HomeMy WebLinkAboutR12-Economic Development Agency o o c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIl. ACTION FROM: BARBARA J. LINDSETH Acting Executive Director SUBJECT: TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES/CENTRAL POllCE STATiON DATE: October 31, 1994 ---~~.._----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On February 21, 1994, the Community Development Commission authorized advertisement for trade contractor bids for construction of the new Central Police Station. ------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R@commended Motfon(,,): (Commun'tv Development CommI5~don) MOTION: That the Community Development Commission authorize the Acting Executive Director to draft and execute a contract for materials testing and special inspection with United Inspection and Testing Company in an amount not to exceed $60,000. tC) Administrator 1___. .----.- A J. LINDSETH Act ng Executive Director ----------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact Person: Barbara Lintt~thlLudwi2 A. Barowoi Phone: 5081 Ward(s): One (1) Project Area(s): Central Citv North Supporting Data Attached: Spreadaheet FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount:$ 60. 000 Source: Bond Proceed. Budget Authority: Requested -----~-~~-----~--------~~~-------------~---------------------~~~~~~-----------~----------------~------------------ CommissionlCouncilNotes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIL:DJN:testing.cdc(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/07/94 Agenda Item Number /.1- o o o o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF REPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Testin2 and Inspection Services/Central Police Station In this report staff seeks authorization for the Acting Executive Director to draft and execute a contract for materials testing and special inspection services required for the construction of the new Central Police Station. BACKGROUND The construction of the new Central Police Station on the northwest corner of 7th and "0" Streets falls under Part I, Title 24 of the State Building Code. This portion of the code regulates the construction of essential services buildings such as the new Central Police Station. Unlike residential or commercial construction, essential services buildings are built to a more rigid standard of construction and are inspected more rigourously. The code requires that a materials testing and special inspection laboratory be retained to perform testing and inspection under the direction of an Inspector of Record. Earlier, before construction began, staff contracted with Converse Consultants Inland Empire for the services of an Inspector of Record. When construction started, staff had not completed its review of testing laboratories. To this point, Converse Consultants Inland Empire has also performed materials testing and special inspection on an as-needed basis. Staff intends to use Converse for the remainder of concrete construction and steel fabrication until the Commission contracts with another firm. REOUEST FOR PROPOSALS On July 26, 1994, staff advertised a Request for Qualification/Proposals (RFQ/P) for Essential Facilities Inspection and Testing-San Bernardino Central Police Station in The Sun, The Dodge Green Sheet, La Opinion, The Black Voice, Precinct Reporter, Westside Story and Hispanic News. In addition, staff mailed RFQ/P's to testing and inspection rums which appeared on the Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------____a_a. BIL:DJN:testing.cdc(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE' 11/111194 Agenda Item Number /'J- o o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARrnNT STAFF REPORT Testing and Inspection/Central Police Station October 31, 1994 Page -2- o -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On August 5, 1994, nine (9) [urns submitted qualifications/proposals. Staff reviewed the qualifications/proposals and produced a spreadsheet detailing the cost of various testing and inspection processes expected to be performed during the construction of the Police Station. Other factors such as mileage, travel time, pick-up and reporting costs were also detailed in order to fully understand the costs involved with each proposal. Staffs objective with the spreadsheet compilation was to identify the most cost effective firms and balance that cost effectiveness with qualifications. The least costly furn, Montana Testing, was found by the City of San Bernardino Building Department to not meet the minimum tlueshold of qualifications. The minimum testing qualification for this project is a Certificate of Qualification from the City of Los Angeles and the Office of the State Architect. Montana Testing did not have the City of Los Angeles certification. Leighton and Associates estimated $3,000 in reporting cost which bumped their total testing fee to approximately $43,000, higher than both Construction Testing and Engineering Incorporated and United Inspection and Testing, the second and third most cost-effective fums. Both Construction Testing and United Inspection met the mimumum tlueshold criteria of possessing both the City of Los Angeles and the Office of the State Architect certification. However, reference checks of Construction Testing and Engineering indicated that the nature of the City project and prior performance of the [urn were not a predictable compatible match if the Agency required full reliable assurances to meet our deadlines. In a fast-track project such as the Central Police Station, it is imperative that the testing laboratory provide results as soon as possible so that corrections can be made in the field when the cost of corrections is not exorbant. RECOMMENDA TION United Inspection and Testing of Moreno Valley, a minority-owned furn, is the most qualified and most cost effective firm to be found among the nine furns which submitted qualifications/proposals in response to our request. United has recent and significant essesential facilities experience having recently completed the testing and special inspection on the construction of the Alhambra Police Department. When requesting and evaluating proposals for professional services, the Agency is expected to take into account many different factors in the appraisal of the proposals it receives. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DJL:DJN:tcsting.cdc(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/07/94 Agenda Item Number /i,.., o o o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Testing and Inspection/Central Police Station October 31, 1994 Page -3- o --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although cost is a primary consideration, it is by no means the only criterion by which the Agency makes its decision. Of the two most cost effective and qualified firms, United and Construction Testing, there is less than a $850 difference in cost between them. A delayed report by Construction Testing could end up costing the Agency far more than the money saved by awarding Construction Testing a contract. It should be noted that United's total proposal amounted to $41,888 based on information given to proposers in the preparation of their proposals. Staff believes that there may be a significant need for testing and inspection beyond that originally identified at the time the RFQIP was originated and responses gathered. Staff is therefore adding $20,000 to cover the possibility of additional testing and inspection which may be needed. Staff recommends adoption of the form motion. -----------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIL:DJN:testing.cdc(adw) COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11/07/94 Agenda Item Number /')., o o o c ~~~~al~~.!~ :. ~ ~. 5'::: ~!l1;;t ~ ::J!lls:l'5_5"05 P~Sm' ~p:JD) ~ai g. ~m iil3-< -I l:lg. 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