HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-Public Services CITY OF SAN BERNODINO - REQUEST FO COUNCIL ACTION. From: Pat Malloy, Director of Publ ic Services Subject: Pub 1 i c Servi ces AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT'S PRISONER WORK RELEASE PROGRAM Dee Date: October 4, 1994 Synopsis of Previous Council action: 11/04/86 -- Resolution #86-455 adopted which executed an agreement with the County of San Bernardino relating to the City's participation in the Sheriff's Work Sentence Program. DI4IN. 'OFF ICe. OCT 9< .2.J 1 0 Recommended motion: c::AdoPt resolution. ~- / .~.A ?~L/~J ?gnature / Contact person: Pat Mall ov Phone: 5140 Supporting data attached: Yes Ward: All FUNDING REQUIREMENTS: Amount: -0- Source: IAcct. No.! IAcct. DescriPtion) Finance: ::oue Notas: '5.0262 Agenda Item No 7 CITY OF SAN BERN4RDINO - REQUEST F()q COUNCIL ACTION , STAFF REPORT On November 4, 1986, a resolution was adopted by Council which authorized the 'City's participation in the San Bernardino County Sheriff Department's Prisoner Work Release Program. This program allows inmates to serve their sentence working on City projects versus incarceration in the County Jail system. Last year, 8,000 man hours of work were provided to the City for roadside weed abatement, litter pickup and special cleanup projects. This program provides substantial assistance to the Special Projects Division of Public Services. The City is responsible for providing safety equipment, hand tools, transportation, supervision and reimbursement to the County for injury accident costs. In order to continue participating in this program, the County will require an amendment to the current agreement which will include financial liability related to the Workers Compensation program in the event that prison workers are injured while working for the City. During the last four (4) years of the Work Release Program, there have been two (2) on the job injuries which resulted in claims to the City. The total reimbursement to the County was less than C $100. Based on the benefits derived from this program, 8,000 man hours of free labor, Public Services recommends that the City continue participation in the program. Risk Management has also reviewed the proposed amendments and in consideration of the history of insignificant claims, supports amending the agreement. c 5~0264 '" ... CJ '" t~ &:: 0 18S3 0 rr. .... "Q Z , I l 'P. ,,;,','! I/lf/,/ ..:; -, ". . '.~';: '1":- <5 ... :;;- 'oj .. .... -~'7' ...... - - ~J September 29, 1994 Ms. Shauna Clark City Administrator City of San Bernardino 300 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92402 Dear Ms. Clark: Attached please find the original and five (5) copies of the first amendment to contract number 90-806 between your agency and the County of San Bernardino for participation in the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department prisoner work release program. This amendment was initiated by the County's Risk Manager after a review of Arriaga v. County of Alameda (1994) 23 Cal.App 4th 800 - Cal. Rptr.2d. Essentially the judge in this case ruled that inmates participating in the work release programs are eligible for Yorkers' Compensation benefits in the event they are injured while performing the duties assigned to them while working in the program. <:)rhis amendment expands ,the language of paragraphs 10 and 11 to require all contracting agencies to assume all financial liability related to Yorkers' Compensation or liability lawsuits brought by program participants who have been injured while working for the agency. Upon approval by the appropriate governing body, please have the original and all copies of the amendment signed by an authorized official and returned to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, Bureau of Administration, P. O. Box 569, San Bernardino, CA 92402-0569, Attention: Michael Daniel, Contracts Unit. The Sheriff's Department anticipates that the amendments will be presented to the County Board of Supervisors for approval on November 8, 1994. Therefore, it is imperative that these documents be returned no later than October 31, 1994, in order to ensure that no interruption occurs with your current work crews. Thank you for you assistance in this matter and should you have any questions, please contract Mr. Daniel at (909) 387-3725. Sincerely, DICK VILLIAHS, SHERIFF a 7'4--- ROBERT T. PEPPLER, Captain Sheriff's Bureau of Administration <::OV/RTP/MJD/lrt Attachments SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 655 _ T'*d SV_ . Son _. ~ 92415-0081 l'oot Office _ li89 . Son ...._dO_. ~ 82402_B c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c o RESOLOTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING A FIRS AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE SAN BERNARDIN COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT'S PRISONER WORK RELEASE PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of said City a first amendment to the agreement with the County of San Bernardino for participation in the San Bernardino County Sheriff Department's Prisoner Work Release Program. SECTION 2. The authorization to execute the above referenced 11 amendment to the agreement is rescinded if the parties to the 12 agreement fail to execute it within sixty (60) days of the passage 13 of this resolution. c 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 c COUNCILMEMBERS: NEGRETE Ana ~ ABSTAIN ABSENT CURLIN HERNANDEZ OBERHELMAN DEVLIN POPE-LUDLAM MILLER 10/04/94 1 -, I, c c c -- \...,.,. .:) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING A FIRS AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE SAN BERNARDIN COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT'S PRISONER WORK RELEASE PROGRAM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10/04/94 City Clerk The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this day of , 1994. TOM MINOR, Mayor City of San Bernardino Approved as to form and legal content: JAMES F. PENMAN City Attorney By: 2 I: c ~ .~. '<:;' E New M Chlnge X Cancel County Oepartment SHERIFF FOR COUNTY NL Y Vendor Code pt. ConUlct Number SC SUR A Dept. Orgn. SUR SUR 90-806 Ai Contractor's license No. County Department Contrlct Representative Ph. Ext. ROBERT W. TREMAINE (909) 387-3746 Amount of Contract County of San Bernardino FAS STANDARD CONTRACT Fund Organization ObJ/Rev Source Activity GRC/PROJ/JOB Number FY Estimated Payment Total by Fiscal Year Amount 110 FY Amount 110 Commodity Code Project Name WORK RELEASE PROGRAM THIS CONTRACT is entered into in the State of California by and between the County of San Bernardino. hereinafter called the County. and Nomo hereinafter called CONTRACTOR CITY OF SAN BEIlRAllDINO Addre.. 300 NORTH D STREET SAN BERNARDIRO. CA 92418 Phone Birth oltl (909) 384-5133 Feder'l 10 No. or Soc~ Security No. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: IU.. space tN/ow Wtd addirioMl bond sheets. S.r fanh grvice to be rendered. emount to be (Mid. manner of payment. rinN for perlOfrMfICe or completion. c"ermin,,;on of n'i.flClOtY performanco MId eeun for 'OfmiM'ion. o'her term. Ind condit...... Ind IltlCh plln.. .pecifiee,ion.. and addendl. if any,} FIRST AMENDMENT I Contract 90-806 with City of San Bernardino is hereby amended effective November 08, 1994 by replacing paragraphs 10 and 11 with the below paragraph 10 and 11. (10) In the event that an injury to a participant occurs, the CONTRACTOR, shall be responsible for completing an inmate injury report and submitting it to the Vork Release Officer at Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center. The SHERIFF will be responsible for paying all medical bills, and the subject CONTRACTOR agrees to reimburse SHERIFF for any and all costs incurred as they relate to the reported injury. Should an injured participant successfully pursue a workers' compensation or liability lawsuit through either venue, the CONTRACTOR shall pay all legal and adjusting expenses and any awards, settlements or judgments. (11) The CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County of San Bernardino, the SHERIFF, and their authorized agents, officers, volunteers and employees against any and all claims or actions arising fro. CONTRACTOR'S use of participant, acts, errors and o.issions, in connection with this contract, and for any costs or expenses incurred by the County or SHERIFF on account of any claims therefore. Except as amended all other terms and conditions remain as stated therein. c 02-12311.000 "e" "" Plge 1 of 2 I I .' . ~ . c .:) c:; This page intentionally left blank. c COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO .. Chairman. Board of Supervisors CITY OP SAR BEIlRA1lDIlIO (State if corporation. company, etc.) Dated By" IAlIlhorized Signelufe} SIGNED AND CERTIFIED ,11AT A COpy OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. . Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino. Dated Title Address 300 JIOlltll D STIEET SAR BDIiTARnlllO. Cl 92418 By C Deputy ~pproved .. to Legal Form Reviewed H to Affirmative Action Reviewed for Proc...ing .~~ .. .. County Cou Agency AdminiltrotoftCAO Oet. ~ .,,.~ Olte Dot. "', .".. nrn P.., ..~. D.'!'1"!' 2 " 2 _.. -,-.-.--' - - - .- -.-- , .~ I' e . i c c . =..~~7:.-. . , --~. Q) ---0) RESOLUTION NO. ?t.l''''-~- BE IT .RESOLV~D BY T,Hl.-MAYOIl-AND _~OMMOII COUHC-U...-or--'THE-CI1'Y or SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWSI S&CTtON 1. The Mayor of the City of San Bernardino i. hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of .aid City an Agreement with the County of San Bernardino relating to the City" participation in the Sheriff'. Work Sentence progr.., a copy of which i. attached hereto, marked Exhibit """ and incorporated 11 herein by reference as fully as though set forth at length. J2 - J3 adopted by the Mayor and COIIIIlIon Council of the C.ity of San J4 Bernardino at a JS the ~d day of 16 to witl 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 of 2S 26 27 28 I HEREAY CERTIFY that the foregoing re,olution wa. duly _~~~~I I meeting thereof, held on .!!:t..~~ , 1986, by the following vou, ~f(1':f ~;J/'}' AYESt Council Memb.n~-JI.L, J .' ~_._. # ~:,~d; ~/ ~~.,~'P:'dL-k.J ~ku~.</Y)/~U !HAUNA CLARK City Clerk NAYSt ABSENTt The foregoing resolution is hereby approved this ~~ day Lf}#4W , 1986. Approved a. to fora I ~~~.eO City Attorney - !:\l1 V~! W!l~tiX Mayor of the Cill'C)f San -- ..----; -."~ . Bernardinc I I -" -' " .....:e. co c-.r liEU" .~ .~;l TY UII ONLY ./ " ."c~ c,.,.."_l ..".... 86-1041 COUNTY Of' IAN IUMAADlNO c..,.." o-ert.....-. c......., .......-..... BRUCE JACItSON Celt........ ....... _.. 5T ANDARD CONTRACT ...... \IA'I ... 000 ......0..., ... 00000 3649 _ .... A_" e- $0000' ~~,....,..,. SHERIFF'S WORK SENTEN: PH~RAJIII , ..ft".,,,,,,,,,, "''''' .... .,,"'*".. r c.-..... ... ,...._.... "'.'f......-"'ln~ U ............,.,. ......,,"', I.": 00 THIS CONTRACT is ente~ into in the State of California by and between the CountY of San 8ern/lrdino, 11m. called the County and M__ City of San Bernardino City -... hereafter called ~- .1"" 0.. '..'..10..... ., See,.. S1c"'I'" ~.. IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (u.. fP~ _low ~ ~diriOl'lM bond ","a. S.l fof'lh .rv;c. to _ tef/de,.d, _I to _,uid, mMlM, of P'YflWnt, tinw fIN ptltfonNnct IN cornpl.rion. ..tmi".'ion of uri,,<<tofy ptltfonMflOl WId UtI. for .tmin.rion, ON' .tm. IIId COIIdiriOfl.. WId .rtxh pl_. lptIeirlC.rion.. WId ,,**"M. if ..y.} WITNESSETH: c WHEREAS, the County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department conducts and administers a work program under Penal Code, Section 4024.2 for'the performing of work by persons committed to the custod of the Sheriff, and , WHEREAS, The City of San Bernardino Public Services Depart~ desires that participants in such work programs be placed with it for work under the direction and control of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) County Of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department may place inmates performing work under the aforesaidprogralil"vll the City. The number of participants shall depend upon the work available and the ability to administer and control the work program, c (2) On placement of persons under this agreement by the County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department with the City, the work of the partlcipants-wH-l -be under-the' ~tnct-sup-er- ...:-vlsion and control of.~the City.' - ..' ---- - :~- !. I I . .. ~_.~, a> CP '" l.. (3) The work to be performed by pro9ra. participants will consist of litter pickup, weed lemoval, and other asthetic improvement to public lands, property and roadways. .-.--.--- - - (4) The City will not provide any security 9uards and the City employee(s) workin9 with participants vill not physicall) restrain any participants that mi9ht leave the vork aree. The County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department will be notifiec by the end of the day of any participants who leave the work area without permission. (5) The City will provide transportation for participants .workin9 under this a9reement to and from the work sites as needed from pickup points a9reed to between the County of San Bernardino Sheriff's Department and the City. = Ie (6) Equipment operations will be performed only by qualified City employees. (7) The City will provide pr09ram work participants with safety equipment such as Si9ns, hard harts and red vests. . (8) The City will provide safety instructions, explain the work to be done and direct the work of the work pro- 9ram participants placed under this a9reement. -' c (9) In the event that a claim for industrial injury is ~filed-by a p~rtieipant-w~Tktn9 under thiS a9reement under -:the direction. of the City, the County of San Bernardino w111 be responsible for the administration of the claim in the manner as if the work participant was a County of San Bernardino employee. The City will reimburse the County of San Bernardino for all costs incurred in the adminiltrat! -of such claims includin9 any settlement costs or awards-to participants. Any settlement costs or awards shall be subje ~. to tlie .<:rty'.s .prior approval. --- . I I . ., -:-. .. . c c . 0:> 00 ~ (10) The City .hall lnd..nlfy, hold har.l... and d.f.nd County of San Bernardino, It. .g.nts .nd ..ploy... fro. any and all actions, claias or suit. of every n..e, kind and description, which ..y be ....rt.d by .ny person, including any work participant plac.d by County of S.n 'ern.rdlno with the City arising out of or In connection with the perfor.ant of work for the City by .ny participant during the period 01 placement with the City. (11) This agreement shall become effective upon It. execu- tion by all of the parties hereto. The agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the partie. hereto have caused th agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers. SIGf(~D AND CEllnFIfO THAT A COPY OF THIS 1l0CIl~EST illS BEE:~ DnM!;iO 10 THE CIWiI~ OF TIlE IOAllO L~ARTIlA M. S~KEF.AK ClIft ot till 8011II .f SII,mis", U(~n~'~r~ Iy ..-. ~ Oaput, .- .,I . 0" :;~::;7~~ Chol...... __ of -.""'.... ........ """""" Dated ~ ~ ..../2r..d / By ..Lh_J ~~ ~ t.. "'~;""~.IU'" Dated '.HL u -e: ~ TeU'~~ . Addr.. ~(M 'IJ. "'#. l-b c . . 1liII. flia_I' Ie, "ee..... ..~..~p: ~ c.""", c."fttlII , . "...;.... _. 14",,,,,-,1.. Ac'.... . . al''''' "",lftitt,,,.,'CAO I-I . . , '''-- c c ", --- -- --- --- . - c >> .. "'~5~i~~.'" o COUNT\' SHERIt:t:. <:)\~ So ~~ ~.o ~:~ "1+ ~ ~ ~ "/NdU'Q,rtI r.. lou' Sal". " ~ < ~ ~ - S December 1986 Mr. Manual P. Moreno Jr. Director of Public Service. City of San lernardino 300 North D Street San lernardino, California 92418 Dear Mr. Morenol - - - - -~._-_..- floy4111cl.." SJw<tIJ , r.::.tv_ \~. .~ '0' Enclosed i. an executed copy of the Work Sentence Procram Acreement between the City of San lernardino and the County. Thi. copy i. re.erved for your file.. .. Sincerely, FLOYD TIDWELL, SHERIFF ~ Iy. Iruce Jack.on lureau of Admini.tratioD FTf.J/b. . Enclo.ure .' - ----. - ---.- Post Ofl'icr Box 569. San Bernardino. CA 92.03 ~ E ~ E ',Y E. ; .. (........ :'.., .I . ~\I :..I... REFUSE DlVlSIOr II . ....~Nunl Of 'Hi IOARD Of sUPQMsou ~.- C: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY <~'!.!fORNIA Sh8rlff-Cm l; lb , 24 1986 Inc. Cit1e.-s.n tiv:).; . . oft" , Apwe. 36-1041 c c c ~...~o,~oo Filed: FROM: FLOn TIDWELL, SHEll" SUBJECT: won SENrtNCE PROCRAM ACJ%EKENT .' CITY OF SAIl IUIIARDIHO .......- ~_.- -- RECOMMENDATION: Approve a,neant betveeD the City and County of Sau Bernardino ror participation in the Sherirr', Vork Sent.nc. Pro,ra. ., authorized by Penal Code Sectiou 402'.2. BACKCROUNtl AND lEASON F,OR lECOMKEKIlATIO'lo On June 13, 1983. th.loud approved a Work Sentence Prolra., vhich provlded aD alternative vork verlu, incarceration ror orrender. lentenced to .erv. iu the County Jall_I,.tea. The prolre. vUI allov inaetel to terVl thelr "tt.e" vorkinl . public I.rvice project, includlnl thole provided by the City 'of San Bernardino. The County currently ha. .uch an alreeaent vith CALTlANS. .... . - " - n _ __ _ . _'" _ __.__ _ _ . , _ lEVIEV BY OTHER nUAJ(TKENTS,'Thh"alneaent hn been reviev'" and approved a. to rorm by County Counlel and Risk Kane,e.ent. FINANACIAL DATA. No additlonal co.t to the County. .. : Sheriff-Ma:ryTlicci w/agree~ . ~a;;ei:-;;:::i~ tor w agreement Risk Mana - t - ~1h~ FU. w/agrefiaiitiit.:::'~-: =.~=,'-_. -Action of the Boltd of Supentisor. AGREEMENT NO. 86-1041 APPROVED BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUN'TY OF SAN BERNARDINO - MOTION X Ibtlen' SeC.Cnd' - X . X -' 1--' 2 3 4 5 ~~~~.-:- DATED: N_~