HomeMy WebLinkAboutR13-Economic Development Agency c c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM BARBARA J. LINDSETI-I Acting Executive Director SUBJECT: JERSEY'S SPORTS BAR- SHORT TERM LOAN DATE: November 16, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Svnoosis ofPrevions CommisslonlConnciIlCommittee Action(s): On March 8, 1993, the Community Development Conunission granted conceptual approval of a $1,188,300 loan guarantee and a ten (10) year extension of a $923,000 tax-exempt Industrial Development Bond (Svnoosls Contlnned to Next Pal!e) Rccommended Motion(s): (Communltv Develooment Commission) MOTION: That the Community Development Conunission approve a $45,000 short-term loan at an interest rate equal to Bank of America prime plus two points to Mr. Ray Fox and Mr. Russ HatIe, to keep the payments current on the loan to Valley Bank (Jersey Sports Bar tenant improvements), until a substitute tenant is obtained; also, that the Acting Executive Director be authorized to execute any documents necessary to effectuate said transaction and that the Development Department budget be increased accordingly. 1() Administrator , iJ . t" I;.L. / ~/ / .i. <...--;."1..< &CC(<:~'\; C"-./ ('7('"/'5..<, / oJ BARBARA J. LINDSETH ActIng Executive Director Contact Person(s): Stafford W. Parker/John M. Wood Phone: 5081 Project Ares(s): Ward(s): One (n Central Citv North (CCNl Supporting Data Attached: StaffReoort. Corresnondence FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $45.000 Source: Tax Increment Budget Authority: Bein2 Sou.mt Commission/Council Notes: BJL:lag:II-21-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/2111994 Agenda Item Number: I~ c c c o o REQUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION Jersey's Sports Bar - Short Term Loan November 15, 1994 Page Number -2- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Svnopsis for Previous Commission/Council/Committee Actiones) Continued: On March 22, 1993, the Community Development Commission authorized initial extension of the original Industrial Development Bond (!DB), an additional nine (9) year extension of the IDB, the sale of the IDB, the execution of an Owner Participation Agreement and Loan Guarantee in the amount of$I,125,000 and a short-term loan of $25,000 to the proposed borrower. On July 19, 1993, the Community Development Commission approved the form of an Owner Participation Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency, Colorado Consulting Limited Liability Company and Fox Brothers, a general partnership and a $1,125,000 Loan Guarantee with Valley Bank of Moreno Valley, covering costs associated with the Jersey's Sports Bar project; it also authorized the Executive Director to execute all documentation necessary for the implementation of the project. On November 15, 1993, the Community Development Commission approved a sale of the building which was occupied by Jersey's and the recording ofa wraparound trust deed, said trust deed to be in a position junior to the trust deed held by the Agency. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BJL:lag:II-21-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/21/1994, , , Agenda Item Number: r '::) c c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jersev's Sports Bar - Short Term Loan On March 22, 1993 the Community Development Commission approved an Owner Participation agreement (OP A) which provided a $1,125,000 loan guarantee for the Jersey's Sports Bar project. Jersey's opened during the Route 66 weekend of 1993 and was met with immediate success. On November 15, 1993, the Community Development Commission approved a sale of the building which Jersey's occupied, from entities controlled by Mr. Ray Fox and Mr. Russ Hatle ("FoxlHatle") to the Breene Family Trust ("Breene"). Pursuant to this transaction, Breene executed a wraparound trust deed with FoxlHatle as the beneficiaries. A positive benefit was that FoxlHatle was able to make a lump sum principal reduction payment of$140,000. The transaction was beneficial to all parties concerned, including the Agency. During September, 1994, staffwas informed by representatives of Valley Bank (the lender of the $1,125,000) that the loan was not being satisfactorily repaid. The principal concern was that payments were generally late. It is FoxlHatle's contention that the payments would have been made on time ifBreene had not defaulted on its payments to FoxlHatle. Concerned about their obligation to Valley Bank, both Mr. Fox and Mr. Hatle claim to have drawn upon their personal resources to make several payments, albeit late, to Valley Bank. At present, FoxlHatle is in the process offoreclosing under the terms of the wraparound trust deed, to reclaim the building ownership from Breene. Between the expenses of making payments to Valley Bank out of their own pockets and the costs offoreclosing on Breene, FoxlHatle claim to have expended over $83,000 of their own funds and this amount will probably exceed $100,000. They further assessed that neither has any more liquid assets with which to continue making payments to Valley Bank. Further complicating the problem is that Jersey's closed its doors earlier this month. The problem was reputedly poor management. Thus, even ifBreene had decided to make the payments under the wraparound trust deed, it would have lacked the income from Jersey's rent payments necessary to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--.-------------------------- BJL:lag:II-21-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/2111994 ,.~-) Agenda Item Number: ("') r '- c c DEVELOPMENT DEPAR<2rnNT STAFF REPORT Jersey's Sport Bar - Short Term Loan November IS, 1994 Page Number -2- o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On a positive note, Fox/Hatle have three prospective replacement tenants for Jersey's. The most attractive of these is Yankee Doodles, with a concept quite similar to Jersey's at four existing locations. At this point, Fox/Hatle is very optimistic that a transaction can be concluded with Yankee Doodles by sometime in early December. If so, there would be a period of time before its opening during which Yankee Doodles would be converting the building to its own themes and motifs. Because of the trouble with Breene and Jersey's, the large cash outlay from their own pockets and the need to satisfY Valley Bank while the building is being remodeled for Yankee Doodles (assuming a lease can be successfully concluded), Fox/Hatle have asked the Agency for an eighteen month loan in the amount of $45,000. Its purpose would be to bring the Valley Bank loan current and keep it that way until Jersey's replacement begins paying rent. The interest rate would be Bank of America prime rate plus two points. Although interest would accrue there would be no payments required during the first six (6) months of the loan. Subsequently, in the seventh month, payments would be made based upon an eighteen month amortization period and twelve (12) montWy installments for the balance of the loan. A balloon payment would be necessary for the 18th month. The proposed short-term loan would be secured by the personal guarantee of both Mr. fox and Mr. Hatle. Finally, the Agency would receive a $1,000 loan origination fee upfront. The subject loan would go a long way toward helping to establish a new and viable downtown restaurant use in Jersey's place. The proposed $45,000 loan will avoid Valley Bank calling upon the Agency's loan guarantee for the full balance outstanding. This is currently estimated at $1 million. Were this to occur, the Agency could foreclose on the building. In addition, Fox/Hatle have jointly and severally personally guaranteed the full amount of the Agency's loan guarantee. Still, it would be, generally speaking, undesirable for the Agency to be forced to pay off the full $1 million under its guarantee. Based upon the foregoing, staff recommends adoption of the form motion. _~ . C, ''- c I C-'./,r / ~ '-115 BARBARA J. LINDSETH, Acting Executive Director Development Department ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--.---- BJL:lag:II-21-03.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 1lI21/1994 AgendaItem Number: (;~ i!lE l't. r>=Lfl1 o,~"c,c;",",' "r., lie,' 1- 0"_'1 .... 0_ ""~ ., ""~O""'~"'"_"'o' PosHt"' bland fa)C 1fiin~mittal memo 767\ /I of pages ~ fo G.riJv € }../ A /GR.I) ..om Co Phor\C II "']:RR' M..t' -; ? Fall. ill ..- , , " 17/Y-/ ,F 440 \.;ESr C01;RT s'r~n l' THIS AGRE~HENT RE: LEASE OF 440 i'IEST CouRT STREET (tM day of November', 199A, in San "Agreement") is l'i\llde this Bernardino, California, by and between FOX BROTHERS, Ii General PartnershiP and COMMUNITY NhTIONAL CORPORATION, a californin corporl>tion (collectivelY, the "Landlord") find YDSB, INC" c\ California oorporat.ion ("'1'0913"). This Agreenent i9 made ill c reference to certain real property located at 440 \~est cmwt Street, San Bernardino, California (the "propert.y" or "prCHtiSes I! ) . WHEREAS, Landlord naB caused an action to be filed in the san Bernardino superior court, Case No. sCV 14213 (the "ReceivershiP Action") for specific performance of the rente, il'l~ues And pl'ofits clause in a Deed of Trust enculCIbering the l'ropel:ty, ond IHIS obtained the appointment of a receiver, George f:, CoU:i t (t)10 "Receiver") in the Reoeive):"!':hip Action, penclin'il \',:18 C(nnr,letion o~ a non-judicial foreclosure upon tho property (the "F01'BClosure Action") which non-judicial foreclol'lure is "o\-: in prCC9!.lS ~ Clnd WHEREAS, YDSS desires to lease the property fro~ Lsndlord nnd Landlord desires to lease the property to VrJSB under' the tel'\ns and conditions hereof. NOW, THEREFORE I I'T' IS HEREB'i AGREED AS FOLLO\'iS: $.ectiol'!..l AGREEMEtlT..T'O LEMU~1 Subjeot. to the terms of thi;; )\greement and the conditions SElt fot.th at sect ion 4, Ll'tndlo)'(l <:: h~reby ag~ees to lease to YDSB, and YDSB herebY Agrees to le~5e fr,)\n Landlol:d I the Property. The pal:tias ac};nowlEdg<' that fI more 6etailed lease ugteement reflecting the terD8 hereof and containing standard provisions in e. commc.rciaJ. lQase may be 0xec1.\t"d fit. CJl I ~~ 11 l€.,"<~~ -:2: 3';' u~ OFF I(-E'~, O!=" ['lf~;Hr. 1'1, ,,~'~;r"! ~+""34721 '., ~.., F' _ ~:1::: t-~OV- 17-94 THU 17:03 OX~BROS c about the timQ YDSS t~k@i poesession of the prDperty. Section _A ~9SSESSlON: USE-.Q.Ll'FEHl sr,s...Jl.Y.._'iJ2SlU ]'1,1<11: ~Qti{)n 2 .O~ LandlOrd ehall taKe those steps necessary to insure that Receiver. will grant possession of the Property to yuSB upon Receiver obtaining possession under its writ, but no later than Dece~ber 15, 1994 unless YDSB, in its discretion, elects to extend this deadline. Landlord agrees that YDSB ahall have exclusive use of the Property. section 2.0~ The property ~hall be used by YDSB to operate a business under the trade name "Yankee Doodles, San Berna:dino, consisting of a billiard club, restaurant and night club with video C gamss, darts, live musi.c, dancing, 6elling food, beer, \dne Ilnd alcohol for Gonsumption on the premlaes. ~eGtion. 2.03 The t~rm of the lease sht\ll COt1;'1l;nCe from tl1a date of pOBGoasion of the Premises by YDsB and the fulfillment or waiver of the oonditions set forth at Section , hereof and shall continue for ten (10) years. ~DSB shall have the option to Bxtel~ tho lease for two (2) additional, suooessive five (5) y~ar te"ms. Sect ion 3 E.EUTL~l!EITY Dt;E'Q$.llL.QTtl EILi'Al' !1kN'I:.S. : section ~ Upon YDSB's taking possession of the Prop~rty, YD913 shall pay Landlord a security deposit of Tvle;lve !'!\(;ueand rive Hundred Dollars ($12,500.00). ~J.Q.n.. :.1.02 140nthl y base rent ("Nonthly Base Rent") for th;, first t\vel VEl (12) monthlO of th~ lease term shell bt> 7\.19 l'i8 thousand C Seven Hundred fifty Dollars ($12,n,O.OO) payable 1111 the .__ day of each month. In order to assist YDSS during the renovation of the 2 l~ 11 1~. .~~ . . .~. ... -._- - . -rJ::":'::_7- ---C"~IFF11:E'=' elF !)l..;..!;=- n ,:0:; o - . .-- c Property, no rent unall be due foe the ti~st thirty (301 rlnys aftnr taking possession, or until Yankee Doodles, san Bernardino is open for business, whichGver is earlier. 'rhel:eafter, l'.lOnthly r"ent slHl.ll be due and payable aa stated above. ~tJ.9n 3.03. In ,.ddi tion to the l10nthly Base ]{()nt, YDSS agrees to pay Landlord as additional !'ent Three T!\Ousand "I'hreEl Hundred Thirty-three Dollnrs and Thirty-four Cents ($3,333.34) for a period of eiQhteen (18) months. section 3.04 YDSB shall pay the rental for parking spaces required by YDSB for the use of parki.ng spaces in t.h!'! public parking structures operated by the City of san BernRrctino. c Section 4 CONDITIONS PRl:i~EDEN1' J Landlord's obligation to lease to YDSB and YDse's obligation to rent fron Landlord uncter the terms of this Agreement ar~ e~prea~ly conditioned upon the occurrGlio& of the following: ~i2ILA.&1 CONDI'r!ONS FOR THE ..J!.J::}I.JiI.lI...9J'~J.,M:Wj.';::jj.J:!: On or bofore December 15, 1994, Landlord shall hsve reg-a:tnE;d title tu the Proporty through its Foreclosure Action, either by ~ foreclOGure sala or a trustee's deed in-lieu-of-foreclosure, which condition may be extended by YDSB in its discretion. Section 4.02 QQliOI'l'IONS FOR 'l'H~.JlkttEi:l:.L...QI'yQ...~a: A. YDSS shall have obtained all necesBDry licenses and p~rmits to use the Properly as intended and more fully dsscribed at Sr.ction 2.02 hereof, inoluding obtnininC] a new Al(:(;\101 BevE1t"llg8 C Cont.rol ("ABC") license as more fully describer] balol-I. :) I ~) '. 0'-... ~ ,:(';, ..~ ~~.-4C;'. "-~Q~'FF1'~~~-':'F V] t-!r ~E :-~. ,.~ IJ11 i c c c 11 olE. 'j4 B. b"., \ The tot~l cost to ra-open the bu&ine~s aB n ~.l.nr( club and restl1Ul:'ant shall not exoeed one Hundred Ti)c,,,sanrJ Dollal'5 ($100,000), which amount shall include: (i) the t'ost to obtain 011 licenses and permits (includinq the cost of a new l,BC license if, in the diecretion of YDSB, the ABC license used by the prior tenDnt at the Property is undesirabl e due to one or more past or present. violations of said ABC license 1 (i i) all repair ilnd replac;ement costs of furniture, fi~tur&s and equipnent, in~luding the cost to satisfy any liehB or encumbranceo on title or to pay nmountB owed under a lease agreement) I and (iil) any other aost asscciBted with restorinq the prop(jrty to its usa and condition WhM1 operat<:ld as Jorsey's Sport~ Grill & Billiard~. C. A non-disturbance agreement shall be provideJ lOSS by any and all holders of a deed of trust against the Property and the record title owner of the Proper~y. if that par80n in net the Landlord. D. In the event that any of conditions in this section 4 shall fa i 1 to be met, exter,decl or ~Iai 'led by the p,,,ty for \.Iholll they benefit for any r~ason wh~tsoever within the tirno spsclf!ed, this Agree~ent shall be void and of no force and effect. The parti as shall provide wr! tten notice to the other that "uch conditions h e ~ t d h av ~een me' an t.at all conditio11S to the effectiveness of this Agreement are satisfied. sectioo5 Ml"sCELLANEOUil..PROVISIONS SectiOll.~ INTEGRATE.!) WRIT1NG: 'T'he parties "<:;1'"e that n.lE; AgnlElment sets forth the entire anti. conlplete aqreec,Gnt at the 4 ) .r")) 12;~1 . '~OHl~E' ~F : 1 1~,.'?4 tl i HHt:. ~,! -....-,, o p. C'~: _. "- partie$, and Qach perty waive~ any right to rely upon or enfor-ct:, any alleged conter..porary or prioLo oral or wrl ttG;) agreement, promises or representations concerning the subjects t 0_ this Agreement. Ne1 tIler party has been induced to enter into thh< Agreement by any promises or representations that are not oxpressly set forth in this Agreement. Section 5.02 PARTIAL INVALID1T:1: Should any part of this Agreement be determined to be invalid, the remaining parts of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect, and such partial invalidity shall not vitiat~ this entire Agreement. s.ection 5.03 90NSTRUC'I'ION: Each of tf.e pal'tteR hae been C represr,l,ted by counsel of their choice in connection with the preparation of this Agreement, and each has contributed to the language contained herllin and, therefore, should any phrase be conaidl'Jred ambiguous, such phrase or languagt> srH'J.ll not be construed against one party or the othel' fo\: :.he t"6f\f,on thet oounsel for such party authored such phrase or pro~i9ion, tlMtion 5 dl~ FtJRTHE~ .A'PPRQ'lAI5>~J:iQ.'t. REOU.lEEQ: The parties rf!pre51ent and aqree that each parson executing tl) "r; hgreemel\\: on behalf of a party hereto has full authority to dc eo and to bind t.he respective party on whose behalf this Agreel'Wnt if;. executed; and that no further or additional approval of any other person, firm or corporation is required to b.a obtail',A_.~ g, . .~ d t' · _ _ gJ ct ~..n.i 10n .0 this Agreement becoming effective. c section ~.Jll1. NQ BRBAC.HOL-.QI1JER-nrm.U.Ra(I: F:ach party represents and agrees that by entering into this AqrGanent, such 5 1/) 11/16/94 12;.42 i...OOFFI~E'=. ,')c :::,:;:',llE r-J, ':'Xl! c c c o 1::. \~.- party is not bt'tlBching any other' contract VI \>Jhll'h th!<y "r8 !\ ;)O!'ty or by which such party is bound, nor is any othGT' requil'elClent o[ law bein(1 violated or breached by ent.ering into this Agreement. aQ~i9n 5.06 MQTICES: Any notice hereunder may be <liven by faosi1'lile transmission with a hard copy sent bY U.S. I,jell and will be deemed qiven twenty-four (24) hourS after (jnnfirmation of transmission or two (2) days after deposit in the U.S. Mail if sent as follows: if to the Landlord- c/O Fox 9rothers, 21/./. S. waterman, suite f2, San Bernardino, california 9240e, fac~imi1e number. (909) 025-9778, Attentionl Raymond FOX; if to YDSB-YDSB, Inc. 529 wildhorse circle, Orange, California, 92669, facsj~i1e number (7141 744-5144, Attentionl Frank Bartclini1 or to any ot~9r person 10 indioated in writin9 by the party. ~UQn 5.07 COUN~ERPART~: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shill be deeDed OT' 01. i" i noJ H ' ... -oj'" ~ "'" - and taken together sh~ll constitute one and the Bans agroement. i<1HEREFORE the p&rties have executed this A01'eement. on the dat" first above written. " LANDLORD" fOX BIlOTHEHS, a General PartnerGhip Dated: By COlll<XNITY NAT lONAL CORPORATION By __~__h_ _.__~... 6 I~ 11 11:,- .~~ ~'2; 4~' L.OO~F' h:ES OF 1.; 1 ,~r.ir:: ~ i. (OIl': o ~. ;):: c "'iPsa" YDSB. INC. Dated: By rabiin BartolinL-p'resident BY frank Bartofini~--sscret6ry THE FOREGOING IS ACKNOWLEDGED AND ~GREED: Dated: . ,.-..-..-..-_.,,."--- George E. Coult, Receiv~r c c 7 ,-) 1..-., . ~ AGe"~4 f-l~ -#(.7 cr-" tI/>1/9't o NO'! I 7,' November 15, 1994 Mr. Stafford Parker City of San Bernardino 201 North "E" Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Dear Stafford: Enclosed for your information is a chronology of the events regarding the bankruptcy of Jersey's Sports Bar and Billiards and the default of the Breene Trust in their mortgage payments to Fox Brothers and Community National Corporation leading to the current deficiency in payments to Valley Bank. As you can see, no payment has been made by the Breene Trust since April 30, 1994. At the same time, Fox Brothers and Community National COf{>oration have advanced over $83,000.00 in cash payments to maintain interest, principal, Insurance and the legal costs related to the default. Due to expenditure of these funds and anticipated obligations to facilitate occupancy by the new tenant, it is necessary for us to seek financial assistance. Consequently, in the event Valley Bank does not honor our request to accrue three (3) months payments (principal and interest) to the balance of the Loan Guarantee, we request an Agency loan of Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00). As previously discussed this would be an 18 month interest bearing loan with payments starting from the sixth (6th) month and continuing for twelve (12) monthly installments. We are currently negotiating with Yankee Doodles of Long Beach, as well as two other prospective tenants with the goal of re-opening Jerseys under a new banner and new management by Christmas or shortly thereafter. Thank you for your assistan.:.,. Very truly yours, COMMUNITY NATIONAL CORPORATION Russ E. Hatle ee: Fox Brothers jerstaf/cncl3bmm Community National Corporation 74-225 Highway 111, Suite C, Paim Desert, California 92260, Phone 619/776-8838, FAX 619/776-8842 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1856, Palm Desert, California 92261 o o Jerseys Sports Bar lUId Billiards Fax Bmthers lUId n-omnmi ty National cozporation Cbronology Date Event Payment 5-16-94 Payment - valley Bank $433.78 5-16-94 lease Payment - Breene Trust $2,750.00 5-26-94 Jerseys Bankruptcy filing' 6-1-94 Breen Trust defaults on payment to FElCtC 6-8-94 Payment - Valley Bank $11,060.89 6-30-94 Jerseys Insurance lapses 6-30-94 Bankruptcy Hearing re: post lUId petition rent. Jerseys pays 7-12-94 BreeDe Trust $22,750 in two installments BreeDe elects not to pay past due payments on note 7-5-94 PAimh.1rse Fax Bmthers Insurance deposit to central city Insurance $2,875.00 7-7-94 Payment - Valley Bank $11,358.53 7-7-94 Notice of Default to First llmeri.can Title CO Deposit payment $500.00 7-26-94 Ret"iner to Atty Edwin Paul to appoint receiver $1,500.00 8-17-94 Exparte Motion granted appointing' Receiver GeoJ:qe Coult for Real Property 8-18-94 Payment - AFCD - insurance $846.30 8-30-94 Payment - Valley Bank $10,992.83 0 ,-., .""-' 8-30-94 Federal. Express charges $57.00 9-6-94 Payment - AFCXl - Insurance $806.00 9-26-94 Payment - Valley Bank $11,224.16 9-27-94 Bankruptcy Hearinq - Lift stay granted Reciever to evict Jerseys 9-28-94 Payment - Valley Bank $11,036.26 9-30-94 Receivers legal fees Hanover and ScJmitzer $2,031.32 10-26-94 Unlawful Det-..h..... Motion granted Receiver 10-26-94 Payment to Attorney Edwin Paul $3,947.26 11-7-94 Payment - First American Title In $11,342.92 Trustees fees Foreclosure Sale Date set for """"""'hoar 8, 1994 11-7-94 Payment - AFCXl - Insuranoe $806.00 $83,568.25 5-16-94 to 11-15-94 other FIlCX: ~GAOJ Not di.rect1y related to default by Breene Trust $9,098.18 10-1-94 to 11-15-94 Estimated Legal fees not yet invoiced $3,000.00 $95,666.43 Total of Expenditures FBCN::. wit 1 REH 26 0 0 ~! i ! ~ II r I g i ~ ~ f ~ ~ I 14 I f a ~ . If. t tl a Ii ~ I ~ l1' i & ~ ~ J ... lD ~ I & ~ ~ <I> ~ ~~ ~ '" !:: ~'!!l'l:t ! UI . . . 'Zt'. ... CII 10 10 CII-.I ... CII !:l !:l N"'1Il l ~ '" CIIN . . . . . . !i: !:: E "'0>0 1-'00 - --- e ~ ~ ~ I 1 1(: <I> ~~ '" t: I-' . ~ . . . ~ . . 10 0 l;; CII-.I g 0 0> 0 OUl UI '" CII CII NO> . . . . . . !i: '" N 0 NO -.I CII 0 ClIO - - - -- <I> r 0 0 I 10 <I> ~~ N !:l t: !:l '!!l'l:t 0> I-' . . . . . . . I-' I-' 0 0 -.I UI-.I . . CII 0 '" ;:llll -.I UI I-' 0 N . . . . . . . !i: I-' -.I 0 0 -.10 0 '" 0 0 "'0 - - - -- <I> ~ j 10 <I> ~~ N <I> t: <1><1> . 10 I-' -.I'" . . . . . . '" CII . -.I UI-.I 0> 10 UI UI ~1Il 10 . 0 0 . . . . . . !i: N 0> 0 NO 10 0 0 00 - -- <I> 0 I 10 <I> ~~ N '" <I> t: 0 0> I-' . . . . . . CII N . -.I UI-.I '" t: 0> UI I-'UI I-' I-' 0 00> . . . . . . !i: 10 '" 0 ClIO CII . 0 ~~ - ~ ~ I <I> ~ ~~ l;; '" <I> <I> <I> CII I-' -.I'" . . . . . . ~ -.I UI -.I .-.1 0 I-' UI l!llll '" I-' I-' 0 . . . . . . !i: 0 !:l 0 t:g 0> 0 - -- ~ ~ f. <I> <I> ~~ ... t: '" <I> t: <I> <I> UI I-' -.I'" . . . . . . ~ ~ UI -.I .-.1 . UI .UI N 0 100> . . . . . . !i: ! . 0 UlO I-' 0 100 --