HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-Finance - - CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST FOI COUNCIL ACTION From: BARBARA PACHON. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Subject: ANNUAL TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE Dept: FINANCE/PURCHASING Date: SEPTEMBER 29, 1994 BID: F-95-02 Synopsis of Previous Council action: NONE iD141N. QFFlCE. ; OCT 9( 10: 06 Recommended motion: ADOPT RESOLUTION ~tfdc,M ;/&l~ Contact person: BARBARA PACHON. DIRECTOR OF FINANCF. Phone: x- ~?t.? Supponing data attached: YES FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: Ward: $60.108.00 Source: (Acct. No.1 630-622-54104 (Acct. DescriPtionl MAINTENANCE Finance:_~ &u' rI '&'4r---- , Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item NO.$' .CITY OF SAN BERN~DINO - REQUEST ~ COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT F-95-02 The proposed purchase is for the City annual telephone maintenance, to be utilized in daily operations by the Telecommunications Department. At the request of the department, appropriate specifications were prepared, published and furnished to area suppliers. Bids were publicly opened and declared on June 30, 1994. The following is a summary of bids received. COMPANY TOTAL BID (INCLUDING TAX) SWITCH ONLY *CMS Communications Com Aid Digital Telecommunications GTEL/GTE $3008. 85/month $3785.00/month $2992.00/month $4425. 95/month $2601. 64/month Eight (8) vendors supplying this type of service were solicited. The City received four (4) valid responses. The lowest apparent bidder, Digital Telecommunications, when researched, did not have the lowest overall bid. The service portion of the bid was the lowest. The overall cost of service and the vendor's cost of equipment resulted in the pricing being considerably higher than the next lowest bidder, CMS communications. The Telecommunications Department took into consideration the cost of equipment based on last year's usage. New equipment pricing and refurbished equipment pricing along with service was considerably lower with CMS Communications; $13,171.00 vs $48,255.60 (attached memo from department). Specifications as bid have been reviewed with the Telecommunication Department who recommends that the bid of CMS Communications for a total cost of $60,108.00 meets specifications and requirements. It is therefore recommended that the bid be accepted for contract. The equipment is in the FY 94/95 budget. Account Number: 630-622-54104 Total Amount: $60,108.00 ~M 4!Ik~/ Frank Keller - CATV Manager ~d~~ Director of Finance '",.n-:U:;'4 I,_~._" o o C i t Y o f San B ern a r din 0 Interoffice Memorandum To: DEAN MEECH ~~ 17Y .. ;/ BRUC ILL From: Subj ect: MAINTENANCE VENDOR RECOMMENDATION Date: August 22, 1994 Copies: FRANK KELLER; FILE This memo is to clarify the process for recommending the lowest OVERALL bidder for the City'S Telephone Maintenance Contract. The process is defined in section three of the Technical Specifications of Telephone Maintenance Bid. As stated in that section, 60% of the overall lowest price is determined by the price of the monthly maintenance costs, and 40% is determined by a calculation using prior years equipment usage figures and applying those to figures given by bidder. My determination went as follows: The lowest two bidders for monthly maintenance were CMS and Digital. The bids were CMS at $3,009 per month and Digital at $2,992 per month. Then the calculations were applied, using last year's usage of equipment ("usage" being defined as the equipment included on the Bid Specs. and the amount of that equipment purchased by the City), see attachment "A". Using the figures determined on attachment "A", the overall prices for equipment were CMS at $13,171 and Digital at $48,256 for the same amount of equipment. Therefore, CMS had an overall bid price of $36,108 (3,009 x 12 months) for maintenance and $13,171 for equipment, or $49,279, and Digital had prices of $35,904 and $48,256, or $84,160. Due to these calculations, my recommendation is to award the contract to CMS with a total contract cost of $60,108 ($36,108 for maintenance and $24,000 for equipment. The $24,000 equipment figure has been the established figure for equipment for the past five years) . If there are any questions, please contact me at 5165. -"3" r1 ":J .\! -. , C U.-:, \, --...... -- "0'" . n ~ .~ :/~ {. G J f ',- U-., ,", .\1 . - D~IE,lfl1 , AU G 21 1994 !n _1I("'\..7t 4' l1J"'W~ '..!"':.J"~n D~..J'" ..." .L~j,,~...... i ';.:.":: ~~J.I, Y\ 1 ro...."l:":"l} ~--...... -' ;f'l;,,", .; 1! ~ .....- FINANCE DC:?T. 'CiTY OF SAN BER'IARDINC ::.0 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT ITEM NO. CMS DIGITAL ETT 1-2 . 6. $210.00 $398.40 ETT 1-8 38 $320.00 $12,537.34 ETT 16 -:1." 74 $7,326.00 $25,272.48. HFU-TA 6. $240.00. $358.56 1A3 29 . $1,305.00 $5,075.00. MARK II 16-D 1 $242.00 $293.82 ~OTAL COSTS $9,643.00 $43,935.60 LABOR COSTS 71 HRS. . $3,528.00 $4,320.00 ;RAND TOTAL $13,171.00 $48,255.60 ATl'ACHMENT "A" (""'\ ..., 1_____._ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A PURCHASE ORDER TO CMS COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF ANNUAL TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE, TO BE UTILIZED BY THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH BID SPECIFICATION F-95-02. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That CMS Communications is the lowest and best responsible bidder for the furnishing and delivery of annual telephone maintenanc in accordance with Bid Specification F-95-02 for the total amount of $60,108.00; pursuant to this determination, the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to issue a purchase order for said annual telephone maintenance to said lowest and best responsible bidder; such award shall only be effective upon the issuance of a Purchase Order by the Purchasing Agent; and all other quotations therefor are hereby rejected. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced purchase order is rescinded if it is not issued within sixty (60) days of the passage of this resolution. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held on the day of the following vote, to wit: , 199_, by I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 07-26-94 -1- o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A PURCHASE ORDER TO CMS COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE FURNISHING AND DELIVERY OF ANNUAL TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE, TO BE UTILIZED BY THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH BID SPECIFICATION F-95-02. Council Members: AYES NEGRETE CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER NAYS ABSTAIN ABSENT City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 199_ Approved as to form and legal content: James F. Penman, City ttorney 07-26-94 Tom Minor, Mayor City of San Bernardino -2-