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Irnpac)V6i'l\uclear IJ./aslC Transportation
file:l/lDllNuclear shitllmpacts of Nuclear Waste',
Impacts of Nuclear Waste
Accidents are
inevitable and
contamination possible, the Nevada Agency for
Nuclear Projects conclude in their report, Potential
Transportation impacts olS.1 04 and H.R. 1270 [In
the 106 Congress, the bill is H.R. 45]. The risks of highly irradiated nuclear waste transportation are
calculated using both the Department of Energy and independent consultant analysis. The report
demonstrates the importance of examining nuclear waste transportation impacts in the debate over H.R. 45.
Although the nuclear industry has claimed that transportation is safe and not an issue, the reality is that
shipping highly irradiated nuclear waste across the county through 43 states, within a half mile of 50
million Americans, is a dangerous undertaking. The industry falsely claims that the small number of
shipments which have been transported safely is proof that highly irradiated nuclear waste transportation is
feasible. Yet, H.R. 45 will require in the next 30 years over 100,000 shipments, a 4350% increase in
number of shipments to date.
Unprec.demed Scale- Up in Number of SJq.menllo
Cunent Total Expected S hiprnents under Rate of
S lupmontJ H.R 12'i1l Incre.ue
2,400 104,500 43.50%
Predicted Nuclear w.... TNJlfPo....tionA<ciAWlU
DOE Recommended Slupment Mile, (milliOlU) Numbelof
Accident Rate (pel over 3J Y un (PlamUnc Ac cidenb:
million smpment miles) InCo~t:on Corpolat.on) LiAe/y ., Occur
Truck 0.7 -30 62.3 210-354
R.i! 11.9 14.0
Because accidents are inevitable, a
public debate is necessary for
determining if the benefits outweigh
the risks. By using DOE accident rates
which employ genera} truck and raii
accident records and considering the
total miles nuclear waste will be
transported, we can calculate the
number of accidents likely to occur. An
astonishing 2 I 0 to 354 accidents would result from the 30 year shipping enterprise mandated by H.R. 45.
The nuclear industry has also argued that the transportation casks are fully tested and safe. Their lobbyists
ha I'e shown a video to Congressional staff showing tractor trailers slamming into brick walls with no
radiation releases. However, the video was made in the 1970's and today's transport casks are not full scale,
physically tested. Because we can be sure that accidents will happen, it is essential that all impacts are
considered before concluding that shipping highly irradiated waste is safe.
The characteristics of highly irradiated nuclear waste must be
fully understood. First, it is important to understand the
dangerous nature of nuclear waste. Public Citizen uses the
term "highly irradiated" to describe this type of waste because
il is deadly. A person standing one yard away from an
unshielded. 10 year old fuel assembly, would receive a lethal
dose of radiation (500 rem) in less than three minutes. A
thirty-second exposure (100 rem) at the same distance, would
signitlcantly increase the risk of cancer or genetic damage.
Kadiotion Ooaro.cteritd" of onlnUiated A...JrI>J;y
Ag. Activity Suna.ce Dose Rate
(Y.w) (curies/'HOrrlbly) (IOmIhour)
1 2,SlO,000 234,000
5 600,000 46,800
(10) (400,000 ") C Zl,400 ')
50 100,000 8,640
Second. we should consider that over time transportation will likely become safer with improvements in
technology. Although we do not advocate leaving this waste at reactors permanently, we do believe that in
X/26/U2 0:..j 7 11\1
/(~u-:Jl.:ar Waste Transportation
file://lDlfNuc1ear shitlImpacts of Nuclear Waste ;\\
30-50 years there may be acceptable reasons to t.ral}sport this waste. At the same time, waiting allows for
the natural decay of elements to lower the radiation and thermal heat content of the waste and inherently
make future transportation safer.
The final and most telling consequence is described
in an analysis by the DOE on the repercussions of a
rural transportation accident. The study, part of the
1986 Environmental Assessment for the Yucca
Mountain repository site, warns that a scenario
invol 'n a hi h seed im act Ion duration fire an
fuel oxidation would contaminate a 42 s 'Ie
area, require 462 days to clean up, and cost $620
million. With the massive increase in transportation
mandated by H.R. 45, the probability of this type of
accident will increase greatly, Are these consequences worth the risk just to bailout an industry?
Consequences of Rural Transportation
Accident Resulting in Release
USlflg conservative assumptions, the DOE has
examlfled the impacts of a very small release of
radlOactlve matenal, The release of 1380 curies
would contammate an area of 42 square miles
requmng 460 days and $620 mllbon to clean up
In examining a comparable situation such as hazardous materials transportation accidents, the future for
needless highly irradiated nuclear waste shipments does not look bright. Data from the Department of
Transportation reveals that in the last 10 years, just under 100,000 accidents released some form of
hazardous materials in the U.S. and its territories. These releases caused over $300 million in damages,
over 4000 minor injuries, over 350 major injuries, and over a staggering 100 deaths. These statistics are
unacceptable. The following two pages show individual state data from the Department of Transportation's
Hazardous Material Information System. These tables show the damage inflicted over a 10 year period of
hazardous material releases from transportation accidents.
If the risks of highly irradiated nuclear waste transportation are so significant, then their must be
compelling reasons to ship it out. Unfortunately, the real reasons for moving waste are to bailout the
struggling nuclear industry and give nuclear power a "face lift" in the public's eye. Please, for the 50 million
Americans exposed to the risk of transportation, oppose H.R. 45.
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Total In~\t1entslt6m.I/l/81.through 12/31/96
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