HomeMy WebLinkAboutR06-Economic Development Agency c c c o o DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY REOUEST FOR COMMISSION/COUNCIL ACTION FROM KENNETHJ. HENDERSON Executive Director SUBJECT: EDA MEETING CONFIGURATION DATE: October 25, 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Svnonsls of Previous CommlssloDiCoUDcWCommittee Actlon(s): On October 17, 1994, the Community Development Commission continued this item until October 27, 1994. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recommended Motion(s): (CommUDltv Develonment CommIssion) (Councilman Dr. Curlin's Recommendation) MOTION A: That during the course ofEDA Chairman/Commission meetings, the so-called 'Brown Agenda", the three central dsis positions will be occupied by City Clerk (or her assignee), EDA Agency Administrator (or his assignee). and the EDA attorney (or his assignee) only. MOTION B: That during the course ofEDA meetings ("Brown Agenda") that portion of the meeting designated as ':'Iosed Session, the only attendees besides the Chairman and Commission plus the City Clerk, and/or his assignee(s), will be those specifically admitted by majority vote of the Commission. , ~. J/ . /' :Jl: /1, (,,, w =~/ 1cLIf7/~( .. ator KENNETHJ.HENDERSON / Executive Director --------------------------------------------------------------------------------..-------..-......-.........-......-..... Contact Person(s): Kenneth J. Henderson Phone: 5081 Project Area(s): N/A Ward(s): N/A Supporting Data Attached: See attached memorandum dated October 12. 1994 from Councilman Dr. Curlin FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $ N/A Source: N/A Budget Authority: N/A -.-----.--.----------......---.------...-....-....-.---.-..-.-..----..-.-.-.....---.....--...-----.....---... CommlssloDiCouncll Notes: ---------------------------------------.....-----.....---------------------------.....------------------------------------- BJL:1ag:lO-OI-06.cdc COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA MEETING DATE: 10/27/1994 I J'.I Agenda Item Number: " c c c ~ o o . ''tOI' -'UIl1 SteillhauliI, J:l)A ..gel!Cll Administrator , , BQA KBBT!HG CON~!GQRAT!O. ; Kot i:On 1 .' . . - (A) Tbat 4Q~!ni tbe coats. of BOA c~irMan/Co..l.s1on MB.tl~$, tbe 80-oa11e4 -.rown A98n4a-, th8 three central ;'l!ah":pllIliU~n8 "ill be o(lcupled by City Clerk (or: hel: '(a..~~II', BOA ..qency Administrator (or bid a8.ign), and the 1iDA.~j~Or:~.1 (or his as.lon[ oalf. I ' ,,', :(8) ~bat '''urin\! the cour..:Of BDA ...Unll. (".Brown Agenda") .tbat pottion of tbe meetlag:a..lgnate4.s closed Session, ,'~. ,C>~lJ' ..t:tendees belJldeil t;b'. 'chaltllall and e_iuioD plus tbe.city Clerk, ./or her aS8iOn(sJ, t~e ~A attorney ';or ,biB ,u81ll'I1(s), BDA A!leney ..I:D:l8tr:.tOr ./or his ani9n(s), :wl~l:be tbo.. specifically ~.ltte4 by .a,orlty vote Of tne : oO_ieeton. ;. airIQIIALil , &"0' . 'Th8te ar. obvious physical ts*ltatioDa to the nu~et ot 'paJ:i;lcipllntlJ or observ6cII who"can 'comfortably" safely fit ;111~~ the 11mite4 space of tbe ~eDtral dais. 'Sho\lld a ape,cial n.ed for: the"input of tbe citl' :.dlllln.&t~.tor: or the city .t~orDe7 arlee Garing course of a '8P8pifie BO~ agenda item, 8ucb Input may be obtained vi. the ,lIidVanee of the principal to.-the pe;lpheul pOCUUII in the 0: ..8-11.1' ~4 OU$tolllaxy 1II111nnez. .. . ' ". . . I ',' ~ . :'ur:ther, this represents. ..ans of streBlIllinlng the BOA :prooe.8 by eliminating .ac~ of coniusion emanating from , la.4vertent functional overlap between City Council meetlnqs :" ~Da meeUngs. . . . :''1'Jllii:e'haye been sevexl'l eltalDples of tblll confusion in tbe , r.cent paat. " . .. '" . ./", " . .' ,'. ..; ". . ,raBD~llCK J. CURLIN, M.D. ': COMilundll8a, BOA .' .. ." ." 0.. . .. '0' ...... .: j. ' ' '~1.q... .1....'... &. ,\.:, '.,~ f t , /,'7