HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-Public Works J.- J. J.,. ,>u. J.-_-'o..,Ju-..,J...V CITY' OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST F~ COUNCIL ACTION From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE, Director Su bject: Resolut.ion of Int.ention: Vacat.ion of Public utility Easement. - rear 5' of Lots 87-94 & 113-115, Tract No. 2259 South of 25th, West of Miramont.e Dept: Public Works/Engineering Date: October 17, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 08-01-94 -- Authorization to proceed was given, and Plan No. 9135 was approved. 08-19-94 Notice of Exemption filed with the County Board of Supervisors and a finding of consistency with the General Plan was made. Recommended motion: Adopt Resolution cc: Shauna Clark, City Administrator Barbara Pachon, Finance Director James F. Penman, City Attorney ~~ :01. '.>6 DO 02 " T"'i.~0' NlWm' :ontact person: Anne DeBolt Phone: 5328 ;upponing data attached: staff Revort. Resolution, Plan VVard: 7 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Wages on W.O. 1266 Source: (Acct. No.) 001-302-53157 Acct. Descri tion Vac'ation Finance: ;ouncil Notes: Agenda Item NO.----''' '5.0262 CITY' OF SAN BERNjQDINO - REQUEST FOI COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT A request was received by this office to vacate a Puhlic utility Easement lying across the rear 5 feet of Lots 87 through 94 and Lots 113 through 115 of Tract No. 2259, lying South of 25th Street and between the 1-215 and Miramonte Street from Mr. Orville Spears. This request represents 100% of those owners who adjoin the area proposed for vacation. On 08-01-94, authorization was given to proceed with the proposed vacation, and Plan No. 9135 was approved. All of the interested City of the proposal on 08-15-94, attached for your information. received. Departments and Utility Companies with a reply due by 09-12-94. The No requests for reservation of any were notified responses are easements were On 08-19-94, a Notice of Exemption was filed with the County Board of Super- visors, and a finding of consistency with the General Plan was made. The remaining fee of $500.00 has been paid and it is recommended that favorable consideration be given to the requested vacation. The Resolution of Intention, which sets a hearing date of 12-19-94 has been attached for your action also. Upon the approval of said Resolution, all adjacent property owners will be notified by mail of the hearing date. ;-0264 ,- \......, --., - City Department and Utility Company responses relative to the proposed vacation of a Public Utility Easement across the rear 5 feet of Lots 87 through 94 and Lots 113 through 115, Tract No. 2259, lying on the South side of 25th Street between the 1-215 and Miramonte Drive. CITY DEPARTMENTS OBJECT ---- DO NOT OBJECT COMMENTS BUILDING & SAFETY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING FACILITIES MNGMNT FIRE PARKS & RECREATION PLANNING POLICE PUBLIC SRVS/REFUSE PUBLIC SRVS/STREETS RISK MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE x X X X NO RESPONSE NO RESPONSE X X X X l1J11-IIL~()~~I.F;~ __llEJ>ERVE__ EASE~N-":~ : YES NO COMMENTS AT & T X CITY WATER DEPT X COMCAST CABLE X CONTINENTAL TELE. X EAST VALLEY WATER X GENERAL TELEPHONE NO RESPONSE MARKS CABLEVISION X METROPOLITAN WATER X PACIFIC TELEPHONE NO RESPONSE SAN BNOO V ALLEY HUNI WATER DIST NO RESPONSE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY HUNI WATER DIST NO RESPONSE SOUTHERN CALIF EDISON X SOUTHERN CALIF GAS X 10-17-94 3 " " .~( ',:, . .--1 \ 25 th \ '!)o 091 ~ <o,tt,\ ~. ..::;" ,-)6 ~JS ! !:, if ~ STAlE HI~HWAY I...~15 "..:"! .'.~ (,... ".. DIRECTOR OF 'UILIC WORkS /CITV ENGINEER Prep.red It!ll IJ,' 01 Sheet Cheelled It!l I 1/ d A . /Y~ ~;;;,tf. D~TE 15-.3/.'11 of AREA VACATED SHOWN THUS FILE NO.1 . ,8tJ-, '7//~-:/((~/~'l'/~ 'LAN NO.1 6' STREET ~--- $"0 /JS 87@ ~ ~ "'c~..r @ E4)~ 93 92 ' 88@ 1/5 28 9' ~ ~ I , ---J I I ~ I I 1"~.t'L ,- .",..' r..' r,'C' v .~. ..~ I.u :> ~ o L ~ ~ C!: o :E q: Q:: ~ I I I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ~c NaRK. DEPARTMENT pan-EERINII DJVISICN REM. P"M1",. V 88CTICN PUBLIC tiTILI1Y EAS&lENl' - REAR 5 FFX1' OF wrs 87 'l'HRro;H 94, AND wrs 113 - ill SOl1IH SIDE OF 25'1H ::.-J:l(t;t;r, BE'lWEEN 1-215 AND NIRAMlNl'E IlUVE c - ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE VACATION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS THE REAR 5 FEET OF LOTS 87 THROUGH 94 AND LOTS 113 THROUGH 115, TRACT NO. 2259. SAID LOTS LIE SOUTH OF 25TH STREET BETWEEN 1-215 AND MIRAMONTE DRIVE, IN SAN BERNARDINO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino hereby declare their intention to order the vacation of the 8 Public Utility Easement across the rear 5 feet of Lots 87 through 94 and 9 Lots 113 through 115, Tract No. 2259, described as follows: 10 11 12 13 The rear 5.00 feet of Lots 87 through 94 and through 115, as granted on the map of Tract recorded in Book 32 of Maps, Page 30, in the the County Recorder of said County. Lots 113 No. 2259, office of SECTION 2. That the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San 14 Bernardino, in vacating the above described portion of said Public Utility 15 Easement elect to proceed under and in accordance with the provisions of the 16 "Public Streets, Highways and Services Vacation Law", being Division 9, Part 17 3, of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. 18 SECTION 3. That the hour of 10:00 A.M. on the 19th day of Decem- 19 ber, 1994, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, San Bernardino, Cali- 20 fornia, be, and the same hereby is fixed as the time and place when and 21 where all persons interested in or objecting to the proposed vacation may 22 appear before said Mayor and Common Counci 1 and offer evidence in 23 relation thereto. For further particulars as to the proposed vacation of 24 the hereinbefore described portion of said Public Utility Easement, refer- 25 ence is made to that map marked "P]an No. 9135" approved August ]9, 1994, 26 27 28 0/17/94 on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City. SECTION 4. That the City Engineer of the City of San Bernardino is hereby directed to cause Notices of Vacation to be posted as required by ] VACATION OF PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT: " ,....... \.,... REAR 5 FEET OF LOTS 87 THROUGH 94 AND LOTS 113 THROUGH 115, TRACT NO. 2259 1 the Public Streets, Highways and Services Vacation Law. 2 SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of 3 this Resolution of Intention and shall cause the same to be published once a 4 week for two successive weeks in The Sun, a newspaper published and 5 circulated in the City of San Bernardino, prior to the date of the above 6 public hearing. 7 / / 8// 9// 10 / / 11 / / 12 / / 13 / / 14 / / 15 / / 16 / / 17 / / 18 / / 19 / / 20 / / 21 / / 22 / / 23 / / 24 / / 25 / / 26 / / 27 / / 28 / / 1/17/94 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 By: " "i\\"l'\lJ.VI"l ur rUDL..1L. UJ.J.L.111 .f..1'\.:>.r.J'U:.I"ll. llLfU( J .rLL:.J ur LVJ,) 01 Inl\UUU'n "10; AI"lU LOTS 113 THROUGH 115. TRACT NO. 2259 - -. \- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a day of meeting thereof held on the 1994. by the following vote. to-wit: AYES NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT ------- COUNCIL MEMBERS: NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAI'I MILLER RACHEL CLARK. City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this _______ day 19 of . 1994. TOM MINOR. Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN. City Attorney )/17/94 3