HomeMy WebLinkAboutR04-Economic Development Agency -' c c c - o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY RF~l1EST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCn. ACTION FROM: BARBARA J. LINDSEIH Acting Executive Director SUBJECT: EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM DAlE: November 16, 1994 ---~---------------_..._.._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.----- Syno.,p!;is of Previous Commi~lllion/CounciIlCommittee Action(s): On November 15, 1994, the Housing Committee approved and recommended approval of this item to the Mayor and Common Council. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------- Rerommended Motion(s): lMavor and Common Coundl) MOTION: That the Mayor and Common Council approve the designation of Frazee Community Center, Option House and The Salvation Army, as FY 1994-1995 Emergency Shelter Grant Program recipient, and authorize execution of agreements with each. ~[~ /L ~<L<~ J0)~'t;: BARBARA J. LINDSETH Acting Executive Director Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Barbara J LindsethlNonna J OwetL~ Phone: 5081 N/A Project Area(s): Citywide Ward(s): Supporting Data Attached: StaffRc:port FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ 89000 Budget Authority: Source: ESGP ("Trant A.p..plication to mm ~proved on 2/16/1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_.-- Commission/Council Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BJL:esgp.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/21/1994 Agenda Item Number: ~ -' c c c o 0 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION TO DISPERSE FUNDS AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS FOR FY 1994-95 On February 21,1994, the Mayor and Common Council approved an application to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for $89,000 in Emergency Shelter Orant Program (ESOP) Funds. The Mayor and Common Council approved the application and HUD awarded funds for FY 1994-95 on March 23,1994, to be effective July I, 1994. Emergency Shelter Orant Program (ESOP) funds can be used by eligible non-profits for a variety of homeless service activities, including: shelter rehabilitation, essential services (food provision, transportation), homeless prevention, operations and agency administration. Agencies receiving these funds most show the ability to provide high quality service delivery; satisfy the HUD ESOP matching funds (dollar for dollar) requirements; and address identified community "needs" in conjunction with this assistance. To award the funds, a Request for Proposals (RFPs) was released in August 1994 to solicit applications for the ESOP funding. A total of thirty (30) RFPs were distributed and a total of three (3) applications received. The applications were submitted by agencies that have demonstrated, over many years, their experience and capacity to serve the homeless and their ability to ensure compliance with community needs identified in the Comprehensive Housing Assistance (CHAS) Plan and the HOME Ownership Investment PartrJership (HOME) application. Based upon this criteria, staff carefully reviewed the number of clients served by each applicant, the type of service provided and the amount of funding requested, and recommended the following distribution of the $89,000 grant: - Frazee Community Center; - Option House: - The Salvation Army; $45,000 $20,000 $24.000 $89,000 On November 15, 1994, the Housing Committee unanimously recommended approval of this item to the Mayor and Common Council. Based on the foregoing, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. A ~ ~ / /~7( (it a~(~ tI ~J, ,?r ~, BARBARA J. LINDSETH, Acting Executive Director Development Department BJL:esgp.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/21/1994 Agenda Item Number: if