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From: Charles A. Bradley, Coordinator
Dept: Cultural & International Affairs
Office of the Mayor
Date: May 21, 2002 C /:-:,' ,,- ,,:, : L
MICC Meeting Date: June 3, 2002
Synopsis of Previous Council Action:
Recommended Motion:
1) Adopt Resolution
Contact person: Charles A Bradley
Phone: 884-3415
Supporting data attached: Staff Report, Resolution & Agreement Ward:
FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: I=V "1m,. $7,""" r..nt + $1,750 electricity
Amount: FY 02/03- $12,000 rent + $3,000 electricity
Source: 001-091-5185
Council Notes:
PIUJJloWLj (" Info;;, #eN
Agenda Item 1\
Staff Report
Resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the
execution of a lease agreement between the City and TVG Enterprises, LLC for rental of space
for the City of San Bernardino, Cultural & International Affairs Office in Arts on 5th
Multicultural Center.
In 1999, Senator Nell Soto requested $300,000 from the State of California for the City of San
Bernardino to establish a Multicultural Center in the downtown area. That request was
approved by the Legislature and Governor, and was included in the state's budget. Since that
time the Mayor's Office has been working to establish this Multicultural Center, with the goal
of fostering the development of community arts groups and celebrating the City's ethnic and
cultural diversity. The Center has been established as "Arts on 5th" and includes space for
meetin!s, classrooms and exhibit space for rotating art exhibits. The Center is located at 468
West 5 Street, San Bernardino, between "0" and "E" Streets.
The Center consists of a coalition of arts groups including Cultural and International Affairs,
Office of the Mayor; Arts Council for San Bernardino County; Coyote Conservatories from
California State University San Bernardino, Sinfonia Mexicana and Inland Counties Hispanic
Roundtable. Other partners are expected and include African-American Chamber of
Commerce. Each member of the coalition will sign an individual lease with the owner of the
building, Mr. Gregory Villanueva. Mr. Villanueva is charging all the coalition members $1.00
per square foot of space occupied, plus prorated share of the electricity. All tenants leasing less
than 500 sq. ft. pay $25 per month, tenants leasing 500-999 sq.ft pay $50 per month, tenants
leasing over 1,000 sq.ft. pay a prorated share of the remaining cost of electricity. Average cost
is $250 per month for 1,000 sq.ft.
The Cultural and International Affairs, Office of the Mayor moved into the space in December
2001. Much of the renovation has been completed and the grand opening of the building was
held on May 4-5, 2002. The lease for the space occupied by the Cultural and International
Affairs, Office of the Mayor was to be funded through a state appropriation which has been
frozen by the Governor. Through the efforts of the Mayor's Office, the City was notified by
letter on May 8, 2002, of a new grant in the amount of $88,650, from the Natural resources
Infrastructure Fund. A signed lease is a requirement to encumber this funding. This grant
partially replaces the initial grant and will be used to reimburse the building owner for tenant
improvements, including HV AC, electrical work and carpeting. The grant prohibits use of the
funds for operational costs such as lease payments.
The lease is for five years, commencing on December 1, 2001 and terminating on November
30, 2006. Annual costs for FY 2002/2002 are $7,000 for rent, and ! 1,750 for electricity. For FY
2002/2003, costs will be $12,000 for rent, and $3,000 for electricity. A copy of the lease
provided by Mr. Gregory Villanueva is attached.
Financial Impact:
It is proposed that the lease and electricity costs for the City's Arts on 5th operations will be
funded from the General Govemment/Fine Arts Budget in the General Fund (001-091-5185).
These funds are allocated annually to various fine arts groups by the Mayor and Council at the
recommendation of the Fine Arts Commission.
For FY 01/02, $133,500 was budgeted in this account, and year to date approximately $76,300
has been expended. The balance of $57,200 includes the anticipated $50,000 to be spent on the
"Art in Public Places" program that is under development, leaving an available balance of
$7,200 that can be used to offset the costs of Arts on 5th for this current year, with the
remaining cost of approximately $1,500 to be paid from the Mayor's Office budget.
For FY 02/03, $133,500 is again included in the Preliminary Budget in this account. If the
action is approved, the $15,000 cost for Arts on 5th will be funded from this account, leaving
$118,500 for allocation by the Fine Arts Commission.
Adopt Resolution.
SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino or her designee is hereby
authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City a Lease Agreement with TVG
Enterprises, LLC for rental of space for the City of San Bernardino, Cultural & International
Affairs Office, Arts on 5th Multicultural Center, 468 West 5th Street in the City of San
Bernardino, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by
reference as fully as though set forth at length.
SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced agreement is
rescinded if the parties to the agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage
of this resolution.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor
and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a
meeting thereof, held
on the
day of
, 2002, by the following vote, to wit:
Council Members:
Kachel u. Clark, CIty Clerk
The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this
day of
Judith Valles, Mayor
City of San Bernardino
Approved as to
Form and legal content:
City Attorney
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JaailllriallCrYitco .wrk'i.... 10 IMinIain the UIlcrioJr ill . .Icon wcll-allimaiDod CIlIlItiIian, dill ia, 10 cIimiIlIIc all
visible dust, dirt, liller, srime,1lIlins,........ rmaa 1IIIIk.. .....10 thepeotcsl prICIicoI cIepee possible, by perf.......... ......
the fol1owin8:
(I ) Empty ODd claD aU trub Clll\taiaas ODd ub II.YO; disposo: of oil trub ODd rubbish. (WcekJy)
(2.) a....... -"'''ia ia a seiIaIy &lid odor-Jiee coadilioa a111locn, claD aU mimn,.. claD aU 'oilce bowls &lid
urIIIaII. (Ddy)
(3.) JlunlilllIIId ......... aU toilet """" ouppIies (indudina soap, towels, _ -.. IGiId IiIIue, ODd sanilaly nopkino.
(4.) s....,..... IIIOp aU bard surfiIoc Ooon; &ad carpel sweep aU C&IpotecI-. b.,JI".. .....)'1 ODd balls. ID
oIIicea 1ridl banI__1Iocln ill the ~ IolJby ana, they sbaU be ...........""., (WeetIy)
(5.) ~ IiDpr mas aud _...... hm aU ..... cIoon &lid """"P'i"'l;" wiDdow. (WeetIy)
(6.) Sp-Hl-11y cIIIlcI<, aud if acIiGD ia needed, dIen:
.. IluII die topa ofaU fiIIllibae, -. cabineIs, ODd wiDdow siIII,
(wbicIl... &. of iaIaf'aiD, objeCta). (WeetIy)
b. Raaoft IpOCI ~ spill. hm \be carpels. Ilocn, &lid stairwlI)'I. (Wertly)
IU.-Ied, but DOl leu &eq~ Ibm:
WukIy Vacullll\ aU ~
(I.) Damp IIIOp aU bani surfiIoc 1Joors.
(2.) Duot aU wiDdowbliadl.
(3.) TRIII_;nlo.oo IlccI Counlains..... siIlkslO eliminale staiDs ODd miIleral deposits.
(4.) Spot "'- the wall.. .
(5 ) Sweep poatiDa __ &I1d sidewalks.
S....i_11y. Wub all wiIIdows.
(I.) SIeam...... 00IpcIs 10 raJlOve .11 stoins ODd spots.
(2.) C..... cIIapes.
In the...... of filii.... by Ihc Leosor Iu fomilih lilY of the abo.. .....io:cs or IIIppIiea ia a ..;.r....'lI'y _, Ihc CSU lua~
fiImiaII the ...... at ils own c:oot; ODd, ill additiotl 10 my other remedy \be CSU may bave, may deduo:t the UIlOUIlllhaeor,
incllJdiDa CStr. ..moo oosta. fiom the renllhat may then be. or lbereafter beCIIIIIc, dIJe..... payable.
... ofCllllomll' The R..u~ A
llEl'MT.NT OF PARICS AND 1l!C1lfATJON. P.O. ... .... . s.a.~, CA MIl 1001
Gray D.wa, Oo~ autOr
Rust., ANi... Di_
May 8, 2002
Charles Bradley
Director, Cultural Affairs
City of San Bernardino, Office of Mayor
300 N. "0- Street, Sixth Floor
San Bemardino, CA 92418
Project Number: NR.36-001
Contract Number: C8303012
Enclosed is a contract for the above referenced project and a procedural guide, with
application and program information to assist you. Please sign and retlJrn it as soon as
possible. We will send you a copy of the fully executed contract after It is signed by the
State. Although the contract wHI encumber the funds, we can't provide payment until you
have submitted a complete application. Our records show that you need the following
paperwork to complete your application: a signed application: a copy of the lease; cost
estimate; and, site plan.
PresenUy, there is a cash flow problem with the account thai funds this conlnfct. The
Administration is working to resolve that problem and anticipates a resolution soon. Until
then, we will not be able to process payments. We will notify you when there is cash in
the account.
If you have Queations, please contact me at (916) 651-7600, or by e-mail at
Richard Rendon
Project Officer !
?n. ~I
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Por!lev ptlIjeClllI L.ond T...... - PoolocIiI:
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I corlty _the _lion __In lIlII pftljocI.OIlI- 10m, Indualno ~ _._...10__
o..me.', AulIIOllIod R-....... ....... .. __ in ~utb'l
1. "--- lIhaII not suffer or pemVt Ihe oOitruction of any Common Ami., lncIudng ~ waIIcwaya and stalrwaya.
2. Leuor,....,....... rlf.rt to refuM IICCeII to any pinOnS lIsIor WI good fallh judgll to tlI a hMllO" uttty and ~ of.. PraiICt
.nditl~. -
3. l.nHe IhaII not make or permit any noiIe 01 odon that 8MO'i or IntertIre with otMr ....... or perIQfW twvIng buINa within 1M Pro;ecl
4. ....... Ihd not keep ani'nIlI or birds wIIhIn the Project, and IhI1I not tlring bicycIeI. motoIC)IdII or ClIW whlel.. Into.,... noc ~
as aulhr:lriDd tIx 181M.
5. l8nH shall not maka, IUIIIr Of pennit litter except in appropt\Ite receptactll to, that pl6pOIAI.
6. L8nH IhaII not alter any lock or inItaII new or addiIionIl b:kI or boItI.
7. Lessee nil bII ~ far the inappropl1ate UN of any 101.. roomI, ptumbing or other utIIltin. No bre6gn IUbItances 01 any Idnd ant to be
inserted therein.
8. LnMe shIlll not defac. the waIII. par1itionl 01 other 1ur1acM of 1he ~ or Project.
9. Laue shall not suffer or ptnnII anything In or around tal PNmiHI or Bulding that Cl.UMS exceaNe vtIl'ation or ftoor.....O In MY part of
the Project.
10. Furniture, signlflcant highland equiprNnt shall be mewed Into or out 01 the bulldhg only wIIh the L....n kncMiedQle and 00I'lNnt. and auIlfect
to such reuonat>>e Umltationl, techniques and timing, as may bit dNignated by Leuor. leesH JhaII be ..............101' any dM\age to.. 0fIIce BuIcIng
PI'CIjKt .riIing from any such activity.
, 1. leQee IhaII not IIfIIpIoy any senric8 or con1ractor tor services 01 vwm: to be periormed In the BuIdIng, exoIPt.. ~ by LeaaoI.
12. LelIOl' rnerves the right 10 dose and lOCk It1e BuIkIIng on s.twdIyI, &n:Iaya and Building HoIidaya. and on 0I'ler daya between hi hours of
_ P.M. and _ A.M. of the foIIowtng day. If L.nsee ....... PremIMI during such periodI, ~ IhaII be ftIIPCll'\SIM tor MCl.nIy Ioddng
any dootI it may ...... opened for entry. .
13. Leuft wlll8tUm all keyS allh. termination of its tenancy and Shall be raponsibIe lor the coat of replacing any kays IhIt are lost.
14. No window a:J\IMingI, shades or awnings shall be inItIIlled or UMd by Les....
15. No 1.HHe. ~ or i!Mtee shaH go upon the tOOfofthe Buiding.
16. ....... IhaII not IL1fIer or permit Ift'ICIImg or carrying of lightMf cigarI or ClglretIH In .... reuonabIy ~ by Leuof or by applicable
governmental agend.. u non-snddng areas.
17. I.essH shall not use any method of heating or air conditioning other than u pn:Mded by Lessor.
18. LesIMIhaH not inItaH. maintain or opeme any vendi1g rnactWleI upon the PremIIes without: LIIIOf'I wrIbn conNnt.
19. The Premileslhall not be used br lodging or manutacturfng. cooking or food preparation.
20. LeI... shall comply wiIh 1111 safltly. fire potection and IYaCUIotion NgUIatIonI HtatlIiIhed by leMor or any appHcabIe govemmehlal agency.
21. Lessor reMN8I 1M ~ 10 waive any one of these ruI.. or NglMtIona. and/or u 10 any particular ....... and any IUCh waP.w INII not
constitute. wailler of any oItMM' rule 01 regulation or any subMquent application ttweof to IUCh LMHe.
22. lHsH lII8U11es all risks from IhefI: or ....ndalism and agrMIla keep Ita PrerniMllocktd u may be required.
23. LeslOl' reHI'VH the right 10 make suctl other reasonable 1\11.. and regulations u It may from time to tIrnt deem necessary for the appropriate
operation and safety of 1M Pro;ect ancIlts occupants. Lessee agrees 110 abide by.... and such rul.. and regulations.
1. Partdng .,... snail be UHd only for parking by ....hicIn no tonger than fWI ... puseno-r .utomobIIeI herein caled "PermItIed SIze v.tlicl...~
Vehicla other than PInnitttd Size VenicIes are herein reMrred 10 .. -oversized VehIcI...~
2. Les... shall not permit or allow any whicles1t1:lt belong to or ani conlnlllecl by LMIH Of lHIM's nplO>,tMl. suppliers. shippers. customefI.
or irWitHs to be Ioadlld. unloMSld, or parbd in areas OCher than 110M delignated by LeIIor br such activItiH.
3. ParU1g a1Ickers or ldenllfication devices shall be the proper1y of Leaar and be retumecI to Leaor by the hotdet' IheteoIl.4lCJI'l termination of the
holder's parImg priYIIegea. lMHe wi! pay such repllCINnt charge as is reuonabIy 8ltabliIhed by Le;uor tor 1he loR of such devices.
4. L..Hsor reser.es 1he right to refuse the ",Ie of monthly identification avtcn to any person or enaty that willfully refuses to c:ompIy wtth the
applicable n"s. regulations. laws and/or~.
5. Lessor ......-va hi right 110 I'tlIc:laIte all or a part of parking spaces from IIoor ID floor. within one floor. and/or 10 reuonably adjacent o4IsiIe
location(S). and 10 reuonatIIy allocate them bItween eompect and standard size spaces. as b'Ig nile same ~ wiIh applicable..... ordinances
and regulations.
6. Users of the parking area will otley all poI1ed signs and park only In 1he .,... dlllignate lor vehicle parking.
7. Un'" oIherwile instruc:tMI. every peqon using the Plir!dng .,.. .. reqWed to park and iock hill own vehicle. lnIOI' will not be respondlle for
any damage to vehicles. injury to petIOnI or loss of property. aft or wtlich riIkI are Illumed by the party usr.g the parktlg area.
8. Validation. If Mtab&iahed, wtlI be permissible only by stICh mMhod or ma1hodI .. Leuor aneIIor IIII1ctn1N may ntabllstl at rates generally
9. The mai'1tenance. wutWtg. waxing or c:lMnlng of......... In the parking structure or Common Areas II pI'OtIit)bd.
10. Ltaet IhaII be reaponstbIe for seetng that all of its IqlkJyHI, agenI8 and InvtteeI o:mpIy with the appIicatlII pl.rkIng ruIeI, regulations, IIws
.... 11. lIItOIl'8Nf'V8I1M1 right to modify IheM rules anctIor adopt auctl other..eonatlI8 and non-diIcrirnlna tuIft and reguIatIonIult may deem
necessary for ... proper operation or the parIdng ....
12. Such perking UN as II herein pnMded II InWncIed merely" a tIcenH only and no ballmenl: IIInMnded or IhaII be CfeatecI MNby.
. 1~mertcan tncIUstrlal ....11!st8te Aaocfdon
FORM QffQ-1411
1. a..ic ProvI8lon. ("hale Provision.").
1.1 Plirtiea: This Lease (..L.u....), dated for reference purposes only Ma v 31. 2002
and between T"~ F.n+-~rpr; cu:u::: T T,r
and .....;+T....4= c"'" D.........~-Qil'Q. C"llt'lral [" T~tQrR:,lti~R.41 AffAirv
("LoIIH"), (_ the "Portlol", or indlvldully I "Porty").
1.2 (I) """"1_: TllIt certoin portion of tho Project (os defined below), _ os SuIte N_(I) 1 n, .
_ nOOr(S), consisting of approximately 1 n n n rentabkt square feet and approximately UMabIe aquIIIW feet
("Pre "11M..."). The Premise. are located at: 4fiR Wp!::.+ Kit:h ~Trp4il"t- I in the City of
C::at"l Qa....,.,......~;'lCPountyof c,.... 'D""'....P'\""...~j....Q ,Stat.of r"".1;............<l.. .w.ithzipcode~~Q' .
In addition to Lnsee'. righta to UN and occupy the PremiMa .. henttnafter 8P8dfIed. lHHe ehaJI haw notHDCCI ghtI to the
Common _ (II defined in Parogroph 2.7 boIow) II horoinoftof opocifiod, but l11li1 not hove ony righto kl tho roof, tho oxtorlo, wallo.
the .... _ till dnlppod collingl, or the utility racawayo of"e building containing the p,.".. ("lIuIIellng") or kl ony _, buIIdlngl
in the Project. The Premises, the Bulking, the Convnon Areas. the land upon which they ant located. along with .. other buUdlngs and
improvements thereon. are herein coflectlvely referred to as the "project... The Project conaiIt8 of approximately rentable
.qu.re feat. (See also P.regroph 21
1.2 (b) Parking: D.A...-- unreserved and.....n.a- reserved vehlcl. Plirking spaces at a monthly cost of $ _ per un.....rwd
space and S _ per ~ space. (See Paragraph 2.6)
1.3 Term: f11le .51 yearsand~months(..OrIglnaITerm..)commenctng 11/01/01
("Cornmencemllllt Debt..) and ending 1 n I '1 1 In&. ,ExpIr8tion Da.").
(5.. oJeo P.regrsph 3)
1.4 Early Pas....lon: ("Early _on DnI").
(See also Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.31
1.5 Bue Rant: S , n n n n n per month ,B..e Rent"), payable on the 1 c + day of each month
commencing ~~ 01 ,(See.1so P.regroph 4)
o "this box is ,ere are provislona In this Leue tor the llaSe Rent to be adjusted.
1.6 LoIIH.. S..... of OporoIIng Illponse Increua: parcont ( _ "') ("I.oIIH" S....."). LesIoO'I Shore
has been calculated by dividing the approximate rentable aquare footage of the Premises by the total appn:llldmate aquare footage of the
rentable space contained In the Project and shall not be subject to revision except In connection with an actual chenge In the size of the
Premises or a change In the space avdabIe for I.... in the Project.
1.7 _ Rent ond Olhar _hid Upon _on:
(e) l1li.. Rent: S tor the period
(b) Securl1y Dopollt: $ ("SecurIIy Dopoolt"). (Sae.1so Paragraph 5)
(c) Porldng: $ for the period
(d)~$ lor
(.) ToIol Due Upon Ex"""'lon oflhll Leoos: $
1.8 AgreedU..: Cultural exhibit soace and office!';
1.9 Base Vnr. Inaurtng Party, The Base Year is
Paragraphs 4.2 end 8)
1.10 Real Ellate a..,,"ra: (Sae oJeo Poragraph 15)
(a) Repruentation: The following real estale brokers (the ..Brok......) and br0k8rage relationships exist in thls
transaction (check applicable boxes):
. (Sae oJeo P.regraph 6)
. Laasor is till "Inluring Porly". (Sae olso
replhOflls Lessor oxcIUIiYIly ("LosIor'I arobr");
represents Luue --......1ttIy ("L.eaM'a Brolcer"); or
IOpIhOflIs both Lessor and Leoooo ("DulII Agency").
(b) Payment to Broke...: Upon execution and delivery of thIa Lease by both Parties, Lessor shall pay 10 the Brokers
the brokerage fee agreed to in a separate written agreement (Dr if there is no such agreement, the sum of _ Dr _ "" of the total
Base Renl for the brokel1lge s8Nic:e. rendered by the Brokers).
1.11 O...,.ntor. The obligations of the Lessee under this Lease shall be guaranteed by
("Guaranklr'). (See also Poregreph 37)
1.12 Bu.tnes. Hou,. for the Building: _ a.m. 10 _ p.m., Monday through Friday (except: Bulktlng Holidays) and_
a.m. to _ p.m. on 5a1urdoy (excapt auilding HOlidays). "aulldlng HoIldoys" l11li1 moan the datal of obaarvatlon of New_. Day,
President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and .
1.13 Leuor Supplied SWVICH. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 11.1 , Lessor Is NOT obI6gatecI to provide the
o Janitorial servk:es
o ElocIrlclty
o Other (specify):
1.14 At&echmentll. Attached hereto are Ihe following, all of which constitute a part of this Leue:
o an Addendum conatattng of Paragraph. _ through _ ;
o a plot plan dopIcIing till Premises;
o a current... of the RuIn and Regulations;
o a Work Letter;
o a janitorial schedule;
o other (specify):
2. Preml....
2.1 Letting. Lessor hereby leases 10 Lessee, end Lessee hereby leases from teNOr, the PremlHll, for the lerm, althe
rental, and upon all of the lerma, covenants and conditions set forth in this Lease. Unless otherwise provided herein, any statement of
siZe set forth in this lease, or that may have been used in calculating Rent, II an approximltion which the Parties agree is reasonable
and any payments based thereon are notsubjecl to revision whether or nolthe actual size is more or I.... Nota: leuH II .eM.. to
verify the actvaIl aiD prior to executing thil.L.a..,
2.2 Condition. Lessor shall deliver the Premises to LeSSH in a clean condition on the Commellcemint Date or the Early
Possession Date, whichever firll occurs ("Stllrt Date"), and warrantllthal the exiItIng electrical, pluml:Nng, fire sprinkler, lighting, healing,
ventilating and air conditioning systems ("HYAC"). and all other Items whk:h the l.8aaor II obligated to COI'IItrUCt pUrlUant to the Work
Lel1er .ttached herekl. W any, other than thooo oonslrUClad by La..... l11li1 be In good ~ oondIIon on _ dole,
2.3 Compliance. laMar warrants the!: the improvements camprt.lng the Pnamiaa end'the Common ANa comply with the
. building codes thai were in etIect at the time that each such Improvement, or portion thereof, was constructed, and aIao wtth all apptlcable
G t....AmericM InClUetrIeI ...., Eat8Ie Anocl.don
laws. covenants or restrictions of record, regulations, and ordinances ("Appl&c.bte Aequlramenuj In effect on the Start Date. SakI
warranty does not apply to the use to which Lessee will put the Preml.... mocfrflcationl which may be rwquired by the Ameficanl with
Disabilities Act or any similar laws as a result of Lessee's use (see Paragraph 50), or to any Alterations or Utility InstaIIatIonI (u defined
in Paragraph 7.3(a)) made or to be made by Lessee. NOTE: Le....I. reapon"" for determining whetMr or not the zoning and
- Applicable R__ .re 0Jlll'0Pri0I0 lor LooHe'o__ ......d ._~ _ poOl ..... of "'" Proml_
m~ no longer be allawed. If the Premia. do not comply with said warranty, L.eIaor JhaII. except as otherwtaa pl'OYided, promptfy
aft.r receipt of written notice from Lessee setting forth with speclftctty the nature and exMlnt of such non-campIance, rectify the same.
If the Applicable Requirements are h...fter changed 10 as to require during the term 0111111 Laase the conttrucIion of an addition to
or an alteration of the Premises. the remediation of any Hazardous Substance. or the reinl'otoement or other physical modification of the
Premises (..CapJtlI Expend"......', lNaor and La... shall allocate the coat 01 such work as foIlow1:
(a) Subjeot to Paregraph 2.3(0) balow, if oud1 CapltaJ Expandlluroo a.. required u a rooul 011110 IpOCiflc and unique
use of the Premises by Leuee as compared wtth uses by lenama In general, l.e8M8 ,hIIll be fully raponeible tor the cost thereof.
providod, _. IhaIII ouch COpItol Expandltu.. is required during tho last 2 yom of Ihlo L.eaoo and the _ _ _ 6
months' Base Rent, Lessee may Instead tennlnale this lease unleallHlor notifiH Leuee. in wrtling, within 10 dayI ....r f8C8ipt of
Less..'s termination notice that uuor has elected to pay the ditfemlCe between the actual cost thereof and the anIOlI1t equIIl to 6
months' Bale Rena. II LnHe eIecta termination. ....... shall immediately celIIe the use 01 the PrernIIea which ~uIreI such Capilli
Expondltu.. and _ to Loooor wrlt10n notIc:o opai;Iylng . tenninatlOn daht at Ioaat 90 dayo _. Such _nation daht ohaI,
~ in no ....nt be earner than the last day that Lessee could legally utilize the Premiees wtthout commencing such Capital
(b) tI euch Capital.Expenditure Is nOC the result 0lth8 apec::ific and unique use of the Prwni181 by Ln8ee (such .,
governmentally mandated I8II1nlc mocItIcatlons). then leISOf' and Le.... sh.1I allocate the COlt of such Capilli' Expenditure.. foIIowa:
L....r shan advance tho fundo necouory for ouch Capital Exponcltu.. butl.eoHe ohaJI ba obIgalad to pay, each month during tho
remainder oflhe lerm of IhiILH... on the date on which Ba.. Rent II due, an amount equaJlO the product of mulliplying Leaaee's
share of the COlt of such Capital Expenditure (the percentage specified In Paragraph 1.8 by . fracIion. the numerator of which Is one,
and Ihe denominator of which Is 144 (Ie. 11144th ollhe coat per monlh)). L.e8He 111" pay intareIt on the unamortized balance of
Lessee" sh.re at a rate that is commercially reasonable in the judgment of L.euor's accountanta. lHHe may, howewr. prepay Ita
obligation a' any lima. Providod. _r. that II ouch Capita' Expandlturo is required durtng tho .... 2 yom of this L.eaoo or I ~r
reaeonllbty determ6nes that It is not economicaly 1euIbI. to pay ita share thereof, L.euot thall haw the option to terminate this Lnu
upon 90 dayo prior writlon notIc:o to Laoooo..._ Lauae noIItIaa Laooor,ln writing. within 10 dayo._ raceipt 01 L....... tanninatlon
notice that L.eaIee will pay lor such.CapItal Expenditure." Leaeor does notelec1 to terminate. and IaiII to tender ill share of any such
Capital Expendllura.l.eoHe may advonco ouch !undo and _CO _, with Inta_ from Rant _ ~ oharo of ouch _ haw
been fuly paid. II LeIsH is unable to finance Lnlor's share, or if the balance of the Rent du8 and payable tor the rM18Inder of this
Lease is not sufficient to fully reimburse La.... on .n offset basis, Leu.. shall haw the right to teminate this Leue upon 30 days
written notice to lessor.
(e) Notwith81anding the above, the provisions concerning Capital EJcpencltura are tntendecI to apply only to non-
voluntary, unexpected, and new Applicable RequIrements. "the CepltaJ Expendllu.... are inatMd triggered by L8UM:.. a ....utt of an
actual or propoaed change in UN. change In intensity of us., Of modification 10 the PremiIH then, and In that fN8n1, lHHe IhaII be
fully responsible for the COlI thereof. and l.es8ee ahall not haw any rtght to terminate this Leaae.
2.4 AcknowII dglments. Leeue acknowledges that (a) L.euee hu been adviHd by L.eaeor and/or Br0k8ra to..sty ItHff
with _ to the condition 01 the Proml... (Including but not lmitad to the a1ectrlcol. HVAC and lint oprinldar oyotamo, oocutlty,
environmental aspects, and compliance with Applicable Requirements). and their suitability lor L.ueee'1 intended ute. (b) l.Hsee haa
made such investiglltion III it deems necessary with reference to auch matte... and IlUUmM all respondJlIty theNfor III the same relate
to its occupancy of the Premtses, and (e) nem,er Lessor, L.essor's agents, nor Brokers have made any 0nII or written repreaentationl or
warranties with respect to said matters other than as set forth in this Lease. In addition, Lessor acknowIedgn: that: (I) Brokera have
made no representation.. promleea or warrlll'llies concerning Lessee'I ability to honor the L.eaI8 or IUItabtIIty to occupy the Premises,
and (Ii) ~ is ~ro _ raoponaibilily to invaotigat. the financial capablily .nd/or oultablily 01 all propoaad tananto.
2.5 LH.. .. Prior OwnerlOccupant. The warranties made by Lesaor in Paragraph 2 ahall be of no force or effect il
immediately prior to the Start Date, Leuee was the owner or occupant of the Premises. In luch 1IYent. Le8Iee shall be reeponslble for
any necessary correctiYe work.
2.6 Vehicle PlrIdng. So long as Lessee is not in defautt. and subject to the Rules and Regulations attached hereto, and as
established by Leaaor from time to time. L..... ahaII be entitled to rem and use the nunDer 01 parking epaces specIfled In Paragraph
1.2{b) althe rental rate appJicable from time to time lor monthty parking as set by l.eaor ancUor .. 1108",".
(a) 1IL.naee commits, permits or allows any of the prohibited actMties deecriJed In the LAue or the rules then in effecI,
Ihen Leaaor shall have the right, wfthoua notice, in addition to such other rights and remedlea that it may have, to remove or tow away
tho whicle il1YOlwd ..d chargo the _ to Las..., which 000' shall ba Immodlataly payable upon domand by ~r.
(b) Tho monthly nmt por portclng op_ opocIfied In Parogroph 1.2(b) is oubjact to cllanga upon 30 dayo prior wri1tan
nolk:e to Leaaee. The rent lor the paridng is p&yIIbIe one month in actvanoe prior to the find d8y of each caJendar month.
2.7 common _. DolInltlon. Tho tenn "COmmon _" is definad .. all..... and _ outoldo the Pramlaas
and within the exterior boundary Ine of the Pro;ect and interior utRlIy racewaya and InalIIIdons wIIhln the Preml8n Iha1 are prcMded
and designated by the lHIor, from time 10 time. for lhe general non4llCluaive UN of Leuor, Leuee and o1her..,..... of the Protect
and their respective emploo"...., suppliers, Ihlppers. cusIomers, conlraclor8 and InvtI8eI. including. but not limited to. common
entrances, lobbi8l, corrlden. llalrwelll, pubfic restrooms, elevalors. parking areas, loading and unloading 1IfUI, IraIh ...... roedweye,
watkways, driYewaya: and landscaped areas.
2.8 Common ANas - Leuee'. Rights. Lessor grants to Lessee, for the benefit of Le... and ill emptoyees. suppliers,
shippers, conlractors. customers and invit.... during the term of this Lease, the nGrHXCluaive rlghl to use, in common with others
enlWed 10 such use, the Common Areas as they exist from time to lime, subiect 10 any rights, powers, and privileges reserved by Lenor
under the terms hereof or under the terms of any rules and regulations or restrictions governing the use 01 the Project. Under no
circumstances shall the right herein granted to use the Common Areas be deemed 10 include the right to store any property, IemporarUy
or permanenlly, In the Common Areas. My such storage shall be permitted only by the prior wrIIten conaent of l.ea8or or Lessor's
designated agent, which consent may be revoked al any time. In the event that any unaulhortzed storage lhatl occur then les80r shall
haVe the righi, without notice, in eddition to such other rlghtI and remedies thalli may h...... to rem0\..'8 the property ancI charge the COlt
10 Lessee, which colt nn be Immediately payable upon demand by leHor.
2.9 Common ANa. . Au". .nd Regulations:. L.esaor or such other penlOll(s) .. LeIIor may appoint shall have the
exclusive control and managemant of the Commoo _ and ohall haw the right, from tims to limo, to edopt, modlfy, amend and anforea
reasonable rules and regulation. ("Aut. and Aegulattone") tor the management, 1aMy. care, and cINnIlneIs of the groundI, the
partclng and Unlolclng of _. and tho p....MItIOn of good ordor, u wall u for thl _nco 01 oIhor occ:upanto or tonanla 01
the Builclng and the Projecl ancItheir IrMtees. The Lessee ag..... 10 abide by and conform to an IIUCh Rules and Regulatlona, and 10
cause its emplO'f88l, suppli8rJ. shippers, customers, conlractors and inYitHs 10 80 abide and conform. L.eIIor shall not be responsible
'0 l.eaooe for lha non-compllanco with Aid Rules and Ragulationo by other tananta of Ilia Projoct.
2.10 common _ - Challll", Laooor ohaIf haw tho right, In LasaoI'o _ _. from limo to lima:
(I) To mako cIlangao to the Common Arau, including, without Hmltation. changaa In tho location. oiza, ohapo and
number of tho lobbiao, wIndowo. otairway.. air ohalto, -.to.., aocoIato.., rootroomo, d,,-", .......... parking _ portclng
areas, loading and unloeclng ...... ingress, egress, direction of tratric, Iandecaped areu. wallcwaye and uIII1y ~:
(b) To _1omporarIIy any 01'" Common Arau lor maInIanance.purposao..Iong.......-...... to lha
Premises remains avaitabfe;
(e) To deeignale other land ou18'de the boundaries ollhe project to be a part of the Common Areas;
FORII 0fG01.....
(d) To add additional buildings and improvements to the Common Areas;
fe) To use the Common Areas while engaged in making addltionallmpnwements, repairs or alterations to the Profecl:,
or any portion thereof; and
(f) To do and perform such other acts and make such other changes In, 10 or with raspecllo the Common Areas and
Project as Lessor may, in the exercise of sound business judgment, deem to be appropriate.
3. Tenn.
3.1 Term. The Commencement Date, ExpiratIOn Date and Original Term of this lHH are as specifJ8d in Paragraph 1.3,
3.2 Elirly Poaaeulon. If Lessee totally or partiaHy occupies the Premises prior to the Commencement 081e, the obItgation
to pay Base Renl shall be abated for the period of such early possession. AI other terms of 1hts Lease (Including but not IImhd to the
obligations to PIIY Leuee.. Share of the Operating Expen.. Increase) shall, however, be in effKt during such period. Any such early
possession shall nollffecl: the expiration Date.
3.3 Delay In Poaaeafon. Lessor agrees to use its best commercially reaeonabte efforts to deliver possession of the
Premises to Leasee by the Commencement Dale. If, despite said efforts., Leuor Is unable to delver poueasion by luch date, Lessor
shall not be subtect to any liability therefor, nor shall such feMure affect the valktity of th1I....... L8ssree IhaI not, hc:wewer, be obligated
to pay Rent or pertorm Itt other obligations unlit Lessor deliwrs poasaaaion of the PramiuI and any peliod of rent abatement thai
L..... would otherwi.. hove .njoyed shall run from th. dote of delivery of _ion and continuo for. porlad oquoJ to whet l.ooI8o
would llt..rwi18 have .njoyed undor tho term. hereof, but minus ony doya of doIoy caused by tho _ or omII8Ions of l.ooI8o. If
possession is not deliwred within 60 days after the Commencement Date, as the IIJ1'lII may be extended under the terms of Iny Work
Lener executed by PartIes, L.6asee me.y, at its option. by notice in writing wtthin 10 daya ahr the end of auch 80 _ period, cancel this
L..... in which aventlhe P.rtioo shall be discharged hum all obIigoliono hereunder. ff ouch written notice is not .- by Loaoor
within ..id 10 day period. LoI8oo's right to cancoI .haIlt.rmInoto. If _Ion of tho Promioao is not delNored _In 120 doya atlor
the Commencement Date, this Lease shall terminate un... other agrnmente are reBChecl between Lneor and Leuee. in ~.
3.4 l.esMe Compliance. Leuor shall not be required to $Iivw pounsion of the PNmi... to lnHe untU leuH complie.
with ill obligation to provide ovidonco ollnsuronco (P.ragraph 8.5). Pondng delivery of ouch OYIdonoo. l.ooI8o ohoII be required to
p.rform all of ill obIigolions under this Louo hum .nd .Itor tho Stort 001.. including tho payment of Rant. nolwI1hotandlng Loa<<s
electiOn to withhold poaaeasion pending receipt of such evidence of insurance. Further, If l.esaH Is requJred to pedonn IlI'1y other
conditions prior 10 or concurrent with the Start Date, the Start Dale shall occur but L.euor may elect to wiIhhotd poael8ion untllluch
conditions are satisfied.
4. FlenL
4.1. Rent DefIned. All monetary obligations of Lessee to Lessor under the terms of this Lease (except for the Securtly
D.posit) .re doomed to be rent ("~.
4.2 Operating expenM'ncnan. Lessee shall pay to Lessor during the term hereof, in addition to the Base Rent. Lessee's
Share of th. .mount by which .11 OporotIng Expen..s for each Comparison Yaar _tho amount of an Operating Elcponooo for tho
Base Vear, such UCHa being herelnefter referred to as the MOl-rating Ex..... lncNue.., in IICCOrdance wtth the 1ol5owing provisions:
(.) "b..y..,.. is eo ~ in Paragraph 1.9.
(b) "Comparison V_roo is defined as each calendar year during the term of this Lease subsequenl to the Base Year;
provided. however. L.eIHe shall have no obligation to pay . share of the Operating EliCp8ft88 Incraau appIicI;bkt to the fll'8t t2 months
of the Lease Term (other than such as are mancIated by a governmenlll authority, as 10 which gowmrnent mandated expenses Leaaee
.hall pay Looaoo'. Shore. _ding they occur during tho firat twoIvo 12 months). l.ooI8o's Shore of th. Oporeting EJcponoe
Increase for the first and last Comperison Years of the Lease Term shan be prorated aocordlng to that portion 01 such Compartaon Year
as to which Le.... is responsible for . share of such increase.
(e) "Opora1lng ~_. Includ. all coots incurred by Loaoor relating to tho ownoral1ip and oporallon of tho Projact,
calculated as if the Project was at least 95% occupied, Including. but not limited 10, the following:
(i) The openlllon, repair. and maintenance In neat, cl8ln, safe, good on:Ier and condition, but not the replacement
(... .ubparegroph (g)), of tho following:
(ea) The Common Areas, including their IUrfacH. coverings, decorative Items, carpets. drapes and wtndow
COYOrings. and Including p.rking ansoo, _g .nd unloading .reas, trooh are... roadways. _Ics, walkways. stairways"parkwayo,
driveways, landscaped areas, striping, bumpers, inigation 8)'8tems. Common Area lighting flcUlties, buDding exteriors and roofs, fences
and gates;
(bb) All heating. .ir conditioning. plumbing. e1ectricai oystoms, lito saIoty oquipmant. communlcalion systems
and other equipment used in common by, or for the benefit of, lessees or occupants of the Project, Including elevators and elCllators,
tenent directories, fire detection ayatema including sprinkler 'Yam maintenance and repair.
(II) Trooh dilpOl8l, janltorlel and IOCUrlty sorviCOl, peat control ..rvicoo, and th. coots of any onvironm.ntol
(Ill) Arty other service to be provided by Lessor that .elHWhere In this lei" stmed to be an "Operating Expense";
(Iv) Tho coot of tho premiums for th. lnouranca policies maintained by LaSOOf pursuant to p.ragraph 8 and any
deductible portion 01 an lnaured Iou concemklg the BuIlding or the Common Areas;
(v) The amount of the Real Property"'" payabae by Lnsor pursuant to paragraph 10;
(vi) Tho coot of water, I8WOr, goo, .'-IcIly, and olhor publicly mandolOd _ not separately mot.red;
(vii) Labor, salarle., and applicable fringe beneflta and costa, materials, supplies and tools, used in maintaining
and/or cleaning the Pro;ect and 8CCOLH'Iting and management .... atttibutable to the operation of the Protect:
(viii) The coot of any Capitol ElCpIrldlture to tho Building or tho Projacl not covered undor th. provisions of P--"
2.3 provided; however, that Lessor shad a1k1cate the COlt of any such CIIpitaI ~,. over a 12 year period and l.essee shail not
be required to pay more than Leu..'s 811.... of 1/144th of the C08I: of such Capital Expenditure in any glverl month;
(be) Aoplacamant of oqulpntont or improvamonta thot hove . uaofullfa for aooountlng _ of 5 _ or 1?0o.
(d) Arri item of Oporatlng Expo... that is spocIIlcoIly _ to tho Pr...-, tho BuIlding or to ony other building
in the Project or to the operation, repair and me.lntenance thereof, shall be llIocaled entirely to IUCh PntmiIe4, 8uDdIng, or other buldlng.
However, .ny such Item that Is not spocIIlcally at1ributobla to the Bulding or to any olhar buDding or to tho oporatlon, repair and
maintenance thereof, .ha11 be equttably allocated by Lessor to all bulldIngIi in the Project.
(e) The inclusion 01 the improvements, facilities and Hrviou Ht Iorth In Subparagraph 4.2{c) shall not be deemed to
impose an obligation upon lHsor to either hIve said improvements or facililiel or to provide those aervices unless the Project aIteady
has the 88me, Lessor already provtdel the Hrvices, or Leaaor has agreed elHWhere in this Leue to provtde the tatnI or some 01 them.
(I) Lessee', Share 01 Operating exp.n.elncteU8 shall be payable by lnHe wittrin 10 days after a I'H8OnIbIy deIaM8d
stal.mant of lIClulll _ i. prosanted to L..... by L....'. At L..lssofs optior.. howavor. an &mount may :", '''Jmated by La...;
rrom time to time in advance of La....'. Share at the Operating Expense Increue for any Comparison Year, end the same shall be
payable monthly during each Comparison Yesr of the L.... term, on the same dIy as the Base Rent II due hereunder. In the event
th.t L.oos.. pays Loaoor'a oatimato of La....'. Sh.re of Dporoting EJcponoelncraaoo .. .foroom. Lalllor shall doIlvar to Loosoa within
. <<l days after the expiration of each Comparison Veer . reasonabty detailed stalement thawing L....... ShIRt of the acIUaI Operating
Expense Increall incurred during such year. If Le...." payments under thIa paragraph (f) during said COmplrison YeIIr exceed
Lessee's Share as indicltecl on uid statement, L.eIsee shItI be entitled to credit: the amount of sud1 cwerpayment .gainst Lessee's
Share of Opetating ExpenH Increase next laling due. II LeI...'s payments under thl, paragraph during uJd CompBriIon Year were
I... th.n L.....'s Share .. Indicated on said .-mant. LoI8oa shall pay to Loaoor tho amount of tho daIIoIency _n 10 daya oItor
delivery by LaSOOf to l.ooI8o of said statomant. Loooor and l.ooI8o _1orthwIlh adjust _them by cash poymant any boIanco
determined to exist wfth rwpect to thai portion of the iul ComparilOft Year tor which L.esHe is reaponstie .. to Operating Expenu
Incroooo.. notwRI1mnding that tho LoI8o term may hove tonnlnated bofora tho end of ouch ComparIoon Yaar.
(g) 0p0ratIng Exponsoo sholl not include tho coote 01 ~ tor equipment or copllOl compon_ouch eo tho roof,
Ioundations, exterior walla Of a Common Area capital Improvement, .uch as the parking lat pavtng, etevatora. fences that have . U88Iuf
01~1rtdU8II'WI1"'" bllteAPodSUGn
life for accounting purposes of 5 years or more unless it is of the type described in paragraph 4.2(c) (viii), In wtuch case their coat shall
be included as above provided.
(h) Operaling Expenses shan not include any expenses paid by any tenant directly to third parties, or as to which Lessor
is othefWise reimbursed by any third party, other tenant, or by insurance proceeds.
4.3 P8yment. Lessee shaH cause payment of Rent to b, received by Lessor in lawful money of the United States on orbefore
the day on whk:h il is due, without offaeI or deduction (except as specific8ly permitted in thill.eaae). Rent for any period during the
term hereof which is bleas than one IuD calendar month shall be prorated baaed upon the aclU8f number of days of saki month.
Payment 01 Rent shall be made to Lessor at its address stated herein or to such other persona or place u Lesaor may from time to lime
de8ignate in writing. Acceptance 01 a payment which is less than the amount then due shall not be a waiver of LesIor'I rights to the
balance of such Rent, regardless of lessor's endorsement of any check so stating. In the ...-enlthat ~ check. draft, or other Instrument
01 payment gi\ten by leaaee to Lessor is dishonored for any reason, Lessee agrees to pay to lessor the sum of $2S In adcItion to any
Late Charge. Payments wiU be applied first to accrued late charge. and attorney'1 leel. HCOnd to accrued Interest. then to Base Rent
and Operating Expense Increase. and any remaining amount to any other outstanding charge or COltS.
5. Security Deposit. Lessee shall deposit with lessor upon execulion hereof. the Security Deposit 81 security far ......... faithful
performance at Its obligations under this lease. If lessee fails to pay Rent. or otherwill Oefautta: under this Le..e. leIsor may use.
appty or retain all or any portion 01 said Securily Deposit lor the payment of any amounl due Leaor or to reimburu or compensate
lessor for any liability, expense, lop or damage which Lessor may auffttr or incur by reason thereof. If L.euor uses Of applies" or any
portion ~U; Security Dopollt. Lo....lhall_ln 10 days altor writtan ,_ _. dapoaIt monIaa _ Laaor IUIIlciant to raato..
said S . OepolJlt to the fuU anlount l1IqUired by this LeaM. If the Base Rent Increuee during Ihe term oIlhls Leue. Leeaee ahaIl,
upon written request from Lell9r, deposit additional monies with lessor 10 thai the toIaI amount of the SlcJrity Oepoelt IhaII at aU Umes
bear the same proportion to the incrHHd Base Rent as the iniItaI Security Oepo.lI bo,. to the IniItaI Base Rent. Should the Agreed
Use be amended to accommodate a material change In the busin818 of Leuee or to accommodate a aubleeaee or auignee. lessor
shall have the right 10 increase the Security Deposit to the extent necessary, in lessor's reuonable judgment. to account b any
increased wear and tear that the PremlHs may auller as a result thereof. tt. change in control of lnHe occurs during this Lease and
following such change the financial condition of Lessee Is, In Lessor's reasonable Judgment, significantly reduced. Leuee shall depoa/l
such additional monies with lessor as shall be sufftcientlo cause the Securtly Deposit 10 be at a commercially re8lOnatM Iev8I based
on such change in financial condition. lessor shall nOl be required 10 keep the Security o.pos. Hpar8le from ill general accounts.
Within 14 days after lhe expiration or termination 01 this Lease, if lessor e1ec18 to apply Ihe Stcurlly 0ep0I1I onty 10 unpaid Rent, and
otherwise wtthin 30 days after the Premis.. ha.... been vacated pursuant to Paragraph 7.4(c) below. LeaIor shaft AltUm thai portion 01
the Security Deposit nol used or applied by lessor. No part of the Security Deposit shall be considered to be held In trust. to bear interest
or to be prepayment for any monies to be paid by LesIee under this Lease.
6. UM.
6.1 U.. l.esa.. shall use and occupy the Premises. only lor the Agreed Use. or any other legal UN which is reasonably
comparable thereto, and lor no other purpose. Leaee shall not use or permlllhe use 01 the Premises in I manner that is unlawful.
creates damage. waste or a nuiaance. or thai disturbs occupants of or causes damage to neighboring premlaes or properties. lnsor
shall not unreuonably withhold or de'-Y lis consent to any written request for a modIIication af the Agnted Use. 10 long .. the same wIU
not Impair the structural integrity of the Improvements of the Building, wiD not adver881y afI8ct the mechanical, electrical. HVAC. and other
systems of the Building. ancIIor wi. not allecllhe exterior appearance of the BuldIng. If Le8lOr efecIs 10 withhold coneent. lellCM' shall
within 7 days after such request give wrtllen notification of same, whtch notice lhall include an explanation 01 lessor's objections to the
change in the Agreed Use.
6.2 Hazardoua Sub8mncea.
(a) Reportable U... Require ConunL The term "Haardoua SUbatlinc." as used in this Lease shaH mean any
product, substance, or waste whose presence. use, manufacture, dlspol8l. tranaportation. or rel8ue. either by IIHIt or in combination
with other materials expected to be on the Premises, is either: (i) potentially lnjurioul to the pubic heatth, safety or wetIant. the
environment or the Premises. (i1) regulated or monitored by any governmental authority, or (10') . balls for potenIialliabllty of leeIor to
any goyemmental agency or third party under any applicable statute or common law theory. HazardouI SubItances shallncluCle. but
not b. limited to. tiydrocarbons. petro6eum, gasoline. andfor cructe 011 or any products, by-proCIucta Of hactlons thereat. L.ueee shall not
engage in any activity in or on the Premisea which conltilules a Reportable Use 01 HazardouI SubItancu wiIhouIlhe exprna prior
wriIIan conaant of Laasor and tImaly oampllanca (at L....... axpanse) _ all AppIicabIa Raquiremants. "RapaIlabla UN" ahaI maan
(i) the installation or un 01 any above or below ground storage tank. (Ii) the generation, p~lIl1.ion, storage, u.., transportation, or
disposal 01 a Hazardous SubsIance that rwquiru a permit from. or with respect to which. report. notice, rwgIaUation or business plan
is required 10 be fitad with, any governmental authority, and/or (Iii) the presence at the Premisu 01 a Hazardous Substance with respect
to wtuch any Applicable Requirements requires that a notice be given to persons entering or occupying the PremiHl or neighboring
properties. NoIWithItanding the foregotng, usaee may use any ordtnary and customary matertals reasonably required to be used In the
normal COU'" 01 tha Agraad Uaa auch aa ordinary ofllca auppllaa (copiar tanar, liquid papar. gIua. ate.) and oammon __ claanlng
materials, 80 long as such UN II In compliance with aU Applicable Aequnmenls, is not a Reportable UII, and eta. not expoee the
Premises or neighboring propeny to any meanlnglul risk of contamination or damage or expose Leuor to any RablNIy therefor. In
ackltlon, Leasor may condIUon Ita consent 10 any Reportable Use upon receiving such additional usurances as lesIor I'UIOI\8b/y
deems necessary to protecl iIsetI, the public, the Premlaes and/or the envlronmenl against damage, contamination. injury ancvor Ilabltlly,
inducting, bul noIlitriled to, the inItaIIation (and removal on or before LeaH expiration or termtnation) of protecIive mocIftcations (such
.. concrata anc:aaamanta) and/or incrHaIng tha _ty 00p0Ilt.
(b) Duty to Inform Laaaor. If L.aaaaa knows. or hu ....._ COUH to baliave. that a Hazardoua _ hu
come to be tocated In, on, under or about the Premi8ea, other than as prwvlously COMInted to by Leuor. L.euee shall invnedlately give
written notice of such fact to Leuot. and pnwide Lessor with a copy 01 any report, notice, claim or other docurnentMion which II has
oonceming the presence 01 such HazardOus SUbstance.
(c) LealIe .....JIIdon. Leuee shaI not cause or permit any Hazardous Substance to be spilled or reIeaHd In, on,
undBr, or about tha Pramloas (lncIuclng through tha plulrl>lng or aanltary _ ayafem) and ahaI poomplly. at Laaaaa'. _. comply
with aU Appllcabte Requirements and take all Investigatory and/or remedial action reuonabIy recommended. whether or not formatIy
ordered or required, tor the cleanup of any contamnation of, anCIlor the maJnIenance, HCUrlIy and/or monIIoring of the Premi8u Of'
neighboring properties, th8t was caused or materially conlrbded to by lessee, or pertaining to or InvoMng any Hazardous Substance
brought onto the PremiMs: during the term 01 this Lease, by or lor lAu... or.ny third party.
(d) ....... '''-'nltl..-. L.aaaaa ahall indamnlty, dBland and hold Laaaor. Ita aganta, amplcJo,fta. _IS and
ground la8lOr. il any, harmlaaa from and against any and allloaa of ranlB and/or ~ Iab_, judgmanla. cIaima. axpanaaa.
penalltes, and attorneys' and consuIIanIs' lees arising out 01 or invdving any Hazardous Subltance bfoughl onto the Premilft; by or for
Lessee. or any third party (provided. hooMMtr, that Lessee shall have no liablllly under thil Lease wtIh IWIlpICI to underground migration
01 any Hazardoua S_. unda1 tha Pramiaa. from arB" outsIdB of tha Projact not CBUIBlI or _ to by l.eaaaa). Lusaa'.
obligations shall include. but nol be Umtted to, the effects of any contamination or injury to p"*'". property or the envil'Ol'WlMltlt creaIId
or suffered by Lessee, and the cost of investigation, removal. remediation, rHloraUon aRCVor abatement, anCIlhaD survive the expiration
or tennination of !hit Laasa. No larrnination. cancallabon or raIa... agraamant antared into by Laaaor and Lusaa shall _Lusaa
. from ill obligations under this Laue with respect to Hazardous Substances. unless IpICiftcaIy 10 agnted by lusor in wrIing at the
time 01 such agrHmlnl.
(e) Leuor IndMnnltlatlon. Lessor and its successors and Uligns shel indlmnify, defend. ,.imbu,.. and hold
L...... lIB amplcJo,fta and landars. _ 110m and againat any _ all anvlronmanlBl ~. includlng tha coal 01_.
w111ch......from......-. _ whlch _ on tha Pramloas prIotto ,"-'a _ or_ BIW_by lhe_
nagliganca or wiN rnlBconduc:l of LaaIor. Ita aganta or arnpIcr,oaaa. laHor'I ~ .. and _ raqulred by tha AppIicaIlIa
Rttquirementl, shall Include, but not be ImtIed to, the cost 01 irMltigdon, removal, remediation, I'eIIoIdon and/or tlbaIemenI, Md shall
IUrvive the expIradOn or temHnatIon of Ihia Leas.
01_____ _ EstataAuoclalion
FOAM ClfG.l_
(f) Inveatlg.alons and Remediation.. Lessor shall retain the responsibility and pay for any Investigations or
remediation measures required by gOYBmmentalentities having jurisdiction wfth respect to the IrXiItence of HaZIIrdouI Sub8lances on
the PntmIses prior to Leaaee'a occupancy, unless auch remediation measure Is ~uintd 88 . red of L.eaee.. use (including
'Altellllion.'. es deIlned In _h 7.3(.) below) of the P"""'.... In _"""" L..- Ihlll be __lor such poymonI.
Lessee shaU cooperate fully in any such activities at the request of Lessor. Including dowIng Leuor and L..1lIOr'a agents to haw
reasonabfe access to the Premises at reasonable times in order to carry out Leuo,.. inv8Itigattve and remedial respond>>tHties.
(g) LoIIorT__ Opllon. II I HIzIrdous _ ~ (... Poragnoph 9.1(0)) -... during the I8m1 01
this Lease. unless Luue " legally nHIpOn8ibte therefor (in whk:h: case Leaaee shaH make 1M Invntigation IU1d remec:lation thereof
requlrod by the Apt>1lcoble Requi.....n.. ond this Lnse shall conllnue in lua 10... ond oIIoct, but subjoct to .......... rights under
PoIllgraph 6.2(d) end POIll9rap/l 13), IAsoor moy, ot Lo..o~. option, _ (I) lnYootIgoto ond _ such HlzlnIous Sub-...
CondItion. if rwquiRld. as aoon as reuonabIy possible at Leasor'1 expenee, In which I'</Wnt this LnH 8hal1 continue ... full fotce and
effect, or (Ii) if the estimated COIl to mnediate such condition exceeds 12 tim.. the then monthly BaN Rent or '100,000. wtUchever is
gre_, give _en noIlco to L..-, within 30 deys after rocaipl by IAsoor of knowIodgo 01 the -._ 01 ouch Hozonlous
Substance Condition, of lHsor's desire to terminate ttUI Lease u of the date 80 daya following the de.. at IUCh notice. In the ~
Lessor ~eds to give . letmlnation notice. lei... may, within 10 days the....fter. gMt wrtttan notice to L.euor of LMaee', commitment
10 poy the amount by _ the cost of the _n of .uch Hozonlous Subotonoo CondIIIon __ on omount equal 10 12 timoo
the the\. monthly Base Rent or $100,000. whichever is greater. LAuee Ihall provide l.eISor with taki fundi or AtiIfactoty UlUrance
thereof within 30 d8y1 ~ such commitment In such event, thl. Leue shal continue In full force and Iff8ct. and LeIIIor shall
proceed to make euch re~ation U lOOn .. reuonabIy poSsible 8ftar the requllWd fundi are avdabIe. If lnHe doN not gtw auch
nolice and provide the required lund. or assurance thereof within the lime provkled, this Leue shall terminate u of the date Ipeclfled
in les8or's notice of termination,
6.3 LoIIoo'I CompIIonco _ Appl_ Roqulrwrnonto. Except sa otherwloe providod In Ihla Loaoo, L..- .holl. ot
le...... sola expenae. fully, diIigenIIy and In a timely manner. maIertaIIy comply with all Applcllble Reqw..,"'I1I, the .-qullWfMrdl of
ony app_ nlll ......... underwriler or reting bureau, .nd the _ 01 L.-. ongInooro and/or __ which
relate in any manner to the Premilel. without regard to whether said rwqulremtnll: ar. now in effect or becomII .rr.cov. del' the Start
Date. Leuee shall. within 10 dayI after receipt 01 Lessor". writtan requelt, provtde lAuor wtth copiea 01 .. permila and .other
dooumonts. and other Inlormation avtdonclng L..-~ compliance _ ony AppIlcotlle Requiramonts IIpOClIIod by ,,-<, and shall
Immadialaly upon receipt, nollfy Lessor in writing (with copl.. 01 ony dooumonto inoIoIvocl) of ony throotonad or actual clolm, _.
cit.tion. werning, complaint Of .-.port pertaining to or invoMng the failure of lei... or the PrenUes to compty with any ...~
6.4 lnopoction; Compl_. Lessor and Le_s "Landar" (es dafined In POIllgraph 30) and consuftents oholI hIM! the
right to enter into PrerniIeI . any time, in the cue 01 an emergency, and otherwise at I'ttUOnatH ttmeI. tor the purpoee of InepecUng
tha condition of the Prem.... and lor Wtlfylng compllance by L..- _ thlo Loan. Tho ooot of ony such InspactIono oholI be pold by
lessor, unless a .violation 01 Applicable Requirements, or a Hazardoua Subat8nce Condition (He paragraph 9.1.) iI kMI1d to exist or be
imminent. or the inspection is requested or ordered by a gowmrnenlal authority. In IUCh cue, ~ ,h1111 upon I'8queet reimburse
L....r for the 00S1 of such Inopoction. so long es such inopoclion 10 reaaonobly Illlotod to the vIoIotion or oontsmination.
7. .alntenanc.; ...,.....; UtIlity InataUatlons; TI1Ide FlxturM and AlteratIons,
7.1 LoIIoo'. ObIlgol1ons. NolwlIh"'ndng~. obligotion 10 kaap the Pram_In good oondIIlon end rapoir, Laooae
shall be _nBible lor poymonl of the coal thereof 10 IAsoor a. additional Illnt lor Ihat portion of the ooot of ony mointenonco and _'r
of the Premise.. or any equipment (~r located) th.t '.1'V8I oRty La.... or the PrerrUn, 10 the exlenllUCh COli II attributabte to
causes beyond normal we.r and tear. Lnsae shall be responsible tor the colt 01 painting, repairing or I'IpIecIng wall covenngs, and to
repair or replace any improwments with the Premises. lessor may. It Its option. upon reasonable notice. elect to haw L.nsee perform
any particular such maintenance or repairs the coat of which Is othe~ Leaea'I reepondJlIIty hereunder.
7.2 LoIIo~. Obllg_.. SUbject 10 th. provisions of PIIllg_ 2.2 (~), 2.3 (Compliance). 4.2 (Operating
Expen...). 6 (U.a). 7.1 (Le...... Obfigotion.), 9 (Oamaga or Deallucllon) end 14 (Condemnotion). Lessor, subject 10 ralmbulSlmonl
pursuant to Paragraph 4.2. shall keep in good order. condition and repair the foundations. exterior waIa. etructural condition of interior
bearing walls, exterior roof, fire sprinkler system, fire alarm andfor smoke detection lyIIems, fire hydrants, and the Common Areas.
Lessee expressly waives the benefit of any atalull now or hereafter in effect 10 the extenl it i. Inconsistenl with the terms of this Lease.
7.3 UtUtty 1n....latlona;TI1I. FIxtu....; Alterations,
(a) DaffnItIonL The term "'UtUIty Installations" refers to an ftoor and window coverings, air lines, wcuum Ilnea. power
panal.. electrical distributlon. sacutlty end nlll protacllon ayatema. communlcotlon cabling, lighting fixfu.... HVAC oqulpmonl, ond
plumbing in or on the Premises. The term '"Trade Flxtu...... shall mean Lessee.. machinery and equipment that can be removwd wfthout
doing malarial damogo 10 the Pramisa.. Tho !arm "_ona- .holl moon ony modIlIcotlon of the 1InprcMmonts, other Ihon Utility
Installations or Trade FlXIUres, whether by addition or deletion. ..t.n... OWned AbrItIon. ancllor UtIlIty lnatallltlon." are defined
as Alterations and/or UUMty Inslllllationl made by Leaee that are not yet owned by LnIor pumNll'1l to Paragraph 7.4(a).
(b) Consent. L..- sholl noI make ony Alt...tions or Utility I_tions 10 the P_ _ Leesor'o prior wriIlan
consent. L..... may. """"",,, make _rei Utility lnotallotion. 10 the Intarlor of the Pre_ (_ding the roo/) _ ouch
conaent but upon notIca to L.euor. ..long.. they are not visible from the outalde. do not InYOIw punclurtng, relocating or IWmOVing the
rool. ceilings, floors or IIRY existing wall1. wIU not atrect the electrical. pUnblng, HVAC, ancUor ilia safety sylteml, and the cumulatiYe
cost thereof during Ihlo Lene sa __ doss not excoed $2000. Nolwilhotandlog th. Ioregolng, L..- _ noI moM or """,,II ony
rool penetrations and/or install anything on the fOOl without the prior writlen approval of LeSllOf. leHor may, .. a precGI tdIdon to granting
such approval. require Le.... to utilize . contractor chosen ancUor approwd by Laaor. Any AAerationI Qr Utility Il1IIIIlaIIonI that
Lessee shaU delire 10 make and which require the consent of the lessoC' .haIl be pr888nhld to l8Iaor In WfIIIen form with dataMed plans.
Consent shaH be deemed conditioned upon Leaaee's: (i) acquiring an IIPPUcabIe governmental permits, (II) furniahJng Leuor with caples
01 both the permItS and the pions end spacitIcotion. prior 10 commencemont of the wort<. ond (W) oompIlonco wtItt all conditions 01 aold
permib and other Applicable Requirements in a prompt and expeditious manner. AIry AlteraUonl or Utility IRllalIations Shall be
perlormed in a workmanltka m.nner with good and sutrtcient materials. L..... shall promptly upon complltlon furnish L.euor wfth 111-
built plans and specifications. For work which costs an amount in excess 01 one month's Base Rant, Leuor may condition lis consent
upon Len.. providing a lien and completion bond in an amount equal to 150% of the estimated COlt of such Alteration or Utility
Installation anellor upon LnHe's pwtlng an additional Security Oepoaft with lHeor.
(c) U.ns; Iond.. Lessee shall pay, when due, all claims lor labor or matarials furnished or llUagecl to have been
lurnished 10 or lor lessee at or lor use on the Premises. which claims are or may be secured by any mechanic's or materialmen's lien
against the Pr-.rnlses or any interest therein. Lesaee ahall give Lessor not leas than 10 days notice pOor to the comrn.ncement 01 any
work in, on or aboullhe Pren1ises, and Lessor ahal: havw it.c. ;,,,,lit I" pw: nv~ G: r..:moraspo.1Sitilll'j. If LasIH st'.aJ1 WIlt.: the validity
of any such lien. claim or demand, then L.aIe8e thall, at ita sole expense defend and proteclltself, Lauor and 1M PntmI... againat the
same and ahall pay and satisfy any such aclv8rse Judgment thai may be rwndared thereon betare the entolcemenllhereof. If LuIor
shall require, Lessee sh.11 furnish a surely bond in an amooot equal 10 150% of the amount of such conteIIed Den, claim or demand,
.... indemnifying Lessor against liability for the same. If Lassor elects to participate in any such action. Leuee ahan pay Lusor'I ltIomeys'
le.s and costa.
7.4 Ownerahlp; Removal; SUlTWldar; .nd Restomlon.
(8) OwMrshlp. SubjeCt to Lessor's right to require removal or elect ownorship u herein.fler provtded. all AlIaratlons
and Utility Installations mada by Le.... sholl ~ property 01 ~. but consldarod a pan of the Pramisoa. Laesor moy, II any lime.
elect In writing 10 be the owner of aft or any IIpOClIIod pan of the L..- Owned -. and Utility InotoIlalions. UnIooo oIhorwloe
instructed per paragraph 7 .4(b) hereof. .11 Lnaae Owned Alterations and UtIlity lnetallatlons lhaII, at the expiration or wnnnatlon of thiS
L..... _me the property of Laesor and be surrondored by L..- with tho Promiu..
(b) Removal. By doIiYory to Le.... of writtan noIIco fnlm Leaaor not .lIIIIor thon 90 and not _Ihon 30 cloys prior 10
the end 01 the term at this La.... Leuor may require that .ny or allleue4t Owned AIteratIona or UtIlity lnatallatlons be removed by the
o 191foArneriC8n 1l1dUn1.1 ....1 .... AsMdltion
expiration or termination of thia leue. Leasor may require the removal at any time of an or any part of any Lessee Owned Alterations
or Utility Installations made without the required consent.
(c) Surrender; AutoratIon. Lessee shall surrender the Premises by the Expiration Date or any earlier termination
date, with all of the improvementt. parts and surfaces thereof dean and free of debris. and in good operating order. condition and state
at repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted. "Ordinary wear and tear" shall not include any damage or deteriotation that would have been
prevented by good maintenance practice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if thiS; Lea.. is for 12 months or .... then Leuee shall
surrender the Premises in the same condition as delivered to Lessee on the Start Date with NO allowance for ordnary wear and tear.
lessee shall repair any damage occasioned by the instatlation, maintenance or removal of Trade Fixture.. Lessee owned Alterations
andlor UliUty Installations, fumilhings. and equipment u wetl 8S the removal of any storage tank InstaDed by or lor Leuee. Lessee shaD
also completety remove fn:m the Premises any and all Hazardous Substances brought onto the PremisH by or for Le..... or any thin:!
party (except Hazardous Subetancea which were deposited via underground migration from are.. outakIe of the Protect:) twn If IUCh
removal would require Lassee to perform or pay lor work that excHdl .tatutory requirements. Trade Fixtu.... shall remain the property
of leSSH and shall be removed by Let.... The failure by Lessee to timety vacate the Premiaes pursu~ to this Paragraph 7.4(c)
without the expreu written consent of Lessor shall constitute a holdover under the provisions of Paragraph.26 below.
8. Inaul1lncej Indemnity.
8.1 Ineuranee PremlumL The cost of the premiums for the Insurance policies maintained by Lnaor pursuant to paragraph
8 are Included as Operating Expenses (see paragraph 4.2 (c)(iv)). Said COlli .hall Include Incraun In the premium. resulting from
additlonalJr0V8ragl related to requiramenta of the holder of a mongage or deed of trust COYIring the Premtees. Buiklng and/or Pro;ect.
inc~uation of thl Premise.. Building andlor Projlk."1, and'or a general premium C8te 1ncrnI&. SakI cosII shaD root, however.
inctude any premium increases_resulting from the nature of the occupancy of any other tenant of the Butlding. If the Protect wu not
insured for the entirety of lhe ... Year. then the base premium shall be the bwell annual premium reasonably obtainable for the
required insurance 81 0' the Stan Date. assuming the most nominal use possible of the BulkSng and/or Project. In no event, however,
shall L.euee be responsible for any portion of the premium cost attributable to Ilabmty In.urance coverage in excess of $2.000,000
procured under Paragraph 8.2(b).
8.2 Uablllty Insurance.
II) Carried by LIuee. Lessee shaH obtain and keep in force a Commercial General UabUity policy of insurance
protecting Lessee and Lessor as an addiIIonaIlnsured against daims for bodily injury. personal injury and property ~age based upon
or arising out of the ownefShIp, use. occupancy or maintenance of the Premises and all areas appurllnantlherelo. Such insurance shall
be on an occurrence basi. providing single limit coverage in an amount not I... than $1,000,000 per occurrence with an annual
aggregate of not .... than $2.000,000, an "'Additional Insured-Managers or Leaaors 01 Premises Endorwmenl" and contain the
"Amendment of the Pollution ExcIllIion Endorsement" lor damage ceueed by heel. .moke or fumes from e _ fi... The policy shell
not contain any intra-insured exclusions as between Insured persons or organizations. but shall Include coverege for lisbYII)' asaumed
under this Leue as an "In_red contract" for the performance of Le...... indemnity obligations l.I'1der this Leue. The limits of laid
insurance shall not. however, limIIlhe liablily of Lessee nor relieve Leuee of any obligation hereunder. AHinsurance carri8d by Lessee
shall be primary 10 and not contributory with any similar insurance carried by Lessor. whose insurance shall be considered excess
insurance only.
(b) c.rriecI by LMaor. Lessor shaD maintain liability insuf8nce as described in Paragraph 8.2(a),ln adcItlon to. and not
in lieu of. the insurance required to be maintained by Lessee. Lessee shall not be named as an additional insured therein.
8.3 Properly In.urance & Building, Impravementa and Rental Value.
(a) BulkAng Ind Improvements. L.esaor shaD ob1aIn and keep in force a policy or policies of insurance In the name of
Lessor. with loss payable to Lesaor, any groundalessor, and to any Lender insuring loss or damage to the BuIlding and/or Projecl The
amount of such insurance shall be equal to the full replacement cost of the Building anc;LIor Protect. as the same IhalI exIaI from time to
lime, or the amount required by any Lender, but In no 8Y8frt more than the commerdally reasonable and available Insurable value thereof.
LeSS88 Owned AII8raIions and Utility Installalions, Trade Fix1ures. and Lessee's personal property shall be insured by les88e under
Paragraph 8.4. If the coverage is avaHable and commerclafty appropriate. .uch polk:)' or poItcies shan Inaunt against an risks of direct
physicallos. or damage (except the perils of tIood anO'or earthquake unless required by a Lender). Including coverage Iordebris removal
and the enforcement of any Ap~1icabIe Requirements requiring the upgrading. demolition. reconstruction or replacement of any portion
of the P~lses 88 the result of a cowred loss. Said policy or poIici.. shall also contain an agl'Hd valuation provistonln lieu of any
coin.urance dauae, waiver of sutMogation, and inflation guard protection causing an increase In the annual property Insurance coverage
amount by a factor of notlesslhan the adjusted U.S. Department 01 Labor Consumer Price IndIx tor All Urban ConIuITKKS for the city
nearest to where the Premises are located. If such insurance coverage has a deductible dause. the deductible amount shall not exceed
$1,000 per occurrence.
(b) Rental Value. lessor shall also obtain and keep in force a policy or policies in the name of Lessor with loss payable
to Lessor and any Lender, In.uring the loss of the full Rent for one year with an extended period of Indemnity for an additional 180 deya
("Rental Value IneulWlC8;. Said Insurance shall contain an agreed valuation provllton in ltau of any coinsurance clause. and the
amount of """"rage shell be sdiuMed snnueIly to ..- the plOjected Rent otherwise peyeble by 1Maeo. lor tho ..... 12 monIh period.
(c) Ad"c:ent Prem..... leasH shall pay for any lncntue In the premiums for the property lnIurance of the Bulding
and for the Common Areas or other bulkllngs In the Pro;ect If said IMCfeue Is caused by Lelsee" actI. omIa6ons. use or oc:cupancy of
the Premises.
(d) Lea8M.. Imprcnremenb. Since Lessor is the Insuring Party. Lessor shall nol be reqUINd to insure L.eseee Owned
Allerations and UtIlI)' InatallaUons unless the item in question has become the property of LaNOr under the tenns of this Lease.
8.4 L_" Proporty; BUIl_ Intorrupllon In.u.......
(a) Property Dam.... lnaH.h111 obtain and maintain insurance coverage on all of Luaee's personal property. Trade
Fixtures. and LeSHe Owned Allerallons and utlDIy Installations. Such Insurance shall bl fuU replacement cost CO"o'erag8 with a
deductible of not to exceed $1.000 per occurrence. The proceeds from any .uch inlUrance shall be used by LeaIee for the replacement
of personal property. Trade Fixtures and Lessee Owned Meradons and Utility Instat1ations. Lessee shan provide leaaor with written
evidence thai such lnsurance is in fon:e.
(b) Bu......lnterruptIon. Lessee shall obtain and maintain loss of Income and extra expense insurance in amounts
as will reimburse Lessee for dir8cI or indtrect Qs of earnings attributable to aD perils commonly lnsuntd agai1sI by prudent lessees in
the business of Lessee or attributable to prevenUon of access to the Premises as a resuh 01 such perHs.
(c) No RapaM6r,ldon of AdequaW Coverage. leasor makes no representation IhalIhe limb or forms of coverage
of insurance specified herein are adequate 10 cover Lessee" property. business op....tion. or obligations under thls Lease.
8.5 InlUl'llnce PoIleIM. Insurance requintd h81ein shall be by companies duly IicenI8d or acmlll8d to lranaacl business in
the state where the Premiaes are kIcaIed. and maintaining during the poHcy lerm a -General PoIicyhoIderI Rating"' 01 atleasl8+. V, as
set forth In the moaI currenll8aue of "Besfs Insurance Gulde-, or such other rating as mlly be required by a l8nder. L.essee shall not
do or permit to be done anything which invallda1ea the required insurance policies. Lessee shall, prior 10 the Start Dale. deliver to Lusor
certified copies of pohciea of such insurance or cerllflcate. evidencing the exlstence and amounll of the required insurance. No such
polley shall be cancelable or subtecl to modIflcaIion except after 30 days prior written notice 10 Lessor. LIIM8 shaU. alleast 30 days
prior to the expiration of such poIicie1, furnish Lessor with evidence of renewals or "insurance binders" 8Ytdencing renewal thereof. or
J..essor may order such insurance and charge the cost thentOf to LeIaee. which amount sha. be payable by L..... to l.esIor upon
demand. Such policies shall be for a term of at Ie. one year, or the length 01 the remaining lerm of this Laee, whichever Is less. If
either Party shall faN 10 procure and maintain the insurance required to be carried by 11, the other Party may. but shall not be required to,
procure Bnd mU1tatn thl .......
8.6 _ of SubRlgl1lon. -olI--.g any other rights or remedn. Lessee end ~..... hereby _ and
retiew the other, and WINe tholr sna.. rtght to _ de_ egalnst \he llItler, for _ of or demago to .. praper1y arIIIng out of or
incident 10 the perils requi-' 10 be Insu-' againat herein. The efleet 01 such ........ and wailMra ls notlmlled by the amount of
insurance carried or required. or by any deductibl.. applicable hereto. The Parties agree to have their respective property dlmage
insurance carriers waNe any right to subrogation that such companies may h8Y8 against l.eIIor or L.eaI8e, 18 the case may be. so king
as the insurance is not invalidated thereby.
8.7 Indomnlly. e-pt for L.nao~s grass neglig.nce or willful mIsoonduct, Lo_ _11ndemnlfy, _, delond II1d hold
harmless the Premises, UlIOr ~d Its agentl, Lesso"" master or ground Ieuor. partnef8 and Lendera. from and ."11 any and all
claims. loss of rents anci'or damages. liens, judgments, penalties, 8ttorneys' and conaultant8'..... "up_ andfor IabIItie8 eriaing out
of, involving, or in connection with. the use andfor occupancy of the PremiIea by l.HMe. tf any action or proceeding II brought againsl
Lessor by reason of any of the totegoing maners, L.ea8ee shall upon notice defend the same at lHHe's erpen.. by counMI reuonably
saUsfaclory to Lessor and L..nsor ahaU cooperate with Lessee in such defense. Lessor need not have first paid any such ct8lm In order
10 be defended or Indemnmed.
8.8 Exemption of .....or from uablllty. Lessor shall nol be l~. for Injury or damage 10 the person or goods, wares.
merchandi8e or olher property of Lessee. Lessee'. employees, contractors. invtt.., CUIIOrI'lerI. or any other person In or about the
PremiHs, whether such demege or Injury Is ceuoed by or results from fire, Iteam, eltcIrIcIty, gu, wsIer or .-In, or horn 1he bteekege,
leakage, obstruction or other defecIa of pipe8, fire sprinklers, wires. apptiances. plumbing, HVAC or IghtIng fbcturee, or from any other
081118, whethor !he said Injury or demeg. _ horn oondltions .riIing upon 1he P_ or upon _ portions of 1he Buldlng, or
from other sources or pJeoes. Lessor _ not be liable for any damages arising horn ony act or negIact of any _ tananl of L8es0r
nor frow..the failure of lAssor 10 enforce the provilions of any other IeaIe in the Project. NotwtlhIIanCIng lAsIot'l negligence or brnch
01 this Lease, Lnaor lhaII under no c1rcumstlll'lC8S be liable for Injury to leHH's buain... or lor any toea 01 Income or profit therefrom.
9. 00..... or_
9.1 DeflntllonL
(a) "PrwnI... Partial OIIrug." lhan mean damage or deItruc:tion 10 the Improvernentl on the PremiMI, other than
L..... Owned _rellons and UtiHty Installations, which can reasonobly be repaired In 3 months or _ from th. data of 1he damage
or dulruclion, and the cosllhereol doe. not exceed a sum equal to B month.. Bale Rent. L.euor ,hall notify Leuee in writing within
30 days from th. date 01 the damage or _ u 10 whether or not 1he demego Is Portial or Total.
(b) .....m1_T....I_on. ohaI mean dernaga or -.- to the Imp_nil on the Premlsu, other than
Lessee Owned AlteraUons and Utility Instelaatlons and Trade FlxIuru, which cannot rwuon8bIy be repaired In 3 rnonIha or leu from the
dale ollhe damage or deIINCIion andIor the COil thereof exceedIa sum equal 10 8 month.. Bale RM1I. L.eaor shall notify Leasee in
writing within 30 dayslrom the date 01 the damage or deslruction as 10 whether or not the damage is Parti81 orTOIa!.
(e) "'n.ured Lou" shall mean damage or dHlructlon 10 irnpIov8mentI on the PremiHI, other than l.nH8 Owned
A1t.rations and Utility Installations and Tracie Fixtures, _ was ceuoed by an ....nt required 10 be _red by the Insurenco daocrlbed
in Paragraph 8.3(a), irr8lpltCllYe of any deducIIbfe amounll or c:owrage limits irwolYed.
(d) ..AtIpll=lmant Coat" shat mean the coat to repair or rebuild the Improwmenll owned by LeIIor II the lime 01 the
occurrence 10 their oon_ exIaIing Imrnedlatoly prior 1hereto, including demotillon, dobris removal and upgrading required by the
operation 01 AppJicabIe Requiremenl8, and without deduction for depreciation.
(e) "Hulrdoua Substance Concltlon" shall mean the occurrence or diacovery of a condition InvoMng the presence
of, or a contamination by, a Hazardous Substance as defined in Paragraph 8.2(a), In. on, or LI'1d1r the Premises which requi.... repair,
remediation, or restoration.
9.2 PIIrti111 Damage . IMUred La.. II a Premises Partial Damage thet is an Insured Loa OCCUfl, then Lessor shall, al
Lessor's expense, repair such damage (but not Lessee's Trade Fixtures or Lessee Owned Aherationl and UtIIty Installations) as soon
as reasonably possible and this Leue shall continue in lulllorce and effect; provtded. however. thai Le.... shall. lit L.euor's election,
make the repeir of any damage or desIructIon lhe total cost to repair 01 which Is $5.000 or ..... and, In IUCh ......,1. Lauor ahan make
any applicable insurance proceeds availabte 10 Lessee on a reason"" basil for thai PUtpOl8. NotwIthIIIIndIng the foregoing. if the
required insurance was not in force or the insurance proceeda are not euf6cient 10 effect auch Npair, IhIIll'IIUring party shall promptly
contribute the shortage in proceeds as and when required 10 complete said repalra. In the 8Yent, however. such shortage was due 10
Ihe faclthat, by reuon of the unique nature 0I1he Improvements. 1....I.replacement cost insurance coverage was not commerclaDy
reaaonabJe and available. Lessor shall have no obItgation 10 pay for the ahortage In Insurance pl'OOMdl or 10 lully I'HtoN the unique
aspects 01 the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor with the funds 10 cover same, or actequaIe auurance therwof, within 10 days
fallowing receipt 01 wrtllen noUce of luch shonage and request therefor. If LASIOr receiYea saki funds or adequate asauran08 IhIntof
within said 10 day period. the party responsible for making the repaira shall camp'" them as lOOn .. ~ poatie and this
Lease shaD remain in lull farce and ellect. If such funds or assurance are not received, Lasaor may n8Y8l'lhe1ess ekK:l by wrtlten notice
to Lessee within 10 days thereafter 10: (I) make such restoration and repair as Is commerolaly reasonabkt with Leuor payi1g any
shortage In proceeds. in which cue this Lease shall remain in lull force and efI8cI. or (II) have this Leau terminate 30 dayI th8l8l.fler.
Lessee shall not be endUed 10 reimbursement 01 any lunda contributed by L.easee 10 repatr any such cWnage or dNtrucIIon. Premiaes
Partial Damage due to nGOd or earthquake shall be subject to Paragraph 9.3, notwlthltancing thai there may be IOme Insurance
coverage, but the net proceeds of any such Insurance shall be made avatlable for the repalra II made by either Party.
9.3 Partiel Damllge. Uninsured Lola. If a Premises Partial Damage thai is not an Insured l.oas occura, unlesa caused by
a negligent or MlifuI act of Lessee (in which event L8IIH shaH make the repelra al Lusee's expense). L.eaaor may either: (I) repair
such damage as soon .. reasonably poulbte at Lusor'. 8XP8nH. In which 8Y8nI this LH.. tIhaH continuIln fuU foroe and effect. or
(ii) terminate 1his Lease by giving written notice to l.eIaee wilhJn 30 days after receipI by Lnsor of knowtedge of the OCCUITWIC8 oIlUCh
damage. Such termination shaA be eff8ctive 60 days following the date of such notice. In the......nt Leuor elects 10 terminate ttUI Leu.,
Lessee shall have the right within 10 days after receipt oIlhe termination notice 10 give written notice 10 LHsor of u....'s cornmllment
to pay for tne repair 01 such damage without reimbursemenl from Lessor. Leuee Shall provide l8IIor with said fln:tl or aatIsfactory
assurance thereof within 30 days after making such commitment. In such event this Leue IhaU conllnue In full force and eIIecI, and
Lessor shall proceed to make such repeira as soon as reasonably posaIbIe after the required fundi are available. if L.ee8ee does not
make the required commllment, this Lease shalltermlnat8 as of the date specified In the termination nouce.
9.4 Total Destruction. Notwithstanding any other provision hereol, If a PremlIes Total OeItr'ul:tion occurs. this Lease shall
terminate 60 days following such Destruction. If the damage or destruction was cauaed by the gross negligence or willful miaconducl 01
Lessee, Lessor shaH have the right 10 recover Lessor's damagealrom L.eaaee, except as provided In Paragraph 8.6.
9.S Oaimage Near End of Term. II at any lime during the last e months 01 thie: LeaIe there I, damage lor which the cost to
repair exceeds one month'. a... Rent, whether or not an Insured Lou, lHaor may terminate thia Lease.rr.ctiYe 60 days following the
date of occurrence 01 such damage by giving a written termination notice 10 L.e.... within 30 days after the date of occurrence 01 such
damage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Lessee at that time has an exercisable option to extend ttis Le... or 10 pun:h... th.
Premises, then Le.... may preserve this Lease by, (a) exerciling such option and (b) providing L.euor with any shortage In Insurance
proceeds (or adequatl8S6urance thereof) need&d tc.. rnab thb I'-vails 1311 (,r ba1Ciur ii'.. earlier u: (i) tl""1t whjch Is. iO da)'S lifter
Leasee's receipt 01 Lessor's written notice purporting 10 terminate this Lease. or (Ii) the day prior 10 the elite upon whk:h such option
expires. If Lea... duly exerci8ea luch option during such period and prov6dn Leuor wtIh lunda (or adequate ueurance lherwof) 10
cover any shortage In insurance proceeds. Lessor shall. al Lessor's commen;:ially reuonebIe expense. repajr auch damage as aoon as
..reasonably possible and this Lease shaI continue In lulllorce and effect. II L..... fails 10 exerci18 such option and prcMde such funds
or assurance during such period, then this Laue shall terminate on the date specified In the termlnallon notice and Less.... option shall
be extinguished.
9.6 _. of Rent; ~'. RemodI...
(e) Abatement. In the event ot...Premlna PerUa! Damage or Premises Total Destruction or a Hazardous Substance
Condition tor which L.auae Is not responsible u_r this Loa.., the Renl payabIa by L.auae tor 1he period requIrod for tho repair.
remediation or resIoration oIauch damage shall be abaIed In proportion to the deg.... to which Leuee'a UI8 01 the PremIIn is impaired,
but nol10 exceed the proceedl received lrom the Rental Vafue insurance. All other obIlgattons of LeIMe hentunder IheII be performed
by Lessee, and L.enor shall have no liability lor any such damage. destruction. remedilltion, repair or restordon except .. proW:ltd
G 1~ IndU8trtII.....1!ac.18 AnoGIdon
(b) Remedie.. If lessor shall be obligated to repair or restore the Premlsel and does not commence, In a subatanUal
and meaningful wtlt'f. such repair or restoration within 90 day. after such obligation shall accrue, Leesee may, at any time prior to the
commencement of such repair or restoraUon, give written notice to Leaor and to any Lenders of which LeUH has actual notice. of
le8aee's election to terminate this Lease on a date nolless than 60 days follOWing the giving of such notice. If lesHe gives such notice
and such repair or restoration is not commenced within 30 days thereafter. this Lease shall terminate u of the date specified in said
notice. If the repair or restoration is commenced within such 30 days, this Lease shall continue in fun force and efIeot. .Commence"
shall mean either the unconditional authorization of the preparation of the required plans, or the begimlng of the actlNU work on the
Premises, whichever lirsl occurs.
9.7 Termlnlltion; Advance Payments. Upon termination of this lease pursuant to Paragraph 6.2(g) or Paragraph 9, an
equitabkt adjustment shall be made concerning advance Base Rent and any other advance payments. made by lHHe to lHsor. LaSlOr
shall, in addition, return to Lessee 10 much of Lessee', Security Deposit as has not been, or II not then required 10 be, UI8d by Lessor.
9.8 Waive Statutu. Leuor and Lessee agree that the terms of this lease shaH govern the effect of any damage to or
destruction of the Premilel with respect to the termination of this Lease and hereby waive the provlsiona of any present or future statute
to the extent inconsistent herewith.
10. Real '-'YTII....
10.1 Detlnftione. As used herein, the term "Real PropertyTuu" shall Include any form of uaument; rNJ llltlte, g.net'IIl.
speciai, ordinary or extraon:tinary, or rental levy or tax (other than inheritance, personal income or estate taxes); Irnprowment bond;
and/or I~ense fee imposed upon or levied against any legal or equitable interest of Leaor In the Project, lHIot's right to other income
ti1ereiroil, and/or Lessor's buainetJI of ~ng, by any authority hav;ng the direct or indirect pcu.;er to tax and wthtl. 1M fundi are
generated with relerence to thtt Project address and where the proceeds 80 generated.re 10 be applied by the city. county or other local
taxing authority of a jurisdiction within which the Protect is located. "R.I Property,...." thall liiio Include any tax, "e, levy,
asseument or charge. or any Increase therein, Imposed by reason of events OCCUrring during the term of this Lease, Including but not
limited to, a change in the ownership of the Proiect or any portion thereof or a change In the lmprovemenll thereon.
10.2 PIIymenI: on'.x... Except as otherwise provided in Paragraph 10.3, Leuor shall pay the RMI PropettyTaxu applicabte
to the Project, and sakJ payments ahall be included in the calculation 01 Operating Expenses in accordance with the provilionl of
Paragraph 4.2.
10.3 AddltlonallmprovementL Operating Expenses shall not include Real Property Taxes specified in the tax IlSHISOr'S
records and work sheets as being caused by additional improvements placed upon lhe Project by other Ie..... or by lessor for the
exclusive enjoyment of such other 1esH... Notwithstanding Paragraph 10.2 hereof, Lessee shall, however, pay to L.neor althe time
Operating Expenses are payable l:lnder Paragraph 4.2, the entirety of any increase In FlHI Property TueI if .....sed solely by reason
of AItet8tions, Trade Fixtures or Utlilty In.lations placed upon the Premises by Leasee or at l.euH'I request.
10.4 Joint A"'ament. II the au.dlng is nol separately assessed, Real Property Taxes allocated to the Bulk:ling shall be an
equitable proportion of the Real Property Taxes tor all of the land and Improvements inctuded within the tax parcel aueased. SUCh
proportion to be determined by Lesaor from the respective valuations assfgned in the US8SIOt'8 work sheets or such otherlnfonnatlon
as.mey be reasonabty avaiIatH. Leuor'. reasonable determination Ihereof, in good faith, shall be conclusive.
10.5 PerIIOftIII Property 1'1.... LeSHe .hall pay prior to delinquency aU tax. ....1Hd agalnll and levied upon L.....
Owned Alleratlons and UtIItty Installations, Trade FbclUrea, furnishings, equipment and all personal property of Leaee contained In the
Premises. When possible, Lessee shall cause its Lessee Owned Alterations and UtIlity Installations. Trade Fixtures. fumtshlnga.
equipment and all other personal property 10 be assessed and billed separately from the real property of lIuor. II any of Leuee's said
property shaH be assessed with l.essor's real property, Lessee shall pay Lessor the taxes attributable to Lessee's property within 10 days
after receipt of 8 written statement setting forth the taxes applicable 10 Lessee's property.
11. UUII_....Se_
11.1 Services PravIdecI by Leaor. lessor shall provide healing, ....ntilation, air conditioning, reasonable amounts of
electricity for normal Hghllng and oIfice machines, water lor reasonable and normal drinking and lavatory UH In connecIIon with In otIice,
and replacement Ilghl bulbs and/or fluorescent lUbes and ballasts tor standard overhead nXlUres. L.esIor shall also provide janitorial
services to the Premi881 and Common Areas 5 limes per week, excluding Building Holidays, or pUl'IUant 10 the allached janitorial
schedule, if any. Lessor shall not, however. be required to provide janitorial services to kitchens or Itotage areas Included within the
11.2 Servlen Exclusive to Lea... Lessee shall pay lor all wiler, gu, heat, light, power, telephone and other utillti.. and
services specjally or excI.....1y supplied andIor metered exciusively to the Premises or to Luaee, together with any taxeI thereon. If
iii service is deleted by Paragraph 1.13 and such service is not separately metered to the Preml.... Le.... shall pay at Lnsor's option,
either Less88'S Share or 8 reasonable proportion to be determined by Lessor 01 all charges for such joInUy metered service.
11.3 Hou... of Servloe. Said services and UlIDlles shall be provided during tirnn: HI forth in Par.graph 1.12. Utilities and
services required al other 1lmea shan be subject to advance request and reimbursement by lessH 10 LeIIor of the cosI thereof.
11.4 Ex.... U_ by LMoao. Le.... shoJI not moko oonnec1lon to tho utiI_ ucepl by or Ihrough oxIl1lng outloto ond
shall not Install or use machinery or equlpmenlln or about the Premises thai us.. excau water. IighIIng or power, or suNlr or permit
any act that C8U181 ex1ra burden upon the utilities or services, indudlng but not limited to securtly and trash HrVicH, 0'Mr llandard
office usage for the Projacl. LetIOr shall require L.essea to relmburae Leasor for any excns expenses or COlIS thai may arise out of a
breach of this subp8r8graph by Lessee. Leuor may, in its sole discretion, Inlla. at L.....'a expanse supplemental equipment and/or
separate metering applicable to Leasea'l axceu usage or Joadk'lg.
11 .5 1ntarrupti0n8. There sha. be no abatement of rent and Lessor shaD not be liable In any respecI whalaolMtr for the
inadequacy, stoppage,interruptlon or chconllnuance of any utiNty or service due 10 rial, strike,labor dispute, brnkdown. accident, repair
or other cause beyond l...eaor's reasonable control or In cooperation with governmental request or directiOM.
12. Aaelgnment and Subletting.
12.1 a.-'.~Roqulrod.
(a) LeaH IhaII not voluntarily or by operation or law assign. transfer. mortgage or encumber (coUectiveIy, .......... or
...Ignmentj or sublet all or erry part of Lasaee's interest In this Lease or in the PremiIes wilhout L8aot's prior written consent.
(b) UnIeu L.eesee is a corporation and lis stock Is publicly traded on a naUanal stock exchange, a change In the control
of Lessee ahaU constIIute an 8IIignment requiring consent. Thellansler, on a curnulatNe basil, of 25% or more of the vollng control of
leU88 shall c:onatilule a change in control br thts purpose.
Ie) The irwdvement of Leasee or ils assets in any tranaaction, or .erie. 01 transactions (by W<<I of merger, sale,
acquisition, financing, tranahtr. I......raged buy~OUI or otherwise), whether or not a formal assignment or hypothecation of this Lease or
Lessee's ....18 occurs, which results or will result in a reduction of the Net Worth of Lessee by an amount gruter than 25% of such
Net Worth as it wu represented at the time of the execution of this Lease or al the time of the moll recent assignment to whk:h Lauor
has consented, or as It exMtt immed6a1efy prior to said trensactlon or transactions oonstfIutfng Iuch reduction, whlcheYer was or is
greater, shall be considered an assignmenl or this Lease to which Lessor may withhold its consent. "NetWorth of LeuH" shall mean
the net worth of Lessee (bCludlng any guarantors) .stabllshed under generalty accepted accounting principle..
(d) An ustgnment or subIe1IIng wllhoul consent shall, at Lessor's option. be a Default curable after notice per Paragraph
13.1 (e). or a noncurobla Broach _Oullha necessity of any notIca and glllCll period. If Lessor _ 10 _ such unopprovad
...,assignmenl or subletting as a noncuratH Breach, Lessor may ellher: (i) terminate this LeaIe, or (II) &4JOIl30 dIy8 wriIIen notice, incruaa
th. monlhly Suo RanI to 110% of tho Suo Ron. thon in ._. Fur1hor. In Iha ......, of ouch _ ond ..... ~. (I) "'"
purch... priCe of any opllon to pu_ tho '''''''Isos hold by L..... shall b. ..bjoct to oImIlor ..._. to 110% of tho priCe
prevloully In -. ond (II) .. _ ond non-_ I8f1lOI .,*,stmtlnlO _loci during tho _ of tho Louo IlIIm _ bo
,nero.... to 110% of tho __ lIdj_lOQI.
(.) Le...... remedy lor any breoch of 'arograph 12.1 by Lessor sholl bo IImIIod to componutory dom_ ondIor
injunctive relIlII.
12.2 T....... and CondItIons Appllclble to Aulgnment end Subletting.
(I) RogI_ 01 LooIOI'I c:onoon~ no ualgnmont '" IUb-.g shoJI: (I) be _ without the exp.... _
IllUmpticln by such lllignoo '" .ubIos... 01 lhe obligotiono 01 u- under Illlo Louo. (i) _ u- of ony obIIglllion.
hlreunder. or (iiij _ the primory _lily of Louee for the _, of Ron! '" for the performonoo of ony other obIigotion. to be
performed by LI.....
(b) lea80r may accept Rent or performance of Leasee's abllgdana from any peraon other than L.euH pending
approwl or disapproval of an uslgnment:. NeIther a daI-V In the approval or dI8approvaI allUCh MIIg1lma1d nor thIt acceptanca of Rant
or performance shall constitute a waiver or utoppel of L.eslar's right to _rcise its ramadIaI for lHI8e'l DeIauJt or Breach.
(C) lnscn's canaant to any assignment or subletting shaI1 not constitute a corwant to wry subsequent assignment or
(d) In the event of any Oefauk 01 Breach by LeNH, Leslor tNIy prooeed dlrectly agalnlt Leaee. any Guarantora or
anyone 8tse responsibkt tar the performance of lessee's abUgatians under thlll.Nae, including any uatgnee or IUbIassae. without first
oxlllustlng Lossof. re_ ogoinot Iny OIhlr person or onlily reopo"- _ to ~. '" ony _rity held by Lossor.
(I) Eoch request for conoent to on lllignmont or ..-u..g _ be in writing. oocomponIld by Informotion _ to
lessor's determination .. to 1M financial and operational ntlpOMibiNty and appropriatanau of the PfOPOHCI U8IgnH or aubI......
includtng but not limited to the intended use and/or required modification of the PremiHI, II any. L.aIIH agrHI to pnMde Lnaor with
such _ or .ddltionollnfonnotion oncll", documontotion II moy be relllOlllbly requootod. (See oJoo Pomgfoph 36)
(f) My auignee of. or IUbIu... under, thle leuelhall. by reuon of accepting auch uaignment 01 entering into IUch
sublease. be deemed to ~assumed and agreed to contarm and comply wtth each and every term. cov.nant. condItian and obHgatIon
herein to be _ or performed by Louee during Ille lerm of _ lllignmont '" oubIoue, other then .uch obIigollono II Ire
contrary to or lnconsil1ent with provisions 01 an assignment or IUbIeeIe to whk:h LesIor has apecIficaIy coneented to i"I wrtUng.
(g) lesIor's connnt to any allignment or lubIattlng IhaI not tranlfar to the IIIVtM or IUbllllll any Option granted
10 1111 origlnll U- by Illlo Louo un.....uch _10 opoclftcoJIy __ to by ~.. _ng. (See Poregroph 38.2)
12.3 A__ Tonno Ind Condlllona Appllcoblo to S_.g. Tho following ...... Ind conclllono ohoIl oppIy to ony
subletting by leSIH of all or any part of the Premises and shal be deemed Included In an euble.... uncIer this Laue whether or not
expressly incorporated therein:
(a) Lessee hereby Ul6gns and transfers to L.HIor all of LA...... Interest In .. Rent payable on any 1UbIeaH, and
Lessor moy collect ouch Rent ond opply umltoword Lo....'. obllgotlons undor Illlo Louo; plOYidod. howovor, lhot un1I1 _ shoJI
occur in lhe porfonnenco of Louee~ obIigotions. u- moy coIect _ Rent. Lossor shoJI ~ by reuon oIl11o foregoing '" ony
ossignmont 01 ouch ,_. nO< by reuon 01 the oo_on of Rent. be deomod IIobIo to the _ for ony IoIIure of u- to
perform end oomply wIIh ony of Luooe's obIIgotlon. to ouch oub-'. u- hotolJy IrrewcobIy ........... end _ ony .uch
.ublo..... upon recolpt oil _ notice !rom ~ I18t1ng tholl _ _In the porformonoo 01 u-~ ob/IgolIono under thlo
lease, to pay to lessor all Rent due and to become due under the 1UbIeue. SubleUH lIhaII *y upon eny auch notice from lHaor
end shill poy all Rents to Lossor wtIhout Iny obIigotlon '" right to "quire II to _, ouch Brooch oxIOII, _ng ony cleim
from lessea to the contrary.
(b) In the ....nl of a Breach by lessee. Lelsor may, at Its option, require tub..... to .nom to L.euor, in which .....rn
Lessor shill undertake Ihe obligations oflhe subIeseor undor such sublouo from Ihe limo of the _ 01_ option to the oxplretion
01 such subIe...; provided, ~r. Leuor shall not be liable tor any prepaJd rentI or ucurlty cMpOIIt paid by such IUbIeaHe to such
sublessor or for any prior Defautts or Sreachea of such subleuor.
(c) Any matter requiring the consent 01 the subleuor under a sublease shan alao require the consent of lessor.
(d) No subless.. shalllurther assign or sublet all or any part of the Pramian without lNeor's prior written consent.
(e) lessor shall detiwr a copy of any notice of Default or Breach by LassH to the IlIblll,", who IhaIl have the right
to cure the Default 01 lnMe within the grace period, lIa"y. specified in such notice. The IUbIasne IhaII have a right of relmburaement
and offset tram and againat leuee for any such Detautts cured by the lubfeeHe.
13. Deleun; 11_; _100.
13.1 DefIlun; B.-ctt; A llDehluh" is deftned as a failure by the leIHe to comply with or perform any of the terms. covenants,
conditions or Ru. and Regulations under thisleue. A MBreach" is defined.. the occurrence of one or more of the following Defautts,
and the failure of lessee to cure such Default within any appUcabIe grace period:
(a) The abandonment of the PremlIes; or the vacating of the Premises without providing a commercialty reuonable
level of security, or where the COYerage or the property insurance dHcribed in Paragraph 8.3 II jeop8rdtzad.. a !'HUh ther8of'. or without
providing reasonabte usurances to minimize potential vandaltlm.
(b) Thl foiIure 01 Louee to moM Iny psymem of Ronl '" ony Security 00p0aIt required to be modo by l8IIH
hereunder, whether to Lessor or to a third party, when due. to prcMde reasonable evidence of inlUrance or lurety bond. or to fulfin any
obfigatlon under this Lease which endangers or threatens lie or property. where luch faUure continues for . period of 3 bulineu days
lollowlng written notice to leAee.
(c) The teilure by leu.. to provide (i) reuonabte wrtaen evidence of compIlance with AppMcabIe Raquilenwnta. (ii) the
service contracts, (JII) the reecluion of an unauthorized usignment or 1UbIettIng. (tv) an e.tappeI Certlftcala. (v) . l'8qu8lted
subordination. (vi) evidence concemtng any guaranty and/or Guarantor, (vii) any document requntad under Paragnaph 41 (easements).
or (viii) any other documentation or Information which lessor may reasonably require of lHH8 under the terms of thiI Laale. where
Iny such leflure _ for I period 0110 doyo following wrIIton notioe to Looooe.
(d) A Defautt by lnHe u to the term.. covenants, conditions or pl'OYiliona of this le.... or of the NIeI adopted under
Paragraph 2.9 hereof. other than thoae described in subparagraph. 13.1(a). (b) or (c). above. whe,. luch Default continueI for a period
of 30 days after written notice: provtded, however. thai it the nature of le8l88'8 Delauh is such that more than 30 days are reasonebfy
required for its cure, then it shall not be deemed to be a Breach it Lessee comtTleMC8S such cure wtthln said 30 day period and thereafter
diligently prosecutes such cure to completion.
(e) The occurrence of any of the lollowing events: (i) the making of any general arrangement or assignment lor the
benefit of creditors; (Ii) becoming a "debtor" as defined in 11 V.S.C. t 101 or any lucceuor statute thereto (unless, in the case 01 a
petition med against Lessee. the same is dismissed within 60 days); (ill) the appointment or a trustee or receiver to take P0U88sion of
substantially all 01 lessee's assets located at the Premises or of Lessee's Interest in thlllAue, wheN popellion is not r88tored to
Lessee within 30 days; or (Iv) the attachment. execution or other judicieJ Hlzure of aubatantialy all of lnIee'l aseetllocatecI at the
Premises or 01 L.eIIee'. interest in this IA.... wheN .uch I8izure is not diIchIIrged within 30 dayI:; provided, however. in the event that
any provision of this subparagraph (e) is contrary to any applicable .... such PfOYiIion ,hall be 01 no force or ettact. and not attect. the
validity of the remaining provilions.
(n The dlscovery that any linanclal r.atamErt. 0: lo~ec Ci ::: ~;.' c.:JC.~cr ;:...::-: :: ~~:: W~: mc:Crially ~e.
(9) II the perfonnonce of L......s obIiglllons undor Ihlo LI... 10 guo_: (I) thl dnth of I Guorentor. (II) Ihl
termination 01 a Guarantor's llabtllty with respect to this lease other than in aocardance with the terms 01 such guaranty, (Iii) a
Guarantor's becomlng InaolYent or the subject 01 a bankruptcy filing, (Iv) a-Guaranto(s refusal to honor the guaranty. or (v) 8 Guarantor's
..)>reoch ollis gu.romy obIlgl11ion on In onlicipotory blois, .nd Leoo..'.leUure, wItIlin 60 doyo ~ _ notice of ony .uch evem,
to provide written altematiw asaurance or security, which, when coupled with the then exiIting ruourcel 01 L.eIIee, equals or exceeds
the combined financial resources of lessee and the Guarantors thai existed at the time of execution 01 thillnH.
13.2 Ramedl... tt lessee rails to perform any of Its artlrmatlw duties orobUgationa. wtthin 10 days arterwritten nollce (orin
case of an emergency. without notice), Lessor ruBy, at its option, perform such duty or obligation on leaIee's bahaJl. Including but not
limited to the obtaining 01 reasonably required bonds. insurance policies. or governmental HcenIn, permtll or approvals. The costs and
expenses 01 any such performance by LeI80r lhall be due and payable by lMMe upon reoefpt of invoice therefor. If any oheck given
10 LllIOr by u- _ nOl be honored by tho bonk upon -. fllo drown. ~. Illto _. moy require 011 futunt _to
be modo by Louee to be by cuhlefo chock. In IhI event 01. Brooch, LIllO< moy. wIIh '" _ furthlr notioe or domond. end wtIhout
limiting Lessor In the exarciH of any right or remedy which Lauor may ha... by reuon of.uctt BIW8Ch:
.1.....rMrIcan Induna.t ..... btaw AHocI...on
PORN 0f'G-1....
(a) Terminale Leuee's right to posseSSion of the Premises by any lawful means, in which case this Lease shall
terminate and Lessee shalllmmedietefy surrender pouesaion to Leuor. In such event Lelsor .hall be entitlecllo recover from Lnsee:
'(;) the unpaid Rent which had been earned at the time of termination; (ii) the worth at the time of award 01 the amount by which the
unpaid rent which would have been earned after IWminatlon until the time of award exceeds the amount 01 such rantalloal that the
Lessee proves could have been reasonably avoided; (ili) the worth at the time 01 award 01 the amount by which the unpaid rent for the
balance of the term after the time 01 awatd exceeds the amount 01 such rental Iou th81 the l.eesee pro\lel coukl be reasonably avoided;
and (iv) any other amount neceaaary to compensate Lessor for all the detriment proximately cauHd by the L.euee'l failure to pefform
its obligations. undet this Lease or which In the ordinary course of things would be Ilkety to resu. themrom, including but not Iimllecl to
the cost of recovering pouesslon of the Premises, expenses of reCetting, inducing neceuary renovation and aJt8lation of the Premlael,
reasonable attorneys' fees, and that portion 01 any leasing commlHion paid by Lessor In connection with this Lease appIIcabJe to the
unexpired term of tme L..... The worth al the time of award of the amOU"lt relerred to in provision (in) of the Immediatefy preceding
sent.nce shajl be computed by di8counting such amount at the discount rate of the Federal ReHrve Bank of the District widrin which
the Premises are k:lcated 8t the time of award plus one percent. Efforts by Lessor to mitigate damages caused by L.euee'l Breach of
this Lease shall not waive Leuor's right to recover damages under Paragraph 12. If termination of this Lease II obtained through the
provisional remedy of unlawful detainer, Lessor shall haYethe rtght to I'8COV8f in such proceeding any unpaid Rent and damagH U are
recoverable therein, or Leaor may reaerve the light to recover all or any part thereol in a sep...... ault. If a notice and gl'llCe period
required under Paragraph 13.1 wu not previoully given, a notice to pay rent or quit, or to perform or qui gr..n to L.euee under the
unlawful detainer statute shd also consUtute the notice requtred by Paragraph 13.1. In such cue, lhe appIcabIe grace period requJred
by Parag~h 13.1 and the unlllwf~1 detain.r _lute .hall run concurrentty, and the failure 0' le8see to .:'Jre 1he Defa:J:t 'NIlhtn :he greater
of the two such grace periods shall constitute both an unlawful detainer and a Breach of this Lease entItHng Leaor 10 the remedies
provided for in Ihia Le.. andfdr by said statute.
(b) Continue the Lease and Lessee" right to possession and recover the Rent as II becomes due, in which event L.essee
may sublet or assign, subject only 10 reasonable limitations. Acts of maintenance, efforts to relet, andIor the appointment of a receiwr
to protect the LeaaOfs interests. shall not constiIule a termination of the Le....'. right to posseUIon.
(e) Pursue any other remedy now or hereafter available under the Iawa or judicial decilions 0' the ""e wherHI the
Premises are located. The expiration or termination 01 this Lease and/or the termination of Lessee's right 10 possession lhaU not reHeve
Lessee from liability und.r any indemnity provtsions of this Lease as to maners occurring or accruing during the term hereof or by reason
of Lessee's occupancy of the Preml8es.
t 3,3 Inducement Reclipture. Any agreement for free or abated rent or other charges, or for the giving or paytng by Lessor
to or for Less.. of any cash or other bonus, Inducement or consideration for Lelsee'. .,tering into thll L.e.., all of which conceasiona
are hereinafter referred to as "Inducement Provisions", shall be deemed conditioned upon Leasee's Iud and faithful performance of an
01 the terms, covenants and conditions 01 this Le.... Upon Breach of this Leue by Lessee, any such Inducement ProvIaton shaD
automallcally be deemed deleted from this Lease and of no further force or effect, and any rent, other charge, bonus, lnduoement or
consideration theretofore abated. given or pakI by Lessor uncler such an Inducement Provision shan be immecftataly due and payable by
Less.. to Lesaor, notwith....ndng any subsequent cure 01 said Breach by Leaeee. The acceptance by LnIor of rent or the cure 01 the
Breach which initiated the operation d this paragraph shall not be deemed a waiver by Leuor of the provi8ionl of this paragraph unless
specifically so stated In writing by l.e1lOl' at the time of such acceptance.
13.4 Late ChargH. Lessee hereby acknow\edgls that late payment by Lessee of Flent will cause LeMor 10 incur coats not
contemplated by this Lease, the exact amount of which will be IJCtremely dilficuh to ucertain. Such COllI Include, but are not limbed to,
proce..ing .nd accounting chlllgBS. and IaIo ch.rga. which may ba impoaad upon LeIllOl' by any Lendar. -IVY. W any Rant ahall
not be received by Lesaor within 5 days after such amount shall be due. then, without any requirement lot notice to lei.... L.eaee shall
pay to Lessor a on.time late charg. equat to 10% of each such owrdue amount or S100, whichever is g......... The partiea hereby
agr.. that such late c:harge repraenII a lair and reasonable estimate of the COltS lessor willncur by reaeon of such late payment.
Acceptance of such late charge by Leuor shaI in no event consttIute a waiver of LeIIee's ~ or Breach with respect to such
overdue amount, nor prevent the exerelu of any of the other rtghta and remedies granted herMlnder. In the ...nt that a late charg. is
payable hel'8Under, whether or not coHected, for 3 consecutive installments 01 Base Rent, then notwtthalandlng any provision of this
Lease 10 the contrary, Base Rent shaU, at LeIIor's option. become due and payable quarterly In advance.
13.5 1ntarMt. Any monetary payment due Lessor hereunder. other than late chatgea, not receiYed by Leuor, when due as
fo scheduled payments (such u Base Rent) or within 30 days following the date on which it was due for non-lCttec:Ued payment, shall
bear mterest from the date when due, as to IcheciJIed payments, or the 3t st day after it was due u to non-1Chedu1ed payments. The
interest ("Intereat"') charged shaM be computed at the rate 0110% per annum bulshall not exceed the maxlmwn rate aI10wed by law.
Interest is payable in addition to the potentlallate charge provided for in Paregraph 13.4.
13.6 B....ch by I..ou<<.
(a) Notice of Bruch, Lessor shall not be deemed in breach of this Lnae unless L.eaor fails within a .....onable time
to perform an obligation required 10 be performed by Lessor, For purpose. of this Paragraph, a reasonable time shall in no event bel...
than 30 days after receipt by Lasor, and any Lender whose name and addrass shaJl haw been furnished LaIM In wr1Iing for such
purpose, of written notice specifying wherein SUCh obligation of Lessor hu not been pettoll.*'; provided, however, that If the nature of
Lessor's obQgation Is such tha' more than 30 days are reasonably required for ill performance, then LeIIor shal not be In breach if
performance is commenced within euch 30 day period and thereaft.r dlllgenUy pursued to completion.
(b) Performance by Lon... on Be..1f of Lnaor. In the event that nelther Lessor nor Lender cures said breach wtthln
30 days after receipt of said notice, or if having commenced said cure they do not dHIgentfy pursue II to completion, then lnHe may
elect 10 cure said breach: at L....... expense end offset from Rent the ectuaI and reuonabIe COlI to perform IUCh cure, provtded
however, that such offset shall nol exceed an amount equal to the greater 01 one month.. Bate Rent or the Security OepoeIt, rueMng
Lessee's rlghl 10 seek reimbursement from Leuor. Lessee shan document the cost 01 satd cure and supply said documentation to
14. Condemnlitlon. If the Premises or any portion thereof are taken under the power 01 eminent domain or sold under the threat of
the exercise 01 said power (collectively "Condemnation"), this Lease shall terminale as 10 the part taken as of the date the condemning
authority takes title or pclIIIHIion, whichever fht occurs. I' more than 1 0% of the rentable floor area d the PremlHI, or mora than 25"-
of Lessee's Fleaerwd Parking Spaces, If any, .... taken by Condemnation, Leuee may, 81 L.eaee'l optiOn, to be ....aaed in writing
within 10 days after Lessor shaH have given Lasaee written notice of SUCh taking (or In lhe absence of such notice, within 10 days atler
the condemning authority shall h.... taken poueuion) t.rminate this Le... .. (if the daI. the condemning authotiIy taka such
posseaaion. II Lessee does not terminate this Lease in accordance with the foregoing. this LnIe shall remain in full force and effect as
to the portion 01 the Premise8 remaining, except that the Base Rent shaD b. recIuc8d in proportion to the ntducUon in utBity of the
Premises cauaed by such Condemnatton. Condemnation awards and'or payments shall be the property d LeIIor, whether IUCh award
shall be made .. compensation for diminution in value of the l....hold, the value (if Ih. part taken, or for...-.ranee damages; provided,
hOWlM!r, Ihat L.aaaae shall ba anIIIIad 10 any compan..tion for Le...... ra_ axpansas, loss 01 buIlnosa goodwll and/or Trada
Fbcturel. without regard to whether or not this lHH Is t.nninated pursuant 10 the proviJlons of this Paragraph. AI Alterationa and Utility
Installations made to the Premises by t.esHe, for purposes of Condemnadon only, shall be considered the property of lite Leaee and
L..... ah.D bo anIIIIad 10 ony and all oompansaJlon which i. payable Illarolor. In tho .....nl that Illla L.aua Ia noIl8rminltad by reason
_Of the Condemnation, l.esaor lhall repair any damage to the Premises caused by such Condemnation.
15. B~o_.
15.1 AddIlIonol CClmmloolan. In addition 10 tho paymonta owed pursuant 10 Pa_h 1.10 above. and unlaaa Laaaor and
Ih. Sroka.. oIhorwiao agree In _g. Laaaor agraea lhal: (.) W L..... ..Id... any Option, (b) il L.aaaae acqUiros from Laaaor any
rights to the P,.,.... or oIher prerniUl ownedPJ Lel80r and klcated wtIhin the project. (e) If L.eIIee rerraan in poIIIIIICln of the
Prami.... wtIh tho oonaant or Laaaor, aIIar tho upil1ltion or IhIa Le_. or (d) W _ RanlIa Incrauod, _ by agraomant or
operation of an ucaIatIon dauee herein, then, L.euor....1I pay Brokers a lee In accordance with the eeheduIe 01 the Bto.,. in .n.ea
at the time 01 the IJC8CUIIon oIIhiILH...
o 1999-ArMric:an InduJtrlII ....Ilatall AIaoctIUon
15.2 Aaaumptfon of Obligation.. Any buyer or transferee of l.eaor"s Interest in thlI L.eue shall be deemed to have
assumed Lessors obUg-' hereunder. Brokenlshell be Ihln! party _ or lhe pravtalono 01 Porograplls 1.10, 15. 22 and 31.
If lea80r fails to pay to Brokerallny amounts due lIS end for brokerage .... pertaining 10 this Leue when due, then IUCh emountllhall
accrue Interest. In addition. if Lessor falls to pay any amounts to L.eIsee's Broker when duI. l.eaee'l Broker may tend written notice
. to Lessor and Lessee of such fathmt and If Leuor fails 10 pay such amountl within 10 days after said notice, Lesaee ,hall pay aa1d
monies to its Broker and offset such amounts against Rent. In addition. Leeaee'a Broker .hall be cIIemed to be a third party beneftdary
of any commission agreement entered Into by and/or between Lessor and les8or'a Broker for the limited purpose of coIlecI:ing any
brokerage.. owed.
15.3 ReprnentUlona and InclemnlUn of Broker Rel8tlon8hlpa. LeasH and Leuor nch represem and warranl to the
other that It has had no dealings wtth any pet'SOn. firm, broker or finder (other than the Brokers, If any) in c:omection with this L.eaIe. and
that no one other than said named Brokers ill entitled to any commluton or ftnder'a fee In connection herwwtth. Leuee and Leaor do
each hereby egrHlo Indemnify, proloct, _ on<I hold the other henniouln>m end egeInol Uebllly lor _ or chargee which
may be claimed by eny IlUCh unnamed broker, linder or other Similar party by reason of eny deaHnga or 8cIIons or the Indemnifying Party,
including any COltS. upenaes, attorneys' tees reasonably incurred with respect thereto.
16. Eolo~ CarlIlI_.
(a) Each Pany (as __pondlng Party")""1 within 10 days altar _n noIice 110m the other Pany (the "Requadng
Pa~oxecuIe, acIolOWtodge and deliver 10 the Requesting Party a _I In WIlIng In form _Iar 10 the then ~ curronl
.~ C_..... form p_ by the AmerlCen Induolrial Real EaI8.. _, pIua IlUCh _1IIonal InIormation.
confirmallon and/or"'_ as may be roesonabIy roqu_ by the Requ-.g Party.
(b) If lhe Responding Pany ohaU fall 10 _ or deliver IIle EIIoppot CattIIIca.. within IlUCh 10 day poriod. the
Requesting Party may....... an Eotoppol Ce_ sl8llng IheI: (Q the Lease 10 In lull 10... and __ wIIt1out_n _,as
may be repreeenl8d by the RequoslIng Pany, QI) IIlere ere no uncured _118 In the RequastIng Party'a porlormanca, and (III) W Leasor
is the Requesting Party, not more than one month', rent has been paid in advance. ProapectIw purchuere end encumbral"lClH'e may
rely upon lha Requesting Party's Eaioppa! Certiflcala, and the Responding Pany ahaII be estopped 110m donying the truth of lha facia
contained In said Certificate.
(c) If Leuor desi.... to finance, refinance. or aell the Prem.... or any part thereof, luHe and all Guarantors shall
deliver 10 any potential lender or purchaser delfgnated by Lessor auch ftnancIaI atatemenIs as may be I'U8OnIIbIy rwquired by ,uch
lender or purchaser, Including but not IImlled to Lessee.. financial atatemenla tor the put 3 yurL All auch hncIaI aternentI: IhaII be
received by L.esaor and auch lender or purchaser In confidence and lIhaII be UMd only for... PurpoHll heleln .. forth.
17. _nnlon 01 a.-. The..rm "Leasor" as used herein ahaII mean lha owner or ........ allha _ In q.-n oIlha fae IiIIe
to the Premises. or. If this is a sublease. of the Lessee" interest in the prior Ieue. In the evenI of . tranaf8r of Leaor'IIIIIe or lnter8st
in the Premises or this ......, LeIaor shaA deliwr to the tran.,.. or auignH (In cash or by crd) any unuad Security 0ep0aIt held
by Lessor. ExcapIas pIOYidecI .. Pal8greph 15, upon such _r or aoaignmenl and _ry oIlha Sacurtly Dopcalt, as _,
the prior Leasor shall be relieYod 01 al liablllly with respocI to the obIig-'s a_ covonanta under lhIs Lease _ 10 be
performed by the Lessor. SubieCt to the foregoing. the obIigationa and/or covenants in thIIlHH to be perb'n~ by the Lnsor shall
be b1nc1ng only upon the Lessor as herainabove defined.
16. _b1Ifty. The Invalidity or any plOVialon or lhIs Le.... as cIeIormined by a ooull of oompoI8nt juriodictlon. shaD In no way aIfoc1
the validity of any other provlaion hereof.
19. Daya. Uniasa otherwtaa specifically Indicated 10 the oontrary, IIle won! "dIaya" as usad In IIlis Lea.. shall moan and rafar 10
calendar days.
20. UmltMlon on U.blllty. The obltgatlons of L.elsor under this L.... ahaIl not constitute personal obligations of Leasor or Its
partners. members, dlredors, officers or shantholdens. and Lauee IhaR look to Ihe Protect. and to no other ..... of LellOr. lor the
satiafaction of any liability of Lessor with respect 10 this Le.... and IhaII not aeek recou,.. againat Leuor's partnenl, members,
clrectors, officers or ahareholders, or any of their pe~ aueta tor such utisfllc:llon.
21. Time of Euence. Time Is of the essence with rasped to the performance of all obligations to be perfonnecl or observed by the
Parties under this lHse. .
22. No Prior or Other Agrwment8; Broker DlKlIlmer. Thls Lease contains all agreemente between the ParU.. with respect to any
maner mentioned herein, and no other prior or contemporaneous agreement or underatandIng IhalI be effective. Leaor and Lessee
each represents and wananta to the Brokers that it has made, and ia raIylng aoIefy upon, its own im/\Hllgatlon .. to the nature. quality,
character end financial reaponslNlity of the other Party to thil Lease and as to the use. nature. quality and c::haracter of the Premiles.
Brokers haw no responalblllly with reapoct thereto or with reopacIlO any dalaun or braacl1 hareoI by e_ Party. rnoliabilty Qncludlng
court costs and attorneys' fHI) of any Broker with respect 10 negotiation, execution. detlvery or performance by either Leuor or Lnsee
under this Lease or any amendment or mocIftcation hereto shall be Umiled 10 an amount up 10 the fee receiYed by auch Broker purauant
10 IIlls Lease; provided, however, lhalthe Iorego/ng Ilmll8llon on each Brokers Habllty shall nor be applicable 10 eny groas negligence
or wilful mlaconcluct of such Broker.
23. NotIceI:.
23.1 Notice Aoqul_. All noIicos required or permitted by IIlIo Lease or appl_ law oholl be In wrtIIng end may be
delivered in person (by hand or by oourier) or may be ..nt by regular. cel'tio.d or ~ mall or U.8. PoataI Service Exp.... MIll,
with postage prepaid. or by facsimile tlanamlulon, and shaR be deemed sufficiently given If ........ct in a manner epeclfted in this
Paragraph 23. The addresses noted adjacent to a Party's signature on this Leue IhaII be that Party's add,... for delivery or mailing of
notices. Either Party may by wnnen notice 10 the other specify a different ackkesI for notice. 8JCCII)t that upon Leuee'a taking
poNIeasion of the Premises, the Premises shall constitule LeIlH's addrns for notice, A copy of all nolicn to Lnaor ,hall be
concurrentty transmitted to such party or parties al such addresses as Lessor may from time to time hlrufter designate In writing.
23.2 Date of Notice. Any nolice sent by reglslered or certified mail, return receipt requested. IhaU be deemed given on the
date of delivery shown on the receipt card, or If no delivery date is shown, the poetmark thereon, If Ant by regular meillhe notk:e shall
be deemed given 48 hours after the same is addressed as required herein and mailed wlIh postage prepaid. Notices delivered by United
States Express Mail or overnight cOUfief' that guarantee next day deUvery ahan be deemed given 24 hours after deliYery of the same to
the Postal Service or courier. Notices tranlmltted by tacsimlle transmission or similar meana ahaU be deemed deIMtred upon telephone
confirmation of receipt (confirmation report from fax machine is sufficient), provided a copy is also delNenId via deUvery or mall. If notice
is received on . Saturday. Sunday or legal holiday. It shall be deemed recetvecI on the next buaine.. day.
24. Waive.... No waiver by Leaor of the Oefaull or Breach of any term, CCM!II1ant or concllior,. hereof by L....., shall be deemed a
waiver of any other term, covenanl or condition hereof, or of any subsequent Defaull or Breach by L.eaee of the aame or of any other
term, covenant or condition hereof. Lnaor"a conaent to, or approval of, any act shall not be deemed to rwnder unneceaaary the obtaining
of Lessor's consenllO, or approval of, any subS&qiJenI or sirrJlar U;: l:)y Li0i86. ,;,j ~i wr~trwad iW to..,,~:.,;,: ar. a&:0pp6: ~ enfor..e
the PrcMlton or provisions of this La... requiring such consent. The acceplanC8 of Rent by L.euor.ha11 nOl be a waiver of any Defaun
or Breach by Luue. Any payment by Lessee may be accepted by Lessor on account of moneys or damagee due Lessor,
notwithstanding any qualtfylng statements or condlllons made by. leasH in connection lherewtlh. which auch 1lalemen18 .neuor
..POnditions shall be of no Ioree or effect whatsoeYer unless specificatly agreed 10 in writing by Lessor at or before the time of deposll of
such payment.
25. Dlscl..ures Regarding The Nature ola Rea' Ealate Agency R..atl....hlp.
(a) Whan ent.ring into a discussion with a rul estate agent reganlng a real estate transaclion. a Lessor or Lessee
should from the outset undersland what type of ~ency relationship or repreuntation II has with the .gem or agents in Ihe transaction.
lessor and'lassee _lodge being advised by IIle Brokers In IIlIo Il8nasc1lon, aslo/Iows:
(i) Laaor'. AoIInt A L.easor". agent under a KIting agrwmlnt wfth the laaor 8CII as the agent for the LllIOr
only, A Lassor". agent or subagent has the foIowing affirmative obHgaIfonI: To th8 I ......,. A tiduc;lary duty of UImOII canll. Integrity,
honesty, and loyally in dulings with the LHsor. To th. l..auAAand thA I ---r. L Dllgent exerclle 01 rauonatH akIIa and cant in
performance of lhe agent.. dull... b. A duty of honest and fair dealing and good faith. c. A duty to cIiIaIoH all facta known to the agent
.1ttfoAmertGan InctuaIMI ..... .... AaaoGtallon
FORM 0fG01....
materially 8trecung the value or desirablilty of the property that are nol known to, 01 within the diligentanention and observation of, the
Parties. An agent is not obligated to reveal to either Party any confidential inlormation obtained lrom the other party which does not
involve the affirmative duties HI forth above.
(ii) Leuee's Aoenr An agent can agree to act as agent for lhe Lessee only. In th... sltuationa, the agent is not
the Lessor's agent. ......n if by agreement the agent may ,eceive compensation for servlcel rendered. etlher In run or In part from the
Lessor. An agent acting only lor a Lessee has the following affirmative obllgatfons. To'" I AUAA' A fiduciary duty of uImost care.
Integrity. honesty. and Ioyatty in dealings with the Lessee. To ths l.JIUlN IInd th. LeUOr': a. DilIgent..... 01 reasonable skill and
care In performance 01 the agenrs duties. b. A dUly of honest and fair dealing and good faith. c. A duly 10 dacIose all facts known 10
the agent materially affecting the value or desirability of the property that are not known to, or within the dillgentdenlion and observation '
of. the Parties. An agent is not obItgated to reveal to either party any conlldenl1allnlorrnalion obtained from the other Party whtch does
not involve the affirmative dutie8 881 forth above. .
(III) Aosnt Reo.....ntinn 80th Lsuor 8M L8!I._ A real estate agent. lither acting direcUy or through one or more
associate licenHS. can legally be the agent of both the Lessor and the L.essee in I transaction. but only with the knawIedge and consent
or both the Lessor and the Lessee. In a dual agency sttuaflon. the agent has thelolowing affirm...... obligations to both the L.euor and
the Lessee: a. A fiduciary dUly 01 utmost care. integrity, honesty and loyalty In the dealings wllh either LuIor or the lHsee. b. Other
duties 10 the Lessor and the Lnsee as stated above In sli:Jparagraphl (I) or (i1). In repl'eUnting both lMIor and Lea... the agent may
not without the expreu permiuion of the respectiye Party. discloae to the other Party thllt the Leuor wi. accept rent In an amount lea
than thatlndlcatecl In the listing or that the Leuee is willing to pay a higher rent than that offered. The abcM dut6H of the agent In a real
eslaN lnisaction do IlOt relMrw ia Leuor or Lessee fi'orn the respc.nsiblHty to proted: their own im.f8118. leHor and l8II8e ahould
carefully read all agreements to usure that they adequately express their understanding 0I1he tranacUon. A ruI eatate agent is a
person qualified 10 advise about real HIate. tr legal or tax advice is desired. conlUtl: a competent protnalonal.
(b) Brcl<ers h..... no rnponoibllity with re'PoetlO any dofauft or breach ho"" by elIhor Polly. Tho liobllity (including
court costs and anomeys' fees), of any Brokar with respect to any breach of dUly. elTOr or omislion relating to this Leaae shall not exceed
the fee received by such Broker pursuant to this Laue; provtded. however. that the Ioregoing limitation on each Broker's lability shat!
not be applcable to any groa negligence or willful misconduct of such Broker.
(0) Buyer and Seller agree to identify to Brokers as .Confidential" any communication or information given Brokers that
is considered by such Party to be oonftdentlal.
26. No Right To Holdover. Lessee has no right to retain pOllSelllon of the Premises or any part thereof beyond the expiration or
termination or this Lease. In the event that Le.... holds over, then the Baae Rent shaft be increued to 150% of the Base Rent
applicable immediately preceding the explratlon or termination. Nothing contained herein shal be construed u consent by Lessor to
any holding over by Lossoo.
27. Cumulatl". R....edlu. No remedy or election hereunder shall be deemed exclusive but shall. whereY8r poasiJIe. be cumulative
with aU other remedies at law or In equity.
28. COWMnts IncI Concltlonl:j Conllructlon of AgfMment. All provisions of this Leale to be observed or performed by Lessee
are both COIIOIIOt1tlI end _. In conatrulng thllLoaso, all hoodlngs end tillo8 IfOIor tho _Ionco 01 tho _ only end sholl
not be considered a part of this L.eaIe. When.....' required by the contnt.1he singular shan Include the plural and vice vel'lL Ths Lease
shall not be construed as If prepared by one of the Partie.. but rather according to lis fair meaning u a whoM, as II both Parties had
prepared II.
29. BlndJng Effect; Choice of Law. This Lease shall be bincing upon the Parties. their personal tepntaenlalives. SUctB"lIOrs and
assigns and be governed by the laws of the State in which the Premises are located. Any HlIgatlon between the Parties hereto
concerning this Lease aha! be Initiated in the county WI which the Premises are located.
30, Subordlnlltlonj Attornl"lllllltj Non-DI8turtJllnce.
30.1 Subordination. This LnIe and any Option granted hereby shaH be subject and IUbordlnate to any ground lease.
mortgage. deed of trust. or other hypothecation or security device (coIll1C11v81y, "Security DlYlcej. now or hereafter plced upon the
Premises. to any and all advancee made on the security thereof, and to all renewals. modlftcadons, and extensions thereof. Lelsee
agrees that the holders 01 any such Security Devices (in thls Lease together referred to u "Lender"') shall ha.... no IlabDIty or obligation
to perform any of the obligations of Lnsor under this tease. Any Lender mey elect to have this Lease and/or any Option granted hereby
superior to the lien of Its Security Device by giving written notice thereof to l.Haee. whereupon thia Lease and such Options shaH be
deemed prior to such Security Oevioe. notwithsIandng the relative dates of the documentation or r8C0rdatlon thereof.
30.2 Attornment. In the event that Lessor transfers title to the Premises. or the PremiHs are acquired by another upon the
foredosure or termination of a Security 0evIce to which this Lease Is subordinated (1) lHHe shall, subJect to the non-dllturbance
provisions of Paragyaph 30.3. anom to such new owner. and upon reqUNl. enter into a new lease. contIIlning all 01 the terms and
provision. of this Le... with such new owner for the renwmder of the term hereof. or. at the election of such new owner, this Lease
shall automatically become a new Lea. b81ween L.nsee and such new owner. upon all orb terms and conditions tter.of, to, the
remainder of the tenn hereof. and (I) Leasor shall thereafter be relieved or any further obligations hereunder and such new owner shall
........ all 0/ 1ollOfl obIlgo11ons _. _1hoI luch now owner IhaJI not: (a) be IIabIo lor any oct or omI881on 0/ any prior
lessor or with respect to events occurring prior to acqulslllon of ownership; (b) be SUbject to any 01Tsels or ~ wh6ch lMaee rrUght
haw against any prior lessor. (c) be bound by prepayment of more than one month's rent. or (d) be liIbIeror the return of any security
deposit plid to any prior '-eor.
30.3 Non-DIatu,....ce. WIth relp8CC to Security Devices entered Into by Lealar after the axecution of thII L.eue. Lessee's
subordination of this l..eue shd be aubJecI to receiving a commerdally reasonable non-dlsturtiance """"*" (a ~. Dlaturtalnce
Agroomonl") from tho Londor which Non-OisIulbanco Agroomonf provldu thaI ~'I p""o",;,,," or tho PTomiMs, end Ihis Loaso,
Including any optiona to ext:Md the term heNof. wHI not be dillurbed 80 tong as leasH Is not in Breach taer.of and attorna to the record
owner 01 the Pf'Ilm6Ma. Furthe,. within 60 dIyI aher the execution of this Lease. LesIor aharl UI8 ita commMdally reesonabIe efforts to
obtain a Non.Dioturbanoo Agroomonf from tho holder 01 any pro-axIsting 8acurlty Dtl\IIco which io _ by tho P_. In tho.....
that Lnaor is unable 10 provide the Non-Dllllurbanc;e Agreement within said 60 days. then Leuee may. at L.eseee's option, directly
contact Lender and attempt 10 negotiate for the execution and detlvery 01 a Nort-Olsturbance Agreement.
30.4 Self-EHcuIIng'. The agreemenla contained In this Paragraph 30 shall be effective ~ the executton of any further
documents; provided. however. that, upon written request from Lessor or a Lender in connection wtIh . ..... flnancJng or refinancing 01
the Premises. Le.... and Lessor shall execute such further writings as may be reuonably required to separately document any
subordination. attornment ard'or Non-Oiaturbance Agreement pfOVide<l for herein.
31. Attorn.' F.... If any Party or Broket brings an action or proceeding inYOlvlng the Premlln whether founded in tort, contract
or equity, or to declare rights hereunder. the Pf8Y8iIing Party (81 hereafter defined) In any such proceeding, action. or appaaIthereon.
shall be entitled to rusonable attorneys' feet. Such fees may be awarded In the same suit or l'8CO'\Mrwd in a aepat8te suit. whether or
not such action or proceeding Is pursued to decision or Judgment. The term, "prwvalnng hrty"' shall inctudII. wfthout limitation. a Party
or Broker who su_11y _ or _oIStho relief soughl, oathe caso may be, _or by compromlso, so_, judgmsnt. or
the abandonment by the other Party or 8rokar of lis claim or defense. The .nomeys' fHs award shall not be computed In accordance
with any court fee schedute. but shall be such as to fully reimburse all anorneys'lees reasonably Incurred. In addition. Lessor shall be
entitled to attorneys' fees. costs and expens8I incurred in the preparation and service 01 notion of Default and consultations in
.l;Onnection therewtth. whether or not a legal action is subsequentty commenced In connection with such Default or resutting Breach
($200 is a reuonabIe minimum per occurrence for such services and consultation).
32. Lessor's AcceIs; ShowIng Premlsuj RepIIlrs. Lessor and les8o(s agents shall have the right to enter the Prtmi8es at any
time, in the case of an emergency, and otherwtae at reasonabte times for lhe pUrpose of Showing 1M same to prospec;tlw purchase....
lenders. or tenante. and maldng such alteraaons,.repalra, Improvements or addlllons to the PrerniaN u LeaIor may deem neceuary or
desirable and the erecting. using and maintaining of utilities. services. pipes and conduits through the Prwnilel ~or other preml8es
as long .. there Ia no material adverM efIect to lnMe.. use of the PremiHI. AM auch dvltieI shall be without abIIIemenI of rent or
Iiobllltylo~, L.oaaor may.. lIlY limo pIooo on tho PromIaao any oldnary "I'or __1IIgns end L.oaaor may during tho lost e mon1h8
of the term hereof pa on the PremI8a any ordinary "For Laue" signa. In addltion. L.esmr ahall hIIW the right to retain keyI: to the
o ,~ tnduItrtal AellIItIIe Aeeoctltion
p~ and to unktck all doora In or upon the PremIus other than to fi1lN, vaults and ..feI, ancIln the cue of emergency to..,.., the
P........ by ony rouanobIy __ ........ and any ouch ontry oholl not bo doomod 0 _ or _ ontry or dololMr of the
PrerniMs or an eviction. lAuH wmv. any cherga for damage. or Injul1e& or interference wt1h lMaee's property or buIInna in
33. AucIionL Leuee shall not conduct. nor permit to be conducted. any auction upon the Premises without Lnsor's prior written
consent. Leesor shall not be obligated to exerciIe any standard of reaaonabIeneas In determining whether to permit an auction.
34. SIg... ~ _ not p_ ony oIgn upon tho PlOjec:I without Loosor's prior _ conoonl.
35. Tonnlnollon;......... U... opeciIicelly stoted oIhorwtoe In Wrl1lng by Laooor. tho wluntary or other sunender '" \his Loeoo by
L.eIHe, the mutuel termination or cancellation hereof, or a termination hereof by Lnsor tor BI'NCh by Le..... IhaII autom8Ucally
terminate any aubIeaH or ..... ..l8le In the Prwnl8ea; provided, however. that Leuor may efect to continue any one or ell existing
aublenanciea. leHor's fdu~ within 10 clays fDIIowing any such event to eted 10 the contrary by written notice 10 the hoJder of any such
....., Interest. shaI CORItItuht L.eaor'I election to have such event conItiluta the termination oIlUCh intenteI.
36. CO_ ~.. oIherwlM p<ootdod """'in, who....r in Ihla Loeoo tho conoonl ofo Polly is roquired to on oct by or for \he
oln., POlly. ouch conoonl 0110. not bo unrouanobly withheld or delayed. loosor'o octuoJ _ ..... end _ (including but
not Umil8d.to arohitttc:l8', dorneyI', englnHra' and other C()fWultanle' fees) incurred In the conaideraUon of. or reeponI8 to, . request by
Leaaee lor any Leaor coneent, including but not limited to consents to an Ulignment. . ~ or the preaence or use of a
Hozonlouo _ra. sholl bo pold by ~ upon roooipl of on 1_ end oupporting ~ _. Louo~s oonsont to
any acI, aMignment or ~ .hlllI not conatltute an IlCknowIedgment that no Default or Breach by L.nIee of thiI L.... ...., nor
011.. ouch oonoont bo _ s _ 01 any _ Oldotlng Dofou. or Brooch. _ .. moy bo oIhorwtoe opeciIicelly _ in wrltlng
by Loooor 01 tho timo "'ouch conoonl. Tho "iluro to opocffy horoin any porticulor ..._ to Looso~o oonoont oI1oJl not procludo the
imposition by Lessor at the time or conHnt of IUCh further or oIher conditions as are then reasonIIbIe wtth reference to the particular
matter for whk::h coneent II being given. In the IY8nt that efther Party clHgfHs with any determination made by the other hereunder
and reuonabIy requutl1hl reuons for such determination, the determining party shall furnish Its reasons In writing and In l1NlIOI'W)Ie
dololl within 10 bUoinoso doya fol-.g ouell _,.
37. O"rIIntor.
37.1 ExecutIon. The GuarantOl1i, if any, ahaH each execute a guaranty in the Iorm most recentty publtlhed by the American
InduolrioJ RooJ EQ10 AuocIollon.
37.2 Default. It IhaII conItitute a Default of the leu8e II any Guarantor fails or refuse" upon request to provide; (a) evidence
01 the execution of the guaranty, Indud6ng the authority or the party ligning on Guarantor'. behalf to obligate Guarantor, and tn the CMe
01 a corporate Guarantor, a c.rtIfied copy of a resolution of ... board of dlrectora authorizing the making of such guaranty, (b) current
finoncioi ............. (e) on Eotoppol CorIIlIcoIo. or (d) wrltlon confirmotion lhot tho guaronly Is otiIlln .-.
36. a_ _on. ~ to poymont by ~ of tho Rent ond perfonnonce of oJi of tho ............. oondItions snd p_.
on L.....'. part to be obHfWd and performed Wlder this Lease, Lessee shall have quiet poase:uton and quiet enjoyment of the
Premia.. during the term hafeoI.
39. OptIon.. tf LnI8e is granted an Option, as defined below, then the following proviakms shall apply.
39.1 o.tInttlon. ""Opaon" ahaK mean: (a) the right to extend the term of or renew this Leue or to extend or r8n8'N any lease
that Lessee has on OIh8r property of lMIor; (b) the right of firat refusal or liral offer to Ieue efther lhe Premises or other property of
Lelsor; (e) the right to purchue or the right 01 find: reluaal to purchaH the Premtaes or other property 0' Leuor.
392 0pIl0ne PeraonalTo Ortglnlll Leuee. Any Option granted to Lessee in thil Lease Is pe~1 to the original Lessee,
ond cannot bo uolgned or ..._ by onyono olhor then sold originoJ Lossee end only while tho originsi Lossee is in fuli possession
of the Premises and, if requested by Leaaor, with Lessee cenlfylng that Lesaee has no IntentiOn of thereafter assigning or subletting.
39.3 Multiple Opdon.. In the event that LeIIee has any multipfe Options to extend or renew thi. Lease, a later Option cannot
bo lIX8lOised uniesstho prior Options hove boon voHdiy ..._.
39.4 _<II _ on OplIono.
(a) l.nHe shall have no right to exert:ise an Option: (I) during the period commencing with the giving of any notice of
OefauM end continUing untD _ Oefa~ is cured, (Ii) during' tho poriod of lime any Rent i. unpoid (without rogord to wholher notice
thereof is given Leasee), (Ill) during the time lesHe illn Breach of this Leaae, or (iv) in the 8Y8f1t that Le.... has been given 3 or more
noticee of sepanlte Oetautt, whether or not the Defautls are cured, durtng the 12 month period immediately prececlng the exercise of
the Option.
(b) The period of time within which an Option may be exert:ised shall not be extended or enlarged by reason of Lessee's
inability 10 exercile an Option becaU8e of the provisions of Paragraph 39.4(a).
(e) An Option shaI termna. and be of no further force or effect, notwIthItandlng Le....'s due and timely exercise of
the Option. iI. after such exerclae and prior to the commencement of the extended term or cornpkttlon of the purchase, (i) Le.... faila
to pay Rent for a period of 30 dIys after such Rent becomes due (without any neceaaIty of Lessor to give notice Ihereof). or (ll) il Lessee
oommlts 0 Breach of Ihlo Los...
40. -.mty M_u.... Lososo horeby llCknow\odgos Inolthe Ronl poyoblo to Louor horoundor doeo not incIudo tho coot 01 guard
service or other security measu..... and that L.euor lhaI have no obligation whlltlc/ltWr 10 provide same. Lessee assumes all
responsibility br the procectlon of the Premises. Les.... Its agents and Invilees and their property from the acts 01 third parties, In the
event, however, that Leeeor shoukl elect to provide security .eMce8. then the cost thereof shall be an Operating Expense.
41. AeaerwtionL
(a) Lnsor reserves the right: (I) to grant, without the consent or joinder of Lessee, 1UCh. ....manls. rights and
dediCilUona Iha1 Lessor deems neceaaary, (II) 10 cause the recordation of pareeI maps and restiicUons, (ill) to create aridlor install new
utility raceways. 10 long as such easements, rights. dedications, maps, restrictions. and utRity raceway. do not unreasonably Interfere
with the use 01 the Premls88 by Lessee, LeSSOf' may also: change the name, addl'8Sl or title of the Building or Pra;ect upon at least 90
days prior wrtllen notice; p~ anc:llnstall. at Le...... expense, Building standard graphk:a on the door of the Premisu and such
portions of the Common Areas II Lessor shall reuonably deem appropriate; grant 10 any lessee the excIuBiw right to conduct any
business as long as luch exclusive right does not connie! with any rights expressJy given herein; and to place such signs, notices or
displays as LaSlOI' reasonably deems necessary or advisable upon the roof, exterior or the Building or the Protect or on pate ligna in
the Common Areas. Le.... agrMI to sign any documents reasonably requested by Lessor to effectuate such rights. The obstruction
of Lessee'a view, air, or I6gtd by any structure erected In the vicinity of the Building, whether by Lessor or third parties, shall in no wfl'l
affect this Lease or impose any IIabAIIy upon LAssor,
(b) Lessor also reMrvn the right to move Lessee to other space of comparable sIZe in the BuHding or Protect. Lessor
must provide at least 45 days prior wrIttan notice of such move, and the new apace must contain lmprovementa 01 co"li!arable quality
to th0ti8 contained within 1M P...,m...., l.eSSOl shaU pay the reasonable out of pocket COII& thatLassti incur. .".1th Ktgard to $i.iCo'i
relocation, Including the 8Xpenaea 01 moving and n8CHSary stationary revlaion costl. In no event, however. sheD Leuor be required to
pay an amount In exceas of two months Bale Rent. Leasee may not b. relocated more than once during the term 01 this Lease.
(c) Luaee shaH not:. (I) UN a repreeentation (photographic or otherwise) of the Building or pratect Dr their name(s) in
...connection with L.uHe'a buIineu; or (ii) sulf8r or permit anyone. except in emergency, to go upon the roof 01 the Building.
42. _s_ u_ P-. ilol any lime 0 dlsputs shoIi ori.o .. to ony amount or sum 01 monoy 10 bo poJd by one Perty 10
the other under the provisions hereof. the Party against whom tha obtigation to pay the money is asserted ahaII have the right to make
paymenl 'Under protost' end .uelI poymont _ nol be regordod .. 0 voiuntary poymont ond thero shol survive tho right on tho port
of said Party to Institute suit for recovery of such.sum. If It shall be adjudged thai there was no legal obligation on the part of said Party
to pay such sum or any part thereof, said Party shall be entitled to recover such sum or sO much thereof a, it was not legally required
to pay.
43. Aulhor\1y.
. (a) If either Party hereto Is a corporation, trust. limited liability company, partnel'lhip, or similar entily, each individual
executing this lease on behalf oIauch enlfty represents and warrants that he or she iI duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease
o 1tt1oAmer1c1ln Indultrilll ....1 eat.te AuochIUon
FORM OF~1",,"
on Its behalf. Each party shall, within 30 days after request, deliver to the other party satisfactory evidence 01 such authority.
(b) If this Lease.. executed by more than one person or entity aa MLeaaee., each IUCh person or entity shell be jOintly
and severally liable hereunder. It is agreed that any one of the named Leasees shall be empowered to execute any amendment 10 this
Lease, or other document ancIUary thereto and bind all of the named Lessees, and Lessor may rely on the same u if all of the named
Lessees had executed such document.
44. Conflict. Any conftlol between the printed provisions of this Lease and the typewritten or handwritten provisions shall be controlJed
bylhe typewrbn or _ p_..
45. OtIIIr. Preparation of this Lease by eiUler party or their agent and submission of same to the other Party shall not be deemed an
offer to tease to the other Party. Thil L.eaae is not Intended to be binding until executed and delivered by all Parties hereto.
46. Amendments. ThIs Lease may be modified onty In writing, signed by the Parties in Interest at the lime of the modification. As
long .. they do not malerialty change L....... obligation. hereunder, L..... agrees to make. such reasonable non.monetary
modlflcatione to this Leese as may be reasonabty required by a Lender In connection with the obtaining 01 normal financing or refinancing
of the PremlHs.
47. Mumpl. PIrtfw. If more than one peqon or entity is named herein as either Lessor or Lessee, such muniple Parties shall have
joint and 88\'eral ruponaibHity to comply with the tarms of this Lease.
49. Meda.tlon Ind Arbitration of DlaputeL An Addendum requiring the Mediation aneVor the ArbitratiOn of all disputes between the
Partin; andior 6rokele ariaif.g uull,)f thli Leala iJ is Ci is not attached to this Lease.
SO. Americana with DI..b111t1u Act. In the event thai a8 a resuh of Lessee's use, or Intended use, of the Premises the Americans
with Disabilities Act or any similar law requires modifications or the construction or installation of improvements in or to the Premises.
Building, Project anli/or Common Areas, the Parties agree that such modifications, constNCtion or improvemen18 shaU be made at: 0
Lessor's expense 0 Lessee's expense.
The parties hereto h...... U8CUI8d this Lease at the place and on the dates specified above their respective signatures.
EX8CUI8d at: c:.:lln QA....n:ll....~.; n....
By LESSOR: 'l'ur.. li!n"'''''''''p...i ~""'~ T T r
Name Printed: Greaorv Villanueva
Nome Printed:
Telep/lone: ( )
FOCIimllo:( )
_ratiO No.
.1111 Arnwlcln 1ndun1aI....11!ItIIe AuocI8tIon
Executed 01:
Name PrlntecI:
Name Printed:
Telephone: (
Fecslmllo:( )
FodoratlD No.
Flicsimle No.
Thae farms .re atten modIfled to meet changing NqUlrwnents 011.. .nII needs of the Industry. AIwayI wrb or OIl tel make lUre you ..
utIlztl!l the mOlt current form: Amertan InduItriaI A8aI EscMe A..DC,IIUo.n, 7DO South Flower...... Bulle 100. LoI Angelle, CA 10017.
. <<op,rtghtl-..,__RooI_' '.....
I AIIr1g11lo__
No plot 01_ _..., 1Ie....--1n...,_ _~.. '"I,n In......
. 1111-American Induatrilll ..... ~ MIIOCIation
FORM 0FQ0,...
01-""'-'_ ___...
By and Belween
1. "t.._ shall not suffer or permit the obstruction of any Common Areas, including d"-Ys, walkways and 1laIrways.
2. Lessor reserves the rIQl:Il to _ access to any persons Lessor in good faith judges to be a threal to the oaIeIy and I8pldaIIon of 1he Project
and lis occupants. .
3. LesHe shaH not make or permil any noise or odors thai annoy or _e with _1_ or persona havlng buslnesa within 1he project.
4. LesHe shaH not keep animals or birds within the Project, and shall not bring bicycles, I11llIDIql:Ies or other whlcles into areas not d8IIgnaIad
as authorized tor same.
5. Lessee shall not make, suffer or permK liller exoept in appropriate receptacles for thai purpoee.
6. Lessee shall not alter any lock or install .- or addilionallocks or bolts.
7. Lessee shall be responsible for the inappropriate use of any tolel roome, plumbing or _ ullliIles. No Ior8ign subslanoea of any kind are to be
inserted therein.
8. Lessee shall not deface the walls, partitions or other surfacas of the Premises or Project.
9. Lessee shall not sutler or permK anything in or around the Premises or Building thai oauses excessive vibralion or floor loading In any part of
the Project.
10. FumKure, slgnllioant freight and equipment shall be moved into or oUl of the building only with the l.essor's IcnawIedge and oonaant, and aubjecI
to such r_limltations, techniques and timing, as may be designated by Lessor. Lessee shall be l'MpOI_lor any damage totha 0IfI0a BuIldIng
Project arising from any such activity.
11. Lessee shall not employ any service or contractor for selVices or work to be performed in the BuHdlng, exoept as approved by Lessor.
12. Lessor reserves the right to cIooe and lock the Buldlng on Saturdays, Sundays and lIulIding Holidays, and on _ days between the hours of
P.M. and _ A.M. of the following day. If L..... uses the PremiHB during such ~, L.eaee IhaII be reeponelble lor MCUIlI\y locking
any doors K may haw opened for entry.
13. LesHe shall return all keys at the termination of lis tenancy and shall be responsible for the OOSI of replacing any keys thai are lost.
14. No window coveringe, shades or awnings shall be installed or used by LesHe.
15. No La...., empIoyse or invitee shall go upon the roof of the BuDding.
16. Lessee shall not sutler or permK """"'ing or carrying of lighted cigars or clgerettes In areas ~ deslgnaled by Lessor or by appI_
gowrnmental agencies as non-smoking areas.
17. Lessee shall not use any method of healing or air conditioning _than as provided by Lessor.
18. LesHe shall not install, maintain or operate any _ding machines upon the p_ wllhoUll.essor's wrIIten oonaenl
19. The Premises shall not be used for lodging or manufacturing, cooldng or food preparation.
20. Lessee shall oornply with all safely, fire protection and lMlCUation regulaliona __ by Lessor or any appI_ gowmmentaI agency.
21. Lessor reserves the right to waive any one of these rules or regulelione, and/or as to any perticular l.essee, and any such waiver ahaII not
con8lilute a waiver of any other rule or regulation or any sUbeequenl applicallon thereof to such L.eaee.
22. Lessee assumes all risks from theft or vandalism and agrees to keep Ita Premisee locked as may be required.
23. Lessor reserves the right to make such other reasonable rules and resutetions as H may from lime to lime deem necessary for the appropriate
operation and safely 01 .. PtliljecI and Its occupants. Lessee agrr~,.~" by lheee and such rul.. and "'llI. 'T~".'
1. Parking areas shall be used only for perking by whicles no longer than full size, _ autDrnoblles herein oalled "Parmilled Size Vehicl....
Vehicles other than ParmHted Size Vehicles are herein referred to as "Owlrslzed Vehicles"
2. Lessee shall not permK or allow any Whicles thai belong to or are oontrolled by Lessee or Lessee's employsM, suppllenl, shippers, customers,
or inviIees to be loaded, unloaded, or parked in areas other than those designated by Lessor for such actIvIIIes.
3. Parking _rs or Identification _ shell be the property of Lessor and be retumed to Lessor by lha _ _ upon termination of the
holde(s parking privileges. l.essee will pey such ~acement charge as is reaeonably __ by Lessor for the Iou of such d_.
4. Lessor reserves the righl to _ the sale of monthly idenlffioalion devices 10 any person or enlIty thai willfully refuses to oornpIy with the
applioable rules, regulaliona, Iews and/or agreemen1S.
5. Lessor reserveslha right to relocate all or a pari of parkil1G,spaces from tIoor to tIoor, within one floor. and/or to _bIy ~I oIIsita
Iocation(s), and to reasonably allocate them between oornpacl and _ slze speoes, as long.. the same complies with appIioabIe Iews, ordinanoes
end regulations.
6. Usenl of the perldng area will obey all posted signs and park only In the a.... designated for Whicle perking.
7. Unless _ ins1ructed, _ry person using lha perking area Is required to perk and lock his own whicle. Lessor will not be responsible for
any damage to _, injury to peIlIOns or Ioes of property, all of which risks are assumed by 1he party using the perking area.
I ~$f,
1. Basic Provisions ("Basic Provisions").
1.1 Parties: This Lease ("l.e8se"), dated for reference purposes only May 31. 2002
and between Tl1G iut9rprii9i # T T <:
. _ . is made by
and City Qf lau 'J:l:itI'gArdi.....Q. ('..ltH.......' ~ T....t:-o.........ot"n....u!.' A-F-F<!Iof....o
(............). (collectively the "PartIN... or indivldU8lly a "Party").
1.2 (a) Premises: That certain portion of the Project (as defined below). known as Suite Numbers(s) 1 n~ ,
_ IIoor(s), consisting of approximately -4 ~a rentable square feet and approximately useabIe square feel
("Premises"). The Premises are locateil' : 468 West 5th Steet . in the City of
ililR lh.rllar~iRQ. ,Countyof SaR lh.rllar-:1".....n ,Stateof ('I~l..-F^"".....-I<!ll ,withzipcode Q?.6.01 .
In addnion to Lessee's rights to use and occupy the Premises as hereinafter specified, Lessee shall have non-exdusIIIlI rights to the
Common Areas (as defined in Paragraph 2.7 below) as hereinafter specified, but shall not have any rights to the roof. the exterior walls,
the area above the dropped ceilings. or the utility raceways of the building conteining the Premises (.BuRding'') or to any other buildings
in the Project. The Premises, the Building, the Common Areas, the land upon which they are located, along with all olher buildings and
improvements thereon, are herein collectively refenred to as the .proJect." The Project consists 01 approximately rentable
square feel. (See also Paragraph 2)
1.2 (b) Parking: na unreserved and ....!!!- reserved vehicle parking apacas at a monthly cost 01 $ _ per unreserved
space and $ _ per reserved space. (See Paragraph 2.6)
1.3 Term: five (5) yearsand zero
(.Commencement Date") and ending 11/30/06
(See also Paragraph 3)
1.4 Early Pos_lon:
(See also Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3)
1.5 Base Rent: $ ~ 1 QQQ per month ("Base Rent''), payable on the
commencing '. (See also para= 4)
o II this box is , are provisions in this Lease for the Rent to be adjusted.
1.6 Le_'s Share 01 Operating Expense Increase: percent ( _ %) (.........'s Share"). Lessee's Share
has been calculated by dividing the approximate rentable square footege 01 the Premises by the Iolal approximate square footegs of the
renteble space contained in the Project and shall not be subject to revision except in connection with an actual change In the size 01 the
Premises or a change in the space available for lease in the Project.
1.7 Base Rent and Other Monies Paid Upon Execution:
(a) Bese Rent: $ lor the period
(b) Security Deposit: $ ("Security Deposlf'). (See also Paragraph 5)
(c) Perking: $ for the period
(d) Other: $ for
(e) Total Due Upon Execution 01 this LelIse: $
Agreed Use: Cultural Exhibit space and offices
months (.OriglnaITerm'') commencing
(.Expll'ldlon Dete").
(.Early ~Ion Date..).
day 01 each month
1.9 Base Year; Insuring Party. The Base Year is
Paragraphs 4.2 and 8)
1.10 Real Estate Brokers: (See also Paragraph 15)
(a) Representation: The following real estete brokers (the "Brokers") and brokerage rel8lion8hips exist in this
transaction (check applicable boxes):
. (See also Paragraph !I)
Lessor is the "Insurlng Party". (See also
represents Lessor exclusively ("l.e8sor'e BIOker");
represents Lessee exclusively (.......'s BroIaIr"); or
represents both Lessor and Lessee ("Duel Agency").
(b) Payment to Brokers: Upon execution and delivery 01 this Lease by both Parties, Lessor shall pay to the Brokers
the brokerage lee agreed to in a separate written agreement (or if there is no such agreement, the sum 01 or _ % 01 the tolaI
Base Rent lor the brokerage services rendered by the Brokers).
1.11 Guarantor. The obligations 01 the Lessee under this Lease shall be guaranteed by
("Guarantor"). (See also Peragraph 37)
1.12 Business Hours lor the Building: _ a.m. to _ p.m., Monday through Friday (except Building Holld8ys) and_
a.m. to _ p.m. on Saturday (except Building HOlidays). "Building Holidays" shall mean the dates 01 observation 01 New Year's Day.
President's Day, Memorial Day, Independance Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and .
1.13 LeHor Supplied Services. Notwithstanding the provisions 01 Paragraph 11.1 , Lessor is NOT obligated to provide the
[] Jannorialservices
o Electricity
o Other (specify):
1.14 Attachments. Attached hereto are the loIlowlng, all 01 which constitute a part 01 this Lease:
o an Addendum consisting 01 Paragraphs _ through _ ;
o a plot plan depicting the Premises;
o a cunrent set 01 the Rules and Regulations;
66Ill-~-D:IO NlIO.I
~ 3evd
UOIl8'OOSSY ~ ISSl:Ilsl4lnpul ue:ll....wv-&66~ 0
:SBaJV uowwoo 94110 ~lId II 9q OII09!OJd 94110 S9IJBpunoq 941 ep!Il"O PUIlI J94lO 9lBUll!seP oJ. (0)
. :91Q1ll!_ IU!IIW9J IaS!W9Jd
94101 SS800ll 91qBUOSB9J SB 61101 OS 1aS0dmd eoUBU9IU!IIW JOj SB9J1f uowwoo 9llI10 ^Ull ^IIJBJOdW9l esOlO OJ. (q)
:sMMeoBJ ^,,1!lI1 pUll WNIlIIllM 'SB9JII pedeospuBI 'O!lJBJlIO UO!109J!P 'SS9J1le 'sseJ6u! 'SB9JB 6u!PllOlUn pUB 6U!PBOI 'SB9JII
6U!lIJBd 'seoeds 6U!lIJBd 'SeoulUlU9 's.WN.eIIIJP 'SWOOJlB9J 'SJOllllBOl9 'SJOlllMl9 'SijB4S J!II 's.IeN.J!IIlS 'SNIOPUlM 'S9!qqol 941 jO Jeqwnu
PUll ede41 '9Z!S 'UOnBOOl 941 U! se6Ull4O 'UOR1ll!W!lln04l!M '6UlpnlOU! 'SB9J1f UOWWOO 941 01 Se6Ull4O 9ltew OJ. (II)
:SW!l 01 9WR WOJj 'UO!l9JOSIP 9108 S~OSS91 UI '146IJ 941 9/194 IIB4I JOSS91 "896uIlllO - ....." lIOWWOO 0 ~ '~ -.
'loe!OJd IIIlIIO SlUllU9l J94lO ~ SUO!lBlnllel:l pUB s91nl:l P!IIS 4l!M eoU1l!IdwCXHlOU B4I JOI 99SS91 01
91q!SUOdseJ eq IOU 1184S J0SI91 'WJOjUOO puB ap!qll OS Ol se9P'AU! pUll SJOlO9JlUOO 'SJ9WOISnO 'SJ&dd!4S 'SJ9!lddnl 'See^oldw9 1ll! 91nBO
01 puB 'SUO!lBlnllel:l pUll s91nl:l 40ns liB Ol WJOjUOO pUll ~ 9P!qB 01 1_6B aaBS91 94J. 'S99P.AU! J!941 PUllI09!OJd 941 pUll 6uIPI!ns 941
10 8lUBU91 JO stuednOOO JB4lO 10 eoU9!U9AUOO 941 JOI sa 119M IB 'J9PJO p006 10 UO!lBl\.l9S9Jd 941 pUll S9lO!4911 jO 6UIPBOIUn pUll 6UPfJlld
941 '8Il!JnOJ6 941 jO SS9U!lUB91O pUll '9JIIO '^,9jBS 'IU9W96BUllW 941 JOj (..8UOABlnllel:l pUll 89lnl:l..) suoRllln6&J PUll S9lnJ 91qBUOSB9J
9OJ0jU9 PUll PUllWB '~jlOW 'ldoPB Ol 'SWR 019WR WOJj '146IJ 94191\84 11941 puB seeJIf uowwoo 94110 IUSWe6eUllW pUllIOJlUOO 911JsnlOX9
941 8f\R4 IIBIfS lIJ!Odde Mlw JOSS91 SB (l)uOSJ9d J9410 400S JO J0SS91 "SUOll8lnllel:l pUB ...nl:l - ....." lIOWWO:J 6'~
'JOSS91 ^q pUllWep uodn 91~ed ^i91B1peWW! eq I1I14S !BOO 4OI4M '99SSB1 01
lBOO 941911Je4O PUll ,(jJedoJd 94191\OW9J 01 '9/lB4 Mlw P, IB4l19!p&W9J pUB 1t46IJ J94lO 40nl 01 UO!l!PPB U! '&OROU l"04P,M '146IJ 9419/1114
IIB4S JOSS91 U9Ill Jnooo 11941 96aJ018 p&Z!Jo4l"Bun ^"B lB4IlU91\9 941 UI '9WR ^"B IB P9ltOMJ eq ^8W lUesuOO 4OI4M 'IU91le pe18U6!S9p
S~ JO JOSS9110 IU9SUOO U9lP.JM JO!Jd 941 ~ ^tUO p&w.WJ9d 9q 11114S 96eJOlS 40nS ^"v 'SB9J1f UOWWOO 941lJ! '^1lU9UllWJ9d JO
IIIIJaJodwel ',(jJedOJd ^UII 9J0lS 01146!J 941 9pnlOU! 01 p9W89p eq SB9J\f uowwoo 941 esn 01 pelUeJ6 U!9J1IIl146IJ 941I194S leoulllSWnOJ/O
OU J9pUn 109!OJd 94110 91n 941 6u!W9I\06 SUOROI4I9J JO SuoR81nlleJ pUll S9jnJ ^ue 10 SWJ91 941 J9pUn JO 109J94 IWJ91 941 Japun
JOSI91 ~ p9IIJ9S9J sellel!^IJd pUll 'SJ9MOd 'st46IJ ^ue ol109fqns '9W!l 01 9W!l WOJIlSlX9 M4I SB SBaJV UOWWOO 941 'esn 4001 01 pellllU9
SJ94lO 4l!M uowwoo uf 'esn 01 146IJ 911JSnlOX9-lJou 941 '91891 S!4IIO WJel e41 6uIJnp 'S89l!^U! PUll SJeWOlSnO 'SJOlO8JlUOO 'SJedd!4S
'SJ9!1ddns 'seeMldwe Sl! PUll 99SSB110 P'19U9q 941 JOj '89ssel 01 stUaJ6 J0SS91 "~611:1 S....., - ....." lIOWWO:J 8'~
'SIl9JS pedeospUllI PUll ~P 'lWlMlIlIIM
'tWlMpeoJ 'SB9JB 4SIIJI 'SB9J8 6u!pBOIUn pUB 6UfPBOI 'SB9JII 6U!lIIed 'SJOISMJ9 'IWOOJl8BJ o!lQnd 'SIIBIo\l!BlI 'SJOP!JlOO 'se!qqol 'S9OUaJlUe
UOWWOO '01 P8l!W!I IOU l"q '6U!pnIOU! 'S89P.AU! pUll SJOlOaJIUOO 'SJSW018nO 'SJ9dd!4S 'SJ9!lddns 'see^oldwe IlllnoedseJ J!941 pUll
lO9!OJd 941 jO SlUllU9l J94lO pUll 99SSB1 'JOSS9110 eln 911JsnlOX9-Uou 1BJ9U96 941 JOj 'aw!l 01 swR WOJI 'JOSS91 941 ~ pel8U6!sep pUll
p9pJJ\Qld 9JB 1841 les!W9Jd 941 U!4l!M SUORlllIIllSU! pUB WM90llJ ^"IA" JOIJ9lU! pUB lO9!OJd e41 jO 9lJ!1 Mepunoq JOIJ9lX9 941 UI4l!M pUB
19BJW9Jd 941 9P!Sl"O S9R!I!OIIl pUll SB9JB 1111 S1i' peu!J9P I! ......." UOWWO:J.. WJIll e4J. 'UOAlUuea - ....." UOWWO:J L'~
'4lUOW J8PUBJ90 40119 jO ,wp lSJll 941 01 JOiJd 9OIl8IIpB U! lllUOW 9UO 9fqe.(ed S! 6lJ!ljJed 941 JOj 1U9J 94J. '99SSB1 01 eonou
U911IJM JOiJd s.wp ot uodn 96Ull40 olloe!qns S! (q)~' ~ 4daJ69J8d U! pell!oeds eoeds 6UPfJ8d Jed lU9J 1114IUOW 94J. (q)
'JOSS91 .(q puewep uadn 91qaMd ^i918!p&WW! 9q IIs4s lBOO 4Ol4M '991S91 011100 941 ellJB40 PUll paI\jOIIU! 91O!49/1 e41
^eMII MOl JO 9I\OW9J 01 '9/194 MW P, lB4l S9!p&W9J pUll st46IJ J9410 4O"S 01 UOmppB U! '&ORou l/l04l!M '146IJ 941 8f\R4 1184S J0SS91 U941
'1091I9 U! U941 S9JnJ 941 JO 9SB91 e41 U! p&qIJosep 19R!^!lOII peP,q!4OJd e4110 ^"II SMOII8 JO 1ll!WJ9d 'Sl!WWOO 99SB9111 (B)
'991U9O!1 Sl! JOIPUII JOSS91 ~ I&S SIl 6UPfJBd ^14IUOW JOj aw!l OIawR wOJj elQBO!ldde 9laJ IBlU9J 94118 (q)~' ~
4daJ6eJBd U! p&IJ!09ds seoedl 6lJ!l1111d 10 J9qwnu 941 esn pUll 1U9J 01 P91lAU9 9q ne4S 89SS91 'swn 01 aw!l WOJj JOSS91 ~ pe4111qlllse
SIl pUll 'OI9Je4 p940BllII IUORlllnllel:l puB selnl:l 941 ol109[qns pUll 'p'nlljep U! IOU S! 99SSB1 SB 6UOf OS "6uPIJIId 8PIIl8A 9'~
'lIIOM 1II\R09Jl00 ,(JBSS909U .(UB
JOj 91Q!suods9J eq IIB41 99SSB1 '1U91\9 400s UI 'S9I!W9Jd ellllO IU8dnooo JO JeuMO 941 SBM 99SS91 'Illll(] ~BlS 941 Ol JOIJd .(19lIl!P9WW!
l! lO9jj9 JO 9OJOj ou 10 9q IIB4S ~ 4daJ6aJBd U! Jossel ^q epew SenUllJJ8M 94J. "lUednooOlJllUMO JOlJd .. ...., 9'~
'stUBU91 pesodOJd 118 jO ^,!I!Q1ll!ns JOIPUB ^"lIqedeo I8!OUBUY 941 9186ps9llUf 01 ^"lIq!SUOds9J 910S s~OSS91 S! M o!) pUB
'S9SfW9Jd 941 .(dnooo OJ ^"I!QIll!ns JO 9SB91 941 JOU04 01 ^"l!qB 1,_1 6u!weouoo se!lUllJJeM JO 19I!wOJd 'IUO!lBlU9S9Jd9J ou 9pIIW
9/184 SJ9ltOJS (0 :lB4I se6P9fMOlDIOII JOSS91 'UO!MPPB ul '9SB91S!4I UI 4IlOj lBS SIl UB41 J9410 SJ9llBW P!IIS Ol109dsaJ 4l!M 19RUllJleM
JO IUORIllU9S9Jd9J UIlll!JM JO laJO ^ue 9pew IIIIB4 SJ9ltOJS JOU 'stUe611 s~oss91 'JOSS91 J94P,eu (0) pUB 'S9I!W9Jd 941 jO .(ouednooo 1ll! 01
9lBI9J 9wes 941 sa JOj9J941 ^'n!q!suodseJ 1111 S9WnsSB pUB SJ911IlW 40nS 01 eou9J9lBJ 4l!M ,(Jesseoeu sweep p, IB U0!lB6ps1IIIU! 4001 9pIIW
SS4 89SS91 (q) 'esn pePU9IU! S,99SSB1 JOj ^,,1!Q1ll!ns J!941 pUll '(IlU9W9Jlnbel:l elQBO!lddlf 4P,M eoUll!ldwoo PUll 'SlOedse IllluawUOJ!^U9
',(j!Jnoes 'SWIllSM J9P1UIJds 9J1l pUB O\fAH '1BO!JI0919 IIIlI 01 P9P,W!I IOU l"q 6u!pnIOU!) 19I!W9Jd 941 10 uOJlIpuoo 941 01 lO9dseJ 4P,M
lI91ll! .<Js!lBS Ol SJ9ltOJS JOJPUll J0SS91 .(q pe$!1Ip1l ueeq SS4 89SS91 (II) :1941 se6peJMOUllOl! 99SS91 "SlU9weIIpBJMollllOY 1>'~
'9SB91 1!4IIllBU!\W91 Ojl461J ^"B 9/184 IOU 11841 99SS91 pUB 'j09J941lSOO 941 JOj 9fq!luodseJ ^tlllj
9q 11841 99SSB1 'lUlWl lB4l U! pUll 'U941 19I!W9Jd 9111 01 UOnBOIl!pow JO 'esn 10 ^,!lU9lU! U! 96ue4O 'esn U! 96ue4O pesodOJd JO 18"1011
Ull 10 p'nS9J B SIl 99SSB1 .(q P9J966!JI PB9ISUI 9JII S9JnP,pUedlg l1ll!deO 94111 'ltU9W9J!n~ 91QB011dd\f MeU pUll 'pelO9dxeun ',(JlllunlOA
-UOU 01 ^tUO .(Idde 01 pePUIllU! 9JB laJnP,PUedlg IBP.deO 6u!weouoo SUO!I!AOJd 941 'lII\Oqll 941 6UIPIJBlSlllIMlON (0)
'JOSS91 01 eoROU uell!JM
s.wp ot uodn _1 1!41 elllu!wJ9l 01146!J 941lWl4 l194s eess91 'S!SlIq 1&S1I0 Ull uo eessel 9SJnqw!9J .(11"l 011U9!O!lJ1lS IOU S! 9S1l91
8141 jO J&PU!BW9J 941 JOj elqaMd pUll 9np Iuel:l 94110 eoulllBq 941 I! JO '9JII4S s~oss91 eoUBUIl 01 91Q8un S! 99SSB111 'P!lld ^1I1lj uaeq
1II\Il4 stSOO 40nB 10 9J84S s~OSI91lnun IU9l:1 WOJI 'l89J9IUI 4MM '9Wes IOnpep pUB lpullj 4001 eoUllllpB Mlw 99SSB1 '9JnP,PU9dJg IBP.dllO
4001 ^ue jO 9JIIIlS 1ll! JepU91 01 SJ!llj pUll '9lBUIWJel 0110919 IOU leap J0SS9111 '9JnP,Puedlg IBP.deO 40ns JOj .(lid 111M 99SSB11841 9O!10U
UO!lBlJ!WJ91 ~SS91 jO Id!909J J911S s.(ep 0 ~ U!4l!M '6u1l!JM U! 'JOSI91 S9Y!lOU 99SS91 sselun 99SS91 OJ eoROU U9ll!JM JOIJd s.wp 06 uodn
9SB91S!419lBlJ!WJ9l 01 uO!ldo 1IIl11lll84 11114S J0SS91 '109J941 9J1I4S 1ll! .(lId 01 9IQ!S1I9l ^tfllO!WOUOO9 IOU S! II IB4I seu!\W9l9p ^lqBUosa9J
JOSS91l! JO 9SB91 B!4110 SJeeA ~ 1881 941 6uIJnp P9J!nbeJ I! 9JnP,PUedlg l1ll!deO 4001 l! IB4l 'JlWlM04 'PSP!AOJd '9Wp ^ue IB UORe6IIQO
It! .(ed9Jd 'JIIII9M04 ',ww 99SS91 '_unoooB 1~0SI9110 IU9w6pnf 941 U! 9JqBUOSB9J ^118!OJewwoo S! 11141 91aJ II III 9JB4S 1,89SS91
10 9OUII1BQ peZ!lJOWBun e41 uo l89J9IU! .(Bd 1184" 89SS91 '((4IUOW J9d 1800 B4l10 4I1>1>~H '9!l1>1>~ I! 4"!4M 10 JOIBU!WOUep 941 pUB
'9UO I! 4Ol4M 10 JOjaJewnu 941 'UO!lOaJI II ~ 9' ~ 4daJ6aJ8d UI pe!l!oeds 96B\uBOJ9d 941) 9JnMPuedlg IBIldeO 40nl 10 !BOO 94110 9JB4S
1,89ss91 6u!J<ldlllnw 10 IOnpoJd 941 ollBnbe IunOWB Ull '9np S! IU9l:1 &SBS 4Ol4M UO 9lBP 941 uo '9IB91 S!4110 WJ91 941 jO J9PU!IIW9J
e41 6uIJnp 4lUOW 40Be ',wd 01 pel1l6!1qo 9q 1184S 89IS91l/lq 9JnllPuedlg IBP.deO 400S JOj ,(JIISSeoeu SPUIlj 941llO\J811pB IIB4S JOSS91
:SMOfIOj sa 9JnP,P\l9dX3 IIll!deO 40ns 10 1100 94191Bool18 11114S 89IS91 pUll J0SI91 U941 '(SUORBO!J!POW "!WI!9I pelllPUllW ^tIBlU9WUJ9/l06
'SIl 4001) 99SS91 ~ IaSfW9Jd 941 10 esn 9nb!un pUll O!JJOeds 941 10 IInSeJ eUI IOU Sf 9JnuDuedx'l IlllIde"l uone JI (ol
1. Basic Provisions ("Basic Provisions").
1.1 Psrtles: This l.ea8e ("LAB....). dated for reference purposes only Ma V 31. 20 0 2
and between TVi': 'Rnt-prpri QP~ r r.T.r
._. is made by
and City of San B9rn.rdiuQ. Cul~ur.l ~ IRtorRati9RAl Jffair~
("L.eae."), (colIectIwIy the "Psrtlee", or individudy a "Psrty").
1.2 (a) Premi_: That certain portion of the Project (as defined below), known .. Suite Number8(s) 1 n r; ,
_ ftoor(s), consisting 01 approximately 1 n n n rentable square feet and approximately uaeabla square feet
("pre1llta.."). The Premises are located at: 46R W....t: r;th l'ltr....t: . In the City 01
~~n Rarn::ll....n;~ountyof S.." ihi....Aar~iR.o ,Stateof C'alifQrAia ,withzipcode ,.t.;4Q1 .
In addition to Lessee's rights to use snd occupy the Premises as hereinalter specIfted, Lessee ahaII haw IlOIHIXCI rights to the
Common Areas (as defined In Paregraph 2.7 below) as hereinafter apecllied, but shell not h_ any rights to the roof, the merior walls,
the area above the dropped ceilings, or the utility raceways 01 the building containing the Premi... ("BuIlding") or to any other buildings
in the Project. The Premises, the BuDding, the Common Areas. the land upon which they are Iocatsd, sIong with all other buildings and
improvements thereon, are herein colIectNely referred to as the "Project." The Project conslsIs 01 approximately rentable
square feet. (See elso Paragraph 2)
1.2 (b) Psrklng: n" unreserved and -J:la.- reserved vehicle parking apaces at a monthly OOIt 01 $ _ per unreserved
space and $ per reserved space. (Sse Paragraph 2.6)
1.3 Term: five 151 yearsand zero months("OrlglnaITerm")commenclng 11/01/01
("Commencement DlIta") and ending 1 n I < 1 I n ~ ("l!xpIretIon DlIta").
(Sse elso Paragraph 3)
1.4 Early ~Ion: ("Early Ponasion ~").
(See also Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3)
1.5 Bue Rent: $ 1 n n n n n per month ("Bas. Rent"). payable on the 1 .. to day 01 each month
commencing ....ll..LO \(.01 . (See also para'l:~ 4)
D II this box Is c:Ii8Q/ea. re are provisions In this l.ea8e for the Rent to be adjuated.
1.6 L.eae.'s Shere of Operetlng Expert.. Increa..: percent ( _ %) ("L.eae.'s Sherej. Lessee's Share
has been calculated by dividing the approximate rentable squara footage 01 the Premises by the tolaI approximate square footag. 01 the
rentable space contained in the Project and shall not be subject to revision except In oonnectlon with an actual change In the size 01 the
Premises or a change in the space available lor Iaue In the Project.
1.7 Ba.. Rent and Other Montee Psld Upon ExecutIon:
la) Base Rent: $ fortha pariod
(b) Security Deposit: $ ("SecurIty Depoalt"). (S.. sIso Paragraph 5)
(c) Psrklng: $ for the period
(d) 0tMr: $ for
(e) TofIIl Due Upon Execution of this Lees.: $
1.8 AgreedU..: Cultural exhibit soace and offices
represents llIsaor exclusively ("LeaIIOr'. Brokar");
represents Lessee rrxclusNely ("L.eae.'s Brobrj; or
represents both llIsaor and ~ ("DuIII Agency").
(b) P8yment to Broke,.: Upon execution and delivery 01 this Lease by both Partiaa, Lessor shell pay to the Brokers
the brokerage lee agreed to in a separate written agreement (or" there is no such agreement, the sum 01 or _ % 01 the totel
Base Rent for the brokerage services rendered by the Brokers).
1.11 GlIIIl'llntor. The obligations of the Lessee under this Leue shall be guaranteed by
("Guarantor"). (See also Paragraph 37)
1.12 Business Hou,. for the Building: _ a.m. to _ p.m., Monday through Friday (except Building Holidays) and____
a.m. to _ p.m. on Saturday (excapt Building Holidays). "Building HoIldIys" shell maen the dates 01 obaervalion of NewYea~s Day.
President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day. Labor Day. ThankagMng Day, Christmas OIly, and .
1.13 Lessor Suppllecl Servtoes. Notwithstanding the provlalons 01 Paragraph 11.1 , u.- Is NOT obligated to provIda the
D Jan"oriaI service.
D Electricity
D Other (specify):
1.14 Attech_. AItlIched hereto are th. following. all of which constitute a part 01 thle Lease:
D an Addendum consisting 01 Paragraphs _ through _ ;
o a plot plan depicting the Premises;
D a current set 01 the Rules and Regulations;
r-'l _ ...._....._ . _...._~.
1.9 Ba.. Vaer: Insuring Party. The Base Year Is
Paragraphs 4.2 and 8)
1.10 Rael Estate Broke,.: (See also Paragraph 15)
(a) Repreaantatlon: The following real estate brokers (the "Brokers") and brokerage relationships exist In this
transaction Icheck appllcsble boxes):
. (See sIso Paragraph 6)
. Lessor is the "Insuring PsrtyH. (See also
8I/t'~-Q;K) NlIOd
~ 3evd
UOIIIPDSSV IIIIIIlI Je8lI ~.npuIIlm\>>W'f'1I88~ 0
~11I8J1f UOWWOO lIIlllO ~8d 8 8q Ol108!OJd 811110 S81l1lPUnoq 841 eplSl/lO PUlll JlIIllO 8111ulltsep ool (,,)
~8tCl8l!- IlIl!8W8J SllSlW8Jd
8lll 01 SS8:XllI 81Q8UOn1J .. 6uo1 08 ll880dJnd llOU'IU8lUI8W JOj S88J1f UOWWOO 8t:Il10 .we .<unuodw811lllOt:l Ool (q)
~Wt._ . pue MaMlptr, '_ pedB:lepue1 '''JII1IIIIO UO!l:l8J!P 'SS8J6e 'sSBlllu! '11l8J8 llu!P8OfUn pue llU1P801 '11I8J8
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pull edel.lS 'IIZ!S 'UOR800llIIll Uf se6ullllO 'UOR811WlIlnOllllM 'llulPn",U! 'Sll8I1f UOWWOO 81ll 01 IllIlluel.l:l 8lf8W Ool (e)
:SWR III 8Wtl WOJj 'UOIl8J:>Slp 8(08 S~08S81 UI '14ll!J 81ll8J\ll4 Ilel.lS J0SS81 'ssllUlIlIO -..." uowWOO O~ '(: -,
"108!OJd lIIlllO lllIJIlU81 J8\110 All suoReln6el:j pue S81nl:j Pies l.Il!M B:lue!ldwoo-uou lIIll JOI 88SS91 01
81ll!suodS8J eq IOU l(IIl.Is J08S81 'WJOjUoo pue llpfq8 os III S88ijAU! PU8 SJOl:l81IUO" 'SJ8wolSn" 'SJeddll.lS 'SJ.,lddns 'seeMldw8 II! 8sne"
01 pue 'suOflllln6el:j pue ~ l.I"RS 118 III WJOjUOO pue ~ ep!Q8 01 S88J1l8 88SS8"J 8IU 'seeijAU! '181ll pue lO8!OJd 8lll pue llulPl!ns 8l.11
JO SlU8URl JO lIuedROOD '8l.1lD JO B:lU8JllIIIIUOO 8111 JOj 88 1J8Nl se ',8pJO poolllO UO!l8^J8S8Jd 8lll pue S8(:lllj8ll JO llu!P80lUn pue llu!lI'ed
8lll '8p!JllOJll 8lll jO SSllllllU88l:l pu8 '8J8:l .~ 'lU8welleuew 81ll JOj <MSUOllSlnllel:l PUg 88fnl:l.J SUOR8JnllBJ pue SSfI\l 81Q8U0888'
8:llOjII8 pue puewe I<jJpow 'ldop1! III 'lIW!l OISWR WOJj 'll.Ill~ 8lllllllel.lll8l.lS pue Sll8J\f UOWWOO lIIlllO IU8welleuew pue IOJIUOO llIIJsnl:lX8
8lllllll8l.1 IllIlIS lUlOdde .ww J08S81 111 (s)uOSJ8d J81110 l.I:lRS JO 'oss., 'suollSlnllel:l PUg ...nl:l - SWJy IIOWWO:) 6'(:
"08S81 All pu8Wep uodn 8IqeAed .<tet8JP8WW! 8q II8l.IS lSOO IptIlM 'lI8llll., 01
lSO:l81ll eliJel.l:l pue .liJedOJd 8lll WWIJ 01 'llII8Il .ww Il IllI.Il S81p8W8J PU8 Slllll~ '8\llO l.I"RS III UDIl!PP8 U! 'qou lRollllM 'll.Ill~ 8lllllllell
118l.1S '08S81 u8lll 'ROOD 1(1lIlS 8ll1uOlS P8Z!Jo\lll18un 11L18181111UllII8 8l.11 UI '8W!llILIe Ie pelIOI\8J eq.ww lU8llUOO Iptl.lM 'lU868 plIl8Ulllsep
s~ JO J08S8110 lU8SUOO lI8ll!JM JO~d 8l.I1 All -<luo psll!WJ8d 8q 1181lS ell81IllS l.I"ns!ou\f 'Sll8J1f UOWWOO 8l.11 Uf ',(IIU8U8WJ8d '0
iII~81odW81 '.l!JedOJd .we 8I0IS Illll.lll~ 81ll 8pn(:lU1 III p8Weep eq 11I8J\f UOWWOO 8lll lISn 01 plIIU8111 U!8JlIlIIllllt' 8lllll8llS SB:lU8l8Wn:1l!:l
ou 'epun 'i:l8rOJd 81ll jO 88n 8111 llu!WllI\OIl SUOfl:l!JlS8J JO suoRelnllBJ pue S811\1 .we 10 SWJ8l 81ll Jspun '0 l08J8l.1 SWJ81 8l.I1 '&pun
'OSS81 All pllIIJ888J sall8f!^~d pue 'SJ8MOd 'lIl.Ill~ .we 1lli:l8!qns '8W!l 01 8W!l WOJI lBIX8 ,(alii Sll 588J1f UOWWOO lIlIl 'lISn l.I""S 01 plImlU8
SJ8l.IlD l.Il!M UOWWOO U! 'esn III ll.IlliJ llI\Isn(:lX8-UOU el.ll ....., Sll.Il 10 WJ81 BIll ~np 'S881!AU! pue SJ&WOISn:> 'SlOl:lBllUOO 'SJ8dd!lls
'SJ8!lddns 'seeMldw8 SJ! pue 8_., 10 lY8U8q lIl.Il 'OJ 'eess., 01 SlUBlll '0SS81 .....611:1 ......, - ..." IIOWWOO 8'(:
'588Je pede:>spul!, pu8 s~p '~leM
'sMMp8OJ '-l.IS8ll 'Sll8J1lllulP80lun pUlIllulP801 'sII8J1IllUflfJlld 'SJOIII1\818 'SWOOJISBl "!Iqnd 'S1(8Ml!Vl8 'lllOp~oo '''lqqol '1l8:lU81IU8
llOWWOO '01 p8ijW!I IOU IRQ 'IlUlpnJ:lUl 'S88ijAU! pull SlOl:l81IUOO 'SJSWOISn:> 'SJeddJl.IS 'SJ.,lddns .1llIlWltdwe llI\!l:l8ds8J '!8lll pUll
l:l8!OJd 81ll JO lllIJlluel '81110 pue ....., ',OSS81 jO 8Bn 8IIf1In(:lX8-uou (ll.leuelllllll 'OJ '8W!l 01 swg WOJI "OSS81l11ll All pel8ull!sep pUll
P8P!J1QJd 8J8 181ll S88!WlJd lIIll U!l.Il!M SUOll8I181IIUI pUll WMB:l8l ~IRR 'o~8lU! PU8 l:l8fOJd 8111 JO RUlI ,(Jspunoq 'OIJ8lXll 81ll U!l.IijM pUll
S88!WlJd 8111 8p!lIlno Il8IlII"'lq pue _ n8 SP peuyep S! MSWJy uowwOO.. WJel 8l.1.L 'IKIIllUuaa - ..." IIOWWOO L'(:
'l.IlUOW JllIllI8t8:l tpIlI JO ,(ep llllY 8lll III ,~d e:lU8ApR U! IllUOW 8uo 8rqe,(8d S! lluPlJed lIIll JOj lU8J 8IU '88SS81 01 8"1I0U
U8ll!JM J~d e,(ep 0& uodn 811U8ll" Illl:l8/qna SI (q);r llld811181ed U! plIY!:leds _de lluPIJed ,ad lU8J -<ll.IIuow 8l.1ol (q)
'JOSS81 All puewep uodn 8fq&,(Bd -<lelll!peWW! 8q lIel.ls ISa:> Il:l!l.IM '88SS81 OllSOO lIIll alil8l.1:l pue PllIIlllI\ll! 81"1l.1ll11 8111
,(8MR MOl JO llIIOWIJ 01 'llII8Il ,(ew ~ l8lll S8fP8WIJ pue 1I1l11~ '81ll0 l.I:lRS 01 UO!llPP8 U! 'B:lgOU lROIllIM 'll.Ill~ 81llllll8ll118l.1S J0SS81 U81l1
'l:l8II8 UI U8lll s8I1\1 841 '0 ...., 81.1I U! p~:>sep S8!l!^!"'8 plIijq!l.IOJd 8l.1110.we SMaIlIl '0 SJ!WJed 'SJ!wwoo eess., II (8)
'88SU8ClI1 SJ! 'O/pu8 JOSS81 All l8S 88 llUPlJed ,(IIllUOW 'OJ SW!l 01 swR WOJI 8JCl1l:>!idde 8181IlllUIJ 8111111 (q)(:' ~
IldBlll81Rd U! P8II!:l8ds s8:>8ds llUlllJ8d 10 'eqwnu IIlll ..n pUll IU8J 01 pell!lU8 8q PIlS eess81 'ewg III SW!I WOJj 'OSS., All pel.lS!lqIIlS8
Sll PU8 'Ol8JlIl.I pelpllll8 suollllln6el:j PU8 Hlnl:j 841 OIl:l8!qns pUll 'IInlq8P U! IOU s, 88SS81 58 lluOI OS 'IiuPI.Illd eJCII\llI^ g'(:
'lIJOM llIIg:>8JJOO ,(JessB:l8U IILIII
'OJ 8IQISUodseJ eq IIRl.IS ....., 'lUllII8 l.I:lRS UI 'S"IW8Jd 8111 10 Iuedn:>oo '0 '8UMO 8111 SliM....., '8180 ~8lS lIlIl III Jo~d ,(18IeIPeWW!
I! l:l8II8 JO -OJ ou 10 8q 118l.1S (: \ld8lll8l8d Uf _.., ,(q spllW S8!lU8lJIIM 81lol 'tuedn:lO(l(MIUM() JOlld .. _.., g'(:
'SlU8U8I pesodOJd 1(11 JO ~1IQ8llnS JO/pU8 ~!I!Q8de:> III",ueuy 8111 elellgsllllU! 01 ~l!q!SuodseJ 810S S~OSS81 S! l! (II) pUll
'll8S!W8Jd 8lll Mnooo 01 ,(ij1lQ8ijns JO ...., 81ll JOUOIl 01 ~I!qe S,88SSll111u!wB:lUO:> H!lU8J.l8M '0 Sll8!WOJd '8UOIl8lU888JdIJ OU spllW
llII8l.1 SllIljOJS ~!l :181.11 sellpll!MOUlfQ8 JOS881 'UOI~PP8 UI 'an., S!1ll U! l.IlJOjlllS Sll uel.ll Jel.llo SJ8l!8W P!8S 01l:l8ds8J l.Il!M S8JlU8J.IeM
'0 SUDg8lU888JdIJ U8ll!JM JO (11.I0 .we spllW llIIlIl.I SJ8ljOJS 'OU '!qu81111 s~oss., ',oss., '8l.1ij8U (,,) pue 'S8S!WlJd lIl.IllO ,(:>uednooo Sij 01
e1818J ewes 81ll S8 JOI8J8Ill ,(ijJ1Q!8Uods8J 118 sswnSSll pUll Sl811llW l.I:lnS 01 B:lU8'8j8' Ill!M ,(J8SSB:l8U sweep ij 88 UOlIIIllgsllllU! l.I:lns 8p8W
58l.1 ....., (q) 'esn pePU8lU! 8.""" 'OJ ~!Q8llns '!8l.I1 pUll '(IIU8W8J!nbel:j 8fCl8:l!ldd\( l.IijM B:lUR!ldwOO pue 'Sl:l8dse IIIlUSWUOJ!^U8
',(qJn:>es 'llIU8l8M 'llJltu~de 8JY pue O\f^H '(1lClfJl:l818 lIlIl 01 peijW!I IOU Inq llU!PIll"Uf) seslWIJd 8111 10 UOIl!PUa:> 8lll 01 \:l8ds8J l.IijM
II88l! .<,sges OllllllljOJS JOJPUll 'OSS81 ~ P88!^P'8 ueeq 88Il eess., (ll) :18lll sellpslMOlll(:llleess., _weOpelMDlllpY r'(:
....., 81111 8I8U!WJ81 IllIl.lll~ ,(UllllIIIIl.IIOU 118l.1S 8ess., pu8 'I08J8l.1llSOO 8111 JOj llJq!Suode8J ,(lInl
eq 1I11l.18 -81 'lUllII8 l8lll Ul pue 'U8lll 8ll8!W8ld 81ll 01 uoge:>yIPDW JO '8sn 10 ~!SU8lU! U! 811U8l.1:l '..n U! 8Buell" pesodOJd '0 (IInl:l8
ue jO yne8J II 88 ....., All P8J8llllI4 P88l8U! 8J1l SBlRijpuedlg l811deO 811111 'SIUSW8J!n~ 81ll8"!1dd\( NIllU pue 'p&lOedxeun ',(J8Iunlllll
-UOU 01 -<luo ,(Idde 01 pepUlllU! 818 SeJlll!Puedlg l8I!deO llu!wB:lUOO suo!S!loOJd 81.1I 'llIIDq8 8lll llU!P\l8llIlll!MIlIN ("j
"OSS81 III B:lIlOU U8ll!'M
wp 0& uodn ...., S!1ll 8111UlWJ8l 01ll.l6~ 81ll 8I\8l.1118l.1S eess81 '8!S8q lasllo U8 UO _81 88JnqW!8J ,(I~ 011U8!:l!ll/lS IOU SI 8Sll81
S!Ill JO J&PUJ8W8l 8l.11 'OJ 8(1l8Mld pue enp lU8l:j 81.1I 10 B:lU8f'8q 8l.1ll! '0 'eJe4S S~OSS" e008UY 01 8(ll8un S!.....,II 'P!lld -<llnl U88q
8J\IIl.I 8ISO:ll.l:lRS 10 8IlIlIS S~OSS81IRUR IU8l:j WOJj 'lS8J8lUlllijM '8WIIS ",npep pUR SpllIlj l.I"RS B:lUllIIpe ,(ew ....., '8JRMPuedx3 18IldeO
l.I:lR8 IILIII jO 8J81lS SJ! 'epu81 01 S1!lq pue '8I8UfWJ8I 1lll:lllJ8 IOU seap 'ossall1 '8Jnijpu8dlg (IIPO Il"ns 'OJ '(ed IBM .....,11I1ll qou
UOg8Ufw'81 S,JOSS81 jO IdJ8:l8J JlIij1l.wp O~ Ull.ll!M 'IlU!lIJM U! "0SS81 S8g!lOU _., SSSIUR 88SS" III B:lROU lI8ll!JM ,~d s,(ep 06 uodn
...., S!l.Il 818UIWJ8I III uo!ldo lIlIlllll8lll(lll.lS 'OSS81 '108J81.11 8J8IlS II! ,(8d 018Iq!S88J ,(1I8:l!UJOUOOS IOU S! ij 11I1II S8U!WJ8I8P ,((ll8U0S88'
'OSS81I1 '0 -1 S!llll0 Slee,( c: 18111 81llllu~np P8J!nbeJ S! SJRMPU8dx3 181ldll:) 4""S 1118lll "-Ol.l 'PSP!^OJd 'SW!l.we 18 UOIIIIll!lqo
"II ,(ade,d "_II ',(ew -., '8lUlllUnOO:>II S~OSS" 10 Iuewllpn[ lIlIl U! 81q8UOS88' ^1I8!:118WWOO S! IllI.Il 8181 R 18 8Iel.ls s,eessal
10 B:lU818q pezgJoweun elll uo 1S8J8IU! ,(ad 11848 _., '((4IUOW ,ad ISOO 84110 4lr1>~H ,.,) r1>~ S! 4:l!4M 10 'OlllU!WOUep 8111 PU8
'suo S! Iptl.lM 10 JOl818WnU lIIll 'UOflOlllJ 8 All g' ~ \ld8l1181ed U! pew.:>sds 811111Ull:ll8d el.ll) 8JnijpuedX3 IRlId80 Il"ns 10 lBOO 8111 10 8'81lS
S,88SS81llu~ld!llnw 10 l:lnpOJd lIIll III (IInbe Iunowe ue 'enp S! IU8l:j 85es IptIlM uo 8111P 8111 UO '8S.., S!1ll jO WJ8\ 811110 'epu!ewa,
8l.11 llu~np l.IlUOW l.I:l88 ',(ad III pel1lllnqo eq Il8IlS ....., IRQ 8J11l!Puedx3 l8J!deO Il""S 'OJ ~ spullj 81ll1l:lllllllp8 III1IlS 'OSS8'
:SMaI/Ol n 8InI!Pusdlg l8J!deO l.I"RS jO lSOO 81l18l800111111114S eess81 pUll 'OSS., U81l1 '(SUO!l8:lfllPOW "!IJ!SJIIS pel1lpullW ,(1I8lU8WU'llII06
'sell"ns) 88SSll1 All seS!W8Jd lIl.Il 10 asn enb!un pUll "!IJ:l8de 8l.11 10 linse' 841 IOU S! lllnllPuedx3 Illl/diIO Il""S II (q)
(d) To add additional buildings and improvements 10 the Common Areas;
(e) To use the Common Areas while engaged in making addRlonal improvements, repairs or alterations to the Project,
or any portion thereof; and
(I) To do and pelform such olher acts and make such olher changes in, 10 or with respect 10 the Common Areas and
Project as lessor may. in the exercise of sound business judgmenl, deem 10 be appropriate.
3. Term.
3.1 Term. The Commencement Date, Expirallon Dale end Original Term of Ihls lease are as specified In Paragraph 1.3.
3.2 ElIr1y ~Jon. If leasee totaUy or parttally occupies the Premises prior to the CO_men! Data, the obligation
to pay Base Rent shall be abated for the period of such early possession. All other lerms of this Lease (including but not Hmltad 10 the
obligations to pay leasee's Shere of the Operating Expense Increase) shall, however, be in effect during such period. Any such early
possession shall not effect the Expiration Date.
3.3 Delay In ~Ion. Lessor agrees 10 use its best commerclelly reasonable efforts to deliwr possession of the
Premises 10 lessee by the Commencement Data. If, despite said efforla, Lessor Is unable to deliver po....sion by such date, Lessor
shall not be subject to any IIabHity therefor, nor shall such failure affect the validity of this lease. lessee shaI not, however, be obligated
to pay Renl or perform its other obllgallons until Lessor deHwrs posselllon of the Premises and any period of rent 8b8tament thet
lessee would otherwise have enjoyed shall Nn from the data of deliVlllY of flollassion and continue for a period sq.lto whalleasee
would ~erwlse have enjoyed under the terms hereof, but minus any days of delay caueed by the acta or omissions of Lessee. If
possesaIon Is not deliwred within 60 days after the Commencement Data, as the same may be IIXlat ided under the tarms of any WQrk
Leiter executed by Parties, Lksee may, atlle option, by nollee In writing within 10 days altar the end of such 60 day period, cancel this
lease, In which _ntthe Parties shall be discl18lged from all obligations hereunder. If such wrIltan nollce Is not raoeJwd by lessor
within said 10 day period, leasee.. right 10 cancel shalllermlnate. If possesaIon of the Premises Is not delillered within 120 dllY8 after
the Commenoernanl Dala, this lease shall terminate unless other agteemenls ... reached beiwMn Lessor and Lessee, in writing.
3.4 ...... CompllMce. Lessor .haIl not be required to deliller fl 0 .....Ion of the Premises to lessee unllllessee complies
with its obligation 10 provide evidlInoe 01 insuranc:e (Paragraph 8.5). Pending deMry of such evldenoe, Lessee shall be required to
perform all of Ile obligations under this lease from and attar the Start Data, including the payment of Rent, notwithstanding lessQl's
election to withhold possession pending -'pt of such evIdenos of lnauranoe. Further, if Lessee Is required to perform any other
conditions prior to or concurrent with the Start Dale, the Start Date shall occur but lessor may elect 10 wtlhhoId possession until such
conditions are satisfied.
4. Rent.
4.1. Rent Deftned, All monetary obligations of Lessee 10 Lessor under the terms of this lease (except for the Security
DeposR) are deemed to be rent ("RMIt").
4.2 Opentlng Expenee In_, Lessee shall pay to Lessor during the term hereof, In addition to the Base Rent, lessee..
Share of the amount by which all Operating Expenses for each Comparison Year exoeeds the amount of all OperatIng Expenses for the
Base Year, such excess being hereinafter ntfemtd to as the "Operating Expenee 1ncr....H, In accordance with the following provisions:
(a) "..... Veer" is as specified In Paragraph 1.9.
(b) "Compllriaon Veer" is dsfined as each calendar year during the tarm of this Lease subsequent to the Base Year;
provided, howewr, lessee .haIl haw no obIigstion to pay a .hare of the Operating Expense 1___ applicable to the first 12 months
of the Lease Term (other than such as are mandated by a governmental authority, as to which government mandated expenses Lessee
shall pay lessee's Share, notwilhslanding they occur during the first tweJw 12 monlhe). Lessee" Share of the Operating Expet)se
Increase tor the first and lest Comparlaon Years of the lease Term shell be prorated according to that portion of such Comparison Year
as 10 which lessee is reaponsible for a ahare of such increase.
(e) "OpentIng Expen_H Include all costa incurred by Lessor relating to the ownership and operation of the Project,
calculated as if the Project was at taast 95% occupied, including, but not IImRed to, the IaIlowing:
(i) The operation, repair, and maintenance in neal, clean, safe, good order and condition, but not the replacement
(see subparagraph (g)), of the following:
(as) The Common Areas, including their 8urfaoes, OCMtrlngs, decoralille llema, carpets, drapes and window
cowrIngs, and including parking areas, loading and unloading areas, trash areas, roadways, skIewalks, walkways,IlaIIWlIYS,.parkways,
drlwways, landscaped areas, striping, bumpera, irrigation systems, Common Area lighting facilities, bulldlng exterIons and roofs, fences
and gales;
(bb) All healing, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical systems, life safely equipmenl, communlcalion systems
and other equipment used in common by, or for the benefit of, lessees or occupanta of the Project, incluclng elevators and escalators,
tenant directories, fire detection systems including sprinkler .ystem meintenance and repair.
(ii) Trash disposal, janitorial and security services, peal control services, and the costa of any anvironmeniel
(iii) Any other service to be provided by Lesaor thai is e1l8Whera In this Lea.. ataIed to be an "OperatIng Expense';
(Iv) The cost of the plllmiums for the Il18uranoe policies maintained by Lessor pul'8U8l1t to paragraph 8 and any
deductible portion of an Insured loss conceming the Building or the Common Areas;
(v) The amount of the Real Property Taxes ~ by LeSlor pursuant to paragraph 10;
(vi) The cost of water, sewer, gas. electricity, and other publicly mandated aervlces not sep8l8leJy melered;
(vii) Lebor, salaries, and applicable fringe beneflle and costs, matarlals, 8upplles and tools, used in maintaining
and/or cleaning the Project and accounting and management fees allrlbutable 10 the operation of the Project;
(viii) The cost of any Capital Elcpenditure to the Building or the Project not OCMtred under the provisions of Paragraph
2.3 provided; howewr, that Lessor shall allocate the cost of any such Capital Expenditure over a 12 year period and Lessee shall not
be required 10 pay more than lessee's Share of II144lh of the cost of such Capital Expenditure In any gillen month;
(ill) Replacement of equipment or implO\l8ments that hlMl a uselullfa for accounting purposes of 5 years or less.
(d) Any Item of Operating Expense that is specifically attrtbutabte to the Premises, the BuHding or to any other builclng
in the Project or 10 the operation, repair and maintenance thereof, shall be allocated entirely to 8Uch Praml_, Building, or other building.
Howewr, any such ttem that is not specificaliy attributable to the Building or to any other buDdIng or 10 the operation, repair and
maintenance thereof, shall be equitably allocated by lessor to all buildings in the Project.
(e) The inclusion of the improvements, facilities and .._ set forth In Slbparagraph 4.2(e) shall not be deemed to
impose an obligation upon Lessor to either have said improvements or facilities or to provide those services unless the Project already
has the same, Lessor already provides the seNioss, or Lessor has agreed elsewhera in this lease to provide the same or some ollhem.
lItI8-l"'O:lO 11110:1
uopepony 8IW4SlI JWlIl8l4lnpul u8:llJllWY-886l 0
'8S881ll!1I1 10 oo!JllU!Wl81 JO lIOIllUldxe 8tIl 8I\fNns
IIllIIs putI '1UlIIll8IlIllR JOJPU8 _0188J '\JOfI8IP8W8l '1_8J .UOll"IlpS.....IIO lSOO &llI 'OJ P8llWU "" IOU I/Kl 'BpnFlUIII8IIS 'SIU_nbel::l
alllllClllddy lIlll .<IIP8lInbeI \IIIIlM pull .. '8Uof1BDgqo s,JOSS81 '8elMqdwa JO ll\Iletle SII 'JOlI881 jO lllI1PUo:lII!W JlllIlfM JO lIOlIeIlnlleu
I80IIl ilA .<II IllI8I*l ... IRIIM JO klu8dnooo S,~ 01 JOtJd SftIW8Jd lIlll uo P8JSP\IlIIOfllM seou8ISllIlS SI1OpJ8Z8H woq IIIllleJ IIOlIIM
'1lOfI8lJlllWllI jO J800 lIlllllulPlFlUl 'lIeIl8w8p lll\IlewUOJJAIHI118 pUB .we ISU!eIle pull WO/I SSlIIWI811 'SJepuel putI selWlldwB SlI '_al
PIOlj putI 8SJnqlUl8J 'plJlIIlIP '~uwepU! R8llS su6tsse pue SJOSSBOOns SI! pUB JOSS81 "U~y/UwepUI Jo..., (a)
'lu8WlllIJ6e IpI1s 10 BW!I
Billie 6UIllJM UI Jo.H1 .<II p88J8e os -<!llIQQ!Ollds ssalun 'sllOUBlsqns snoPJ8Z8H oll:>edsBJ IIIlM 8S881 B!1I1 Jepun SUO!Ie811Qo SII woJJ'
88SS81 eseal8J 11811S 88.81 pull Jo.S81 ~ OJUI pe.l8JU8 luew88J8e 8S8B1BJ JO uO!lellllOUll:l 'oo!leUIWl81 ON '8SB81 s!III 10 uoneu!Wlal JO
UO!I8J!dxe alllllo\!Alns II8I1B pue ~ JO/pue ooll1UOISBJ 'UO!le!P8waJ 'IB^OWBJ 'Uone6!1SMlI! 10 1S00 8tIl putI '88SS81 ~ pe.l8jjIlS JO
P8188JllIU8WUO/flWa alii JO 4led<ud 'uo.J8d OJ ,un'uI JO ooII8U,W8IUOO Mre jO SlO8Ua Bill 'OJ P811W1I aq IOU IMq 'BpnIOU! IlellS BUO!le6tlqo
s,88a81 ,(88SSlI1 ~ 01 PBlI1lllllUOO JO pesne:lIOU lll8!oJd alii jO aplSlno seaJe WOJI S8SIWBJd alii J9pUn It:lU8ISllns snopJeZ8H .we 10
oo!lBJ6tw punO/lilepun ol108dBeJ llIfM ....., Bflll Jepun ~lIlqBII ou MBlIllellS _allelll 'JM8MOIj 'pep!^OJd) ~d PJ!1II ~ue JO '_al
JOJ JO ~ S881W8Jd elll OIUO lIl8nOlq &:IUIII8llns sllOpJ8Z8H .we 6u!^ID^UI JO 10 Ino 6u!sfJ8 S8lIJ ,S1ullIInBUOO puB ,sMwolle pue 'B8!lIBUBd
'sesuedxe 'SWI8IO 'll\Ilew8pnf 's8tl!1!qen 'se8ewep JO/pue ll\IlBJ jO SSOI liB pue ~ue ISUle6e pUB WOI1 SSlIIWJ811 '~e I! 'JOSSllt pun0/6
pue SJ&pual 'seMoJdwe 'SIUeIle SII 'JOSS81 PlOII pUB pualep '~uwepU! 11811s eassel "lIOtpIlIy/ulUllpUl -., (P)
'~Bd PJIIII ~B JO 'eass81 JOj JO ~ '8S881 1!1II 10 Wl81 8tIl 6ullnp 88BfWBJd alii 0100 11I6noJq
8OU8ISqns snoPJ8Z8H ~e 1lu!iII0IIU1 JO 01 8ulUfIllJed JO '-81 ~ 01 pall1ll!lluOO ~IIBII8Iew JO pasneo SBM IBIII 'se!IJedO/d 6ulloqll6tau
JO SftIWBJd alii 10 6u1l0lfU0W JOJPU8 ~n:l8lI 'eoueuelUlBw alii JOj pue '10 uOlIeulWll\IlOO ~e jO dnueelO alii JOJ 'pe.lrnbeJ JO pe.llIPJO
-<!18WJOIIOU JO JIlIjIllIIM 'papuewWOOllJ ~08B&J UOIlOB ""P8WBJ JO/pUB ,uOJe6!IS8^Ul 118 8>181 puB S1U8W8Jlnbel::l 8JlllI:l!Iddy RB IIIlM
~ 'esuedxe I,~ 18 '~WOId IlBIl8 putI (w_s _ ,u1!J!UBS JO 6u!qwl11d alii 1I6nOJlII6l1!PIlJOuO seS!WBJd allllOOqB JO 'Jepun
'uo 'UI P8SS8I8J JO P8ll1ds eq 0lllOll8lSqns SI1OpJ8Z8H ~ue IIWJad JO asneo IOU lIellS -1 "uO!IlIIIl8UI8tI -., (0)
'BOU8ISqnS snoPJ8Z8H 1I0nl 10 eouesBJd 8tIl 6u!weouoo
88Ij II 'IOt1lM oo!l8luawnoop JalllD JO WI8IO 'eonou 'IJodBJ ~ue 10 ~ e lIIIM Jos.., ap!^Old pUB 'Jo.H1 01108J IIOMS 10 BOnoU ual1!lM
llII!6 ~1llP8WWI II8I1S a8SSll1 'JOftll1 .<II 01 P81UBSUOO ~sno!^8Jd sa uelll JalllO 'S8S!WBJd Bill JOOqB JO Japun 'UO 'UI P8JBOOI eq 01 &woo
s811 aOU8J8Clns sn0pJ8Z8H e l8llI '-lIeq 01 esneo BIq8UoseeJ sell JO 'SMOU~ 88SS81 II "_, UUOjul 0,.iplCJ (q)
'lIsodeo ~noes 8lllliutsHJou, JOjpU8 (S1UllW8SBOU8 al8lOuoo se
1jonS) SUO!l8O\llPOW "^lIOBlOId jO (llOfIelJ!lW8I JO UO!I8Jldxe 8S881 BJOJBq JO UO IlWlWBJ puB) lIO!I8l181SUI 8llI 'at PBIIWIIIOU I/Kl '6ulpnloUI
'~lIqBlI JOjpUe ,unful 'oo!J8UIWSlUOO 'a8ewep 1SU!8lle luewUO/I~ Bill JO/puB sellWllJd 811I 'o!Iqnd Bill '"""" I08100d 01 JIJeseeoeu sweBp
,<jqBU0888J Jo.H1 BB S8OU1IInne I8\lOlIIPPlIIjOns 6u!^!808l uodn asn BIQBJJOdel::l .we OJJUBSUOO SII uOfIIPUOO ~w J08B&1 'uO!IIPPe
Ul 'JDj8J8111 .<JtllqBlI .we 01 JOSSal esodxe JO a6ewep JO UO!leU!W8IUOO 10 ~s~ InjIlll!U88W ~U8 01 ~edOId 6ulloqIl6!8U JO sel!WaJd
Bill esodxe IOU I8llP puB 'een 8tC181Jodel::l 8 IOU Bf 'S1U8WBJlnbel:! BIQ80lIddv 118 lIIIM BOUll!ldwoo UI Bf esn lions se 6001 os 'S18I1BIBW
6utu881O PlDlluMOlj UOWWOO PU8 (":118 '81118 'Jadild Plnbfl 'JBUOI Jll!doo) sBllddns BOYlO ,ueuIPJO sellOMS asn p88J8V elll 10 _noo I8WJOU
Bill UI pasn "" 01 pe.llnbeJ ~BBBJ "'IIBIBW ,uBwOI8MO pUB ,ueu!PJo ~B asn ~w eaa81 '6u!OllBJDj 811I 6uIPUBlSllI!MION 'selIJadO/d
6U!loqllll!8u JO _,WBJd allllll/fklnooo JO 6u!l8JUa sU08l8d 01 u,,^!6 eq BO!IOU e lelll SBJrnbeJ _Inbel:! B1q80lIddV ~e 'IOtIlM 01
I08dsBJ lIIIM 8OU8ISqnS SlIOpl8Z8H 8 10 88BfW8Jd alii Ie BOuasBJd Bill (m) JO/pue '~DIII"e I81U8wwlIo\06 ~e 'lIIIM P8IU aq 01 pe.lrnbeJ S!
u81d sSBUIBnq JO UO!l8Jl81lleJ 'llOpOu 'IJodBJ 8 1IO!1IM Ol108dsaJ IIIlM JO 'WQ/I IIWled e 88J,nbeJ l8llI8OU8I8qns SI1OpJ8Z8H B 10 lesodslP
JO 'UOfI8lJodsUBJI 'un 'eIlBJOIS 'oolB_aod 'IlOfI8JBue8 alii (n) '~U81 B6BJOlS pUMOI6 MOleq JO lIo\OqB .we 10 esn JO UOfI81l8lsu! Bill l!l
ueew lIellS ...n alClIq.lOCleH. 'SJUllWBJlnbel:l8ICIllOflddv lie lIIIM (asuedxe s._, 18) 8OUll!(dwoo ,<jaw!l putI JOSS81 10 IUBSUOO UBIl!JM
Jo~d SBlIJdxe BIIIIOOllIfM S80U8J8qns SIlClplVZ1lH 10 asn BICl8lJodel::l e SBJIlI!lSUOO 1I00lIM _IWBJd 811I uo JO U! ~IIOB ~UB U! B6e1lua
IOU Il8l1S 88SSlI1 'j08Jalll SUO!108Jl JO BlOMPO/d-~ 'SJOMPO/d ~e JO 110 apruo JOJPU8 '8U!10886 'wnelO4ed 'IUDqJ8OQ/~ 'OJ P8l1wlI "" IOU
I/Kl 'epnjOUI ..lIS lllIOU1!JSClns SIlOpJ8Z8H ",u08lll MIIJ uowwoo JO aIMlelS BIq80lIddB .we JepUn ~ed PJ'III JO ~ue6e l1!JUawwlIo\06 .we
01 JOftll1 10 ~!lCl8I111I!IU8IOd JOJ BfBBq e 011) JO '~Olll"8 lll\Il8WuJlIo\06 ~UB ~ PBJOIIUOW JO P8181n5BJ (II) '88BfWBJd 811I JO IU&wUOlfIWB
8111 '8J1IlIIlM JO .lieJes '1IIl88II OIIqnd Bill 01 snollnfUI ,<j18!lU8lod (!) :Jallll8 sl 'lasrwBJd Bill uo eq 01 P81Ol1dxe Bf8!l8Iew J8IIIO lIIIM
oo!leulqwoo U! JO """" ~ -lIII8 '8S88IBJ JO 'uo!l8lJodsUBJI 'l8sods1p 'BJnIOBI"UBW 'esn '8OUBSBJd lISOlIM 81SeM JO 'BOU1!Jsqns 'lonPO/d
.we UBBW 11811s 8S881 sllII UI pasn se .80UlQ8qns .nop.I-H.. WJal alU ,ua.uoo 8Jlflbetl -n ....lq.IOdBII (e)
"lI8Oulq8qns 8fKlPJlIZ8H ;:"9
'asn P88J8V alii U! B6U81jo
alii 01 SUOIlOB'qo s~oss81 10 UO!leueldxe UB epnjOU! '1811" BO!lOU 1I0!1I^' 'BWBS 10 UO!lllOfP.IOU U8II!JM llII!6 IS8nbeJ 1pI11 J8J18 ~ep L UllIIlM
II8I1S JOSS81 'lUasuoo PJOlIllIfM 01 SJ08JB JOSS811l '8U1Plrns Bill 10 8OU8JeBddB JOIIBpea Bill JOlIIIB IOU IIlM JO/puB '6UIPllns Bill 10 swal~s
JBIIIO pue 'OV^H '1801I1081a 'IllOIUBIjOlIW alii JOlIII8 ~1_"^Pe IOU IIlM '6uIPllns 811110 S1U8WlIo\Q/dwl Bill /0 ~1le1U! I8JnlOlUlS Bill Jledw! IOU
IIlM awes 811I BB 8001 os 'esn p88J5v 8tIl jO UOfIIIO!IIpow 8 JOJ IIBnbeJ Ual1!lM ~UB OIIUBlUOO III ~Iep JO PlolIllllM .<t<!eu0888Jun IOU nells
JOlI881 'se!IJBdOId JO 88BfWBJd 6u!JOlllllljau 01 eIlBwep lasneo JO 10 Sluednooo sqll1l8!P IBIII JO '8OIIBS!nu B JO lIJS8M 'B68wep s8IeBJo
'1llJMlIlun S! lelll Jauuew 8 UI 88BfWBJd 8llI jO asn 8lllIIWlBd JO asn IOU 118111 88S881 'esodJnd J8IIIO ou JOJ pUB 'OIBJBIII Bi<fIlJBdwoo
,<jqBU088BJ SlllOllIM esn lellel _1II0 ~8 JO 'un P88J5v alii JOj ~IUO saslWBJd alii ~nooo pUB asn II8IIS 88S881 "esn ~.9
""0 "9
'asB81 S!1II Japun eass81 ~q pred eq 01 S8!uow ~e JOJ lu~dBJd eq 01 JO
ISBJ8JU! Jeeq 01 '1SIlI1 UI PIlIII eq 01 pBJep!SllOO eq 118I1SI!8OdB(] ~noes Bill 10 JJ8d ON 'JOSS81 ~ P8lIddB JO pasn IOU 1!8OdB(] .<JtJnoes Bill
10 uolIJod l8llI WnJ8,lII8llS Jo.S81 'MOJ&q (O)t'L 1Id8J8BJBd olluBnsJnd P8leoM ueaq lIo\BlI seB!W8Jd 8111 JBIIB s~ 01: UlllIfM UIMJBIIIO
pue 'IUBl::l P1Bdun 01 ,<juo IlsodeQ ~noes 811I ~dde 01 SJOBIlI JOSS81 I! 'aseal Bflll 10 UOIISUIWJBI JO UOIlBJldxB alii JBII8 s~ t ~ UllIIIM
.qunoooe 18JBue6 SII WOlj a""Bdes IIBodea ~noes alii ~ 01 PBJlnbllJ Bq IOU nell" JOSS81 'UOIIlPUOO 18fOUeu!l UI B6uBIjO 1pI11 UO
paseq 1"^8I 8tCI8U088BJ At18fOlllWWOO e 18 eq 011!8OdB(] ~noes Bill asneo olluB!O!IIns eq Il8l1S se JOSSBll11fM 88!UOW 1800lllppB IpI1s
IISodep 118118 -1 'paonPBJ .<Jtulllltllu6ts 'lUewIlpnf BlqBU088BJ S~OSSBl U! 'I! _8110 uOfIIpuoo 18!0U8UY &llI eIlUBIjO IIOMS 6U!M01I01
putI BS881 ll!1I1 6u~np SJnooo ~ jO IO/JUOO UI a8uellO e II .,000BlIllfnSaJ B sa .HIJIns ~BW SftIWBJd Bill '''11' Jeel pUll JBBM PeseBJOUI
~B JOI JUnoooe 01 'IU&W5pn! 8tCI8U0888J s~OSS81 U! 'AJesseoeu luapeB alii 01 I!SOdeO ~noes BIll eseBJOU! OJ 111611 alii ,,^ell 118l1S
JOSS81 'eeu6tsse JO lKIllS8JlIIIS e BlepllUJWOOOlI 01 JO 88.81 10 SSBU!Snq Bill U! B6U811O l8fJ8l8w e Bl8POwwoooe 01 P8puewe Bq BSn
P88J5v 811I PlnollS "1U81::1 ena 18l11UI 8llI 01 BJoq lISodeo ~noes le!llUI alii Ie IUBl::l eseS pas88JOU! lIIlI 01 uOfIJodOId Bwes Bill JBBq
sBWllll8le Il8l1S IlsodeQ ~lInoes 811I 10 IUnowe 18101 alii I8I11 os JOS881l111M sa!uow 18uOfIIppe I!sodep 'JOise, wOJj IS8nbeJ Ual1!lM uodn
'!l8US 89n8"1 'ACRII"1 tnlJ1ln uu., Atn flhllln" __........ 1I,B.1 .I!!Iol!'nro _.. II .__ ....... L... __n_I...... "'__u_ .._. _... __ u__..I__ r_______ _._~
(f) Investigations and Remecliatlons. Lessor shall retain the responsibility and pay for any investigations or
remediation measures required by gowmmental entities having jurisdiclion with respect to the exialence of Hazardous Substance8 on
the Premises prior to lessee's occupancy, unless such remediation measure Is required as a result of Lessee's use (including
'Alterations'. as defined In paragraph 7.3(s) below) of the Premises, In which lMlfIl Lessee shall be responsible for such payment.
lessee shsll cooperate fully in any such sctivities st the request of Lessor, Including allowtng lessor sncI Leaaor's agents to have
reasonable access to the Premises at reasonable times in order to carry out lessor's InwatIgatlII8 sncI mnedIaI responsIbIHtles.
(g) I.eHorTermJnatlon Opllon. If a Hazardous Substance CondtIon (_ Paragraph 9.1 (e)) occurs during the term of
this Lease. unless Lessee Is legally responsIlle therefor (In which cass Lessee shaH make the Inv8l11gat1on sncI rwmedIalion ther80f
required by the Applicable Requirements snd this leSle shall continue in full force sncI eff8ct, but subject to ,--,"S rights under
Paragraph 6.2(d) and Paragraph 13). lessor may. st lessor's option. either (I) ImI88tIgste sncI remediate such Hazardous Substance
Condition, If required, as soon as reasonsbly possible at lessor's expenaa, In which _nt lhIa leeH .han COlllIIue in full force sncI
effect, or (Ii) If the estimated cost to ramedlate such condition exceeds 12 times the then monthly Base Rent or $100,000, wh~r Is
grester, give wrilIen notice to Lessee. within 30 days altar receipt by Laaaor of knowledge of the occurrence of such Hazardous
Substance Condition. of lessor's desire to terminate this Laase as of the date 60 days foIowtng the date of such notice. In the _t
lessor aleets to gille a termination notice, Lessee may, within 10 days thereaftar, gille wrtttan notice to lessor of Lessee's commitment
to pay the amount by which the cost of the remediation of such Hazardous Substance Condition exceeds an amount equal to 12 times
the th.Ji, monthly Base Rent or $100,000, whlch_r Is greater. Lessee shall provide lessor wlth said funds or 8atilIfaclory assurance
thareof within 30 days 1oI10\V1ng such comrnllment. in such _nt, this Laase shaD continue In full force sncI effect, and lessor shall
proceed to make such remediation as soon as reasonably pos8lble after the required funda are available. If Lessee does not gille such
notice and provide the required funda or assurance thereof within the time provided. this lease shall termlnaIe as of the date specified
In Lessor's notice of termination.
6.3 ....... Campl.nee wllh AppIleeble Requlramentll. Except as otherwise provided In this lease. Lessee shall. at
Lass..'s sole expensa. fully, dillgenUy and In a timely manner, materially comply wlth .. Applicable RequIrements. the requirements of
any applicable fire insurance underwriter or rating bureau, and the recommendations of ~ engIMera and/or consultants which
relate in any manner to the Premises, wlIhout regard to whether said requirements are now In eff8ct or become effectMt altar the Stert
Date. Lessee shall, within 10 days after receipt of Lessor's written request. provide lessor wlth copies of all permits sncI other
documents, and other intormation evidencing Lassee's compliance with any Applicable Requirements specified by lessor, and shall
immediately upon receipt, notify Lessor in writing (wlth copies of any documents irlIIoiwd) of any thl_eued or actual cIalm. notice.
citation, warning, complaint or report pertaining to or involving the fallura of les_ or the Premisee to comply with any Appllceble
6.4 lnapactlon; Compll8nce. lessor sncILaaaor's .Lender" (as defined in Paragraph 30) and consullants shall h_ the
righl to enter Into Premises at any time, in the case of an emergency. end otherwise at reesonable times, for the purpose of Ins pee illig
the concIition of the Premises and for wrlfying compliance by les_ wlth this lease. Tha cost of any such Inepections shall be paid by
Lassor. unless s violation of Applicable Requirements. or a Hazardous Subetance Condition (_ paregraph 9.1e) Is founcI to exist or be
imminent, or the inspection Is requested or ordered by a g<MImmental authorfty. In such cue, lesaee .haIl upon request relmburae
lessor for the cost of such InspecIion. SO long as such lnapection Is reasonably related to the violation or contamlnellon.
7. Maintenance; RepllllS; UtIlity lnatall8tIone; TnI. FIxturea and AIWrslIon..
7.1 ....... Obligations. Notwithstanding lassor's obIIgaUon to keep tha Prem_ In good condllion sncI repair, Lessee
shall be reaponsIbIe for payment of the cost thereof to Lasaor as additional rent for that portion 01 tha cost of any maintenance sncI repeir
of the Preml.... or any equipment (wher8\I8r located) thet seN8ll only Lessee or the Premises, to the extent such cost Is attributebIe to
causes beyond normal wear and tear. Lassee shall be responsible for the cost of painting. repairing or replacing waD OCMIringlI. and to
repair or replace any ImplO\l8ments wfth the Premisas. Laaaor may, at ita option. upon reasonable notice. elect to h_ Less.. perform
any particular such maintenance or repalrs the cost of which Is otherwise Lessee's reeponsIblllty hereunder.
7.2 ~s Obligation.. Subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 2.2 (CondItion), 2.3 (CompHance), 4.2 (Operating
Expenses). 6 (Use), 7,1 (less..'s ObtigatIons), 9 (Damage or Destruction) sncI14 (Condemnellon), lessor. subject to relmburaement
pursuant to Paregraph 4.2. shall keep in good order. condition and repair the foundations. exterior we", structural condition of Interior
bearing walls, exterior roof, fira sprinkler system, fire alarm and/or smoke detection aystema, fire hydrants, sncI the Common Areas.
Lessee expressly waiws the benefit of any stafute now or hereaftar In effect to the extent tt Is Inconsistent with the terms of this Lease.
7.3 UtIlity 11I8lII11atlona; TnI. F1xtu,..; -'"-Ion..
(a) DefInitions. Tha term .Utlllty 11I8lII11atlona" refars to all fIClor and window OCMIringa, ail lnes, YlICUum lines, power
panels, electrical distribution. security sncI fire plOteclion systems. communication cabling, lighting fixtures. HVAC equipment, and
plumbing in or on the Premisee. The term "T11lde FIxlu,.... shall mean Less..'s machinery sncI equipment that can be removed without
doing material damage to the Premlses. Tha term .AIl8r8IIcIM. shall mean any modllIcatIon of the 1mpllMl/1llll1ls, ofhar than Utility
Installations or Trade FDCtures, whather by addition or delelion. ...... Owned Abratlon. IIIIA'or UlIIIty Inlllllllatlons" are defined
as Anerations and/or Utility Installations made by Lessee that are not yet owned by lessor purauant to Peregraph 7.4(a).
(b) eon-. Lessee shall not make any Alterations or Utility Instanstlons to the Prem_ without Lassor's prior written
consent. Lessee may, hOW8Wlr, make non-structural Utility Installations to the Interior of tha Preml8ee (exdudlng the roof) wlthout such
conaant but upon notice to Lessor, as long as they are not visible from tha outskle, do not II1YlIhM puncturing, relocating or removing the
roof, ceilings. floors or any existing walls. will not affect the electrical, plumblng, HVAC, and/or 11I8 eaIely ayatems, sncIlhe cumulatiw
cost thereof during this lease as extended does not exceed S2OOO. Notwithstanding the foregoing, lessee shall not make or permtt any
roof penetralilons and/or install anything on the roof without the prior wrilIen appfllYlll of Lessor. Lessor may. _ a p.-dtion to granting
such approval, require lessee to utilize a contractor chosen and/or approved by lessor. Any AltaraIiona or Utility Installations that
Lessee shall desire to make sncI which require the consent of the Lessor shell be presented to Lessor In wrtttan form with detailed plans.
Consent shell be deemed condilIoned upon lessee's: (i) acquiring all applicable gOllemmental pennIta, (U) furnishing lessor with copies
of both the permits and the plans and specIflcations prior to commencement of the work, and (111) compliance with an conditions of said
permits and othar Applicable Requirements in a prompt and expedtIous manner. Any AllalatlOllS or UtilIty Installations shall be
perlormed in a workmanllk8 manner with good snd suffICient meterials. lessee shall prompUy upon complelion fumlah lessor wHh as-
built plans and speclllcaIions. For work which costs an amount in excess of One month's Base Rent. lessor may condition Its con~
upon Lessee providing s lien and completion bond In an amount equal to 150% of the estimated cost of such Alteration or U/llity
Installation and/or upon Lessee's posting an additional Security Depoelt with lessor.
(c) llena; Bond.. ~ shall pay, when due, all claims for labor or materials furnished or alleged to have been
furnished to_or for Lassee st .or for use on.the. Premises. INhich claims are or may be. secured by any mechanic's or materialmen's lien
6611N"O:IO WHO:!
U0D8I:MlHY ~ Inlll814SnpuI U8:ljJaWV161U 0
JO lUl10WII 8Ill hi P8lIWR IOU 81 """'fM\ pull ........ Ipns 10 I""lJ8 8'l.I. 'u""e4 18U!86& palnBUl eq 01 pall"baI SlfJed e41 ollueP!OU!
JO JO lIIO llu!Ilm A\J8doJd III olll6'lw8p JO JO SlOt JOj 'JelllO lllll18ure68 se6ewep .HII\OOIIJ 011ll6u 811lU8 JflIIll 811[8'" plI8 'JelllO 841lWl!'81
pull 8888l8I ,(,q8I811 4CJIl8 -.., plI8 -., '88!P8W8I JO 8lIl6fJ J8410 ilus 6up:l8jJitlnollllM 'IIOplIIIoJqns 10 JeAll8M 9"9
"ewss 8111 UI8lUJslll pus 81l1OOJd
'01 pallnb8J eq IOU lrellS IIlll 'M\u ~ JelllO 841 'P, All P8!J.ll!:l 8q 01 p81lnbeJ 8oull.mSuI 81ll1J!1lIU!RW plI8 81nOOJd 01 I!1IIIIlll/S 41l1c:f J84P,8
II '-, SI ~4M ...., sllll JO WJ81 6u'U[8W8llllll JO 4)6uel 841 JO 'JseA 8110 _liS 10 WJ81 S JOj 8q \I1l4S n!O!JOd IpnS "PURW8p
uodn JOne, 01 -., hi 8JlIWd 8q IIlll/S IUnows 40!4M '_1 0110818411800 841 e6JS40 pus lIOUll.In8U! 40ns Jep.lO MlW JOSS""
JO '108I81ll [8M8U8J 6UlOUepll\8 "llJepUlq 8OUIIJf1SU!" JO S[8M8U8J 10 8OU8P11\8 4P,M JOSS81 4S!w"l 'selO!rod 400S jO UOflSJldxe 8111 01 JOfJd
sMlp Ot _, III 'IIIl4S -., 'Jone, OlllOflOU U8l1!JM JO!Jd sMlp OE: J811s ldeox8 UO~llO!l!POW ollOll!qns JO llIllSfllOU8O 8q \I1l4S klnod
4MS ON '80Ull.lnSUI pIl.I!nbal 841 JO S1Unows pUS llOue181xe 841 6uJOUep!M S81ll:l!mJllO JO llOUll.InSU! 400S JO 88""JOd 10 s,,!doo P8Jlll.laO
JOSS81 01 JllII!l8P '818Q IJ8lS 841 01 JOfJd 'I184S -., 'S8JO!JOd aOUll.lnSU! peJlnbal 8IIl seISP!JSIIUI 4O!4M 6U!41i1u8 8UOP eq OlllWJed JO op
IOU Ire4S 88SS81 "Jepu81 S hi pal!nbal eq MW IS 6u~1LI Ja4l0 40ns JO '.8prno BOUll.InBUI S,lll88. 10 enssllU8lJno !SOW a41 U! 4lJOj las
ss 'II '+S_' III JO"IluJlllk:l SJepIO\lkltJod lll.I-o. S WJ81 Aollod 8416U!Jnp 6UJU[8lU[8w plI8 'pelllOOI 818 seslW8Jd 8418J84M 811l1S 841
uI sseu!SI1Q lCSSUll.Il 01 P8\P.wps JO P&SlJ8;l!I ~np S8!USdwoo Aq eq I184S UlaJ84 p81!nbal llOUll.lnSUI ...,ollOcl eo_aul S"S
"81881 SI4I J8PlII1 SUO!lll6tJQO JO SUll!lll.ledo sseU!snq 'iluadOJd s,eass81 JlIiIOO 01 8l8nbeps 818 U!8J84 pe!J!08ds 8OUS,lnSUI 10
868_00 10 SWJOj JO SlIWII 84118111 UO\l1llU8S8JdllJ ou S8>f8W JOSS81 ..Ile.HtJ\oO 848nbepy 10 1IO~.1I ON (0)
"SIPed 40ns 10 IInS81 S IS seslW8Jd a41 01 sseoos 10 uo~ulWlJd 01 8IQ1IIl1Cl!JII8 JO -110 sssuIsnq a41
U! _I lueprud hllSU!1I6e palnsu! ~uowwoo Slued liS 01 aJQ81nqfJllS sBu!wea 10 SSOllOllJ!PU! JO lOlIJ!P JOI eessal 8SJrlQW!81 II!M ss
8lUnowe UlllOUlIJnSU! asuedxe 8Jpee PU8 8WOOU! 10 8801 U!IlIUfBW pu8 u!IlIqo 1184S 88SS81 'UondlW4qlll -18na (q)
"&:IIOj U! SI B:lUll.InSUI 40ns 11I41 8OueP!^8
U8llfJM 4lJM JOSS81 8P!JIQJd Ire4S eass81 'SUO~8118!SUI Aq,Rn PU8 SUO~l!J8IIV p8UM() 88SS81 pus B8J11lX!:! epll.l.l 'iluedOJd IIlUOSJ8d 10
IURWeoeld81 8111 JOj eess81 hi peen eq I184S lIOUll.InsuI 40ns AU8 WOJI spe80QJd 841 "80U8JJnooo J8d 000' L$ peeoxe 01 IOU JO 8JQ~npep
8 4lJM 86ll.1l1i1OO lSOO \U8weoeld81 IJIll aq 1184s IlOUlIJnBU! 40nS 'sUO~81I8l8UI Aql~ pUS SUO!11LI811\f peUM() -., pUS 'S8JnlX!::f
SpllJ.l '41edOJd 18UOSJed S,8"" 10 118 UO 86ll.18A00 BOUll.InSU! U!8iUI8W pUS U!IlIQO 1Jlll/S 88SS81 'elieWIIQ ~o.ad (8)
'eoU8JnaUI UolldlWlllUl _,ana :~o.ad ..-1 l"S
...., S!4110 SWJ81 841 Jepun JOn&110 iluadOJd 841 8Wooeq 184 UO~S8nb U! W8" 8IIl s88Jun SUOD8II1l1SUI Almln PU8 SUO~ll.I8l1\f
P8UM() 88SS81 8Jnsu! 01 pIl.Irnbal eq IOU lIIl4S JOS881 '4Ied 6ufJnsu, a41 S! Jone, BOUts '~WI s.-l (p)
'S8S!W8Jd 81ll
10 Aouvdnooo JO esn 'SUOplllfWO '8lOll S,eess81 All p&sRl!:l S! 8S88JOU! PISS II I08!OJd 841 U! sBU!P11nq JelllO JO S811J\f UOWWOO 841 JOj pUll
6U!PlrnS 84110 8OUll.InsuI ~d lllll JOj swn!w8Jd 841 U! SSllaJOU! AU8 JOj Mid IlIl4S 8ane, 'RSJW8.Id l1*I"PY (0)
"POfJed 41UOW (; L peeu 841 JOf '-., All 8JQ8Aed esJMl8lllO IU8~ P8J:l8!oJd 841108U8J 01 ~I8nUUS P8l8"!pe eq I184S e6lIJ8AOO JO lunowll
a41 pUll 'esnBJO lIOU1l.IRSUJOO AU8 JO I18!I U! uO!SJIIOJd UO!I8nJll^ pe8l68 Ull U!IlIUOO lre4S 8OUll.Insul P!8S "<"eoU8JnSUI enlll/\ 11QII8~..)
IMp 08 L leuolllPPB US JOj AqUUJ8PUJ JO POfJed pepuepee us 4lJM JlleA suo JOllU8~ II"l e41 JO 8801 841IlUfJnsUJ 'J8pu81 Aus pull JOSS81 01
8JQ8Mld 88014lJM Jone, JO ewsu 81ll U! s8!O!JOd JO AOflod 8 &:IIOj UI dee~ pus U!8lQO OSllll184S Jone, 'en'll^ IIlIU8lI (q)
'BOU8JJROOO J8d 000' L$
peeoxe IOU 1184S IUnowe 8JQ~pep e41 'esn8JO 81q!)onpeP II S84 e6eJ8Aoo BOUll.InSU! 4ons" 'P81llOOf 818 S8S!W8Jd 8\11 llJ84M 01!SllJ8aU
Aqo 841 JOj SJewnsuoo ulIQln 11'0' JOj xepUI 80fJd Jawnsuoo JOQ81lo IUawl.llldeQ "s'n P8l8n!p8 81ll U8II1 SSal IOU 10 JOIOlllll Aq lunOWll
8~ IlOUlIJRSU! 4IedOJd renUUll 841 U! 8S8llJOU! us 6U!8nllO UO!lOllIOJd p.I8n6 UORlllJU! pUS 'UO!I8llOJqnS 10 J811[8M 'esn81O BOUll.IRSU!OO
AU8 10 nail U! uo!SJIIQJd llOlIlIIlf8/I pe8l68 us U!8IUOO 0Sf8 1184S sa"",od JO AoIIOd P!8S 'SSOl p81lIiIOO II 10 IInseJ 8\11 IS seslW8Jd 84110
u~od AU810 lU8W8Ollld8J JO ~OO8J 'UO!l!JOwep '6u!pllJ6dn 841 6ufJ!nbal 8\U8W8Jlnbet:l 8IQllO!Iddlf AU8 JO lU8W8OJ0jU8 841 PU8
18AOW8I SfJq&p JOj e61L18AOO 6u!PI1JOU1 '(J8pU81ll hi peJ!nbeJ ssBlun 8~8nb4lJ8a JOlPU8 pclOfl jO SlfJed 841ldeoxe) e68wllP JO ssol ~d
lOlIJIP 10 SlISfJ IIIl18U!lIflllllJnSIJ! IIlll/S 88!01JOd JO AOflod 40ns 'el8fJdOJdde AIIIl!OJawwoo pUll 8Jl111\fll^ll S! 86ll.1l1i1OO 84111 'l"S 4dllJ6ll.1lld
J8pun 88SS81 All pamsuI eq 1J84S 41edOJd IllUOSJed s,88SS81 pUll 'S81nlXI~ epll.l.l 'SUO\l1l1llll8UI Aqum pull SUORllJ8lI\f peUM() eess81
"108I8418nl8l\ 8JQll.1nsuI8JQ8I!8I\lI pu8 81QllU0S881 ~Ill!OJ8WUJOO a41 Ull418J0W lueM au U! Inq 'Jepuel ilull Aq P81!nballUnoWll841 JO 'aw~
01 awR WOlJ l8llC8 IlIl4S awes 841 18 '\08!OJd JOlPus 6u!P!!ns a4110 ISOO IU8W8Oll1dllJ IInl 841 ollllnbe eq I184S 8OUllJnSU! 4O"s 10 lunOWll
e4.1 'lOll!OJd JOjpull6UJPllng 8\11 01 a6swep JO SSOl 6ufJnsu! J8pU81 AUll 01 pus 'JOS88\1lunOJ6 AU8 'JOSS81 01 81QllMd 8801 41"" 'JOSSal
10 aw8U e41 U! BOU8JnSU! JO S8JO!JOd JO klllod 8 &:IIOj U! d88>l PU8 Uf8lQO 11841 JOSS81 '_dWI PU8 IIu,Pllna (ll)
'.nIS^ IBlU811 PU8 lqUBweMUdWI '6UIPllna - _8JnSIll ~d t.S
'U'8J8II1 P81nsu! IIlUO!1!PP8 U8 18 peweu eq IOU lIIl4S aass81 '88SS81 All P8UIIlIU!llW 8q 01 P81Inbal 8OUll.InsuI 841 '10 na!1 UI
IOU PU8 '0\ UO\I!PP8 UI'(8)(;"S 4dllJll8J8d U! peqfJOSap 18 eoull.Insu! Aq!!Qll" U!8IU!8W 1J84S JOSS81 'JOSW1 Aq P8!JlllO (q)
SS8OlC8 pal8pJSUoo eq 11Il4S BOUlLInBU! 8S04'" 'JOSS81 Aq pefJJ80 aou8Jnsu! J8!!WIS ilull 4lJM ^'OInQPlUOO IOU pus 01 ^,8wfJd 8q IIS4S
88SS81 hi p&fJJl!:l8OUll.lnsu! 11'0' 'J8pun&J811 uonll6tlqo ilu8 108essel 8A8118J JOU -110 Al!P.CJ8!' 841 I!WII 'JlWlM04 'IOU 11Il4S IlOUlIJnsu!
P!8S JO SIlWII 841 "8S881 8141 J8pun suope6,JQO AqUWepU! S,88SS8110 lIOU8WJOfJad a41 JOj .J08J1UOO pelRSUI. US 18 88881 S!41 J8pun
pewnsse AqllQllII JOj e6lIJ8IIOCl 8pI1JOUI IlIl4S IIlll 'suO~IIZlue6Jo JO SUOSJ8d palnsu! ue8M18q S8 SUOJlTlJOX8 palnsU!-ll.llU1 AU8 UI8lUOO IOU
11Il4S AOfJOd 8'l.I. '81Y 81\11104 II WOlJ S8W"l JO 8lI0WS '18811 hi pesnllO 8611wep JOI",U8W8SJGpu3 UOJSllJ0X3 UOpnllOd a41 JO IU8WPU8W\f.
841 UflllUOO plI8 ...ueWBSJGpu3 S8S!W8Jd JO SJOSS81 JO SJ868U8r/-pllJnSUI IllUO!l!PP\f. U8 'ooo'ooo'~ U8\II 88B1 IOU 10 llle6eJ668
IIlnUU8 U8 4lJM llOU8IJROOO Jed 000'000' L$ U841 _I IOU Iunowe US U! e6lIJlIiIOO l!WII el6u!s 6u!p!^Old SJS8ll eoU8JJROOO UII uo aq
lIIl4S llOUll.InsuI 4O"S 'O\8J8411U_l.Indde S88JII Ire pus seslW8Jd 84110 llOUeuelU!8W JO Aousdnooo 'esn 'dlljlUeUMO a41 JO 100 6u!8fJII JO
uodn peseq a6ewep iluedOJd pus Nn!U! lIluOSJed 'Nn!U! -<"poq JOj SW!810 Isule68 p&JnSU! 18UO!I!PPll U8 18 JOSS81 pus _, 6uPIOJd
BOUll.In8U! 10 ~Iod Aq"qan Ill.I-O llI!OJRWWOO II &:1101 U! d88lf pUll UIBlqo IIll4s eassel .~ Aq ~SO (ll)
'8OU8Jnsul AlIII"sn (;'S
'Cq)(;"S 4dllJ6eJ8d Jepun P81noOJd
000'000'(;$ jO SS8OlC8 U! a6llJlIiIOO llOUll.InSU! Al!!!Q811 01 8JQ8ll1qfJllS 1900 wn!w8Jd a41 10 u~od ilu8 JOj aJQ!8uodB8J aq -., 1184S
'J...1I\04 'lueM OU UI "lOll!OJd JOjpull 6uIPllns 841 JO BlQlssod esn 18U!WOU lBOW e41 6u!wnsss '811l(] IJ8lS 84110 18 llOUIIJnSUI pallnbeJ
e41 JOj 8JQ8l111l1QO -<,QllUOIl88I wn'W8Jd renUU8 _01 e41 8q 1184S wn!w8Jd eseq 841 U8IIl 'JeeA 8",\& e41 10 ~_ a41 JOj palnSU!
IOU IBM \08!OJd 84111 "6uIPllns 841 JO lU8U8l J8II1O AU8 JO Aousdnooo 84110 8JIlleu a41 WOJI BumnsllJ "S8S8lIJOU! WnlW8Jd AU8 epnlOU!
IJBMA'\OU "!O'.J IIR~ mltt'Y\ 1'\tD~ 'IIODA"III A'lDI 111"IIIIAlrI usU!L1I8R e I^II''UIB "._1ft, , '^_._ 1Fl:........._ 1.._..._. . _._ .-. .._..___~ ___._...
insurance carried or required, or by any deductibles applicable hereto. The Parties agree to have their reapectlve property damage
insurance carriers waive any right to subrogation that such companies may have against Lessor or Lessee, as the case may be, so long
as the insurance is not invalidated thereby.
8.7 Indemnity. Except for Lesso(s gross negligence or wilWul misconduct, Lessee shalllnderMlfy, protect, defend and hold
harmless the Premises, Lessor and its agents, Lesso(s master or ground lessor, partners and Lendats, from and against any and all
claims, loss of rents andlor damages, liens, judgments, penalties, attorneys' and consultants' faes, 'lIlCpeI1NS andIor UabilllIes arising out
of, ImIOlving, or in connection with, the use and/or occupancy of the Premises by Lessee. If any acIIon or procaedlng Ie brought against
Lessor by reason of any of the foregoing maners, Lessee shall upon notice def8nd the same at Lessee's expense by counae/ reasonably
satisfactory to Lessor and Lessor shall cooperate wllh Lessee in such def8nse. Lessor need not have first paid any such claim in order
to be defended or Indemnified.
8.8 ExempUon of LHsor from liability. Lessor shall not be liable for Injury or damage to the person or goods, wares,
merchandise or other property of Lessee, Lessee's employees, contractors, irlllltees, customeIs, or any othar parson In or about the
Premises, whether such damage or injury Is caused by or results from fire, stllam, elactlicity, gas, walIIr or rain, or fnlm the breakage,
leakage, obstruction or other defects of pipes, fire sprinklers, wires, appfilUlC88, plumbing, HVAC or IIghIIng IbcIures, or fnlm any other
cause, whather the said Injury or damage results from conditions arising upon the Premises or upon olher portions of the Building, or
from other sources or places. Lessor shall not be liable for any damages arising from any lICl or neglect of any other '-nl of Lessor
nor ~a failure of Lessor to enforce the provisions of any other lease in the Projact. NotwIthstandIng Lesso(s negligence or breach
of this Lease, Lessor shall under no circumstances be liable for Injury to Lessee's business or for any Iosa of Income or profit therefrom.
9. Dalllllge or Daslructldn.
9.1 Daftnltlon..
(a) "Premise. Partlall Dalllllge" shall masn damage or destruction to the impRMll1l8l1ls on the Premi_, other than
Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Instalations, which can reasonably be repaired in 3 months or less fnlm the date of the damage
or destruction, and the cost thereof _s not exceed a sum equal to 8 month's Baae Rent. Lessor shall notify Lessee In writing within
30 days from the date of the demage or destruction as to whether or nol the damage Ie Parti8l or Total.
(b) "Preml_ TcIflIl DaatrucIIon" shall mean damage or destruction to the ImpIll\l\ll'n8nla on the Premises, other than
Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility InataIIalicns and Trade Fixtures, which cannot reasonably be repaired In 3 months or less from the
date of the damage or destruction and/or the cost thereof exceeds a sum equal to 8 month's Baae Rent. Lessor shall notify Lessee In
writing within 30 days from the date of the damage or destruction as to whether or nolthe damage ill Parti8l or Total.
(c) "Inaunad Loa" shall mean damage or destruction to implll\l\ll'n8nla on the Premises, other than Lessee Owned
A1terstions and Utility Installations and Trade Fixtures, which was caused by an avant required to be covered by the insurance described
in Paragraph 8.3(a), irrespectiw of any deductible amounts or CO\I9I8ge Omits inwlved.
(d) "~Cost" shall msen the coat to repair or rebuild the ImplDll9menls owned by Lessor at the time of the
occurrenca to their concition exiating immediately prior thereto, including demolition, debris remowl and upgrading required by the
operation of Applicable Requirements, and without deduction for depreciation,
(a) "Haunlou. SUbstance Condition" shall mean the occurrence or dI8COV8ry of a concIIlIon Involving the presence
of, or a contamination by, a Hazardous Substance as defined In Paragraph 6.2(a), In, on, or under the Premisas which requires repair,
nsmedlation, or restoration.
9.2 Partlall Damage. In.unad Lo... If a Premises Partial Damage that is an Insured Lolls occurs, then Lessor shall, at
Lesso(s expense, repair such damage (but not Lessee's Trade Filltures or ~ Owned AlteratIons and UlIIIIy lnata/Iations) as soon
as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and eIfacl; provtded, howaver, that l.esue shall, at Lesso(s election,
make the repair of any damage or destruction the total cost to repair of which is 55,000 or ;-. and, in such avent, Lessor shaI make
any applicable insurance proceeds awiiable to Lessee on a reasonable basis for that purpose. NotwIthstancIng the 1onIgoing, If the
required Insurance was not in force or the Insurance proceeds are not sufficient to eIfact such repair, the Insuring Party shall promptly
contribute the shortage in procaeds as and when required to complete said repairs. In the -m. howaver, such shortage was due to
the feet that, by reason of the unique nature of the impro\l9ments, lull replacement cost Insuranoe coverage was not commarciaJly
reasonable and awiiable, Lessor shall have no obfigatlon to pay for the shortage in Insurance proceede or to fully restore the unique
aapects 01 the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor wIIh the funds to cover same, or adequate -..ranoe thereof, wIthln 10 days
following receipt of writlen notice of such shortage and reqU8al therefor. W Lessor ~ said funds or adequate lISIIUrance thereof
within said 10 day period, the party reaponsibIe for making the repairs shall complete them as soon as -.ably posaIbIa and this
Lease shall rernaJn in full force and effect. If such funds or assurance are nol receill9d, ~ may naverlhslsas eIacl by written notice
to Lessee within 10 days thereafter to: (i) make such restoration and repair as is commercially nta8OI1abIe with Lessor paying any
shortege In proceeds, in which case this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, or (II) have this Lease tarmlnate 30 days thereafter.
Lessee shall not be entilled to reimbursement of any funds contributed by Lessee to repair any such damage or deaIruclIon. Premises
Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subjact to Paragraph 9.3, notwithstanding that there may be some Insuranoe
cO\l9rage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shaH be made avaiiablalor the repairs W made by either Party.
9.3 Partial Dalllllge - Unlnaunad Loa. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Lolls occurs, unlass ClIused by
a negligent or wilWuI act of Lessee (in which _nt L_ shall make the repairs atl.esue's expense), Lessor may either. (I) repair
such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor's _nse, In which avent this Lease _ ~ In full force and eIfact, or
(ii) terminate this Lease by giving written notice to Lessee within 30 days after ~pt by Lessor oflcrtcmllsdge of the occurrence of such
damage. Such lermination shall be effecIive 60 days following the dale of such notice. In the avent Lessor elecIs 10 terminate this Lease,
Lessee shall have the right within 10 daya alter receipt of the termination notice to give written notice to Lessor of Lessee's commllment
to pay for the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satIsfacIory
assurance thereof within 30 days aIIer making such commitment. In such tMIIIllhis Lease shall oontInue In full force and eIfact, and
Lessor shall proceed to make such repairs as soon as reasonably peeslble alter the required funds are available. If Lessee does not
make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in the tarmlnatlon notice.
9.4 TcIflIl Destruction. Notwithatanding any other provision hereof, Wa Preml_ Total DestructIon occurs, this Lease shall
terminate 60 days following such Destruction. If the damage or destruction was caused by the gross negligence or wilWuI misconduct of
Lessee, Lessor shaH haw the right to recover Lesso(s damages from Lessee, excapIlIs provtded In Panlgraph 8.6.
9.5 Dalllllge Neer End of Term. If at any tlma during the last 6 months of this Lease th_ Is damage for which the cost to
repair exceeds one month's Base Rent, whether or not an Insured Loss, Lessor may tarmlnate this Leaae efI8ctIII9 60 days following the
datil 01 occurrence of such damage by giving a wrillen terminatton notice to Lassee within 30 daya aIIer the datil of occurrence of such
~ama.ge. ~o~iIlg the foreoo!!l!l' ,if ~ ,a~ Ihal~~ has ,an ~~. optio~..to ~ ~ ~ or to ~rchase the
....~"O:IO IIl1O.:1
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'lU8J P8l8l11Pe P8tflIlllIlO8 8LlIIO %0 ~ ~ 01 pesll8JOU!
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peMlJddeun 'IO"S 111811 01 SlO818 JOSS81II 'pofJed lIOBJ6 pu8 8O!IOU ~8 10 ~SS_U 8l(llIIOlIIlM l1088J9 81Q8JII:lUOU 8 JO '(0)1'&1
ljdeJ6BJed Jed e:l!lOU Jell8 8IQ8JOO MIl1IIBO 8 eq 'uopdo s~osse, 18 '1I8llS Iuesuoo InollMM 6u!IIeIQns JO luewu6!SS8 uv (p)
'seidfouIJd IluAUnoooe pll\deo:le A!1",sue6 Jepun pe4811Q8I88 (SJOIUVJvn6 U 6UlpnlOXe) _., 10 l(IJOM IVU elll
U88W 11B4s ..-.., 10 IAJOM~.. 'IU88UOO 8M PtOlIlIIlM ~W JOSS81llO!4M 01 88881 8!1(I10 lUewu6!sss U8 peJeplSUOO eq 11811S 'J8111eJ6
S! JO S_ JlWl4Ol4M 'UOIIOfl1l8l 'IO"S lIunnlnauoo 8UO!1088U8J1 JO UOIl'lllSUVJI P!8S 01 JOIJd ~I8IV!pewW! SIB!"e P. 88 JO 'peIU8SUOO 884
Joss., 4'lI1IM OllU8wu6!sss IUe:l8lI8OW e4110 ewy e4118 JO e88., 8111110 uonnoexe e4110 8W!1 81(1 IV PBIU8S8JdaJ SllM P. 88 41J0M leN
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JO ssv., S!1ll10 UOIl8OB1l1o~ JO luewu6fS88 I8WJOj e IOU JO J8l(I84M '(esfMJ91ll0 JO 1/10-~nq pe6"'llI\9l 'J9j8U8J1 'llu!Oueuy 'uoy",!nboe
'9188 'Je6Jew 10 ~M .(q) suoYOSSUBJllO 89!J98 JO 'UOYOllSU8J1 ~v U! _v "p. JO _., jO IU8UJll11lO11U! "4.1. (0)
'esodmd S!IlI JOj IOJIUOO U! eBueIlO 11 ","l!Isuoo 1181ls 88SS9,
10 IOJIUOO 6uyOll 8LlI10 8J0W JO %~ jO 's",vq llI\A8Inwno 11 uo 'JlIjlIUBJI e4J. 'IUesuoo 6uIJ!nbeJ luewu6fS88 UB 9IJlI!I8uoo IIB4S _, 10
IOJIUOO e41 U! ellu8110 v '96usllOxa lfOOIS IBU0A8U 8 uo peP"'1 ~1O!lQnd "I >POlS 8M pUV UOAlllOdJoo v II! 888S81 nllfun (q)
'IU8SUOO U8IIIJM JO!.ld ~OSS81l/llllPlM 8911!W8Jd 8LlI U! JO 881181 S!I(I U! lS8JelU! S.-81 jO lJed ~ JO lIB I8IQOS JO (,,tuewu6,..e
JO uO,..... 'AjllIInoeIlOO) Jeqwnoue JO eIlslllJow 'J~ 'U6!SS8 MSIIO UOABJ.do ~q JO ~IIJVlUnIOllIOU II8\lS -81 (v)
'JllUlnbelf ....110O ..-.., l'in
15U~lllns PU8lUBWUlitssy '(:~
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J!8d8J '1U8P!008 'UMOplf88Jq '9l/ldsp JOQ1II 'elIIJIS 'IOIJ 01 anp B:l!/IJ.S JO ~Inn ~ll jO &:lIJllnUAU008!p JO UO!ldnJJ8IU! 'e6eddolS '~enb&pvu!
81(1 JOj JlWlOSlll4M l'ledSllJ ~ll U! elQ8!1 eq IOU 11848 JOSS8, pull IUBJ 10 IUeW81IlQ8 ou eq 11811" 8J84J. 'suopdlW9lUl S' ~ ~
'llu!peOI JO 868,," sseoxe s.888S81 01 llfII8O!lddll IluIJ9I8W 8lBJlld88
JO/PUlllU8wdfllbe l81Uewelddns esuedxe 11._" 18 n8l8U! 'UOY.JOS!P elOS 8M U! '~IIW JOSSIl"l '-81 .(q IIdBJllluedqns S!1ll jO l1088Jq
II 10 1/10 88!J8 ~8W 181(1 SlBOO JO sesuedx& SS90Xll ~ll JOj JOSS81l1QlnqW!8J 01 _, 8J!nbeJ 118118 Joss., 'I09[OJd elll JOj e681ln &oyjO
pJBPU818 JllIIO '8B:l!IIJ8S ll88J1 PUB ~1I:l8S 01 peP'W!lIOU 111<I 6u!pnpu! 'Se:l!IIJes JO SllfIIl!l/l 81(1 uodn lHlp.Inq llJlXlI _nllO IlllIll'l8 ~U8
p'WJed JO JlljjIlS JO 'J&MOd JO IluAll611 ~_ 8tI9OXlI _n IlIl(IlI8S!W8Jd el(ll/loqll JO U! 1U8Wd!nbe JO A19U!1pllW 8Sn JO II8ISU! IOU 1184S
PUB SIllfl/lO Iluyspce 48nOJIII JO .(q ide:lxe SllfIIIAO 9l(I 01 uoyoeUUOO elt8w IOU 1I11411 _e, '_.., Aq e88sn -XlJ v' ~ ~
'j08Jel(l1SOO elll jO JOSS81 01 Hn81 .(q IU9W88JnqW!8J pUB IsenbeJ eOUllAp8 OII09[qns 8q nllllS seWA J8l(1O III P8J!nbeJ sso!IIJes
PUB seYIIAn '(: ~'~ IIdBJllRred Ull(IJOj 198 88WA Ilu!Jnp pePfl\OJd eq IlBllS semlpn pUll 8B:l!IIJSS P!llS 'lIOIAJeS 10 8JnoH \:' ~ ~
'9O!IIJ88 P8J818W AIIU!of 'IO"S JOj se6J8Ip lIB 10 Josse, .(q p.U!WJel&P eq 01 uoyJOdOJd llfqBUOS1I8I II JO eJ84S S,_S81 J811l!e
'UO!ldo S~0888118 ~d IIllllS -., ....,WlIJd 81(1 01 P8J81ew ~181BJlldes IOU S! 9O!IIJ." lIOns pue \: ~. ~ IIdBJ6BJlld .(q pll\el&P S! B:l!/lJSS II
II 'UoeJ8Ill 88XllI U IllIM J8l(IlI8ot '98S881 01 JO lI8S!W8Jd 9l(I 01 A!llII!Snl0X8 peJlII.W JO/PUll P8!lddns ~lllII",nlOxe JO A!I8!OSds Se:l!IIJes
PUll seA!1!I/l JelllO pull .U04del9l 'JeMOd '1II6!1 '18.11 'sv6 'J.I8M 1111 JOS ~8d 11114S eesse, ......, 01 e^lsnpXlJ SIIO!AJ8S (:' ~ ~
.Ill U!lIIlM pepnlOU! S88JII ellllJO\S JO su8llOlPl 01 8B:l!11J9S IIIIJOI!UII! eplAOJd 01 peJ!nbeJ eq ......""4 'IOU 1/114" Josse, '~Il p. 'elnpe408
Ill!JOMUB[ P8ll0llll11 elll 01 IUllnSJnd JO 'WpnOH 6UIPllnS 6u!pnlOxe '~88M Jed S8WY S 888JV uowwoO pUll -,W.Jd elll 01 se:l!IIJes
18IJOp.uII[ &pfllOJd osre Il8IIs JOS881 '88JIIIXY pee4llll\O pJBPU8Is JOj S1s8Illlq pUll 88Q"I IU8088J0IIJI JOJPUII sqlnq 11I6!lluewlIOllld8J pue
'B:l!IIO UB III1M uoyoeUUOO UI een A10111A1l1 PUB IluptuIJp 18WJ0u PUB elQ8uoS1I8I JOj J81BM '8.U!408W eO!110 pull 6uYII6!1111WJOU JOI Ai!O!JI09le
10 S1UnOWII llfQ8U0S88J 'llu,llO!llpuoo JJ8 'UOJl8lI1U8/1 '6uyeell BP!^OJd 11B48 Joss., 'JOSSr1 Aq P8PI^llld SSOIABS ~'~ ~
'89OIAIlIS pUll -Rmm . ~ ~
'41edOJd s.888S81 OlllfqBo!lddll S8X81 8I(Il(IJOj 6u!118S IU8W8I8IS U8IIIJM 1110 id!l108J Jell8
Wp O~ UI\lIIM 41edOJd s.888S81 01 llfCI8l/lCIIJIIs8X8Ielll JOSSIl"l ~ed 11B411 _., '41edOJd I88J s~OSS81l11lM penesn eq IlBllS 41edOJd
Pres ....-, jO U II 'JOSSIl"l jO 4IedOJd 1881 el(l wOJj A!818J8des Pllfllq pUll pessesse eq 01 41edOJd lBuOSJed Jel(lO 118 pue Iuewdlnbe
's5u!411!WIlJ '88JnlXl.:l epllJJ. 'SUOY8118l8U1 ~UII1 pu8 suopBJellV p8UMQ e88881 SI! ssnllO 1!8411 888S81 'llfq!ssod u.4M 's9II!W8Jd
elll U! peu!8IUoo 888S81 jO 4IedOJd j1IU08Jed lIB pull lUewdtnbe 's6u!4S!UJIlJ 'S8Jnpc!~ epeJJ. 'SUOP8lI8lsUI ~IYn pUll sUOYBJ.IIV peUMO
eess., uodn pe!^91 pUll 18U1B68 pess_ _ lIB ~bll!l&P 01 JOIJd ~d 118118 -81 "'ll8J. AlJeclcud 18l108J11d S'O~
'"^,,,"IOUOO eq II84S '41!81 P008 U! '108l841 UOYIIU!WJ9I8P 81Q8UOS1I8l S~OSS81 'elqlll!llIIlI ~0S88J eq ~IIW S8
UOYIIWJOjUI JelllO 'IO"S JO S198ljS >\JOM S~ 81(1 UI peu6fS88 SUOYllnlllll llIIyo8ds.J e41 WOJl JOSS., .(q p8U!WJel&P eq 01 uO!lJodOJd
lions 'P8SSSS88 le:lIed XlII .Ill UI\lIIM pepnlOUI S1uewllllOJdw! pUll PUIlI e41 10 1/11 JOj S8X8.l 41edOJd Illel:! ellllO UO!lJodOJd elQ8l!nbe
Ull eq II8IIS Ilu!Pl!ng .Ill 01 P81SOOIIB ll9X8J. 418dOJd leel:! 'penes88 ~18I8Jlldes IOU S! Ilu,Pl!ng .1ll11 'lU9WSHSSy lUlOr 1"0 ~
'1S9nb8J S,lI8SS81l11 JO 888881 Aq -!WeJd el(l uodn p808ld SUOA8I18I8UI ~1!1n JO S8I1IIX!~ &pBJ.l 'SUOYBJeIlV 10
U08118J .(q ~I9IOS pessesss p. ll9X8J. 41edOJd 188l:! U! 8888J0U! ~V 10 Ai8Jyue .41 '(:'1' IIdBJ6BJ8d J&pun llfQII~ed 8J8 s8Suedx3 6uYBJedo
ewp ellllll JOSS81 01 ~d 'JllII9MOII 'lJllIl8l18SS81 'IOlIJe4 (:'O~ 4dBJ6BJlld 6u!PU8lSIll!MION '888SSllf J8IIIO 400SI0 IUew~!U9 eAISnloxe
9l(I JOj JOS881 .(q JO seessllf Jel(lO .(q ID8!OJd .111 uodn peollld S1UeweAoJdw! IllUOJllPPll .(q pesnso 6u!eq S8 Sl88llS >\JOM PU8 spJOO8J
s~osse"s8 XlII e41 U! pey!08ds 1I9XII.l4ledOJd IBel:! epnlOU! IOU 1!8411 8esuedx3 6uYBJedO '8lU8W9J\OJdwI18UOIIIPPV \:'0 ~
'(:'1' 4deJ6BJlld
10 "UOISf11OJd 9l(I lIIlM SOUllpJOOO8 ul sesuedx3 1lu!I8J.dO 10 UO!I8In:>t80 .11I UI pepnlOU! eq IIBII8 S1uew~d p!1I" pUll 'IOS!OJd 941 01
llfQ8O!ldde 8lIX8.l 41edOJd reel:! elll Md II8I1S JOSSIl"l '\:'0 ~ 4dBJ611Jlld U! pepfllOJd SSfMJ.1ll0 88 IdeoX3 '-X8J.IO IU9UIAIIcI GO ~
'uOlIJelll S1UlIWllIIOJdw! .1lI U! .6W40 II JO 10000elll uOYJod ~II JO l'l9fOJd e4110 d!48J.UMO 81(1 U! e6Ull40 II '01 pel!W!I
IOU Inq 6uIPnlOUI '-., II!I(IIO WJ81 8I(IIluIJnp llu!JJoooo S1UllIIelO UOn9J ~q pesodw! 'U!8J8I(I 8S88JOU! U JO 'e6.l1140 JO Iu.wssesse
'Mel 'lI9j 'XlII ~II epnlOUl osre 11848 ..S9X8J. AlJedGJd '-II.. 'P81I1:J01 "! l'l9fOJd 941 llO!4M U!41fM UOJI'l!PIl!Jn! II 10 1\I!J041nll 6UJXlII
18001 Jel(lO JO ~noo .~ elll.(q P8!lddll eq 01 8111 pel8Jeue6 os speeoOJd .Ill eJ811M pUll SS8JPPll109!OJd 0141 01 SOU8Jej8J 41!M pelBJsue6
9J'1 spul"" 9lI1 EPJflt.IN. PU13 X81 01 Je'-'Od I08JIDUI JO 1:18JIO aut fkJIADIJ .(lIInlnnD A'IID I." 'RII_' ..... _................ .___ .__.._ .u._..______
12.2 Terms end Conditions AppllC8ble to Assignment and SUblllltlng.
(a) Regardless 01 Lesso(s consent. no assignment or sublelling shall: (i) ba aIIacIMl without the express written
assumption by such assignee or subles_ 01 the obligations 01 Lelisee under this Lease. (H) relNH Lesue 01 any obligations
hereunder, or (ill) alter the primary liability 01 L_ lor the payment 01 Rent or lor the performanoe 01 any other obligations to ba
performed by Lessee.
(b) Lessor may accept Rent or performance 01 Lesue's obligations from any plIl8OI1 other than Lesue pending
approval or disapproval of an assignment. Nenher a delay in the approval or cIsapptovaJ 01 such assignment nor the aooaptance 01 Rent
or performanoe shall constnute a walwr or estoppel 01 Lesso(s right to lIJCIIrdse ne remedies lor Lesue's o.tault or Breach.
(c) Lesso(s consent to any assignment or subletting shaD not constftute a oonsent to any subsequent assignment or
(d) In the lMlnt 01 any DelauU or Breach by Lessee. Lessor may proceed directly against Lesue. any GuarentOlll or
anyone else responsible lor the performance 01 Leasee's obligations under this Le_. including any assignee or su~. without first
exhausting Lesso(s remedies against any other person or entity responsible therefor to Lessor. or any 88CUrity held by Lessot.
(e) Each request for consent to an assignment or subletting shaH ba in writing. accompalHd by Information *-nt to
Lesso(s determination as to the financial and operational responsibility and appropristenees 01 the proposed assignee or sublesaea.
including but not limned to the intended use ancLlor required modlficatIon of the Premlsea. II any. Lesue ag_ to provide Lessor with
such o1IIer or additional Information and/or documentation as may ba raasonably requested. (See also Paragraph 36)
(I) Any assignee of. or sublesses under. this Le_ shall. by reason 01 accepting such assignment or entering into such
sublease. be deemed to havif>assurned and agreed to conform and comply with each and ewry term. _ant. oondlllon and obligation
herein to ba observed or performed by Lesue during tha term 01 said assignment or suble..e. other than such obIigal1ons .. are
contrary to or inconsistent with provlsiOll8 01 an assignment or sublease to which Lessor h88 speclficaity 00IIMnted to in writing.
(g) Lessor's consent to any assignment or subletting shan not transf8r to the assignee or .Ib'Utra any Optlon granted
to the original Leases by this Lease unless such transfer Is specIIlcaUy consented to by llIssor in writing. (See Paragraph 39.2)
12.3 AdcItI_1 Terms and CondItIon. Applicable to Subletting. The following terms and concItlons shall apply to any
subleltlng by Lessee 01 all or any part of the PremIsea and shall be deemed included In an ~ under this Lease whether or not
expressly incorporated therein:
(a) Lesses hereby assigns and transfers to Lessor all 01 Leases's Interest in all Rent payable on any sublease. and
Lessor may collect such Rent and apply same toward Lesue's obligalions under this Lease; provided. how8v8r. that until a Bnssch shall
occur in the perlormanoe 01 Leases's obligations. Lesue may collect said Rent. Lessor shaD not, by nsason 01 the foragoIng or any
assignment 01 such sublease. nor by reason 01 the coDeclIon 01 Rent. ba deemed liable to the Sltllll." lor any flIIlunt of Lesses. to
perform and comply with any 01 Leasee's obligations to such subre-. Leases hereby ImMJOabIy authoriZes and dIr8CIS any such
subleases. upon ..-ipt of a written notice from Lessor stating that a Bnssch exI8II in tha perIormance 0Ila88M's obligalIans under this
Lease. to pey to Lessor an Rent dua and to baoome due under tha sublease. Sublessee shall rely upon any such notice from Lessor
and shall pay an Rents to Lessor without any obligation or right to InqUIre as to whether such BIRCh lIldsts, noIwithaI8ndlng any claim
lrom Lessee to the contrary.
(b) In the lMlnt 01 a Breach by Les_. Lessor may. at ne option. require su~ to attom to Lessor. in which lMlnt
Lessor shell undertake the obligations 01 the sublessor under such sublease from the lima of the lIJCIIrclsa 01 said option to the expiration
01 such sublease; provided. how8v8r. Lessor shall not ba liabla for any prepaid rents or aecurity dapOslt paid by such sublessee to such
sublessor or lor any prior Defaune or Breaches 01 such sublassor.
(c) Any matter requiring the consent 01 the sublessor under a subla_ shall also require the consent 01 Lessor.
(d) No subleases shall further assign or sublet all or any part of the Premisft wtthout lasso(s prior wrltten consent.
(e) Lessor shall deliller a copy 01 any notice 01 Delaull or Breach by Leases to the subIea.... who shall hlMI the right
to cure the DeIauU 01 Leases within the grace period. n any. specified In such notice. The subleasee sheD haw a right 01 reimbursement
and offset from and against Lessee for any such Defaults cured by the sublessee.
13. Deflluft; B.-ch; RemecI....
13.1 Default; B.-ch. A "Default" is defined as a failure by the Leases to comply wtth or perform any 01 the terms. covenants.
conditions or Rules and Regulations under this Le.... A "Breach" is defined as the occurrence 01 one or mora 01 the foIlowlng Delaune.
and the failure 01 Lessee to cure such DeIauU within any appUC8bl. grace pariod:
(a) The abandonrnant 01 the Premises; or the vacating 01 the Premlees without providing a commercially reasonable
level of aecurity, or where the coverage 01 the property Insurance described in Paragraph 8.3 is jeopardized as a result tharlIoI. or without
providing reasonable assurances to m1nlmlze potenllaJ vandalism.
(b) The failure 01 Lessee to make any payment 01 Rent or any Security Deposit required to be made by Leases
hereunder. whether to Lessor or to a third party. when due, to provide reasonable lIIIIdance 01 insurance or sunsty band. or to fulfiD any
obligation under this Lease which endangers or threatens IiIe or property, where such failure contlnuas lor a period of 3 business days
lollowing written notice to Leases.
(c) The failure by Leases to provide (I) reasonable written evidence 01 compIianoe with ApplIcable Requi_nts. (ii) the
service contracts. (IU) the rescission 01 an unauthorized assignment or subletting. (Iv) an E8kIppeI Cerllllcllle. (v) a requasted
subordination. (vi) evidence concerning any guaranty and/or Guarantor. (viI) any document requested under Paragnsph 41 (.-ants).
or (viii) any other documentallon or inIormaIIon which Lessor may reasonably require 01 Lessee under the terms 01 this Lease. where
any such failure oonlInuas for a period 0110 days foUowing wrltten notice to Lessee.
(d) A Delaull by Leases as to the terms. covenants. oontillons or proviliona 01 this LeaH. or 01 the rules adopted under
Paragraph 2.9 hereol. other than those dascribad in subparagraphs 13.1 (a). (b) or (c), aIleNe. where such DerauIt oontinuas lor a period
01 30 days alter written notice; provided. how8v8r. that lithe nature 01 Leases's Delaullls such that more than 30 days are reasonably
required for ne cure. then it shall not ba deemed to be a Breach II Leases commences such cure within said 30 day period and thereafter
diligently prosecutes such cure to completion.
(e) The occurrence 01 any of the following lMlnts: (i) the making 01 any general arrangement or assignment lor the
banefit 01 creditors; (II) baooming a "e1ebtor" as defined in 11 U.S.C. !i 101 or any SllCC8Saor statuI8 thereto (unless. In the case 01 a
petition filed against Leases. the same is dismissed wtthin 80 days); (ili) the appointment 01 a trustee or reoaIYer to take possession 01
substantially all 01 Lessee's assets located althe Premises or 01 Lea....s interest In this LeaH. where posesssion is not restored to
Lessee within 30 days; or (Iv) the attachment. execution or othar judicial seizure 01 subalanllally an of Lessee's _ located at the
Premises or 01 Laaaee's interest in this Leass. where such seizure is nol di8cherged wtthln 30 days; pnMded, how8v8r. in the lMlnt thet
any provision 01 this subparagraph (e) is contrary to any applicable law, such provision shaH be 01 no force or eIfact. and not aIIect the
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"as.., 8l1ll10 UO!lf108X8 &Ill 10 aWII &Ill I.
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U0S88J ~ P8lllUIWJlllIOU SI aS881ll!lIIl1ll1llUlIII8 8IlI ul "JOj8Jalll a!<leAed I! 1l0!1IM uOllllSUadwoo IIll PUll Aull DI pe!lllUa aq IIll11S lI8ss81
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8111 jO Alllllll UI UOflOOPeJ 811I DI uOIIJOdaJd UI paonpeJ 8q IJllll11U8~ 8See 811lllllll id8ox8 '6UIUlllWeJ S8S!Wald 811110 UOllJod 8111 01
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4O"S S8ljlll Al!Jolll". Ilu",W8puOO Sill lIISp Sill 10 .. a8881 S!41 SI.UIWJ81 (uO!Sl8SSOd U8ltllI -II II8I1S Alu04lllll 6UIUW8PUOO 8111
J81j8 eAep OL UllIl!M '8O!10U IpIlI jO 8OU88qll 8111 UI JO) 6u!lIllIllOnll0 8O!lOU UEIll!JM 88SI81 U8II!6l1o\1l11II8111 JOSS81 JEIIIll eAep Ol UlllP.M
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6u!uwspuoo 8111811lP 8111 jO .. U8ltllI1l1ld 8111 DI 18 811lU!WJ81118I1S 81881 SI41 '(..UORRUwepUOO.. AI8II!108IIOO) J8MDd PIllS 10 81l!OJlIXlI 841
10 1ll8J1II 8111 Jepun Plos 10 UI1lWop lU8ll!WS 10 JaMOO 8111 J8pUn U8~lll eJllID8J8111 UOIIJOO AUll JO S8ll!W8Jd 811111 'UOll1lUwepUOO "~L
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BUl^J8SeJ 'lI8od8Q Ai!Jnoas lIllI JO ~ asee ..IlIUOW BUD 10 JEIIll8JB 841 Dll8nba Iunowe U. paa:llC8 IOU Il8ljS 18SJlD lIOns 18lIl 'J8IIlIMOII
Jl8P!IIllld 'eJno lions WJCljJad 01 ISOO 81Cl1lU08ll8J pUll 18"lO1l 81111U8~ WCUll8llll0 PU1l 8lluedx8 S,lI8SS81 111 Ip88Jq PI8B eJno 01 lO8la
A1lW -., UlIllI 'UOfI8fdUlOO DI P. anSJnd AllU8BulP IOU op Aalll eJno PI.S paouswwoo Ilu!/llllll! JO '8O!IOU PI8B 10 IdfaoaJ J81j8 sAep Of;
UllIl!M ljOll8Jq pt1lll8Jno Jepu81 JOU JOSS81 JlIllII8U 11l1lllUlIII8 8111 UI 'JO.." jO IIlItIes 110 _.., ^" eQUSUlJOjJ8d (q)
"uoll1ltdwoo 01 penSJnd Apua8I11P JSIj8...8111 PUg PO!J8d AeP Of; 4D"8 UIIII"" peouSWWDO II! SOUllWJOjJsd
Po 1l000alq UI 8q IOU Il8ljS J08S81 U81l1 '80UllWJOjJad SI! JOj peJ!nb8J Alq.UOS.... 8Jll SARp 01: U.lII aJOW 1.1lI 40"1 S! UOlIllBllqo S,JOSSSl
10 ...meu Sill Po 11l1ll 'JlIII8M04 'P8PJIIQJd ~p8WJ0jJad ueaq IOU Sllll J0Sl8110 u0!Ill611qo 40ns UI8J811M 6ulAJpads 8OIIou U811!JM 10 'asod.md
ljOflS JOj 6Ufl1JM UI 88SI81 pellSlWllJ ueaq 81184 II811s SSeJppll PUg SWllU 8IIOIIM JapU81 AUll pus 'Jossal Aq Idf80lU J811S SAeP 01: U.II1
8881 8q W- OU U! II84S eWllllfq8UDSll8J . 'lldRI61lJ.d Slllllo I8SOd.md JO:! "JOSS81 ~ p8WJ0jJ8d sq 01 PeJ!nb... UOII.!lt1QO Ull WJOjJsd 01
SWII8!<l8UOS.8J 1l ullIlINI SJI8l Jossal SS8lun ...., SIIIIIO llOll8Jq U! p8waap aq IOU II.ljS JDSS81 '1pIIINB '0 8OfION (.)
'JOSS81 ^" 'P....S 9"1: L
'~'I: L IId1lJB8J.d U! JOj papf^OJd 8lil.4O el1lll.1IU8IOd 8111 OIIJO!llPP. UI 81qeAed sl ISeJ81UI
"Mlll ~ P8MDl18 811ll wnwpalw lIllI paa:llC8 IOU Il8l1s jnq wnuUll Jad %0 liD al1ll Sill I. P8IIldwoo eq 11841 pelil1l40 (~IUI..) IS...8IU!
811.1. "81UawAvd pelnpeljOS-UOu 01 .. enp 88M II J8lJll A.p IS ~I: Sill JO 'SjUSWAed PBInp8ljOS DI .. 'enp uellM alllp lIllI UlOJj lS8JelU! Jll8q
II84S 'lUawAvd P8JnpeljOS-UOU JOj enp 88M P. 4O!1IM uo 81l1P 8IlI 1luIN\DII0I SARp Of; UllIl!M JO (1U8~ asee S. IpIlS) SW8wAvd pelnp&ljOS 01
88 snp U811M 'JOIB8'l ~ P8IIf8OlU IOU 'l86J1lljo SI1lI UllllI JSlIIO 'JspunSJ&Il JOSS81 8np IUswAvd AJllIeuow Au", 1lIlU8tU1 S'I: l
"8OU8/IP8 U! ^",lIIJ1lnb Sl(l1lAlld PUg 8np Swooaq 'UOlldo S,J08S81I. 'lIllljS 1U8~ 8see '^,8JIUOO Sill DlIIlI8S1
ll!1II jO UOfSf^OJd AuS 6UJpIJIIIS4IlMIOU U1l41 'lU8~ asee 10 SlU8WlIllISUI 8II!In08SUDO I: JOj 'pelO8llOO IOU JO JlIllI8\lM 'JapunaJ1l4 8!<1eAed
II! a6J&IlO 11I111 . 11l1lllUlIII8 8111 UI "Japun8l811 P8IUll.I6 S81p8W8J pUll Sl1l6u J81110 Sill jO Aue 10 8S1:1l8lC8 8lIl1U8II8ld JOU 'lUnOW1l 8nPJeAO
4O"S ollOadl8J 4IfM llOll8J9 JD I!ri8j8(] 1,-1 10 J8I\!llM S 811lI!lSUOO 1U81\8 ou U! lI1lljS JOSS81 ~ slil1lljO 11I81 4O"S 10 8OUllIdaooy
'IU8WAed 1111lJ lptlS jO uose... ~ Jnou! II"" Jossal SISOO Sill 10 81.W!lS8 8Iqvu088... PUll JI8l . S'ju8S8Jd... e6J1lljO allll lions 1841 88J6.
Aq8Ja1l S8AJvd 8ll.L "JllIll8JB sl J~IIM 'OOLS JO IUnOUJll snPJ8IID 40ns 1108810 %OL 01lvnb8 86Jll1jO 8181 SWIl-8UO. JOSS81 01 Aad
II84S 88SI81 '88SI81 OI80!IOU JOf 1U8W8JlnbeJ Aue IIlO4IINI 'uelll 'anp 8q II.IIS IUOOwe ljOflS J8U. s.<ep S UI4MM JOIB8'l Aq P8II!808J aq IOU
11841 ~ Aue Po 'AIBu!PlClOO'\f "JapU81 Au1l Aq JOSSSl uodn pesodWI aq AeW 4O!llM se6J.4O SI1lI pull 'ss6JllIIO 6U!lUnOOD8 pull 6U!SS8ODJd
'01 P81!lUI1IOU .... Inq 'epnpUI SjIOO lions "U!llIJ8OU Oll!nowIIP A/SWeJpl1l sq II!M 4O!IIM 10 IUnows IOU8 alii '1IlI881 SllII Aq P8l8ldwSIUOO
IOU SlSOO Jnou! DI JOSS81 88n1lO lI""lUS~ 10 8"" Aq IUSWAed 81ll11.1I1 S86P81N1o~. Aq8JSII 88SI81 '..l5.I8ljo lII1l1 ~"I: l
"aoUllId.8008 lions jO SWII 81111ll J08S81 ~ IluIllJM U! PBlllIS os AfIVO!l!oads
SS8lun ljd8J68J8d 1I!41 jO SUOlSf^OJd 8lIlIO JOSS81 Aq J8II!.M . pewaap 8q IOU II.IIS 1Id8J68Jlld S!lII jO UO!l1llado alii pel.IllUI4O!1IM 4O.8JS
lIllIlO SJno lIllI JO IU8J 10 JOS881 ~ 8OU8\d8ODl18ll.L "88SI81 Aq llOlleJS PIllS 10 SJno Iuanbasqns Aue BUIPUllIS4MMlOU 'JOSS81 DleasS81
~ llfCl8Alld PUll 8np AflIIlIIP8WW! aq U"'lS UOllf^OJd lU8weonpul U1l lions J8pUn J08S81 Aq pt1ld JO U8II!B 'P8!1lq& "'OjDl8J8lIl UOIl8JepJSUOO
JO lUswaonpu! 'snuoq '8lil1lljO JlIllIO 'IUIll Aue pus '108jj8 JO ElOJOI J841lnl OU 10 PUll -8111!1II WOJj pelllt8P pewaap 8q AfI1lO1I.WOln.
II8I1S UOfSf^OJd IU8W8OflPUI lIonl Aue 'aaSl81 ~ 1IlI881 S!1II10 1I0....S uOOn "81881 SIIIIIO SUOlllpuOD PUg SW.U8IIDO 'SWJSI 8111 10
118 jO 8OUllWJOjJad IllJllII8l PUll IIIlJ 1,88SI81 uodn peuOfMPUOO pewaap sq IIll11S '...UOlSllIIl.Id JllSWeQnpul. 88 01 p8JJ8J8J JSIISU18J84 SJll
SUO!SI80UOO 4O!1IM 10 118 '1IlI881 S!lII Dill! BUu8JUS s,eassSl JOj UO!l8JSPlSUOO JO IU8WeonpU! 'snuoq JSlllO JO 4SVO Aue 10 aass81 JOI JO 01
JOSS81 ~ 6uiAed JO 6U!^l6 8111 JOI JO 'ss6JllljO JSlIIO JO IUeJ PBI.qll JO SaJI JOIIUaw88J6. AlJ'rI ,.,IQd-lIlU8weonPUI 1:"1: L
"S88IW8Jd 811110 Aouvdnooo S.88S18110
UOUeJ Aq JO j08J8lj WJ8J SII16uunp 6U!I\IOOII JD 6UUJnOOD SJSlI.W 01 S. aS881 S!1I110 SUO!SI^cud AlIUWepUI Au. Jspun AlII1q&1I WOJj 888sal
llII8l1eJ IOU Il8llS UOISS8SS0d 0111l1ltJ S,S_110 UOIISUIWJ81 Sill JOIPUll S88S111!4110 UOIIllU!WJ81 JO uO!l1ll!dxa 8ll.L "pelVOOI eJII SSS!WSJd
8111 UI...8I1M 81ll1S Sill 10 SUOfIl!08P I8J011ln! JO _I Sill J&pun S/q&I!8/lll JaIlll8J&1I JO MDU ApeW'" J8lIlO AUlI 8nSJnd (0)
"UOfssessod 0111l6u S,lI8SS81 alii jO uO!l.U!WJSI . alllMlSUOO IOU II.IIS 'SIS8JSIUI S,JOIB8'l 81111081DJd 01
J8II!8OlIJ . 10 IU8WlU10ddlllllll JOIPUV '111I'" 01 SlJOjj8 'SOU.U8IU!IIW 10 SlO'o' "SUO!lllI!W!I 81q&U088... 01 AIUO lO8!qns 'u61SSll JO ISlqns AeW
_llUlIII8 4O!1IM U! 'anp l8W008q P. "lU8~ 841 J8IIOO8J pUll UDlss8ssOO 0111l6/J s.aass81 pull ......, 841 snulluoo (q)
"8II1IllIS P!1ls Aq 'PlPu. ...., Il!III U! JOj pepf^OJd
I8lpewSJ 8111 01 J08S81 Ilul!lllue -81 SI4IIO 1l000"'S . pUll JaU!IIISP 11ljM.lun Ull II10q SIIlIllSUDO 1I"'lS. SPO!J8d 801lJ6 lptlS ONII 811110
Je128J6 em UllDIN.1!!'!l!lan ALl! AJr.~m AAttRA"'IlnAlnllDI All' nllD lil,llall""",,,,_ ...... .......... ...~_... ......___ ._..._.._ _... _.._ ,..__ __-"-...___ _ ,_
15.2 Anumption of Obligations. Any buyer or transferee of Lessor's interest in this Lease shall be deemed to haw
assumed Lessor's obligation hereunder. Brokers shall be third party beneficiaries of the provisions of Paragraphs 1.10, 15, 22 and 31.
If Lessor fails to pay to Brokers any amounts due es and for brokerage fees pertaining to this Lease when due, then such amounts shall
accrue Interest. In addition, n Lessor fails to pay any amounts to Lessee's Broker when due, Lessee's Broker may send written notice
. to Lessor and Lessee of such failure and if Lessor fails to pay such amounts within 10 days altar said notice, Lessee shllll pay sIIId
monies to Its Broker and offset such amounts against Rent. In addition, Lessee's Broker shall be deemed to be a third party beneficiary
of any commission agreement entered Into by andlor between Lessor and Lessor's Broker for the limited purpose of oollecllng any
brokerage fee owed.
15.3 RepnIS~''*tlons and Indamnltles of Broker Ralatlonshlps. Lessee and Lessor each represent and warrant to the
other that it hes had no dealings with any person, firm, broker or finder (other then the Brokers, If any) In oonnecIlon with this Lease, and
that no one other than said named Brokers is entitled to any commission or finder's fee in oonnecllon herewith. Lessee and Lessor do
each hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend and hold the other harmless horn and against IlabHlty for oomp-aon or charges which
may be claimed by any such unnamed broker, finder or other similar party by reason of any deaRngs or actions of the indemnlfylng Party,
including any coats, expenses, attorneys' fees reasonably incurred with respect thereto.
16. Estoppal CertJtlcateL
(a) Each Party (as MRespondlng Plrty") shaH within 10 days after written notice horn the other Party (the MRequMllng
PI~ execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Requesting Party a sbIlbIlment In writing In form similar to the then moat current
MEstoppal CertIfIcale" form published by the American IndU8lrlal Real Eetate Association, plus such addllional Information,
confirmation and/or atatemimls as may be reasonably raquested by the Requeatlng Party.
(b) If the Responding Party shall fail to -.cute or deliver the Estoppel CerlIficate within such 10 day period, the
Requesting Party may -.cute an Eatoppel Cerllficate slating that: (I) the Lease Is In iuD force and effecI without modifICation axcept as
may be repreMnted by the Requesting Party, (il) there are no uncurad defaults In the Reque8llng Party's performance, and (III) If Lessor
is the Requeatlng Party, not more than one month's rent has been paid In edvance. Prospectlva purchasera and encumbrancers may
rely upon the Requesting Party's Eatoppel Certificate, and the Responding Party shllll be estopped horn denying the truth of the facts
contained in said Certlflcate.
(c) If Lessor desires to finance, refinance, or s"lthe Premls88, or any part thereof, Lessee and 811 Guarantors sh8l1
deliver to any potenliallender or purchaser designated by Leasor such financial _ as may be ~ raquired by such
lender or purchaser, including but not limited to Lessee's financial atalements for the put 3 years. All such financial atatements shall be
received by Lessor and such lender or purchaser in oonfiderIC8 and shatl be used only for the purpoees herein set forth.
17. o.tInltlon of LeslIor. The term MLesaor" as used herein shllll mean the owner or 0WIl8f8 at the time in quastlon of the fee title
to the Premises, or, If this Is a sublease, of the Lessee's interest in the prior lease. In the -m 01 a lnIn8I8r 01 LlllOo's tIlle or interest
in the Premls88 or this Lease, Lessor shall deliver to the trensferee or aseignee (In cash or by el8dll) any unused Securtty 0ep08It held
by Lessor. Except as provided in Paragraph 15, upon such transfer or assignment and delivery of the Securtty Depoeit, as aforasaId,
the prior Lessor shllll be reli~ 01 aI liability with respact to the obligations and/or oovenanta under this Lease thereafter to be
performed by the Lessor. Subject to the foregotng, the obligations andlor covenants In this Lease to be performed by the Lessor sh8l1
be binding only upon the Lessor as hereinabove defined.
18. SeverlIblllty. The invalidity of any provision 01 this Lease, as determined by a court of oompalent jurisdiction, shall in no way alfact
the validity 01 any other provision hereof.
19. Days. Unless otherwise speclfically indicated to the contrary, the word Mdays" as used in this Lease shall mean and r.r to
calendar days.
20. Umlllltlon on U.blllty. The obligatlon8 01 Lessor under this Lease shall not conatllute personal obligations 01 Lessor or Its
partners, members, directors, oIflcers or shareholders, and Lessee shaD look to the Project, and to no other assets of Lessor, for the
satiafactlon of any liability 01 Lessor wilh respect to this Lease, and shaD not _k reoou_ against Lessor'B partners, members,
directors, officers or shareholders, or any 01 their personal assets for such salt8laction.
21. Time of e.-ce. Time Is 01 the essenee with respect to the performance 01 all obligations to be performed or observed by the
Parties under this Lease.
22. No Prlor or Other AgIMlll8nts; Broker D1ac111lm.... This Lease contains all agreements between the Parties wilh respect to any
mailer mentioned herein, and no other prior or OOnlemporaneous agreement or lIIlderatandng shall be eIIecIive. Lessor and Lessee
each represents and warrants to the Brokers that ft has made, and is relying solely upon, Its own lmIe8llgatlon as to the nature, quality,
character and financilll responsibility 01 the other Party to this Lease and as to tha use, nature, qulllity and character of the Premises.
Brokera have no responsibility with raspact thereto or with respect to any defautt or breach hereof by either Party. The IIabDity (including
court coats and attorneys' fees) of any Broker with respact to nagotlation, execution, delMtry or performance by either Lessor or Lessee
under this Lease or any amendment or moclficalion hereto shall be Dmiled to an amount up to the f8e .-ived by such Broker pursuant
to this Lease; provided, '-sr, that the foregoing Iimilatlon on each Broker'B DablHly shall not be applicable to any glOBS negligence
or wiDlul misconduct 01 such Broker.
23. NotJca.
23.1 Notice Requirements. All notices required or permitted by this Lease or applicable law shall be in writing and may be
delivered in person (by hand or by courier) or may be sent by regular, certilled or regi-.cI mBll or U.S. Pastal Service Exp.... Mail,
with postage prepaid, or by facsimile transmission, and shall be deemed sufficiently given If 8lIMld In a manner specIfted in this
Paragraph 23. The addresses noted adjacent to a Party's signature on this Lease shall be that Party's addreas for delivery or mailing of
nolicee. Either Party may by wrttten notice to the other speclfy a dlllenlnt address for notice, axcepl that upon lesHe's laking
possession 01 the Premises, the Premises sh8l1 consliMe Lessee's address for notice. A copy of aI notioes to Leasor shall be
concurrently transmitted to such party or parties at such addresses as Lessor may from lime to time heraaller designate In writing.
23.2 Date 01 Notice. Any notice sent by registered or certifled mail, retum receipt requested, shall be deemed given on the
date of delivery shown on the receipt card, or W no delivery date Is shown, the poatmark lher8on. If san! by regular mBll the notice shall
be deemed given 48 hours after the same Is addressed as raquirad herein and mBlled with poatage prepaid. Notioes delivered by Unlled
States Express Mall or overnight courier that guarantee next day delivery shall be deemed given 24 hours alter delivery 01 the same to
the Poatal Service or courier. Nolicee transmitted by facsimile transmission or similar means shllli be deemed delivered upon l8Iephone
confirmation 01 receipt (confirmation report horn fax machine Is sulficient), provided a copy Islllso deliwred via delivery or mail. If notice
is rllCllived on a Saturday, Sunday or IagaI hoIkIay, ft shaD be deemed nIC8ived on the next bualness day.
24. Waive.... No waiver by Lessor of the Defautt or Breach of any term, covenant or condition hereof by Lessee, shail be deemed a
waiver of any other term, covenant or oondilIon hereof, or of any subsequent Delautt or Breach by l.e88ee of the same or of any other
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U! SUCl!lllllnsuoo puB IInBJ8Q jO S8Cl!lOu 10 BO!^J8S pUll uogBledllJd elll U! p8J.1I1OU! sesuedxe pUll SIBOO 'seel ,WWOIlll 01 pellRua
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'(IIUO!SS8JOJd IU8ledwoo S lI"SUOO 'peJ!S8p I! 80!^Pll Xlll JO (lllIelll 'el_ 1881 1"0Q8 es!^pe III P8!lllllnb UOSJ8d
11 S! IU8lls ellllsa IllllJ Y 'uop:lllIiIUll.I 811110 Bu!IllI8IllJ8Pun J!8lIl sS8Jdxe ~Ielllnbepll MlII18lIl eJnSSll 01 sIuewaaJ6ll IIll p88J ~lInlllJliIO
OlnOUR AABA'"I nllP I~ "O'IOa.IA'IIIIIIU^ lIIa.n .__.... _. I...._._._~_. _._ ..._.. ______ __ ______ _ ___u_
PremlHs IIJ1d to unlock &II dooIa In or upon the Premises other than to files, vaults IIJ1d sales, IIJ1d In the case 01 ......rgency to _r the
Premises by any r8lIIClIl8bIy lIppfOJlriale means, and any such entry shall no! be deemed a lorclble or unlawful entry or detainer of the
PremlHs or an 8YIctIon. Lessee waives any charges for damages or Injuries or Interierence wIlh Lessee's properly or busln_ In
connection therewith.
33. AuclIonL Lessee shall not conduct, nor parmR to be conducted, any auction upon the Premlsas without Lessor's prior written
consent. Lessor shall not be obligated to exercise any standard of reasonableness In determining whether to parmR an auction.
34. SIgna. Lessee shall nol pice any sign upon the Project without Lesso~s prior written consent.
35. Tennlndon; Merger. Unless spaclficaJly staled otherwise in writing by Lessor, the voluntary or other surrender of this Laase by
Lessee, the mutuBI termination or cancellalion hereof, or a termination hereof by Lessor lor Ilteach by Lessee, sh&ll automelk:ally
terminate any sublease or 1_ aslaJe in the Premlsas; provided, hOWlMlr, that Lessor may eIecI to continue any one or &II existing
subl8MllCies. Lessor'll failure within 10 clays following any such event to alect to the contrary by written notice to the holder of any such
lessar Interest, shall conslIlule Lesso~s elecllon to hlMl such lMlnt conslilule the termination of such Interest.
36. Conaenta. Except as otherwise provided herein, wherewr in this Lease the consent of a Party Is required to an act by or lor the
other Party, auch consent ah&ll not be unreasonably wIlhheld or delayed. Lesso~s actuBI raasonabIe costs and expenses (Including but
not limited to archRacts', attorneys', engineers' IIJ1d other consultsnls' fees) Incurred in the consideration 01, or response to, a request by
Lessae lor any Lessor consent, Including but not limned to consents to an assignment, a sublelling or the presence or use 01 a
Hazardous Substance, shall be peld by Lessee upon receipt of an invoice IIJ1d supporting documentation therefor. Lessor's consent to
any lICl, assignment or subIelling shall not consmUlll an acknowledgment that no Defaun or Breach by Lessee of thiS Leue exists, nor
shall such consent be deemed a wai_ of any then axIatIng Defaun or Breach, axcepl as may ba otharwlse specifically stated in wrlting
by Lessor at the time of such conaent. The failure 10 spaclfy herein any particular condition to Lesso~s consent shall not preclude the
imposition by Lessor at the time 01 consent 01 such further or other conditions as are then reasonable wIlh releranee to the particular
matter lor which consent Is being given. In the event that eRher Party disagrees wRh any determination made by the other hereunder
and reasonably requeatllthe reasons lor such detarmlnation, the determining parly shall furnish Its reasons In writing and In reasonable
detail wtlhln 10 business days following such request.
37. Guarantor.
37.1 Execution. The Guarantors, U any, shall each execute a guaranty In the form most recently publiShed by the American
Induatrial ReBI Estate Aasociatlon.
37.2 Default. n shall conslltute a Defaun of the Lessee if any Guarantor fails or refuees, upon request to provide: (a) evidence
of the execution 01 the guaranty, including the aulhorRy 01 the party signing on Guarantor's behalf to obligate Guarantor, and In the case
01 a corporate Guarantor, a certUled copy 01 a resolution of Its board 01 directors authorizing the making of such guaranty, (b) current
financial atatements, (c) an EatoppeI Certllicate, or (eI) written confirmation that tha guaranty is stHlln effect.
38. Quiet Po ssasalon. Subject to payment by Lessee of the Rent and parformance of &II of the CO\I8flants, conditions and provisions
on Lessee's part to be obaerIIed and parformed undar this Lease, Lessee shall have quiet possession and quiet enjoyment of the
Premises during the term hareoI.
39. Opllon.. If Lessee is granted an OptIon, as defined below, then the following provisions shall apply.
39.1 DlIIInItlon. "0plI0n" shall mean: (a) the right to extend the term of or renew thiS Lease or 10 extend or renew any lease
that Lessee has on other properly of Lessor; (b) the right of first refusal or first offer to lease BIther the PremlHs or other properly of
Lessor; (c) the right to purohase or the right of first refussl to purchase the Premises or other property of Lessor.
39.2 O.,u- PeraoMI To Original Laa_. Any Option granted to Lessee in this Lease is parsonal to the original Lessee,
and cannot be assigned or 8lC8rclsed by anyone other than said original Lessee IIJ1d only while the original Lessee is In full possession
of the PremlHs 1IJ1d, If requested by Lessor, wRh Lessee certifying that Lessee has no Intention of thereafter assigning or subletting.
39.3 Mulllple 0plI0n.. In the _nt that Lessee has any multiple Options to extend or renew this Lease, a later Option cannot
be exercised unless the prfor OptIons hlMl been validly exercised.
39.4 En.ct of DeflIuIt on OplIonL
(a) Lessee shall hlMl no right to exercise an Option: (I) during the period commencing wRh the giving 01 any notice of
OeIaun and continuing until said Defaun is cured, (ii) during the period of time any Rent Is unpBId (wRhout regard to whether noIIce
thereof is given Lseue), (i1ij during the time Lessee is In Breach of this Lease, or (Iv) In the event that Lessae has been given 3 or more
nollces of separate 0eIauh, whether or not the Defaults are cured, during the t 2 month parlod Immediately preceding the exercise of
the Option.
(b) The period 01 time within which an Option may be exercised shall not be extended or enlarged by reason of Lessee's
inabilRy to ltlCBrcIse an Option because 01 the provlslons 01 Paragraph 38.4(a).
(c) An Option shall terminate and be of no further force or eIIect, notwlthstanding Lessee's due and timely exercise of
the Option, U, after such 8lC8n:ise and prfor to the commencement of the extended term or completion of the purchase, (i) Lessee fails
10 pay Rent lor a period 01 30 days after such Rent becomes due (wRhout any necessRy of Lessor to give notice thereof), or (II) " Lessee
commits a BnIach oIlhis Lease.
40. Securlty.......... Lessee hereby acknowledges that the Rent payable to Lessor hereunder does not Include the cost 01 guard
service or other security measures, and that Lessor shall hlMl no obligation whatsoeller to provide same. Lessee assumes all
responsibHRy for the protaction of the PremlHs, Lessee, Its agents and invlt_ and their properly from the acts of third parties. In the
event, howewr, that Lessor should eIecI to provide security services, then the cost thereof shall be an Operating Expense.
41. RlllrwtIon..
(a) Lessor reserves the right: (i) to grant, wRhout the consent or joinder of Lessee, such easements, rights and
dedications that Lessor deems necessary, (ii) to cause the recordation of parcel maps and restrictions, (iiij to create and/or Install new
utility raceways, so long as such _manta, rights, dedications, maps, restrlcllons, and utftily raceways do not unreasonably interfere
wRh the use 01 the Premises by Lessee. Lessor may also: change the name, address or tRIe of the BuUding or Project upon at least 90
days prior written notica; provjde and install, at Lessee" expense, Building atIIJ1dard graphics on the door of the Premises IIJ1d such
portions of the Common Areas as Lessor shall reasonably deem appropriate; grant 10 any lessee the exclusive right to conduct any
business as long as such exclusive right does not conflict wRh any rights expressly given herein; IIJ1d to place such signs, notices or
displays as Lessor reasonably deems necessary or advisable upon the roof, exterior of the Building or the Project or on pole signs in
the Common Areas. Lessee agrees to sign any documents reasonably requested by Lessor to effectuate such rights. The obstruction
of Lessee's view, air, or Ught by any structure erecled in the vlcinRy of the Building, whether by Lessor or third parties, shall In no way
affect this Lease or Impose any IIabIlRy upon Lessor.
.. ..~) ~ also ~e",!s the ri!lht ~ ~ Lessee t~ ~r space of comparable. s~ In the Buildln!! or Project. Lessor
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Fscsimlle No.
Facsimile No.
Th.. forms .... ollen modified to mllfll ch.nglng requlremenlS 01 law .nd _ oIlhe Industry. Always _ or call to m.. sure you .re
utIl1z1l!lllhe moat current form: Amarican Induslrlalllaal ..- AuoclallOn, 700 South Flower s-. Sulta 800, Los Angeles, CA 80017.
(213) .7.ffT77.
. OCapyrlght 1ll89-By AmerlcablnduatrlalllMl E8late AllOclIlIon.
i All rIgtd8 ....fWd.
No pm 01 th.- WDrkIIIIlIY be reproduc.d In MY farm wIlhaut 1*RI1..lan In wrlIIllII.
..,..l"ll:lO IlllO:l
UOII.1llOSSV ~ I~ ~npUIIBllJeWV-l66l 0
1. Basic Provisions ("Basic Provisions").
1.1 Partl..: This Lease ("Laase"), dated for reference purposes only May 31. 2002
and between TU(' iRtarprii9i 7 T T C
and C'itr \?f iatl Ba:ruard.iuo. ('nJtur'?' ~ T.......c.........a...fQ.....a' .&FF?"~'i"
("Lesaee"). (collectively the ..Partl..... or individually a "Party'.).
1.2 (a) Preml_: That certain portion of the Project (as defined below), known as S~ ~8B'bers(s) 1 M ,
1st floor(s). consisting of approximately -I ~a rentable square feet and approximately , useable square feet
(..Preml.....). The Premises are locatea'a: 468 WeSI: 5th Steet , In the City of
Sail iarRRJ::dlllo I County of ~aA R9.......,~fjiQQ . State of (',;,'" F"'rn.f a I with zip code Q?.lanl .
In addition to Lessee's rights to use and occupy the Premises as hereinallar specified, Lessee shall halle non-excIuslve rights to the
Common Areas (as defined in Paregrsph 2.7 below) as hereinafter specified. but shall not h_ any rights to the roof, the exterior walls,
the area aboII9the dropped ceilings, or the utility raceways of the buikling containing the Premlsea ("Buldlngj or to any other buildings
in the Project. The Premises, the Building, the Common Areas, the land upon which they are located. along with all other buildings and
ImprO\l9ments thereon. are herein collectively referred to as the "Project." The Project consists of approximately 1.000 rentable
square feet. (See also Paragraph 2)
1.2 (b) Parking: na unreserved and ....!!!!..... reserved vehicle parking spaces at a monthly cost of $ ~ par unreserved
space and $ ~ per reserved space. (See Paragrsph 2.6)
1.3 Term: five (5) yearsand zero months("OriglnaITerrn")commencing
("Commencement Date") and ending 11/30/06
(See also Paragrsph 3)
1.4 Early Possession: (OJ / II
(See also Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3)
1.5 Base Rent: $ ~ 1 1:'00 per month ("Base Rent"), payable on the
commencing '. (See also Paragraph 4)
o If this box is , are provisions in this Lease for the Base R,ntto be adjusted
1.6 Lesaee's Share of Operating Expense Increase: ,fZ percent (jil %) (..Les..... Share"). Lessee's Share
has been calculated by dividing the approximate rentable square footage of the Premises by the totel approximate square footage of the
rentable space contained in the Project and shall not be subject to revision except in connection with an acluel change in the size of the
Premises or a change in the space available for lease in the Project.
1.7 Bas. Rent and Other Monl.. Paid Upon ExecutIon:
(a) Base Rent: $ for the period
(b) Security Deposit: $ ("Security Deposit"). (See also Paragraph 5)
(c) Parking: $ for the period
(d) Other:$ tl.<'''.l>O for ,,~.- rn.<~+k, r J ""f~:,:,-I'(
(e) Total Due Upon Execution of this L8a..: $ I1f
Agreed Use: Cultural Exhibit space and offices
("Expiration Date").
("Early Pos_a1on Date").
day of each month
represents Lessor exclusively ("Leuor's Broker");
represents Lessee excluaill8ly ("Leu..'s Brolcer"); or
rapresents both Lessor and Lessee ("OUal Agency").
(b) Payment to Brokers: Upon execution and delivery 01 this Lease by both Partlas. Lessor shall pay to the Brokers
the brokerage fee agreed to in a separate written agreement (or if there is no such agreement. the sum of or _ % of the total
Base Rent for the brokerage services rendered by the Brokers).
1.11 Guarantor. The obligations of the Lessee under this Lease shall be guaranteed by NA
("Guarantor"). (See also Paregrsph ~7)
. 1.12 Business Hours for the Building: ~ a.m. to.....s:... p.m., Monday through Friday (except Building Holidays) and-l!-
a.m. to ....L... p.m. on Saturday (except Building Holidays). "Building Holidays" shall mean the dates 01 observation of New Year's Day.
Presidenfa Day, Memorial Day. Indapendance Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Day, and IV n .
1.13 Lessor Supplied Services. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragrsph 11.1 , Lessor is NOT obligated to provide the
o Janllorial services
o Electriclty
o Other (specify): NA
1.14 Attachments. Attached hereto are the following, all of which conslltute a part of this Lease:
o an Addendum consisting of Paragrsphs _ through _ ;
o a plot plan depk:tIng the Premisas;
o a current set of the Rules and Regulations;
o a Work Letter;
bl a janitorial schedule;.__
1.9 Base Year; Insuring Party. The Base Year is :JorJ.L
Paragrsphs 4.2 and 8)
1.10 Real Estate Brokers: (See also Paragraph 15)
(a) Representatfon: The following real estate brokers (the "Brokers") and brokerage relationships exist in this
transaction (check applicable boxes):
o NA
o 1>121
o NA
. (See also Paragraph 6)
Lessor is the "Insuring Party". (See also
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JOSI81 II JO en81 S!l/lIO Il&~ (: Inl e41 liu~np peJ!nbeJ S! emlIPUedlg 11Il!d1lO 400S II 1841 'J8IIBM04 'PBPll\OJd '8W!l..lu& 1& UOll86!1qo
III ABdeJd 'J8I\8M04 'A8W ee8881 'IIUllIUnOOO& S~OSI8110 Iuewlipnf e41 U! ",qeuoslleJ AllII!OJewwoo I! l841 811lJ & III eJ848 s,eell81
'0 eou8f11q P8ZIllDW8un el/l UD l8eJeIU! Aed IIB4I 888881 '((4IUDW Jed ISDO e411D 4I""I/l 'e!) ""~ 81 4"!4M 10 JDI8U!WOUep e41 pUB
'8UD I! 4O!4M 10 JOIllJeWnu lIIlI 'UO!lOIlJl 8 ~ 9'1 4dlUlillJlld U! p&!IIosdl eli81UBOJ8d lIIlI) eJnp'puedx3 l8P.deO 40"1 10 1100 e41 JO eJ84s
s,eellel liulAldmnw '0 lOnpOJd e41 0l18nbe IunDWB UB 'enp S! luel::l ellle 40!4M UD elllp e41 UD '8n81 "!4I10 WJel ellllo J8pUfIIW8J
~_~!_~~np ~!~~.~~ .~~_~ ~!~li~~!,_q_II~Ll.I_ee"sellnq eJ"l!puedx3 l8P.deO 40n~ JOj ~B8880eu "PUn) e41 ~8 11&41 JOII"]
(d) To add addhional buildings and improvements to the Common Areas;
(e) To use the Common Areas while engaged in making addhional improvements, repairs or aherations to the Project,
or any portion thereof; and
(I) To do and perform such other acts and make such other changes in, to or whh respect to the Common Areas and
Project as Lessor may, in the exercise of sound business judgment, deem to be appropriate.
3. Term.
3.1 Term. The Commencement Date, Expiration Date and Original Term of this Lease are as specified in Paragraph 1.3.
3.2 Early Possession. If Lessee totally or partially occupies Ihe Premises prior to the Commencement Date, the obligation
to pay Base Rent shall be abated for the period of such eariy possession. All other terms of this Lease (including but not limlled to the
obligations to pay Lessee's Share of the Operating Expense Increase) shall, however, be in effect during such period. Any such early
possession shall. not affect the Expiration Date.
3.3 Delay In Possession. Lessor agrees to use its best commercially reasonable efforts to deliver possession of the
Premises to Lessee by the Commencement Date. n, desphe said efforts, Lessor is unable to deliver pos_sion by such date, Lessor
shall not be subject to any liabillly therefor, nor shell such failure effect the validity of this Lease. Lessee shall not, however, be obligated
to pay Rent or perform ha other obligations until Lessor delivers possession of the Premises and any period of rent abatement that
Lessee would otherwise have enjoyed shall run from the date of delivery of possession and continue for a period equal to what Leasee
would dlherwiae have enjoyed under the terms hereof, but minus any days of delay caused by the acts or omissions of Lessee. If
possession is not delivered whhin 60 days after the Commencement Date, as the same may be extended under the terms of any Work
Letter executed by Partias, Lessee may, at its option, by notice In writing within 10 days after the end of such 60 day period, _I this
Lease, .in which event the Parties shall be discharged from all obligations hereunder. If such written notice Is not received by Lessor
wllhin said 10 day period, Lessee's right to cancel shall terminate. If possession of the Premises is not delivered wllhin 120 days after
the Commencement Date, this Lease shell terminate unless other agreements are reached between Lessor and Lessee, in writing.
3.4 ~ Compliance. Lessor shall not be required to deliver possession of the Premises to Lessee untU Lessee complies
with ha obligation to provide evidence of Insurance (Paragraph 8.5). Pending delivery of such evidence, Lessee shall be required to
perform all of ha obligations under this Lease from and after the Stert Date, including the payment of Rent, notwithstanding Lessor's
election to withhold possession pending receipt of such evidence of insurance. Further, n Lessee Is required to perform any other
conditions prior to or concurrent with the Sterl Date, the Start Date shall occur but Lessor may alecIto withhold possession until such
conditions are satisfied.
4. Rent.
4.1. Rent DefIned. All monetary obligations of Lessee to Lessor under the terms of this Lease (except for the Securlly
Deposit) are deemed to be rent ("Rent").
4.2 Operating Expen.. In_e. Lessee shall pay to Lessor during the term hereof, in addillon to the Base Rent, Lessee's
Shere of the amount by which all Operating Expenses for each Comparison Year exceeds the amount of aU Operating Expenses for the
Base Year, such excess being hereinafter referred to as the "Operating Expen.. 1_...., in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) "8_ Year" is as specified In Paragraph 1.9.
(b) "Comparison Year" is defined as each calendar year during the term of this Lease subsequant to the Base Year;
provided, however, Lessee shall have no obligation to pay a share of the Operating Expense Increase applicable to the first 12 months
of the Lease Term (other than such as are mandated by a governmental authority, as to which government mandated expenses Lessee
shall pay L_'s Share, notwithstanding they occur during the first twelve 12 months). Lessee's Share of the Operating Expense
Increase for the first and last Comparison Years of the Lease Term shall be prorated according to that portion of such Comparison Year
as to which Lessee is responsible for a share of such increase.
(c) "Operating Expen_" include all costs Incurred by Lessor relating to the ownership and operation of the Project,
calculated as if the Project was at least 95% occupied, Including, but not Iimlled to, the following:
(i) The operation, repair, and maintenance in neat, clean, safe, good order and condition, but not the replacement
(see subparagraph (g)), of the following:
(sa) The Common Areas, including their surfaces, coverings, decorative Items, carpals, drapes and window
coverings, and Including parking areas, loading and unloading areas, trash areas, roadways, sidewalks, walkways, stairways,. parkways,
driveways, landscaped areas, striping, bumpers, irrigation systems, Common Area lighting fecililIes, building exteriors and roofs, fences
and gates;
(bb) All heating, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical systems, Iifa safety equipment, communication systems
and other equipment used in common by, or for the benefit of, lessees or occupants of the Project, including elevators and escalators,
tenant directories, fire detection systems including sprinkler system maintenance and repair.
(ii) Trash disposal, janitorial and security services, pest control services, and the costs of any environmental
(III) Any other service 10 be provided by Lessor that is elsewhere in this Lease stated to be an "Operating Expense";
(iv) The cost of the premiums for the insurance policies maintained by Lessor pursuant to paragraph 8 and any
deductible portion of an insured loss concerning the Building or the Common Areas;
(v) The amount of the Real Property Taxes payable by Lessor pursuant to paragraph 10;
(vi) The cost of water, sewer, gas, electricity, and other publicly mandated services not separately metered;
(vii) Labor, salaries, and applicable fringe benefits and costs, materials, supplies and tools, used in maintaining
and/or cleaning the Project and accounting and managament fees attributable to the operation of the Project;
(viii) The cost of any Caphal Expendllure to the Building or the Project not covered under the provisions of Paragraph
2.3 provided; however, that Lessor shall allocate the cost of any such Capital Expenditure over a 12 year period and Lessee shall not
be required to pay more than Lessee's Share of 11144th of the cost of such Caphal Expenditure in any given month;
(ix) Replacement of equipment or improvements that have a useful life for accounting purposes of 5 years or less.
(d) Any Item of Operating Expense thet is specnically attributable to the Premises, the Building or to any other building
in the Project or to the operation, repair and maintenance thereof, shall be allocated entirely to such Premises, Building, or other building.
However, any such Item that is not spacifIcaIly attributable to the Building or to Bny other building or to the operation, repair and
maintenance thereof, shell be equitably allocated by Lessor to all buildings in the Project.
(e) The Inclusion of the Improvements, fecililles and services set forth In Subparagraph 4.2(c) shall not be deemed to
impose an obligation upon Lessor to either have said improvements or facilities or to provide those services unless the Project already
has the same, Lessor already provides the services, or Lessor has agreed elsewhere in this Lease to provide the same or some of them.
(I) Lessee's Share of Operating Expense Increase shall be payable by Lessee within 10 days after a reasonably datalled
slatolrnant of actual expens&s is presented to Lessee by Lessor. At !..lssor's optior., how&ver, an &lI1OlUnt may bol estimated by Lesso;
881II-l"1l:lO "110:1
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"8:)UllIsqns SIlOPJIlZllH lions JO 8OU8S8.Id 8IlI 6UIWllOUOO
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'^"IIQll!1 JOjpUll ilJnlu! 'UO!lllU!WllIUoo '86ewep ISU!1l611IUBWUOJf^lJ8 1141 JOjpU'e sas!WllJd ElllI 'Oflllnd lllll 'J18SI/ I08IOJd OI..ueSS8:l8U 8W88p
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UI 'JOj8JElllI ^,,1!q1111 ilull 01 JOSS1l1 8s0dx8 JO 11611WllP JO UO!lllUIWllIUOO 10 ~SfJ InlllulU88w hill 01 4111dOJd 6ufJOQIlll!au JO saslW8Jd
BlIIllSOdxe IOU SllOp pUB 'llSn 81Q1l1Jodel:j II IOU Sf 'S\UllWBJlnbel:/lllqeo!lddy 118 III1M llOUll!ldwoo U! Sf esn 40IlS 88 6uOI os 'SfllfJlll8W
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Ullld SSllU!snq JO UO!llUls,6eJ ''''''IOU '!JodllJ 'e llO!4M 01lO8ds8J IIIIM JO 'WOJll!WJlld II S8Jlnbel lelllllOU8l8qns SIl0p.lllZllH 8 10 fllSodslP
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UllllW IlllllS .no lIICIllIJOCIeIf. 'S\UBW8Jlnbel:j 8lQ1lO!Iddy 1111 4I/M (llSUBdx8 s,eass1l1 18) llOUSfldwoo ^,1IW1I pull J08S8110 IUBSUOO UBII!JM
JOfJd SSBJdxe 1l1ll1ll0lll!M S80UIIISqns SIlOPJllZ1lH 10 llSn 8t<lll1JOdlll:/ 'e SlIInl!lSUOO llO!LlM SllSfWBJd 811I uo JO ul i\JtA!l:l1l !lUll UI 86e6ull
IOU II114S 888881 "j08J1l41 SOO!lOlUl JO IIlOnpOJd-!lq 'IIlOnpOJd iIu'e JO 110 llpruO JO/pUll 'eu!JOs1l6 'wn8fOJ18d 'SUoqJllOOJP^!l '01 pel/WlIllq IOU
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01 JOSS.., JO ^"DlJlIIllll!IU8IOd JOj Sf81lq II (m) JO 'iIIfJOllln" f\lIuawUJEIIIlI6 !lUll i\q PllJOIlUOW JO PllIllIIl68J (u) 'S8S1W8Jd lllll JO IU8WUOJf^lJ8
B41 '8JlllIllM JO i1181llS 'llIfIl811 OfIQlld 1141 01 snofJn[u! ^,lll!IUlIIOd (ll :J1l4l/8 S! 'SllSlW8Jd B41 uo eq 01 P8lO8dx8 SlllfJ8I11W JElllIO llI!M
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'SllOUllI8QllS SIlOpJlIZItH C:'9
'asn P88J1lv lllll U! B6u1l40
1141 01 SUOI\Oll[qo s~oss1l110 UOllllu81dxe Ull llpnfOUI IfIl4s llOflOU llO!4M 'llWllS 10 UO!l1lOlfl10U UllIIfJM 8o\!B lsanbel 40ns JllIfll sAep /. UIIIIIM
1I"4S JOSS.., 'IUllSUOO PIOIIlll!M 01 SlOBlll JOSS8111 "6u!pl!na 1141 JO 1l0ll"Jlllldds JOIJlllXll ElllII08I1" IOU 111M JOjpU'e '6u!pl!na 114110 SW81SAs
JlllllO PU8 'OVAH 'fIlOfJlO8Ill 'lllOfUlll108W llllllOllll'e!l18SJ8o\pllIOU 111M 'BUIPl!na1l4110 S1U8W8AOJdwl lllll JO i\JfJ6e,UI fIllnlOllJlS lllll Jl8dw! IOU
11IM 8WllS 1141 88 6001 os 'BSn P88J1lv 811I10 U0I\1lOIJlPOW 11 JOllsllnbeJ UllllfJM !lUll OllU8SUoo SI/ MIllP JO PloLJlll!M .<jqlluOSllBJUn IOU IfIl4s
JOS881 '88l1JlldOJd JO _!weJd 6UfJoq4BtllU 01 e6"WllP slISn'eO JO 10 slu"dnooo sqlnlS!p 18IlI JO 'llOU1lS!nu 11 JO BISIIM '1l68Wep SlIIll8JO
'1IljMllIUn S! 18IlI JaUUllW 11 UI saSfW8Jd ElllIlo 8sn 841 lfWJlld JO llsn IOU 11114s -1 "llSOdJnd JlllllO ou JOj pUB 'OI8J1l41 lllqllJ8dwoo
A1q11uOSS8J S! 40lLlM esn 11l6e1 JlllIlO iIu" JO 'llSn pe9J6v 841 JOI AIUO S9sIW9Jd 941 Mnooo pU'e 8sn II'ellS 8888'" 'nn l'9
'aso "9
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I8BJlIIU! Jllllq 01 '1SlUI U! Pl1l4 eq 01 plIJ&PfSUO:> aq 1!'e4s I/sodao iIIfJnoas 114110 !J8d ON 'JOSS81 hi pelldde JO pesn IOU I/sodaO iIIfJn:llIS 1141
10 oolIJod 18IlI WnlBJ IfIlIIs JOSS1l1 'MOlllq (o)v"/. 4dlU6lU8d ollullnSJnd plllllOl!A U88q "^"4 S9SfW8Jd 811I J811" siIep 01: Ul4l/M llSfMl81110
PUll 'IUlll:/ Pllldun 01 A100 I/sodeo i\JfJnoes 811I AlddB 01 SIOBI8 JOSS91 ~ 'aSll'" SI4110 UOIIBUIWJlll JO UoplUldxe 8111 JlllIll si\ep vl UIIIIIM
"S1UnOOOll IllJllUllB SI/ WOJlllllUlldas I/SOdao i\JfJn:llIS 1141 de9~ 01 plIJ!nbaJ aq IOU 11114S J08881 "UOJI/PUoo fIlfOueUfl UIllBu1l40 llOns UO
pe811q IIIMJ llfqlIUOSllaJ iIll8fOjllWWOO 11 III llq Oll!SodeO i\JfJnoes a4111sneo OllUa!O!llns aq IfIlllS SII JOSS81I11IM Sll!UOW IllUOII!PP8 40IlS
IIsodep IIBllS 888881 'peonpeJ .<tlUlIOYlu6lS 'lullw6pn[ 9IqllUOS'e9J S~OSSIl1 U! 's, 88888110 UOI\IPUOO IB!0U8UY ElllIll6u"40 1I000S BUIMOIIOI
pUllll"'" "141 6u!Jnp SJIlOOO 8888'" jO IOJIUOO UI 116u1l40 II II "IOBJaIlIIJnSllJ II Sll J8J11lS !lsw S8S!W8Jd lllllllllll Jlllll pUll JIl8M P888BJOUI
ilull JOj IUnoooe 01 'lu9w6pn[ 8Iq11oo888J S~OSS'" U! 'ilJll88808U IUllPC8 lllll 01 l/SodllO i\JfJnoas 1141 8888JOll! OJ l4BfJ 1141 """4 II"4s
J08881 '88Ull!sn JO 8888llf<lns 11 8111powWOOOll 01 JO 88SS", 10 SSllU!Snq 841 UI e6U8llO IBfJ1II8W II lllepoWUJOOO" 01 papueWll llq lISn
..._.1it..1 _... _.__.._ ...._.. ___ __.... _._ __ _.__ ..__...__ lI'u_____ ________ ~_ _ ___ . .
, (f) Investigations and Remediations. Lessor shall retain the responsibility and pay for any Investigations or
remediation measures required by governmental entities having jurisdiction with respect to the existence of Hazardous Substances on
the Premises prior to Lessee's occupancy, unless such remediation measure is required as a result of Lessee's use (including
'Alterations', as defined in paragraph 7.3(a) below) of the Premises, in which event Lessee shall be responsible for such payment.
Lessee shall cooperate fully in any such activities at the request of Lessor, including allowing Lessor and Lesso~s agents to have
reasonable access to the Premises at reasonable times in order to carry out Lesso~s investigative and remedial responsibilities.
(g) LessorTermlnation Option. If a Hazardous Substance Condition (see Paragraph 9,l(e)) occurs during the term of
this Lease, unless Lessee is legally responsible therefor (in which case Lessee shall make the investigation and remediation thereof
required by the Applicable Requirements and this Lease shall continue in full force and eltect, but subject to Lesso~s rights under
Paragraph 6.2(d) and Paragraph 13), Lessor may, at Lesso~s option, either (i) investigate and remediale such Hazardous Substance
Condition, if required, as soon as reasonably possible at Lesso~s expense, in which event this Lease shall continue in full force and
eltect, or (Ii) if the estimated cost to remediate such condition exceeds 12 times the then monthly Base Rent or $100,000, whichever is
greater, give written notice to Lessee, within 30 days alter receipt by Lessor of knowledge of the occurrence of such Hazardous
Substance Condition, of Lessor's desire to terminate this Lease as of the date 60 days following the dale of such notice, In the event
Lessor elects to give a termination notice, Lessee may, within 10 days therealter, give written notice to Lessor of Lessee's commitment
to pay the amount by which the cost of the remediation of such Hazardous Substance Condition exceeds an amount equal to 12 times
the the", monthly Base Rent or $100,000, whichever is greater. Lessee shall provide Lessor with said funds or satisfactory assurance
thereof within 30 days following such commitment. In such evenl, this Lease shall continue in full force and eltect, and Lessor shall
proceed to make such remediation as soon as reasonably possible alter the required funds are available, If Lessee does not give such
notice and provida the required funds or assurance thereof within the tima provided, this Laase shall terminate as of the date specified
in Lessor's notice 01 termination,
6.3 Lessee's Compliance wfth Applicable Requirements. Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, Lessee shall, at
Lessee's sole expense, fully, diligenliy and in a timely manner, materially comply with all Applicable Requirements, the requirements of
any applicable fire insurance underwriter or rating bureau, and the recommendations of Lesso~s engineers andlor consultants which
relate in any manner to the Premises, without regard to whether said requirements are now in effect or become effective alter the Start
Date. Lessee shall, within 10 days alter receipt of Lesso~s written request, provide Lessor with copies of all permits and other
documents, and other Information evidencing Lessee's compliance with any Applicable Requirements specUied by Lessor, and shall
immediately upon receipt, notify Lessor in writing (with copies of any documents involved) of any threatened or actual claim, notice,
citation, warning, complaint or report pertaining to or involving the failure of Lessee or the Premises to comply with any Applicable
6.4 Inspection; Compliance. Lessor and Lesso~s "Lender" (as defined in Paragraph 30) and consultants shall have the
right to enter into Premises at any time, in the case of an emergency, and otherwise at reasonable times, for the purpose of inspecting
the condition of the Premises and for verifying compliance by Lessee with this Lease. The cost of any such inspections shall be paid by
Lessor, unless a violation of AppliCable Requirements, or a Hazardous Substance Condition (see paragraph 9.1e) is found to exist or be
imminent, or the inspection is requested or ordered by a governmental authority. In such case, Lessee shall upon request reimburse
Lessor for the cost of such inspection, so long as such inspection is reasonably related to the violation or contamination.
7. Maintenance; Repairs; Utility Installations; Trade Fixtures and Alterations.
7.1 Lessee's Obligations. Notwithstanding Lesso~s obligation to keep the Premises in good condition and repair. Lessee
shall be responSible for payment of the cost thereof to Lessor as additional rent for that portion of the cost of any maintenance and repair
of the Premises, or any equipment (wherever located) that serves only Lessee or the Premises, to the extent such cost is altributable to
causes beyond normal wear and tear. Lessee shall be responSible for the cost of painting, repairing or replacing wall coverings, and to
repair or replace any improvements with the Premises. Lessor may, at its option, upon reasonable notice, elect to have Lessee perform
any particular such maintenance or repairs the cost of which is otherwise Lessee's responsibility hereunder.
7.2 Lessor's Obligations, Subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 2.2 (Condition), 2,3 (Compliance), 4.2 (Operating
Expenses), 6 (Use), 7.1 (Lessee's Obligations), 9 (Damage or Destruction) and 14 (Condemnation), Lessor, subject to reimbursement
pursuant to Paragraph 4.2, shall keep in good order, condition and repair the foundations, exterior walls, structural condition of interior
bearing walls, exterior roof, fire sprinkler system, fire alarm andlor smoke detection systems, fire hydrants, and the Common Areas.
Lessee expressly waives the benefit of any statute now or herealter in effect to the extent it is inconsistent with the terms of this Lease.
7.3 Utility Installations; Trade Fixtures; Alterations,
(a) Definitions. The term "Utility Installations" refers to all floor and window coverings, air lines, vacuum lines, power
panels, electrical distribution, security and fire protection systems, communication cabling, lighting fixtures, HVAC equipment, and
plumbing in or on the Premises. The term "Trade Fixtures" shall mean Lessee's machinery and equipment that can be removed without
doing material damage to the Premises. The term "Alterations" shall mean any modification of the improvements, other Ihan Utility
Installations or Trade Fixtures, whether by addition or deletion. "Lessee Owned Alterations anellor Utility Installations" are defined
as Alterations andlor Utility Installations made by Lessee that are not yet owned by Lessor pursuant to Paragraph 7.4(a).
(b) Consent, Lessee shall not make any Alterations or Utility Installations to the Premises without Lesso~s prior written
consent. Lessee may, however, make non,structural Utility Instaliations to the interior of the Premises (excluding the roof) without such
consent but upon notice to Lessor, as long as they are not visible from the outside, do not involve puncturing, relocating or removing the
roof, ceilings, floors or any existing walls, will not altect the electrical, plumbing, HVAC, andlor life safety systems, and the cumulative
cost thereof during this Lease as extended does not exceed $2000. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Lessee shall not make or permit any
roof penetrations andlor install anything on the roof without the prior written approval of Lessor. Lessor may, as a precondition to granting
such approval, require Lessee to utilize a contractor chosen andlor approved by Lessor, Any Alterations or Utility Installations that
Lessee shall desire to make and which require the consent of the Lessor shall be presented to Lessor in written form with detailed plans.
Consent shall be deemed conditioned upon Lessee's: (i) acquiring all applicable governmental permits, (Ii) furnishing Lessor with copies
of both the permits and the plans and specifications prior to commencement of the work, and (Iii) compliance with all conditions of said
permits and other Applicable Requirements in a prompt and expeditious manner, Any Alterations or Utility Installations shall be
performed in a workmanlike manner with good and sufficient materials. Lessee shall prompliy upon completion fumish Lessor with as-
built plans and specifications. For work which costs an amount in excess of one month's Base Rent, Lessor may condition its consent
upon Lessee providing a lien and completion bond in an amount equal to 150% of the estimated cost of such Alteration or Utility
Installation andlor upon Lessee's posting an additional Security Deposit with Lessor.
(c) Liens; Bonds. Lessee shall pay, when due, all claims for labor or materials fumished or alleged to have been
furnished to or for Lessee at or for use on the Premises, which claims are or may be secured by any mechanic's or materialmen's lien
against the Premises or any interest therein. Lessee shall give Lessor not less than 10 days notice prior to the commencement of any
work in. on or about the Prenlises, and Lessor oShal: hav.;; tl"1ii. jJglit tv p~.;;: lIv:i..:.cs c: r,vii.raspoi1sibilit;', If Less86 shall Cc,nt6st the validity
of any such lien, claim or demand, then Lessee shall, at its sole expense defend and protect itseil, Lessor and the Premises against the
same and shali pay and satisfy any such adverse judgment that may be rendered thereon before the enforcement thereof. If Lessor
. ,~-----.
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slunowe U! 90U1mSU! 9su9dxe llJIX9 pue ewooullO ssol uleluiew PU8 ulelqo IIBlls 9esS.., 'uol!dnJJ8lUl sou,ana (q)
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9p8J.l 'AiJadOJd leUOSJ9d S,99SS9110 118 UO a6eJa^00 90UemSU! U!BIU!eW pue U!1!lqo Ileus 99SS91 'a68WRQ .(jJedOAd (e)
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p9UMQ 99ss91 9JnSU! 01 P"'!nbeJ 9q IOU lIe4s JOSS91 'AiJed 6u!lnSUI alii S! JOSsal "oulS 'sluawa~dwl _.888sal (p)
'sa8!w9Jd 9111
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6u!pl!na a4110 8OU8Jnsui 41edDld a41 JOj swn!waJd a41 U! aseaJOUi ,(ue JOI ,(8d lIe4s aassal 'OSIWald ~Blpv (0)
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a41 pue '99nelo lIouBlnsulOo ,(ue 10 nail U! UO!SI^oJd UO!l8nre^ paaJ6e ue U!81UOO lIe4S aOUBlnSU! Pies t,ll:Iu...nsul anle^ .BlUlltl..)
sAep OS Ileuo!I!Ppe ue JOI.(j!UWapu! 10 po~ad papualX9 UB 411M Jea,( auo JOllua\:l1l1ll aullo SSOI a41 6u~nsul 'Japu.., .w8 pue JoSSal 01
alqBAed ssol 41!"" JOSSallo aweu a41 U! sa!OlIod JO AOI10d e aOJol U! daa~ pue U!elqo oSle lIells J08891 'anleA l1!luatl (q)
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a4.l 'I08!OJd JOlPue 6u!pl!na a41 01 a6ewep JO ssol 6u!Jnsu! Japu.., ,(ue 01 pue 'JOSSal-pUnoJ6 ,(ue 'JOSSal 01 alqe.(8d ssollll!"" 'JosSal
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-,(IUO aOUBlnSU!
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8. H1R.:m~ T' 8 sud-e.r6e.:rna UT aaSSdI uo pasodIrr 5:luanarmba:I a::lU-e.IDSUT 'aou...naUI ,(jlllqen (;'8
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000'000'(:$ 10 ssaoxa U! a68Ja^00 8OUemSU! '\\mqe!l 01 alqelnqUlle ISOO wn!waJd 94110 UO!llod Aue JOI alq!suodsaJ aq aassal11e4s
. ... _ ___-' ~__ ._......_.. ___... _... c.......____ ''''.__ .._.... ...... '^ _ e.....IIDln~11I nallnhAI
insurance carried or required, or by any deductibles applicable hereto. The Parties agree to have their respective property damage
insurance carriers waive any right to subrogation that such companies may have against Lessor or Lessee, as the case may be, so long
as the insurance is not invalidated thareby.
8.7 Indemnity. Except lor Lessor's gross negligence or wilnl/I misconduct, Lessee shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold
harmless the Premises, Lessor and iIs agents, Lessor's master or ground lessor, partners and Lenders, from and against any and all
claims, loss of rents andlor damages, liens, judgments, penalties, allorneys' and consultants' fees, expenses andlor liabilities arising out
of, IrMllving, or In connection with, the use andlor occupancy of the Premises by Lessee. If any action or proceeding Is brought against
Lessor by reason 01 any 01 the Ioregoing mailers, Lessee shalll/pon notice defend the sarne at Lessee's expense by counsel reasonably
satisfactory to Lessor and Lessor shall cooperate with Lessee in such defense. Lessor need not have first paid any such claim In order
to be defended or indemnified.
8.8 Exemption of Lessor from Uablllty. Lessor shall not be liable for injury or damage to the person or goods, wares,
merchandise or other property of Lessee, Lessee's employees, contractors, Invilees, customers, or any other person in or about the
Premises, whether such demage or injury Is caused by or resulls from lire, sleam, electricity, gas, water or rain, or from the breakage,
leakage, obstruction or other defects of pipes, fire sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, HVAC or lighting IIxlures, or from any other
cause, whether the said Injury or damage results from conditions arising upon the Premises or upon other portions of the Building, or
from other sources or places. Lessor shall not be liable for any damages arising lrom any act or neglact of any other tenant of Lessor
nor front-the feilure 01 Lessor to enforce tha provisions of any other lease in the Project. Nolwilhstancfmg Lessor's negligance or breach
01 this Leese, Lessor shall under no circumstances be liable for injury to Lessee's business or for any loss of income or profiltherefrom.
9. Damage or Dulructlon.
9.1 Definitions.
(a) "Premises Partlsl Damage" shall mean damage or destruction to the improvements on the Premises, other than
Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, which can reasonably be repaired in 3 months or lass lrom the date of the damage
or destruction, and the coslthereof does not exceed a sum equal to 5 month's Base Rent. Lessor shall notify Lessee in writing within
30 days from the date of the damage or destruction as to whether or not the damage Is Partial or Total.
(b) "Premises Total Destruction" shall mean damage or destruction to the improvemants on the Premises, other than
Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations and Trade Fixtures, which cannot reasonably be repaired in 3 months or less from the
date of the damage or destruction andlor the cost thereof exceeds a sum equal to 5 month's Base Rent. Lessor shall notify Lessee in
writing wllhin 30 days lrom the date of the damage or destruction as to whether or not the damage is Partial or Total.
(c) "Insured Loss" shall mean damage or destruction to improvements on the Premises, other than Lessee Owned
Alterations. and Utility Installations and Trade Fixtures, which was caused by an event required to be COII8red by the insurance described
in Paragraph 8.3(a), irrespective of any deductible amounts or coverage limits Irwolved.
(d) "Replacement Cost" shall mean the cost to repair or rebuild the improvements owned by Lessor at the time of the
occurrence to their condition existing immediately prior thereto, including demolllion, debris removel and upgrading required by the
operation of Applicab1e Requirements, and wllhout deduction lor depreciation.
(e) "Hazardous Substance Condition" shall mean the occurrence or discovery of a condKlon irMllving the presence
of, or a contamination by, a Hazardous Substence as defined in Paragraph 5.2(a), in, on, or under the Premises which requires repair,
remediation, or restoration.
9.2 Partial Damage. Insured Loss. "a Premises Partial Damage that Is an Insured Loss occurs, then Lessor shall, at
Lessor's expense, repair such damage (but not Lessee's Trade Fixtures or Lessee Owned Alterations and Utility Installations) as soon
as reasonably possible and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect; provided, however, that Lessee shall, at Lessor's elactlon,
make the repeir of eny damage or destruction the total cost to repair of which is $5,000 or lass, end, in such event, Lesaor shaH make
any applicable insurance proceeds available to Lessee on a reasonable basis lor that purpose. Notwithstanding the Ioregoing, " the
required insurance was not in Iorce or the insurance proceeds are not sufficient to effect such repair, the Insuring Party shall prompUy
contribute tha shortage in proceeds as and when required to complete said repairs. In the event, however, such shortage was due to
the feet that, by reason of the unique nature of the improvements, full replacement cost insurance COII8rage was not commercially
reasonable and available, Lessor shall have no obligation to pay lor the shortage in insurance proceeds or to fully restore the unique
aspects of the Premises unless Lessee provides Lessor wllh the funds to cover same, or adequate assurance thereof, within 10 dsys
following receipt of wrlllen notice of such shortage and request therefor. If Lessor receives said funds or adequate assurance thereof
wllhin said 10 day period, the party responsible for making the repairs shall complete them as soon as reasonably possible and this
Lease shall remain in fulllorce and effect. If such lunds or assurance are not receiwd, Lessor may nevertheless elect by wrlllen notice
to Lessee within 10 days thereafter to: (I) make such restoration and repair as is commerciaUy reasonable wllh Lessor paying any
shortage in proceeds, in which case this Lease shall remain in full Iorce and effect, or (ii) have thJs Lease terminate 30 days thereafter.
Lessee shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any lunds contributed by Lessee to repair any such damage or destruction. Premises
Partial Damage due to flood or earthquake shall be subject to Paragraph 9.3, notwithstanding that there may be some Insurance
coverage, but the net proceeds of any such insurance shall be made available lor the repairs il made by either Party.
9.3 Partial Damage. Uninsured Loss. If a Premises Partial Damage that is not an Insured Loss occurs, unless caused by
a negligent or wilnul act of Lessee (in which event Lessee shall make the repairs at Lessee's expense), Lessor may ellher: (I) repair
such damage as soon as reasonably possible at Lessor's expense, in which event this Lease shall continue in fulllorce and effect, or
(i1) terminate this Lease by giving wrlllen notice to Lessee within 30 days after receipt by Lessor of knowledge oltha oocurrence of such
damage. Such termination shall be effective 60 days following the date of such notice. In the event Lessor eJects to terminate this Lease,
Lessee shall have the right wllhin 10 days after receipt of the termination notice to give wrillen notice to Lessor of Lessee's commltment
to pay lor the repair of such damage without reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall provida Lessor with said funds or satislactory
assurance thereof within 30 days after making such commllmenl. In such evenllhls Lease shall continue In fulllorce and effect, and
Lessor shall proceed to make such repeirs as soon as reasonably possible after the required funds ara _ilable. If Lessee does not
make the required commitment, this Lease shall terminate as of the date specified in tha termination notice.
9.4 Total Destruction. Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, if a Premises Total Destruction occurs, this Lease shall
terminate 50 days Iollowing such Destruction. If the damage or destruction was caused by the gross negligence or wilnul misconduct of
Lessee, Lessor shall halle the right to recover Lessor's damages from Lessee, except as provided in Paragraph 8.6.
9.5 Damage Near End of Term. If at any time during the last 5 months of this Lease there is damage for which the cost to
repair exceeda one month's Base Rent, whether or not an Insured Loss, Lessor may terminate this Lease effective 60 days following the
date 01 occurrence of such damage by giving a written termination notice to Lessee within 30 days after the date of oocurrence of such
dsmage. Notwithstanding the Ioregolng, if Lessee at that time has an exercisable option to extend this Lease or to purchese the
Premises, then Lessee may preserve this Lease by, (a) exercising such option and (b) providing Lessor with any shortage in Insurance
p~ (or adeq.u~te ~ra~c:e ther_~f) need&~ tOITl,,:'" ~h....;;~;~ VOl Of bal~~;,..ll-,;; .earli~r 01 (il,ll.e.dale whlch.~ .10~)'S ..fter
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pel\OJddeun I/OI1S 18811 01 SlOBle JOSS81 II '~ed SOllJ6 pue eouOU ~ 10 ~!sseoeu 84llft04l!M 408818 elCl8Jnouou 8 JO '(0) na
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'seJdlOu~d 6U!lUnOOO8 peld8008 ~IIBJeue6 Jepun pe4snq81se (SJoIUBJ8n6 Ml8 6UIPnI0lC8) 88888110 IlIJOM leu e41
U8ew 'I84s ..-S81 10 IllJOM 18N.. 'IUesuoo 8D PJ04411M ~ew Josse, 40!4M 01 ssee, S!4110 luewu6!88e ue pllJeplSuoo eq lIells 'JeleeJ6
SI JO 88M J8/\84014M 'UOllOl1P81I/011S 6UII"lIISUoo SUO!1088UBJI JO uOllOlilSUeJI Pies 01 JO!Jd ~1818IpeWW! SlS!X8 D 88 JO 'pelUesUoo sell
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'pe.llnbelllUHUOO .,.JOSS81 l'C: l
'lIuIPJClns pue lUewulI,.." 'C:l
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J!8d8J 'IUllplOOe 'UMop~eeJq 'ell1dsIP Joq81 'e~!JIS 'IOIJ 01 enp 801^-,as JO ~llIn ~e 10 eouenu!luOO8IP JO uolldnJJelU! 'eII8ddoiS '~nbepeUI
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'6UIP801 JO 868sn B880lC8 S,88SSlI1 01 elQ8Olldd8 6u~w 81llJ8des
JOjpUB IU8wdlnbe I8IUlIWelddno esuedxe S.8888e, 18 Illil1SUI 'UO!l8JOS!P elos 8D U! '~w J08881 '''''81 Ml 4dBJ6lu8dqns S!41 jO 408eJq
e 10 1110 es~8 ~8W le41 81800 JO s8sUBdxe 88SOlC8 ~8 J~ JOSS81 aSJnqw!1lJ 01 eess81llJlnbeJ II8ll8 JOSS81 'I08rOJd e41 JOj 868sn aomo
p.IllpU8IB J8IIO 'SSOI^-'es 4S8J1 pu8 ~noes 01 peDwlllOU Inq 6u,pnlOuI 'OSO!^J8S JO Samlnn 841 uodn ueplnq llJlXlI 888neo 1841101I ~U8
lIW1ed JO J8jjns JO 'J8A\Od JO 6U!I46n 'Jlll_ SSBOxe sesn 1841 ses,weJd e411noqe JO Ulluewdlnbe JO .uSU!408W esn JO 1181BU! IOU 1I8lls
pltll 81811"0 6u11B1lC8 46nOJIlI JO ~q Idsoxe sa!lllnn 841 01 uo!Io8uuoo a~w IOU 1184s 88SS8, ._.., All ellnn lIHOll3 v'll
'10BI841lSOO 841 10 JOB881 OIIl8SS81 MllU8weSJnqw!8I PU8 IB8nbeJ 8oollllp8 ollOllrqns eq 11848 saW!! J8410 18 p8l!nbeJ S80!^Jes
pue sellll!ln 'C: l'l 4dBJ6llJRd UI 4lJOj ISS sew!l 6u~np pep!^OJd eq 1184S se!l!l!ln pue SBO!^Jes PillS '80IAJaS JO 8JnoH C'll
'llOJl\J8S P81lll8W ~llU!of 40ns JOI se6.l840 lie 10 Josse, Ml pauIWJalep eq 01 uo!IJodoJd elqeuoS8llJ 8 JO 81848 S.II8SS81 J84l1a
'UOlldo s~o..., Ie ~d 11848 eess81 'seslWeJd 8lll 01 peJeleW ~lel8J8deo IOU SI eO!^-,80 40nS pue C l'l 4dBJ68J8d Ml pelelep SI eOl^Jes 8
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pue sell!l!I" Je410 pue eU04delel 'JeMOd '146n 'lea4 'se6 'JeI8M lie JOj ~8d lIe40 eesse, 'N..., Ol 8^lsnpxa Sr.I!^I1I$ C:'ll
841 UIIlIIM pepnlOUI seeJ8 e68J0l8 JO SU840~ 01 seoll\J8S 18!JOI!U8! ap!I.OJd 01 peJ!nbllJ aq 'JallaM04 'IOU 1184S Josse, 'I\ue l! '8J"P8408
1~01lU8r pe40llll8 e41 01 IU8nSJnd JO 'S~llP!lOH 6UIPl!ns 6u!pnlOX8 '~88M J8d S8W!! S 88aJ.... uowwoO pltll seS!weJd elll 01 s80!^Jas
,~ol!uer ep!^OJd OSI8 lIe4s JOSS81 'seJnpc!l p8e41llM p.IllpU81S JOj Slsell8q pue saqllllU8088JOnll JOlPue sqlnq IIlfi!IIU8W801lldBJ PU8
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'-IAJaS pUB 8IIRI11lO 'Il
'~8dOJd s.eessa, 01 elqeO!Idd8 S8XBI 841 4lJOI 6u!ll8S IUllW8I8IB U8UlJM 8 10 idlaOSJ Jelle
wp 0 l U!IlI"" ~edOJd s.eess81 OllllQlllnq~ll. s8X8l841 JOSS8, ~8d 1184S 888881 '~edOJd I8BJ S~OB881 4l/A\ pesS8888 eq 1184S ~adOJd
PIes s,ee8881 '0 ~U8" 'J0888110 ~8dOJd 18IlJ e41 WOJI ~'lllBJ8d8S pelllq pue pesseSS8 8q 01 ~8dOJd 18U000ed J84lO 118 PU8 IUBwdlnbe
's6u!4BlWlll 'S8InPCI:! epBJ~ 'SUO!l81181BU1 ~I!ln PU8 SUO!lBJell.... peuMQ ee8881 Oil asneo 11848 888881 'EllQI88od U84M 'SBSfweJd
841 UI peu!8lUOO eess81 10 ~doJd [eUOSJed 118 pu8 IUawd!nbe 's6u!4S!Wnl 'sllJnPCI:! apeJ~ 'SUO!l8JllilIOUI ~I!ln PUll SUO!lBJell.... peuMQ
eesse, uodn PS!^81 pue ISUIll68 pesS8888 S8X81118 ~uanbll!'llp 01 Jo~d ~8d 1181ls 8888e, "8X8~ 41edcud ,.UOSJ8d S'Ol
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S~"'8 XBI a41 U! pe!llosdo SllX8! ~edoJd '881:! epnlou! IOU 1184s sasuedx3 6u!lllJadO .8\U8W8AOJdWII.UOlllPP.... C'OI
'<:'v 4dllJ6llJ8d
10 suo!s!l\OJd elll IlIIM BOU8p.10008 uI sesu8dx3 6u!lBJedO 10 UO!l8In"l80 e41 U! papnloul eq 11848 Sluew~d pres pue '108foJd elll 01
elqeondde SllX8! ~edOJd le8l:! 841 ~8d II8IlS JOOsa, 'C'O llld8J68J8d U! pepll\OJd "IMle410 S8 ldeOX3 '88X8~JO lU8W~8d <:'0 l
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IOU Inq 6UlpnjOUI 'asee, SIIlIIO WJal 841 6UIJnp 6u!JJftOOO Slu8IIa 10 uoseaJ ~q pssodWI 'UI8J8lll aseeJOUI ~8 JO '86.181l0 JO IueWSS...8
.L...... ......... '_ L.._ ___._... __._ u_.._ _____ 1_______ . _ _ _
12.2 TllI'IIl8 and Conditions Applicable to Assignment and Subletting.
(a) Regardless 01 Lesso~s consent, no assignment or sublelling shall: (i) be effective wRhout the express wrmen
assumption by such assignee or sublessee 01 the obligations 01 Lassee under this Laase, (II) release Lessee 01 any obligations
hereunder, or (iii) alter the primary liability 01 Lessee lor the payment 01 Rent or lor the performance 01 any other obligations to be
performed by Lessee.
(b) Lassor may accept Rent or performance 01 Lessee's obligations lrom any person other than Lessee pending
approval or disapproval 01 an assignment. Neilher a delay in the approval or disapproval 01 such assignment nor the acceptance 01 Rent
or performance shall constitute a waiver or estoppel 01 Lesso~s right to exercise its remedies lor Lessee's Default or Breach.
(c) Lesso~s consent to any assignment or subletting shall not constllute a consent to any subsequent assignment or
(d) In the event 01 any Delault or Breach by Lassee, Lessor may proceed directly against Lessee, any Guarantors or
anyone else responsible lor the performance 01 Lessee's obligations under this Lease, Including any assignee or sublessee, wilhout first
exhausting Lasso~s remedies against any other person or entity responsible therelor to Lassor, or any security held by Lassor.
(e) Each request lor consent to an assignment or subletting shall be in writing, accompanied by Inlormatlon relevant to
Lesso~s determination as to the financial and operational responsibility and approprfateness 01 the proposed assignee or sublesaee,
including but notlimiled to the intended use and/or required modllicatlon 01 the Premises, II any. Lessee egress to provide Lessor wilh
such olIIer or addltlonallnlormation and/or documentation as may be reasonably requested. (See also Paragraph 36)
(I) Any assignee 01, or sublessee under, this Lease shall, by reason 01 accepting such assignment or entering Into such
sublease, be deemed to ha_assumed and agreed to conlorm and comply wiIh each and every term, covenant, condllion and obligation
herein to be obseMld or performed by Lassee during the term 01 said assignment or sublease, other than such obligations as are
contrary to or inconsistent wilh provisions 01 an assignment or sublease to which Lassor has specifically consented to In writing.
(g) L~s consent to any assignment or sublelllng shall not transfer to the assignee or sublessee any Option granted
to the original Lassee by this Laase unless such transfer is specifically consented to by Lessor in writing. (See Paragraph 39.2)
12.3 Additional Terms and Conditions Applicabla to Subletting. The following terms and conditions shall apply to any
subletting by Lassee 01 all or any part 01 the Premises and shall be deemed Included In all subleases under this Laase whether or not
expressly incorporated therein:
(a) Lessee hereby assigns and translers to Lessor all 01 Lessee's Interest In all Rent payable on any sublease, and
Lassor may collect such Rent and apply same toward Lassee's obligations under this Laase; provided, however, that until a Breach shall
occur in the performance 01 Lassee's obligations, Lassee may collect said Rent. Lessor shall not, by reason 01 the foregoing or any
assignment 01 such sublease, nor by reason 01 the collection 01 Rent, be deemed liable to the sublessee lor any failure 01 Lessee to
perform and comply wiIh any 01 Lassee's obligations to such sublessee. Lessee hareby irrevocably authorizes and directs any such
sublessee, upon receipt 01 a writlen notice lrom Lessor stating that a Breach exlsts In the performance of Lessee's obligations under this
Laase, to pay to Lessor aU Rent due and to become due under the subleese. Sublessee shell rely upon any such notice from Laasor
and shell pay all Rents to Lessor wilhout any obligation or right to inquire as to whether such Breach lIXista, notwithstanding any claim
from Lassee to the contrary.
(b) In the event 01 a Breach by Lassee, Lessor may, at its option, require sublessee to attorn to Lessor, in which event
Lessor shall undertake the obligations 01 the sublessor under such sublease lrom the time 01 the exercise 01 said option to the expiration
of such sublease; provided, however, Lessor shell not be liable lor any prepaid rents or security depilsil paid by such sublessee to such
sublessor or lor any prior Deleulls or Breaches 01 such sublessor.
(c) Any meller requiring the consent 01 the sublessor under a sublease shall also require the consent 01 Lassor.
(d) No sublessee shalllurther assign or sublet all or any part 01 the Premi_ wilhout Lass~s prior writlen consent.
(e) Lessor shall deliver a copy 01 any notice 01 Default or Breach by Lassee to the sublessee, who shall have the right
to cure the Defauil 01 Lessee wilhln the grace period, if any, specllled In such notice. The sublessee shall have a right 01 reimbursement
and offset Irom and egainst Lassee lor any such Defaults cured by the sublessee.
13. Defllult; Breach; Rameclies.
13.1 Default; Breach. A "Default" is defined as a lailure by the Lassee to comply wilh or perform any 01 the terms, covenants,
conditions or Rules and Regulations under this Laase. A "Breach" Is defined as the occurrence of one or more 01 the loIlowIng Defaults,
and the failure 01 Lassee to cure such Default wilhin any applicable grace period:
(a) The abandonment 01 the Premises; or the vacating 01 the Premises without providing a commercially reasonable
level 01 security, or where the coveraga of the property insurance described in Paragraph 8.3 Is jeopardized as a resuil thereol, or wiIhout
providing reasonable assurances to minimize potential vandalism.
(b) The failure of Lessee to make any payment 01 Rent or any Security Deposit required to be made by Lessee
hereunder, whether to Lassor or to a third party, when due, to provide reasonable evidence 01 insurance or surety bond, or to IuUIII any
obligation under this Laase which endangers or threatens life or property, where such failure conllnues lor a period 01 3 business days
Iollowing wrfltan notice to Lassee.
(c) The failure by Lessee to provide (i) reasonable written evidence 01 compliance wilh Applicable Requirements, (ii) the
service contracts, (ill) the rescission 01 an unauthorized assignment or subletting, (Iv) an Estoppel Certificate, (v) a requested
subordination, (vi) evidence concerning any guaranty and/or Guarantor, (vii) any document requested under Paragraph 41 (easements),
or (viii) any other documentation or inlormation which Lessor may reasonably require 01 Lassee under the terms of this Laase, where
any such failure continues lor a period of 10 days Iollowlng written nollce to Lessee.
(d) A DeIauM by Lessee as to the tarms, covenants, conditions or provisions 01 this Laase, or 01 the rules adopted under
Paragraph 2.9 hereol, other than those described In subparagraphs 13.1 (a), (b) or (c), above, where such Defauil conllnues lor a period
01 30 days alter written notice; provided, however, that if the nature 01 Lessee's Default Is such that more than 30 days are reasonably
required lor i1s cure, then II shall not be deemed to be a Breach if Lessee commences such cure wilhin said 30 day period and therealter
diligenlly prosecutes such cure to completion.
(e) The occurrence 01 any 01 the lollowlng events: (i) the making of any general arrangement or assignment lor the
benefit 01 credilors; (i1) becoming a "debtor" as defined in 11 U.S.C. ~ 101 or any successor staMe thereto (unless, in the case 01 a
petillon filed against Lassee, the same Is dismissed wilhin 60 days); (1II) the appointment 01 a trustee or receiver to take possession of
substantially all of Lessee's assets located at the Premises or 01 Lassee's Interest in this Laase, where possession is not restored to
Lessee within 30 days; or (Iv) the ..ttechment, axacution or other judiclal seizure of substentlaHy ..II 01 Lessee's assets located at the
Premises or of Lassee's interest in this Laase, where such seizure is not discharged wilhin 30 days; provided, however, in the event that
any provision 01 this subparagraph (e) Is contrary to any applicable law, such provision shall be 01 no Ioroe or eIIect, and not affect the
validity 01 the remaining provisions.
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UOlllll""S", It4qsa InlllSlJlIIllpul U1lOIJ8WY1llI&~ 0
'88891 Sf4110 UOIlf1OllX8 811110 8Wn 8lllle
J:l8ll8 U! lUelIOJB 811110 8Jnpelpll alll 411M 8OU1IPJD:lOe UI 88J e 1IJ8lI0JB ~ed I18llS JOS88, 'U81ll 'U!8J8IInnllp UOlPlJ1lO88 UBIO UOll8J8dO
JO IU8Wl18JllIl ,(q Jel.ll8llM 'peSll1lJ:lU1 81 lU8l:l 8SlIg I! (p) JO '8SlI., SlIllIO UOll1l.lldxe elll JeUlI 'J08S8110 IUlISIIOO 8lll1ll1M 'S881W1l.Id
e4110 UOfnenod U! 8UJllWel ....., ~ (0) 'lOll!OJd 8111 U!llllM pel800t pUB J088e, .(cfpeUMO S88!Weld J8lllO JO 8II8!\UlIJd elll 01 8lll6~
~e JOS881 wOJj _Inboe eess., I! (q) 'UOIldO u seSlOlexa eesse, I! (e) :je41 S89J6e J088e, '6u~ UI 8llJ1llI esfMJ8lll0 Sl8llOJg e41
pUB JOSS., sse/un pue '8^OQII on 4d1l.161l.111d OllUBnSlnd p8MO 81U8WAlId e41 01 UOIl!ppe UI 'UOfSSIWWOO IIlII0PlPPY na
. 'SIl8:l elkuellGl8 'S I
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UOseel ,(q p8leU!WJ8IIOU I! 8S881 811ll11l4l1UBM 8lll u/ 'JOjele41 elQ1lA1ld S! 4Of4M uOlleluedwoo lie pus -<us 01 P81l1lU8 8q 111I4S seSS8,
pUB se..., 84110 418dOJd 8lll Pel8pIIUOO eq IIe4S '.<,00 UOlleUW8puoO JO S8lodAnd JOj '_8' ,(q seSfw1l.Id 841 01 epew 8uOIle118lSU/
All/nn PU1I SUOll1lJ8lIV IIV '4d1l.1611Jed Sl4l10 IUO!I!^OJd 841 Olluenlmd peleU!WJ81 II ese., Sl4llOU JO J8lll84M 01 pm6eJ l/lollllM 'lell\lX1.:!
8P1l.l1 JO/pue II!MJlOO6 sS8U18nq JO SSOI '8esuedxe u0Il8OOfeJ l,eeSS8' JOI UO!l"uedwoo ~ue 01 P8ll1lU8 eq 111148 se..., le41 'J_4
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e4110 ~Inn ul uOflOI1P8J a41 01 uOJlJOdOJd UI peonP8J aq lIe41 Iual:! ales e411e411deoxe '6UIUI8W8J leslW8Jd 84110 UORJOd a41 01
Ie J:l8ll8 pue 8OlOj IIIlJ UI UreW8J 11848 ess., 1!41 'llUlOll8JOI 841 411M eouepJooos UI 8se8, 1141 aIIlU!WJ8110U II80p eess., II 'uolssessod
4001 88l18l1lw04lne 6UIUwepuoo 841 81ep 84110 se 8se8, 1141 81eu!WJ81 (uo!ss88S0d U8lf8l Me4 111148 i\lJJO'll"e llUIUW8PUOO 841
Jalle I~ o~ UI411M '8OfIOU 40"8 JO 8OUesQ1l841 U/ JO) 6U!~1ll40nl 10 aonOU U8ll!JM eesse, U8II!1l Me411114S J08S8, J811ll sA1Ip O~ U!4I1M
llun~M UI P88!Ol8X8 aq 01 'UOlldo I,eess., Ie 'AlIw ""8' 'UOneuw8puoO,(q u8lI1ll8Je '~UB p. 'seoeds llufltJed pMJ8S81:! I,_a, 10
%SC: UB41 8JOW JO 'les!W8Jd 811110 e8Je JOOIl8IQ1llU8J a4l10 %0 ~ ue41 aJOW 1/ 'SJnooo 1SJ!l JMe4Of4M 'uO!8888S0d JO 81l!l 88lI1ll Al~OIllne
llu!uwepuoo 8418111P e4110 Sll U8lIllllllld 84101 Sll 8111U!WJ811Ie4s a11l8, S!41 '(..UopeuwepUOO.. ~18II!lOllIlOO) JaMed P[llS 10 8S!Ol8X8 a41
10 1ll8J41 841 Japun Plos JO ul8wop IU8ulwa 10 J&Mod 841 J8pUn ua~el 8Jll I08J841 uORJod ~ll JO ses!Weld 8411/ 'UO!18UW8pUOO 'v ~
01 uOIleluewnoop P!" AJddns PU1I 8mo PIllS 10 lIDO 841lu8Wnoop lIe4s 888S8, 'JOS881 wll4 IU8w8Slnqwl8J lt88S 0l1411~ s,.....,
llu!^Jes8J 'l!sod8(J Ilwnoes 8lll JO IU8l:l 8Sl1g S,41UOW 8UO 10 J8le8Jll 841 ollenba IunoWll ue peeoxe IOU 1I1141 lesllO 40ns 1ll4l 'J_4
PBP!^OJd 'elno 4001 WJOjJed 01 1800 81Q1lU08ll8J pus Ill"lOll 841 IU81:1 WOJI181110 pue esu8dxe s,ee..., Ie 4Oll8Jq P[llS 8Jno 0llOlll8
AlIw -., u841 'U0Il81dWOO 0111 8nlmd AJIU86!IIP IOU op M41 8Jno P!el peouewwoo 0u!^e4 p. JO 'eollOU P!8S 10 IdteoeJ J81J1l ~IlP O!:
U!4IIM 4088Jq P!81 S8JnO J8pu., JOU JOSS8, Ja4118U 18411UlWl 841 ul 'Jos'" 10 118488 uo _.., .<Q eoulIOWJCII.I8d (q)
'UOn8ldwoo 01 p&nSJnd ~lluell!l!P J811e8J841 pue ~ad AlIp O\: 4008 U!4lIM peouewwoo Sf eou8UJJOjJ8d
I! 40118Jq U! 8q IOU lIe48 J08S8, U841 '80UllWJOjl8d SI! JOI P8J!nbaJ ~lqeuol1l8J 8Je IAlIp O\: UIl41 eJOW le41 40flS SI uORellllQO S~088"
10 8JnIBU 841 I! le41 'JMeMOll 'pap!^OJd :peWJ0jJ8d ueeq IOU se4 JOSS8, 10 uOll1l611qo 40nl U!8J84M 6ui-<l!08dl 8O!l0U U8ll!JM 10 'esownd
4001 JOj 6u~ UI _., pe4sIwnl ueeq Mll4 1184S ssaJppe pue 8WllU es04M Japu., ~Ull pull 'JOSS8, ~q Id!808J J81le s~ep O\: Ulllll
ss81 8q IU_ ou U! 1I1141 8W!18IqeuOSll8J II '4dlllllllJed S!4110 sasownd JO.:! "J088" ~q pewJ0jJ8d aq 01 peJlnb8J uOIle6!1QO ue WJOjJed 01
8W!181Q1luOSe8J B UI4l!M II!BJ Joss., sselun esll., '!41 jO 408aJq U! p8weep eq IOU 1I114s J088., "1l0lHUS 10 eolICN (el
".IOa8l.<Q 40-8 9'\:~
'v'\: ~ 4dllJllllJlld U! JOj pap!^OJd 861840 8Iellll!lU8!Od a41 01 uOfllPPe U! alQ1lAlld S! ISel81UI
...., ,(q peMOll8 alllJ wnwpmw alii paaoxe IOU lIe4' l"Q wnUUB Jad %0 ~ 10 81111 a411e P81ndwoo 8q 11848 pe6l840 (....-JUI.) lSaJ81UI
elll. 'Slua~lld palnp&lpll-UOU 01 se enp SlIM I! J81J1l ~llp 1S~\: a41 JO 'SluawAlId P8Jnpe40S 01 se '8np U84M 818P 841 WOJllSel8lU! JIleq
1184s 'luewA1Id pelnpelpll-uou JOj enp SllM II 4O!4M 00 alep 84111UfMOIIOI S~llp O!: UI4I1M JO (1U8l:l eseg se 40"1) 81U8wA11d pelnp&lpll 01
SB 8np u84M 'Joss., ,(q PMI808J IOU 's861e40 aiel us41 J8410 'J8pUn8J84 JOss., 8np lU9WMd ~Illeuow.<uy 1ll8J8lUI S'\: ~
'8OUMpll UI ~~8JJenb 81~Bd puB anp awooeq 'uo!ldo I~O"" Ie '!I848 IU8l:l asse '~IlIIUoo 841 01 essa,
S!4110 UOIS!^OJd ~ll 6u/pulI\S4lIMlou u841 'lU81:! esllB jO SlU8WIIIlISU! M!lnoeSUOO \: JOj 'palOlllfOO IOU JO Jll4l84M 'Jepun8J84 alQ1l~
I! a6le40 8Ill11l1B41lUMe a41 ul 'J8pun&J84 palUSJll S81p8W8J pue S14~ J8410 e41 jO ~1l10 es!Olexa 84llulII\8Jd JOU 'Iunowe 8npJ~
4O"s 01 lOlldS8J 411M 40ll8Jg JO llri1lJ80 I.eesse, 10 J8II!llM e al"l!ISUOO IU8M OU ul 1I1148 JOSS8, ~q 861840 81ll! 40"1 10 eoUllldeoov
'lU8wAlId elel 40ns 10 uoseel ,(q mouI 111M J08S8, IlSOO 84110 8leW!lSa a/qllUOSll8J pUB JI8I e SluesaJdeJ ll6l114O 81el 40nl 1ll4l 8llJlle
,(qaJa4 s8111ed alll. 'Jale8J6 I! J8/o8llO!4M 'OO~$ JO Iunowe anpJMo 40ns 4011810 %O~ ollllnbe 86Jll40 8181 8Wn-eUO e JOS881 01 ~Bd
1184S 888S81 'eesla, OI80\IOU JOIIU8W8JlnbeJ u lno4l!M 'ua41 'anp 8q lIe4S IunOWll 400S JalJll I~ S UI411M J088., ,(q P8II!808J eq IOU
1I114S IUBI:! ~Ulll! '~16ulpJOOOY 'J8pue, u ~q JOlla, uodn p8sodwI aq AlIw lP!4M s8611140 81el pue '061840 llununooos pUllllU!SS8OOJd
'01 pallWlIlOU 8Je Inq 'apnIOU! IlSOO 40ns 'U!elJ8OSB OII\llO!ll!P ~lew8JlX8 8q 111M 4014M jO Iunowe IOllX8 841 'ase., 1!4I ~q pelllldw8lUOO
IOU SlSOO JOOU! 01 JOSS8, e8neo 11IM IU8l:l10 aess., ~q IU8WAlId 8111111141 S86p8lMo~1l ,(qeJe4 888881 ""Il.m/o 81111 v'\: ~
'80Ullldaooe 40111 10 8Wn a4118 J088., ,(q Ou~ 1I\ palllll os AJf8O!l!Oeds
ssa\un 4d1l.111llJed 111II10 SUOfSI^OJd 841 jO J088a, ,(q J8II!eM II p8we8p 8q IOU IIB41 4dlll6eJed S!4I JO UOIlllJedo 841 pele!l!U! lP!4M 4Oe8Jg
84110 8mo ll4l JO IU8J jO JOSS., ~q eousld8ooe 8111. '8essa, ~q 40ll8JB Pies 10 elno Iuenbalqnl ~ll 6UIPUIllS411MjOU 'J088., 01 888881
,(q 81Q1lAlld puB anp AJ8IIlIPeww! eq 11848 UOII!^OJd IU8weonpU( ue 4001 Japun JO..., ,(q pred JO u8^!ll 'p8l8Qll 8JOjOl8J841 uonllJ&pJsuoo
JO IUBweonpu! 'snooq '861e4O J8lll0 'IUel U pue 'J:l8ll8 JO 80101 Ja4lJnl OU 10 pull ess8, llt41 Wll4 pel8t8P pewsep aq AJI8OIl8WOl/le
1I114S UOlS!^OJd Iuaweonpu\ 4001 ~ll 'seSS8, ,(q 8se., 1141 10 40118JB uodn 'esea, S!4I jO SUOII!PUoo pUB SlUSUMOO 'IWJ81 a4l10
1111 10 8OUBWJOjJed Inl411BJ PU1IIIIlJ s,aesse, uodn peuOlI!PUOO peweep 8q 1I114s '..IUO!SIMJd PJQweonpul. III 01 P8JJ818J JalJllu!el84 eJe
SUO!SS80UOO 40l4M 10 liB 'ess8' 1141 OIU! llU~81U8 s,aesse, JOj UO!lllJaPlSUoo JO IU8WeonPUI 'Inuoq J8410 JO 4180 ~UllIO sess., JOI JO 01
Joss., ~q 6U,^lld JO llU!^lll 841 JOI JO 'lallJll40 Ja410 JO IU8J palllqll JO 8aJI JOIIUaW89Jlle F.uv "ellQd-lI PJQweonpul \:.\: ~
.seS!W8Jd 841 10 Aouednooo s.eess", '0
UOSll8J ,(q JO 108J84 WJal a41 6u~np 6ulruooe JO Ou~nooo SJ811ew 01 se 8SB8, '14110 SUo!s!^oJd ~UW8PU! ~Ull Jepun Al!l!Q1l11 WOJI sessa,
Me!l8J IOU 1I1l4s uo!ss8ssod 011411~ s,eess., 10 UOnllU!WJ81 841 JO,puB 8S118, 1!4110 uO!lIlU!WJ81 JO UO!lllJ!dx8 8111 'P8JeOOI elll lel!w8Jd
a41 UI8Ja4M alBII e4110 SUO!Sf08P IBlOlpn! JO ....1 a41 Japun a(qBI!BhB J811B8Ja4 JO MOU .<p&W8J J8410 ~e 8nSlnd (0)
'UOlssessod 011411IJ s,eessa, a4110 uO!leU!WJ8111 al"lllSuoo IOU 1I114s 'S\S8J8111\ ....OSS8' 84110810Jd 01
JMI808J e jO IU8WIU!oddll a41 JO,pUll 'l8JaJ 01 SlJ0lI8 '8OUBu81ulew 10 SlOII 'sUO!leI!W!I 81Q1looSlllll 01 ~uo lOll!qns 'u6!sse JO 18Jqnl AlIW
eess., IU8M1l0l4M U! 'anp 18wooeq II SlllU81:1 a41 J8^OO8J pUll uo!ssassod 011411~ s,eess8' pUB 8Sll" 841 anu!lUOn (q)
15.2 Assumption of Obligations. Any buyer or transleree of Lessor's interest in this Lease shall be deemed to have
assumed Lessor's obligation hereunder. Brokers shell be third party beneficiaries of the provisions of Paragraphs 1.10, 15,22 and 31.
If Lessor fails to pay to Brokers any amounts due as and lor brokerage fees pertaining to this Lease when due, then such amounts shall
accrue Interest. In addition, if Lessor fails to pay any amounts to Lessee's Broker when due, Lessee's Broker may send wrllten nolice
. to Lessor and Lessee of such lailure and if Lessor lails to pay such amounts within 10 days alter said notice, Lessee shall pay said
monies to Its Broker and offset such amounts against Rent. In addition, Lessee's Broker shall be deemed 10 be a third party beneficiary
of any commission agreement entered into by andlor between Lessor and Lessor's Broker lor the limited purpose of collecling any
brokerage fee owed.
15.3 Representations and Indemnities of Broker Relationships. Lessee and Lessor each represent and warrant to the
other thaI It has had no dealings with any person, firm, broker or finder (other than the Brokers, If any) In connection with this Lease, and
that no one other lhan said named Brokers is entitled to any commission or finder's fee In connection herewith. Lessee and Lessor do
each hereby agree to Indemnify, protect, defend and hold the other harmless from and against liability for compensation or charges which
may be claimed by any such unnamed broker, finder or other similar party by reason of any dealings or actions of the indemnifying Party,
including any costs, expenses, attorneys' laes reasonably incurred with respeel thereto.
16. Estoppel Certmcates.
(a) Each Party (as "Responding Party") shall within 10 days alter written notice from the other Party (the "Requesting
Party''' execute, acknowledge and deliver to the Requesting Party a statement In writing In lorm similar to the then most current
"Estoppel Certificate" form published by the American Industrial Real Estate Association, plus such additional Inlormation,
confirmation andlor stateme..ts as may be reasonably requested by the Requesting Party.
(b) "the Responding Party shalllail to execute or deliver the Estoppel Certificate within such 10 day period, the
Requesting Party may execute an Estoppel Certificate stating that: (i) the Lease Is in full force and effecl without modification except as
may be represented by the Relluesting Party, (II) there are no uncured delaults in the Requesting Party's performance, and (ill) If Lessor
is the Requesting Party, not more than one month's rent has been paid in advance. Prospective purchasers and encumbrancers may
rely upon the Requesting Party's Estoppel Certfficate, and the Responding Party shall be estopped from denying the truth of the facts
contained in said Certificate.
(c) "Lessor desires to finance, refinance, or sell the Premises, or any part thereof, Lessee and all Guarantors shall
deliver to any polential lender or purchaser designated by Lessor such financial statements as may be reasonably required by such
lender or purchaser, including but not limited to Lessee's financial statements for the past 3 years. All such financial statements shall be
receilled by Lessor and such lender or purchaser In confidence and shall be used only lor the purposes herein set forth.
17. Definition of Lessor. The term "Lessor" as used herein shall mean the owner or owners at the time In question of the fee tllle
to the Premises, or, if this is a sublease, of the Lessee's Interest in the prior lease. In the event of a transfer of Lessor's title or interest
In the Premises or this Lease, Lessor shall deliver to the transferee or assignee (In cash or by credit) any unused Security Deposit held
by Lessor. Except as provided in Paragraph 15, upon such transfer or assignment and delivery of the Security Deposit, as aloresaid,
the prior Lessor shall be relieved of all liability with respect to the obligations andlor covenants under this Lease thereafler to be
performed by the Lessor. Subject to the foregoing, the obligations andlor covenants In this Lease to be performed by the Lessor shall
be binding only upon the Lessor as hereinabove defined.
18. Severability. The invalidity of any provision of this Lease, as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall In no way affect
the validity of any other provision hereof.
19. Days. Unless otherwise specifically indicated to the contrary, the word "days" as used in this Lease shall mean and refer to
calendar days.
20. Limitation on Liability. The obligations of Lessor under this Lease shall nol constitute personal obligations of Lessor or its
partners, members, directors, officers or shareholders, and Lessee shall look to the Project, and to no other assets of Lessor, for the
satislaction of any liability of Lessor with respect to this Lease, and shall not seek recourse against Lessor's partners, members,
directors, offICers or shareholders, or any of their personal assets for such satislaction.
21. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence with respeel to the performance of all obligations to be performed or observed by the
Parties under this Lease.
22. No Prior or Other Agreements; Broker Disclaimer. This Lease contains all agreements between the Parties wRh respect to any
matter mentioned herein, and no other prior or contemporaneous agreement or understanding shall be effective. Lessor and Lessee
each represents and warrants to the Brokers that it has made, and is relying solely upon, its own investigation as to the nature, quality,
character and financial responsibility of the other Party to this Lease and as to the use, nature, quality and character of the Premises.
Brokers have no responsibility with respect thereto or with respect to any default or breach hereof by either Party. The liability (including
court costs and attorneys' fees) of any Broker with respect to negotiation, execution, delivery or performance by eRher Lessor or Lessee
under this Lease or any amendment or modification hereto shall be limited to an amount up to the fee received by such Broker pursuant
to this Lease; provided, however, that the foregoing limitation on each Broker's liability shall not be applicable to any gross negligence
or willful misconducl of such Broker.
23. Notices.
23.1 Notice Requirements. All notices required or permitted by this Lease or applicable law shall be in writing and may be
delivered in person (by hand or by courier) or may be sent by regular, certified or registered meil or U.S. Postal Service Express Mail,
with postage prepaid, or by lacsimile transmission, and shall be deemed sufficiently given ff served in a manner specified in this
Paragraph 23. The addresses noted adjacent to a Party's signature on this Lease shall be that Party's address for delivery or mailing of
notices. Either Party may by written notice to the other specity a different address for notice, except that upon Lessee's taking
possession of the Premises, the Premises shall constitute Lessee's address for notice. A copy of all noticas to Lessor shall be
concurrentlY,transmltted to such party or parties at such addresses as Lessor may from time to time herealter designate in writing.
23.2 Date of Notice. Any notice sent by registered or certified mail. return receipt requested, shall be deemed given on the
date of delivery shown on the receipt card, or if no delivery date Is shown, the postmark thereon. If sent by regular mail the notice shall
be deemed given 48 hours after the same Is addressed as required herein and mailed with postage prepaid. Notices delivered by UnRed
States Express Mail or overnight courier that guarantee next day delivery shall be deemed given 24 hours after delivery of the same to
the Postal Service or courier. Notices transmitted by lacslmlle transmission or similar means shall be deemed delivered upon telephone
confirmation of receipt (confirmation report from fax machine is sufficient), provided a copy is also delivered via delivery or mail. If notice
is received on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, ~ shall be deemed received on the next buainass day.
24. Waivers. No waiver by Lessor of the DefauR or Breach of any term, covenant or condition hereof by Lessee, shall be deemed a
waiver of any other term, covenant or condition hereof, or of any subsequent Default or Breach by Lessee of the same or of any other
......... ........._............ "'..........IN...... ..............., .1................... ...................... ...." ........._....1 _, ........ __ ..""_II __1..._ ...t____..1 1_ __..1__ ..__..;._____ .L.._ _......_._,__
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_~-o:lO 1'1110:1
~~ 3ElVd
UOII",:)09"" 1q1ll93 1_ lelJlSnpU\ u.......wy_~ 0
lIllllll sA8lj U,BI8J 0111I61' lltlI8I\lIlllIBIIs.lOSS81 'UO\IIPPB UI 'su61s .as..., JO:l. A1BUlpJO AUB SeSIW8Jd elll uo aoB,d 10000ell WJel e4\lo
S4IIJOW 9188181116u"np ABw Joss., PI/Il su6,s ..BIllS JO:l. A1BU,pJO Aue saslW9Jd lltlI UO &:le,d aWII Aue IB ABw JOSS81 'll8SS" 01 N/IIQB!I
JO IU9J 10 IU8WBlBQB InOtlllM 8q IIBIIB B8II!^IIOB lions 'IV 'S8S!W9Jd ellllo asn S,aeSS81 OllOlllle eSJ8I\pB I1'!JBlBW ou Sl eJe41 BB 6uOI SB
saslW9Jd Ja4\o JO/pUB S8S!W9Jd elll 116noJIII sl!npuoo pus sadld 'seol""as 'sa'l!l!In 10 6uIUle1U!eW pue 6u,sn '6unosJa alii pue e,qllllsap
JO A1esseoeu weep AeW JOSBe, SB saslWeJd e41 01 BUO!l!ppe JO Sjuewe^OJdw! 'SJIBde! 'sUOlllllelle lions 6Upt8W pUB 'slueuel JO 'sJapua,
'SJesellOJnd e^l108dsOJd 01 ewes elll 6UIMOIIS 10 esodJnd elll JOj sawn a,qBuoSeaJ Ie as,^"e4l0 pue 'oIoua6Jawe ue 10 eseo 941 UI 'eW!1
Aue IS seslweJd elll JlIIue 0~6U !YL8I\~.ueci!>s ~ua6e s~ossa, pue Jossal 'SAledall ~seSlwaJd 6UlMOIlS :SI8:l:)'" s",osla, 'GI:
, , ~ :,:-+~J:T"'O:~ ~S'(UOII&llnSUOO pue seO!""as lions JOI eOU9JJnooo Jed wnW!UIW e,QBUOS8eJ e sl OOG$)
4~89Je O~!I,n,M.; 1\0 Wi81eO 110 ,.t1euuoo UI peouawwoo Alluanbasqns Sl UO'IOB ,8Bal e IOU JO J8Ij1811M '1I1!M8JlltlI UOII08UUOO'
UI suoIIBllnsuDO pue I)nelao 10 saollOU 10 aOI""as pue UO!Ill.lBdaJd elll U! peJJnoU! sasuadxe pue SIBOO 'seel ,sAewoue 01 pellllua
"q lIellS Jossa, 'UO!l!ppe u, 'paJJnOUI Alq8UOse9J saal ,SAaUJOue Jle asmqw!aJ AJlnj 01 se lions aq JlellS Inq '8lnpellOS aal iJnDO Aue IIIIM
eOUBpJoooe UI pelndwDO eq IOU Jlells pJ8MB seel ,sAeUJOlle alii 'asuelap JO W!810 Sll 10 JlllIOJe JO 418d Je4\O elll Aq Iuewuopusqe alii
JO 'luew6pnf 'Iuawallles 'es,wOJdwoo Aq JalllaljM 'aq AeW aseo alii se '11I6nos la!laJ alii slealap JO SU!&Iqo iIl,llllUelsqns OIlM JalfOJe JO
41lld II 'UOIIBI!WlllnOlll,M 'apn",uI JlBlIs ..A4J8d 6UllllIAlI.Id.. 'WJel elli wew6pn[ JO uOlSlOap 01 penSJnd Sl 6u,peIIOOJd JO UO,IOB IIOMS IOU
JO Ja4lellM 'I,ns aleJlldas " uI peJ8I\ooeJ JO IIns ew"s elll UI pepJBM" eq ABW seelljOns 'sea, ,sAewOll" e,qeuosBeJ 01 pell!lUll eq II"IIS
'uoeJelll,8edd" JO 'uo'loe '6u,peIIOOJd lions Aue uI (peullep Jall"eJell s,,) il!Jed 6ulI!"l\9Jd elll 'JepUn9Jell S11l6" eJ"108p 01 JO 'Al!nbe JO
101lllUOO '1'01 U! pepunol JlIllleljM ses,W8Jd elll 6u,^I~1 6u!paaOOJd JO uOllO" u" s6u!Jq JlllI0Je JO 41"d Au"" '_:I .SAsWOll'" ' ~ I:
'u!9Jell JOI pep,^oJd luewaaJ6\f eou"qJnlslo-uON JO/pu" IUeWUJOll" 'UOII"ulpJoqns
Aue Iuewnoop AlaleJedas 01 paJlnbaJ AlqllUOseaJ aq Aew se s6UII!JM JalliJflj lions al/loaxa JlIlIIS Jossa, pue eessa, 'SeSIWeJd alii
10 6ulOU"UllaJ JO 6u!,>U"UIl 'ales" 4IIM UO!I08UUOO UI JepUal e JO JOSS81 WOJIIsenbaJ Uell!JM uodn '1"111 'Jell8MOII 'pep,^oJd :sluawnoop
JelliJn, Aue 10 UOllnoe"" allll/l04llM 8I\110811a eq II"IIS 01: IIdll.l6ll.led S!1I1 U! paU!"IUOO sluaweeJ6" elli '6UII":>II"=1-I18S "'01:
'!Uawa9J6\1 9OullqJn!Slo-uoN e 10 A181\!Iap pUll uOllnoexa alii JOI alelloBau olldwaue pUll Japua, IOIlIUOO
A1I08J,P 'UOlldo s,aass81 Ie 'AIlW eassa, ualll 'SAsp 09 PI"s U!4I1M luaweaJ6\f aoullqJnlslo-uoN elll ePl^OJd 01 alQllun S! JOSS81 111111
IU~ alii ul 'saslweJd a41 Aq pemoes S! 1I0!1jM 11011180 Allmoes 6UIIS!X9-8Jd Aue 10 Jap,oll lIllI WOJlluaweeJ6\1lloullqJn!Slo-uoN e u,lllqo
01 SiJ01l9 elQllUose9J AJlIlI0J9WWOO $I! esn JlllIjs JOSSal 'ase9' S!1I110 uOllnoexa elll Jalle SAeP 09 UIIII!M 'Je4IJn,j 'SaSlW8Jd alii 10 JSUMO
plOoeJ e41 01 SWOll8 pue 10000ell 1I0BeJe UI IOU sI8essel s" 6uOI os peqJnlSIP eq IOU JlIM 'I08Jell WJ91 elll pU8IXa 01 SUOlldo AUS 6uIpn,OU!
'asBe, SI4\ pUB 'ses,W9Jd ellllo uo,SS8ssod s,eesselleljl sep,^OJd IUeWeeJ6\f eOUBqJnlS!O-uoN 1I011jM Jepue, 9111 WOJI (..1U8wIKIJ6\f
r.luBqJnlSlO-uoN.. II) IUewe9J6e eoUSqJnlslp-uOU 91qBuoseaJ AJlelOJewwoo e 6UI^!eoeJ ol108!qns eq Jlells asee, SlIlIIO UOlleu!pJoqns
s,eesse, 'esllel SIIIIIO UOllnoex& elll J911e JOSsa, Aq OIUI PeJalua seOlll8Q Al!moes olpadseJ III!M "80UBqJnlSlo-uoN 1:'01:
'JOSS8, JO!Jd Aull 01 p,ed I!sodep
AI!Jnoes Aue 10 UJMl9J alii JOI e)qel' 9q (p) JO 'IUeJ s,IIIUOW auo uelll aJOW 10 IUawAed91d Aq punoq eq (0) 'Josse, 100Jd AUIlISU186e 8I\ell
11I6,w easse, IIO!IIM sesu8fep JO slesllo Aue ol108!qns eq (q) :dlllSJauMo 10 UOII!s!nboe 01 JO!Jd 6UIJJIlOOO SlU8118 Ol108ds9J III!M JO Jossel
Jo"d AUIl 10 UOISS!WO JO lOe Aue JOI elQe!l eq (II) :IOU JlIlIIS JaUMO Mau lions lelllldaox9 'J9punaJell sUOlle611ll0 s~osse, 10 Jle 9wnssll
JllllIs J8UMO MaU IIOMS pue Jepun9Jell SUOlle6!1qo J911\lnj ,lUll 10 pa^a!laJ aq JayeaJalllllells Josse, (lI) pue 'j0918lj WJal ellllO JepUlewel
elll IOj 'I08Jell SUOIl!puoo pus sWlal alii 10 lie uodn 'JeUMO MaU IjOns pue aessUl ueeMleq eSB81 MaU e ewooaq AIlBOlleWOl/le lIellS
aseal S!1I1 'laUMO Mau IIOMS jO UO!108le alii Ie 'JO '1091ell wlal alii 10 lepU!eWal 9111 JOj JaUMO Mau lions IjI!M 'eseUl S!1I110 sUOIS,^Old
pue SWJal alii 10 lie 6u,u!81uoo '9SIl9) Meu e OIU! 191ue 'Isanbal uodn pue 'JaUMO MaU IjOns 01 UlOlle '1:'01: 1Id1U6ellld 10 SUOISI^OJd
eoueqJnlSlP-UOU elll 01 lO8[qns '1I1l1lS 99sse, (I) peleU!pJoqns SI asea, S!1I1 1I01llM 01 9O!^"O .l!!JnOllS e 10 uOlleU,WJal 10 emso,oeJoI
elll uodn J91110ue Aq p9Jlnboe 9Je sas!W9Jd 9111 JO 'sas,W9Jd 9111 01 allll slalsuell lossa, lBlllluaMI elll u, '\UaWWOll'" G'OI:
'I09Jalll UOllepJOO9J JO uOlleluewnoop ellljO selep 8I\lIelal elll 6uIPueISIl~M10U '90I~ .l!!Jnoes lions 01 JO!Jd peweep
aq lIells SUOlldO lions pus aseUl sllll uodn9JellM 'aess9' olloaJall1 eOllou uell!JM 6u,^!6 Aq eOl1l80 ^,!Jnoes sp. 10 uell elll 01 JO!Jedns
Aq9Jell palUll.l6 UOlldO Aue JOjpUIl ese81 Sllll a^ell Ol108,a Aew Japua, AU\f 'asea, Sllll 19pun JOSSallo SUOll8611qo alii 10 Aue wlOjJed 01
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eassel "loaJalll suo,suepce pue 'SUOIIBOIl!POW 'SIBMaU9J II" 01 pue 'j09Jalll Al!moas 9111 uo epllw seoU~pll lie pUll Aue 01 'seSIW9Jd
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'aslle) punol6 Aue 01 aleulpJoqns pus loe!qns aq lIells Aqelall palull.l6 UO!ldO Aue pue eSBUl S!LlJ. 'UOpllulp.loqns 1"01:
'eoUBqJIQSIO-UON ~1U8WWOll'" lUOlleUlpJoqns '01:
'pelBOOI ale ses!wald alii 4O!IIM U! Alunoo aljl u, pele,lIu, aq JlBlIs asll81 S,II1 6u!waouoo
OleJell seliJed elll UaaMlaq UOlle6!II' AU\f "peleOO, aJe sas,weld elll 1I0!IIM U! alelS ellllo SMel 94\ Aq pew;M06 aq pue su61sse
pue SJOsseoons 'Se^IIIlIUaS91d91 leUOSJ9d Jlalll 'SaliJed alii uodn 6UIPU!q aq 1I"lIs esea, S!lIi "Ml!110 80101/0 ~108fl:l 6uIPUIS "6<:
'II peJedaJd
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asee, S!LlJ. '8SJ8I\ eOI^ pue ,llln)d e41 epn,ou,lIellS Jeln6ufS 9111 '\Xaluoo elll Aq p9J!nbaJ J8I\9uallM "esee, S,III jO iJlld e p9JepfSUoo eq IOU
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'eass81 Aq JeM 6UIP,Oll Aue
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'le~Ole lions 10 pnpuooslW ,nlll!M JO aoue6116eu SSOJ6 Aue 01 elq"olldde eq IOU
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6u!pnloul) Al!l!qell aLlJ. '41ed Jelll!a Aq 1091all 1I0eelq JO lInel9p Aue 01 loedsal IIIIM AI!l!q!SUOdS81 ou 8I\BII SJ9lfOJS (q)
',"UOISS9IOJd IU91edwoo e Ilnsuoo 'pel!S9p Sl eO!^pe XllIlO ,IlBa) jl 'elelsa le9J ,"oqe eSl^Pe 01 pallllenb uOSJed
e S! lue6e elelse leeJ \f 'uo,lOesUll.l1 ellllo 6u!PU&lSJepun J!elll sseldxe Alelenbap" Aellllelll elnSSB 01 slueweeJ6e lie peeJ AlIllj9JeO
Premises and to unlock all doors in or upon the Premises other than to files, vaulls and safes, and In the case of emergency to enter the
Premises by any reasonably appropriate means, and any such entry shall not be deemed a forcible or unlawful entry or detainer of the
Premises or an eviction. Leuee waives any cherges for damages or Injuries or Interference with Lessee's property or business in
connection therewith.
33. Auctions. Lessee shall not conduct, nor permit to be conducted, any auction upon the Premises without Lesso~s prior written
consent. Lessor shall not be obligated to exercise any standard of reasonableness in determining whether to permit an auction.
34. Signs. Lessee shall not place any sign upon tha Project without Lesso~s prior written consent.
35. Termination: Merger. Unless specifically stated otherwise In writing by Lessor, the voluntary or other surrender of this Lease by
Lessee, the mutual termination or cancellation hereof, or a termination hereof by Lessor lor Breach by Lessee, shall automatically
terminate any sublease or lesser estete in the Premises; provided, however, that Lessor may elect to continue anyone or all existing
subtenancies. Lesso~s failure within 10 days following any such event to elect to the contrary by written notice to the holder of any such
lesser Interest, shall constllute Lesso~s election to have such event constitute the termination of such interest.
36. Con.ents, Except as otherwise provided herein, wherever in this Lease the consent of a Party Is required to an act by or for the
other Party, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Lesso~s actual reasonable costs and expenses (including but
not limited to architects', attorneys', engineers' and other consultants' fees) incurred in the consideration of, or response to, a request by
Lessee for any Lessor consent, including but not limited to consents to an assignment, a subletting or the presence or use of a
Hazardous Substance, shall be paid by Lessee upon receipt of an invoice and supporting documentation therefor. Lesso~s consent to
any act, assignment or subletting shall not constitute an acknowledgment that no Defaull or Breach by Lessee of this Lease exists, nor
shall such consent be deemed a waiver of any then existing Default or Breach, except as may be otherwise specifically stated in writing
by Lessor at the lime of such consent. The failure to specify herein any particular condition to Lesso~s consent shall not preclude the
imposition by Lessor at the lime of consent of such further or other conditions as are then reasonable with reference to the partiCular
matter for which consent Is being given. In the event that ellher Party disagrees wllh any determination made by the other hereunder
and reasonably requests the reasons for such determination, the determining party shall furnish its reasons in writing and In reasonable
detail within 10 business days following such request.
37. Guarantor.
37.1 Execution. The Guarantors, if any, shall each execute a guaranty in the form most recently published by the American
Industrial Real Estete AssocIation.
37.2 Default. It shall constlMe a Defaull of the Lessee if any Guarantor fails or refuses, upon request to provide: (a) evidence
of the execution of the guaranty, including the authorily of the party signing on Guaranto~s behalf to obligate Guarantor, and in the case
of a corporate Guerantor, a certified copy of a resolution of Its board of directors authorizing the making of such guaranty, (b) current
financial statements, (c) an Estoppel Cerllflcate, or (d) written confirmation that the guaranty is still in effect.
38. Quiet Possession. Subject to payment by Lessee of the Rent and performance of all of the covenants, conditions and provisions
on lessee's part to be observed and performed under this Lease, Lessee shall have quiet possession and quiet enjoyment of the
Premises during the term hereof.
39. Options. If Lessee Is granted an Option, as defined below, then the following provisions shall apply.
39.1 Deflnhlon. uOptlon" shall mean: (a) the right to extend the term of or renew this Lease or to extend or renew any lease
that Lessee has on other property of Lessor; (b) the right of first refusal or first offer to lease either the Premises or other property of
Lessor; (c) the right to purchase or the right of first refusal to purchase the Premises or other property of Lessor.
39.2 Options Personal To Original Lessee. Any Option granted to lessee In this Lease is personal to the original lessee,
and cannot be assigned or exercised by anyone other than said original Lessee and only while the original Lessee is in full possession
of the Premises and, iI requested by Lessor, wllh Lessee certifying that Lessee has no intention of thereafter assigning or subletting.
39.3 Multiple Optlons. In the event that Lessee has any multiple Options to extend or renew this Lease, a later Option cannot
be exercised unless the prior Options have been validly exercised.
39.4 Effect of Defauh on Options.
(a) Lessee shall have no right to exercise an Option: (i) during the period commencing with the giving of any notice 01
Default and continuing until said Default is cured, (ii) during the period of time any Rent is unpaid (without regard to whether notice
thereof Is given Lessee), (iii) during the lime Lessee Is In Breach of this Lease, or (iv) in the event that Lessee has been given 3 or more
notices of separate DefauR, whether or not the Defaults are cured, during the 12 month period immediately preceding the exercise of
the Option.
(b) The period 01 time within which an Option may be exercised shall not be extended or enlarged by reason 01 lessee's
Inability to exercise an Option because of the provisions of Paragraph 39.4(a).
(c) An Option shall terminate and be of no further force or effect, notwithstanding Lessee's due and timely exercise of
the Option, ii, after such exercise and prior to the commencement of the extended term or completion of the purchase, (i) Lessee fails
to pay Rent for a period of 30 days after such Rent becomes due (wllhout any necessity of Lessor to give notice thereof), or (il) if Lessee
commits a Breach of this Lease.
40. Security Measures. Lessee hereby acknowledges that the Rent payable to Lessor hereunder does not include the cost of guard
service or other security measures, and that Lessor shall have no obligation whatsoever to provide same. Lessee assumes all
responsibilily for the protection of the Premises, Lessee, its agents and invitees and their property from the acts of third parties. In the
event, however, that Lessor should elect to provide security services, then the cost thereof shall be an Operating Expense.
41. Reservations.
(a) Lessor reserves the right: (i) to grant, without the consent or joinder of Lessee, such easements, rights and
dedications that lessor deems necessary, (iI) to cause the recordation of parcel maps and restrictions, (Iii) to create and/or install new
utility raceways, so long as such easements, rights, dedications, maps, restrictions, and utility raceways do not unreasonably interfere
with the use of the Premises by Lessee. Lessor may also: change the name, address or tllle of the Building or Project upon at least 90
days prior written nollce; provjde and install, at Lessee's expense, Building standard graphics on the door of the Premises and such
portiCns of the Common Areas as Lessor shall reasonably deem appropriate; grant 10 any lessee the exclusive right to conduct any
business as long as such exclusive right does not conflict with any rights expre~sly given herein; and to place such signs, notices or
displays es Lessor reasonably deems necessary or advisable upon the roof, exterior of the Building or the Project or on pole signs in
the Common Areas. Lessee agrees to sign any documents reasonably requested by Lessor to effectuate such rights. The obstruction
of Lessee's view, air, or light by any structure erected in the vicinity of the Building, whether by Lessor or third parties, shall in no way
affect this lease or impose any liability upon Lessor. _
(b) Lessor also reserves the right to move Lessee to other space of comparable size in the Building or Project. Lessor
must provide at least 45 days prior written notice of such move, and the new space must contain improvements 01 co"1l!arable qualily
lo.tho~.e ~nt~in~d "!.ithin th" Pr..mi~s. .Lesso~ shall pay the reasonable out of pocket costs that Lesseil incur. ....ith ragar':: to such
,,'" .._-,---'"--,._...,~.
.-, ",',." .....--...-- ..
on its behalf. Each party shall, within 30 days after request, deliver to the other party satisfactory evidence of such authority.
(b) If this Lease is executed by more than one person or entity as "Lessee", each such person or entity shall be jointly
and severally liable hereunder. It is agreed that anyone of the named Lessees shall be empowered to execute any amendment to this
Lease, or other document ancillary thereto and bind all of the named Lessees, and Lessor may rely on the same as if all of the named
Lessees had executed such document.
44. Conflict. Any confllcl between the printed provisions or this Lease and the typewritten or handwritten provisions shall be controlled
by the typewritten or handwritten provisions.
45. Offer. Preparation of this Lease by either party or their agent and submission of same to the other Party shall not be deemed an
oller to lease to the other Party. This Lease is not intended to be binding until executed and delivered by all Parties hereto.
46. Amendments. this Lease may be modified only in writing, signed by the Parties in Interest at the lime of the modification. As
long as they do not materially change Lessee's obligations hereunder, Lessee agrees to make such reasonable non-monetary
modlflC8tions to this Lease as may be reasonably required by a Lender in conneclion with the obtaining of normal financing or refinancing
of the Premises.
47. Multiple Parties. If more than one person or entity is named herein as either Lessor or Lessee, such multiple Parties shall have
joint and several responsibility to comply wllh the terms of this Lease.
49. Mediation and Arbitration of DIsputes. An Addendum requiring the Mediation and/or the Arbllratlon of all disputes between the
Parties and/or Srokers arising uul uf this Lease w is 0 is not attached to this Lease.
50. Americans with Disabilities Act. In the event that as a result of Lessee's use, or intended use, of the Premises the Americans
with Disabilities Act or any similar law requires modifications or the construction or installation of improvements in or to the Premises.
Building, Projecl andlor Common Areas, the Parties agree that such modifications, construction or improvements shall be made at: 0
Lesso~s expense 0 Lessee's expense.
The parties hereto have executed this Lease at the place and on the dates specified above their respective signalures.
Executedat: ~;al"l R~rl"l::.rn; l"lr'\
Executed at: San Bernardino
By LESSOR: TUf: 'Rn+-~""pT"; C:::~~ r.T,r
By LESSEE: Ci tv of San Bernardino
Name Printed: Greqorv Villanueva
Name Printed: Judith Valles
Title: Mavor
Name Printed:
Name Printed:
Telephone: (
Telephone: (
These forms Ire often modified to meet chlnglng requirements olllw Ind needs of 1he Indultry. AIwIIyI WIlle or cell to mike lure you Ire
utilizing the mOlt currenllorm: Arnerlcen Indultrlel Rell Estete Auoclltlon, 700 South Flower S1neI, Sulle 600, Loa Angeles, CA 90017.
(213) .7-am.
OCopyrlghl1l199-By Amerlcen Induntel Real Emte Alsoclatlon.
. All r1ghll nurwd.
No perl of thMe works may be reproclUCld In Iny farm without perm....on In wrllIng.
lIW-l"tldO WIIO:l
\KIRO,_ ~ ..... J8l.IIOIIIIUI UlI:llJ8wv-.&l 0
By and Satw..n
1. "Lessee shall not suller or permit 1I1e obstruction of any Common Areaa, including dr_ys, walkways and stairways.
2. l.essor reseMls 1I1e right lD refuse access lD any persons Lessor in good faith judges to be a 1I1reatlD lha sefely and reputation of lha Project
and its occupants. '
3. Lese.. shall not make or permit any noise or odors lhat annoy or Interfere with other lessees or persons having buainass within lha Project.
4. I.essee shan not keep aninals or birds within 1I1e Project, and shall not bring bicycles. motorcycles or other WIhlcles Into areas not deslgnatad
as authorized lor same.
5. Lessae shall not make, suIIer or perm" litter except in appropriate receptacles for lhat purpose.
6. Lessae shall not aIIer any lock or Install new or addillonallocks or botts.
7. Lessea shall be responslbla for 1he inappropriate use of any toilet rooms, plumbing or other utlllIles. No Iorelgn substances of any kind are 10 be
inserted 1I1ereln.
8. Lessee shall not deface 1he walls. partl\lons or o1her suriaces of 1he Premises or Project.
9. Lessee shall not suller or perm" anylhing in or around 1he Premises or Building lhat causes excessive vibration or floor loading In any part of
1I1e Project.
10. FumHure, sign"icant freight and equipment shall be mowd into or out of 1he building only with 1he LeseO'" knowledge and oonaenI, and subject
lD such reasonable IimUellona, techniques and timing, as may be designated by l.essor. Lessae shall be responaible lor any damage 10 1he 0llI0e Buldlng
Project arising from any such aclivity.
11. l.essae shall not employ any service or contractor for services or work to be pemrmed in 1I1e Building,lllC08pI as approved by Lessor.
12. l.essor reserves 1he rightlD close and lock 1I1e Building on Saturdays, Sundays and Building Holidays, and on other days between lha hours of
P.M. and _ A.M. of 1I1elotlowing day. If Lessae uses 1I1e Premises during such pariods. Lessae shall be responsible lor securely locking
any doors " may have opened lor entry.
13. l.essae shall return all keys at1l1e termination of its tenancy and shall be responsible for 1I1e cost of replacing any keys lhat are lost.
14. No window coverings, shades or awnings shall be Installed or used by l.essae.
15. No Lese... empIoyse or invitee shall go upon the rooI of 1I1e BuUdlng.
16. l.essae shall not suller or permit smoking or carrying of lighted cigars or cigarettes In areas reasonably designatad by I.essor or by applicable
governmentaJ agencies as non-smoldng areas.
17. Lessae shall not use any method of heating or air conditioning o1her than as provided by Lessor.
18. I.essee shall not Install, maintain or operete any vending machines upon 1he Premises without Lessor's wri1ten consent
19. The Premises shall not be used for lodging or manufacturing, cooking or food praparstlon.
20. Lessae shall comply with all safety, fore protection end evacuation regulallons established by I.essor or any applicable govemmental agency.
21. Lessor rasaMlS 1I1e right to _ any one of these rules or regulations, and/or as 10 any particular I.essee, and any such waiver shall not
constitule a waiver of any olher rule or regulation or eny subeequent application thereof to such I.essee.
22. I.essee essumes all riskS from 1I1eft or vandalism and agrees to keap its Premises locked as may be required.
23. Lessor reserves 1he rightlD make such other reasonable rulas and regulations as " may from time 10 time deem necessary for 1he appropriate
operation and safety of the Project and its occupents. Lessae agr..s to abide by 1I1ese and such rulas and regulallons.
1. Parking areas shall be used only lor parking by vehiclas no longer than full size, passenger automobiles herein called "Permitted Size Vehicles:
Vehicles other than Permitted Size Vehicles are herein referred to aa "Oversized Vehicles:
2. l.essee shaiI not perm" or allow any WIhlcles that belong to or are controlled by I.essae or I.essae's employaes, suppliers, shippers, custllmers,
or invHees to be loaded, unloaded, or parked In areas other than those designated by I.esaor lor such activities.
3. Parking stickers or identification devices shall be 1I1e property of l.essor and be returned to I.essor by the holder 1hereof upon termination of 1he
holde~s perking privilegas. Lessee will pay such replacement charge as is reasonably astabllshed by I.essor for 1he Ices of such devices.
4. Lessor reseMls the right 10 refuse 1he sale of monthly identification devices 10 any person or entity that willfully refuses to comply with the
applicable rulas. regulationa, laws and/or agreements.
5. l.essor reserves the rightlD reIocete all or e part of parking spaces from ftoor to floor, within one floor, and/or to reasonably adjacent ollsIte
locatlon(s), and 10 reasonably allocate 1I1em between compect and standard size spaeas. as long as 1I1e same complies with applicable laws. ordinances
and regulations.
6. Users of the parking ereo will obey all posted signs end park only in the areas designated for vehicle parking.
7. Uniass 01l1erwise ins1rUCtod. every person using the parking area Is required 10 park and lock his own WIhlcle. Lesaor will not be responsible for
any damage 10 vehiclas, Injury 10 persons or Ices of property. all of which riskS are assumed by 1he party using 1he parking area.
8. Validation, H established, will be permissible only by such method or methods as Lessor and/or"" licensee may establish at rates generally
---1:--'--- ,,_ __,___ __....;__
Meeting Date (Date Adopted): <'0 -;;5-<);). Item #
Vote: Ayes '13-4,"- 'I Nays--cr
Change to motion to amend original documents: "-
Resolution # ;}.CJ::k) - \ '1 Go
Abstain (:) Absent d,::'-
Reso. # On Attachments: -=-- Contract term: -
Note on Resolution of Attachment stored separately: --=-
Direct City Clerk to (circle I): PUBLISH, POST, RECORD W/COUNTY
Date Sent to Mayor: I., - .J.(" -0 :J..
Date of Mayor's Signature: Co- ;;l-)-o;?
Date of Clerk/CDC Signature: 1- \ -0 -:r
Date Memo ent for Signature:
60 Day Reminder Letter Sent on
90 Day Reminder Letter Sent on 45th day:
See Attached:
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Request for Council Action & Staff Report Attached:
Updated Prior Resolutions (Other Than Below):
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o rf1 U;
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Date: ~- I-()~
Revised 01/ 12/0 I