HomeMy WebLinkAbout13-Finance CITY. OF SAN BERN~INO - REQUEST F~ COUNCIL ACTION From: BARBARA PACHON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Subject: 1993/94 Continuing Appropriation and Encumbrance Carryovers Dept: FINANCE Date: OCTOBER 28, 1994 >ynopsis of Previous Council action: Annual approval of carryovers from prior year's budget to current operating budget. DMH'. :>FFICE I;::'V 9t 2.J U ~ecommended motion: That the report of proposed 1993/94 Continuing Appropriation and Encuabrance carryovers as submitted by the Director of Finance be approved. ~C4'?ll4.'~ :ontact person: Barbara Pachon, Director of Finance Phone: x - 5242 ;upporting data attached: Ward: :UNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: ouncil Notes: ;.0262 Agenda Item No.-r3 CITY OF SAN BERNA:tDINO - REQUEST FQ. COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The purpose of this report is to submit to Council the FY 1993-94 continuing Appropriation and Encumbrance report and to receive approval to carryover these items into FY 1994-95. All items included on the continuing Appropriation and Encumbrance report were originally included in the FY 1993-94 approved budget, but were not actually expended during the fiscal year. since these items were budgeted in FY 1993-94 and not expended, the funds remain available but can not be expended until they are moved into the new fiscal year. Traditionally, these carryovers consist of various capital items and items specific to particular projects that were not completed by the end of the fiscal year. An item is placed on the Encumbrance report if a purchase order has been issued to a specific vendor for the item. Usually items on an Encumbrance report indicate that there is a back order, a long delivery time period, or the item or service has been received but the department has not submitted final approval to Finance to make payment. An item is placed on the continuing Appropriations report when a purchase order has not been issued yet or the project covers multi fiscal years. A purchase order is only issued after an appropriate vendor has been identified and the department is ready to begin the project. When the Council gives approval for a project, all funds needed for the project are budgeted. Whatever part of a project is not completed by the end of the fiscal year, the funds are requested to be carried over to continue the project in the next fiscal year. The continuing Appropriation and Encumbrance carryovers are not prepared in concurrence with the FY 1994-95 budget due to additional time needed for the receipt and processing of FY 1993-94 vendor invoices. Finance received and paid FY 1993-94 vendor invoices through the month of August. This fact, in conjunction with normal year end close procedures, delays the compilation of carryovers until October. o:;..n'''-4 ACCOUNT 001-092-54104 001-092-55486 001-092-55500 001-092-56300 001-171-53606 001-173-56300 001-176-53085 001-201-53604 001-201-54104 001-207-54104 001-215-53101 001-218-55800 001-220-53790 001-381-53812 001-383-54104 001-383-56300 001-401-55485 001-403-55800 001-404-55800 r ....... - -...I !!I!I~!~!I~,rlllli.\llil DESCRIPTION Professional Services (800 MHZ consultant) Computer Software (CCS Upgrade) Communications Equipment (800 MHZ) Capital Improvements (Retrofit program) Printing Services (Development Code) Capital Improvements (Carpeting) Abandon Sign Program (Funds from EDA) Equipment Maintenance (Light Bars Fire) Professional Services (EMT Exams) Professional Svcs (Radios/Light bars- Police) Supplies (Ballistics helmets) Equipment (Bullet proof Jackets) Non-capital Equipment (5 Chairs) Grant Match (Funds for Federal Grants) Professional Services (Alarm services) capital Improvements (Ceramic Studio repair) Computer Hardware (Weed Abatement) Other Equipment (Laser printers) other Equipment (Computer accessories) GENERAL FUND TOTAL 124-234-55020 Motor Vehicles (Trucks- Fontana contract) ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL 126-356-57736 Resurface Various streets 126-356-57839 Widen Kendall/Devils Canyon TOTAL GAS TAX FUND 127-411-55485 Computer Hardware (Printer) 127-411-55485 Computer Hardware (Muxservers City Yards) ~ 17,lJH REFUSE TOTAL Fr94 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS AMOUNT 15,300 90,000 24,500 24,100 4,500 800 47,100 6,800 3,000 12,100 2,700 3,200 2,400 19,000 2,300 23,500 2,700 1,200 600 285,800 51,200 51,200 72,500 600,000 672,500 2,600 14,600 17,200 Page 1 ACCOUNT 129-309-57286 129-309-57495 129-309-57738 129-309-57739 129-309-57839 129-309-57843 129-309-57851 129-309-57852 241-361-57003 241-361-57004 241-361-57005 241-361-57006 241-361-57007 241-361-57201 241-361-57202 241-361-57203 241-361-57204 241-361-57205 241-361-57206 241-361-57208 241-361-57256 241-361-57266 241-361-57276 241-361-57294 241-361-57298 241-361-57302 242-362-57288 242-362-57291 242-362-57306 242-362-57310 242-362-57311 242-362-57574 242-362-57661 242-362-57899 Al'O<Ub<, 27, IfH ~-- '-' --' , , ,', ~~ ~ . }t",',' ...._,..,._~-...,-...,.._....-..~-..---"'....-.._"_._j}J:\J::::r::;m , " ,ClIP ,oil mut^~DINO" }'.'...':"'i~:li=;i;~g.I~~~~~~;;~'0.;; DESCRIPTION Waterman/6th-9th 17th street/Arrowhead Pacific street Congestion Mgmt Model Widen Kendall/Devils Canyon 40th/Third-Acre (Right of Way) 9th/Wilson streets Mill/Pepper TOTAL 1/2 CENT SALES TAX FUND Unappropriated Funds Ward 3 Unappropriated Funds Ward 4 Unappropriated Funds Ward 5 Unappropriated Funds Ward 6 Unappropriated Funds Ward 7 Various Projects Refurbish Ballfields Sign for Tom Gould Park Irrigation all Parks Tables at perris Hill Park 5-Shultis Park Trash containers Asbestos Removal various city F 5-Blair Park Furnishings Seccombe Lake fish stocking 4 & 7-Speicher Parking Lot 1-Scoreboard & Rec Equipment 3-SB West LL Scoreboard & PA system 2-Water slide perris Hill Park TOTAL PARlt EXTENSION FUND Signals-Kendall Dr/New pine Tippecanoe/Del Rosa connector Central Business District Guardrail -Palm (Alabama) signals-Highland/Muscupiabe Del Rosa Dr/6th-Baseline E st Grade Crossing #2U-1.0 North H Street Box CUlvert TOTAL STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND n94 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS AMOUNT 60,400 22,100 50,000 210,000 37,400 25,000 9,000 6,500 420,400 9,000 14,100 13,800 20,500 11,800 5,400 5,600 2,700 9,600 2,100 5,400 400 1,600 6,200 1,600 200 700 1,000 111,700 116,000 8,822,400 33,700 64,400 27,200 450,000 98,000 485,000 10,096,700 Page 2 ACCOUNT 243-363-57136 243-363-57138 243-363-57502 243-363-57503 243-363-57505 243-363-57506 243-363-57513 243-363-57518 243-363-57528 243-363-57529 243-363-57531 243-363-57535 243-363-57536 243-363-57537 243-363-57608 243-363-57623 243-363-57624 243-363-57646 243-363-57679 243-363-57770 r' '- '"' -....I iiiiiiillll\!lrlrlrg.I'~II: DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Lytle Creek Picnic Area sierra Park Improvements Seccombe Lake Improvements Rio Vista Park Development Blair Park Development Al Guhin Park Development Guadalupe Field Buckboard Park Patton Park Development Rehab Tennis Courts (86-Bond) Nunez Park Development (86 & 88 Bond) Wildwood Park-Rehab Restrooms Play Equip for Tot Lots Park Furnishings-city Wide Rehab Security Lights (88 Bond) Blair Park Jog/Walk Course Rehab wildwood Picnic Area Palm Field Parking Lot Rehab Harrison canyon Park perris Hill/21st street Parking 30,000 25,000 56,700 14,800 6,300 14,600 3,800 255,000 567,300 1,300 86,000 20,000 6,300 20,400 268,600 113,800 25,000 5,000 19,400 5,800 TOTAL PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 1,545,100 244-364-57604 Resurface Cemetery Streets 245-365-57701 245-365-57702 245-365-57703 245-365-57704 245-365-57710 245-365-57711 245-365-57712 245-365-57732 245-365-57734 245-365-57735 245-365-57885 Al'OMkr n lJH 3,000 TOTAL CEMETERY CONSTRUCTION FUND 3,000 Line Extension Engineering I Street/Rial to-5th I Street/Mill-Rialto City's Share of Sewer Extension Interception-Phase III Interception - Phase IV Interception - Phase V Cajon/Little League-Devore Sewer Orange Show Road Sewer Lift Stations Various Drainage Problems 8,500 320,300 295,000 482,700 507,200 347,800 409,000 1,850,000 383,600 120,000 160,300 TOTAL SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION FUND 4,884,400 n94 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS Page 3 ACCOUNT 246-366-57472 246-366-57571 246-366-57572 248-368-57801 248-368-57827 248-368-57850 248-368-57874 248-368-57884 250-670-57387 250-670-57388 250-670-57477 250-670-57871 250-670-57876 250-670-57897 ,~ ~~-- '-' ....... ll;llill!~li"'il4r.1[6.i6111[11![i DESCRIPTION Victoria/Highland- Signals-Highland/Victoria Lynwood Drive pavement INDIAN BINGO SETTLEMENT FUND Storm Drain Improvement Bailey Creek/Belmont-ohio Pepper/E Rialto Channel North Verdemont Elem School Ohio/Olive-Bailey Creek STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION FUND Signal-Little Mountain/48th Signal-Mill/Meridian Minor Improvements Various Locations Tippecanoe/Redlands-Laurelane Signal-Mill/Lena Signal-Mill/Eucalyptus TRAFFIC SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTION FUND 635-341-55020 Motor Vehicles (Replacement funds) 635-341-55800 Equipment (Car wash) 679-251-55485 679-251-55485 679-251-54104 679-251-53604 AI'OM6e, 17, l'H MOTORPOOL TOTAL Computer Hardware (PC's RAM & Drives) Computer Hardware (UPS units) Professional Services (Contract programmer) Equipment Maintenance (MDT's space rent) MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS TOTAL TOTAL CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS Fr94 CD11TI11UI11G APPROPRIArIOllS AMOUNT 314,900 100,000 230,000 644,900 5,100 2,435,000 176,000 43,800 100,000 2,759,900 97,500 24,600 5,600 68,300 10,000 61,800 267,800 238,300 14,200 252,500 7,800 3,000 12,000 7,900 30,700 22,043,800 Page 4 ACCOUNT 001-031-55485 001-101-55486 001-173-53790 001-201-53101 001-201-54104 001-219-55800 001-223-55485 001-224-53101 001-224-53790 001-323-53709 001-324-53709 001-324-53709 001-325-54104 001-325-55800 001-404-55800 105-471-53709 108-226-53790 108-226-54104 635-341-55020 679-251-55485 _17.1fH r- '- ~ - CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES From FY94 to FY95 DESCRIPTION Computer Hardware Computer Software Non-capital Equipment Supplies Professional Services Other Equipment Computer Equipment Supplies Non-capital Equipment Building Maintenance Building Maintenace Building Maintenance Professional services Other Equipment Other Equipment General Fund Total Building Maintenance Library Fund Total Non-capital Equipment Professional Services Asset Forfeiture Fund Total Motor Vehicles Motor Pool Fund Total Computer Hardware Management Information Services Total TOTAL RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES IT94 CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS AMOUNT 6,500 2,600 3,700 6,500 1,100 700 10,000 2,500 1,000 4,800 6,200 7,300 2,700 5,800 1,000 62,400 3,800 3,800 3,300 1,600 4,900 47,600 47,600 1,100 1,100 119,800 Page 5