HomeMy WebLinkAboutS06-Public Works o '" REQUEST;FQR COUNCIL ACTION 1 ,e<.:No. 1. 291 - 4J ApprQval ~ Contract Change Order Subject: No. .. (Re1ijised) ~ Improvement of T. '" 1ppecanoe Avenue, .C. Street & Del Rosa Drive, per Plan No. 9053-- MATICH CORPORATION ,. CITY OF SAN BERN.ARDINO - "From: ROGER G. HARDGRAVE D~~t: Public Works/Engineering Date: 10-12-94 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 10-01-93 -- Resolution No. 93-382 to execute application Agency for a grant. Plans approved and authorization granted to advertise for bids. Resolution No. 94-68 adopted authorizing execution of approval and award of grant. Resolution No. 94-107 adopted authorizing execution of Second Amendment to Agreement with URS Consultants, Inc., for provision of construction staking services. 06-06-94 -- Resolution No. 94-130 adopted awarding a contract to Matich Corporation for the low bid price of $4,113,313. (Continued on second page) adopted authorizing to the Economic the Mayor Development 01-24-94 03-21-94 05-02-94 Recommended motion: That Change Order No. 2 (Revised) to the contract with Matich Corporation for the construction of street improvements on Tippecanoe Avenue, "c" Street (Sheppard Drive) and Del Rosa Drive, in accordance with Plan No. 9053, be approved; to authorize the Contractor to re- locate an additional FIVE water mainlines, located on Tippecanoe Avenue, "c" Street, and Del Rosa Drive, at an estimated additional increase in the contract price of $75,000.00 (for an estimated total of $105,000); from $4,448,299.87 to $4{J'523.'299~'87' _ Bill Bopf, IVDA Shauna Clark Barbara Pachon Ignature Bernie Kersey c cc: Contact person: Roqer G. hardqrave Staff Report, Supporting data attached: CCO #2 (Revised) Phone: 5025 Ward: 1 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: $75,000 (EDA Grant & IVDA) Source: (Acct. No.1 242-362-57291 Acct. Descri tion Street 1m ecanoe Avenue, "C" St. & Del Rosa Drive Finance: Council Notes: -C 75.0262 Agenda Item No .5-6 .. c c c o o File No. 1.291 SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION (Continued) 08-15-94 -- Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 approved, to authorize moving 11 trees at a cost of $$104,500.00 and relocating water lines at a cost not to exceed $30,000.00. 09-06-94 -- Change Order No. 3 approved to authorize installation of ATS communication conduit at a cost of $95,486.87. 09-19-94 -- Change Order Nos. 4 & 5 approved to authorize relocation and repair of the existing street lightin'J system at a cost not to exceed $25,000.00 and to modify the existing telephone vaults, at a cost not to exceed $80,000.00. 10-12-94 .. CITY OF SAN BER"ARDINO - REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Page 1 of 2 ~ Contract Change Order No. 2 was approved, at the Council Meeting of 8-15-94, to authorize the Contractor to relocate two water mains that were not shown on the plans. The cost for relocating ~hese two watar mains was not to exceed $30,000. Subsequent to this change order additional conflicts with water mains have the Contractor. being approved, 5 been discovered by Two of these 5 mains were shown on the plans, but no conflict was anticipated, since it was assumed that the water lines would be at the standard depth of 30 - 36 inches. However, upon removing the concrete pavement, the Contractor discovered that these lines were in conflict with the proposed improvement due to their having been installed at a depth of 6 - 8 inches. The Contractor also discovered two other water mains that were in conflict as a result of havinq been installed at the same non-standard depth of 6 - 8 inches. In addition, the Contractor water main that was not shown on the approximately at the standard depth, storm drain, and must be relocated to operations. has also encountered a 5th plans. This main is but is in conflict with a facilitate the Contractor's c The amount of work required to relocate these 5 additional water mains is indeterminate. Therefore, the Contractor has agreed to do the necessary relocations on a time and materials basis, at a total additional cost not to exceed $75,000.00. It is recommended that Change Order No. 2 (for relocation of two water mains) be replaced .,ith Change Order No. 2 (Revised), which will incorporate all seven (7) water mains that have been found to date to be in conflict. The total not to exceed cost will increase from $30,000 for Change Order No. 2 to $105,000 for Change Order No.2 (Revised). The total estimated project cost included an amount of $845,687 for contingencies, which can be used to finance the cost for this extra work. There is an approximate balance of $450,000 in contingencies. A grant has been secured through the U.S. Department of Commerce, Econom~c Development Administra"tion, to finance 75% of the total project cost. The 25% local agency share will be provided by IVDA. No City funds will be used to finance the cost of this project. The cost for the extra work will be charged to Account No. 242-362-57291. c The representative from the United States Economic De- velopment Administration has verbally approved this extra work in concept. A copy of Change Order No. 2 (Revised) has been 10-12-94 75-0264 .. CITY OF SAN BER".ARDINO - REQUEST F..QR COUNCIL ACTION STAFF REPORT Page 2 of 2 faxed to the representatives and we are striving to obtain approval. We recommend that Change Order No. 2 (Revised) be approved. URGENCY CLAUSE: The Contractor needs to receive authorization to proceed with this extra work at the Council meeting of 10-17--94, in order to avoid delaying the other scheduled activities. c ~ c 10-12-94 75-0264 '. ., c o c o o nDBUL PROJBCT 110. 07-.u~OU80 COll'l'llACT CHUGB ORDBR IIAJIB 01' PROJBCT: ORDBR 110. 2 IRBVISBD) OATB: 10/11/94 Aqr._.nt D.t.: 217/94 HORTOII AIR FORCB BASB STRBBT IMPROVBJIDJTS O"'R: CITY 01' SAIl BBRNaDntllO COll'l'llACTOR: MATICH CORPOllATIOII Th. followinq chanq.. are h.reby ..d. to the COIl'l'llACT DOCUMBIl'l'S: Contract Chanq. Ord.r 110 2 i. h.reby r.vi..d a. ..t forth below: Th. low.rinq of 4 .ddition.l w.t.r lin.. th.t w.r. loc.t.d at a .h.llow d.pth of 6-8 inch.. b.low the ezi.tinq concr.t. ro.dw.y, and 1 .dditional wat.r line th.t i. in conflict with. .tora dr.in, for . total of 7 wat.r line r.loc.tion.. Ju.tification: Whil. in8tallinq the n.w utiliti.. on Tipp.cano., "C" Str..t (Sh.ppard Driv.) and 6th Str..t (D.l Ro.. Driv.), th.r. w.r. 4 addition.l w.t.r a.inlin.. th.t w.r. found to be v.ry.h.llow and 1 which conflict.d with the pl.c_.nt of the und.rqround utiliti... Th.y vari.d in .i.. fro. 10 to 16 inch.. in di_.t.r, and au.t b. low.r.d the .ntir. l.nqth of the rO.dw.y. Th. indu.try .tand.rd for thi8 8i.. of w.ter line would be . ainiaua d.pth of 3 to 4 f..t, how.v.r, th.y w.r. found to be .t . d.pth of 6 to 8 inch.8 below the ezi.tinq concr.t. rO.dw.y, and dir.ctly in conflict with the .tructur.l ..ction of the new rO.dw.y. It will be n.c....ry to low.r .11 of th... lin.. to .void any pot.nti.l probl_. with h..vy equipa.nt runninq ov.r th_ and .nabl. th_ to con fora with the .tandard. of the indu.try. Al.o, the low.rinq of th... lin.. will prev.nt . ..int.nanc. probl_ in the futur.. paqe 1 -. " c c c o o Chang. to CONTRACT PRICB: origin.l CONTRACT PRICB: . 4.113.313.00 CUrr.nt CONTRACT PRICB .djust.d ~y pr.viou. CBAKGB ORDBR . 4.448.299.87 Th. CONTRACT PRICB du. to this CBAKGB ORDBR will ~. incr....d ~y: . 75.000.00 Th. n.w CONTRACT PRICB including this CBAKGB ORDBR will ~ . 4.523.299.87 Chang. to CONTRACT TIMB: Th. CONTRACT TIMB will ~. (bcr....d) ~y c.l.nd.r day.. Th. d.t. for coapl.tion of .11 work will ~. r.vi..d d.t. to ~. d.t.rain.d. to ~ d.t.rain.d Approv.l. R.quir.d: To ~ .ff.ctiv., this ord.r .ust ~ .pprov.d ~y the I'.der.l .gency if it chang.. the scope or o~jective of the PROJBcr, or .. ..y oth.rwis. ~ requir.d ~y the SOPPLBKBNTAL GBlBRAL CORDITIO.S. Accepted ~y: MatiCh Corporation D.te R.co_ended ~y: - willi.. Bopf, Inland V.l. D.v. Aqcy, Date Approved ~YI Rog.r G. Hardgr.v. D.te Director of ~lic Works/City Bngin..r Bcono.ic Develop.ent Adainistr.tion Approved ~y: D.te Page 2