HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-Public Works . o o WHAT congestion Management Program (CMP) - Plan to eliminate traffic congestion by control of land use decisions or allocation of state and Federal Tax dollars to cities and counties. WHEN 1989 State Legislature stated CMP to be a program to help keep California moving. In June 1990, Proposition 111 passed by voters of the state and mandated preparation of a CMP in urbanized counties. WHO In September 1990 SANBAG became Congestion Management Agency (CMA) for San Bernardino County. Legislation required establishment of CMA and rather than create another agency, it was determined SANBAG could fill this role with all cities being a part of SANBAG. Southern California Associated Governments (SCAG) would provide socio-economic data and be basis for tests of consistency of model and results. WHY In late 1980's growth was creating traffic congestion on all roadways, development in one community impacted another, voters allocated monies to fund improvements but required that congestion be addressed and if that meant controlling land use and development, then so be it. Failure would result in loss of tax dollars. HOW . Projects of specific size or larger would all follow a uniform procedure to assess traffic impacts (use a consistent model), allow review and input by adjacent agencies that were affected, address impacts and provide for solutions. This established the need for TIA, consistent models, review by CMA, address long range impacts, alert political bodies of potential impact and allow for collection of fees if desired. IMPACTS All projects over a specified size or number of trips must prepare a TIA and be deemed consistent with the established model by CMA and city. Impacts of the development must be identified, a section of the TIA must assign reasonable costs to mitigate to acceptable level of congestion, TIA must track impacts 5 miles away or 50 new trips on the system that are generated by the project, TIA must be completed before project approved (open to debate and interpretation) .:;Flf /0;17/71 . , I I ~ .. o o Smaller proj ects are picked up in background growth of larger projects. Model began in 1990 and runs to 2010 and is based on cities best estimate of growth as provided for in general plans. Data updated yearly. Freeway improvements become responsibility of adjacent cities, not Caltrans. Once traffic degrades to specific level, a deficiency plan must be developed to say how and when it will be corrected and funding sources id~ntified. No additional trips can be added to system until problem solved. Failure to solve problems or stop development results in loss of Gas Tax and ISTEA funding to city (all monies used to maintain and construct streets and traffic improvements). PURPOSE To relieve traffic congestion. To allow adjacent agencies opportunity to comment and address secondary impacts to their transportation systems and exact payment for problems not created by their development. To advise policy makers of potential future impacts and allow them to address future costs through present collections (assess impact cost to development) although it is incorrect to say policy makers must do this. To control land use and development as a means of controlling traffic growth or exact financial penalties. RESPONSIBILITIES Realize that development may indeed impact traffic congestion. Decide proper course of action, that is, decide if develop.ent should pay a "fair share", if city will assume responsibility for necessary improvements in future or if city should control future development so congestion never occur. To plan for future suing best available data. o ATTENDANCE SHEET DATE: /CJ-/7- 9 Y TIME: y()~~-;---,/ <i C_C~ MEETING: LOCATION: o ~ ~ ~ Note: Pursuant to Government Code section 54953.3 the signing, registering or completion of this document is voluntary, and all individuals may attend the meeting regardless of whether they sign, register or complete this document. . Fi,d W;kDh -G~~ c~3~~ (. '1~___ DEPARTMENT CLJo;J C J L Jv1A-IJ 0~~jQ~~Z~ /4/\ W;r../ I.A, Slt tl ~. IYttt;fl ~~ R/-h?.ut/ ~~~ O~ S~v~~6 G {'t lou/.\.c \ ( ., l/ 13,011- ~ ' -J!:' ~ 1;::'~1 -, GY1 ~-~ ~~ dJ. o/~ t~~r::Ir o o ATTENDANCE SHEET DATE: 10-/7-'11 m CUJ?f1 ~r1 c C- TIME: ~/ MEETING: LOCATION: ~ ~ Note: Pursuant to Government Code section 54953.3 the signing, registering or completion of this document is voluntary, and all indi viduals may attend the meeting regardless of whether they sign, register or complete this document. ATTENDING: NAME DEPARTMENT . Ii=> A-.,RlU II- I B7[ k'\.- '"'Bo L>6<,v.et.{ ")~ 1hv'(-:5 U, ~ e /2v.5".5 LJ.szh h/)~/l-JlfT f( () C,"c-1< )f/jJe1J6 .t2/f vt- 6ellP R I(lal--J- Jr-A'/ -t ~/JVI.Y':;, ~S / I I I (/ // / I /) /tI$. w;t..f' fJ/J