HomeMy WebLinkAboutR19-Economic Development Agency c o c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCILACTION FROM: BARBARA J. LINDSETH Acting Executive Director SUBJECT: EDA MEETING CONFIGURATION DATE: November 2, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis of Previous CommissioDlCouncWCommittee Action(s): On October 17, 1994, the Community Development Cnmmi!l..ion continued this item until October 27, 1994. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommended Motion(s): (Communltv DeveIonment CommissIon) (CouncUman Dr. Curlin's Recommendation) MOTION A: That during the course ofEDA ChainnanlCommission meetings, the so-called "Brown Agenda", the three central dais positions will be occupied by City Clerk (or her assignee), EDA Agency Administrator (or his assignee), and the EDA attorney (or his assignee) only. MOTION B: That during the course ofEDA meetings ("Brown Agenda") that portion of the meeting designated as Closed Session, the only attendees besides the Chairman and Commission plus the City Clerk, andlor his assignee(s), will be those specifically admitted by majority vote of the Commis . fGS ~ Administrator /" ~ARBA J. LlNDSE11I Actin xecutive Director _________________________________________________________________________________________ww__________www_______wwww_______w_ Contact Person(s): Barbara J. Lindseth Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): N/A Ward(s): N/A Supporting Data Attached: See attached memorandllll1 dated October 12. 1994 from Councilman Dr. Curlin FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ N/A Source: N/A Budget Authority: N/A ____w_______w__www_w_w____________w_ww_www__w_______ww_www______w__w_www_______w___w_w______w_w_w_w________w------ CommissioDlCouncll Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BJL:lag: 10-0 1-06.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 11107/1994 ,q Agenda Item Number: /....~ ....,/"".. .--........ o o cC o . o . :. '~o=' 'Ti~ Stelnhau$, ~DA Age~ol Administrator . , EDA KEmTIKG CON~IGURATIO. .. ,~ 1 Hod:Olll , ' I .' . . (~) That du~in9 the COQrs. of BOA Cb.l~.n/Co..IS8Ion meetlnge, tbe so-called "arown Agena.-, tha three central ;'dah"l)!)dUc<ns ifill be oQoupled by 'City Clerk (or her '(8s8ffn), BOA Agency AdmlnldtratoE (ox hie ..si,n), and tbe 1iDA'a~torn.: (or hi. BS819n[ oal:. I .' ~. '. . . . '. ; .(a)' ~bBt 'during tbe cQure" 'of BOA lll.aUDIJ8 (".Brown Awendalf) ; tbllt por.tlon of the lDoetlug :a.slgDateli liS Closed Sesslon, ,'the ~~11,.~tendee8 beside. fb.'cbalrlllllD and co~i.sion plus the,city clerk, &/01': ber 118siOn(s), ttie BOA attorney &/or ,bis ~88ign(8), BOA Agenor A~lni.tt.tor &/or hi. a..ign(s', :wl~l:be tbose 8peclfloal r ~d.ltl:ed ~y ma,ority vote Of tbe : COllllleei On. " ~.R"'1'I(JNAt.j, . " 'There are obvioU8 pbysi~al ts*ltatloDe to the number of 'participants 01' obaervers wbo" oan 'collfortably " safely fit ,into the limited space of tbe ~entral dais. I 'stioul" a llpe,oial need fox tbe "input Of tbe oitJ :Bdminl&tt~tor or tbe cLty at~orDey ar180 duxing course of . ,spepiflc BO~ agend. lt~, au~b input may be obtained via the .. !I,dva~ce of the principal ,to.'tbe p."lpbeJ:al POcUUIII in th", . "8.ual ana Cl1etolilary l1l"nn.~. .. . ' -. . . :rurtber, thi. represents a m.ans of 8tro.-lio1n9 the BDA :proceS8 by eliminating .UC~ of coot~.ion emanating from . ibAavertent fUDctional overlap betw.en City Council meetings :" ~DA meetlnga. . . . :''lIl~t.'hl\Y~ bagn sevexlIIl elUlilllples of this cOllfusilm in tbe .recont paot. . ' " ' ./~ :raBP~aIC. J. CURt-IN, M.D. ':COKMISSIdRBR, BDA . . . -... - . .. ~ - . .. ." ....2 .: ,~t:...'.. \ "I~~'" .. . .....1 , '. f '. .... :.~~::. ~:. t 'CJ