HomeMy WebLinkAboutR08-Economic Development Agency c c c o -., 1 '--,/ DEVELOPIIEIIT DEPARTIIEIIT OF rBE CIn OF SAIl BERlWlDIIIO REOUEST FOR CCMlISSIOII/C01J1IlCIL ACTIOII From: KENNETH J. HENDERSON BZecutive Director Subject: COURT STREET STREETSCAPE, DOWII'lOWII RESrAURAl'IT RECllUImnr PROGtiII Al'ID "E" STREET DIAGOlUL PABIIIG Date: April 29, 1993 Svnopsis of Previous CommissionlCouncil/Comaittee Action(s): On April 22, 1993, the Downtown Task Force recommended to the Community Development Commission that the Executive Director execute a contract with Project for Public Service in an amount not to exceed $17,500 for Court Street Streetscape conceptual designs, downtown restaurant recruitment program conceptual designs and color rendering and "E" Street diagonal parking conceptual designs. Recommended lIotion(s): (Comnmitv Deve10llment C~ission) IIOTIOII: That the Community Development Commission authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with Project for Public Service (PPS) in an amount not to exceed $17,500 for Court Streetscape conceptual designs, downtown restaurant recruitment program conceptual designs and color renderings and "E" Street diagonal parking conceptual designs and allocate funds for same. Adm~nfrator Contact Person(s): Ken Henderson/David Norman Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): Ward(s) : 1 Central City Supporting Data Attached: Staff Report. PPS Proposal FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: 517 . 500 Tax Incmnt Source: Amount: Budget Authority: Reauested ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commission/Council Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJH:DJN:rg:3086J COMMISSION IlEETIIIG AGDDA lIeeting Date: 5/10/1993 ~ Agenda Item I!IuIIber: ~ c c c c .-, ,j DEVELOPMEBT DEPARTMENT OF TIlE CITY OF SAX BERlWlDIBO STAFF REPORT COURT S'Ml1lR'l' S'rIl1lRTSCAPJI: IIOWIITOWlIf _!lTAIJIIAIn' RECIlOITMEIIT PROGRAM AIm "B" S'rIl1lRT DIAGO_AT. pnrTBG In this report, staff seeks funding for conceptual designs leading to the streetscape of Court Street (from "E" Street to Arrowhead Avenue), designs and color renderings to be used in a downtown restaurant recruitment program and preliminary designs for "E" Street diagonal parking . Court Street Streetscaoe The current diagonal parking arrangement on Court Street between "E" and "D" Streets was part of a temporary experiment which would demonstrate the feasibility of diagonal parking on Court Street. After the six month trial period, it seems that diagonal parking on Court Street has successfully slowed traffic in the area and increased pedestrian activity. The Commission has previously received letters of support for diagonal parking from virtually all affected merchants. Now that the diagonal parking demonstration period has come to an end, the permanent improvement of Court Street is the next logical step. While streets cape monies have been allocated for the block, these funds do not include sidewalk extensions and amenities which will accommodate the diagonal parking and new mid-block crosswalk. Project for Public Spaces, in its latest proposal, would prepare a conceptual plan for these streetscape improvements (Please PTS Proposal attached). Working with Main Street, local merchants and property owners, PPS would collect data by which it would produce a rendered plan showing the street layout, materials, dimensions and location of amenities, and a short memorandum describing findings and recommendations. The PPS plan would also include improvements to the parking lot on Court Street. This portion of the proposal will cost $4,000. Downtown Restaurant Recruitment PrORram t- This project is intended to recruit restaurants to several key downtown buildings and sites to help create additional retail anchors for the downtown. Main Street would guide this effort in terms of working with property owners in developing a financial incentive packsge that would encourage restaurant uses in downtown. Project for Public Spaces would work with Main Street to identify potential sites and develop conceptual site plans for sites to illustrate how the restaurants could impact KJH:DJN:rg:3086J ClRnSSION MEETIBG AGENDA Meeting Date: 5/10/1993 Agenda Its Bumber: 1 c ... .....r'\ --. DJM:LOPMUT DEP~TAFF REPORT V COURT SrRBBTSCAPB, DOWIITOWlI RESrAmWrr RECRlJIDIDT PROGRAM AIm "E" SrRBBT DIAGOlIAL SrRBBT PARnRG April 29, 1993 Page Kumber -2- adjacent public spaces with outdoor cafes. In addition, PPS would prepare color renderings of selected sites that could be used in a marketing brochure for the program. The cost for this portion of the proposal is $7,500. "E" Street Dia20nal Parkin2 The downtown plan proposes that the Development Department retsin consultants to undertake a comprehensive transportation study of downtown which will determine, among other tasks, the impact of a proposed diagonal parking experiment on "E" Street and how to mitigate or address these impacts. In order to provide base information for the consultants, Project for Public Spaces will develop a conceptual plan illustrating the location and arrangement of parking on "E" Street between Second and Fifth Streets. Project for Public Spaces will meet with the consultant and submit the diagonal parking proposal for its review and incorporation into the overall transportation planning effort. This portion of the proposal is especially important if pedestrians are to be attracted to the downtown. Parking along Court Street Square and retail shops on the "E" Street corridor is necessary if we wish to increase pedestrian volumes. The downtown plan proposes increased pedestrian activity in the downtown core to spark revitalization efforts. The cost for this portion of the PPS proposal is $2,500. c Bud2et The total cost (assuming that Los Angeles). for the above work would be $17,500 including expenses work can be done concurrently with other PPS projects in The cost of this proposal is broken down as follows. On-site meetings (3 days) Court Street Streetscape Downtown Restaurant Recruitment Program Site Plans and Renderings "E" Street Diagonal Parking Expenses, including Travel and Photography for Renderings $ 2,000 $ 4,000 $ 7,500 $ 2,500 $ 1,500 It is, therefore, staff's recommendation that the Community Development Commission authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with Project for Public Spaces (PPS) for an amount not to exceed $17,500 for Court Street Streetscape conceptual designs, downtown restaurant recruitment program conceptual design and color renderings for "E" Street diagonal parking conceptual designs and allocate funds for same. Staff recommends adoption of the form motion. c ERSON, Executive Director epartlllent KJH:DJN:rg:3086J COMMISSION IlEBTIRG AGElIDA Meeting Date: 5/10/1993 i c ApdI a, 1993 0 Nr. JoIm Hoepr DeYdOPllleAt De,.. buek4 at)' of SIn BemardJDo Economic Development Afpq 201 North E SIreel, 1bhd FlOCII' San Bernardino, CA t2401.1507 Oar JoIm; Mu our meeq Jut week with the MIJ'OI', 11m SteIubaus, ADD Huds, and Rod MacDonald, we were asked to submit 1hfs pzopoaal to undertake dlc Dat ferles r:I fhort. tenn improvements for downtOWll- IS Court Sbeet Square neaR eompledon, the lUlIle4 par1clug experiment on Court Street between "D" u4 'Eo has been succeMW, IIId there appears to be exdtiDg calendar of uses ~ for the 1QUU'l. As we discussed at the meeting, there are three new clilJereIIl pIOJeet. which Ie1ate to .""lementinJ other components of the cIowII10WD pJa: - j ~,,-. "" ITS PROJECT POR PUBLIC SPACES, INC. UJW""UI Y tl.Arr. N'''''''IlUC.N1iWWIlIK .... IIU.rllClNl. 12''1 ..._ c <bun sam Su...eIICape W'rth the diagonal parlcIDc clClloOIIllb.ticm pedod' tomIDJ 10 an eucJ, the Jll!I1IWICI1l fmprovemem 01 Coun Slreet Is the next JoaIea! step. While ~...:.'lIe8pe monies have beeI1 aDoc:atecl rot the block. these funds clo not iDcJude sIdt.waDt e,db .d..... ucI amenities that will accommodate the diagonal parJdn& mI new mldblock crosswalk. PPS would prepare . conceptual plan tor these streetseape hnprovemenIL At the same time, we would wodt with exfsdDc propelt)' ownera (JDcJucIIoa the d17, for the pad<ing Jot) to Identity and develop fhort term opportunities fOIl' care.. landscape, ancI facade improvemeutJ on Court StreellidewaJ1cs u41n the mcrf"l parking lotJ. We will IDeet with property owneD, exfstina merchants and Cry staff with ~ to their needs, plans, and fDteresu In 1llI'1rf1\g short-tam fmprovemeaa. We win coDect and review 8Il1 ~ develupmw proposals. To complete this work. we would my on Main SlIm 10 work with us fD fdentftyfnJ men:hants and property OWDe1'I, setdDc up meetinp with them, .nenc1iDs the meeti:np with us, and proYlcIfnJ assistance with repzd to fmplemeutation aDd flnancln, 01 RCOnunendations under their existiDi pant pl\:lSlams. W. would also require assistance from the Development DepaJ1ment wlth repnl to c:baDres In Parldnr reguladoll$ and dty ordinances (such as prohfbitlons on outdOOl' dining and venCUng) thai: wm need to be modified or waived in order for some 01 the recommeudatfons to be implemented. PPS'. product for this work wm include ~ rendered plan showfDg the street la)'OUt. materials, dimensions and location of 8Jl1enities aod a .hon memo describing findinp IIIld reconunendatiOll$. 'l11e plan will also fDdude improvements to parking tots on the street. c ,I i c Dcr....4l...m __ft. bcraItmeDt Pl...... - "\.)- .....,.' 'J1U proIecr "Intended to ftUUlt rataUl'lJltt to.1VInI key 40WDbMIa .,.n.u... u4 "ra to help crate adcllllOMl maD IDc:hon for 12Ie downtowD. AIm tfIaft IDlIIlDd Macn-..1d would pIde lhfJ effon In teJml of wodcIDJ with pl'01*" CMDat IDll cJevelofJnI I IiDandal fDcenlfve paekaae dlat wouJcl encourap reJtauraDt1lSel1a~B. PPS woUIcl WOdt with them to (8) IdelldCy potentfal dra and (b) 4mJgp CllIlCepl1II1 .he p1anIlor lites to m1lStJ'ate how the restaunmts cou14 Impact 1dJace:at pubic IpICeI with outctoor eafes, ere. In IdclldoJl, PPS would prepare color reDderinp 01 Wee IeIectecllltes thar caD lie used In amadetfDr brochure for the propm. "Ii" Slxeet ~"1 PaddDr 11Ie Downtown P1an pt~ that Ihe Development Departmat rebIIa CODIUltllltl to UDdertab a comprehensive tnInSpol'tatioll .t\147 of clowatowD. which wDJ detel:nlllle, ~ other tasb, the Impact. of a proposed cUlJODIl pufdna ~..... ClG "B" Stnet and how to mlligate or address these impacts. In or4er to pzoYlde bUe fDbmadoa for the COID$UItaDrs, PPS wD1 develop I conceptual pllD mU5traq 1he IocadoD IDd l11'qemeat of parkinJ on or Street between 2nd Streets and 5th. PPS wD1 meet with the COIlI\lII8nt and subllllt the cIIagOJllll parldng proposal for their review and IDcorporadoD IDto the Cl\IlerlllI t.ransporta1lOll Plannlna efrorr. PPS wID require ICC1l1'Ite IIase ~ of the street from the ell)' to prepare this plan. Budpt The total cost for the above wOEk will be $17,500 Indudln& orrll et ISS1IlIIiDc that work can be done concurrently with other PPS projects In LA. (AI of....1Jt, It appearI that I wiD be in LA monthly for about I week each trip.) 'l1IIs wort breab clown IS foDOWI: c On dte meedDp (3 cIa)'l) Court Slm:t PIm 1lestautant Sfte Pl8DI . 'I'bfee Rendednp E Street DIaionaI Paddur Ilxpenses (frdWcs tnvel mcl photography for renderinp) $2,000 $4,000 $7,500 $2,500 $1,500 Please let me know 1f)'OU have ~ questicms. We look forward to colllinufng to wort with you on thls proJecL Sincerely, '*- Srephen DaYies VIce President c 1