HomeMy WebLinkAbout33-Parks and Recreation CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FCR COUNCIL ACTION From: ANNIE F. RAMOS. DIRECTOR Su~ect: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $152.00 FOR USE OF SECCOMBE LAKE PARK PARKS. RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES BY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH OFFICE OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG NOVEMBER 10. 1994 PROGRAMS FOR A RALLY FOR WORLD AIDS DAY. Dept: Date: Synopsis of Previous Council action: None. D;i4l~' . "'P"lCE> l NOV 9<. 4: 51 Recommended motion: Form Motion 1. That the request to waive fees for use of Seccombe lake Park and facilities by San Bernardino County Mental Health Office of Alcohol and Drug Programs in the amount of $152.00 be denied. or Form Motion 2. That the request to waive fees for use of Seccombe lake Park and facilities by San Bernardino County Mental Health Office of A 1 coho 1 and Drug Program?':)n th!_ amoun.t o.h .!~:;..:..O~ approved. ~ ~ ~ Signature Contact person: ,John A. Krampr Staff Report. Letter of Supporting data attached: Request and Appl ication. Phone: 'in~1 Ward: 1 FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: $152.00 Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. Description) Finance: Council Notes: These are funds which would be deposited into a revenue account for use of facilities should the requesting group be required to pay. These are funds which assist the department in offsetting some of the on-going maintenance and repair costs for keeping facilities available. There are no City funds directly involved with doing this event. 75.0262 Agenda Item No._3~ 'cn-v OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST FcQ COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $152.00 FOR USE OF SECCOMBE LAKE PARK BY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH OFFICE OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROGRAMS. The San Bernardino County Mental Health Office of Alcohol and Drug Programs is requesting the waiver offees for the use ofSeccombe Lake Park on December 1, 1994 (see attached letter). Cost for the use of the park is $152.00. Resolution 94-66 allows the Mayor and the Common Council to exempt non-profit corporations and associations organized primarily for patriotic, civic betterment or charitable purposes from the rate and fee schedules for the use of parks and recreation facilities, services and equipment under the condition that paying the fees would create a hardship and if the event is of significant benefit to the citizens of San Bernardino. The requester meets the requirements of the resolution. waiverSBCHealth-u 11/10/94 DEPARTMENT OF MENTA~EAL TH ~~-j , ,,~'''.......,~' \z:.;;., \,'w COUNTY DF SAN BERNARDINO ., -.,.. '"..,;" -~.. - , "... ", ' 700 East Gilbert StrHt . San Barnardlno, CA 92415'()92D . 17141387.7171 REPLY TO: Office of Alcohol and Drug Programs 565 North Mt. Vernon Avenue San Bernardino. CA 92411 Traatmantl714J 387.7677 Administration (7141 387.7688 JAMES McREYNOLDS Director of Mental Health November 2, 1994 The Honorable Tom Minor, Mayor and The Common Council city of San Bernardino ci ty Hall San Bernardino, CA Dear Mayor Minor and Members of the Common Council: On behalf of the San Bernardino County Department of Mental Health Office of Alcohol and Drug Programs, I hereby request the waiver of all fees in connection with the use of Seccombe Lake Park on Thursday, December 1, 1994 for the celebration of World AIDS Day 1994 from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Activities for the day will include band presentations, drill team performancesr live music, and various contests. A representative from the State Office of AIDS will also be our guest speaker for this event. This celebration will occur throughout the world and is sponsored by the World Health Organization to create an awareness and educate the pUblic about HIV/AIDS. The Office of Alcohol and Drug Programs fully supports the efforts of this community to address the important issues surrounding HIV/AIDS in San Bernardino County; however our funding for this event is limited, and we therefore respectfully ask the City of San Bernardino for its assistance in promoting this effort by waiving the fees associated with the use of Seccombe Lake. Sincerely, i Norman HIV IDS Counselor CO-Chair, World AIDS Day Campaign -, '-" ...,., PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES APPLICATION/PERMIT TO USE PUBLIC PARK OR RECREATION FACILITY .....""""." ;tW fl; /f-f;t . .. NameandAddressofApplicanVOrganization: t,-( 1:7 If ith,//Y ~H.{j / ' Facil~y Requested: Date of Activ~y: Nature of ActivityiEvent: ,-r --P""~i Estimated Attendance: (fi) Is Activity Open to the Public? Will Sound Amplffication or Public Address System be Used? Time of Day Amplffier is to be Used: / (): ~1j A.MJP.M. To (Section 12.80.130, City Municipal Code Applies.) 1k;~~ f(~O A.M~ Admission Fee? () t Y:3CJ A.M~ HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Applicant hereby acknowledges that he/she has read, understands, and will comply w~h all provisions of Chapler 12.80, Municipal Code. C~y of San Bemardino, Calffomia pertaining to use of Park and Recreation facil~i8S" Applicant hereby assumes all responsibility to leave areas in a neat and clean condition. Applicant agrees to hold harmless and indemnity the City of San Bernardino, California, from any and all liability for injury to persons or property occuring as a resun of this activity and agrees to be liable to said City for and all damage to any park, facility, building, pool, equipment, a fum~ure owned or controlled by City, which resuns from the activity or permittee or is caused by any participant in said activ' . .NOTE: This perm~ is subject to cancellation by any Polica Officer who determines violation of any provision of the City Municipal Code. CLEANING DEPOSIT: "areallacil~y is not left in clean cond~ion, the depos~ shall be forfe~ed. KEY DEPOSIT: Keys shall be returned within two (2) working days after the event for which the key(s) is issued. "key(s) is not returned promptly, the depos~ shal e forfe~ed. I -- arT} rimedNv~~~t prE Address o/{ 1 Phone Number C"'-Y7 Signature of Applicant AVAILABLE: YES _NO SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLY: YES NO FEESIOEPOSIT(S) REQUIRED: _ YES NO FEES: RECEIVED BY: ON RECEIPT.: BY: DEPOSIT(S): RECEIVED BY: DEPOSIT RETURNED TO: DATE: o APPROVED 0 DISAPPROVED DATE: Director, P8I1<s, Recreation & Community Services DISTRIBUTION: WHITE: 1lEPT./FACUlY GREEN: APPLICANT I USER CANARY: DEPOSIT ALE PINK: POUCE DEPT. GOLDENROD: RISK MGMT. o ......., ....; SPECIAL CONDITIONS OP PERMIT As Part of the Public Park Use Permit, the following represents an understanding between the city of San Bernardino and Office on Alochol/Dru9s , relating to the use (applicant) of Naomi Norman (name of facility) for World Aids Day Aid's Awareness (purpose of use) during the period 12/1/94 10:00am (date and hour) to 12/1/94 4:30 pm (date and hour) All requirements must be completed. Failure to complete any of these conditions will be cause for immediate termination of this permit. PERMITS AND LICENSES Applicant agrees to obtain all necessary permits and licenses required for the various activities and events to be conducted throughout the period of use of the facility and to provide proof of same to the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Departments. Following is a list of permits, licenses and other requirements: 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT - Apply for this at the City Fire Department, 200 E. Third Street. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ITINERANT PERMIT - Apply for this at 385 N. Arrowhead Ave. 3. BUSINESS LICENSE - This includes a Business License for each vendor and service provider.) Apply for this at city Clerk's Office, Second Floor, City Hall. 1 c .- 4. - ABC LICENSE AND TEMPORARY SELLER'S PERMIT AND SALES AND USE TAX RETURN - (For Alcohol Sales) Apply for this at the State Board of Equalization Office, 303 W. 3rd Street. 5. Permit authorizing Carnival and other outdoor entertainment - apply for this at city Police Dept., Vice and Narcotics Division. Ride vendors will be in compliance with all California state Division of OCcupational Safety and Health policies dealing with carnival amusement rides and covered under law by Labor Code Sections 7900 through 7915. Ride vendors will comply with police Department personnel or other city department in the event of a malfunction of an amusement ride or an accident resulting in a patron injury or fatality, the ride vendor will immediately notify the Police Department and fully cooperate with the investigation. SECURITY AND CROWD CONTROL Applicant will provide security and crowd control for the event on a 24 hour basis with a written duty schedule to be provided to the Parks, Recreation and Community services department and the police Department. The duty schedule will provide the name, address and telephone number for the individual responsible for security along with the names and duty times for each individual working as crowd controller and/or day/night security guard. CT~~NLINESS OF FACILITY AND CT~AN-UP DEPOSIT Applicant will provide for continuous clean-up during the event. Applicant will make arrangements with City Refuse Division for provision of trash bins and for the time the bins are to be emptied. Applicant agrees to provide personnel to empty trash receptacles into the large trash bins prior to scheduled pick-up time by the Refuse Division. A facility Cleaning Deposit of $ 300.00 is required. The facility shall be cleaned by applicant not later than 1? ll/q4 5: 00 om (Date/Time) Cleaning Deposit shall be forfeited if, upon inspection by a Parks, Recreation and community Services Department representative, the facility has not been properly cleaned. 2 c --. -..I PORTABLE RESTROOMS Applicant agrees to provide portable restrooms as required for the anticipated attendance. Restrooms will be strategically located and will be kept clean and supplied by applicant. EMERGENCY RESPONSE Applicant agrees that in the event of an emergency response by City forces as a result of activities of the event, all salary and material costs shall be borne by the applicant; Le., plugged sewer lines, electrical failure, riots, mass arrests, major crime responses, etc. ALOCHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES AND/OR CONSUMPTION Alcoholic beverage use for any event on City property must be approved by the City Administrator. In addition, alcoholic beverage sales must be approved by the City police Department and an ABC License must be obtained. Alcohol use fees are $ The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department will forward the request for Alcohol use to city Admimistrator when the formal request is received and the alcohol waiver fees are paid. In the event that alcoholic beverage sale and/or use is approved for this event, the applicant shall hold the City Harmless from any potential liability claims resultinq from the sale and/or use of alcoholic beverages on the facility premises. Applicant will strictly enforce all ABC laws with particular attention to the prohibition of sale and/or use of alcohol by minors and by requiring proper identication when necessary. CONTRACTURAL AGREEMENTS Applicant shall furnish to the parks, Recreation and community Services Department a copy of signed contracts between applicant and any vendors or otherproviders of services for the event. 3 o INSURANCE REOUIREMENTS ,....., ....) Applicant shall procure and maintain in force during the term of this permit and any extension thereof, at its expense, public liability insurance in companies and through brokers approved by City, adequate to protect against liability for damage claims through public use of or arising out of accidents occurring in or around the premises, in a minimum amount of $1,000,000. The Citv shall be named as additional insured in the Dolicv. The Applicant's insurance will be primary to any coverage the City of San Bernardino may have in effect. Such insurance policies shall provide coverage for City's contingent liability on such claims or losses resulting from activities of the permit. An appropriate certificate of insurance shall be furnished to the Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services. Failure to provide insurance as stated herein will be cause for immediate termination of this permit. In addition, all vendors and service providers shall provide Certificates of Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 with the City named as additional insured. BOND FOR DAMAGES AND OTHER UNFORESEEN COSTS Applicant shall provide a damage bond in the amount of $ 750.00 to cover damages to City property and equipment which may occur and to recover other costs which may accrue as a result of the scheduled activities. '< 4 , . " ' 1 C FACILITY USE FEES , DEPOSITS -.., - FEES (NON-REFUNDABLEl gquip/Facility/serv. Unit Quantity Unit Price Extension Seccombe Lake Pay. Fil t Hour $41.00 " " " $32.00 4 hrs at $8.00 a Hour Chairs (10) $1.50 ea. $15.00 Tables (8) $8.00 ea $64.00 ..' . , TOTAL $ t1<:? nn DEPOSITS (REFUNDABLEl YPE CASH/CHECK n.~._^" Rnnn $750.00 Clean-up Deposit $300.00 TOTAL $ 1050.00 DEPOSIT RETURNED TO: (SPECIALCONDI2) Date Signature Printed Name & Addre~~