HomeMy WebLinkAboutS01-Mayor's Office cnt' OF SAN BER"RDINO - REQUEST Q.R COUNCIL ACTION c: Dept: Mayor Tom Minor Mayor's. Offi ce Subject: Appoint Bob Miller to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, per Mayor Tom Minor's request. Date: October 10, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: ADMIN . OF~'IC€l 11 OCT 9( 10: 4} Recommended motion: Approve the appointment of Bob Miller to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, per CMayor Tom Minor's request. ~-)f0~ / Signatu~ Contact person: Mayor Tom Mi nor Yes Supporting data attached: Phone: ~R4-51" Ward: FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.) (Acct. DescriDtion) Finance: CCil Notes: Aaenda Item No. S I 10-11:1-94 22:40 I EASTER ~~HL ~UL Ur IH~ lNLHNU LUUNrl~ <l<l!:l t-'<l.: J".' '....~; It E SUM E .::) 'penonal Data e..a..a Robert "Bob" Miller Bome Addreu. 27154 Nona Court, Highland, CA 92346 Date of Birtha 8/1/49 Telephone I 909-862-9085 ",",0 "Ic II ". Bave ___'j d in the CitY,of San Bernardino sinee October 1987 lam x am not a regiatered voter, Marital statuS: Slnal@ UucadJm.. 1986 Cal Stat~ San Bernardino II _ 1 4 State of CA c' 'aat Emcloyment Rolling Start, Inc. - San Bernardino Center for Independent Living - West Covina So. California Rehabilitation Services - Downey (Totaling 8 years experience.working for people with disabilities.) Current Emoloyemt (since 1990) Pirm NlUIle: Easter Seal Societv of the Inland Countl~s .,...:.........-... Addreaa.241 East Ninth Street, San Bernardino, CA . 92410 Phone a 909-888-4125 .uu.u.ationa Nnn.. the information provided is f.ctu.l to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I wilt be required to sign a .Statement of Economie Interests. form as required by t.w. .nd that I wilt abide by all the codes and ordinances of the City of San Bernardin~ and the State of California. C \1"'}k~~ URE October II, ~E 1994 elTV OF SAN BER~RDINO - REQUEST O:>>R COUNCIL ACTION em: Dept: Mayor Tom Minor Mayor' 5 Offi ce Subject: Appoint Tim. Wilson to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, per Mayor Tom Minor's request. Date: October 10, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: ADMIN. IOFFICEI. 11 OCT 9( 10: 4} Recommended motion: Approve the appointment of Wilson to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, <::oer Mayor Tom Minor's request. ~.~' /~ ~ , Signature Contact person: Mayor Tom Mi nor Supporting data attached: Yes Phone: 384-5133 Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.1 (Acct. Descriotionl Finance: Cncil Notes: Aaenda Item No s.,) --~.... / RESUME c Personal DuJ::; 0 Name: ~imothy R. Wilson Home Address: 963 Sarazen street, Harnet, CA 92543 Date of Birth: August 13, 1951 Telephone: Bus(909) 824-3199 Fax(909) 824-3193 Res(909) 658-7463 lIave resided in the city of San Bernardino since - N.A. :r am X am not a registered voter. ----.. Marital Status: Married; Ilife - Robin, Children - Laura & Ashley IJ.4\1Qation Bachelor of Architecture (5 year course) CalPoly San Luis Obispo; Licensed Architect and Registered civil Engineer in the State of California. Put EmDloyment consultant through GTS Associates currently serving colton, Lorna Linda and Manhattan Beach; Vice President Josoph Bonadiman & Associates, San Bernardino; NBS Lowry-San Bernardino and Hemet; James Calkins, A.I.A.-Hemet; Cities of San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay and Fontana directly employed me in the fields of surveying and civil engineering. Current Emplovment Firm Name: GTS Associates, Inc. c Address: 2627 South Waterman, Ste. E, Phone: (909) 824-3199 FAX: (909) 824-3193 San Bernardino, CA ~2408 p.ffiliati.ons . American Institute of Architects, NSPE (Californla society of Professional Engir.eers, vintages and vinegar - Jurist The information is factual to the best of my knowledge. I undQr- stand that I will be required to sign a "Statement of Economic Interests" form as required by law, and that I wi 11 abide by all tho codes and ordinance of the city ot San Bernardino and the state of California. c:- ~ I())~~ Date signature 1 c . t , .. . . '. - . , . I. , . . CITY OF SAN BER~RDINO - REQUEST Q,R COUNCIL ACTION Mayor Tom Minor Subject: Appoint Maria Lootens to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, per Mayor Tom Mi nor om: Dept: Mayor's. Offi ce Date: October 10, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: ADMIN. !()H'ICE'J 11 OCT 9( 10= 4:5 Recommended motion: Approve the appointment of Maria Lootens to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, C per Mayor Tom MI nor I s request. ~....~( //~ i9n~ Contact person: Mayor Tom Minor Yes Phone: 384-5133 Supporting data attached: Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.! (Acct. Descriotion) Finance: CCil Notes: ...'" n~iC." Aaenda Item No S~) t+t:liC::...;) !~.l o o . c, CITY or SAN BIRNARDINO Application tor Conaideration tor Appoint~ent to Citizen Commieeion or Committee P.r.onal nat.a Hame. Marta Lootens Rome Addu... 235 E.Edg.h111 Rd.. San Bernardino. Ca 92.04 Date of 8irth. 7-7.52 Telephone I 909/880.5136 . San Bernardino e1nce 1973 Rave re.ided in the City ot Marital Statue. Mar"ied I community Affiliation.. am currently a member of the City of San' Bernardino TraffJc Safetv ~ommitt.. ~ C::' B.A., French. at CSU. San 8~rn~rrli"~r 1Q74 P..t!. !tI\pl~Y1Jl.1'lt! 1973-Present CSU, San Bernardino cu~r.ftt ~m~loym.nt Firm Name. CSU, San Bdna/Physical Planning & Oev. Phone. 9091880.5136 Addre... 5500 University Parkway, San Bdno., CA 92407 Plea.e Indicate Your Area of Inter..t and What Committ.../Commi..iona You Are Se.kin~ Conalderatlon rorl c C'1'Y OF SAN BER"RDINO - REQUEST ~R COUNCIL ACTION em: Dept: Mayor Tom Mi nor Subject: Appoi nt Robert O. cooley to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, per Mayor Tom Minor Mayor's Offi ce Date: Synopsis of Previous Council action: ;\D141N . \DFFlCi'J, 11 OCT 9<', 10: 4} ~ Recommended motion: Approve the appointment of Robert O. Cooley to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, C per Mayor Tom Minor's request. -k~~ { Signature Contact person: Mayor Tom Minor Phone: Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.1 (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: Ceil Notes: Aaenda Item No $.../ c RES U M E c:> Personal C Name: Home Address: Data IS~...., fJ. (? 1'J~J.i: '-( tjlJLj{) Z~7" ~ h,,,.. r pJJ{J 2-12. J~ , I Po <; .&-6 <f ,C't'}""!'; '2 Hlfht~fEc. q~3~'" - >>..,. ~~7 er-..,-t~~YU.o'&~ Date of Birth: Telephone: .F61.f ""1")' j .211 Have resided in the City, of San Bernardino since /9"5'?:r I am 9not a registered voter. Marital Status: ~~ Education ~;gN'7/' &.~ ~jh.JJ ~e. /V<!;J.CV J-,?7J;;". I ' Past Employment c 9. I~ ;::Z::(J,/iL~;::;i~:::~ Current Em Affiliations A7t~v,.::"'" ~"0 ~~. ~fJ'/)Va~ 1.Jt(J-v't-1)oroVo~ -b cJS -v P-W - /2. 0, ~j.~7 kS~Phone: Cf;7 t;~tf--{(3)/ yy.,. ~ - Q; ~~"i:J~ #1$-'. .q",-O ~ ~- Firm Name: Address: The information provided is factual to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I will be required to sign a .Statement of Economic Interests. form as required by law. and that I will abide by all the c of the City of San Bernardino and the State of California. C ~ 1?:t ~/~ CI'!Y OF SAN BERI.:'ARDINO - REQUEST O:>>R COUNCIL ACTION em: Dept: Mayor Tom Minor Mayor's Offi ce Subject: Appoint Antonio (Tony) Chavez to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, per Mayor Tom Minor Date: October 10, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: ADIIIN. OFHCi!'.J II OCT 9<', 10: 46 Recommended motion: Approve the appointment of Antonio (Tony) Chavez to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, per Mayor Tom Minor's request. c -;~ / Signature '-. Contact person: Mayor Tom Mi nor Supporting data attached: Yes Phone: 384-5133 Ward: FUNDING REOUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.! (Acct. Descriotion) Finance: Oneil Notes: ...E.n"f;t') Agenda Item No 5-1 c c I c c o Reswne ANTONIO (TONY) CHAVEZ ..~--_..... "..... ..... .... PERSONAl. DATA Home addzuo: 366 Ea.~ Heather 5uut 1lIaItD, Callfomla 92376 TeIe (909) 874-7990 l>lll" of blnl" May 22, 1939 I haw _Ided In th City of 1lIaItD aInu 1963 I am a f'C3leteftld voter Marital S~l.uI: SIngle EDUCATION SANDm\HAlmINO VAUJlYCowlGfI AS DIp. ~S-"'M.Jvr, 198Z Wa' a tutor for the EOPS prosnm. (:.u.Il'OaNlA STATIl COWlGE SAN BEIlNARDINo S...I11r. I-Jw-t1tm.o..u.... s..- Myw- Ha.... earned a cmlftcate tor Information Manap""t. 1990 PAST EMPLoYMENT <.:ENTEllFORINDEPENDF.NTUVlNGOf SOlTllIWESTf.RN CONNECTJCUT ~ Syncms OliInflMfIIr, 19110 tIIl99Z Loponolble for flIc:.I ftCOrdIng and reporting, =pJ1Ing .tadstlcallnfo....atlOll and gen._tlng ~ "'f""lU to varlou. NndIng Illcnd.... ROWNG STAltT,lNC. Fu./ 101.-,..; 1983 t4 J 99() &nw.cl 'Employee OtThc Yeat' awa.d. Reopoallble for alllleco1 malt<:n. CURRENT EMPLOYMENT - _. ...-.-_...._---_..._~_..._.._....- ..... ROI1JNG START. INC. $.'16 Wilt F./nmlll SlIWt. S.. *B s.", BIt'IflIIflIM. c.1If. 934JO (909) 88-f.Z1Z9 , - o o c I Resume APFIuATlONS .._.._._......... _ 4_. .......... ..M IJft! member of AmerIcan Wheelchair BowIInS lINod.tlcm Life DI_bv of The United Statu a.- PederaUon The InColml.Uon provided Is factual to the best of my knowled&e. I unclmtand lhat I will be requiNd to . . 'Statement of Economic Intllnsu" fOlDl U RCfUlred by law, and lhat I wIll.blde by allth" c:ocIcs and orcIlnancea of !he CIty of San BernlUdlno and the State of CaJU'omla. d..r ..~ d .;y Signature (7f/'. 29# 9tf Data c c .. C;~~y OF SAN BER~RDINO - REQUEST ~R COUNCIL ACTION ~~. ~t: Mayor Tom Minor Subject: Appoi nt Sonya Vi gi 1 to the Handi cap Accessibility Appeals Board, as an Alternate, per Mayor Tom Minor Mayor Tom Minor Date: October 10, 1994 I Synopsis of Previous Council action: ;\DIlUN. OFFICE:; 11 OCT 9<, 10: 43 Recommended motion: Approve the appointment of Sonya Vigil as an Alternate, per Mayor Tom Minor's to the Handicap Accessibility Appeals Board, request. c ~ ~~~~ I Signature Contact person: Mayor Tom Minor Phone: 384-5133 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: r FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: (Acct. No.1 (Acct. DescriPtion) Finance: C,Cil Notes: ....'" ft.u::., A!lenda Item No S-I t ~ Name. . ':.t-~~ Home Addt....'f . '~'t, . :.J.-,-'."- Date of Bflt1h 1. " " Telephone. Have r"14~~i:tn the ~..,:'; .i.'-' 1 am 't',: IIIlI Marital St~~\)'1 ',:jd:f' i,Wli~ ~ L .,.~, . .... '; . '" - ~ . .:;:..... .~.-~ , . "', ,~; 'au " Current Firm Addu.., C i\",*~~ 'SI~~: ~0f4~e :~ " The 1nronnat~'lI,II"OVfdfll f,',of4 ' ~ be required , ~'~!''If. It at .. , I wf11 abld." '~l'the e6461':'" \, \'t\-t:~ .;;t:~~f~~( ~(' \)\'.t .'l,.~ ~ I . , "Ii'~" hlftdtrstand thU I ~m . ',-, ill'" ill".. .nd tnat all' r(,lio and' the Httt ";::~+:~~'\',~(. :-,r,. '~''''''''':''''' ...:. " "~',l;rJ~...."" }:~l;""':; , " " ' . ~. '''(: QL{. ~ . "Ii$; , , . .~.-~.:*~r. "