applicant's contractor(.) for con.truction debris a. well. Shared container. for multiple commercial Dr re.idential occupant. mu.t be paid for by a .ingle account. Ultimo c." re.pond< llity for paY"'"nt re.t. on the property owner. Service fe.. will b. charged accordLog to tho.. in effect at the time of .ervice. !!:-;SID~IAL - Refu.e and/or r"eyclable coll.ction will be mad. at the curb. Development mu.t have ample room for .torage of all container. out of .treet view. o R..id.nt. to .upply their own 32 gallon maximum container. (It.it 3 per unit). o City to .upply one 90 gallon refuse container and po..ibly on. 90 gallon recycling contain.r per detached dwelling unit or pair of multiple unit.. ~OMKl!:RCIAL - Refu".. and/or recrelabl. collection will be made frOlll either City-owned 0" cu-tom.r-own.d container a eervic.. by City crew.. COntainer(.) mu.t be kept in encloaur..(.) acce..ible to city trucka a. .hown on the approved .ite plan. COntain.r acce.... .hall not conflict with loading zone.. Enclo.ure gatee may DOt .wing into or ~d'-.~~lY b.hind any parking .pace. Enclo.ure(.) .hall have a min~ of , fe.t wide by 12 f..,L long paved. level (le.. than 2' grade) area in front of gate(.) for cont..lner(') to b.. .erviced froe. Overhead wire., sign., and ob.truction. .hall not boot 10.' 'ted over container .erv ic. area (.) . Dr i veway chain. _.t be ... ."ed by I .nec' Lve "oteri.. 1. cu.tOl1l8r ".Y lock the enclo.ure(e) or driv_ay gate(.) but mu.t -I th-, unlock by 5,00_ on .ervice day(.) or provide a key or gate card. No el.ctronic 'ranemitter. will be accepted. Bin. may be locked only with ..tandard ~&dlock number. assigned at .tart of .ervic. account. The following requirement. "pply if checked. o Truck .cc..' not .afe or .uffici.nt. Plea.e rearrange a. .hown on .it. rlan. o Truck acce.. .-.ffici.nt a. .hown on .it. plan. o Con.truct ____ .ncloaur.(.) per .tandard drawing 508 for commercial/indu.trial application. Y~clo.ur. .iz. o Con.truct ____ .nclo.ure(.) r-r .tandard drawing SOB with rear ped..tri.n acc... add.d. Ped...trian acc... to be '" high.r than pav.ment on which containe. r..t.. Enclo.ur. .iz. plus ped..trian acc.... Additional CO...n~. - - - Boor 'TY;"~' t....' ...L~' I. ;rr ~ c , c" I A (.. 11'-'1 \ "'tONCACT( BlOCIC WAl.LS. "ou" I.L\. cu.!.., 501..10 - .-... , & ,,.,.,oCo , ..... l~MI'J DIMENSIONS BIN SIZE W L :3 LY. 6'-S' 0'.8" 4 n'. S'.O" S''':87." 2.:3 cr. 6.... au 15'.0" 2- 4 cr. S'-O" IS'. 0" ,',6' ,"0. eUlIPER./ 1/2 A.8. ;: L I ~~t"P/'/' ~ t1PJ..~~ -y A 2" '.0 4 6.a~ S ! , NO. .. I&aR e. 24" O.C. St!. DEt"IL' A' 12- ,T[[I.. Sl[!:vtS I~ CO~CRETE TO SECURE (:"'T(5 c.... WO. lUMP!.. ./I/Z'A". .'f U'O,C. (COlMTE~SUHI() . o .' .. " C:lNC. sue ./516 10/10 W...'. (COIICIlETE CLASS 5Z0' C. UOOI . ,- NO .. ....~ ~ e, 4.0. -. fLUSH W'TH PAVEMENT . . .. AJt.' &,,6 I c..,b At// ~x, a~ 6.....ri ~ rr~. t~W'--12'5TE[L 5l.EEVE IH ;""i,tlll. "'. ,'"z'e COHC~ETE ~ rCCT 'hG TO SECUU UTtS (TYP.I ''''. GRADE , ~., . f@ . ;.!~~cD'F. 3-,5- C G~TE FRAME eMA.....:!L . salt eMA",..tL. Z., .-, JI.C- 'tl015 '..CIHG I . RAIN HOi..!:S IZ.O.C. I "- 10. 4 ,AIl COin: . _^ _ .:: .J. . : I. 16" .I-L[ SECTION A-A PLAN VIEW ;;, rEeL s... 3"'. .Ift"!I---. 'ST, W[,LO t~r a HJr.iD S""OTH 5-.5- H.r" IL.fTi tll..GE I" ST.A"l..!'1' S , '-It GATE. "'tLD TO rosTS . GATE 'UIlE TYPE I'Z4 METAl. OECK ZO SAWE, p.'''EIl ceATEO IT VElCO Mn. ce. TACK nl.O AT TOP G lonc.. TO CHANNEL .. 1;:- O.C. ,,; ; ., # . I' I 11;-- --t.- ~----""" ,ft I U( Z'a. II. n. & ~ U--1.l L._:J_____ .:'\.. - -- - - -- !,,;_..J-r III" 11 SALV. STEEI.~ IIIZ' GALV. STEtI. ' caWE: IOLT. STaNLCY tLD. ":'5", STAINLty 110. CO 1001 C Z IIEO.I 110. SP liT FRONT ELEVATION NOTES I. ALL WORK SHALL EE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANo.:IRD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. LATEST EDITION. /1,., 2. '.OCATlON SUBJECT TO THE APPRovED DEVELOPMENT PLANS. I tfI1~. 3. VlITHIN 5' OF COMBUSTIBLE CCNSTRUCTlON, INSTALL A AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINK~'''R .fftl( oJ," APPROVED BY FIRE DEPT. ' t' ~ ~'. ~~~~~~~:~ BML:'~C:FA~~~~~":~ IlS~O':NMP:;'~~~R~~~~ BEU~~~I~~ ~XTtRIOR. r;rr;'/l,t ' DETAIL I AI 1 OF SAN BERNARDINO PURl1C WORKS DF~T. APPROVED 2 - s- - 8 ~ RC"FUc::r- E""ct 'O~U~E rJX~'. ,r~(~ Co _I:. ''J L.. ""' 1\ OIl';EC<OA OF PllULlC V:OR~.S I STANDARD NO. 508 II is ""r QOal to provide you wijh the best and safest refuse service. To do so. we need \'~'" cooperation in !llacing your refuse for collection. It our crews find your refuse container unserviceable when they arrive to service ij. they will leave a red I tag 6ke the one pictured here to inform you Of the sijuation. Please review . Ihe explanation 01 items 1 through 1010 become familiar with proper service conditions. We cannot deduct from your bill for pickups mi'.ed due to unserviceable condijions since ourlruck and crew time is spent going to and from your location. II refuse pickup is missed. and no tag is lell. please report ij the same day or aller 7:30 a.m. the next worlling day. 1. Vehicles blocking our truck or your container, or parked too close . for safefy, will prevent servicing. 2. Debris on ground in front of or under the wheels of your container will prevent servicing. 3. Bins wijhbrokenwheels.lids,orolherpartsw~lbe exchanged upon your request. 4. Bins not placed outside as needed will prevent servicing. 5. Our trucks may not drive on pavement under consln '(jion. 6 & 7. Containers wijh material Slicking up above rim or overweighted wijh dirt. concrete, etc. will not be serviced. 8 & 9. Containers locked up or locked in will not be servicl!li unless prior arrangements are made through our ollice. 10. Please refer to our Hazardous Material Policy to help protect the environment. We cannol accept hazardous material In refuse containers. Please be aware that we canol accept whole tires or pieces of wood more than lour feet in length. Metal appliances ITlIsl be kept separate lrom reluse. To insure that you receive your scheduk><1 pickups we ask that 32 gal. or 90 gal. automated containerts) be at the curb by ';00 a.m. If your container is nol at the curb when your /Coule is serviced, ~ does not resuft in a reduction oflhe charges. Temporary or special bins and drop bodies will be charged lor rental and service of the container, proraled lor the period of time you have the container, wKh one (1) week rminIIIn charge. Containers.shall be kept in tile lOcations prescribed by a Field Supervisor. This be an approved enclosure, concrete slab. or area with parking bumpers. A service fee wiD be lIssessed when ,.e are unable to service said container tor reasons on the tag. 1) 20 yard containers must not be loaded more IIan 113 lull (capacijy) wilh rOCkS. dirt. aspha". roofing material. or concrete. :0) 30 and 40 yard containers must not be loaded wilh rocks and concrete. only regular refuse or lightweight construction materials. J) When your rollOlI container exceerts the prescrlled weight Umit. you will be charged lor the direct overweight charge ....e pre assessed by tile county IandliO. 10 Yard . 2 tons 20 YlIId . 51005 35 Yan:l . 7.5tons 15 Yard . 4 tons 30 Yanl - 7 tons 40 Yard _ 8 tons 4) Unscheduled service musl be requested by 4:00 p.m. on the business day prior to desired service dllY. - 1'....... '-' ",~ lJ,. 0''''.''.''11'1.'''. 7-1-91 10 I.'. , ....... tfC,I(ENvI_ O.Iw'Tilfte ........,I~ m,l(u!t ....- -BIu!Ju-I1MBC Tyf'- .". l.Ic..... efV....... I" W., YOUR BIt-! WAS NOT EMPTIED BECAUSE OF: 1 - V.hicl. In WIY 2 - Debris on ground 3 - Bin needs repair. .. - Bin not out. S - navement under construction. r. - bin IOlded .boy. rim. .' - Bin over weight. 8 - - GII. lock.d. 9 - Bin lock.d. 10 - Pot.ntill hlurdou. mll.rill. tir... or other unlcceptable ml..rill. Pi.... cllllor inlormltion. HELP KEEP OVR CITY CLEAN Public S.",ic.. Dep.nmen. REFUSE DIVISION CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO T.I.phon", 38~.S33S - - City 0' San Bernardino Refuse Service Guide "" ~ '. .' It is the resoonsibilijy for the customerto notWy the P\bI'oc Services Department in writing when cancelling or commencing service. Your account will be Charged until this ollice is not~led. NoIWication musl be made by property owner or authorized ao""1. COrTllaction unijs must be approved by lhe Sup!rinlendent of Refuse belore installation. ^coounts are billed on a monthly basis. The biD is Ole and payable upon presentation. You have 60 days to cfispule any ,., "'~nt m?nth ch~rges on your bill. If your account becomes delinquent. Y"ll service is subject to being discontinued and your account will be lum8(l over 10 , ur collection agency. You will not be able 10 restart seMee unlil all lees have been collected. Unpaid closed accounts are fumed ov~r for co"..-:tion after 60 days. All deposits (except non-refundable) win ,,~ applied to your closing bill. JJ"""'. '- '''In E e"-n" - rl]'J~ (l '-'~ ...-..,. -.:.; .JO'; "....~.. ." j~ .,'-:-: _r~~ .., \... ...... Wl.. ..... .--\...;~ .'-......J-.......... -.- ---'" _J EXHIBIT 8 Sail B(.rtIordino. CO""0' Tram.porra/ion, C(}mmissi~" Sail BenrartllllO Co"m~' TrilllsporUlltmt A.m/wrln' San Bernardino COlllllY COllg(>.<ition j\;/mrag('mcm Agency Sen';c(! Authority fur Freeway EI1I('rgencies 472 North Arrowhead Avenue. San Bernardino. California "241'1-1421 (909) 884-8276 FAX: (91)9) 8S5-J407 Nnvember 18, 1994 Ms. D~borah Woldruff ^~sociate Planner City of San Bernardino 300 N. "D" Street ~.1I1 Bernardino, Ca. 92418 [M ~ I-=J ": ~ ~~ .~ ill] .- .',' ..; ~) ., U '" LS i."J ..J NOV 1 S 1994 ellY OF ~,\N e~mJ.'\"'r.'l:NO CEPARTi'.1!:i'JT OF r:tA~N1NG & ('U;LD;;~G s~;;v;(;es Re.: Traffic Impact Report - Superblock Project SANB^G IGR # 19400017 Dear Ms. W0'druff: Thank you for the opportunity to review the revised Superblock CMP TIA report based upon SC" r,' s subregional traffic model, commonly referred to as the CTP model. We find the tIaffic study marginally meets the consistency guidelines as found in Appendix C of the 1993 Congestion Management Plan update. Although there are areas for improvement in t~e lCport, resubmittal to SANBAG is not required. Fullowing is a list of items that should be noted by those who review the report: 1. In the "Forward" section of the traffic study, the percent growth to year 2010 in the CTP model is approximately 83 perr~l1t for local streets and 32 percent on freeways once the base year has been adjusted to 1994. . 2. When comparing existing and future intersection traffic volumes, it is apparent that left turn restrictions have been applied to reduce future turning movements. Use of these restrictions improves intersection LOS (Level of Service). However, field studies show motorists are reluctant to change travel habits and, therefore, the predicted LOS normal 1 y is not achieved. 3. Review of the proposed intersection mitigations indicates that the project's fair share cost estimate should be revised to cover increased street widening, left turn lanes and right turn lanes. Also, we have determined mitigations are needed at 2nd Street and "G" Street, 5th Street and "E" Street and 1-215 NB off-ramp at 5th Street such as a left turn lane, new traffic signals with left turn green arrows and an additional ramp lane Citit's of" tA,'lallla, Barstuw, Big B~ar Wke. O,;no, Chillo lfills, CO/tOil, Fomana. Grund Terrtl(:e. Hesperia. 'Highland. Lmna Lim/iI. .\tome/a;r .vt'I.',J1e.~, Omurio. Ranc:lro Cucamonga. Redlunds, Ria/lo. San Bt'nrardino. TM.'l.'mynine PalmJ, Upland. Victordlle, Yucaipa Towns of: Apple Valley. rUl.'en Valley Count)' of SUII_ DemurJillo - '-' -, '-01 ~Is. Deborah Woldruff Cty nf "an Bernardino ~iovember 18, 1994 . '.:~'~ 2 respectively. All the :i.bove improvements will increase the project's fair share cost approximately $280,000. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sinccrely.o-., ~/ ~ /IP ;!c"/~"d.:;~ ~: ' ~obcrl 'C Wirts, r.E. Ttaflic ami Transportation , cc.: Harvey Sawyer, Caltrans 08 i , I M:DD94111FRW , ,I"'"' '- , "'. ~ 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; ADOPTING THE MITIGATION MONITORING 3 PROGRAM; ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 94-03 TO AMEND THE TEXT OF THE GENERAL PLAN; AND, CONSIDERING APPROVAL OF THE 4 SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (ET AL). 5 SECTION I. Recitals 6 (a) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council adopted the 7 General Plan for the city of San Bernardino by Resolution No. 89- 8 159 on June 2, 1989; and 9 (b) WHEREAS, on March 3, 1994, the Environmental Review 10 Committee determined that the proposed General Plan text amendment 11 12 13 14 15 to increase the floor area ratio (FAR) of the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation from 3.0 to 5.0 on the Superblock Project site to accommodate the proposed development and the Development Permit to construct approximately 1.2 million square feet of office and commercial retail space in two phases and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 related Parcel Map to merge thirtyfour lots into four parcels could have a significant effect on the environment and thus warranted the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and (c) WHEREAS, the City held a public scoping meeting on April 6, 1994 to solicit public comment on the preparation of the Draft EIR, and (d) WHEREAS, the intent of the city to prepare a Draft Impact Report was made known to the public, Environmental responsible agencies and other interested persons for their concerns and comments from March 10, 1994 to April 11, 1994 as required by CEQA; and (e) WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Report was 1 c ~"~ "'-" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 prepared to address the Superblock Project which includes General Plan Amendment No. 94-03 (a text amendment to General Plan Policy 1.16.20 to increase the floor area ratio (FAR) of the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation from 3.0 to 5.0 on the Superblock Project site to accommodate the proposed development), Development Permit II No. 94-08 (to construct approximately 1. 2 million square feet of office and commercial retail space in two phases) and Parcel Map No. 14718 (to merge thirtyfour lots into four parcels), and (f) WHEREAS, the Draft EIR was made available to the public, responsible agencies and other interested persons for their review and comment from August 3, 1994 to September 19, 1994 as required by CEQA, and (g) WHEREAS, verbal and written comments were received on the Draft EIR, and (h) WHEREAS, these comments were responded to both orally and in writing as required by CEQA, and (i) WHEREAS, the Planning commission conducted a noticed public hearing on October 18, 1994 in order to receive public testimony and written and oral comments on the Superblock Project which includes General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718, and (j) WHEREAS, the Planning and Building Services Department Staff Report dated October 18, 1994, which summarizes the potential effects of the superblock Project which includes the text amendment to the General Plan, the Development Permit to construct approximately 1.2 million square feet of office and commercial retail space in two phases, and the Parcel Map to merge 2 ~ m ~ - "'" '-' ."'""\. '...."I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 thirtyfour lots into four parcels as identified in the Draft EIR and the FEIR were reviewed by the Planning commission; and (k) WHEREAS, the proposed Mitigation Monitoring Program was reviewed by the Planning commission in compliance with CEQA; and (1) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after receiving public testimony, recommended certification of the Environmental Impact Report, adoption of the Statements of OVerriding consideration, adoption of the Mitigation Monitoring Program, adoption of the General Plan Amendment, approval of the Development Permit and the Parcel Map; and (m) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council conducted a noticed public hearing on December 5, 1994 and fully reviewed and considered the Draft EIR, Final EIR, Mitigation Monitoring Program, Statements of overriding Consideration, the planning Division staff reports and the recommendation of the Planning Commission.. SECTION II. Environmental Im-oact Re-oort NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED THAT THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL HEREBY CERTIFY: A. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718 has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The EIR and all the evidence and information contained therein is attached hereto as Attachment A-1 (Draft EIR), Attachment A-2 (draft FEIR), Attachment B (Statements of overriding Consideration), Attachment C (Text Changes to the General Plan) and Attachment D (Site Vicinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map) 3 1 2 B. 3 4 5 6 7 c. 8 9 10 11 12 D. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 E. 23 24 25 26 27 28 - - ,..- '- .-, ......,) and incorporated herein by reference; The EIR was presented to the Mayor and Common Council who have reviewed and considered the information in the Final EIR prior to adopting General Plan Amendment No. 94-03 and considering approval of Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718. The Final EIR has identified all significant environmental effects of General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718 and there are no known potentially significant environmental effects not addressed in the Final EIR. Although the Final EIR identifies certain significant environmental effects that would result if General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718 are adopted, all significant effects that can feasibly be avoided or mitigated will be avoided or mitigated by the implementation of the mitigation measures as set forth in the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Final EIR. The Mitigation Monitoring Program and all information contained therein is attached hereto as Attachment E and incorporated herein by reference; Potential mitigation measures and other project alternatives not incorporated into or adopted as part of General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718 were rejected as infeasible, based on specific economic, social or other considerations as set forth in the Statements of Overriding Consideration. The Statements of OVerriding Consideration and all the evidence and 4 c J information contained therein are attached hereto as Attachment B and incorporated herein by reference; The Mayor and Common Council have given great weight to the significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts. The Mayor and Common Council find that the significant unavoidable adverse impacts are clearly outweighed by the economic, social, cultural and other benefits of General Plan Amendment No. 94-03, Development Permit II No. 94-08 and Parcel Map No. 14718, as set forth in the statements of OVerriding Consideration. The findings contained in the Statements of Overriding Consideration with respect to the significant impacts identified in the Final EIR are true and correct, and are based upon substantial evidence in the record, including documents comprising the Final EIR. The Final Environmental Impact Report, Mitigation Monitoring Program and the Statements of OVerriding Consideration reflect 18 the independent review, analysis and judgement of the City of 19 San Bernardino. 20 SECTION III. Findinas 21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE 22 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THAT: 23 A. The proposed text amendment to increase the floor area ratio 24 (FAR) of the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use 25 designation from 3.0 to 5.0 on the Superblock Project site to 26 accommodate the proposed development is internally consistent 27 with the General Plan in that the purpose of the CR-2 28 designation is to provide for region-serving governmental and 5 1 2 3 F. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 G. 12 13 14 15 16 H. 17 , c /""'"'. J administrative uses in the downtown area pursuant to Policy 1.3.1. The proposed text amendment to increase the FAR of the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation from 3.0 to 5.0 on the Superblock proj ect site to accommodate the proposed development would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that implementation of the Superblock project will be in accordance with all mitigation measures identified in the EIR and contained within the Mitigation Monitoring Program, all Conditions of Approval, all Standard Requirements, the approved project plans and any subsequent approvals/permits required to implement the project. The proposed text amendment to increase the FAR of the CR-2, Commercial Regional (Downtown) land use designation from 3.0 16 to 5.0 on the Superblock Project site to accommodate the 17 proposed development would not affect the balance of land uses 18 within the city in that the amendment does not propose any 19 changes to the types of land uses permitted in the CR-2 20 designation. 21 SECTION IV. Certification of the Environmental ImDact ReDort 22 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, FOUND AND DETERMINED by the 23 Mayor and Common Council that the Environmental Impact Report is certified, the Statements of OVerriding Consideration are adopted and the Mitigation Monitoring Program is adopted. SECTION V. Amendments NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THAT: 6 1 2 3 B. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c. 15 24 25 26 27 28 --I 1 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C. 12 13 c /",", ~ The Land Use Element of the General Plan of the city of San Bernardino is amended by changing the text of and adding text to Policy 1.16.20 to increase the floor area ratio (FAR) of the CR-2, Commercial Regional land use designation from 3.0 to 5.0 for the Superblock Project site. A copy of the text for Policy 1.16.20 is attached hereto as Attachment C and incorporated herein by reference. The 8.26 acre Superblock Project site is shown on the Site Vicinity and General Plan Land Use Designation Map which is attached hereto as Attachment D and incorporated herein by reference. The text amendment described in Section V., Subsection A. is designated as General Plan Amendment No. 94-03 and shall take effect upon the approval of the Superblock Project (et all by 14 the Mayor and Common Council. 15 SECTION VI. Text Chanae 16 This resolution and the amendment affected by it shall be inserted 17 in an appropriate location in the Land Use Element of the General 18 Plan which has been previously adopted and approved by the Mayor 19 and Common Council and which is on file in the office of the City 20 Clerk. 21 SECTION VII. Notice Of Determination 22 The Planning Division is hereby directed to file a Notice of 23 Determination with the County of San Bernardino Clerk of the Board 24 of Supervisors certifying the City's compliance with the California 25 Environmental Quality Act in preparing and adopting the 26 Environmental Impact Report, Statements of Overriding Consideration 27 and Mitigation Monitoring Program. A copy of the Notice of 28 Determination will be forwarded to the State Clearing House. 7 -1--- c 8 1 RESOLUTION ... CERTIFYING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT; ADOPTING THE MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM; ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN 2 AMENDMENT NO. 94-03 TO AMEND THE TEXT OF GENERAL PLAN; AND, CONSIDERING APPROVAL OF THE SUPERBLOCK PROJECT (ET ALl. 3 4 5 6 7 8 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting therefore held on the , 1994, by the following vote to day of wit: Council Members ABSENT ~ ~ ABSTAIN 9 10 CURLIN 11 12 13 14 15 16 NEGRETE HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER 17 18 19 day of City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this , 1994. 20 21 22 Approved as to 23 form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN 24 City Attorney 25 By: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino 26 27 28 8 C STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS ATTACHMENT B .-", o SUPERBLOCK PROJECT CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Prepared for DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO NOVEMBER 1994 RS7!-OO1IJED SCH# 94032030 Prepared by ENGINEERING-SCIENCE DESIGN. RESEARCH. PLANNING 199 S. LOS ROBLES AVENUE < P.O. BOX 7056 <PASADENA, CA 91109 c ,.,,_., " ....,; TABLE OF CONTENTS CANDIDATE FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE SUPERBWCK PROJECT .......1-1 SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 R'78 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND REQUIRED APPROVAlS 1.1 Project Background ............................................................. 1-1 1.2 Project Location ................................................................. 1-1 1.3 Project Description ............................................................. 1-4 1.4 Alternatives.................................................. ................... 1-10 1.5 Project Approvals.... .......... ...... .................. ................. ....... 1-11 1.6 Environmental Documentation ..............................................1-11 1. 7 Hearing for Comments on the Project and EIR.................................................................1-12 IMPACTS MmGATED TO A LEVEL OF NON-sIGNIF1CANCE 2.1 Air Quality ..........................................;..............................2-1 2.2 Noise.. .............................................................................. 2-2 2.3 Aesthetics........................................................................... 2-3 2.4 Transportation........................... ............... ........................... 2-3 UNAVOIDABLE IMPACTS WInCH CANNOT BE REDUCED TO BEWW A LEVEL OF SIGNIF1CANCE 3.1 Air quality.......................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Noise ................................................................................ 3-2 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 Project Benefits.................................................................... 4-1 . ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION 5.1 The No Project Alternative ..................................................... 5-1 5.2 Development Alternative A..................................................... 5-1 5.3 Development Alternative B..................................................... 5-2 5.4 Alternative Locations ............................................................ 5-2 STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS "...."'..,. '- , "- J LIST OF TABLES I-I Superblock Project Development Characteristics ......................... 1-5 LIST OF FIGURES I-I Regional Location Map ........................................................ 1-2 1.2 Project Vicinity Map, Downtown San Bernardino........................ 1-3 1-3 Proposed Superblock Site Plan ............................................... 1-6 1-4 Proposed Superblock Project Plaza Plan.................................... 1-7 1-5 Proposed Superblock Project Schematic ........................................ Landscape Plan Overall Site .................................................. 1-8 R878 2 IF'..... ,-. r "'\ ......, CANDIDATE FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE SUPERBLOCK PROJECT The City Council of the City of San Bernardino (the "Council"), in certifying the Superblock EIR, makes the following fmdings which are supported by the corresponding facts pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Public Resources Code Section 21000 and Section 15041 of the State CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code of Regulation Sections 1(00). CEQA Guidelines (Guidelines) Section 15091 provides: (a) No public agency shall approve or carry out a project for which an EIR has been completed which identifies one or more significant environmental effects of the project unless the public agency makes one or more written findings for each of those significant effects accompanied by a brief explanation of the rational for each fmding. The possible findings are: (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final EIR. (2) Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of the another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency, or can and should be adopted by such other agency. (3) Specific economic, social or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR. The environmental document prepared for this project includes the Draft EIR, the Final EIR, and the Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP). These reports identified four basic groups of adverse impacts (both significant and non-significant impacts). The City hereby finds that the project will have potential significant impacts set forth in the EIR and adopts the findings set forth in the EIR as fmdings to the City. The content of this Statement of Overriding Considerations consists of Sections 1.0 through 6.0. Section 1.0 provides an overview of the project and required approvals. Section 2.0 contains impacts mitigated to a level of non-significance. Section 3.0 addresses unavoidable impacts which cannot be reduced to below a level of significance. Section 4.0 presents the summary statement of overriding considerations which includes potential benefits of the project to the City of San Bernardino. Section 5.0 discusses the alternatives to the project. Section 6.0 presents the statement of overriding considerations. R878 1-1 r '- '-' -.....,I I SECTION 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND REQUIRED APPROVAlS c "'""' , \....,1 SECTION 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND REQUIRED APPROVALS 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND The City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency (EDA, or "Agency") is proposing to redevelop one square block in the downtown portion of the City. This project is one component of the Agency's program to revitalize downtown San Bernardino. The project has been identified as the "Superblock Project" due to the size of the City block (approximately 600 feet by 600 feet or 8.26 acres). The Agency is proposing to develop approximately 1.2 million gross square feet of office/commercial retail spaces in two phases. The first phase would include two major office structures comprising approximately 604,825 square feet and one 475,OOO-square-foot parking garage. The offices will be occupied by various State of California agencies. The remaining 595,000 square feet of office and commercial space will be developed to respond to future demand for commercial space in downtown San Bernardino. 1.1.1 Project Objectives The project sponsor, the EDA, proposes to develop a mix of office and commercial/retail space to achieve the following objectives: 1. To develop this space in response to the revitalization program for Downtown San Bernardino. 2. To enhance the development of the area as a focal point for city, county, state and federal offices. 3. To provide extensive pedestrian serving facilities to the visitors and occupants of the Superblock office towers and to the residents of the City. 4. To provide landscaped open and public spaces in the downtown area. 1.2 PROJECT LOCATION 1.2.1 Vicinity of Project Site The Superblock project site is located in Downtown San Bernardino, one block north of San Bernardino City Hall. The 8.26-acre (approximately 360,000 square feet) site is the block bounded by 5th Street on the north, 4th on the south, "0" Street on the east, and "E" Street on the west. The regional location map is shown on Figure 1-1 and the project vicinity map is shown on Figure 1-2. RN78 1-1 o ~ v ,---. I I /:: ~l~ ,,0 01" "0 <n ~ '"liS ~ct o,~ ~Ia: ~ '" <nO> o~ ~I;:!i _ ~ 8d~"- ~~'" e;:H~' !..-!~~-='""---.\ - U*"AI'roW"":~,a -,,"~..--' ~ m~ 8;G 8:AR LAKE ~ ~ - I ~-- CHINO ..---' o. .=.,. ~'" ~~ ~ ~~4 ~~ ." C>~~ ~r.r.--# u..... "'-1.." --.. , , AA~NI~G ....-...... w .~. Mlll'w.s !-.:l:.~ \ ~ 'i :,.-., , / " 'C :::- ~'. oj Llk. Mission V~jo --!-r. ~ J ---~ ~"i~.<'SJr!,,:_a.. I I ..0 '~ \ . l- R~!'~!I5_, -..; '\ ; ~ ~ DANA POINT I ............ 1:> '-~ ,-/.. ..:;;;-~ ",,,,~,:::. o ~~ C~4"" SAN/CLEMEtn:E ~ O,",rv i , \ ;: VI ~... .-- - Q o 2 4 6 8 10 SCALE IN MILES SOURCE: Engineering.Science. 1991 i. . ..:~-:.......: Figure 1-1 Regional Location \Iap 1-2 [B ~I --. -~-", ~ II IUL 6th STREET ~ f: -.:~ -:~ .; /3\-'?^~~-'~1 r-: -:~~~(:":~ 1:.~_~:----;:3t ,: p --' i;C'.,'.~:"~':}---'" -=:~__~<;o>1 _~_: ~___ ~~~:~~~'r:'-: (c .,~., .--:;-->' ", ~" --- ^' 5th STREET 4th STREET I- w ~I ~ w a: I- CIl 0 c( W J: COURT STREET 3: 0 I a: a: c( 3rd STREET 2nd STREET innl I Ii Figure 1-2 Project Vicinity Map Downtown San Bernardino (-. '.~;::.;;: c "'-. ~...., "-" 1.2.2 Project Site The project site is located in the downtown area of the City of San Bernardino and is designated as Commercial Regional (CR-2) by the San Bernardino General Plan and Development Code. The land uses permitted by this designation include government, professional, and corporate offices; hotel and convention facilities; entertainment; cultural/historic; supporting retail uses; restaurants; and residential (market-rate and senior/congregate care). The floor area ratio (FAR) in this zone is 3: l. The site is located in a highly urbanized area, and the existing land uses on the site include parking areas, the City of San Bernardino Police Department (currently in the process of being relocated north of the site), a former Security Pacific Bank building being redeveloped as the Law Library, and other ancillary retail commercial businesses. The limited landscaping on the site is characterized by sparse non-native vegetation. The surrounding uses in the downtown area include government and professional offices, retail commercial businesses, cultural facilities and a diverse range of residential uses. The architectural design, style and scale, landscaping quality and site coverage vary substantially between blocks. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.3.1 Project Characteristics The proposed project is the construction of up to approximately 1 ;200,000 square feet of office space, with additional support facilities/activities. It is proposed to be constructed in two phases (see Table 1-1). The first phase (approximately 604,000 square feet) will include one 14-story building, one 8-story building, and a 6-story parking structure located on the western portion of the site, fronting on 'E' and 4th Streets. Phase I is anticipated to be completed between late 1995 and mid-I996. Prior to development of Phase 11, the remainder of the property will be utilized for parking. A small existing commercial retail center located at the corner of "0" and 5th Streets will remain until implementation of Phase II. A vacant Security Pacific Bank Building located at the corner of "0" and 4th Streets will be redeveloped as a Law Library during Phase II. Development of Phase 11 will include an additional 595,000 gross square feet of office space and an additional parking garage. No specific date has been identified for the implementation of Phase 11. Figures 1-3, 1-4 and 1-5 show the proposed site plans of the project. Access to the Superblock project site will be via a new north/south running public street which will bisect the site. The character of the street is intended to be pedestrian oriented, incorporating features such as architectural pavers, banners indicating upcoming cultural events in the City, night lighting and careful attention to the building facades facing the street. RS78 1-4 ... . ... ... :is 0:1 E-c l:l ; .!!l ... ... .. ... ...... .'" .. ~~ ,:,:.c 1Su -- .c = ... ... ... e I:l.I:l. '" 0 CIl_ ... ~ ... Q 1'"'. '-' ~ ~8. V"l '" ~.~ "5 C'l V"l CO 0\ ~ V V"l vN ~~ fE~ 00\ \0 C'l \0 _ '" U ... ... ... <.::: '" '" '" ... ~ 0 8 '" ....... V"l Cd C. 0\ ... V"l C'l V"l '" 0\ 0\ 0\ 13 V"l N ... u.. ... ... ... '" '" '" '3 co co 00 V \0 V ~ '" '" "':. 0 0 fE \0 \0 B !S CIl ~ Cd U E '" -c B :a '" <: ... '" N C'l 00 r: '" u l;:: ... o ... '" $ 00 ... o N '" ell ~ o ... '" V N ... ,.., 8 <.::: ... o ... '" ~ . \0. ... '" ,.., - -- - ~ ~ l:l 0:1 0:1 .~.c ..a:: 8i:1.dl.. i:I.. ... '" N N co r--- ... '" $ 00 ... o N ... '" V N ... '" ... '" N \0 \0 ... ,.., ,.., <: '" - ~- - "':: Q.) Q.) 0:1 '" '" E 0:1 0:1 ",f('f(' ... - ... < ... '" N N ~ r-- ';; $ ~ ... o N ... '" V N ... '" ... '" ~ '.q, ... ,.., ,.., a:l '" - >-- -.::: '" '" 0:1 .. '" E 0:1 0:1 ",.c.c -i:I..i:I.. < u;> - ~ e " = fi '" ..... o ~ U ;; ~ o ell oo r- oo '" - F ' '-' ES ENGINEERING-SCIENCE r, ~ r-.---.-.-----.-.-.---.---.---.-,;;-S'iiiiT"-.-.-.---.-----.---'---'--_'_'-" j '11"01'1'"'' LH: ""'J ! i - - - - - - - ! - , I I I . . I I ,.._ I I ....., __ . . I I _ I STAT~ .....0Ne; - I (QL{)G. Bl f.~ I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I ~ ;i !- -I I i i i i I ! I i i i i i i i ! i ! I _!-J ! - I L______.___.____________________~~_._________.___________________j ,- -- [B Figure 1-3 Proposed Superblock Site Plan l~ -- -c ES ENGINEERING.SCIENCE - 5Th STREET , " , , , I, I' I' . , II i:IJ,I"o "11"1" . , , . [ H . "L II 5-.472= =w~_:: ~..; n3~DG, = . " it . 'ie 'I " i,~ . Ii, I, ': ~: '~ ",' ~ARkING GA GE " . . r;--l, , 1 . I , . . i I : . j , . . 0 . . ~ . . m !IJ -< ill " m -< , ' .' ~ '. r lI'. . . ,Ii I: II l!t ! hJ ;''; .::: o ~ i I PLAZA ~ " " ! I ill :i!I1~~~ = I . ;,tJ., ~~~", ,;~~~,' ':"~.~~.;'. .;"~ ':i t.,..'~"... ....~1...., = i'l;: ",.,'j\ " , ' . --==-..:....,.- : ' : ,Ii. ;!'IIII I II: I, o I .' : I I ! I I I ~ I " I!i!! I I' " 4Th STREET [8 Figure 1-4 Proposed Superblock Project Plaza Plan 1-7 '-' ES ENGINEERING-SCIENCE r-----.-.-.-.---.---"7------......';;STREET.-.--.-.-.- -.------.-, i ,"", I>> ! ! I i i i i i ! I j i. jo i .m I.. .... Jill .m j'" ! I i I i i i i . I i i i ! I i 1 oj ..I ;j. mJ o !!Ii + I i j i i i i j ~.__._._._._._._._._._._-_._~"'~_._._.~._.- ---.-.-.-.--.--j ::j -:r. --1.0 . I . ~ j : . G:8 Figure 1-5 Proposed Superblock Project Schematic Landscape Plan Overall Site 1-8 c :) 1.3.2 Project Buildings Phase I The 14-story office building to be constructed during Phase I will be located on the corner of "E" and 4th Streets. This building will provide space for the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans District 8). Caltrans will relocate from their current offices on 3rd Street in late 1995. This building will contain a total of 331,662 gross square feet of office and support space for 1,123 people. The 8-story office building will be located along "E" Street near its intersection with 5th Street and is intended to provide space for various State of California agencies who are scheduled to relocate from their various offices throughout the area in early 1996. This building will contain a total of 201,869 gross square feet of office and support space for 685 people (see Figure 1-4). The 6-story 475,000-square-foot parking structure will provide space for 1,599 cars, an area for fleet parking, possible tandem parking and large Caltrans trucks. This parking garage will be located directly to the east of the 8-story office building. The street levels of the two office buildings and the parking garage will contain space intended for retail amenities, such as restaurants and retail uses. Retail/commercial space is anticipated to occupy approximately 60,348 gross square feet, which will include a 7,822-gross square foot auditorium and a day-care center to serve approximately 100 children. Phase IT There is no specific schedule or date for implementation of Phase IT of the proposed project. It is anticipated, however, that Phase IT will include two additional office buildings and an additional parking structure on the eastern portion of the site. These two buildings are proposed to contain a total of approximately 595,000 gross square feet. Detailed plans for the second phase of the project will be prepared when the demand for this space occurs. . 1.3.3 Landscaping and Pedestrian Amenities There are several "garden concepts" envisioned for the site, which will create a cohesive pedestrian-oriented environment. The concepts include the plaza, desert garden, forest grove, and other elements, as described below. Plaza. The office buildings will share a landscaped public plaza with water features. The plaza will be located primarily at the comer of "E" and 4th Streets and will extend eastward. The primary component of this area will be the City/Cafe Garden area. This area will include a streetside cafe, fountains and other water features, a maze lawn terrace, and a restaurant all set under the leafy canopy of tall deciduous trees. The gardens are designed as a colorful and fragrant respite to the energy of the nearby streets, and are intended to attract cinema-goers and business people into the gardens. RK78 1-9 I""' '-' "'---"\ ~ Desert Garden. The Desert Garden will be located to the east of the plaza adjacent to the l4-story Caltrans building. This garden is intended to symbolize the local San Bernardino ecology, including boulders, a three-homed toad sculpture, water fountains, and indigenous plant materials. AdditionalJy, there will be two opposing grids of trees, Joshua trees and Fan Palms, which will intensify the contrast between the native and the ornamental. Forest Grove. The Forest Grove will be located to the east of the Desert Garden and the plaza area. The area is intended to be reminiscent of San Bernardino before agricultural uses reduced its water supply. Pines and Willows, which were once abundant in the area, will be employed to recall the original groves, and flowering trees will provide seasonal interest. General Landscaping Elements. In addition to the specific landscaped areas, the site will also contain the following landscaping elements: special alJey and plaza pavings; 48-inch box standard trees; 5-gallon shrubs; 36-inch box citrus naval orange parking lot trees; 20-foot parking lot trees; 24-inch box eucalyptus trees; linear replanting of existing palm trees; 36-inch box street trees in treewells with paving grates; and 2D-foot-high steel fJagpoles with banners. 1.4 ALTERNATIVES Three alternatives to the proposed project are analyzed in the EIR. The characteristics of these alternatives are presented below. 1.4.1 No Project Alternative Under the No Project alternative, the project site would not be redeveloped and the existing land uses and structures would either remain as they are, vacant or occupied, or possibly be demolished. Presently, the land uses on the site include parking, the San Bernardino City Police Department and additional commercial/retail businesses. The Police Department is in the process of being relocated north of the site, and therefore, that site would be vacant under this alternative. 1.4.2 Development Alternative A Alternative A proposes a less intense development on the Superblock site than the proposed project. Development under this alternative would include a total of 897,778 gross square feet of office and commercial/retail space constructed in two phases. During Phase I, the 14- and 8-story office buildings, comprising of approximately 533,531 square feet would be constructed. The design, location and occupancy status of this phase would be identical to Phase I of the proposed project. In addition to the development of office and commercial space, a Federal Courthouse would be constructed on the eastern portion of the project site. The Courthouse would be occupied by the bankruptcy court for the 9th Circuit United States District Court. This courthouse and associated offices would encompass approximately 292,953 gross square feet of floor space. R878 1-10 c F,",\ .....,.; 1.4.3 Development Alternative B Alternative B represents a less intense development alternative than the proposed project. Similar to development Alternative A, a total of 799,825 gross square feet of office, commercial, and retail space would be constructed for both Phases I and II. This alternative is approximately 400,000 gross square feet less than Phase II of the proposed project. 1.4.4 Alternative Locations Alternative locations to the proposed project site were not considered because of the following: I) the Downtown Redevelopment Project area and Community Redevelopment (CR-2) land is limited; and 2) the impacts of the proposed project would have similar impacts at any other location in Downtown San Bernardino. 1.5 PROJECT APPROVALS The Superblock Project is being processed through two distinct project applications - a General Plan Amendment (GPA) and a Development Permit (Type II) (DPII). GPA No. 94-03 is an amendment to the text of the General Plan (policy 1.16.20) to change the floor area ratio (FAR) for the Superblock site. DPII No. 94-08 is an application to permit the proposed land use and the development of the Superblock Project site. A parcel map (pM No 14718) to merge thirty two lots into four parcels on the Superblock project site is also being processed as part of the project. The review process has included review by the City's Environmenta1lDeve1opment Review Committee (ElDRC) and Planning Commission. The recommendations of the E/DRC and the Planning Commission are being forwarded to the Mayor and City Council, who are the final review authority. 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION The environmental review process for the Superblock project began on March 3, 1994. Based on the findings in the Initial Study, the City made a determination to prepare an Environmental Impact Report that addresses all of the potentially significant environmental issues outlined in the Initial Study checklist. The City released the Initial Study and Notice of Preparation to the Public on March 3, 1994. The Initial Study document is included in the Final EIR, Appendix A. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Superblock project (SCH# 94032030) was prepared by Engineering Science Inc. Approximately 75 copies of the DEIR were distributed to various government agencies, organizations, and individuals. The document was made available to the public on August 3, 1994. Notice of Availability of the DEIR was published in the Sun Newspaper on August 3, 1994. Copies of the DEIR were placed in the FeIdheym Library, 555 West 6th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410 and the Planning and Building Services Department, 300 Floor, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92418. These documents were also made available upon request. 1-11 c <" -...,I The official DEIR public review period began August 3, 1994 and closed September 16, 1994. As stated in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (Section 15016), forty-five days is the usual time period for public and agency review of DEIR documents that are submitted to State Clearinghouse. The Final EIR was completed on October 6, 1994 and 15 copies were sent to various government agencies. The Final EIR consists of the following components: · The Project Description . Written Comments to the Draft EIR . Response to Written Comments . Changes and Corrections to Draft ErR . Attachment A: Graphics depicting traffic volumes . The Initial Study; March 4, 1994 1.7 HEARINGS FOR COMMENTS ON mE PROJECT AND EIR The following hearings were held on the ErR: . City Planning Commission: October 18, 1994 . City Mayor and Common Council: December 5, 1994 I R'n 1-12 o .:) SECTION 2.0 IMPACTS MITIGATED TO A LEVEL OF NON-SIGNIFlCANCE c .:) SECTION 2.0 IMPACTS MITIGATED TO A LEVEL OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE The City Council finds that the project's environmental impacts are potentially significant in Air Quality, Noise, Aesthetics, and Transportation, but are mitigated to a level of insignificance by changes which have been required or incorporated into the project to avoid or substantially lessen significant environmental effects. 2.1 AIR QUALITY 2.1.1 Potential Significant Impacts The Superblock project may result in the following significant impacts to air quality: (a) short-term exhaust emissions from construction equipment; and (b) fugitive dust generation as a result of soil movement during the construction phase. Construction of the project, without mitigation, will result in significant emissions of PM10 and nitrogen oxides. Demolition of a building containing asbestos could temporarily expose workers to toxic emissions. Without mitigation, the project will result in a significant increase in overall basin emissions of all pollutants in both phases of this project. The potential also exists for carbon monoxide to be vented from parking structures on the site. Therefore, construction design will insure that carbon monoxide concentrations from the parking structures do not constitute significant adverse impacts. 2.1.2 Fmdings Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant air quality impacts identified in the EIR. Furthermore, the EIR identifies impacts that are not significant and without the need for mitigation, but mitigation measures have been adopted in the Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) in order to further minimize non-significant impacts. Therefore, after mitigation, the project will result in unavoidable short-term significant adverse impacts on nitrogen oxide and PM10 emissions during construction. The potential exist for significant unavoidable adverse impacts for carbon monoxide, reactive organic compound, and nitrogen oxide emissions with both Phase I and Phase II after operation commences and vacated facilities are fully occupied. The project will not result in significant adverse local impacts on air quality. The mitigation measures summarized in the EIR Executive Summary (Section ES), pages ES-6 through ES 7 and Section 2.0 of the MMP serve to mitigate these impacts with exception to project construction related impacts on NOx and PM10 resulting in exhaust emissions from construction equipment and fugitive dust generation during construction. RM78 2-1 .r"' ~ .....'.."", -....I 2.1.3 Facts in Support of Fmdings The potential significant impacts identified in the EIR have been eliminated or substantially lessened to a level of non-significance with the implementation of mitigation measures recommended in the EIR and the MMP. Ultimate enforcement of the mitigation measures in order to comply with the SCAQMD Rules 403 and 401 and Regulation XIII, is within the responsibility of the SCAQMD and not the City. However, it is anticipated that the mitigation measures will be adopted by SCAQMD. The mitigation measures have been adopted by the City in the MMP and will be imposed as Conditions of Approval in accordance with the Public Resources Code Section 21081.10. The AQMD rules, permits, and regulations, together with the implementation of the high-wind response plan are mitigated measures that will be imposed to reduce impacts associated with cumulative projects. Vehicular emissions from site tenants will be reduced with the implementation of the Transportation Demand Management Program designed specifically for this project. Therefore, the Council finds that these impacts will be mitigated to levels of non-significance. 2.2 NOISE 2.2.1 Potential Significant Impacts The Superblock Project may potentially result in the following significant noise impacts: construction noise during pile driving and earth moving stages of construction. The nearest sensitive receptor in the project area to be potentially affected by these noise levels is the residential tower located on 5th Street, where the noise levels are estimated to range from 60-86 dBA. Operation noise will be generated from traffic, truck movement and trash pick-up. 2.2.2 Findings Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the project which would avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant impacts related to noise that are identified in the EIR. Furthermore, the EIR has identified impacts that are not significant. Noise from construction activities will still have significant impacts at the nearest residential receptor after all mitigation measures are implemented. 2.2.3 Facts in Support of Fmdings The project's potential significant noise impacts have been substantially reduced as a result of the implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the EIR and the MMP. However, construction equipment noise will still be significant in a short-term. Such measures are within the responsibility of the City and have been adopted by the City in the MMP. The mitigation measures will also be imposed as Conditions of Approval in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.10. The mitigation measures identified to reduce noise levels during construction and operation phases of the project have been developed pursuant to acoustical analysis and will assure that increased project noise levels on surrounding sensitive land uses are reduced to a level RR7R 2-2 c """\ ....; of non-significance. The project compliance with the Noise Review Policy 14.1.1 specified in the San Bernardino General Plan Noise Element will assure that the cumulative impacts from all noise sources are reduce to a level of non-significance. Therefore, the Council finds these noise impacts to be mitigated to a level of non- significance. 2.3 AESmETICS 2.3.1 Potential Significant Impacts The Superblock project may potentially result in the following significant aesthetic impacts: incompatible building materials and colors, glare from building materials, and views of 5th Street frontage parking structure. 2.3.2 Fmdings Changes or alterations have been required, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant impacts identified in the EIR. Furthermore, the EIR has identified impacts that are not significant. With the implementation of mitigation measures and applicable plans and policies, there will be no unavoidable adverse impacts on aesthetics characteristics of the project area. The mitigation measures summarized in the EIR Executive Summary (pages ES- 8) will serve to mitigate these impacts to levels of non-significance. ~ 2.3.3 Facts in Support of Fmdings The above identified potential impacts to aesthetics qualities have been eliminated or substantially reduced to level of non-significance as a result of the mitigation measures identified in the EIR and the MMP. Such measures are within the responsibility of the City and have been adopted by the City in the MMP. The mitigation measures will also be imposed as Conditions of Approval in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.10. The mitigation measures identified to reduce aesthetics impacts of the project have been developed pursuant to aesthetics technical studies and computer visual simulation analysis. The project compliance with the Downtown Plan and Design policies specified in the San Bernardino General Plan Urban Design Element will assure that the cumulative impacts from all aesthetic impacts are reduced to a level of non- significance. Therefore, the Council finds these aesthetics impacts to be mitigated to a level of non-significance. 2.4 TRANSPORTATION 2.4.1 Potential Significant Impacts The project may result in the following significant transportation impacts. An increase in congestion at local intersections during AM and/or PM Peak hours; impacts to regional freeway system; congestion at intersections of 4th and 5th Streets and the internal roadway within the project site. RK7X 2-3 r- '-' ."""'\ ....; 2.4.2 Findings Changes or alterations have been required, or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the potential significant impacts identified in the EIR. Furthermore, the EIR has identified impacts that are not significant and would not need to be mitigated. With the implementation of mitigation measures and applicable plans and policies, there will be no unavoidable adverse transportation impacts of the project area. The mitigation measures summarized in the EIR Executive Summary (pages ES-8 to ES-9) will serve to mitigate these impacts to levels of non-significance. 2.4.3 Facts in Support of Findings The above identified potential transportation impacts have been eliminated or substantially reduced to a level of non-significance as a result of the mitigation measures identified in the EIR and the MMP. Such measures are within the responsibility of the City and have been adopted by the City in the MMP. The mitigation measures will also be imposed as Conditions of Approval in accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.10. The mitigation measures identified to reduce the transportation impacts include transportation management policies, signalization improvements at affected intersections, and restriping along affected roadways. These measures have been developed to offset future traffic volumes for the year 1996 and 2010. As a result of these measures, the Council finds these impacts to be mitigated to a level of non- significance. IHI"\/. 2-4 - '-' ", --.I SECTION 3.0 UNA VOIDABLE IMPACTS WHICH CANNOT BE REDUCED TO BELOW A LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE - - - - ........ """. .....,) SECTION 3.0 UNAVOIDABLEIMPACTS~CHCANNOTBEREDUCEDTO BELOW A LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The City Council finds that despite the incorporation of extensive mitigation measures into the project and those identified in the EIR, there are several impacts that are still significant and cannot be mitigated to a level of non-significance. These non- mitigated impacts related to air quality and noise. 3.1 AIR QUALITY 3.1.1 Significant Impacts Implementation of the proposed mitigation measures will reduce emissions associated with the operation of the project. Nonetheless, significant impacts to air quality relative to short-term exhaust emissions from construction equipment and fugitive dust generated as a result of soil movement will still exist. 3.2.2 Fmdings With the implementation of the mitigation measures and applicable plans and policies, this impact will be substantially reduced, but not to a level of non- significance. The potential exist for significant unavoidable adverse impacts for carbon dioxide reactive organic compounds and nitrogen oxide emissions with both Phases I and II after operation commences and vacated facilities are fully occupied. 3.2.3 Facts in Support of Fmdings The proposed project contains measures to minimize combustion emissions and dust to reduce the impact on ambient air quality standards for both state and federal. These measures are identified in the EIR and the MMP to minimize carbon dioxide, reactive organic compounds, nitrogen oxide emissions and air borne dust (pMl~ potential. Ultimate enforcement of the mitigation measures requires compliance with the SCAQMD regulations which are within the responsibility of the SCAQMD and not the City. The mitigation measures have been imposed as Conditions of Approval by the City in accordance with Public Resources Code 21081.6. The mitigation measures reduce PM10 and NOx impacts to the maximum degree feasible but not to a level of non-significance. The Council finds that measures identified to minimize exhaust emissions and dust generation during construction, lessens the adverse impacts to air quality. The Council finds that no additional measures are lmown that can further reduce air quality impacts for the project without significantly and substantially interfering with the General Plan and policies of the City. R878 3-1 ,-.. "-' .---, '-" 3.2 NOISE 3.2.1 Significant Impacts Implementation of the proposed mitigation measures will reduce construction noise impacts. Nonetheless, significant noise impacts on the nearest residential receptors will still occur. These impacts will be temporary. 3.2.2 Findings With the implementation of the mitigation measures and applicable plans and policies, this impact will be substantially reduced, but not to a level of non- significance. 3.2.3 Facts in Support of Fmdings The proposed project contains measures to minimize construction noise impacts at sensitive receptors. The measures are identified in the EIR and the MMP. The mitigation measures establish mechanism to minimize construction noise levels. Reduction of these noise levels will be accomplished by restricting construction hours and installing noise control devices on noise generating equipment. These measures have been imposed as Conditions of Approval by the City in accordance with Public resources Code 21081.6. These measures will reduce the noise impacts to the degree feasible but not to a level of non-significance. The Council finds that the measures identified to minimize construction noise would lessen adverse impacts. However, the Council finds that no additional measures are known that can further reduce construction noise levels without hindering the progress of the project. R<7X ,-? /,,'" '- ....-~" ......) SECTION 4.0 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS r- '-' ~."""-.. --.-I SECTION 4.0 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS In order to make a decision whether to approve a project that will have an adverse environmental impact, the benefits of the proposed project must be balanced by the Mayor and Common Council against the unavoidable significant adverse environmental impacts. If the Mayor and Common Council determine that benefits of the a proposed project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse effects may be considered acceptable (State Guidelines, Section 15093 (a)). Benefits from a project are defined as those improvements or gains to the community that would not occur without the proposed project. 4.1 PROJECT BENEFITS Although significant adverse impacts identified by the EIR will not be fully mitigated, these impacts include individual and cumulative air quality impacts from the generation of dust, emission of NOx during construction, and generation of equipment noise at sensitive receptor sites, the proposed project will provide the following overriding social and economic benefits to the City of San Bernardino and the region as a whole. 4.1.1 Balance of Land Use Development of the proposed project would intensify the existing urban land uses presently occupying the project site. Additionally, implementation of the proposed project would enhance the downtown urban setting and encourage development or redevelopment of surrounding properties in the downtown area which represents a more permanent commitment to use of land resources. The long-term productivity of this site would be increased by this development. Factors which favor development of the project site now, rather than reserving the option to develop the site at some later time, include the underutilization of the land, the increasing value of the parcel, and the utilization of this site to retain State offices by providing anew, state-of-art office and support facilities. Additionally, the project is consistent with the City of San Bernardino General Plan, Development Code, and Central City North Redevelopment Plan which encourage the development or redevelopment of the downtown area for uses which include government and administrative services. Consistent with the City's adopted General Plan, the project would contribute to the intensification of land uses in downtown San Bernardino. The cumulative development in the vicinity of the project site may induce high quality land use development at other adjacent or nearby properties. The downtown area is currently urbanized, and therefore, the proposed project would not foster growth in demand for new urban services or cause extension of public utilities or infrastructure. D..-:\I "-.1 c .........\ .......I 4.1.2 Employment and Local Economic Opportunities The proposed project will help achieve the General Plan objectives of providing opportunities for existing and future residents of the City. First, the project ensures retention of approximately 1,800 agency jobs in downtown portion of the City. These jobs would generate an estimated monthly payroll of $4.2 million for Caltrans workers and about $3.5 million for State workers in 1996. Second, the restaurants and retail uses, which are anticipated to occupy approximately 50,000 gross square feet, will represent an increase in employment opportunities. The retail commercial uses which will occupy this retail space are anticipated to be hourly-paying jobs, which would attract employees from within the immediate area. In addition to the retail space, an audjtorium (7,822 square feet) and a day-care center (10,700 square feet which will serve approximately 100 children) are planned to be provided as part of the project. These two uses are also not anticipated to represent a significant growth-inducing impact and fulfill an important demand for social and cultural amenities for the downtown community and provide a new venue for use by community representatives. In the short term, the project will generate significant construction-related employment opportunities with as many as 100 construction personnel. The project would respond to a demand for new or the redevelopment of existing office/governmental/administrative space in the downtown area. The demand reflects the goals of the Central City North Redevelopment Plan, which is intended to revitalize the downtown area and create a focal point for new jobs and community activities. Any increases in employment would contribute to continued growth of local and regional markets for housing, goods, and services. The net increase in employment in the downtown San Bernardino area, as a result of this and other development projects, would increase demand for retail goods and services in the area by some unquantifiable amount. The project would intensify this demand by increasing the amount of employment on this site. The parking structure will be available for downtown events after hours. This is an amenity to the community that will enhance downtown evening activities. 4.1.3 Increased Revenue The project will provide revenues to the City of San Bernardino from sales tax, rental income, and construction related income. 4.1.4 Street Improvement The project will result in major street improvements in the downtown area which will include restriping and additional signalization at 4th and 5th Streets. 4.1.5 Aesthetic Quality of the Downtown Area The design of the Superblock project stems from the concern of fundamental issues of architecture and urban design, civic scale, human scale, and the support of urban life through the built environment. K~7X 4-2 c ~) To strengthen the urban structure of downtown San Bernardino, each of the project's buildings is pushed to the perimeter of the block and lined with storefront opportunities along the majority of their respective street facades. This setting coupled with streetscapes elements, landscape graphics, and richer degree of detail and material than found in the typical walls of the buildings, will not only support a more active pedestrian environment at the Superblock project site, but will also knit together segments of existing downtown retail centers. The result will be a healthier downtown that is more viable for any commercial endeavor. Above street level, the facades of the two office buildings are composed of a variety of combinations of common parts, giving diversity through color, texture and scale to what are otherwise simple, efficient and cost effective structures. The siting of the two office structures provides several other benefits. By registering State office buildings against the corner of 5th and "E" streets and the Caltrans building along 4th Street, the two buildings blend together to visually mask the parking structure. By positioning these office structures in this orientation, the buildings also create the boundaries for plaza space at the corner of 4th and "E" streets. The plaza will be the heart of the Superblock project site in terms of both activity and identity. Through the use of landscape, this space is designed to mediate between the scale of street, the buildings and needs of the people who will use it. The plaza landscape will include a range of local trees, flowers, grasses, cafe spaces, and an interactive fountain which will be the focal point of plaza activity. On a civic scale, the Caltrans building with its spire and roof oculus properly commands its position as the city's tallest building. The state building, similar in size to several of downtown's existing buildings helps to mediate between the scale of the larger building and smaller buildings, which surround the site. While different in size and portions, the use of similar materials and architecture elements link the two buildings together, giving the project a visual variety yet a cohesive sense. The material selected, various glass types, grey and blue granites and white precast concrete will give the downtown area a new brightness at both the pedestrian level and on the city skyline. As a result, this building will not only provide a contrast to the darker larger buildings currently standing in downtown, but also, would represent a positive step towards the future of downtown San Bernardino. RX7H 4-3 o SECTION 5.0 ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION ......, "'-" c :) SECTION 5.0 ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION CEQA Guidelines, Section 15126(d) requires that ElRs describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project which could feasibly attain the basic objectives to the Project, and evaluate the comparative merits of alternatives. The Superblock project presents a comparative evaluation of three alternatives. These are: (1) The No Project (2) Alternative Development A (3) Alternative Development B Sections 5.1 through 5.3 provide findings and facts in support thereof of the above considered alternatives. 5.1 THE NO PROJECT ALTERNATIVE The No Project Alternative is required to be included in the analysis by CEQA Guidelines Section 15126(d)(2). Under this alternative, the project site would not. be redeveloped and the existing land uses and structures would either remain as they are, vacant or occupied or possibly be demolished. Although the implementation of this alternative would eliminate the project's environmental effects, it would however, not achieve the project objectives to fulfill the land use designation proposed in the Downtown Redevelopment Plan and Community Redevelopment Plan. This alternative would not be consistent with the General Plan Land Use Elements goals and objectives. Implementation of this alternative would also not assist in attaining the goal of the State to consolidate its operations in the City of San Bernardino. This alternative avoids the short-term environmental effects of the proposed project and would not provide any of the project benefits identified in Section 4 of this document. 5.2 DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE A This alternative proposes a less intense development on the Superblock site than the proposed project. The design, location and occupancy characteristics of this alternative would be similar to the Phase I of the proposed project. Under this alternative, potential environmental impacts would occur in the following areas: . Air quality impacts will be reduced below the proposed project, but are forecast to remain significant over the short-term. . Short-term noise impacts would be similar to the proposed project. . Aesthetic impacts would be minimal on the downtown area. The smaller project will result in several existing buildings such as the Security Pacific Bank . R878 5-1 c "." '-' to remain on the site which would not be consistent with the objectives of the overall project or City General Plan. · Traffic operation impacts and parking demand would be less than those associated with the proposed project and remain a non-significant impact. · Public transit impacts would be less than those associated with the proposed project. 5.3 DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE B This alternative presents a less intense development than the proposed project. It will be 400,000 gross square feet less than the Phase II of the proposed project. Under this alternative, potential environmental impacts would occur in the following areas: · Air quality impacts will be greater than the proposed project in ROC, NOX, CO emissions in both 1996 and 2010. · Noise impacts as a result of traffic noise will exceed City residential standards and commercial guidelines along the arterials. · Aesthetics impacts would be similar to that of Alternative A. This alternative would have some aesthetic benefit to the development of the overall project in one phase rather than two which will reduce the effect of the interim improvements and temporary construction impacts. · Traffic construction impacts will be similar to the proposed project. · Traffic operation impacts are expected to be higher than those associated with the proposed project. Site access impacts under this alternative will be greater than those associated with the proposed project with higher daily and PM peak hour trip generations,. · Parking demand is expected to be higher than the proposed project. However, this alternative is expected to provide adequate parking if implemented. · Public transit impacts will be less than those associated with the proposed project. 5.4 ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS Alternative locations to the proposed project were not considered because of the following reasons: (1) The Downtown Redevelopment Area and Community Redevelopment Land (CR-2) is limited; and (2) the impacts of the proposed project would have similar impacts at any other location in Downtown San Bernardino. R878 5-2 I"'" '-' ....., '--' SECTION 6.0 STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS 1'''-' '-' \ '-" SECTION 6.0 STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS The City's Common Council hereby finds that with the incorporation of all the mitigation measures recommended in the EIR and the MMP for the project, certain environmental impacts will remain significance after mitigation. These impacts include: (1) potential impacts to air quality during construction which will include short-term emissions from construction equipment and fugitive dust generation as a result of soil movement; and (2) potential construction noise impacts from construction equipment operation. The City's Common Council finds that these unmitigable adverse impacts are outweighed by project benefits described in Section 4 of this document. Furthermore, the project alternatives identified in the EIR will either have similar or greater environmental impacts than those associated with the project. The City's Common Council fmds that all reasonable alternatives and mitigation measures have been considered and that all feasible changes in the project have been implemented. The social and economic benefits that will accrue to the City from implementing the Superblock Project are of critical long-term value to the City and to the downtown area. When the City's Common Council balances these long-term benefits with the short-term significant impacts from constructing the project, the balance clearly lies with approval of implementation of the project. R878 6-1 ,,.,..... '-' ,r.-., .--' Attachment "CO "It shall be the policy of the City of San Bernardino to: . . . 1.16.20 a. Permit a maximum floor area ratio of 3.0 and no defined limit on height for commercial and/or office; encouraging variation of building heights to create a visually distinctive skyline, reduced bulk, and increased ground floor open space (II. 1); and, b. Permit a maximum floor area ratio of 5.0 and no defined limit on height for the Superblock/Government Center site located between 4th, 5th, "D" and "E" Streets; encouraging variation of building heights to create a visually distinctive skyline, reduced bulk, and increased ground floor open space (11.1)." CrN OF SAN BERNARO ATTACHMENT 0 Site '/i~;~~:y and Genero: Plan Land .;c Designation r~a,J GENERAL PLAN lAND USE DESIGNATION Adopted 6-2-89 /. ;,Jate ,JUL 25 !994 GPA No. 94-03/DPII No. 94-08/PM No. 14718 SU?ER8LOCK PROJECT Panel No. JlA - ....~ C V'.)(,/tc- __ - .