HomeMy WebLinkAboutR18-Economic Development Agency o o o o o ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TIlE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION From: TIMOTHY C. STEINHAUS Agency Administrator Subject CHANGE OF COMMISSION MEETING TIME Date: October 31, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------..-------------- Svnoosis of Previous Commission/Council/Committee Action(s): On July 6, 1981, the Commission adopted Resolution No. 4193 which established II :00 a.m. as the time for regular meetings of the Redevelopment Agency. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recommended Motion(s): (Communitv Develooment Commission) MOTION: That the Community Development Commission move to adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, ON BEHALF OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CHANGING THE T OF REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT C SSION AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 4193. C. STEINHAUS Agency Administrator --------------------------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Person(s): Timothv C. Steinhaus/Susan M. Morales Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): All Ward(s): I - 7 Supporting Data Attached: Resolution FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: N/A Source: N/A Budget Authority: NI A ----------------------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-- Commission/Council Notes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCS:SMM:pc:tmchg.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 11/07/1994 Agenda Item Number: If o o o o o ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO STAFF REPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chanl!e of Commission Meetinl! Time In an effort to provide continuity with the City Council meetings, it is recommended that the Community Development Commission convene their meetings at 8:00 a.m. each regularly scheduled meeting day of the Mayor and Common Council. This will provide the Commission the opportunity to address Commission items in concert with Council items without the need to wait until II :00 a.m. Staffrec~ends adoption of the form motion. ~. TIMO'fI:!Y C. STEINHAUS, Agency Administrator Economic Development Agency --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TCS:SMM:pe;tmchg.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Meeting Date: 11/07/1994 Agenda Item Number: IS o o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c o o 1 llBSOLU'l':J:ON NO. 2 RESOLUT:J:ON 01' THE cOIIIl1JItJ:TY DBVBLOPIlEltT COHK:J:SSXOIII OF THE C:J:TY 01' SAlt BBRDRD:tNO, CALXI'ORltIA, ON BBKALI' 01' THB RBDBVBLOPIUDlT AGBltCY 01' THE CITY 01' SAlt BBRIt~IIIIO, CBAltGIJl1G THE TIllE 01' REGULAR MEBTIJl1GS 01' THE COHKUlfITY DBVBLOPMEItT COHKISSION AJl1D llBSCIItDIJl1G RESOLU'l'IOIt Jl10. uu. lDIERBAB, section 2 of Article I of the By-Laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the city of San Bernardino, California, provides that the Agency shall consist of the Mayor and Common council of the city of San Bernardino who shall act as the commmunity Development commission and who shall be the governing body of the Agency; and WBERBAS, section 2 of Article III of the By-Laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the city of San Bernardino, california, provides that regular meetinqs cf the Agency shall be at such time and place as may be determined by resolution of the Agency; and WBBREAS, Resolution No. 4193, adopted July 6, 1981 provided that members of the Redevelopment Agency shall hold regular monthly meetings at 11:00 a.m., on each regularly scheduled meeting day of the Mayor and Common council of the city of San Bernardino, effective July 6, 1981; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this resolution to rescind ReSOlution Jl10. 4193 and a40pt a new resolution establishing a new time for the ho14ing of regular meetings. NOW, THBREI'ORB, BE :J:T RBSOLVBD, DETERKIIlBD AND ORDOED BY THE COMMUJl1ITY DEVELOPMEJl1T COHKISSIOIt OF THE CITY 01' SAlt BElUlARDINO, AS FOLLOWS: section 1. ReSOlution Ro. 4193, a40pte4 July 6, 1981, is hereby rescin4e4. /6 o 1 2 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 o o o RESOLUTION 01' THE COJIKUNITY DEVELOPMENT COJIHISSION 01' THE CITY 01' SAN BEIlNODINO, CALII'ORNIA, ON BEllALJ' OJ' THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OJ' THE CITY 01' SAN BERNARDINO, CDNGING THE TIME OJ' REGULAR MEETINGS OJ' THE COMIIUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND RESCIJO)ING RESOLUTION NO. 4193. Section 2. until otherwise provided by ReSOlution, the members of the community Development commission of the city of san Bernardino, on behalf of the Redevelopment Aqency of the city of San Bernardino, shall hold monthly meetinqs at 8:00 a.m., each regularly scheduled meetinq day'of the Mayor" and common council of the city of San Bernardino, to be held in the council Chambers, 300 North "D" street, San Bernardino, california. section 3. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. /II /II /II /II /II /II /II /II /II /II /II /II /II /8 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - o o RESOLUTZON OF THE COIlHlJN]:TY DEVBLOPIIENT COIIHZSSZOB OF THE CZTY Oli' SAN B~ZNO, ON B1I1I1U.1i' OF THE RBDEVBLOPHBIIT AGBRCY OF THE COlOIUJlZTY DEVELOPHBIIT COIIHZS8Z0B, CBJ\NGZBG THE TZKB Olr REGULAB. KEETZBGS OF THE COIIHmIXTY DEVELOPIIENT COHHZSSZON AND RBSCZ:HDZNG USOLUTZ01Il BO. un. Z BBRBBY CERTXIi'Y that the foreqoing Resolution was duly adopted by the community Developaent commission of the city of San Bernardino at a meeting thereof, held , 1994, by the following 8 on the day of 9 vote, to wit: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C 27 o commission MAmbers: ADa IIAD ABSTAXB ABSENT :HBG1lBTB CURLXN HERNANDEZ OBBRBBLMAN DEVLXN POPE-LUDLAM MXLLER ~ of secretary The foregoing resolution,is hereby approved this , 1994. day Tom Minor, Chairman community Development commission of the city of San Bernardino Approved as to form and leqal content: BY:~~ Agency unsel SMM:pc:res 1ll120194 28 /8 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 o 14 o o STATE 01' CALIli'ORJUA ) COUNTY 01' SU BBRII1ARDII10 ) 8S CITY OF SU BERBAllDIlIO ) I, , secretary of the c01DlBunity Development C01DlBisslon of the city of San Bernardino, DO HEREBY C~TIFY that the foreqoinq and attached copy of C01DlBunity Development COIDIBission of the city of San Bernardino Resolution 110. is a fUll, true and correct copy of that ncw on file in this office. III WZTI1BSS WRUEOI', Z have hereunto set my hand 'and affixed the official seal of the community Development COIDIBission of the city of san Bernardino this _ day of , 1994. secretary of the cOIDIBunity Development cOIDIBission of the city of San Bernardino ~:}) ]5 16 17 18 19 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 o 27 28 /8