HomeMy WebLinkAbout30-Facilities Management 6 CITY OF SAN BJ:R~DINO - :; '" .., From: James W. Sharer, t!anaget; '" !'1 Dept: Faci 1 i ti es Management '" REQUEST FG'q COUNCIL ACTION Date: November 8, 1994 Subject: SET PUBLIC HEARING DEC. 5, 1994 -- ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY FOR THE INSTALLATION AND FINANCING OF ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES. Synopsis of Previous Council action: NONE Recommended motion: That a Public Hearing be set for December 5, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. to adopt the Envest/SCE agreement for the installation and financing of energy conservation measures at various facilities within the City. / Contact person: James W. Sharer Phone: 384-5244 Supporting data attached: Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance : Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No ~() CITY' OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FO COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The Facilities Management Division has been working with the Southern California Edi son Company, Envest/SCE Program to develop energy savi ng projects a t the following buildings: City Hall Carousel Mall Pedestrian Walkways Feldheym Library The proposed projects will involve lighting and HVAC systems, providing the City wi th new equi pment that consumes 1 ess energy. The cost for the payback of the project will be less than cost of annual energy that would have been used had the projects not been implemented. The net effect is that the City will receive new equipment to be paid for out of the energy savings with no increase in the budget. To have Envest/SCE provi de these energy measures to the Ci ty, a pub 1 i c heari ng must be set, per Government Code 4217.12. This hearing will be to determine if entering into an energy services contract would be in the best interest of the City. The public hearing should conclude with the Mayor and Common Council deciding whether or not to enter into an agreement with Envest/SCE. 5.0264 o o .: C I T Y 0 F SAN B ERN A R DIN 0 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM Facilities Management NO. CD4 #13 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: COPIES: Shauna Clark, City Administrator James W. Sharer, Facilities OVERVIEW OF ENVEST November 17, 1994 The Facilities Management Division of the City of San Bernardino is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of over 140 buildings throughout the ci ty. The total current annual util ity expendi ture for these facil i ti es exceeds $2,990,000. There are several opportuni ti es which exist to reduce these utility expenses. As with all of Southern California, the continuing economic downturn has had a negative effect on the revenue available to run the City business. This reduction in revenue, combined with increased demands for other City services such as police protection, has created additional pressures on the City to reduce operating costs. This places the City in the difficult position of deferring needed maintenance and delaying equipment replacement which, while meeting short term budgetary constraints, does not provide for a long term solution. Through discussions with Mr. James W. Sharer, Manager - Facilities Management Division, it was agreed to focus the initial energy conservation efforts on three major facilities managed by his division. City Hall The Carousel Mall The Main Library - Feldheym The annual electrical energy consumption in these three facilities is in excess of $760,000. CITY HALL The City Hall Building, a six story, 95,000 square foot facility, was built in 1971 prior to the introduction of the California energy efficiency standards. The mechanical systems in the building are typical of this time frame. As a result, the City Hall is, unfortunately, a poor energy performer. t) /' '-)U . c ""'" .....,. . . The original central chiller plant was designed City Hall but also a Convention Center. The disconnected from this facility resulting in an central chiller plant. The main air distribution systems are constant volumn double duct systems. This type of system maintains space temperatures by mixing both cool and hot air. This was a concept often used in the days of cheaper energy costs and is now actually prohi bited by the Cali forni a energy conservation requirements in most applications. to serve not only the Conventi on Center was overs i zed, i neffi c i ent The City has made some innovative, and successful, investments to reduce the operating costs in this building. In late 1993, a lighting retrofit was completed which has resulted in lowering both electrical demand and consumption leading to lower electric utility bills. As successful as this lighting retrofit project has been, there remain opportunities for the City to capture additional, significant energy savings by retrofitting the central mechanical systems and parking structure lighting. Additional attention is needed to address the central chiller system which contains a CFC refrigerant. In addition to this type of refrigerant being known to cause holes in the ozone layer, a ban on its future manufacture will cause maintenance costs to increase in the future. CAROUSEL MAll This facility, built in the early 1970's, is a multi-tenanted, multi-use commercial facility. The City has the responsibility to light and condition the common areas of the mall. The mechanical systems serving these areas seem to operate fairly efficiently, however there is an opportunity to improve the efficiency of the lighting system and reduce operation costs through some HVAC control system ~0difications. CENTRAL LIBRARY The Central Library was built in 1984. The mechanical systems reflect the California Title 24 energy efficiency requirements in force at the time. There are two 80 ton air cooled chillers serving individual fan coil units for each zone. The chillers have an EER of 9.7 and there is no significant performance improvement available. At this time, we do not project any economically viable improvements to the existing HVAC system. The lighting systems in this facility use T12, 34w, lamps with magnetic ballasts. They are a good target for retrofit which will lead to reduced operating costs. During the initial field survey we also noticed a few unoccupi ed conference rooms wi th all the 1 i ghts on which coul d util i ze occupancy sensors to turn off the ights unless the space is occupied. ENVEST SOLUTION o o . - This section addresses the actual energy conservation measures (ECM) to be performed as the Envest solution is implemented. The savings associated with each aspect of the project are also identified. CITY HALL City Hall HVAC The existing chillers, cooling towers and pumps are oversized for the peak load required for the City Hall facility. The chiller plant will be resized and new chillers, cooling tower and pumps will be installed to meet the actual peak capacity of 300 tons (to be veri fi ed duri ng the design phase). To achieve a level of redundancy, two chillers, sized at 2/3 of the peak capacity (200 tons) will be installed. The total capacity of the new plant will be 400 tons. The chillers will use a non- CFC refrigerant. The chillers will be installed in parallel in a variable flow primary/secondary pumping arrangement (also termed a decoupling system) with the chilled water distribution system. The primary chiller loop will use constant flow pumps and the secondary distribution system will use a pump controlled by an electric variable speed drive (VSD) based on system pressure requirements. The existing cooling coil pumps and 3-way valves will be removed and replaced with 2- way valves. To assure there is no loss of City Hall operation during the central plant renovation, a temporary chiller has been included as part of the implementation strategy. The existing double duct system in the penthouse serving the main floor areas will be converted to a double duct variable air volume system using variable speed drives (VSD's) on the main fan motors and replacement of the mixing boxes with double duct VAV boxes specifically designed for this type of system. As part of the initial verification study, the cooling loads of the individual zones will be recalculated based on current occupancy and use. As part of the design, new double duct VAV boxes will be selected based on the new load requirements and the system will be balanced to these new requirements as part of the implementation scope. Carousel Mall In the conmon areas, existing T12-34w lamps will be replaced with T8 lamps and the magnetic ballasts will be replaced with electronic ba 11 asts. The parabol i c refl ectors will be c leaned with an ultrasoni c cleaning system. The economi zer operati on on all the rooftop air handl i ng units servi ng the common areas will be put in working order. LIBRARY Library Lighting o o Existing T12-34w lamps will be replaced with T8 lamps, the magnetic ballasts will be replaced with electronic ballasts and the fixtures will be washed. Occupancy sensors will be installed in five areas that have 1 imi ted occupancy. Any broken sockets or cracked di ffusers will be replaced. Energy Management and Control System (EMCS) Implementation of HVAC improvements at the City Hall requires upgrading of the existing control system to a DDC based system. This new system will be a Carrier CCN Control System and will interface with the existing pneumatic actuators at City Hall. A Carrier workstation is included. Also included are provisions for start/stop control and status monitoring of the Carousel Mall and Library HVAC systems by the new workstation to be located in City Hall. A gateway already exists at the Library for digital communications, but a gateway must be installed at the Mall. Benefits of the Envest Solution Non-financial Benefits The Envest solution is tailored to provide solutions to the wants and needs addressed earlier in the proposal. Through the Envest solution a single point of contact and coordination will be provided to ensure successful implementation of the project. This in turn allows the City to util ize staff resources to address the everyday operating needs of your facilities and continue performing scheduled maintenance needs. This also reduces the 'hassle' of developing, designing, procuring, project managing and verifing the results of such a comprehensive project. Envest provides the resources and experience needed to successfully complete the project with little burden on City staff. In addition to this staff support, the City will have the Southern California Edison Co. standing in front of the solution providing: Financial strength Long term continuing business relationships Long term customer satisfaction The City can take a proactive leadership role in environmental improvements in the Inland Empire through implementation of the proposal. You will be replacing the ozone depleting refrigerant in your chillers with an environmently friendly one. The reduced electrical consumption projected for the City will also carry a related environmental benefit by reducing the pollutants emitted by electrical power generation. Through evaluation of the actual heating and cooling requirements in the City Hall and modifications to the air delivery system you should see significant improvements in the comfort conditions throughout the facil i ty. Financial Benefits o o . By providing 100% of the financing for the project, the Envest solution will free-up your capital budget for investments in other City services or programs. There will be no up front out of pocket investment required by the City. By implementing the proven energy efficient technologies proposed the City will reduce it's annual utility costs will be reduced by a projected $166,000. This represents a 21% reduction in the utility costs for these facilities. In addition the City will gain economic benefit through reduced maintenance costs. Because all of the new lighting and mechanical equipment will be under warranty, there will be no bulb and ballast replacement or repair service on the mechanical equipment installed as part of this solution during the equipment manufacturers specified warranty period. Cost Analysis The currently estimated price for the Envest solution described above is approximately $971K which includes all aspects of the development, implementation, commissioning and post-implementation monitoring. In addition, the Envest solution includes financing of this amount over a term of 10 years at a fixed annual interest rate of 7.20% (0.6% monthly) in the form of a municipal lease. The annual payment will .be $137K per year. This, combined with the expected energy savings of $166K per year will result in the City of San Bernardino enjoying an estimated net annual cash flow of $29K.