HomeMy WebLinkAboutS03-Public Works '" ,., .' '. CITY OF SAN BERtj~RDINO - REQUESTE-OR COUNCIL ACTION From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE, Director Subject: Resolution Ordering Street Name Change: 45th Street East of David Way to RANKINS LANE Dept: Public Works/Engineering Date: October 25, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: ,D.UN. ''lFFICi:., 06 eef 9<. 'i1: 2J none Recommended motion: Adopt the Resolution cc: Shauna Clark, City Administrator James F. Penman. City Attornev ~~ Ignature Contact person: Anne neRo I t Phone: 5328 Supporting data attached: Staff Report/Resolution/Plan/Pp.titioOWard: 4 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $500.00 Source: IAcct. No.) 001-302-52020 Acct, Descri tion Salaries Finance: Council Notes: 75-0262 Agenda Item No. ,<)-:3' CITY OF SAN BEROARDINO - REQUESTaOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT David Oberhelman, 4th Ward Councilman, has requested that the naMe of 45th street East of David Way be changed to RANKINS LANE in honor of the late Judge Dan Rankins and his wife, E. Jerri Rankins for their many contributions both to the City of San Bernardino and to its citizens. Mrs. Rankins is extremely ill and her family and many friends and associates like the street name change as an expression of thanks for all her hard work. Jerri Rankins' many community associations, organizations and boards where served so selflessly are: would Some of. she has Main Street - Downtown Lighthouse for the Blind Inland Empire Symphony Guild San Bernardino Valley Concert Association City of Hope st. Bernardine Medical Center Auxiliary San Bernardino County Grand .Jury City of San Bernardino Police Commissioner County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Inmate Welfare Committee County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Parole Board Kiwanis Club Thp.re arp. only 8 residp.ntial condominiums on this section of 45th Street. All of the rp.sidents have signed 11 petition rp.qup.sting this strp.et name change. On 10-24-94, affectp.d City Departments were notifip.d of the proposed name change and given an opportunity to conunent on the proposal. No objections were received. As this is a City-initiated street name change, the normal street name change fee of $500.00 will not apply. We recommend that this section of 45th Street be changed to RANKINS LANE. 10-25-94 2 75-0264 o o . We, the residents at 45th Street, hereby petition to rename 45th Street to Rankins Way in honor of Judge Dan Rankins and his wife, E. Jerri Rankins, for their contributions made to the community and citizens of San Bernardino. Name Address Tel. No Sill:nature '31?/J~5 r L. !fLEXANJ)1;1\. /1f;'3 $.. 'h'~5 6- (clO!}) g-gC,-7 S7'-1 ~~ '~, 1A ( "." J c2.j~-.tL.,~ I. 1,) ~s~f: b H2-'-I9(~ ' ()>o~ IIS3 E. -Yrf.f"r. (909 f'f'.J. - 5"31 ~ (909,)-,"7'-7/(.7 ~~tr:*7 4~:p ,r t1 ;>/'1- Q ~ ~ r/ "-St=-. 4.5"~ ('10 'I J ffl-l/ltId 1y::~ l)/i~Rr~.R (1~~ /rSf ~. -:I-~Zf..9J fpY'J g!2-;Zt.60 ~~ ~j 1(~"1 E~~o 1) lkY?- L6rn, ~~c, '11-. J,lftNJ.J.A I~I ( ~~tL l)C,) n52.- ~'2. {',fo 13ISIffJP Ilbl G"'. tf~71i-ST LeJA-A"o, E ;!;/S~ //0 E L.I... F (//'1, . Z. OdA A. ~ M/lfER.ff~.1J o .~ " ~ 1~}1~~ >.. ~e~ 1 i f . . hl ! ! -... . > . . <4: ~ e A " (fry OJ:' ,J,{A/ 8Gi'M(i'tJ/A/C tJl~J.tIvr C,I PVI~/~ t40f~J 11I"IIII.fIN~ CIII/l/t141 f'" 11~"J11. 11"'/11'" /t?,.,.,-'fY ~ 't1( " 'VIA. ~ w".e~1 ~/1Y IAItIIAlII( P"U'lr AI.(1r(1 &'1IM/41 : 77777777. 45th Street East of David Way to RANKINS LANE p~ AID, 9.f0~ "fA-INN It!: P. Bolf &UR(I" IfJ: v. ~deau ''It-I Nt1: 15.01A-49 '" rl: 10-25-94 10/25/94 recor e rodl to: City Clerk, City Hall 300 North "D" Qeet San Bernardino. A 92418 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CHANGING THE NAKE OF 45TH STREET EAST OF DAVID WAY TO RANKINS LANE. WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIHITS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, EFFECTIVE AS OF THE DATE OF ADOPTION OF THIS RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HAYOR AND COHHON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: That the nalle of 45th Street East of David WilY. within the corporate limits of the City of San Bernardino. as delineated on the map attached a.s Exhibit "A", is hereby changed to read RANKINS LANE, with an effective date of Novemher 7. 1994. SECTION TWO: The City Clerk of the City of San Bernardino shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution to he recorded in the officp. of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10/25/94 o o 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by 2 the Hayor and Co_on Council of the City of San Bernardino at 11 ______________Meeting thereof held on the day of 1994, by the following vote, to-wit: ~OUNC!L KEKBRRS: NEGRETE ~YRS ~AYS ~TAI!! ~~NI CURLIN IIBRNANDEZ OBERHElJlAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM HILLER RACHRLci.ARK;-City- Cferk The foregoing reRolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. TOM MINOR, Hayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENHAN, City Attorney By: _ _____ _______ __ ___ 2