HomeMy WebLinkAbout22-Public Services CITY-OF SAN BERNIODINO - REQUEST FCJ COUNCIL ACTION From: Pat Malloy, Director of Public Services Subject: Appeal of Board of Building Coomissioners decision - abatement of weeds on property Dept: Public Services located on the 2600 Block W. Rialto Avenue AsE~~sor's parcel nos. 0142 062 06 and Date: Novenber 3, 1994 0142 062 08 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 7/7/94 - Adopted Order No. 2205 .DMH!. ",F.k'lCF;, NOV 9< 10: 09 qecommended motion: '!'hat the aIP""l of Mr. Fair relative to the "'lS'E'--""""lt made by the Board of Building Coomissicners with regard to the abatement of weeds frcm property located on the 2600 Block W. Rialto Avenue (parcel nos. 0142 062 06, 0142 062 08) be denied and decision by the Board of Building Canissioners be upheld. --)~--,- . . -;.: C(-::j Sign~ture Antact person: Pat Malloy Phone: 384-5140 .upporting data attached: Staff Report Ward: 3 :UNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: none Source: (Acct. No.! (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: :ouncil Notes: 5-0262 Agenda Item No. il~ -I- CITY' OF SAN BERNQDINO - REQUEST A;R COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT On July 14, 1994, Mr. Luther Fair submitted a Weed Abatement Appeal to Mayor and Council. Mr. Fair is appealing weed abatement work performed by a City contractor in March of 1994. The following is a summary of the Weed Abatement process followed by Public Services staff. On February 18, 1994, a "Notice to Clean Premises" was mailed to Mr. Luther T. Fair, 2505 Foothill Blvd., San Bernardino, CA 92410, regarding Parcel Nos. 014206206 and 0142 062 08, located on the 2600 block of West Rialto Avenue in San Bernardino. This Notice was given in accordance to Section 8.27.040 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code. Mr. Fair, through this Notice, was notified that he must abate his property of Weeds and Grass; tumbleweeds; and all debris and combustible materials within 10 days of this notice; otherwise it will be removed and abated by the City of San Bernardino and that the property owner will be assessed the cost of such removal. Mr. Fair was advised that he had until March 11, 1994 to abate his parcels. A copy of the Notice To Clean Premises and Notice of Regrowth is attached for Council's information. These parcels were inspected for compliance on March 16, 1994. The property owner failed to comply with the Notice to Clean Premises. It was determined by the Department that the parcels required discing and hand cleaning of weeds on this property, including parkways and perimeters. A work order to abate the weeds from these parcels was issued to the City contractor on March 22, 1994. On March 24 and 31, 1994, discing and hand work were completed. At the tiIDe this work was completed, photographs were taken of the property prior to and immediately following each abatement process. The following costs were recommended to comprise the tax lien on the parcels abated until paid: PARCELS DISCING HAND WORK ADMIN FEES TOTAL 0142 062 06 0142 062 08 $98.00 $55.65 $140.00 $140.00 $75.00 $75.00 $313.00 $270.65 Based on this information, by a majority vote, the Board of Building Commissioner's upheld the contractor's charges and waived the $150.00 administrative fees. The Board also ordered that a lien be placed on the property if the assessment was not paid. ;.0264 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO c DEPARTMENT OF Pu~C SERVICES ABATEMENT SECTIO~ 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 (909) 384-5045 NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES And NOTICE OF REGROWTH FAIR, LUTHER T 2505 FOOTHILL SAN BERNARDINO BLVD CA 92410 RE: PARCEL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 014206206 W 1/2 SE 1/4 SW 1 /4 NW 1/4 SEC 7 TP IS R 4W E X E 132 FT AND EX PE R/W AND i virtue of the weed abat..ent rules and regulations of the City of San Bernardino, San Bernardino Municipal Code Chapter .27, you are hereby notified to re.oye from your property, which is described abov., any and all of the it.ms described ~low which constitute or may constitute a public nuisance so that the removal thereof is necessary to protect the health ~d safety of the inhabitants of said City: u Weeds and Grass [i] Tumblew..ds [i] All Debris and Combustible Haterials c:J Other (S.. below) )tlc8 Is hereby given pursuant to Section 8.27.040 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code that the Public Services Director f the City of San Bernardino has deterftined that a nuisance exists on or abutting the property described in this Notice ~ on the parkway thereof. The nuisance consists of one or More of the following: weeds, sagebrush, chaparral, brush, dry !getation or vegetation which .tt.ins such extensive growth as to become a fire .enace when dry, poison oak or ivy or th9r plants which are noxious or dangerous, dry grass, stubble, brush, deadwood, dead or diseased trees, dead or dry palm ~onds, fences in disrepair or broken, litter, fla.~able Material which creates a fire hazard, containers, abandoned sphalt or concrete, rubble or waste Materials. You .ust abate or remove this nuisance within ten (10) days of this )tic8; otherwise it will be re.oved and abated by the City of San Bernardino, in which case the cost for such removal ill be assessed upon the property frOM which, or abutting the property from which, said nuisance is removed, and such ,sts wIll constitute a tax lien on such lots or land until paid. ,y person objecting to this deter.ination of a nuisance or to the proposed reMoval and abatement of said nuisance, .ay Lle a written protest with the City Clerk not later than ten (10) days from the date of this Notice. The City Clerk 1811 transmit such protests promptly to the Board of Building Commissioners of San Bernardino. l\lce is further given that said protest shall be heard before the Board of Building Commissioners in the Council Chambers : City Hall, 300 North "D" street, San Bernardino, California, on the first Friday of the next month after the date of lis notice at 9:00 in the morning. If. timely protest has been filed, you or your agent .ay appear at said hearing and ) heard and .ay present and hear evidence concerning the proposed abat..ent. ,. Public Services Director has also determined that the property described in this Notice supportsthe growth of weeds, lad or dry paIn fronds and dry grass which are seasonal and recurrent nuisances that must also be removed and abated Jreafter from time to time. Notice of regrowth of this nuisance during this calendar year will be giyen without rrther hearing. Failure to abate such recurringconditions will result in the City abating such nuisance, in which case Ie cost of such removal shall constitute a tax lien upon the property described in this Notice until paid. The ficient and econ~mica1 control of such seasonal and recurrent nuisances nay require preventative chenical control such weeds, weed seeds, and weed seedlings, and the City nay require preyent.tiye chenical control of such nuisances. ] If checked her., then the following Notice of Regrowth applies instead: "Notice to Clean Pre.ises.', as st.ted above, was previously nailed to you, declaring a nuisance on the aboye property. ,at Notice, which required removal or abatement of such nuisance, also declared that substantial regrowth must be abated. ,e aboye property was recently inspected, and the removal of any or all of the following it.ms 1s required at this t1me: ] Weeds and Grass o TUllb1eweeds o other u ar. hereby urged to perform the abatement work indicated within ten (10) days from the date of this Notice. If the operty is not cleaned and the nuisance abated within this ti.e, the City will have the work don. to abate the nuisanc. d will assess the costs thereof as . tax lien against the property. No hearings are conducted on Notices of Regrowth. aATEMENT COORDINATOR ,EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES 9091 384-5045 ABATEMENT MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN TEN DAYS OF TNE DATE BELOW, DATE: 03-01-94 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO I""" '- DEPARTMENT OF PU:~C SERVICES ABATEMENT SECTIOlil-' 300 North "0" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 (909) 384-5045 NOTICE TO CLEAN PREMISES And NOTICE OF REGROWTH FAIR, LUTHER T 2505 FOOTHILL SAN BERNARDINO BLVD CA 92410 RE: PARCEL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 014206208 COM AT INTERSECT I ON E LI SW 1/4 SW SEC 7 TP IS R 4W 1/4 NW 1/4 AND S LI P . virtue of the weed abatement rules and regulations of the City of San Bernardino, San Bernardino Municipal Code Chapter 27, you are hereby notified to r.moye frOM your property, which is described abov., any and all of the items described -low which constitute or may constitute a public nuisance so that the re.oval thereof Is necessary to protect the health ,d safety of the inhabitants of said City: J Weeds and Grass [i] Tumbleweeds [i] All Debris and Combustible Materials c=J Other (S.. below) -tics Is hereby given pursuant to Section 8.27.040 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code that the Public Services Director the City of San Bernardino has determined that a nuisance exists on or abutting the property described in this Notice on the parkway thereof. The nuisance consists of one or more of the following: weeds, sagebrush, chaparral, brush, dry .getation or vegetation which attains such extensiva growth as to becone a fire nenace when dry, poison oak or ivy or her plants which are noxious or dangerous, dry grass, stubble, brush, deadwood, dead or diseased trees, dead or dry palm 'onds, fences in disrepair or broken, litter, flammable naterial which creates a fire hazard, containers, abandoned ;phalt or concrete, rubble or waste ..tarials. You .ust abate or remove this nuisance within ten (10) days of this ,tice; otherwIse It wIll be removed and abated by the City of San Bernardino, In which case the cost for such removal 11 be assessed upon the property frOM which, or abutting the property fron which, said nuisance is removed, and such 'Sts will constitute a tax lien on such lots or land until paid. y person objecting to this deterainatlon of . nuisance or to the proposed renoval and abat...nt of said nuIsance, may le a written protest with the City Clerk not later than ten (10) days from the date of this Notice. The City Clerk 311 transmit such protests promptly to the Board of Building Co..issioners of San Bernardino. tic8 is further given that said protest shall be heard before the Board of Building Co.nissioners in the Council Chambers City Hall, 300 North "Du street, San Bernardino, California, on the first Friday of the next month after the date of i~ notice at 9:00 in the norning. If a timely protest has been flIed, you or your agent .ay appear at said hearing and heard and n.y present and hear evidence concerning the proposed abate.ent. . Public Services Director has also deterained that the property described in this Notice supportsthe growth of weeds, ad or dry paIn fronds and dry grass which are seasonal and recurrent nuisances that aust also be renoved and abated reafter fro. time to time. Notice of regrowth of this nuisance during this calendar year will be given without rther hearing. Failure to abate such recurringconditions will result in the City abating such nuisance, in which case e cost of such removal shall constitute a tax lien upon the property described in this Notice until paid. The ficient and economical control of such seasonal and recurrent nuisances .ay require preventative che.ical control such we.ds, weed seeds, and weed seedlings, and the City ..y require preventative chemical control of such nuisances. If checked her., then the following Notice of Regrowth applies instead: '.Notice to Clean Premises.', as stated above, was previously ..iled to you, declaring a nuisance on the above property. at Notic., which required re.oval or ebatement of such nuisance, also declared that substantial regrowth must be abated. e above property was recently inspected, and the removal of any or .11 of the following items is required at this time: Weeds and Grass o T\mblewe.ds o other u are hereby urged to perfor. the abat.ment work indicated within ten (10) days froa the date of this Notice. If the ~p.rty is not cleaned and the nuisance abated within this ti.e, the City will have the work done to abate the nuisance ~ wIll assess the costs thereof as a tax lien 8gainst the property. No hearings are conducted on Notices of Regrowth. BATEnENT COORDINATOR EPARTnENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES 9091 384-5045 ABATEnENT nUST BE COnPLETED WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE DATE BELOW: DATE: 03-01-94 e "'-', INVOICE C ""OM ~ , '-' CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO '~, FINANCE DEPA~TMENT , 300 NORTH ~'D" STREET. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92418 N!' W2I8.5 " '-:',;' .;-.(, ',. ,""- .:-.',,' . ,~ .:,.~fti::..t ':'i -. '.~ (:: ;-.<;~, . : -. ~o';'_~":: '""1":-,' '.., . \'.:.'~ "",. ,DAT. ;:'<:~.,.>,~ . .1- ~~,':~.~~':"_:-i),~:: . "__'_'1"'_" --/'- .' ,.', ;)::~~1~ ',~,5 ..'.." ~ "~}h'})i> "u "'~.~. '- , ,,001,0011-41815 ",~..' . " :".., ~'. ACCOUNT ~ . f , DiSTII.aUTION .' c '."-", ....." RECEIVED MAY 1 6 1994 PUBLIC SERVICES San BennandLno, Ca. lliaff /2, /994 ULnecton 0/ ~ubLLC SenVLce4 300 N. "U" Stneet San BennandLno, Ca. .'Re/. InvoLce # 22865 CientLemen: A4 ownen 0/ f.nopentif on ~LaLto Ave. ( panceL # 0/42-062-06 and # 0/42-062-08 ). I WL4h to pnote4t the exce44Lve weed abatement and hand wonk chan~e4 a~aLn4t 4aLd pnopentff' I heneb!f, ne?U44t a heanLn~ be/one the boand 0/ BULLdLn~ CommL44Lonen4 at San BennandLno CLtv HaLL pune 6,/994. ~e4pectLveLv Youn4 ~~4d?i- ~-zLi Luthen FaLn 2505 W. FoothLLL BLvd. Sp. #/0/ San BennandLno, Ca. 924/0 .....-. .....; 300 NORTH "0" STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 9241B July 8, 1994 Mr. Luther T. Fair 2505 Foothill Blvd. San Bernardino, CA 92410 Re: Parcel Nos. 0142 062 06, 0142 062 08 Weed Abatement Protest Dear Mr. Fair: Your protest of weed abatement charges for the above parcels billed on Invoice W22865 was presented to the Board of Building Commission at their July 7, 1994 meeting. Your protest was denied, but an adjustment of $150.00 was given. You will have fifteen (15) days, or until August 2, 1994 to appeal to the Mayor and Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written statement of the order appealed from, the specific ground of appeal and the relief or action sought from the Common Council pursuant to the San Bernardino Municipal Code. '~~7 Pat Malloy Director of Public Services OF SAN 2205,..... -..J ORDER OF THE BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY BERNARDINO ASSESSING COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ,...", '-' ORDER NO. 1 2 3 4 8, Chapter 8.27, the Director of Public Services of the City of San l 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, pursuant to San Bernardino Municipal Code, Title Bernardino has given notice of and thereafter abated a public nuisance found to exist on the properties described in Exhibit "A" attached to and hereby incorporated in this order; and WHEREAS, pursuant to San Bernardino Municipal Code, the 9 Director of Public Services served notice to all property owners 10 listed in Exhibit "A", of the hearing before the Board of Building 11 commissioners of the City of San Bernardino relating to abatement , 12 costs to be assessed the owners and their right to appear at said 13 hearing and protest the assessments; and WHEREAS, every property owner against whom an assessment 14 15 16 the Board of Building Commissioners heretofore; 17 18 as been proposed has been afforded an opportunity to be heard by NO\~, THEREfORE, THE BOARD OF eUILDING COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ORDERS THE FOLLOWING: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1. Based upon the evidence submitted by the Director of Public Services or his representative, it is found and determined that the properties described in Exhibit "A", constituted a public nuisance which had to be abated by the City at the costs stated in Exhibit "A". 2. These costs should be assessed in the amounts set forth in Exhibit "A" against the respective properties and may be 07/07/94 -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 t""" .,-, ,.-., ....." made a personal obligation of the property owner by commencement 0 court proceedings against the owner. 3. Any person aggrieved by this order may appeal to th Common Council by filing with the City Clerk a written statement 0 the order appealed from, the specific ground of appeal and th relief or action sought from the Common Council pursuant to the Sa Bernardino Municipal Code. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDER WAS DULY ADOPTE BY THE Board of Building commissioners of the city of San Bernardin at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of July 1994, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: commissioners Enciso, Thraser, Suarez, Pollock, Gonzales, Cash NAYS: ABSENT: Flores, Savala, Hendrix LERK,BOARD OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS The foregoing order is hereby approved this 7th day, July , 1994. OF BUILDING COMMISSIONERS Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN, 25 city Attorney : By' Ik;;~. 07/07/94 28 -2- - 0142 062 06 0142 062 08 0144 081 33 0144 123 46 0144 161 22 0280 181 04 0280 181 23 0280 181 28 0280 181 34 0280 181 35 0280 181 40 0280 191 07 0280 191 08 0280 192 04 0280 201 13 0141 352 15 0141 352 16 0141 352 17 CEED ABATEMENT ASSESSMENT~ EXHIBIT "A" ...,I Fair, Luther T. 2505 Foothill Blvd. San Bernardino, CA 92410 Fair, Luther T. CANCEL Campos, Joe P. 163 Julia San Bernardino, CA 92408 Lacy, otis 615 E. Foothill Blvd. San Dimas, CA 91773 SSLM Ventures, Inc. 100 W. Broadway Street Long Beach, CA 90802 Valley View Investment Assoc. 16529 Otsego Street Encino, CA 91436 Valley View Investment Assoc. Valley View Investment Assoc. Valley View Investment Assoc. Valley View Investment Assoc. Valley View Investment Assoc. Gonzalez, Carlos S. 6856 Oleander Avenue Fontana, CA 92336 Williams, Robert L. 3180 Industrial Drive Riverside, CA 92506 Hill, Jack 1033 W. loth Street San Bernardino, CA 92411 Hicks, will 230 E. Bryant Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Sarkaria, Daljit PO Box 5986 Orange, CA 92613 Sarkaria, Daljit sarkaria, Daljit W22865 W22865 W22897 W22900 W22901 W22905 W22907 W22907 W22907 W22907 W22907 W22907 W22909 W22910 W22913 W22914 W22915 W22915 W22915 257.50 215. 15 129.50 229.50 199.50 669.20 639.10 129.50 164.50 129.50 129.50 304.50 304.50 234.50 444.50 199.50 199.50 199.50 _______________~______FOR OFFICE USE C\, -' -::L - -- ONLy~-------------------- D~artments Receivinq Copies: ;1'l,r/::,::d~~:JI/:~<' Date/Time Stamp: RECEIVED-CI1'( CLER~ '94 .ll. 19 Pl :15 ori2nal to: ~j) n ffJ~rJ;,1/) payment Information: Account 001-000-41304 ---------------------------------------------------------- CI'l'Y OF SA1f BBRRARDINO NOTICE OF APPEAL / **********************IHPORTART IRFORHATIOR********************* PURSuur.r 'l'O RESOLUTION RO. 90-375 THERE IS AN APPEAL !'BE OF $75.00 FOR ALL BUILDING, WEED AND VEHICLE ABATEHERT APPEALS DDB 'l'O THE CnMVnu COUNCIL. PURS1JART 'l'O RESOLUTIOR RO. 89-471 TBBRB IS AN APPEAL !'BE OF $110.00 FOR ALL PLARRING APPEALS DDB 'l'O THE COIIKOR COORCIL PURSUART 'l'O RESOLUTIOR NO. 90-458 THERE IS A PROCESSING !'BE OF $75.00 FOR ANY REQUESTS 'l'O COR'.rIRUE AN APPEAL OR ()-J:1U5K ITD OR THE AGENDA OF THE KAYOR AND CO-n1f COORCIL. ORDlRARCB RO. 765 REQUIRES THAT ANY REQUESTS FOR COR'.rIIIUAIICB BE SUBIIJ:TTBD 'l'O THE CI'l'Y CLBRlt PRIOR 'l'O THE ITD BEING R1ZIUQ) AND EST BE ACCOIIPANIED BY THE PROCESSING FEE. ORDDtARCB RO. 765 FURTHER STATES THAT THE GRAlITIRG OF A CQRTDlUARCB mDT.T. BE SUBJBCT 'l'O COIIPLETE l)ISCRftIOR OF THE KAYOR AND CnMVn1f CODJICIL. (P1lUUling appeal f_s paid in the PlaJ'lning Dept. All other f_s paid in City Clerk's Office). ***..*******..****************..*********************.***.****.* Name of Appellant: Please Comnlete paaes One. Two and Three ~~ ~f~4 -7":11::: ~ '{' ~ ,;',,' (I /TlIl~i/ rem'l') - - Appeal Filinq Date: e:2~-c ~-//{ ~/P~ t ~P;/ 4// 11-~(7/ 4"J A, ~ r1- t:?'2;:1/ f) , J / Address of Appellant: Contact Person ~J ,'( .1/ ?-//( h " i1it. , Contact Person Address: home number: 19'-4 ( /, ) 'C / (,7vfJ Lr -{, /. Lc. Contact Person Phone Number: work number: 1 Notice of AppeaQorm Page Two '.', - / Affected Property: -;4'h'/:{., -# r1/f/-:2..-tJpt-;(J~ '1 tP-f" ,m.e of Appeal (please check one of the following): .~ j ,\ ~ ':.1'. ('! -'..l' v Planning Appeal to Mayor and Council Building Abatement Appeal to Mayor and Council Weed Abatement Appeal to Mayor and Council Vehicle Abatement Appeal to Mayor and Council Appeal to Board of Building Commissioners Other Types of Appeals: A VALID APPEAL EST INCLUDE THE POLLOWI:NG IHPOlUIATIOR (II.C. 2.64)1 I. State the specific action appealed and the date of that action: @ II. State specific grounds J.&~'t /( y7// L'~' L-:..L '" /..7J./ ~ 12/-.1'-<< J/ J,(~lI ' Cont. on next page... / .z;: ,AjA?>-{-c/. /c/'#.L / v , 2 c -, '-..,I Notice of Appeal. Form paqe Three III. State the action(s) sought from the Common Council ~committee or Commission): \ ~h:l.:;;g? all///n2 ,0.if/:;Lq"~?::-' - ,r~f-'//' Z' , , ~ ,., Signature of Appellant: $~'~J ,,,/ I Attachments and 3 c --. '-..,I I i !I Ill! ~mCl:r~ I '=! Ii co I :igl en - I ~~i"" .. -... I I"(...ai .. il I :lIga; I 1 i: ~ "c'" I M -en ... ... -I' f.. I (....0 en i.........: tt..~=. .~:iI :z: "" _z.. ;I@ I "" ~ :==11'; ""iI 0 ... .... ::'i1 I fd. .... I B-=!I' lS.. I ... ... :!l I co 51 ..- [nrn= .1 I ... .._0 :t ~ ~ .. ....... ..... " .... I =~i= .... Ir~ I MJ.... , ...... ... , 0'" .....1 ~iIl I II Ie...... 0 I II I ~ .... lS!i , II I ~ I. , II I - .. .. I n i ... .. I II I a I II I II I . i il I 0.1- II. .,iJlleJI II....... ;.c , '!" Ill" I 8 II- .- g :i 8 U818 1181 .. . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MISCELLANEOUS CASH RECEIPT 7/;7 I Received From I~I/ ;:;,/- , Ie , ,- IE .i8 :) 7 1 ~ 7.;l'! - " ,... 0.. .0 ....- .2~71~ aJ. hdl)d/ ~~ ~ #//)/ -5 .A / f(# 9.2.#P The Sum of ~1#J1fy - ~L Dollars ~ For Bud-1m! ./lhuklYlb1t /,11 YI JlIt(,tl1/;,I~ -/Ju...1 -/lh dIP t7/~~ - tftt..2. -.(/Y Cents ACCOUNT NO. - .:NlOUNT .... a?/~;,,/ la ~').s: t'P " a .- .. .. .. III " . .. ..."" .... .... '8 ~~ii"" .......... . :::: i =] ..... .. O_Cl~cn Date 19~~ Department (j If (%/1 , I, By ", / l'/llIlV,l TOTAL 175, tCi nlC:TDIA1ITlrI"". W"'it. _ ,....~...___. .....__... _ ....._.~.__ ...._. _. ....... 1~/7 -f?j ff tf'-~3'~~ CITY O~ C t T V C L E R K San Bernardino ~~ I v !,,~ ;z.~~~ /IO~ ~h>UA' ~~ ~bb T';:/~ rr'-7r(/~ 4;#"/c' ,{, ~ ~ ~~ ~ 44-</ A., ,.,,~ A~'" ?~. /-t51 /hP7t~f L/ ~....".. ~. ~ /v.6aG- 7/t>~ . .'#' ,~/"....~~~ 1"" ~ ~.; hP ~~ /ltJ~ RACHEL CLARK November 17, 1994 Mr. Luther Fair 2505 West Foothill Boulevard, Space #101 San Bernardino, CA 92410 Dear Mr. Fair: Please be advised that your appeal of the Board of Building Commissioners decision relating to weed abatement charges for your property located in the 2600 block of West Rialto Avenue has been scheduled to be heard at the Mayor and Common Council meeting of November 21, 1994. Your appeal is Item #22, and is scheduled to be heard at 10:00 a.m. or sometime thereafter. The Mayor and Common Council meeting is held in the Council Chambers on the fIrst floor of City Hall. This letter is being sent because my staff has been unable to reach you by phone. Should you have any question on this matter please do not hesitate to contact my office at 384-5002, our office opens at 7:30 a.m. Sincerely, ~:::k~ City Clerk RC:mav CC: Pat Malloy, Director of Public Services POST OFFICE BOX la11. SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA 12402 PRIDE -I ....!N PRO~ESS ~' ~~ 300 NORTH '0 STREET, SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA 92418-0001 (1.1)384-5002 ("1)384..1102 FAX~('D.)a'4.14"