HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-Public Works ., 'CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUESJlfQl ~R~~CIL ACTION Adoption of Negative Declaration & Su~~t: Finding of Consistency with the Circulation Element of the General Plan -- Angle Parking on Court Street from -E- Street to Arrowhead Avenue From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE Dept: Publ:Lc Works/Engineering Date: 10-20-94 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 06-06-92 08-13-92 08-27-93 Department and Public to develop experimental Court Street between "E" Works Department plan for angle Street and "D" Development authorized parking on Street. Downtown Urban Task Force recommended development of an experimental plan for diagonal parking with two-way traffic on Court Street between "E" Street and "D" Street. Public Works authorized to proceed with design of per- manent diagonal parking improvements on Court Street between "E" St. and Arrowhead Ave. in accordance with Master Services Agreement with the Economic Develop- ment Agency. Recommended motion: 1. That the Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 94-03, angle parking on Court Street from "E" Street to Arrowhead Avenue, be adopted. 2. That a finding be made that the angle parking on Court Street from "E" Street to Arrowhead Avenue is consistent with the circulat.i~ element of the General Plan. -'" . ~ '>5 leJ CZ cc: Shauna Clark ?:1TO,W Nl!':I1" Signature Contact person: Supporting data attached: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Roqer G. Hardqrave Staff Report, Notice of Init. Studv. Neq Dec. Phone: Preparation Ward: 5025 1 Amount: N/A Source: (Acct. No.! (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No /1 .p.. - 'CITY OF SAN BERNJODINO - REQU~ST FO COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT The Negative Declaration for Public Works Project No. 94- 03 was recommended for adoption by the Environmental Review Com" mittee at its meeting of September 8, 1994. A 21-day public review period was afforded from September 15, 1994, to October 6, 1994. No comments were received. We recommend that the Negative Declaration be adopted and a finding made that the project is consistent with the Circula- tion element of the General Plan. 10-20-94 I 5.0264 r ..-----.- . .< .",' .':l o o 'a . ,~ c; U !Zti5 ,,, w w c ~i~~ Proof of Publkation c:~y ~F SA~1 3ER~:ARD!:JC PLAN~iI~G & aUILOI~G SERV:CES STATE OF CALIFORNIA. }... County ~I San Bernardino. The undersigned hereby "ertlli.. AS loIlows: I am a elllzen III the United Slates. ..... the ap oi twen')'..,ne yean. and IIOt a party to nor interested in the above-elltitled matter; I am the principal "uk of the printar of a newspaper. to wit. Till Sar.; the same was at alItimos herein monlioned a newspaper of ......al elrculalion prIntwd &JIll published dally. includincSunday. in the City III San Bernardino. in the CouA~ of San Bernardino. State of Callfo~ said newspaper is so published every clay of ~ year.. and under the n&lllll.l!f TM .un. said newspaper hu been adjudged a ......sp"'p-f 01 pneral elaculation by the Superior Court of the State 01 Calilornia. in and lor the COIle'}' of San Bernardino. by a jude- ment III said Superior Court duly made. liled and entered on June 10. IllS!. in the recorda and 61. 01 said Superior Court in that certain proceeding entitled In the Mat- ter 01 the Ascertainment and Establw.-&t 01 Till Sun as a Newspaper 01 General Cir- culation. numbered 73084 in the recanlo 01 elvll proceedinp in said Superior Court and by judllR*'t :naclilying the same. oIsa macle. filed and entered in said ". "ftg; the _ or other process 01' cIoeu_ hereinalter mentioned was se'. ~r1"ted and published in rype IIOt smaller than .....pares) ..nd was ~.."ded with _rds printed In black f_ type not smaller than nonpareil.icscrlblng and exprossing in pneral- the purport or .ha,~cter 01 the nolioe _cIed to be g1wn; and the .... NO.T.le.E. .9)':. P~.Y)H..q!-'.I:I~!l.~. .1J.)w.n:.w. .C.O"""U.TEE. .l\.CnONS 14703. 34 03. 94.11. 94..13. Q4-09 ......................................................................., of whic:h the annexed is a true printed copy. was publishecl in each edition and !slue of said newspaper 01 genera: circulation. and not In any supplement thereof. on each of the 1oU_lnC clat.... lu wit: SEPTEMBER 15. 1994 I cerrify un<1er penalty of perjury that the foregoin; is true and correct. . ~~. .(~'-/.L< Esecuted on ,he. 15 day of ... SEPT:::M.B~R.. . . . ... 19 .~4. .. .. . at San Bernardmo. in said County and State. Ol!IGtI4Iat ;:'"'- I "J ._._-~ I I S~;J ';. 1::. _ ._~~ .#:'", c..;--:;;' )~~.l' ;;;t_.4:.. ~ .,: .......,.- - ~ .-... ".....: ~ . QIIIIlICIAL~ OF ":1TY 0' SAN BERNARDINO DPI~NT REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTIONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN hI rN (.':itv of San aem..-dino OeYek)pment RevieW committee tOOk .._=..-' EU .lber8, 19M. ~ 80m.. Fourth Floor ~ Room. CitY ...... 3DO North :Do' St,.... 58ft .ernardlno, ~ 92418. ~s may be filed bY ......with the PI.""ing Division. Third Floor. City Hall! within ftften (15) dIIYS or 1 .. ..,. datIL ; PAIlCa. MAr NO. 14M . , To IilbcIVid!I: oerceI 5 & _"C... PM ,_.... ".M.. 1701~ into 7 per- . _....CR-J.Cam-- , elM RegioNI (Tri..ciIY I Club).... south of HosPi- .......... east of came- .. 0rivL 1.75 Ac:ra. __ _ 0ed0- ratiOft.~'week5 to 1016IM for Dublle revieW ...-. oueuc_lCS_cr - (pW) M-<<I - To install c:;~::la="on""t:u~ ...._'e-_ ... V' 5..... end temPO- ~.I~...S=~ t: ~ rowneII2 Avenue In the ~ . o~,-=I &':d p'~am::"nVe Cecl_ ;'1~"~~::= -_. DIEWOPMeNT PERMIT (TYPlllI) NO. ,..11 - To Convert an existinlil 1.961 -- - ......... - 1.7. square lOOt canoPY on" 0.52.ere parcel into a restauran' with 1.300 ....-e .... Of outdOOl" coy. ... P8riO dining ..... in the CG-1, CommerCial ~~thlI~..,.~ c:GI"'*' of 5th Strwt and jJjediQI center Drive at 16012 west 5ttl street. ~_IIh_ "~.!4-~ construct a two-stON. 2....="..'3"'~ =s House property, I .bieb consists of 0.43' 8CI'WS 1oC3ted an the west sideof-C 'itreet.~xi- mBtItY 123 teet sauttI of 8th sweet. in :!".. .:R;-2. Com- mercial RII' ""onal/Down- 1OWn. .and ",se c:1!~_ RecOnsidllreG anCI_ ....- unanimOuslY. Appeal 1tV'OUCIn"~' CONDmONAL USE ;:W;:R- MIT NO. ,.. - To waD- Ilsn .I retuM diSPOAl com- pany. consisting of a truck. ~ tadlltv and ttw1Ol1iM end sniDPil'MJ of dHI\ N!!CVClabfeS to ather fedll"" at S45S IndUStrial PWttway in 1he IH. HNivY h'ldUstriat land use district. P"l"OOO54ld NeQl!ItiYe Oedit- ration. Continued.. ~ ~_~~ - IlO. I o o INITIAL STUDY I . . PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT (PW) 94-03 Project DescriptloDlLocation: A proposal to Install permanent angle parking improvements between "E" Street and "D" Street and temporary angle parking between "D" Street and . Arrowhead Avenue. Date: August IS, 1994 Applicant: ,..j- City of San Bernardino Public Works Department 300 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92418 Prepared by: Jeffery S. Adams Assistant Planner City of San Bernardino Planning and Building Services 300 North "D" Str=t San Bernardino, CA 92418 .~. "- o o INITIAL STUDY Public Works Project No. 94-03 INTRODUCTION This Initial Study is provided by the City of San Bernardino for Public Works Project No. 94- 03. It contains an evaluation of potential adverse impacts that can occur if the proposed parcel map is adopted. . The California Environmental Quality Act (':EQA) requires the preparation of an Initial Study when a proposal must obtain discretionary approval from a governmental agency and is not exempt from CEQA. The purpose of the Initial Study is to determine whether or not a proposal, not exempt from CEQA, qualifies for a Negative Declaration or whether or not an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. The following components constitute the Initial Study for Public Works Project No. 94-00; . Project Description . Site and Area Characteristics . Environmental Setting . Environmental Impact Checklist . Discussion of Environmental Evaluation and Mitigation Measures . ConclusionlEnvironmental Determination Combined, these components constitute the complete Initial Study. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of the inmalllltion of angled parking on an existing street, including landscape planter islands, painted islands as well as painted stripes, within the right-of-way of Court Street. The project will extend from Arrowhead Avenue to wEw Street. SITE AND AREA CHARA\:uucISTlCS The site is within an urbanized setting, downtown San Bernardino. The project site consists of Court Street, and the public right-of-way between Arrowhead Avenue and wEw Street. ENVIRONMENTAL SETl'lNG The proposal is located in an area of potential liquefaction and within the Urban Archaeological District. CITY CONTACT Jeffery S. Adams, Assistant Planner (909) 384-5OS7. o o CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES DEPARTMENT INITIAL STUDY for PUBLIC WORKS.PROJECT NO. 94-03 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ON THE BASIS OF THIS INITIAL STUDY, . The proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. o The proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, although there will not be significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described above have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. o The proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACf REPORT is required. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA .1I:Jif'A4"~< CArNl^ G'I!..C m1-~ Signature ~ 10- b - q4 Date City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 3 8/94 - o o CITY 01' SD BBIlDRDINO PLUDlING un BUILDING SBaVICBS DBPUTMBIlT BNVIROIDIBIlTAL IMPACT CRBCKLIST A. BNVIROIDIBIlTAL IMPACTS Explain "Yes" and "Maybe" answers on a separate attached sheet. "No" answers are explained on this checklist. See Attachment "A" Preliminary Environmental Description Form, where necessary. 1. Barth ...ouro..: will the proposal result in: Y.. No Mayb. . a. Earth movement (cut and/or fill) on slopes of 15% or more based on information contained in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form No. D.(3)? b. Development and/or qradinq on a slope qreater than 15% natural qrade based on review of General Plan IIMOD map, which desiqnates areas of 15% or qreater slOpe in the city? c. Development within the Alquist- Priolo special studies Zone as defined in Section 12.0-Geoloqic , Seismic, Fiqure 47, of the city's General Plan? d. Modification of any unique qeoloqic or physical feature based on field review? _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ e. Development within areas defined for hiqh potential for water or wind erosion as identified in section 12.0-Geoloqic , Seismic, Fiqure 53, of the City'S General Plan? _x_ f. Modification of a channel, creek or river based on review of USGS Topoqraphic Map (Name) ? _x_ City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 4 8/94 -"~'" o g. Development within an area subject to landslides, mudslides, subsidence or other similar hazards as identified in Section 12.0-Geologic & Seismic, Figures 48, 51, 52 and 53 of the City's General Plan? h. Development within an area subject to liquefaction. as shown in Section 12.0-Geologic & Seismic, Figure 48, of the City's General Plan? 1. Other? z. Air ..sourc.sa will the proposal result in: o Yes _x_ a. Substantial air emissions or an effect upon ambient air quality as defined by South Coast Air Quality Management District, based on meeting the threshold for significance in the District's, "CEQA Air Quality Handbook"? b. The creation of objectionable odors based on information contained in Preliminary Description Form, No. G.(3)? c. Development within a high wind hazard area as identified in Section 15.0-Wind , Fire, Figure 59, of the City's General Plan? 3. ..t.r a..ourc..a Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff due to impermeable surfaces that cannot be mitigated by City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 5 8/94 No Maybe _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ o o Public Works Standard Y.. No Maybe Requirements to contain and convey runoff to approved storm drain based on review of the proposed site plan? _x_ b. Significant alteration in the course or flow of flood waters based on consultation wLth Public Works staff? _X_ c. Discharge into surface waters or any alteration of surface water quality based on requirements of Public Works to have runoff directed to approved storm drains? _X_ d. Change in the quantity or quality of ground water? _X_ e. Exposure of people or property to flood hazards as identified in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Flood Insurance Rate Map, Co_unity Panel Number 060281 0020-B, and Section 16.0-Flooding, Figure 62, of the City's General Plan? _X_ f. Other? _X_ 4. BiolO9io&l a..ouro... Could the proposal result in: a.. Development within the BiolO9ical Resources Management OVerlay, as identified in Section 10.0- Natural Resources, Figure 41, of the City's General Plan? _x_ City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 6 8/94 ..... ...- o o 1. Change in the number of any Ye. No Maybe unique, rare or endangered species of plants or their habitat including stands of trees based on information contained in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form No. 8.(1) and wrified by on-site survey/evaluation? _X_ 2. Change in the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals or their habitat based on information contained in the Preliminary Environmental Description Form No. E.(8) and verified by site survey/evaluation? _X_ 3. Impacts to the wildlife disbursal or migration corridors? _x_ b. Removal of viable, mature trees based on site survey/evaluation and review of the proposed site plan? (6" or greater trunk diameter at 4' above the ground) _x_ c. other? _X_ 5. Boi.e: Could the proposal result in: a. Development of housing, health care facilities, schools, libraries, religious facilities or other noise sensitive uses in areas where existing or future noise levels exceed an Ldn of 65 d8(A) exterior and an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior as identified in Section l4.0-Noise, Figures 57 and 58 of the City'S General Plan? _X_ City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 7 8/94 b. Development of new or expansion Y.. of existinq industrial, commercial or other uses which qenerate noise levels above an Ldn of 65 dB(A) exterior or an Ldn of 45 dB(A) interior that may affect areas containinq housinq, schools, health care facilities or other sensitive uses based on information in the preliminary Environmental Description Form No. G.(l) and evaluation of surroundinq land uses No. C., and verified by site survey/evaluation? o c. Other? &. Land 0..1 will the proposal result in: a. A chanqe in the land use as desiqnated based on the review of the General Plan Land Use Plan/Zoninq Districts Map? b. Development within an Airport District as identified in the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Report and the Land Use Zoninq District Map? c. Development within Foothill Fire Zones A , B, or C as identified on the Development Code OVerlay Districts Map? d. Other? 7. MaD-Mad. ...ard.1 Based on information contained in Preliminary Environmental Description Form, No. G.(l) and G.(2) will the project: a. Use, store, transport or dispose of hazardous or toxic materials (includinq but not limited to oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation)? b. Involve the release of hazardous substances? City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 8 8/94 o 110 Mayb. _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ o c. Expose people to the potential health/safety hazards? d. Other? 8. Bousinq: Will the proposal: a. Remove existing housing as verified by a site survey/evaluaeion? b. Create a significant demand for additional housing based on the proposed use and evaluation of project size? c. Other? t. Transportation/circulation: Could the proposal, in comparison with the Circulation Plan as identified in Section 6.0-Circulation of the City's General Plan and based on the conclusions of the City Traffic Engineer and review of the Traffic Study if one was prepared, result in: a. A significant increase in traffic volumes on the roadways or intersections or an increase that is significantly greater than the land use designated on the General Plan? b. Use of existing, or demand for new, parking facilities/ structures? c. Impact upon existing public transportation systems? d. Alteration of present patterns of circulation? e. Impact to rail or air traffic? f. Increased safety hazards to vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 9 8/94 c Yes KaJ'be 11'0 _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ o g. A disjointed pattern of roadway improvements? h. other? 10. PUblic Services: Based on the responses of the responsible agencies or departments, will the proposal impact the follo~ng beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service? a. Fire protection? b. police protection? c. Schools (i.e., attendance, boundaries, overload, etc.)? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Medical aid? f. Solid Waste? g. Other? 11. utilitie.: Will the proposal: a. Based on the responses of the responsible Agencies, Departments, or utility Company, impact the following beyond the capability to provide adequate levels of service or require the construction of new facilities? 1. Natural gas? 2. Electricity? 3. Water? 4. Sewer? 5. Other? City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 10 8/94 o Ye. 110 Jlaybe _x_ _X_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ _X_ _X_ _x_ _X_ _x_ _X_ _X_ - o o b. Result in a disjointed pattern Y.s llIo .ayb. of utility extensions based on review of existing patterns and proposed extensions. _X_ u. A..tb.tics: a. Could the proposal result in the obstruction of any significant or important scenic view based on evaluation of the view shed verified by site survey/ evaluation? _X_ b. will the visual impact of the project create aesthetically offensive changes in the existing visual setting based on a site survey and evaluation of the proposed elevations? _X_ c. Other? _X_ U. CUltural a..ourc..: Could the proposal result in: a. The alteration or destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site by development within an archaeological sensitive area as identified in Section 3.0- Historical, Figure 8, of the City's General Plan? _X_ b. Alteration or destruction of a historical site, structure or object as listed in the City's Historic Resources Reconnaissance survey? _X_ c. Other? _X_ City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 11 8/94 o o 14. Jl&D4atory l'in4inqs of SiqnifioaDoe (Section 15065) The California Environmental Quality Act states that if any of the following can be answered yes or maybe, the project may have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report shall be prepared. Based on this Initial Study: a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the to the disadvantage of long- term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant. ) d. Does the proj ect have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 12 8/94 Yes Ilaybe 110 _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ o 0 B. DZ8CU88Z0R OJ' BIIVZROIIJIBII'1'AL BVALUATZOR ARD IlZTZGATZOR IlBASUU8 lh. Although the project site is within an area of potential liquefaction, due to the nature and limited scope of the project there will not be any siqniticant impacts. Construction will consist ot painted striping and the installation of street oriented landscape planters. A concern was raised by the traffic division of the Public Works Department regarding the maintenance of the temporary painted islands between "D" street and Arrowhead Avenue. The "D" street/Arrowhead section of the project is being established as a temporary measure only and therefore will not create a maintenance problem. ~y other concerns can be addressed through standard department procedures. lOa. The project will not impact fire protection services beyond the capability of the Fire Department to provide adequate services. However, one of the proposed street side landscape planters will inhibit access to an eXisting fire hydrant. The Fire Department has requested a change from in-ground landscaping to decorative paving (interlocking pavers) and above ground, moveable planters to address the access concern. No other impacts are anticipated. City of San Bernardino Environmental Impact Checklist Page 13 8/94