HomeMy WebLinkAbout26-Planning and Building :IT OF SAN BERN~INO - REQUEST FO~OUNCIL ACTION om: Al Boughey, Director Subject: Development Code Amendment No. 94-08, to modify sign regulations pertaining to billboards/off-site signs and to establish criteria for freeway signs for qualifying businesses. )ept: Planning & Building Services late: November 10, 1994 MCC Date: December 12, 1994 ;ynopsis of Previous Council Action: On June 2, 1989, the MCC adopted the General Plan which contains policies on the placement of new billboard signs in the city. On June 3, 1991, the Development Code, adopted to implement the General Plan, became effective by action of the MCC. ~ecommended Motion: That the Hearing be closed and that the Ordinance be adopted, based on the Findings of Fact, Exhibit 2. , JiIIH'. "','.h'leE,1 I NJV 9t 2J 07 Contact person: A 1 BouQhev Supportingdata.l~hed: Staff Reoort; Ordinance Phone: 384-5057 Werd: Citvwide FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.1 IAcct. DescriDtionl FilllRCll: Council Notes: 75.0262 Agenda Item No .:t i9 c ,-" -..../ - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT (DCA) NO, 94-08 REQUEST/LOCATION: This proposed amendment modifies Chapter 19.22, Sections 19.22.030, 19.22.060(G), 19.22.080, and 19.22.150, and Chapter 19.14, Section 19.14.030(6) and (7) of the San Bernardino Municipal Code (Development Code) to revise the definitions relating to billboards and off-site signs and to add criteria which would allow a qualifying business a freeway sign. The request is Citywide. KEY ISSUES: The key issues are as follows: * The Mayor and Common Council adopted the General Plan June 2, 1989. * In May of 1991, the Mayor and Common Council adopted the Development Code, previously Titles 18 and 19 of the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code. * General Plan Policy 1.45.1 prohibits the development of new billboards in the City, except as on-site replacement of existing units (I1.1). * A request has been submitted to allow an off-site sign to be placed on an existing freeway sign structure to advertise a business not adjacent to a freeway right-of- way. * Approval of the requested amendment would be a major departure from past policy which has been not to allow freeway signs for businesses not adjacent to the freeway right-of-way. * Development Code Section 19.22.030 defines Billboard or orr-site Sign as "a sign structure advertising an establishment, merchandise, service, or entertainment, which is not sold, produced, manufactured, or furnished at the property on which the sign is located. * Development Code Section 19.22.030 defines orr-site Sign as "Any sign which advertises or informs in any manner businesses, services, goods, persons, or events at some location other than that upon which the sign is located. Off-premise sign, billboard, and outdoor advertising structure are equivalent terms. * There currently is no provision for off-site freeway signs. PAGE 1 c ,.,-..... '-" Development Code Amendment 94-08 Mayor and Common Council meeting of December S. 1994 Page 2 * The intent of General Plan Policy 1. 45.1 is to limit signage to the parcel on which the business exists, or in the case of a shopping center, to within the boundaries of the commercial development. * If this amendment is approved, it should not set a precedent for further relaxation of the Sign Regulations, particularly as they relate to freeway signs. Please see the analysis section contained in Exhibit I, Staff Report to the Planning commission for the analysis and proposed language for this amendment. EIIVIROIDIEN'l'AL: Pursuant to Section 15061 (b-3) of the CEQA guidelines, the proposal to modify the definitions relating to sign standards and regulations regarding sign placement is exempt from CEQA as it is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The proposed changes to the Development Code are to revise the definitions relating to signs in commercial land use designations and will not impact the environment. , PLADING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning commission reviewed Development Code Amendment 94-08 on November 22, 1994, subsequent to the preparation of this staff report. Their recommendation to the Mayor and Common Council will be given to you at the time of the meeting. OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL: The Mayor and Common Council may: 1. Approve Development Code Amendment proposed, based on the Findings of Fact, the ordinance; or 94-08 as and adopt 2. Approve in concept and return to staff for specific revisions; or 3. Deny Development Code Amendment 94-08. PAGE 2 c '" J Development Code Amendment 94-08 Mayor and Common Council meeting of December 5, 1994 Page 3 STAFF RBCOIIMBNDATIOII: If the Mayor and Common Council wish to approve the Development Code Amendment, staff recommends that the language proposed be approved based on the Findings of Fact contained in Exhibit 2, and that the Ordinance be adopted. Prepared by: Sandra Paulsen, Senior Planner For: Al Boughey, Director, Planning & Building Services EXHIBITS: Ordinance 2. Findings of Fact 3. Planning commission Staff Report , PAGE 3 II ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c '>. ......I ORDINANCE NO. All ORDINANCB 01' THB CITY 01' SU BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 19.22. SBCTIONS 19.22.030, 19.22.060(G), 19.22.080, an419.22.150, AND CHaPTBR 19.14, SBCTION 19.14.030(6) an4 (7) 01' THB SAN BBlUIARDINO MUNICIPAL CODB (DBVBLOPMEHT CODB) MODII'YING DBI'INITIONS DUTING TO BILLBOARDS/OI'I'-SITB SIGNS, AND ADDING CRITBRIA BY 1f1IICH A QUALII'YING BUSINESS MAY BSTABLISH A I'DEWAY SIGN, APPLYING CITYWIDB. THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 00 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SBCTION 1. Development Code Section 19.22.030 DEFINITIONS, is hereby amended by modifying the definitions for "Billboard or Off-Site Sign" and "Off-Site Sign" and by adding the definition for "Freeway Sign" to read as follows (see Attachment A, Development Code Page 111-18, 111-19, and 111-20, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference): 19.22.030 DBI'INITIONS "Billboard or Outdoor Advertisina Sian. Any sign structure adver- tising an establishment, merchandise, service or entertainment, which is not sold, produced, manufactured, located, or furnished, at the site on which the sign is located. This does not include Freeway Sign or Kiosk Sign.": "Off-site Sian. Any sign which advertises or informs in any manner businesses, services, or events at some location other than that upon which the sign is located. This does not include Billboard or Outdoor Advertising Sign.": "Freewav sian. A sign adjacent to a freeway right-of-way which advertises a freeway adjacent business, or a qualifying business in close proximi ty to a freeway, pursuant to the provisions of 19.22.080(4) of this Chapter." 1 .. ~VISJ. #:z, , ;.1--/5/7 '-/ \ .. 'I I . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 '--. SBCTO 2. Section 19.22.060, ~OHIBITED SIGNS, is hereby amended by re-Iettering subsections E through 0 to F through P; adding a new subsection E; and modifying subsection H to read as follows: (see Attachment B, page III-25 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) 19.22.060 PROHIBITBD SIGNS "E. Billboards or Outdoor Advertising signs, except as permitted by Section 19.22.080 of this Chapter." "H. Off-site signs, except as permitted by Section 19.22.080." SBCTION 3. Section 19.22.080 is hereby amended to add subsection (4) to read as follows: (see Attachment C, page III-28 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) 19.22.080 OFF-SITB SIGNS "4. FREEWAY SIGNS. Off-site freeway signs are permitted for businesses in close proximity to the freeways if ALL of the following conditions are met. A. The subject business is within 750 feet of the freeway right-of-way. B. The subject business is a single tenant with gross floor area of 50,000 square feet or greater. c. There is an existing freeway sign to which the subject business may attach a new sign face. D. Freeway signs shall be installed in the following manner: (1) The sign area for the new freeway sign shall be equal to or less than the existing sign. 2 . . \ \ . . II , I I I 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 , 201 211 I 221 I 231 24 25 26 27 28 - , c .-.../ The new sign shall have an opaque background to give the appearance of channel letters when illuminated. (3) The existing sign structure shall be in conformance with current Development Code standards." (2) SBCTIOH 4. Section 19.22.150, Table 022.01, SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY is hereby amended by adding to subsections C(l) (f), 0(1) and 0(2) (b) the following language: (see attachment 0, pages 111-35, and 111-39 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) 19.22.150, TABLB 022.01, SIGH RBGULATIOHS BY LAIID USB CATI!lGORY TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER REMARKS "Freeway (off-site) 1 double-faced sign per qualifying business Pursuant to section SBCTION 5. 19.22.080(4)" section 19.14.030(6) is hereby amended to read as follows: (see attachment E-1, page 11-175 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference) 19.14.030(6) FRBBWAY ADJACENT SIGNS "A. Freeway adjacent signs are limited to identifying the complex, major anchor tenant, structure, or company occupying the site, or a qualifying off-site business, pursuant to section 19.22.080 (4) of this Development Code. B. Freeway adjacent signs are permitted on parcels with more than 300 feet of freeway frontage in addition to other signs allowed. 3 .. \ , :1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 t 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Qe identification along ~reeway frontage will be limited to monument-type signs developed for freeway visibility. These signs are to be located within the individual building site in the landscape setback running parallel to the freeway. The sign shall be perpendicular to the freeway. Location shall be approximately midway between side property lines. Projects over 5 acres in size with more than 1,000 feet of freeway frontage may be permitted 2 freeway adjacent signs at the discretion of the Commission. These signs shall not be placed closer than 600 feet to each other. All other regulations shall apply. E. Buildings such as hotels and restaurants, fronting the C. D. freeway are entitled to have a freeway monument sign and a building sign visible from the freeway. F. The maximum overall installed sign height shall be 25 feet, with a maximum sign face height of 22 feet. The monument or supporting structure shall consist of an area equal to the sign face or copy area. The maximum height of the sign panel shall be 7 feet, the maximum width shall be 25 feet, and the total sign area shall not exceed 125 square feet per face. If the site grade is substantially lower than the freeway grade, or there is substantial existing landscaping which prevents adequate sign visibility, the allowable sign area of 125 square feet may be added to the maximum permissible wall sign area in accordance with Chapter 19.22 (Sign Regulations) . 4 I \ G. C tree in accommodate ,.., the landscape~uffer that is removed to the installation of any sign shall be replaced with a minimum 48 inch box tree." SBCTION s. Section 19.14.030(7) is hereby amended by modifying Subsection H to read as follows: (see Attachment E-2, page !!-176 reference) ~ SectioD 19.14.030(7) PROHIBITBD SIGHS "H. Off-premise signs, except as permitted 19.22.080 of this Development Code." by Section , t 5 \ \ fl 0 AlII ORd'ftfAIICB 01' THB CITY 01' SAlII BBRNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTBR 19.22, SBCTIONS 19.22.030, 19.22.010, 19.22.080, AND 19.22.150, AND 2 CHAPTBR 19.14.030(1) AND (7) 01' THE SAlII BBRNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODB (DIIV1ILOPMBNT CODB) MODIFYING DBFINITIONS ULATING TO 3 BILLBOARDS/OFF-SITB SIGNS, AND ADDING CRITBRIA BY WHICH A QUALIFYING BUSINESS MAY BSTABLISH A I'UBWAY SIGN, APPLYING 4 CITYWIDB. 5 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor 6 Bernardino at a ~ 7 day of 8 Council Members: 9 NEGRETE 10 CURLIN 11 HERNANDEZ 12 OBERHElJotAN 13 DEVLIN 14 POPE-LUDLAM 15 MILLER 16 and Common Council of the City of San meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: ~ HAXa ABSTAIN ABSENT . , 17 18 19 of 20 21 City Clerk The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this , 1994. day t 22 Approved as to form and legal content: Tom Minor, Mayor city of San Bernardino 23 JAMES F. PENMAN, citYA~~t.or1fJ.o () 25 B~~/ 26 lIlt 27 lIlt 24 28 6 I I - - -...... ...~-- A-Frame Sign. A fr~tading sign usually hinged at the v'\ or attached in a similar ~anner, and W1d~t the bottom to form a shape siIJlbel to the letter "A". Such Signs are ususally designed to be portable, hence they are not considered permanent signs. Anchor Tenant. A shopping center key tenant, usually the largest or one of the largest tenants located within the shopping center, which serves to attract customers to the cen- ter through its size, product line, name, and reputation. The term anchor tenant is inter- changable with the term major tenant. MC 834 5-19-92 Animated or Movin~ Sig1l. Any sign which uses movement, lighting, or special materials to depict action or create a special effect or scene. AwniI\i. Canoro'. or Marquee SiK:Jl. A nonelectric sign that is printed on, painted on, or attached to an awning, canopy, or marquee and is only permitted on the vertical surface or flap. Bann.... Flar. Pennant or Balloon. Any cloth, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar material used for advertising purposes attached to or pinned on or from any structwe, staff, pole, line, framing, or vehicle, including captive balloons and inflatable signs but not in- cluding offidal flags of the United States, the State of California, and other states of the nation, counties, munidpalities, official flags of foreign nations and nationally or inter- nationally recognized organizations. ~ Beonch SiiJ'. Copy painted on any portion of a bus stop bench. Billboard or Outdoor Advertisinq Siqn. Any sign structure advertising an establishment, merchandise, service, or entertainment, which is not sold, produced, manufactured, located, or furnished at the site on which the sign is located. This does not include Freeway Sign or Kiosk Sign. Buildinr Face and / or Frontare. The length of the single front building elevation in which the primary entrance to the business is located. If more than 1 business is located in a single building, then such length shall be limited to that portion which is occupied by each individual business. Chanieable Copy SiK:Jl- A sign designed to allow the changing of copy through manual, mechanical, or electrical means including time and temperature. Civic Event Si&1'- A temporary sign, other than a commerd.al sign, posted to advertise a dvic event sponsored by a public agency, school, church, dvic-iraterna1 organization. 01' similar noncommercial organization. Commerdal Seasonal SiK:Jl. An "open" or "closed" window sign, posted on a seasona1 basis. m.o ATTACHMENT A-1 7.-J2 \ I -. u", .'''''l.LA f1U1'oS -19.2.2 Construction Si~ temporary sign erected on the pO on which constructi . t~g place: limit~to the duration of the construction, indicating the names ;~~ ar- ~tect.s' engmeers, landscape architects, contractors, or similar artisans, and the owner ~manQal s.upporters, sponsors, and similar individuals or firms having a major role or ' mterest WIth respect to the structure or project. DirPmonal Sijpl. Signs limited to directional messages, prindpally for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, such as "one way", "entrance", or "exit". Dirertol:Y Sijpl. A sign for listing the tenants or OCCUpants and their suite numbers of a building or center. Doubl~faced Sijpl. A single structure designed with the intent of providing copy on both SIdes. Eaveline. The bottom of the roof eave or parapet. CM- Flashing Sijpl. A sign that contains an intermittent or sequential flashJng light source. Freestanding SiiJl. A sign which is supported by 1 or more uprights, braces, poles, or other similar structural components that is not attached to a bui1c:lina or buildina. Freeway Sian. A sign adjacent to a freeway right-of-way which advertises a freeway adjacent business, or a qualifying business in close proximity to a freeway, pursuant to the provisions of 19.22.080(4) of this Chapter. Futun> TPnant IdPntification Sig1l_ A temporary sign which identifies a tuture use of a site or building. Grand Qpenini' A promotional activity not exceeding 30 calendar days used by newly established businesses, within 2 months after occupancy, to inform the public of their location and service available to the community. Grand Opening does not mean an an- nual or occasional promotion of retail sales by a business. Hei ght of Sig1l. The greatest vertical distance measured from the existing grade at the mid-point of the sign support(s) that intersect the ground to the highest element of the sign. m-t' ATTACHMENT A .2 .. 1/92 . ---"'- -"- Hnliday n-nr~. Temporary signs, in the na~"'\decorations, clearly inciden- tal to and custo . 'lOdated with holidays. '"-01. . Identification SiiJ'. A sign providing the name, type of business, or the name and logo in combination, identifying a particu1ar business establishment. m~ial Sip. Any of the following: a sign erected without first complying with all or. dinances and regulations in effect at the time of its construction and erection or use; a sign that was legally erected, but whose use has ceased, or the structure upon which the display is placed has been abandoned by its owner, not maintained, or not used to iden- tify or advertise an ongoing business for a period of not less than 90 days; a sign that was legally ere<:ted which later became nonconforming as a result of the adoption of an ordinance, the amortization period for the display provided by the ordinance rendering the display nonconforming has expired, and conformance has not been accomplished.; a sign which is a danger to the public or is unsafe; a sign which is a traffic hazard not aea.ted by relocation of streets or highways or by acts of the Oty 01' County. muminated Sip. A sign with an artifidaI light source fOl' the purpose ofUghting the sign. In!lltitutional Sip. A sign identifying the premises of a church, school. hospital, rest home, or similar institutional fadUty. Kiosk. An off-premise sign used for din!cting people to the sales office or DIOdeIs 01. residential subdivision project. Design details of such signs lie shown as Figure 16.01 under Section 19.22.080 (2)(C) of this Chapter. l.gsg. An established identifying symbol or mark ~ssodated with a business or busi- ness entity. MC 834 5-19-92 ~ Sip. An established trademark or symbol identifying the use of. building. Monument SiiJ'. An independent structure supported &om grade to the bottou. of the sign with the appearance of having. solid base. Nonconforminl Sip'- A legaIly established sign which fails to amform to the regula- tions of this Chapter. Off-site Sian. Any sign which advertises or informs in any manner businesses, services, or events at some l01at~n Oth~~ than that upon which the sign is .lo.cated. Th S oes n include Billboard or Outdoor Advert1s1ng sign. Qpen Hn...... SiiJ'. A temporary sign posted to indicate. saIesperson is available to rep- resent the property subject to sale, lease, or rent. Political SiiJ'. A temporary sign directly associated with national, state, 01' 19CAl eJec. tions. m4D ATTACHMENT A . 3 7/92 . . .. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. o. P. 19.22.070 ~~- - Banners,)Joil,gs, and pennants Bench si~ -......; Billboards or outdoor aavertising signs, except as permitted by Section 19.22.080 of this Chapter. Chalkboards or blackboards Changeable copy signs and electro!1ic message boards, except as allowed by a CUP for mov~e theaters arenas stadiums, or auto malls in the CR-4 land use district.' Off-site signs, except as permitted by Secticn 19.22.080. Permanent sale or come-on signs Portable signs or A-frame signs Roof signs Signs on public property, except for traffic regulatory, informational signs, signs required by a governmental agency, and model home tour signs, and except as permitted by Section 19.22.080 MC 812 11-6-91 Signs painted on fences or roofs Balloons and other inflated devices or signs designed to attract attention. Signs that are affixed to vehicles, excluding permanent signs on commercial vehicles Signs which simulate in color or design a traffic sign or signal, or which make use of words, symbols or characters in such a manner to interfere with, mislead. or confuse pedestrian or vehicular traffic TEMPORARY SIGNS Special event signs and civic event signs may be approved by the DIrector for a limited period of time as a means of publicizing special events such as grand openings, carnivals, parades, charitable events and holiday sales. Such special event signs shall be limited to the following provisions: A No special event sign shall be erected without a sign permit. B. Special event signs shall be limited to 30 days per event from the date of erection or date of permit, whichever occurs first. C. Special event signs shall not include promotional sales signs. D. Special event signs may include balloons, inflated devices, search lights, beacons, pennants, and streamers. MC 834 5-19-92 m-D ATTACHMENT B 71n .. .. "-""'''''-^~~U;,'',i:' "111.22 H. Kiosk s~ shall be removed when the subOsion is sold out. The entity admini~ng the program will be responsible for removal of panels and structures no longer needed. 3. OFF-SITE SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPER'Q: Private advertising signs may be placed on structures in the public right of way, such as bus shelters, if there is a licensing agreement approved by the Mayor and Common Council authorizing such off-site signs on public property. An applica- tion for a sign permit must be approved prior to the construction of off-site signs on public property and the applicant and the owner of the sign shall comply with the provisions of Section 19.22100 regarding sign construction and main- tenance standards. MC 812 11~-91 4. FREEWAY SIGNS. Off-site freeway signs are permitted for businesses in close proximity to the freeways if ALL of the following conditions are met. A. The subject business is within 750 feet of the freeway right-of-way. B. The subject business is a single tenant with gross floor area of 50,000 square feet or greater. C. There is an existing freeway sign to which the subject business may attach a new sign face. \ / D. Freeway signs shall be installed in the following manner: (1) The sign area for the new freeway siqn shall be equal to or less than the existing siqn. The new sign shall have an opaque background to give the appearance of channel letters when illuminated. The existing sign structure shall be in conformance with current Development Code standards. (2) (3) 19.22.090 ABANDONED SIGNS Any abandoned or illegal sign is hereby dec1a~ to be a d~nger t~ th~ healt~, safety; and welfare of the citizens of San Bemardmo. Any SIgn which IS partial1y or wholly obscured by the growth of dry vegetation or weeds or by the presence of debris or litter also presents a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of San Bernardino. 1. m-2I ATTACHMENT C 11M . . - - . o 0 I J" . Ii!C' :~ .;, ~ f iJ H ~! !j :.s . ~ . a. I' '01'-- 01 l!~h~. ~ ; - .: en a '" 'S;~9'- <C ee~J;;!;; ; ~t~~~r y o .. .. o .. . ceo . 0 . ~.... .. ..... .. u . ~... ....... . .Q ~ '"Cl 15 ~:l = c : >- ~ o C,j ~ ~ U ~ en ~::J =c ]:z qj N>o s= ~ ~ !j ~ ~ II :5 ::J ~ !; " I<C I ~ ;1 ~J - en I ,,) ~ J a ~ il Ifijli ~JldlS !tiHJ lQJlaRa ~ :.. 2'. "_, J' ....>0. .... ..c ic::t: I o "'. ~ ~ "-;ij..a Cl .... !m I) II &1 ! j I ~ JIll >o:l ..... ;) . . I . .. .. .. .. 0 ! if i " . i' I. fPh liJH ;i"ia~ , 1 .. J : : rP:!l jiJiH .sl..h. iiHii . .0 U ~ j .. . . . o ~ 1 ~ . . >- . :. . :. :1 J~ J.I.. IJf '2 . t 'II! ili a IS II ~J II I J . III I ~.. II I' II a! .. IS Jf J. II I! '"' ,; I : ~i Ii ~I.. J I ~ '; I ~ti : . ~ ! . iJ . 5 ~ - ...j Ii . Ii $ ~ l ~ : . :. I i c It) Ii, L ." .... Ii I 2 ... i If J 'Jj jf " u j j i I i I U d!!J IJI.35 ATTACHMENT 0-1 .. . . 71'Tl 1 r ~ o " ~ ~ u ~ tn ?;J =0 8:z ;:< Q,..;j N)oo s= ~tn ,..;j:Z =0 ~F: :s ;J " ~ l:ll: :z " - tn ~ "c CIU !i~ !O ...... ...... _C !j 1:1: ;1 !:l I~ il !c 1* ;1 IU .. ~ .. .. d L!! P ~E_p d ~.~e __ iJH ji ! p : .u ~ ~ ~ a :J : 11 iI :: 1 0 gntA~. ~~~ ~~"E~;.;& 40. -~!i!Q...Q:c ::3--4" ~",.aS[.!Q-~ ~t:"! 8 ~~; ~j a 18 ~:~ 4'; . \3 E co:I Q. .9 Q . ..Q U c .. " c C :I IU C . . ,.. ! .. ~ j~l>lI. g" ... - hi.l'J- ~ a.R - J a a.. _ E J U Ba fl.ta!. If il I.Hh !l,f J ;IJfla; &U lill III Iff. &a j J f: ~JI ! ~... r. I.... . ea.).. .. .. ~ '8 c:~; o 0'1"'4 ~ ...-;:~.a .. ,.,: .... >> . . , ~:: .. 0 }(). I .t"'s~ ! - '0 c: if H iz :~ ~! f"' : i i t J:=~~ J::~~ a.'sOV,l" . .. . /. j~I'z J! f.l'i hl-ii J:)! a st. uJ tff L .. :..1 I ~J t I if). &11 J) J It ~J JJ N iii III-39 . ATTACHMENT 0-2 .. ~ ! t ~ I i. Lj ~ :ij1i~~ "8~j€C; o . ~ ~~~!!~ io [h :dtH In Q.C" ci5 . .. . /. I I. iI !l,J jUf a Ill, If I il .,; , . - o . .. - o .. . ~~o .0 . ~...... .....,.. .. u . ~... ...... u ! ::.. 2'. I.... . ....,.,. ... ".5 h:::! '" -= 1..1 .. ,.,: .... n ... .... .. 0 - 7/f1J. 6. FREEWAY AOJONT SIGNS /"'''''.. -' A. Freeway adjacent signs are limited to identifying the complex, major anchor tenant, structure, or company occupying the site, or a qualifying off-site business pursuant to Section 19.22.080(4) of this Development COde.' B. Freeway adjacent signs are permitted on parcels with more than 300 feet of freeway frontage in addition to other signs allowed. C. Site identification along a freeway frontage will be limited to monument-type signs developed for freeway visibility. These signs are to be located within the individual building site in the landscape setback running parallel to the freeway. The sign shall be perpendicular to the freeway. Location shall be approximately midway between side property lines. D. Projects over 5 acres in size with more than 1,000 feet of freeway frontage may be permitted 2 freeway adjacent signs at the discretion of the Commission. These signs shall not be placed closer than 600 feet to each other. All other regulations shall apply. E. Buildings such as hotels and restaurants, fronting the freeway are entitled to have a freeway monument sign and a building sign visible from the freeway. F. The maximum overall installed sign height shall be 25 feet, with a maximum sign face height of 22 feet. The monument or supporting structure shall consist of an area equal to the sign face or copy area. The maximum height of the sign panel shall be 7 feet, the maximum width shall be 25 feet, and the total sign area shall not exceed 125 square feet per face. If the site grade is substantially lower than the freeway grade, or there is substantial existing landscaping which prevents adequate sign visibility, the allowable sign area of 125 square feet may be added to the maximum permissible wall sign area in accordance with Chapter 19.22 (Sign Regulations). Any tree in the landscaped buffer that is r_oved to accommodate the installation of any sign shall be replaced with a minimum 48 inch box tree." G. 7. PROHIBITED SIGNS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. A-frame signs Roof signs Bench sign' Billboard signs Captive balloons Emitting sign Inflatable signs \..... D-t75 ATTACHMENT E-1 SIn . . .. r--;--- - ........1.I...~.t.~'-.... .19.14 H. Off-premise signs, except as ,Q~rmitted by Section 19.22;1""80 of this Development CO I. Portab'tt'sign " ' J. Animated signs, except time/temperature devices and e1ectomic message boards in CR...1. K. Paper, cloth, and plastic streamer signs L. Painted signs on primary walls M. Pennants N. Statues used for advertising O. Traffic sign :e;;licas P. Vehicle signs Q Directional signs which incorporate business logo or ID R. Permanent "come-or," sig:lS (Sale Today!, Stop, :'ook, etc.) Direct and indirect lighting methods are allowed provided they are not harsh or WU\ecessarily bright. The use of can-ty-ye box signs with white or light colored translucent backlit panels are not ?efIIlitted on any structures or as a freestan- ding sign. (Refer to the design gui.ielines for signs in Chapter lQ.22). 8. PROHIBITED STRUCTURES Structures with open, exposed aaneways are prohibited. n-l76 ATTACHMENT E-2 5191 .. - o o / , 1 2 3 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING C PTE 19.22, SECTIONS 19.22.0~n, 19.22.060(G), 19.22.080, and 19. 2.150, AND CHAPTER 19.14, SECTION 19.14.030(~l and (7) OF HE S BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DEVELOPMENT cone) MODIFYING D . INITION RELATING TO BILLBOARDS/OFF-SITE SIGNS, AND ADDING CRITE A BY WHIC A QUALIFYING BUSINESS MAY ESTABLISH A FREEWAY SI , APPLYIN CITYWID1'I. 5 6 THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S ORDATN AS FOLLOWS: BERN'ARDI"lO -I I 8 SECTION 1. Development Code section 1 . 22.030 DEFINITIONS, !l is heLelJy amended by modifying the definit ons for "Billboard 0 10 Off-Site Sign" and "Off-site or ign" to read as follow 11 (see Attachment A, D~velopment Code pag 111-18, 111-19, and III 12 13 14 20, attached hereto and incorporated ~rein by reference): / 19.22.030 DEFINITIONS ' ! "Billboard or Outdoor Adv.rt~.ina sian. Any .iqn structur , 15 advertising an establishment, merchandise, service entertainment, which is not sold, produced, manufactured, 0 furnished at the site on which the sign is located. not include Freeway Sign or Kiosk Sign.": "Off-site Sian 00 Any sign which advertises or informs in an 16 17 18 19 manner businesses, services, or events at some location othe 20 / 21 than that upon .,hich the sign is located."; and by adding the fOII~ing definition for Freeway Sign: i "Freewav sian. A ,sign adjacent to a freeway riqht-of-way which , advertises a reeway adjacent business, or a qualifyinq business in ose proximity to a freeway, pursuant to the provisions 0 19.22.080(4) of this Chapter." , i 22 23 24 25 26 IIII 27 IIII 28 .,v J~ rf1 I I ~ ~ 1 2 3 4 c ~ (2) The new sign shall have an opaque background to give the appearance of ~hannel letters when illuminated. (3) The existing sign structure shall be in conformance with current Development Code standards. SECTION 4. section 19.22.150, Table 022.01, SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY is hereby amended by adding to the following subsections of the Table: C.1.f." D.1.single tenant, and, D.2.c. the following language: (see attachment D, pages III-35, and III- 39 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). 19.22.150, TABLE 022.01, SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE CATEGORY ~ MAXIMUM NUMBER REMARKS Freeway (off-site) 1 double-faced sign Pursuant to per qualifying bus. Sec.19.22.08.(4) Reorder all other provisions necessary. SECTION 5. section 19.14.030(6) is hereby amended to read as follows: (see attachment E, page II-175 of the Development Code, attached hereto ana incorporated herein by reference). 19.14.030(6) FREEWAY ADJACENT SIGNS The sign is limited to identifying the project, complex, or major tenant occupying the site, or an off-site qualifying business, pursuant to Section 19.22.080(4) of this Development Code. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 II/I IIII IIII IIII 26 27 28 3 - ~ - ,-. " '-' -- SECTION S. Section 19.14.030 (7) is hereby amended by adding letter H. as follows: (see Attachment F, page 11-176 of the Development Code, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !l 10 11 12 13 14 IIII IIII /111 IIII IIII IIII II/I /111 IIII II/I IIII IIII IIII 1//1 II/I /111 II/I /111 /111 IIII IIII IIII 15 16 17 18 1!l 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 section 19.14.030(7) PROHIBITED BIGNS H. Off-premise signs, except as permitted 19.22.080 of this Development Code. by Section 4 26 27 28 -- -- - - c ~ '...,., J 1 2 3 4 5 G AN OJlDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING CHAPTER 1ll. 22, SECTIONS 19.22.030, 19.22.060, 19.22.080, AND 19.22.150, AND CHAPTER 19.14.030(6) AND (7) OF THE SAN BEr~AJlDINO MUNICIPAL CODE (DBVELOPMENT CODB) MODIFYING DEFINTTIONS RELATING TO BILLBO~JlDS/OFF-SITE SIGNS, AND ADDING CRITERIA BY WHICH A QUALIFYING BUSINESS MAY ESTABLISH A FREEWAY SIGN, APPLYING CITYWIDE. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the , 1994, by the following vote, to wit: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 day of _ Council Members: NEGRETE ABSTAIN ABSENT AYES ~ CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER City Clerk The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this , 1994. day of Approved as to form and legal content: Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino JAMES F. PENMAN, 24 city Attorney 25 By: 5 SIGN REGULATIONS -19.22 . ~ . . i A:Erame Sign. A free stad' ign usually hinged at the top, or attached in a similar 11" nner, and widening at the bottom to form a shape similar to the letter" A". Such signs are ususally designed to be portable, hence they are not considered permanent signs. Anchor Tenant. A shopping center key tenant, usually the largest or one of the largest tenants located within the shopping center, which serves to attract customers to the cen- ter through its size, product line, name, and reputation. The term anchor tenant is inter- ch:lngable with the term major tenant. MC 834 5-19-92 Animated or Moving Sign. Any sign which uses movement, lighting, or special materials to depict action or create a special effect or scene. Awning. Canopy. or Marquee Sign. ^ nonelectric sign that is printed on, painted on, or <lttached to an awning, canopy, or marquee and is only permitted on the vertical surface or flap. Banner. Flag. Pennant or Balloon. Any cloth, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar material used for advertising purposes attached to or pinned on or from any structure, staff, pole, line, framing, or vehicle, including captive balloons and inflatable signs but not in- cluding official flags of the United States, the State of California, and other states of the nation, counties, municipalities, offidal flags of foreign nations and nationally or inter- nationally recognized organizations. 1* Bench Sign. ~opy painted on any portion of a bus stop bench. Billboard or Outdoor Advertisinq Siqn. Any sign structure advertising an establishment, merchandise, service, or entertainment, which is not sold, produced, manufactured, or furnished at the site on which the sign is located. This does not include Freeway or Kiosk Sign. Building Face and/or Frontage. The length of the single front building elevation in which the primary entrance to the business is located. U more than 1 business is located in a single building, then such length shall be limited to that portion which is occupied by eacl\ individual business. Chan2eable Copy Sign. A sign designed to allow the changing of copy through m'lnual, mech.utical, or electrical me:lns including time and temperature. Civic Event Sign. A temporary sign, other than a commercial sign, posted to advertise a civic event sponsored by a public agency, school, church, civic-fraternal organization, or similar noncommercial organization. Commercial Seasonal Sign. An "open" or "closed" window sign, posted on a seasonal basis. m.18 ATTACHMENT A-1 7/92 . SIGN REGULA nONS .19.22 /,...." COIlstJUction SiW\ A t~porary sign erected on the parcel on which construction is taking place, limited to the duration of the construction, indicating the names of the ar- chitects, engineers, landscape ardlitects, contractors, or similar artisans, and the owner, financial supporters, sponsors, and similar individuals or firms having a major role or interest with respect to the structure or project. Directional Sign. Signs limited to directional messages, principally for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, such as "one way", "entrance", or "exit". Directory Sign. A sign for listing the tenants or occupants and their suite numbers of a bllilding or center. Double-faced Sign. A single structure designed with the intent of providing copy on both sides. Eaveline. The bottom of the roof eave or parapet. C~-' Flashing Sign. A sign that contains an intermittent or sequential flashing light source. ~tandin~ Sign. A sign which is supported by 1 or more uprights, braces, poles, or oth,'r similar structural components that is not attached to a buildin2 or buildin2S. Free~"'v Sian. A sign adjacent to a freeway right-of-way which advertises a freeway adjacent business, or a qualifying l~'miness in close proximity to a freeway, pursuant to the provisions of 19.22.080(4) of this Chapter. fl.UJ.Ire Tenant Identification Sig:1l. A temporary sign which identifies a future use of a site or building. * Grand Qpening. A promotional activity not pxceeding 30 calendar days used by newly established busin<>s5es, within 2 months after occupancy, to inform the public of their location and service available to the community. Grand Opening does not mean an an- nual or occasional promotion of retail sales by a business. Height of Sig:1l. The greatest vertical distance measured from the existing grade at the mid-point of the sign support(s) that intersect the ground to the highest element of the sip;n. m-t9 ^TTACHMENT A -2 7/92 r - ::,u...l'i 'U:,uUL.A.l1UN~ ..lo;..:;u, ~nliday Dfomratinn c;ignGemporary signs, in the nature of d~~ations, clearly inoden- tal to and customarily associated with holidays. . Identification Sign. A sign providil1[l the name, type of business, or the name and logo in combination, identifying a partiC1Uar business establishment. Dle$:al.5.igt1. Any of the following: a !'ign erected without first complying with all or- dillat'ccs and regulations in effect at thE' time of its construction and erection or use; a sign that was legally erected, but whose use has ceased, or the structure upon which the display is placed has been abandoned by its owner, not maintained, or not used to iden- tify or advertise an ongoing business for a period of not less than 90 days; a sign that was legally erected which later beciUIle nonconforming as a result of the adoption of an ordinance, the amortization period for the display provided by the ordinance rendering the display nonconforming has expired, and conformance has not been accomplished.; a sign which is a danger to the public or is unsafe; a sign which is a traffic hazard not CJ""atl'Ci by relaealinn of streets or highways or by acts of the Oty or County. nhlIninated Sign. A sign with an artifidallight source for the purpose of lighting the sign. Insti tutinnal 5i pt. A sign identifying the premises of a church, school, hospital, rest home, or similar i"~titutiona1 facility. I(jo~k. An off-premise sign used for directing people to the sales office or models of a residential subcii\"ision project. Design details of such signs are shown as Figure 16.01 ..noer Section 19.22.080 (2)(C) of this Chapter. ~o. An established identifying symbol or mark assodated with a business or busi- ne!'< entity. Me 834 5-19-92 l&l!o..5ign. An established trademark or symbol identifying the use of a building. Monument C;igJl. An independent structure supported from grade to the bottom of the sign with the appearance of having a solid base. Nnnconfonninv Sign. A legally established sign which fails to conform to the regula- tions of this Chapter. * Off-site Siqn. Any sign which advertises or informs in any manner businesses, services, or entertainment at some location other than that upon which the sign is located. Open House Si~. A temporary sign posted to indicate a salesperson is available to rep- resent the property subject to sale, lease, or rent fWitical Sign. A t"'l1lporary sign directly associated with national, state, or 19Cal elec- tions. W-la ATTACHMENT A - 3 7/92 , - - SIGN REGULATIONS -19.22 Banners, fla~ and pennants Bench signs -. .- - - Billboards or Outdoor Advertising signs Chalkboards or blackboards Changeable copy signs and electronic message boards, except as allowed by a CUP for movie theaters, arenas, stadiums, or auto malls in the CR-4 land use district. Off site signs, except as permitted by Section 19.22.080 Permanent sale ur corne-on signs Por~able signs or A-frame signs Roof signs Signs on public rroperty, except for traffic regulatory, informational signs, signs required by a governmental agency, and model home tour signs, and except as permitted by Section 19.22.080 MC 812 11-6-91 M. Signs painted on fences or roofs N. Balloons and other inflated devices or signs designed to attract attention. O. Signs that are affixed to vehicles, excluding permanent signs on commercial vehicles P. Signs which simulate in color or design a traffic sign or signal, or which make use of words, symbols or characters in such a manner to interfere with, mislead, or confuse pedestrian or vehicular traffic C. D. . E. F. G. . H. 1. J. K. L. 19.72.070 Tf:MPORARY SIGNS ':recial event signs and civic event signs may be approved by the Director for a limited period of time as a means of publicizing special events such as grand openings, carnivals, parades, charitable events and holiday sales. Such special event signs shall be limited to the following provisions: A. No ~r"Cial event sign shall be erected without a sign permit. B. Special event signs shall be limited to 30 days per event from the date of erection or date of permit, whichever occurs first. C. Special event signs shaH not include promotional sales signs. D. Special event signs may include balloons, inflated devices, search lights, beacons, pennants, and streamers. Me "14 5-19-92 m-2S ATTACHMENT B 7/92 .........."."......."""...r'l..L.Lv.",:,..J..,...:....:. H. . Kiosk signs all be removed when the sUbdiViSi~lis sold out. The entity administering the program will be responsible for removal of panels and structures no longer needed. 3. OFF-SI]'E SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY Private advertising signs may be placed on structures in the public right of way, such as bus shelters, if there is " licensing agreement approved by the Mayor and Common Council authorizing such off-site signs on public property. An applica- tion for a sign permit must be approved prior to the construction of off-site signs on public property and the applicant and the owner of the sign shall comply with the provisions of Section 19.22.100 regarding sign construction and main- tenance standards. MC 812 11-6-91 ... 4. FREEWAY SIGNS. Off-site freeway signs are permitted for businesses in close proximity to the freewnys if ALL of the fOllowing conditions are met. A. The subject business is within 750 feet of the freeway right-of-way. n. The subject business is a single tenant with gross floor area of 50,000 square feet or greater. c. There is an existing freeway sign to which the subject business may attach a new sign face. D. Freeway signs shall be installed in the following manner: (1) The sign area for the new freeway sign shall be equal to or less than the existing sign. (2) The new sign shall have an opaque background to give the appearance of channel letters when illuminated. (3) The existing sign structure shall be in conformance with current Development Code standards. 19.22.090 ABANDONED SIGNS 1. ^ nv abandoned or illegal sign is hereby declared to be a danger to the health, saf~ty, and welfare of the citizens of San Bernardino. Any sign which is partially or .....holly obscured by the growth of dry vegetation or weeds or by the presence (!( debris or litter also presents a danger to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of San Bernardino. m.28 ATTACHMENT C V94 " - \ , ~ ~ o t.:l l.Ll ~ U l.Ll en ?~ =Q ~Z ...< O...l ,..i >- ~= l.LlCl) ...lZ =0 ~E=: '( ...l ::J t.:l l.Ll ~ Z t.:l - CI) ;;- . ~ Z C 11 ~! ' a! u.. .::. r::: ~ a ;; .~ if i!j li ~ ~! 1j:,5 Z ~ ;.~ -G ~ ~ ~ ,-1"-- ceo fI'I l!:I~~.; ~~ft ~ ~~~~j.~ Ct~ .. Eaf, ~ ~... :I e!l. .!! ~ ~ Itt) " &AI ci5'i_~ur a: .;.I:i u !: :Hl :W:Z: -3 iii :w~ :>a: :W" :U :wii :Wa: :>... ;!!'" ..:a ..:> :Wz z o I:Q ..... !:c :wo :>... ...... ::!.. . . > z !i! ~ .. . . c 11 jl ~l H diili ~Jli!a .CZJ_B 'I~'" ! ~ . ~" 1 t ~jila a I ,; . !!J Jj :U .Il &; a ~ i - t t ~ H). ~ j l I j III I .I III i- ~ Ol j ~ '" . u ~... 0'. I ..5 It eQ,>.. ~ .. C .0 ~.... :J c.... II o tJ'l.::l "';: &.0 ~ ...:: ..... ~ . . I . .. ~.. .. 0 -tl I .. . ! E o ., ~ . . . . ~ 'il 6i . . > ~ . . n j 5 g A . _l!j ! ~ - -" . @ . c 'iJR ili Jl 8 ., ~ ,; lil :Ii D I & 1 B ~ ~ :; Ii iH .. . '!! ~~ 'r-' if,s 8~ ~i 1:j f~~.;:! ~1:!!: 9 i e ~= ~ npH ,q~h, m:dP! g 186 h .. .0 U . ~ . ~ :: 01 It H. III : 15~ Ii i- .f . . H 8 J' Ii li It !;' ~ ";jl I.. '.I IlL ~I.. J ~ i -; I ~Ji ; - . ~ ! " 08 ~ . c i ! .~ 2>~ S ~ c @ .!! . !l ili 8 . . > i i c ! c ~ti 815 . t II' L .,. _158 .; :II l 2 .. Ii I. I If t I : I I j d! !l fii :. !~JI ~A. .0 v UI-35 ATTACHMENT 0-1 . 7m r .... ~ () w ~ ~ u ~ tfl ?::> sC\ ...z ~ ~ ....< Q~ N~ Sc:c ~tfl ~;.:. c:cO ~I== < ~ ::> t,;l ~ l:l:: Z t,;l - tfl ., .. '" c :E w '" Z o ;:" ~w -~ :EO 3:1 :!c s ~ :EI ;: -z i~ :E~ ::>'" :EC =s :Ell: ::>IU ilm >e:E c::> :EZ IU Go ~ .. .. :5 u R 5 1ij B . Ii ' ~ e ~. g; ~=i~ ~a ~i~~ me ~..c:: E:l Ii I - 1il . ~ - ~ 2 it . :;: . it ..:;;;; l'll:: 1:I.c:: t 1! ... . CD c: - '0 :x ~ it -j -: :i c ::I :: CO' :::l 0 f: g.! li... ~ : ~ l:'! ;"'0 E &.2l ~ i:' :li E .' :::Ie '" ... - .5!I E .,:!_ & ~ CJl., 8 ~ e = 'w fii 0 III oC 'iI Be", ii g '0 .; " . . ,. u )~ p! ~~.p~. . . 'U 11 'U . ""-we - U.l! . ..'lio l! ll... < E e '; p a!~ lliS.!a~u lia !Ju l! t., lijL fiHh 50 .. al15~ I 'lI j! '" . ..; i !' 1.-' hBiH II :f. ~d 50 ill I ~ t 50 ill I j ~I i o .. " - o " .. cco .0 . ~..." """ .. u . .s:.x~ u " o u ~~ g'. 10... .. .0.>0," .. .. C .Q l;'o-t i: 8 ",004::1 "....".a ,,50 I .. ..:I .... . .. o I 0.. .... .. 0 *" H r-' I ~ . E .. . :I '0 ~ ii '0 . = ~: Ii e ~ ~ e i '". 1:;; I s .c c -=2 f"' :; c ~ .. l1li -i1 ill :l : .; 1i I; S or ~ iii l:~H .; " . ~ J! ):j:z ~I f~1 ~Hi!t 'I1'8~~ lliala~CJ .. II ~I"i a 15 I iil I- c" ....a l iJ It I ill ~h.5 I ~ . : Iii oj H h 11 oi W-39 ATTACHMENT 0-2 is ~ " ; l! Ii !!! 3 . . i" 0 ~ ~ ;; ~ CD 5 ~ 0...:. ..c: i:5. - (") N i.E~€2 e 8 . Q o . Ii ., N ~&oi~ - - 0 e en q ~ji ~d!,* 4 .0 . ~ j t i! II !l..J ~ II f b I g . Iff I .J jj .ri r &&&............-....~ - o .. " - " :: CCo .0 . ~..." ."" .. u . .s:.x~ ,; i u ~.. E'. 10... .. .0.>>" .. .. c ~ c::-: 00'. =' ,,-; 50JI .. ..:I .... . . . I 0.. .... .. 0 - *" oj 71'J2 Fe DISTRICT -19.14 r .~- ........ 6. ffiEEWAY ADJACENT SIGNS. Freeway adjacent signs are limited to identifying the complex, major anchor l~nant, structure, or company occupying the site. Freeway adjacent signs are permi~ed on parcels with more than 300 feet of freeway frontage in addition to oc.'1er signs allowed. 5il.~ idenlifk;\!ion Jk'ng a frecwa~' fronta3e will be limited to monument-type signs developed for i.r~way visibility. These signs are to be lncated within the in- dividual building site in the landscape setback running parallel to the freeway. The sign shall be perpendicu1<lr to Lite freeway. Location shall be approximately midway ;;elWeen side ~roperly lines. * The sign is limited to m~jor tenant occupying t>'IS iness, pursuant Development Code. identifying the project, complex, or the site, or an off-site qualifying to section 19.22.080(4) of this Projects over Ii acres h\ size with mor~ than 1,000 feet of freeway frvntage may be permitted 2 f:'eeway adjacent <igns at the discretion of the Commission. These signs shall not be placed closer than 600 feet to each other. All other regulations 'shall apply. Buildings, such as hotels and restaurants, fronting the freeway are entitled to have a freeway monument sign and a building sign visible from the freeway. ( The maximum overall installt'd sign height shall be 25 feet, with a maximum sign face height of 22 feet. 1 he rr.ollument or supporting struclure shall consist of an area equal to th~ sign face or c:JF}' area. The maximum hei ~ht of the sign rmel shall be 7 feet, L'le maximum width shall be 25 feet, and the total sign area shall r.ot exceed 125 square fret p~ fJ('~. If the site grade is <:ubstantially lower than the freeway JI"<l.de, or there is sl;bstanUal existing landsc:lp;ng which prevents adequate sign visibility, the allowable sign area of 1/.5 square feet may be added to the maximum permissible wall sign area in accordance with Chapter 19.22 (Sign Regulations). Any tree b the landscaped buffer that is removed to accommodate the installa- tion of any sign shall be repbced with a minimum 48 incl\ box tree. 7. PROHIBITED SIGNS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. A-frame signs Roof signs Bench signs Billboard si gns Captive balloons Emitting sign Inflatable signs \ '- U-175 ^TTACHMENT E-1 5191 Fe DISTRICT -19.14 Off-premi~ sign~, except as perm~-ied by section 19.22.080 of this Development Code. Portable sign Animated signs, except time/temperature devices and electomic message boards in CR-4. raper, cloth, and plastic streamer signs Painted signs on primary walls Pennants Stal'lles used for advertising Traff!c sign replicas Vehicle signs Directional signs whic!l incorporate business logo or ID Permanent "come-or." signs (Sale Today!, Stop, Look, etc.) . H. l. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q R. Direct and indirect lighting methods are allowed provided they are not harsh or unnecessarily bright. The use of can-type box signs with white or light colored translucent backlit panels are not j'€rmitted on any structures or as a freestan- ding sign. (Refer to the design guiolelines for signs in Chapter lQ.22). 8. PROHIBITED STRUCTURES. Structures with open, exposed aaneways are prohibited. 11176 ^TTACHMENT E-2 5191 - r- \.,.. ...~"\ '-/ Development Code Amendment No. 94-08 Hearing Date: 12-5-94 FINDINGR OP PACT Development Code Amendment No. 94-08 L The amendment to revi.se and clarify the definitions relating to billboards and off-site signs in order to allow the establishment of new off-site freeway signs and establishment of one new definition and provisions for off-site freeway signs is consistent with General Plan Policy 1.45.1 in that although the policy prohibits establishment of new billboards, it is silent of other types of off-site signs. 2. The proposed amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the city in that the revised and new definitions relating to billboards/off-site signs and provisions for. freeway signs in the Development Code, will not create any physical impacts. EXHIBIT 2 .-- '- .~ ~ SlJMMARY CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING DIVISION =============================================== CASE: DEVEWrMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO. 94-08 AGENDA ITEM: I HEARING DATE: 11-22-94 WARD: Citywide APPLICANT: Best Buy, Co., Inc. 7075 Flying Cloud nrive Eden, Prairie, MN. 55144 OWNER: NIA =========~~================---==-=-==----====== REQ' JEST / LOCA TlON- To amend Chapters 1'.22 Ilnd 1'.14 to revise regulations relating to billboards and ofl'-site sign, and to revise regulations regarding olT-site Freeway signs. The amendment will afl'ect qualiFying bllSinesses in the Commerical and Industrial land use designations. ========_~_____==========_=__=__=____=____===_===c====== PROPERTY EXISTING LAND USE LAND USE DESIGNATION ~r0L()(,:'C/SE'SMIl: YESD FLOOD HAZARD YESD SEWRIlS: N/A YES a n,U.Alm ZONE: N/A NO D ZONE: N/A NO a NO a IIIGII FIRE HAZARD YES a AIRPORT YES a REDEVELOPMENT YES a ZONE: N/A NO a NOISE/CRASH NO a PROJECT AREA: NO a ZONE: N/A TRI-CITY ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: o Not Applicahle . Exempt o No Significant Effects o Potential Effects, Mitigating Measures, No E.I.R. o E.I.R. wI Significant Effects o APPROVAL o CONDITIONS o Significant Effects, See Attached E.R.C. Minutes o DENIAL o CONTINUANCE TO:Forward to Mayor & Common Council EXHIBIT 3 c .,.-...,. '--' Development Code Amendment No. 94-08 Agenda Item: I Hearing Date: 11-22-94 Page 1 REQUEST: The request is for an amendment to Chapter 19.22, Sign RegUlations, Sections 19.22.030, 19.22.060, 19.22.080,and 19.22.150, and Chapter 19.14, Section 19.14.030 subsections (6) and (7) of the San Bernardino Development Code to revise the definitions relating to billboards and off-site signs and to revise the regulations reg~rding off-site freeway signs. This request is citywide. ChLJFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) STATUS: Pursuant to Section 15061(b-3) of the CEQA guidelines, the proposal to modify th... definitions relating to sign standards ""'1 the I.'gulation of signs, is exempt from CEQA as it is covered by the general rul e ~.hat CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The proposed changes to the Development Code are to revise the definitions relating to signs and the regulation of signs in commercial and industrial land use designations and will not impact the environm""t-. BACKGROUND: The Mayor and Common Coun~il adopted the General Plan on June 2, 1989. Approximately two years later in May of 1991, the Mayor and Common Council adopted the Development Code, previously Titles 18 & 19 of the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code. The purpose of the Development Code is to regulate development according to the I,olicies and objectives of the General Plan. hNhLYSIS: Proposal Th... proposal is to revise the definitions in the Development Code a'" they relate to billboards/off-site signs, establish one new definition for freeway signs, and establish provisions for the freeway signs. These freeway signs will be located off-site, on existing sign structures. In the past, it has been the practice of the City to include off- site signs in the category of billboards, and to treat them as prohibited signs. Although it is not anticipated that a very large number of these signs will appear due to the restrictive provisions of the propos...d amendment, some new freeway signs will appear. r'" '- "'", -....,/ Development Code Amendment No. 94-08 Agenda Item: I Hearing Date: 11-22-94 Page 2 Visual clutter along the freew~y~ is a legitimate land use issue and planning concern. This amendment proposes a major change jn the past policy of the City. If adopted, this amendment should not set a precedent which leads to further relaxation of sign standards, particularly as they relate to off-site signs. GF.NRR~L PLAN CONSISTENCY The current Development Code definition of Off-Site Sign (19.22.030), include!" billboards and outdoor advertising struC"t-ures as p'JlIivalent terms. General Plan Policy 1.45.1 states that it is the C'ity's intent to prohibit the development of new billboard Si'f1IS in the City, except as on-site replacement of existing units. The "roposed amendment will he consistent with thp General Plan, in thut the revised definition of Off-site Sign, and lidded definition for Freeway Sign will allow off-site Freeway Signs to qualifying busines!'les in close proximity to a freeway, pursuant to the pr~visions of 19.22.080(4) of this Chapter, while continuing the prohibition on the development of new billboard signs. AMENDMENT The changes to the Development Code included in this amendment are shown as follows: ~bDI'l':r;g~$ to the Development Code are HIGHLIGHTED, while BBLE'I'IONS'ilre shown as STRIKEOUTS. SIGN REGULATIONS: ]Q.22.030 DEFINITIONS "Billboard or ()utd6or AdvereiiJlrili"sICin." "Off db Sisft". Any sign structure advertislrig'ariestablishment, merchandise, servIce, or entertainment, which is not sold, produced, manufactured, or furnished at the site on which the sign is located. ?;'P.f~99~,!!nOF;fpS!H~~'!EPii!~~I~~~!'1i!Bi!;m;g~~j;~f~.'~: "Off-Site Sian". "or Billbeard Sisft". Any sign which advertises or informs in any a manner businesses which advertises or informs in any manner businesses, services, goods or events, at some location other than that upon which the sign is located." Note: These are two existing definitions which have been modified slightly to make them consistent with t new provisions for Freeway Signs. rreewiiv"'.SiCiri.;(~:f!l!!;J* a4~,~s~~~sf'!<~i~~~,~y."~!9a~39~*~~~'~i:l.ic~ ,...... "- "-" Development Code Amendment No. 94-08 Agenda Item: I Hearing Date: 11-22-94 Page 3 ac'lverf.{sesatreeway adj acelltbuiHness, . ~.~;;?~~~~~~~:~!:~li~j'~~~~~.~:t:t~i,~~!~:~~;;:~:~..~. r:~~;~!~i::f:t~~= No........: ~his is a new definition to be added. 1~.<2.060 PROHIBITED SIGNS S~r~ion 19.22.080, OFF-SITE SIGNS (G) change from J1Bf! 5i1:.c or billboard signs "Bil1board/!?H~~99m~dveHls+p~,1!~9iJ~ p;.!!, and ADD ('.'IIU.. ...........!?~f.Z!~~~;!:;ll!?!~~~~ep"?.. ~,~;J).~g!B;19;li!1~ .~.~S~~gf!m~ll~2~~9~9,11; and reorder the letters (E) through (P). . .. " to ADD subsection 4 .4~ '{'n1ttt!t9AY"'$t<;N~;;'; Oft-a! till' treilwiY"lIiiqna. ar'i'j'plillflii1\!tea' f6~ . . .. ))usinesses'~n;close proxlillity"i'to ,:the freewayil,,'it":ALL Qf thefo,lclCl~~ng,conditions~r"iil~t~, . "'w Ai';"~:~~~?;iCgth~~g~t~:;~1!~~;!f;t!!~lili!/~~!!;?~!l!l{ril'q~n'~ll~ 8'~ '.......;.;......ii~~~~~~~tt ~~~;~~'~~~:~~:~:.~.~~;~......~~~;~;~~~~.~#ClS~ C~. ;. ;..........;~;;~4~~~:1~~~x~J~nl\~~~~~~~;;~:y ~e~i,~~~~~~~w~~;~.;'...'.the ~.;./';::~:~:~~jj!~19ri$...~~~lf.:;:~~f;;mi~~alr~d.:;J..ijlt~~J~~U~wlrig T~l /: :~!!ft~~~~\~;~f!~ft~t~;g~~i~l~~~~~~it~~ (2)\ ....~~~~f:r~~~tii1;tt~~.liA~~~~:~:n~~~~q~~ ............~~;~i~~!!?~~41~~~;~ri~i~~~t:::l~~~~~~ (j) r"'. ~ :) Development Code Amendment No. 94-08 Agenda Item: I Hearing Date: 11-22-94 Page 4 NOTE: These are new regulations. section 19.22.150, Table 022.01, SIGN REGULATIONS BY LAND USE C,\TEGORY ADD, the following language to subsections C.l.f., D.l.single tpnant, and D.2.c.of the Table. i~7_~ Rporder all other provisions necessary. ::"\.~ !~~II~lj~~i,liiiiiliil~llll; section 19.14.030(6) FREEWAY ADJACENT SIGNS D~lete the first sentence of paragraph 4, and add to the end of the paragraph the following phrase: UThcr~ shall he ns marc ~haft 1 deahlc faecd freeway ei!ft 8ft e""'R st.r\let.lire si~e" Th<> sign is limited to identifying the ~!liii~~~~~'Iiii1~i'~~~~J~(((~_i,ir.i~~i~~i~i]:;!~~li;1l)~~~g!~~ section 19.101.030(7) PROHIBITED SIGNS <AOI1) to ~~'~i~~ii~i!i~iiiti~li~~~IIIIII!ilR~D!I;\1!gB~;~$SR+gp;l1;*~;f[~~;tP~~ CONCLUSION: H. The proposal represents a major change in past policy of the city relative to off-site signs, and if approved, should not set a precedent which leads to further relaxation of sign standards, parricularly as they pertain to off-site signs. The amendment is to revise the definitions in the Development Code as they relate to bi llboards/of'f-site signs in order to allow the establishment of new off-sitp. freeway signs. The proposal is exempt from CEQA as it is covered by the General Rule (1506l,b(3)). The Development Code and General Plan are consistent with each other regarding the establishment of new billboards. The General Pllln contains no ,,-.. '-' ,......." ....; Development Code Amendment No. 94-08 Agenda Ilem: I Hearing nale: 11-22-94 Page 5 policy on off-site signs other than billboards. This amendment wi 1 J ,.,1 ",rify definitions and establish provisions for freeway signs for qu~lifying businesses. RBCo'tltENDA'1'ION! St~ff proposes that the Planning Commission recommend to the Mayor and Common Council that if they wish to approve this type of off- site ~ign, then the language contained in Development Cnde Am~ndment No. 94-08 should be adopted, subject to the attached Flhdings of Fact (Attachment "A"). Submitted, Hays, istant Uirector - Planning and Building Services Prepared by: Sandra Paulsen, Senior Planner Attachment: A - Findings of Fact doc: 1072