HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-Economic Development Agency r. '-- c c - o o MAYORANDCOMMONCOUNca AND THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING September 28, 1994 9:00 a.m. The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Common Council and the Community Development Commission was held in the Creative Arts Room, CaI State San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California and called to order by Mayor Minor at approximately 9:00 a.m., on Wednesday, September 28, 1994. ROLLCALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Cbairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Members Edward Negrete; David Oberhelman. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Robert Bolts, Manager, Office of Business Development; Susan Morales, Assistant to the Agency Administrator; Shauna Clark, City Administrator; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department; John Hoeger, Project Manager, Development Department; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the Council; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE John Husing, Economist. 1. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE CITY WORKSHOP The workshop wa~ opened with a welcome from Cbairman Minor and comments regarding the economic conditions of San Bernardino. He stressed the imporlance for the City to come together to speak on this issue. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, Chairwoman of the Redevelopment Commillee, reiterated the Mayor's connnents indicating that the Redevelopment Agency was the bridge of the City. Chairman Minor explained for the public's information the rules and regulations for Commission Meetings. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BJL:lmp:cmin9as 1 COMMISSION MlNUTES September 28, 1994 j c c c o o John Husing, Economist, welcomed those present at the workshop and thanked the university for allowing the City to utilize its facilities to hold the workshop. Mr. Husing stated that the Chairman and Commission Members were hosting this summit to learn as much as possible about the economics from individual businesses. Comments were then heard from all the Commission Members and City officials regarding their interest in the City's economy and the summit meeting. Mr. Husing explained that he would complete a draft of the result of this meeting for the Commission's approval at a later date. Various business officials, selected by Mr. Husing, gave comments regarding the economy's effect on their businesses/professions and also their recommendations for improvement as listed below. Je.,n Stephens, Accountant, commented on an accountant's view of the economy, emphasizing on the City's inability to assist businesses and the negativity of the City Council. She believed that the atmosphere and image of the Council Meetings sent a negative message to businesses within the City. Ms. Stephens answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the swornit regarding her comments. Mark Ostoich, Attorney, commented on an attorney's view of the economy, emphasizing on the need for the City to focus more attention on small businesses. He spoke of the negative image the business conununity has of City Hall. Mr. Ostoich answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the summit regarding his comments. Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency, informed the public of the Office of Business Development (OBD), managed by Robert Botts. He indicated that Mr. Botts was in charge of assisting new businesses/existing businesses in any way needed. Dave Burback, CB Commercial, commented on a realtor's view of the economy, focusing on the positive aspects of locating to San Bernardino. He emphasized the many opportunities that the revitalization of Norton Air Force Base would bring to the City. Mr. Burback answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the summit regarding his comments. Mike Huff, Chino Valley Bank, commented on a lending institution's view of the economy, discussing the impact the recession had on small businesses. Mr. Huff answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the sununit regarding his conunents. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BJL:lmp:cmin9as COMMISSION MINUTES September 28, 1994 2 !A c c c o o Pat Caffrey, La Quinta Inn, commented on a business person's view of the economy, emphasing the many new opportunities facing the City. Mr. Caffrey answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the summit regarding his comments. RECR<;SED MEETING At 11 :27 a.m., the meeting of the Community Development Commission was recessed for five (5) minutes. MEETING RECONVENED At 11 :34 a.m., the meeting of the Community Development Commission was reconvened. ROLLCALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chairman Tom Minor; Commission Members Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; Jerry Devlin; and Valerie Pope-Ludlam. Absent: Commission Members Edward Negrete; David Oberhelman; Norine Miller. STAFF PRESENT Timothy C. Steinhaus. Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Robert Bolls, Manager, Office of Business Deve]opment; Susan Morales, Assistant to the Agency Administrator; Shauna Clark. City Administrator; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Development Department; John Hoeger. Project Manager. Development Department; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assislantto the Council; La V onda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE Jolm Husing. Economist. 1. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE CITY WORKSHOP Dr. Ralph Korpman, Health Data Science Corporation, commented on his view of the economy, emphasizing on positive changes that have taken place in the medical field. Dr. Korpman answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the sununit regarding his comments. Phi] Robertson. Automated Health System Laundry, commented on his view of the economy, focusing on the benefit of geothennal water in San Bernardino. COMMISSION MEMBER MILLER ARRIVED AT 11:56 A.M. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BJL:lrnp:cmin9as COMMISSION MlNUlES September 28, ]994 3 ;}. - o o r Mr. Robertson answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the swnmit _ regarding his comments. c c RECESSED MEETING At 12: 14 pm., the meeting of the Community Development Commission was recessed for lunch. MRF.TING RECONVENED At 12:59 p.m., the meeting of the Community Development Commission was reconvened. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Cbainnan Tom Minor; Commission Members Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hernandez; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Members Edward Negrete; and David Oberhelman. STAFF PR&<;ENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; Robert Botts, Manager, Office of Business Development; Susan Morales, Assistant to the Agency Administrator; Shauna Clark, City Administmtor; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; John Hoeger, Project Manager, Development Department; Phil Arvizo. Executive Assistant to the Council; La Vonda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTIlERS IN ATTENDANCE Jolm Husing, Economist. I. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE CITY WORKSHOP - LUNCHEON Dr. Anthony Evans, President, Cat-State University, commented on how the local colleges and universities could assist with the economic development by training its youth in needed job fields. Dr. Stuart Bundy, San Bernardino Valley College, commented on the need for the City to complete improvements on Mt. Vernon A venue near Valley College. He also commented on the benefit of the youth to the economy. MEETING RECESSED The luncheon workshop of the Community Development Commission was recessed at 1:35 p.m. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BJL:hnp:cmin9as COMMISSION MINUTES September 28, 1994 4 ? c c c - - - o o MRRTING RECONVENED.LACK OF OUORUM At I :51 p.m., there was no longer a quorum present at the joint adjourned regular meeting of the Mayor and Common COWlcll and Community Development Commission. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken with the following members present: Chainnan Tom Minor; Commission Members; Jerry Devlin; Valerie Pope-Ludlam; and Norine Miller. Absent: Commission Members Edward Negrete; Dr. F. J. Curlin; Ralph Hemandez; and David Obemelman. Norine Miller. STAFF PRE.<)ENT Timothy C. Steinhaus, Administrator, Economic Development Agency; RobeJ1 Botts, Manager, Office of Business Development; Susan Morales. Assistant to the Agency Administrator; ShaWla Clark, City Administrator; Rachel Clark, City Clerk; Stafford W. Parker, Deputy Director, Developmelll Department; John Hoeger, Project Manager, Development Department; Phil Arvizo, Executive Assistant to the COWlcil; La V onda M-Pearson, Recording Secretary, Development Department. OTHERS IN AlTENDANCE John Husing, Economist. 1. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF TIlE CITY WORKSHOP Jolm Husing. Economist, commented on various base closures with the City and also the renovation of Norton Air Force Base (NAFB). Jerry Eaves, Fifth District Supervisor, briefed the attendees of the new San Bernardino International Airpor1 Authority and its progress to date. He commented on the President's commitment to assist cities that were drained because of base closures. Supervisor Eaves answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the summit reg-Mding his conunents. CHAIRMAN MINOR LEFT AT 2:20 P.M. AGENCY ADMINISTRATOR STEINHAUS LEFT AT 2:20 P.M. Carl Dameron, Consultant, commented on economy related problems within the City. Edward Hill, Consultant, commented on economy related problems within the City. Mr. Dameron and Mr. Hill answered questions from the Commission, City staff and attendees of the summit regarding their comments. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BJL:lmp:cmin9a~ COMMISSION MINUTES September 28, 1994 5 ., /' , I ~ c c c o o Rabbi Hillel Cohn, summarized comments made by the speakers of the suonnitlisting the accomplishments that he believes can occur as a result of this summit. Dean Eldon Lewis, made comments regarding what he learned from the summit and ways 10 implement some of the concerns expressed at the meeting. Mr. Husing slated that each individual in atlendance at the summit would receive a copy of Ihe preliminary plan prepared by Mr. Husing for submittal to the Commission. Commission Member Pope-Ludlam, Chairwoman of the Redevelopment Commitlee, thanked the allendees for allending the summit and also Mr. Husing for hosting the summit. She looked forward 10 receiving the preliminary plan in order to begin implementing some of the suggestions discussed. 2. AD JOtJRNMENT At 3:40 p.m., the meeting of the Mayor and Common Council/Community Development Commission was adjourned 10 October 3,1994 at 11:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino, California. Respectfully submitled: BARBARA J. LINDSETH Acting Executive Director! Secretary to the Commission ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING BJL:lmp:cmin9as COMMISSION MINUlES September 28, 1994 6 /) / r....