HomeMy WebLinkAboutARS01-Economic Development Agency c o c ' , o o . : TO: '1':lIn Steinhaus, EDA Agency Adlllinhtuto:r BQA MEETING CONPIGUR~TIO>> ; Motion. - (A) That during the couts. of BOA Chairman/Commission meetings, the so-called -Brown Agenda., the three central >dah":ptls1tlcins ",ill be oocupled by City Clerk (or her ,i allisH,n), EDA Agency Admlnllltrator (or hie asBign), and the ] iliA- a,,:totney (or his assign)' on1:1" , ' '(8) ~hat during the cour8e~f BOA ~8etings ("Brown Agenda") ; tbat poxtion of the lIIeetill9 ,'designated as Closed Session, 'the ~nly,a~tendees besidet the'chaitman and co~mission plus thecity olerk, &/or her assign(s), tbe EDA attorney &/or , hiBaes1gn(s), EDA lI!Jency A~lnistntor &/or his assign (s) , will :be those specifically admitted by majority vote of the : cOllllission. RATIOIlALB' . " 'There are obvious physical ~j~ltations to the number of 'participants 01' observers wbO"can 'comfortably' safely fit , into the limited space of the central daia. , Sboold a speoial need for the input of the oity : administrator or the city at~orney arise during coorse of a specific BD~ agenda item, such input lIay be obtained via the ,Cldvalitle of the principal ,to 'the periphexal pod,iurn in the ': u8:ual aDd C\l$tomary mllonel:. ~' , ' , :Furtber, tbis represents. ..ans of atreamlining the BOA 'process by eliminating *uch' of confusion emanating frOM : inadvertent functional overlap between City Council meetings :. BDA meetings. "Th.te' have been severlll elC..mples of this confusion in the : recent past. " ,...... . FRBDBklCl J. CDRLIN, M.D. COKMlSSIdHBR, EDA . 10 ,~. . ~ '-~'1:~ " .....'::'t',. , " t Jl.R~-1